rti fct ibt un V , V 1 f r v-, a,.1 An Excellent Combination. TV tlrnt anrUnd eod oc-Defictal efforts erf tin? wi'll kaowa rrwtly, bvaur or ituK mifiM trrJ by llo Cauroaaia Kk tivaee Co.. tllmnae tke value of oUaminf U liquid lasa . Uv atinclple ul plMiU kaoara to be ' bwUh-umII laluUr am) prcamtiiif lUrta U. Um funa moat rrf roaliinf to lha tenia ami ararr-taU to lk rwm. It la the nut' pi-rh-ct alrvupUHiilojr Uxa tire, rk-aM-uu-r Uki aratrm crTc-toally. aWr-llinr c-jIiU. bratlarttca and frwrra (vwUy yet fwoearrtly and rwatlin?oM Vo oit-c lult.utl enoKlipeliua aer (aaacutlr lU prrfvet frit-dcan fruaa enry ui-rtimull qwulilv aud avu- alattCO, and IU aetinff oa Uie kidney, v Iteer and bowi-la. altlmul wrakenuir or Irritillnz Uirio, aiake U tue Ideal taxalivs, la the pmeem of memifactarinr; Bf are a -ej, as the are plertssut to Uia taate.bat tiw: mediviiial qnulillcK of tka remedy are olrtalnod (mm senna and . ' otfc-r erunmlie pUnt. Iy a mot Hod . baowa to Um CAuruRMiA rio Sxhv Co. only. la ardor to pvt its hrnvtlciul rli'ocU aud to avoid Imitation. pii-aM rrmeniborlhe full name of lite UomprJty printed cm the front of every pukafr. : CALIFORPllA. FIG SYRUP CO. CAM ynAKOieoo. OAU ixkjmvii.i.. nr. iw roax. Kiublf all linnjlai-l'ik acprTtof THli JOURNAL. New Hern. N. (X, ar. 24. im. . kw aaricui !. lrtt Key. n Stolen Bicycle, j K lyall -Orange. O Uarka (!o Millinery. Kor 8el- Grapbanhou. ; ' Business Locals. POl I3 cash yon caa buy an r J GipliObine and Si uiuilrnl and Lilk-inj- record record cam alao. OooJ as Daw. Apply atthlioffle'. LOU' Hunch keys, one pouniM. tao flat ki-ya. Itea-1 for return to thia i.lU . ' Keyt idft io p.Mtofflca !. ' FANCY Navel Orange and tbuanat, at U. . U.jyaiPi Fruit Store. W tN rK J Young null aauU siluntinii u clei k iu aton. Apply to Dot 53, Niw Bern. N.O.. CUt FLOWEIta Kor 8 Jo. 18 J.Anun Street. " I ilAVE mw to loan on ursl-clau t cliy real eitalv. Apply to C. B Tboma, , . Altorue at law . . WANTED TO llUV-Seouad iwud JKKSkY . HVS Kli'i'8 1'oUlo blipa For Hale. C. a LIIIIhIod, Thorman, N. 0. I UAVE received a Hample 18! Uoluin Ua Chain Wheel, price V) and Invite '' Bipeclion of tanw. Bicycles, Qraplio pbonet aifd Ti inlin. Thona 129. Wji. T. Him.. THE Buest liter alwaya on draught, it Jacob's, Middle Hl-wet - A DA V IN TUB CITY. Fair and coulinued cool weather It the forecast for today. -' V " f t ; Prof. Itaac Smith will speak on bat the Legislature did, tonight, at Five I'olnli. ; . . . , A teTenty-Sve foot brick addition " In being made to the north ttor under ' Hotel Albert. ' - ; ; . SUetlflJ. L Halm took George Ben- 1 son, col , to the Insane asylum at Golds- ' boro yesterday. K The yellow ribbon worn on the left arm, la becomlng,a common sight on tho slreels. It Is the quaienllne signal, de noting I am vaccinated. r'.: . :, An alaimtf Cre late Wednesday night - was caused by sparks coming from the furnace at J. II, Crablrees A Co's, shops i on Craven street. There y no damage to property. . .. , ?-, , . Theclty has granted an appropriation of $15,00 per month during the term of '"the proiept board, to the Naval Reserve Division of this city. A good donation anil wise and timely one. ' - i '' 'There will be a uualcal entertainmont .-at the old parsonage on New street, to ' ulght begloulng promptly at S o'clock; A ( graphophone and other muic will con tribute, llefreshments afterwards. ; Ad mission ten cents. ' , r . : ' A good' improvement Is being made by the Water and Sewerage Company, jn laying sewerage and water service in ... Patterson' alley, between Cravei. and . Middle slreels. The stores on I'ollock street will be greatly benefitted by this ''.Improvement. ,, v,''; j ' It la said that Fits and Webster's "A Breety Time" which will be seen at the theatre, March 31, has a Utile more ei- case for existence than most farce come- dies. It hu a comprehensive story, and although the story does not take up by all means the time occupied by the pro- . auction, it furnishes a very good rack npon which to hang ' clever ' epedaliles . that the varlons performers Introiluce - s 'i nt-sr or ALU . 'i " . To cleanse the system in a gentle mil truly beneficial manner, -wben the epringume comes, use tne true and per fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy - the L gennlue. : Manufactured by the Califor nia Fl Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all draggiala, at 50 cents per bottle, BawatW Slfsaiue ' kul V. ,t i. I . r A . . . J. tJ T"iv. J u .! rrpons art ml. " At lk '. of W.f, h frttrtl CM tr rlnir le manrri ianaarlrt tln'l't lt ullira uf m iriarf aad trra airi la-U( tuD-olUalKtl. aad Mr Caurf (jirra brlag l r4 Io ill Ike ofi'ic. Mr Jaakaa lcaa of 1'aa.lo Is 1 1 the Ity. liias IWrUia Tinker can keate fnawj ( ort laat aigbL U. Toot lhadwfck Irfl vealfrday BMiralug irlaraiag to Wlaaloa. Mr. Will J.lloyd of blward's will, la U tkeclly aa a akut boaiaeas vUlt. - Mrs. U. Marks aad daaihtef. Mla 1 1 aula, kit yeaterdaj moialag la vlall at Elaatoa ' Kav. U. II rtrea of Klnatoa, who kaa bera adlag a few days la tke dijr ktft )lenlay Morning. . alaaw rmjr Twa, t The "celebrity party" at the "ohl par auaaKa," lletbKltal, We.lneaday night as I be occasion, of amusement aad mack easkMt thought oa the part of the oualrstaBts for the ptln. Tha dctOK of 13 dUllagulahed wple weie plaiwd ..a a acreca and eat h conltwlant was glr.narrJHk4 spaces la which to write the name aad the person getting the largial aumbcr correctly was award ed the pilse, a handsome picture. Ileroes of our late war, Bonaparte aad the Im mortal George were eay victims, bat the fwea of some of the more or Irsa famous w meaaere hard 10 claim acqualalaace a Ilk when the examinee ismiaed the rards they found that Miss Knby Daub-Is lood at the bead of the clans with the remaikahle record of Jl out of 53 cor rect!y named.' -: ? ' Hcfienhmeuu of Ice creim and cakw aara served by the ladles and at eleven o'clock the 0 nWirilies preaeiil great and small departed. . , i . ' J Bbeer, Sedalia. Mo,, rocdiirtnr on electrlo atreet ear line, writes that hi Utile dauglik-r was very low with croup, aad her ilia saved after a 1 pbHclana hail failed, oaly by using One Minute Cough Cure. Ftflfudy. '".; Rataracd to Saw llorn. . , Mr. W. II Cbailbonrn, Jr., asalstant engineer la the corpi of engineers hair, returned yesterday to New Item. One year aeo yesterday-while he was en gaged on the. river and harW work at New IVin, he was assigned to the corps here, because of the eilTa preparatluns for the defense of our port on account of lb Impending war with Spain. , . Mrs. Chad bourn hu been here also and ahe preceded Mr. Chad bourn to New Bern a day or so ago. Wilmington Mes senger, Mrd. Mr. and Mrs. Cliadlxmrn's many f i lends In New Bent are glad to welcome tbem back here. . Before the discovery of Ouo Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly din- turbud by roughing congregation. No excuse for It now F 3 Imffy.', ,r;; Loaal BlrJ Nutoa. ' ' ' -. A Durnle martin. (Progao sublsi Linn) the first 1 have observed this season1 perched upon the vane of the court houae for a long time yesterday, taking a birds eye view of his aurrouniiluga. Now and then he would launch out In tho air, and after a brief excuralon around the neigh bor hood .'return' to rest.' Through a tpyglass which magnifies about sixteen diameters I watched him-for a while wllu an admiration of which ho was quite unconscious as be sal and pressetj hi glossy bluu-blacx feathers. Present ly an impudent and presnmptlous Eng lish sparrow spied him, and must need fly up and occupy the other end of the vane. But l'rogne would have none of bis vulgar company, and showed bis contempt by shortly quilling his perch and leaving Paaber 1 mesticus to hi device. , t,,:;'ii! .::.'- ...'..M." - The purple martin Is not numerous In the North, and la apparently dccrealug lu number year by year. It Is found In only a few localities lu the Middle and Eastern State during the spriitg and summer nicuthi, but is vory common throught the South, and breeds wher ever boxes or gourds are errected for lis accommodation. It lay four or Ave while eggs, one Inch in length. , i "A few years ago, Mr. Olio Wldmnnn Of Missouri made acaroful observation of a colony of sixteen pairs of theao In teresting bird while raining their young and found that from 4 a m to 8 p in, the pirenU vlalteil Ihclr young with food S.S77 times, or an average o' 20 time for each pair. .The wale .bird made 1, 451 visits, and the fema'e 1,823. The food of the martin, as of all of the swal low family, consists nIinot exclusively of Inseets, wUloli are capturml on the Wlug. ; - iiiC-'..!.. J. Ik Ki J : 90 Craven street, March 23, 1899. OOCBXBN'B ARNICA SALTB. : " THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Brulnea, Sores Ulcers, Salt llheuln, Fever .Sores, Tetter,' Chapped liamls, t'hilblnlns, Corns, and ail Skin Erup tions, and ponilivoly cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect saiisiaciion or money Tuuinoeu. Price 3,1 eeuu par box.? For sale by F Next Friday night at the Planters' Building- Skating Itluk there will be a special programme. The Clly Bund will (day during the evening aud there will bean admission fee of ten cents charged. A usual, tkates will be fur uiahed free to Indies. The music and skating together will make the acei.e lively and enlcruining. Pipes Illt-dsieck champagne flavor and Drummoiids natural lent eliening tobac co at A. M. taker's. ..I ii. fl hrre Fair Paaraa4 DsaiarU Ka. vellf4 aa4 laa Rta4 AtktaU Crratieas tkl ranaea Jey la Tta4r Hrrrta. . J "ilav yoa lra loth opaalaga? W ha the prtuWr kauf Old yoa ane aay thlag yoa like. IT Tkkt area the greeting of alae oat of every lea Woaara oa aa) leg yetenlay. The Marakvaloa lulled., aad tk air wa balmy ami aptlegllka, nature Invlt rd, aad Ikeaaopplng district pal oa a festive altj the femlalae eleeaeat were out la Bauaual aanibers, for millinery opealng appeals to ike average wootaa la ber weakest place. Many were the pleaaed exclamations over the artistic effect produced by the 4or etaeaae of U Mark Co.' "Kpriog Greeting" wladow. Oaly an artun's eye would so harmonize Colors and proilare sucbaieatful bkndlng of soft violet skadea. Over a del kale backgmaad of violet crepe paper, kuag clilffon la fllaty folds, aueniled from the celling waa a mammoth globe rompoeod of, violet , lilac aail roaea. Lao Ilka tWa aad stalely palena g ave a tonch of grren, which com pitted a window whoM of feetlvenea has rsrely been equalled. f be dhtplay window iB the left was given up eaclusively te a lib aixed wa Dgura, tbe first of the kind ever seen here, arrayed in a beautiful Imported black net gown, bcavtly embruldc.ie.1 la chcnlle and spangles. "" " . . On the ground floor was a bewildering airay of toailnlae Bilaga, fijurai draped In cool loexprnatve Foulard allk, Inill vhlual 'patlorns In waist alike, the eye fairly revels in tbe beautiful eomldoa lions of color; that styliah fabric thl season, pique, tn besvy an I tight wdUi with both embroidered, aad flat, braid trlinmingi. orgaadle, marrlt of sheer dainty ktvellor; something new lu dress acjcessorles, pnfteil ' Bcroid oa pirated chiffon fn all tbe leading shades; ready made while pique eiilrta with luj sen Ion let in, enibmiderie anil lace la tbe new bow knot design, table linen that would tempt the. house keeper to empty her parse without going any fur ther, but tbe thonght of Mine Main! Dawann restrains. ' On the second floor, where ell Daw ann, and ber clever tsslatant. - preside the effect of tastefully draped mirror I floe when a momentary glimpse can be obtained through the crowd of women constantly snrrouudlug them. That the beadwear met onuiislltled approval, was couceded. by scrap of conversation overheard, "Thai alinon pink with black wings Is a beauty," "This shirred hat Is a perfect puff ball," Ob; above every thing Id It be stylish!';- 8o the crowd move on, another takes, it lane, and the attendanls are attentive, and polite and seemingly uuwearinL At II. 1). Duffy's the window decora- tloua were' charmlug and oflglnaL A background of plate glass mirror! grace fully draped In , pale blue .ami while, while from tbe celling a unbural effect. of blue and whit ray was effectively attained on a carpet of cbllTon ai light as thistle down kleod a large basket of blue, overflowing with while violets, nuiden hair fern and lilies of Iho val- New Bom's colors, buck and red, formed the back ground for the. window on the left. ' Over this the lace and em brot lerie sliowed to advantage. Mia Parker, whose popularity War proved by th numerous talc made early on cpeniug day, was busily engagud lu exhibiting ber dainty creation of mous sellne lace, and crushed rose, sailors, whose familiar oulllue.. wore hardly recognizable nnder the masae of Irlui mingi Trcnchy coinbiiatlon of corn colored straw, pansles and forget-iuo aols, which the artlllciat flower wore so tastefully arranged as to be scarcely dis tinguished from the natural. -t . , :" Many blooming plants and palms added to the general effectiveness. The display of sasb ribbons cuul.l scarcely be tirpassed, the drradoii anil con'ed effects were especially noticeable, while the transparent organdie would delight the berl of h summer girl.V . , ; ;'-. r---'t ., iiiJit-'.i J.j 1 At ' Mrs. S. II. LaieVl be crowd was undiminished alt day, and tn siddl Ion to her (elect and stylish pat tern bat, she had a beautiful assortment of raps for the little ;ones, which will be sure to pletse exacliug nioilirrs. - ' ' A usual, at Mis llarrletie Lane's there is much to admire, and marly of her hals stylish, and the prices reason ble, L i CASTOR I A - . j .Tor Infant and Children.,. , Tbe Kind Yoa Ks?a Always C:-;!;t - Hears the SI? JS'J-t-i?- i 4 ' . ' ' A gentleman, rcnuiiked, s h banded ns a prescjijitiori; "1 have wall; uve (5) squaies for you to fill" I' ' pr 'ption, Let uusu juti u' lit I your medicines are fi. - !' nishcad was level: ' tiuiiliiv uie should co. nit ill) every sick imui, if It did, ho would Improve fa-tor and the doctor gel better rtsults. Prescription entrusted to us lmvo evciy we and imihlng is wanted tbt -"-dd ' i' in r--nderlng a lu-tti r serv u e You a.c mvnt-.i to have yours filled at UrudLani's Ki.liu! !e 1 liar lii-oy. Hii. i .:, ; 1 ii In eii...uJ S' . lH(),t I K, i'ljCI f T r!'.c:saa. t i l...t A.a I l'arktr, ljatiil, f"t, C.Wt, Waiaua. laaa port, t'U..ir, kid anty. M.kay, B.ak , I Uaoma ar. Ua ta .(l .u. peratlMioa frat4 IU New !'.( Fire L'umpaay, to lak ibrlrecifle aad trs appaia to the loaras rol at Gieraatiors la Aagaet. , Oa moikiB. It onkroJ that. lb Ntw Itrra liWtu Naal Iteaervee be ailoaad f IS 00 prr asoath fraat the t.y iiranirjuuilor the earsteace of ike Hitnt Utaid, Oa au.tiua, I'halraiaa of Ceaaetery Coesailiire talkoiliad la pay IU0 04 for a errlala lu oa the rktaia aide uf eiery gruuada beloaglag to oae Bmeka, aad lake deed for eiiy for tke sam. . Oa moiioa, the Ckalrnwa of Ceasettr Commrtiea wa tartrwtra' to pnrrjiaae the rork mreaaary for, and to Coanplele tae coal red a-lib Major Grakaaa lavs la lelatloa la the eichaage of loie tot- vault, aad to exchaage deed with Ma nave ae aoow a coalract 1 eoaiplated The Chairman of Cauwtary Cocaaaltlea, waa aUo eapowared to parchaa ahell for Oreunwood Cematery, utlag foe that purpoa tbe fund la baaj beloaglag le aam eegaetery. . . Oa aio'.too, tha eommoalcatioo from Dr J F Hhem relating le tn pomp at Bera and Cypreaa atresia, wa referred ta Saaltary, 8tnt aad Pump Coaamlt- tce whk power te act. On molloa ik purcUaaeof shells for at on the street wa left with the com mil Ire ea aireeta aad pampt with power load. The eomiaitlea la relation to aaplba tad gaaolea reported progress aad Waa allowed further time. On motion the matter prase a tad by Aldermaa Davenport la relation to erdl aancee wa icfrired to lb ordinaaoa committee. . Tho Board entered Into an election of regiatrar aad Judges for an eleclioa to biheld la tbe eity oa ike lad Tuelay la Mty next wllh the following result 1st Ward-ltegiatrar, U It Hill; Judge Ja T Lewir, II 11 Tooker. tnd ,Varl-ltglirar, B K Bryaa, Judge, Dave Foy, Geo Walera, 8d Ward Krg'tlrar, Thoa Blanly; Judges, Rda ant Clark, Geo liowden. 4 h W erd KuyUtrar, Joseph E Oaa kill; Judges, A J Ua.kluH, Denard Itob- en. ' - 3th Ward-lieglitrar, Wallace Kose; Judges, It itph Kennedy, E W Watson. 6ih Ward-Uuglalrar, W II lllsbop; Judges, It O Glley, Eilgar Il.illowell. ' The fullowiug resolution wa present ed and adopleilj " Iteaolved, that notice of an election for aldermen, for the City of New Biru be publlaked lu the Jouunai.; (aid election to lie bekl on tbe tnd Tuesday la May, 1803, for which election there shall be an entire new registration. - , . ' On motion the City Clerk, City Attor ney and Chairman Cemetery Oommltlee Were luslruclml to get up a short form of deed aud provide a book In which all deeds to cemetery loll hll be recorded - Iteaolvcd, That tho report of the Trus tees appointed by the General Assembly of North Carolina presented and read b-.'toru the Board by K II Jones, Esq., chairman of tbe Trustee at the time of turning over to the Mayor ami Board of Aldermen, all the properly of every kind and description, Including many book and voucher, paid and unpaid a well a all other property In the hand of aaid Trustee received by them from the May or and Councllmon of the city of New Bern bo received spread on lb record and that the thank of the city of New Bern are due tn aald trustee for the faithful discharge of their duties; therefore -; ; ;'. ; ,; Umolved, That Ihe Mayor and Alder men of the city of Nuw Bern In behalf of all the good cllixeu of ald city here by tender to said Trustee Individually aud as a body this exprcs. l,n of their high appreciation of the able patriotic end disinterested mauner in which said Trustees have discharged the duties Im posed on them by tbe General Assembly of North Carolina. i' lieao'a'cd, That tbe thank of the peo ple of the city of New Born are due aud are here tendered by the Mayor and Board of Afderuicn Io our Senator Hon James A. Bryan for the valuable service rendered by hi in as Senator for and In behalf at the people of New Bern ea peclally in ' aecuring the enactment of the existing charter. .... ; , 0 Continued ) ... ; Tox frctt bites, bnm , Jndolent core crxoma,' fkln diseases, and tspcclally Piles." De Witt' Witch Ilazel 8alve aland first and best. Look out for dis honest people who try to Imitate and counterfeit itv; It' their nadoraenieul of a good article. Worthless goods ar not initiated. Got l)o Witt' Witch llaxe! Salvev PSDufTy. ',, ; .. .-,ll . Fresh Bananas at McSorlcy'g. : There is tio danger in a safe thing end it is always -safe to buvo a bottle of An way Croup Syrup In the house where you can put your hand on tt (I nlj,'ht. Don't , watt for tho child to get the croup then rend for the remedy, an hours delay may prove duiigert-us. An wa)' 1 a guaranteed remedy your money back if ytfff Want It. S.lc at Brad ham's I'hanttacy. '' ' 'Davie' Prescription Pharmacy burned a few weeks ago all Ihe garden seed left over from last year and has just received a fresh supply from D Landrelh & Son "ISO!)" In printed on every paper. A fresh lot of (tower seed has also been received from Mandcvillo & King. Buy your seeds at Davis'. Don't read this ail, but go to Baxter tho Jetler for neat, ch:.p end prompt watch, clock and jtweliy repsrfilng. Also en"!i:: nieiil rings for sale cheap I cit tO J..U liNAL. ttmH la lira. V-t lj Ira TW M- I' a. t..p a i ii la a tui Mr. Uaa. N. I'M was kae iaat retaraad Irnai ki frail turn at l J-arv. I'vu rt e-eiy, Wtas laiag anu at U pa(k Clap iMitcu at Lis faraa. The paack I eras kar aacased all ta- )ary front tke wleut ed tkeytald ai frait pavaiUa le be kvfe. A katiaw te Mr. Iva (reel BooUmtb Piswa, N. C , autaa that risrkis as a arofi aie a fallar. Ne Irare were killed, hat they had a (arrow aaraa, the leaapora Ur falhag te I degree fcwlew aero. Thaw caa be Be a sells a taal la (oil aad cllaaau tkl eectloa of Vnk Cara- ttaa I wall adapiad la frail eahar. ' Blood and Narva ar very ctoa. ly rr-UUrd. krrp li blooJ rkh, pur bimI healliiy, with llooU SaraaiariUa and yum will hav bo arvoainsas. Hood'B Pills are beat after-dlaier plllaU deatioat, prTBlasllplha . Birtur aasay ttnl II. L B. aks kas oloe4 ap hkt barber hop aader Hotel Albert, aad ka Ukaa pwlOo bi Banllag's Barber 8 nop her k will a pkraaad U an hie cat tooMra aad give carrfol atlaailua la Ihelrwaala. Oraaga BOe per aoaea at MoSuilry'a. M ct yatir IrkBtJs at Bradkam't FotiDlala. J. J. Baxter kas sac ml the ageacy, for Waaamaker A Browa'e Ta, ar Mad Clothlug Call aad e kba blr bay Bg aad be will save yea moaay. Columbia Mixture. Cornell Mlxtara, Yale Mixture, Curt Blaack, Cceaet, BeasalioB, Caateo, Bull Darkaas Smok ing Tobacco at A. U. Bakar. All kinds of Tafflea, made fresh dally 0. J. McSorleyACo. . It I Irckk II it casn from BraaV sum'a. Soioked sausage at the Oaks Market 10 cenla lb. . Dreaaed aud live poultry at the Oak Market. . 81 all fed Wealera Beef, growa la North Carolina, 10 cenu lb, at Oak Market It It right it Brad ham put it up. J. J. Baxter ba Juat received a larg lin. of W. L. Douglass' ('w, vty pair guaraatead. AIo a lin lin of itraw list. Da via Prescription Pharmacy make a specialty of prrtcriplloa. Send yours I he re to be flllrd. They will recelvs prompt attention. They will be filled wlih lb greatest cenracy. Tbey will be tilled exactly a lb Doctor direct. Only lb purest drugs will b need Sat lsf action goerauiotil as io price, good aad aervire. llidiclu delivered to any part of the rlly. Night ball at front door.' Phone 5tt. STOLEN ' A Crawfoid Bicycle, No 73,808. Olive Green Frame, new bell with U. 8. flag oa tbe top of bell. . When stolen handle bars and tubing extending from seat post were covered with gray canton flannel. Dark browa or red pot on above mentioned tubing about Inches from head post. A liberal re war J will be paid for tie recovery. , t Pollock St. " F. V. Smith New llr-gWr.tioa Ordered. It is ordirr d by the' Board of Alder men In tesslon assombled that aa le tlon for Aldermen (ball be held lu lb different Wards of the City oa the Snd Tuesday In May. I3U9. aad for which election there shall be an entire aew reglatratlon. . .. s TO.TIIH 1ITIIL1CM i . J. w. puouid. n. D.( Phy.l. Ian and - 5urg con, Il4 rtwomed practice In this city and country. Can be foand at Dr. H. 11 Htn-e. ..M m on wi.ldbi St, . fiEALESTATEAGENGY House and IOU Fur Sal at Loweal Poaaible Figurt s. . U tirahl Home and Tenement lhal will prove a One. iaveal ment. ,.-; . , -. ' .. : , s : Cullfrllen f Beat Specialty. Otllc at residence 17 Jehnjon ttrtt t i:. 13. ,iiAi:rnix. OPENING nillinery Goods t Miss Harriet Lane ......... r. . , Will display a very Wnt itoik of TRIMMED DATS AND FLOWERS on . ' . Thursday and Friday, Match 23rd and 24iu. 1899. tW All are invited lo cU. .1. L Hartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT and CCLLCCTC2 CF liENTS. If you want your house occupied with good teuants or if you Uau propel I y for bale torn it over lo nit). 1 have call for bouses every cluv.hiil I have none vacalil. 1 make prompt returns end of iiionlh. IHhcu over Cinzeua lisuk, Willi J. J. Woifi-udeu, MILLESTEKY i The Spring Exposition. 1 1 o n c ) ( o ii o n o n o o u a o o o The first word about Spring: llillliiery this morning:. Wo think we havo sur pused our own best previous efforts, hence we are enthusiastic over the ex hibit. Tou are invited to come and feast your eyes on the beauty pieces we have prepared. Most ot them copies from the Latest Paris and New York Styles, beside ihem the wonder-workings of Our Own . Deft Milliners. s ' A most generous assortment and you J will find something to suit the most ex. k acting taste. There will be no trouble in Filling all orders O a o O o (i u a o n o o o For Easter Sunday. llu- SPBN Going to be the years lor cotions. acres predict. See the size ot our stock. Soo tho va riety of assortments and you will know how well we have prepared lor this Greatest of Seasons. All that is worthy is here and best of all the Prices are Very, Very Low. CCCOOCCCOCCCOOO OOGQGQQOft 0 Having bought the stock ot M. T. u Young, I will reopen at tho old stand opposite postofflco on or about March 25th, 1809 with a new stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER L GOODS, Which I am now personally purchas ing in the Northern Markets. Will be pleased to seo my customers and friends. Gv. A. Barfoot, NiiroeMMor to Eh wssm m i '..'? ' - .-.'.it,.; .,.,.. , I Will Name a Few Prices: nn.f-lIILDREN'S SUITS WAS $100 AND $1 SB, NOW " SO Ml ' ' 1 60 2 110, ' I (Hi 60 " 8 00 " . 2 60., .., 160 ; 60 ' " r ... 3 00 UP TO , SIM " 40 BOT'S 80IT3 WAS ' - 200 AND 2 .'.0, NOW 1 75 89 " 2 00 TP TO - , -II W) M MEN'S BUITS WAS SOO NOW 825 - 50 kteo( Black Clay Worsted : 6 00 AND 600 NOW . a5 25 '. Frencb Worsted 10 00 i. : ' ... 7 5 20 " m i. 13 CO' " 8 60 . f0 PAIRS MEN'S SHOES WAS 100 . 75 100 " " " - " , 1 25 ' 95 UF.TTgR GRADES $1 00, 1 25, 1 60, 8 00 UP TO " 8 60 : EVERYTI1K1G REDUCED HERE ! v A Bis Line Top and Undershirts Cheap. Also the Largest Stock Hats in New Bern, ire in s Cheap. Also a Full Lino .Collars and Tic3, Trunks and Valises. Come and Catisfy Yourself. r MIDDLE BTRtfiT, J M O () o u o a o o o CI o o o o o oooo o o o Q o a o a o for Hats 8 GOTTOI Q CI IS Q a a 9 greatest season in This is what the wise 0 O H e o 0 0 M. T, Young. ' :o: NEW BEllN. N