7 Xr?f lilee Prep Jral Ion f or A S -SlmiUlut Foul arvl lift? uLl lBg ttat S avaths ai al bow L. J Promotes DiitcsiiofU-T.f. I hcm jhyI H-st.Coiii j'.hi ixiu- r Opautri.Moip'jiitt rwr k(.J NOT NAM CO'fiJ. W- .J- Aoafrct BcmcJy for Crow tip- lion. Sour Stonuch.LiiarrlKM-d. Worms convulsions . I evensh oess ad LOSS or SLEEP. acSiaal Snatur of ' xrv YORK. A. N. C. II. U. Tin i table no.,?. II Take Effect Sunday, Oct. , 1898, at 19.M. Oolng East ScHKPCLC; Onlna West No, S Passenger Trains No. 4 ! Lr. pin stations: Ar. a m ;40.....,....Goldeljoro.....,, 11 05 4 09 LeOrange. ....... . . 10 Si 3i ..... . . Kiuelou.... 1013, 6 4......Ar. Now Berne, Lv,... . S 00 i U) !. : -, . Ar. 8 87 7 Itt .. Ar. Moreheed oil) Lv. .. . 7 47 No. M I ' I No, n. J Mi" J K'l & stations: IMx'd r'leh.l I'M To. , - Pass Ta. Lt. a. st. - '. Ar. r. at. 710......... CnldtUiro . 7 43........ Best's ... 8 0S .... UUiaue.. ....... Kalliug Creek . m a lfl..ut. ... 9 53 ... 13 ... w ... l w ...13 w ...1158 ...H40 ...10 40 ' 0 24...........ai.will.,. 10 15.,....,.....' twver ,.. ' 10 40......... .lorn (nk... .... 11 1 Tunaiura ......... 11 si.,. ....... ..Cluiks...... .... M Oi ....New Bmue.. ...... r. M. : " ; ' " - Mnn.lny, Wedurday, Friday. . Tuewlay , Ihuraday Saturday". .10 18 1000 .8 30 AvM. Mi'J Ft. aii.l 1'aaa. Tu. Lt. a a 7 10...... 7 43 No. , kU'tt'l. and ram. To. Ar. p m stations: . . tloldsboro. ....... llMl'.. .... ... 8 13 7 S3 BOO..... 8 86..... .... LaUrange.. ..Fallm crouk. ..... Kiuatoa... 718 . S3 , 8 IS 2 oaawcll. S18 . 500 . 420 . 400 . 338 . 8 20 SD0 .10 47 .1010 40... Ar. Dover, Lt....... 1015........LT." ' f Ar....... 10 40.......... Cure week '.. 11 15.... .....Tufiiwrora. 11 81 :.....diuk't .... ... IS 05 .....At. New Berne, Lv..... 130 Lt. Ar..... 2 13. ........ . liiTerdale ....... . . 130 .".7;.. ....cruetau 43.......... llarelock. ........ 3 12... ...... Newport, Lv...... .10 00 9 40 906. 8 ...Wildwood 8 47 . 8 38 J 81 ......... . .Atlantic , 46. .Ar. Uorehead oily, Lt. 4 01... .Ar. II. city Depot, Lt. a 20 Monday. Weduewlay and Friday. rueaday, Tbdiaday and Saturday. ' :.' . a L. DILL, ' - i ' Uiiruarittl .1ni Allmilio ConHsIsIne.. WlLUlNOION & Nbw Bbrnk K. It., TIHRTARI.K HO. 5, .- -:" In Klfecl Vedneslay, Aug. 7, 1808, Daily Except 8unduy. - 41nliiff Hoiilh I kiiheuiii.e: I Gointr North No. ..1, : Passenger Train No. 60, . I.V. s iu, 900 19 36 .... 41 . 10 01 ... 12 OH" ; stations: .. New Berne .... '..Pc.llocksville ....Maysville .... . .Jackaouvillo.,.. i Wilmington, I i lluiou Deiiot 413 raw ; S!j.S2 13 1. ...Ar. Wilmingtoni Lt. 125 No. .1, Passknqks & Fhkiciht, , No. 4. Lxiave WUmiugton Mondny, Wednes- day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lt. a u , . : Ar. r kt 7 30.,;r:LT, Wilmingtoa, Ar.;.. 1 45 8 40 9 30. J'106 . 40 51 J I 20. ..Scott'a Ilill .....13 65 .. Woodaiile ..... ,..18 15 .....Uollyrldge . ......II 40 i...; IMxon....;.. , ;..10tl Verona 10 20 ,1205 .'.......Jacksonville. 12 30 ... .....Nortbeaah... l 55 ........ Whitcrak ... I 80 Mavsvtllo ... . . 9 41 .. 8 55 ,.830 . 8 05 9 15 Pollockaville.... .... 7 20 2 55 .... ., ..Ileonihrs .. ...... 6 85 -3 40 ......Ar.NnTflterne.LT....... 00 i I tXACT COPT Of WRAPPER. J I - r T f ! f ' '- , Tb Kind Yen I!:v3 Always CcIit ' I t ,r The Kind You Have Always Bought. mm WILMINOTON ft WELDON R. R. , - And Branches, AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. ; CnKKKNKKD KOmCDULB. ' Tlt.UNst UOIMI boUTII.' HATED Jau. 1-W 3 . P.M. im e Ad A M i ti P. M A.M Lv. Wrlillili Ar. It Ml.. il &o U 4:1 in 'J n .v I.v. Taild.ro) 14 81 1 01 L. It Ml.. io sn o 4: 7 lo 8 41 13 r3 40 U. WIlKon 1 (W 55 it i.i 201 1.. Hrliim.. I..Kat'vIIU 4 2. I o-. Ar.rI.rrD 7 25 P. M. 8 IV A.M Ar. Uold. 7 n 7 01 'i'li Lt. Quid... llae'llaJ.... 8 on 04 li 4 IS 6 70 Arwiim ioii Km: V.M P.M THAINS GOINU KOllTB. ; 1 A Til 1LT . 1 3 .: " 5? - -. . . ?t. 00 k, 5Jk c'm d j ei'S o"5 oil ,i f y-o ?, 8 KQ p q T AM 7 pTiT : LT.FIorenw 9 50 ..... 7 4i .V . ..... LT.Fay'TlU 18 25 ... . 4 . LT.rVlma.. 1 50 10 63 Ar. WUsop. 8 85 11 SI .... ..... ,T LU. . P. M A. M. LTWIIm'ton,.... .... T. . TOO 9 45 Lt. Mnn'lln . 8 84 11 19 Lv. Oolila 5 15 9 45 13 80 PM. aTm! pTm" p. m Lt. Wilaon 9 85 5 66 11 82 10 88 1 16 Ar. lt lit.. 3 SO 6 15 10 07 It 57 1 58 Ar. Tarboro ..... 7 04 i. t L.Tarborol2 81 .... ..... ..... ,-Lr. R.MI.. 8 80 ..... 12 07 .. ..... . Ar. Weldon 4 S3 ..... 18 5H P.M A.M ; ' Train on Hie Scotland Neck Branch i ftnuil Iiuvpii Wiilfinn 8 35 n ra. IlalifuT , 4 ia m. arrive Scollftud Nock at 0 08 p m. Urinville 6 67 p m, Kiotlnn .7 55 l in. lirturning lonvn Kinstou 7 50 a in, , m UretiiTille8 53 am, ttrrivlng Ualifai at ou, 11 18 a m, WelUos 11 83 a m, daily ex a. at. cent MiiDilar. Trains on WaaltiiiKton Branch leave Washington 8 20 in and 2 80 p ro, ar rive 1'urnii'le 9 10 a in. and 4 00 m, re- Inruing leave l'armele 9 35 a in and 6 80 p in arrive WfiMlilufrlnn Itlldam anil ? 0 p m, daily oxcept Sunday. I rain iravei i aritoro, it t,nany except Rund.iy 6 30 p ni, Knnday, 4 15 p m, ar rives riymoulh 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Ite lurning, Iravea I'lymoulb daily except Sunday, 1 B0 a m, ami Hunciay a IX) a ;m, arrive Tarlmro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a ml . Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leaves Uoldaboro daily, except (Sunday, 7 05 a, m. arrivine 8milhfleld 8 10 ft m. Return mg leave Smltlifteld 9 00 ta; arrive at OoliUlioro 10 25 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mbnnt at 9 SO a m, 8:40 p m, arrive NmbIiviIIa 1AIA t m. A 113 n m Rnrinir Ar. p m, .op8 io 40 a m. 4 25 pm.KeturniDg leave ... 5 40 Spiing llopo 1100 a m, 4 55 p m, Nasli ....604 ville II 22am, arrlro at Rocky Mount a a 11 45 a m, 6 Oil p m, daily exci-pt Sunday. .... 1 " m : .. . i I : .. . 1. 1. I - I imu un I.UUUHI uiailiiu luiir. i.ai- aw for Clinton daily, except Sunday. 11 40 a m and 4 15 p m. Returning leave Clinton at 7 00 a m and 8 00 p m. Train Ho 7H makes clone connection at Weldon for all mint North daily all rail via Richmond. U M EMERSON, wn l rang Agent, 11 K BNLY. Oen'l Manaiter, T M KMERSON, Trnllio Manager. e avfTiM. and 1 ' 'ko!-- . i "-it lit .nioint'i. contUuttii t. lyoc-i f rr, ur Orncr i opposti c O h i-ii.iTO''ci i ml xv C f:in sf! ure , tt-nl in icok Uiua; liian L.iosi ctnntc from V;is)nm;toti. Setul mo.ii l, drawwip; or f?into.f with (Vsrrip ion. Vi? auie. it n ttenuHe or n t, iit-e o Out I t dm- htl i ilt p' -i nrcd, ,w to OIt un i " w n! a i j i :tith" sums to t t : IT ON FACT. rm rrMB h iim riiv u. UMa r r Tk.ll omu mm K r 1.1 ! m,t TWb-JI Sa4 DMIk Tmm DtMrl.r (ten (W im. As In-tirtre ha leomtly ot urrwl of Wr-Il knB n, an rr(iuip.( f r. stlUoo . to llr la rMntirui botM be had bnllt sotll aniw ose elaa, parfxi-t ctransr. had ocrspiad It fur sron lit tie time. - If err Ur ha bees a snpmtitl( that a'prr juaUned by solid fact and nrerrxlrtit. it ia that which prevail al.mt tha huiMing of a hunae. Few who erect cuatlr nianaioD for their own one ever live to occupy tbexs. As ill falsi an-ma to bar the dun of tbsa ahudra apod which ha been laThibed so uocb thomarht as4 money sad hope. HuutelUas it 1 death and sontetinMa H is min that ovartakrs th owner. rw widespread and so powerful Is this trance MpmUtios that oM finls trtm as IntcUertoal nun Ilk Lord Heliabory inatating on leaaing to stranger for sr era! imntha the beanttful buine which he has had erected for hltuself at Beaa llea. oa the KivliTa. brfors be will con arnt to orenpy tt tiiuaelf or to permit any member of hia family to croas its threshold. , Lord Bulisbary. however, has only to kiok ronnd hiu ia London to Ond ampls gronnd for tUs adoptioa of sack ex traordinary and at Arat sight nnnecea- aary precsotioiis. Th completion of Lord Rereletokss pslscs In Uharlot street coincided with tb bankruptcy of th great Ann of Baring Bros., of which he was the principal, and it baa remained ever sine an exquisite monu ment to the futility of human hopes and munition. sir. Bsnford had hardly nniebed re building the exterior of his magnificent mansion in Carlton Boons terrace when the collapse of Argentina securities oc curred, involving hiu in rnin and com pelling him to dispose of It to airs. Macksy, of "Botvansa" fame. : . . Th Marquis do Bautnrca, having purchased the neighboring booaa from Lady Oranville. spent a fortune upon the reconstruction snd adcamment of the interior. Bnt before tb work was rouipleted ha In turn was overtaken by the terrible disaster which befell the Well knows Angk-8panih banking bona of Mnrrieta. of which be was the chief director, and he bad no alterna tive bat to sell the hoora to Mr. W. W. Aator. Tlio downfall of Bndaun, tbo railway king, ocenrred at the same time a the completion of the great house be was having bnilt for himself at the Albert i;ate en trance to Hyde park, while -In the saina manner Baron Albert urunt witnessed the piecemeal sale of the gor get in pslaco he had erected at Kensing ton, bnt was never destined to occupy. This is why there are, comparstiTely, so few now mansions of a palatini char acter either in London or tits country. Persons possessed of adequate 4uenns and in need of either a town or country residence p;-efcr as a rule to pnrchaae homes that have been rived In to build ing new ones. If they do sny building st all they, in general, cause it to take the form of additions to or alterations of edifices no longer new. . Even then the owners endeavor to snfegnard themselves from he possibil ity of danger by letting their residences for tha express purpose, as tbey say in Franco, of "wiping the dnst from off the plastered walls Nowhere is this superstition mors powerful than In Bavaria, where msny of the most ptctnreeqne spots, especial ly In the mountainous districts, ar adorned with fairylike palaces. None of them has been entirely completed, tor Insanity and violent death overtook the brilliant and hccompliBhcd King; L.ud- wig, who conceived their design, but unfortunately r perished before their completion. ' ' Nor even have the builders of many of the splendid structures that adorn the French metropolis been mora fortu nate. Thus M. Jules Grevy had scarce ly completed tha construction of his lordly mansion in the Avenue d lens when the scandalous behavior of his son-in-law. Daniel Wilson, overwhelm ed hiu with disgrace and compelled him to resign the pret idoncy-of the re public amid a perfect hurricane of pub lic obloquy, . , The Empress Eugenie g only sister. the late Duchess of Alba, had not occn pied the lovely palace erected for her In the Champs Elyseca more than a few months before she was seised with a sudden illness snd died there in a man ner so mysterious as to give rise to ru mors of ' foul play. The building was subsequently pulled down. Another equally unlucky house is that now owned by the widow of the late Baron Hirsch. Situated at the cot ner of the Rue de l'Elysee and of the Arenua GabiicL it was erected by the Due de Mouchy. lie bad not occupied the house more than a few weeks before it was the scene of a daring burglary that covered its noble owner with ridi cule. Two months after, his daughter died there so suddenly nnd under such strange circumstances that the duchess would not consent ta remain longer in such nn ill omened house. London MaiL , ii V,,.. -- - - .-.' . Birds That PIv. .. ... Borne birds, like all children, like to play, and Australia and New Guinea produce the "bower bird. " which builds regnlar playhouses. These bonses sre not a port of their nests, bnt ai con strncted usrmlly in the slinpe of covered archways of little boughs two or three feet long. 18 inches high nnd about as wide. They use these bouses simply for their games, as if they were clubhouses. Generally these playhouses are decorat ed with bright colored shells und feath era. jnst aa vhildren decorate their play houses. - Bangers ef the Grip. The greatest (larger from L Grippe Is of lis nsultlng to pneumonia. If reason able care Is used, however, and t'liamler Iain's Cough Remedy taken, a! lr. will be avoided. Amm ' the tens of tliniisnmls w ho b uve il", 1 I', '-a remedy for la 1 -i I'l-e we luive et t 1 .;;il (if s Vr 'hi ' 1 'i in v. i m( t ih i- ii i hi t ( i L.--.,.::f g It I tb one asf tad sor dire i all tabbors andaTT ...... Proline. Irrefular, &ra',rof Pats- i ... i .. . ...... in aminiiiioi, rtir o ids Womb. Loonrrbcaa. hrarfacfee, Backacheand Nerwivsne. it Ml a duunct remedy f,w ths 4 ( loot ali ment eaiird "fastala troabiM. Tbom are tb disease firt wtmh it sboeid b taken. j.'lj tsi stAsnsia bscsut n.nuh. J. Doctor's IMstagrce soroetlaies over points la profuaalonal pracikre. bnt tnsy will agree that we pel up and compound tbetr Dreseriptlos w ith more care sad wiia the best and fretucstrinigs Ibat can be dispensed any where. Yon will always And we reliable and accurate ia this departeo of oar boalime. unr (lues of Drugs, rTopne tary Medicines and Toilet Ante las are of the beet and our priors are rtgnt. - ; F. H. D1IFFV, ' PHARMACIST. . . Cor. Middle ft B. Froot Street. NOTICE 10 CITY Til PAYIRS. Tbe law requires a full istlletneat fro Oily Tsx Collector lo be made al the oral meeting oi AKiermra ia stsy. now 1 therefore give due notice to all who hare not Milled their city taxes to cosm ferwsrd sod pay litem st once. I aa compelled lo advertise thirty dsy before selling. I shall proceed lo advertise 1st day of April, 1k09 all properly iu tbe city upon wlikh city laxe are due aad pioew d to sell 80 days thereafter, with cost addul at (lie law directs. Don't wait until the iaat day bat exu at once and sate cost. Remember will advertise IU day of April. 4. J. TUUSUH, . . City Tax Collector. WANTED (o BUY Wool, Cot I on, Ht4wax llighesl Prices Guaranteed. J. .E. IaATIIAITI, ' Near Cotton Exchange Great Sacrifice Winter Robes I will sell all Fine .Winter Robes for Actual Coat, until all are sold. - ' Bummer Is coming on and I am deter mined lo sell every fine robe I have on hand. Will carry none over. Robe that were .'; $ 8 00 NOW S 4 M 6 00 8 85 S 00 ' 75 -..,: '4 00 " S (5 Tbi Is what the robrt actually ' east me delivered here with nothing added to eprer the handling. Call and be con vinoed that you have never seen robes sell for such prices. Sa ill have on band a few HORSES and MULES, which will be sold for lest profit than we have ever sold them before. : . - Also a big assortment of Buggies and Harness, Whips, 4c , which I will sell In order to reduce stock. Do not forget that Western Buggy which I am selling for $21.00 In compe tition with other Western Buggies. Every crack and joint guaranteed net to open.. If they do, will be replaced by me U.V: STEWART. .. A Cnrlontl of the. . m w w "v v a riw w .. VAjUUAiJS.AiA - BOGIt DEER . J.;v;:'.: BAC3V : euhtoii'o EiraLinn AT" The Prink to Cure Indigestion. AT THE Prospect Brewing I'K am n in irdwarc mi Fire Ains, kk, IkM asA MiaAa, Psial, O.U, Crsueal, Untf, Chs ljr,rll fef L'lltjl, Islflt Vllgri Hi Hrvwr'i, lis UriJ Meoir.' uiu iiixiD tmn. . , Under lUwl ChattawkA. jjkw m:itrs a. v. 'You Can Fool fVxne f K mh. all Ilia lime. yna ran fool all ib a,.piM snssw nf ik liate, but yua raal foul all 1st prop all ike lW" . - N we pn uwe la please our rusloas- sr by SrlUa liana A akrc eounlry axe handle t tue A aieaaxe wMh aasatle fur 900 - A four e4a amua Irsa f Ar. A mirror moass trap for lQr. A sslrrnr rat trap f 8V. ' " A wire handle 4ie til tee for A Iraag haadht enal shovsl for to. A kAter Bis for to. A smrpet stretcher for lOo. A daw aamsrer for 15e A fancy dust paa fur lOe, ' A bat rack for le. A towel rullrr tor IV, Soliciting your netraaace we are roars J. C. Vhitty CO. TlinA of Holding ' Court Clianged. TO JUSTICES OF TBI PEACE The Legislature of North Caroliaa ha v. lag changed the tiate (or holding lbs Fall Terns of the Circuit Criminal Court, for Crave Toualy, notice is hereby giv en that lb next trra of said court will be held on the ereood Moadsy before the first Monday in September, It belug lbs third Monday of August 1899, You are also notified thst tha Pprlng te-m of tbe Superior Uourt hai Urea changed lo tbe twelfth Monday after the rat Mocdsy In March, il being the fifth Monday ol May. 1899. . All appeals from your courts muat be seat to that term of the Superior Court W. M. WATSON, Ckuk. , 1 1 ;v - - - e , THESTEAMLAUNDRY I ready to do quick work. It Is your rsutt ll you aou't nave yoor lauaury done wU : Let us call for your next bundle. We make your collars firm and stiff and they are not worn out on a washboard, we ran please you u you will let us. ralronise a home isunury. It will be a great help to our borne peo ple, besides it elves employment to our home people This Is something ought lo be remembered. Keep your money st home. All of tbts is saia wiin pros perity and progress, i ours Truly, NEW IJEI11V STEAM Js AUNDRY, J. E. DAYBERRY. Mao. Tha rtanufacturcrt of Orescent U , Bicycles Make It possible for you to buy a W Model high grade wheel at the ;Pri"e. usually asked for second grades.snd un known makes. 99 Models Now Ready.! Chainlesa " - $60 00 Chain Uodels, $35 00 Juveniles $25 00 ' Don't overlook this point: 1899 Crescents are not 1898 Model Write for Catalogues. CASEINS' CYCLE COMPANY. Planters Building. Russell Ilousa, While in Beaufort be sure and stop at the Ruaell Ilouse. Flrst-Clstt Board, A home for traveling people. Fishing snd hunting unexcelled. . Terms 11.25 dsy or 33.00 per week. O A. RUSSELL. Prop aico.co Ut U- rl"S lh --I. m4 - SWr-r l, , Mil m I fea a .w4.-t. r nm -1 r.aa mm titMd: Hi tl Vi'Usu. I (.rm iui.i), t) I Z. St . ItiltLLw iMifX. (ibMt, lk.4 iWil) i'.MMS Exerutor'a Ntico. III( qelin4 Ilsrriel I rmalixS. 4iraM4, lal f t'lavra iaiv. Ikl Uuaulli all uev-uaa bar lag clalat ag alaal the Wets vf Iba ! deceswe.1 to prreeai I Was la 11m aaiti r- 'Knt aa a. lure iba ismi. aay w Marra. IWM, ar Ik Is ek all! be .Uaal la bar 4 iMr iae..eiy. AS) prrseas larlrMed lw IkeMkt SMal will biraae suks bamedlai t sseat - 4oas V Joraaa. a,ecwor. E W. WlixiAHsoa, Atuaraey. Msreh Isaa, IWSi. Commlssoner's Bale I Bv virtue uf a Indsateat of the Saasil- or court 4 Cravva roaat la an actL a wken-ie A M Kdwsrds as 4sl.lirT and T F MoCartky, exe, of eelala ef Deat.t WaJsaortn, etais, are ovreeaams. I win srllatUir Com I lltaaae dour la New tiera. N O al aotilM aunkai lor esk to the hlglwa tMd.W-r i Moaday the first day of May ltM at It Uam m, tbe fl- j low lag land la Cvavra Couoty. N C, de-l scrtonl la a asongag octal iross bsmi WadawurU to Stare uuoiway a follown Ia the city of New Bare, M 0 st tb Juaetioa of Jura aad Pollock streets adjoining lbs lots of Geo Plater oa the wrai, Vueea street, oa tne soaia, aau Pullork street aad Treat Bned e the aorta, lariag the mom enareyed by Jas W Buldle, commaaslooer to atu vr so wotthbydaed rsoorded la Register of Deeds omos of Orarea county ia book 108. Bares 970. Ae.. aad also th lot described ia a deed from Hauls B Rich ardcoa to the Wadsworth reoorded ia bonk 99, page 9441 Register's ufnee of Craven county. Abwtne snachiarry in shop of said Wadawortb. -March Itlh.lMV. K. rv JtlAun, uommusuoner. To All C4n3erned ! The undeniirned Anna J. Raerabaum wife of Louie itceeabaaat having madi entry according to law of her witbdrsa si as a ire trsoer upoa tne lecorae n Register of Deeds office of fill count), will from this dste cease to act as a f r. r trader March 1st. 1899. ., ANNA J. BOSENBACM, Trading as J, Roeenbaun Notice, io Creditor! Tb uoderslined having - been an- nointed. in aa action, psadiog iu thr Superior Court, of Craven enouly, rnii- Ued "rarmcra ana srercnantt uaua ai a H Cutler vs Toe 8timoa Lamber CnenpaBy," Receiver of lb dvfendaM oompaay, hereby notily all creditois of said Company' lo present and file tbeir claims agtinat saia company, with them atouce. New Bern, N. C, Feb. 97. 1899 ENOCH WADHWORTH, tt. O. ROBERTS, Receivers. t9T Newt-Observer please copy. Commissioner's Sale ! Uudt-r aud by virtue of a Judgment of the Mupt-rinr court of tbe county or era ten. teiioeied in tne with Action emi tted John IS. RusselL administrator of O W Rlcuantaoo, ;et al vs Thomas J Wetherinsloa. et sis, the undersigned Commissioner of tbe Court will sell to the highest bidder for Cash, at public auction, al the Court House door of Craven couuly. In the city of New Bern, N U, on Monday May 1st, imw, at the hour ol 1 8 o clock, noon, tue following real estate and Improvements thereon, towit: - -Lvinc and beinr at Cove In the coun ly of Crrven, North Carolina, lying on the north side of the A ft N 0 It R snd and on ths west side of tbe publio nul st Core Cieek Station, beginning on lis west side of the said publio road where the line of said A ft N O k Rorosses the tame: then runt with said line in a weal erly direction 64 8-8 yardt;tben runs In s northerly direction 69 1 8 yards; then runs in aa easterly direction 69 9 8 yarda to the above mentioned public road; then run In a southerly ulrectioa with aid public road 09 X-3 yard la tna be ginning, containing one acre more or lees, being tne same properly wnereon Thomas J. Wetherinsloa lately resided at Cove, and the same described in the mortirase of ssld Welherlngtun to O W Rlchsrdson.aud wife Lorena, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county In Book 117, Page 406, elo. -. -- " ... ' Dated at New Bern, N 0, March 10th, 1809. CHARLES R. TUOMAa, v '- ' . . -Commissioner. Commissioners Sale - By virtue of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craven County, rendered at Fall term, 1893 of said court, w will sell at tb Court Iiouse door in New Bern, N. C at publio auction lor cash, to tb highest bidder on Monday the 11 dsy of Msy 1899 at 19 o'clock M.. th following land In Craven county, N. C, described In a mortgage from Richard Dixon and wife to William A Wilcox as follows: --. -.- ' - - On ths east iide of the new road, be ginning st s stske in tbe savannah and run north 79, east 938 poles to tbe east ern line of Battle's 640 acre patent (now Ann' then north 17. east 24 poles to the laurel corner, then north 78, west 100 poles to A llamas' corner In the Wilson line and with said Uarrist south, 79 west 178 poles, then south S3, east 84 poles lo tne beginning containing oa acres more or less.- 1 ' ' -i . Msrch lllu. 1899. C. B. THOMAS, ; R. B. NIXON,. - .:"; .'" V -' Commissioner. I IIC UilWU.lil. ..ill I Ui IL v Rnz u:sh::".::ge go., CP NEW CAriT.1 tTVOVS A GENOAL FIRE KSURAJSCK BUSINESS. T. A. CErzX, President, cr.ar.ns crz p.cret7. Southern B ailwny. Ik. rw.kU.iJ KsUssy U U BOCTB TW Dlir.-t.Ltfa to all I'otata. TEXAN, f'AElFOUXIA, FI.OIIIDA. CUHA ANI . 1'OIITO III CO. HtrhUy Fust C'Um ruitr4 est sH fluuagh or Local Traiae; Psllaaaa Pal an Hk-rpiag Oaf aa ail MgU Traiae; Faat aad Safe eVkctlulr. Iraerl b Ik Hraalana aad yua arsssv aarad bale. Oomffartable ;aad Fprdl. Unas Journey. Apply to Tlcrt Ageau for Tuva Ta Uca, Raise kad Osaeral laforassiloa, or address P. R. DARBY, U U VERNON, O.I, IT, a, T. P. A., Aahevillr, H. C Charlotte, N. C FbaiC alAaima, J. M. CciP. Sd V P AJUmi Man. Traf Man W. A. Tusk, Q P A, WA8H1N0TUN. - - D. C. ADMINISTBAroil'S BALE. Pursnaut lo sn order of the Bknerior Court of Uravee county made ia a pec la) proceeding wherein Joseph M. Heel, Admlnlatretor of H r CuthreU Is plain tiff aad J oka Calhrell. William Cathrell and others ar defendants, I will sll at publie actio at th Court bona lo tbe city of New Her at 19 o'clock, M., on Monday, the Srd day of April, 1899; tb following property t All the timber above twelre inch at the slump when cut on tbe lend situate in lb county of Craven adjoining tbe land of Benjamin Lee, Emory Rio and other containing 800 acres snore or leas, lb said tend being tb same which was conveyed to th said B r Culhrvll, de ceased by W C Brinson and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Dreds of I'-Meo rnm.ty In book 108, fo lk Ml and 81 Tltr purchaser to be al k. ed ten year iu Inch lo cut :and re . said Tisibir. 'Turns of Sale Cash. JOSEHP M KEEL, Admin, of B F I'uihmi, deceased. By W. W. Clsrk, Attorn Valuable Lands t or r'lle. Pursuant to the powers In th deed executed to me which is registered la tne Grace oi tae itegister ol Ueeds or Craven rounly, North Carolina, in book HO. 107, page 445, 1 will sell at public suction si tiie.t ouri I louse door of ssld Craves oiH.ty. nn ll,e 3n day of April, itflw, at l o'cii e i mid-day, all that tract or parcel of land situated in ssid JCravea county on the south side of Trent river, snout a miles from tne city or New Bern snd bounded and described as follows, vix: Beginning at the month of Cypress branch between Green Hill and Raccoon Island at a marked cvnress and running tbe vsrlous courses of ssid brsnch 189 nolea to a nlaca nnnnalte an Iron nnal am ths south esst side of said branch, then in a line with tain post from lbs run of said bianch 40 w 179 pole to sn iron post in tne noun side ol usk Urovs, then north 80 west 42 poles to soother Iron post, then south 4s west 83 poles to sn Iron post, then north 86 west 864 pole to sn Iron sxle post In the -Una nesr a msrked sycamore tree, then south 4" west lo back line of Hatch land, then with aaid line easlwardly to B rices creek, then dnwa ssld creek to the be ginning, containing l,0ii0 ai res more or lees and knows a lbs Perryvlll pleats tion. Terms, Cssh. O. II Pxsar. ExTutor'n Notice! State of 1 NOIITII SHOt.INA, V f HAVE t OUNTT. ) Having duly qualihVd at Executrix snd Executor of Itaso Wayne Eubank, deceased. All persons hsving claims against said I rate Wayne Eubank, deceased are here by notified to present the same to either of u on or before February 20th, A D, 1900, or Ibl notice will be pleaded ta bar of recovery. All person Indebted to ssid lease Wayne Eubank, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. This 18ih dsy of February, 1830. Lltinda Stasi.t,' Executrix. 0 C Eduame, Exicutur. NOTICE! State of North Carolina, I Superior Craven County j Court, P H Pellelier ti Greenville Lumber Oo., ; sod others: Notice is hereby given to all creditors and atiwk holders of the Greenville Laa. ber Company who have not filed iheir claim against said Company or been made parties defendants to ssid rait, tbe said claim of Interest or aa creditors of (aid Greenville Lumber Company to be made on the Receiver, Lovll Hiues, within sixty dsys from the date hereof. .W. M. WATSON.O.B. 0., ,-. ". Craven County, Exrcutor's Notice. Having qualified as Kxeejtor of tha eslste of Cornelius Moore, deceased, this it to notify sll persons having claims agslnst ssld Cornelius Moore to present the same to me on or before March 8th, 1900, or this notice will be plead ia bar of their recovery, Aad all persons in debted to tbe ssld Cornelius Moore are hereby noticed to make immediate pay ment to me. . Marck 8, 1899t A. T. FOREMAN, Executor of Oorneliu Moore. , L J. MOORE, Attorney. - EERN, N. C w. a mDE8,iVl0e.Pmi JOhNDUNN, I I tally hxteut Huuduy. ; .J. K. KENLY, Ueneral Munarer. j ' I 1 I N, v f 1 1 1 'I i a p (ton :T, C a n;c:f. 'excess CYIS CITIZHS BAX

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