f, I. C K.UiT 4fl.lL ?, EST1IL1SUIB lilt I IX . -V IVlii UL. A " ' " ' " . 1 h. Wait u4 to U tpi.iHi Mm A a 1 rxMUDklllK. W. V.,, V f T1.. f v w t a r'i 7, iJi-wy)l ihMll IhU Bwralag- I" 1'IU a ..U ,v, . , . a VOL XYII--KO. t f v Coiite ami Sn- cxir New Ijnc of Wji.t Bilk, whether yu iih a Stripe or t'luiJ in the Salts TfT. Uuri hand kit 1'rau Je ISoie. ... Alto a Couiph I Ataortuieiit of Tuo Tone Taffriaa. , , The Swivel Kilk il.iiU nuke fuch thariuiiig Suits or Waists deserve a llwmbt. . i j HiiiiLin Stripe Pique, iudced anything in Pique can be found tiu uur tun utriB. 1V Dot forget the I rub lloeurvtpua, to uokbj for ClirU or Jacket Suits. . ' 1 'it i A , fi IN i i IX ; ' i i i i IN ft j IN ! IN IN IN IN IN TIN IN IN IN , t 1 V 7 i Tieop reMlag l Maloiu. CoaiVWr 1'rnlrto fan JInllliis. v j", A V For Fluor Covering (U Praiiio Gran Matting and Ra?s iu all colon two admirable iiointJ t lavs churn to.f t'heaiai and Durability. - - V' V! V ixjinti it Uvj claim to.f rheaia riant nud Zelclrr RIitfC ' " . V V an, iirifatinfr Aur I'liuit ami Txi utr TIaa m trn brat - ... .-, 0 - - -a-- 4 yy LZL(TJVl:j fy.bl-Lj ilia V 7 THE NEW STYLES OF STACY ADAMS & CO.'S SHOES ! 1 an . 1 1 1 I ltr Spring mul Nnmnirr Wrnt Have IiihI ArrlviM'. If! I ;fiE;!i li. Ii.'.f1'! u ' I ... fill; Hal rBfW II :...-- -f W'"lllt""l"""Miii'ii"liil"""""inl""""l"""iiii,n-iliiii i ill . - . ol Fit AijJUullllUt llllUUUllll ullillQM You know too well the perfection and Styles which characterizes .these.H Jf J All that is good in Shoes are 'contained in them, It will please usto show them to you. We have them in chocolate and black Vici. Waukenfast Cong, and bals. in all the latest Toes, plain and cap. i . The Essentials to a Good Shoe, Comfort, Style and Durability. These are tound in Stacy Adams. : " . Notice our Window. ' ' MuiH'h SO, 1899 mm 18. - , .5,1' jOHNDinsnsr, ' ; " "til? ii -.lt '1 . f . firoceries and CDnfeotioiicncs, NEW BERN, N. C. ui pontoa m iw eiiv airof m oy am Oar cuuftlil m klik d, tfiaca woaad J. 1111 im Miiwl Uk kt Irorp U (cwaier poiik. afia o( Maalla. It k nU rfl lk Wat lv(rial IkU Ocaaral 10 will aot auka a eaaipalga drfk ika tmUj raaia aor la H aaltaredj thai ba UI at praaaat eaaaa Uw flllplaoa laioiba Btavatala faMaaaa ol Laaoa. Taa officii coeaUrr tt afkiaal tkal Ika flffct Uat waa la ipluUa baa data kipped ! ( Mai aad It la UltaTad aa caaaut kuLI lLaFill4a UUr miit k Umr. ." ' ' " ,tt. It 0tVUli, tba War I paxtutci.1 '. frij a tea Urn ( arllfnbMt . r. ot ftmkalji,ir atdtau. aat, vkaa HUi a ka a-- i 'yinb. aaraliw!' ika FiU(laa ! vluul alka raaaiu. A atari raat .i dataraklM arkMkar lha niiplaoa ItUcad to keep ap t goartJla warfara aad Jf aa a plaa la al ntady aiaturiag to H aajr tuck Coadl tloa Cattrei will bfeaplorad la if hi Um f aarillaa, aad aa lLa favaraaMBl oaa f lioea ktwr pay aad afford taaai f reiier prateoUoa kbaa Af flaatdo, Utara i ao doubt about tad ability to aaploj aallrrt ta tbia rajr, II tbatat aiaal ba gtarUla IgkUsf tlarlag lha raiay aaaaoa whleb will aooa ba apoa tba Pblllpplaai tlta Vailed Slate will aot aacrldoa Ita troopa la nub warfare It aatlva oaa be obtaioad. - VJLz L'.a Uz J r.ira Zu: us end nfolesome Laaara at aaxTLaou. Mturti airi anon. At liila leaaoa of tba tear wbea pneo- utoaia, la grlppo, aora Ihloat,' coaght, eatarrb, broiK-bltla aad lung iroable ar a be gaanlnl aa-alaat, aoiblag "b a floe ubntltute " will "aoiwer tba paipuae orU"Ju( aa good' aa One blluuu 'oagh Hare. Tbat I one Infallible raw etly fur all lung, throat or bronchial trouble! lutlsl tg oroualy apoa baring lit "aotuaihlug alaa" la offered yoa. Duffy. . Eailer Egg Dye at Pavla' Pretcrlo nun raarmacy.. - . . ... Uuaraai tt ' ) la a ra ' )OTBArro,1 March 81 Tb paa- mo;.t tleamer Jilciii, plying between tbli port and the CJiaaael UUdJ craah- ad upon jtba 4readed t'quet Rock, near lha Ialaad of AMeruey yeatetday eyebtng.la hdetM fog and foundered la lee lulnutea, her taller, exploding a tba wea da. ": Export a w iba Jiuoibar lost are ooaflictlog, bat tba officiate of the Loadoa aad Boutkwealara Railway Cooiptny, , which eoropaoy owae tb boat, aaid thai tba drowaad would aot exoead tereaty. Other report aiake the kw much higher. Three boat Includ lag a collapsible boat are ailulog, ; . Tb Sulla baft Soulhamptoa at nooa yaiterday coaTeylng the trat daylight a cnnloa of tba aeaaoa' to tba Chaanel Ialanda. ' There were abont oaa hnndred and eighty f re peaeeogere on board aad Ibe crew numbered thirty Are men." 1IIEY RIDICULE IT. ANT rtOPU KlBIOOLw TBI Nil i Or AN ABBOLOTS OCR! - fob BTsrcrnA ano tom- . ' ACatOCBtB. a: Sidicala.Bawewar, U Nat ArgaaMat taal racta are ttabbara Tbiag. Stomach trouble ar ao common and In moat caae ao obdlnate la cure tbat people are apt to look with lueplcion on any remedy claiming ta be a radical, per manent cure for dyapepata and Indlge tlon . Many moh prid Ihemaelve on their aculenea la aerer being hambug ed, eapeclally la medlclnea., - Thr fear of being humbugged can be carried toe far, ao far In fact, that many people iuffer for year with weak dlgei Hob rather than rlak a little time and money la faithfully letting the alaimt mad of a preparation ao reliable and unlveraaile uaed.ak Btdarfft Dyipepala Tablet. J !' ! . ' Now Stuart' Dyipepala Tablet are vastly different In one Important respect from ordinary proprietary medicines for the reason thai they are not a secret pat ent medicine, no secret I mad of their Ingredient, but analyal abow them to contain tba natural digest Ire ferment, pure aseptic pepsin, the digestive acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, bydrastls and nux, Tbey are not cathartic, neither do they act powerfully on any organ, but tbey cure Indigestion on the common tense planot dlgestlug lb food eaten thor oughly tefore it baa time to ferment, sour and cause the mischief. Tbls 1 the only secret of their aucces. J - . Oalhartle pill never bare and aerer can cure Indigestion and atomacb troo- I ble. because they act entirely on the i bowels, whereat the whole trouble is really In the stomach. J Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after I meals digest the food! Tbat la all there 'la to It. feod not digested or half di gested Is poison as It ci tea g .set, acidity I headaches, palpilatlon of the heart, Joss of flesh and appetite and many other troubles which are often called by aome other name, They are told by druggists everywhere at 60 cents per package. Address F. A. j Ptnart ,Co , Marshall, Mich, for little 4 ( book on stomach diseases, sent free. . ar . mm mmmf IS at luJU. " WaaniaoTo. Marrk Jl. The rapidity with wbkh every advaatagj. baa beea followed op by the Aaerlcaa forra op eratlagaear biaatla aad tba erbleve- aMatt of Gceeral Waf Arthur troopa Is eaputrluf lb Klllplae capital whb aoai parallvely aligbi loas ar regarded by wMiary anUioHilna bera aa a alroke of fir r Itli e ImtutaDce auX" dc,1)a , . Tha wuderfal rogreaaCBiad,, Coa tldartng the abauaciloat la the way of lb foroea aad Ibaadvaoca la the face of eat (pact ad ataatUaaas of parpoa oa Ibe pat, of lb aallva. Ineetber with Ibe tarribla ell matte difficulties eaaoaBlered, era declared by ofllcenof tb army la be anturpaaaad la lb aaaal of tropical caapalgaa Oaa ef the aatia causa to which lb atraagth of the troop bat beea due ta lb vast lmprovatat la the coaaatUaary aad qaarlanaaalar' depart aaeala, throagk wklob ample food sup pi la bar at all llnta beea kept right along with the army. Mo delay ha beea caused la forwarding ammunition, camp aupplle and full aaedical cheat. Ooa. pared la. lha mlterable ' arrange-' awau toad by lb department for Ibe Haatlago tight aad lha woeful 1Kb of traaaportatloa facllltiea. by which It was Impracticable to aead- forward heavy ar llllary with rapidity, lha 'caupalga agalaal tba FUlpioo I regarded at decided triumph aot oaly lor tba troopa, but for avary tupply departawat ot lb army.- . .... Cablegram i received from General Oil this week base made frequent men tion of lha latUfaclloa axpreued 1y dlvltlea aad brigade commander over lha assistance rendered by every ataff department, and poulbty no army,. .11 U said, aw fought ander mora trying eon dltiont whoaa forces wre. better aup piled with avary art let necessary to comfort and health. ' V ' '. . : Tb trlumpba' of tba troop have, pat aa Uuporlaat phase oa the situation aad greatly relieved a teaeloa of feeling ia army el role, which early In lha week showed decided disappointment at the tta blllty displayed by the Filipino. It was not believed by General C'orbtn and other officer, who watch cloaely every movement of tba advance, that It was practicable to capture Haloloe without Iocs ot ooe.Uerable numbers, tor It wat aaaumed that Agulnaldo had gathered the pick of hut army and would make a decisive and determined ttsnd before finally evacuating and leaving the way clear to the city' capture. , -.. ' While llaloloa 1 a city of not much Importance, the fact that It was tb seat of the Filipino government will have a moral influence on tba natives now tbat tbat it has f el lea Into tba possessien of the American troop. - ' Upon 'the report General Otl will make will depend whether tba campaign Is to be actively continued or Dying squadrons formed to pursue Agulnaldo aalil ha surrender or I forced Into the tea. Official of the government are In clined to believe that Agulnaldo has now gone off with the purpose ot trying Jo incite torn enthusiasm and life In his defeated follower, but there ta little ex pectation that another decided stand will ba made by him against a large force of the American troops. T CUBE A . ! RC B)AY Take Laxative Bromo; Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund tb money if it falls to care. 85c Tba genuine haL. B. Q. oa each tablei v . - THE SPKCULATIVE MABKT8. Today' quotation furnished by W. fl. Qalbraith, New York, Represented by A. O. Newberr-y ' - ''u,,r '.' t-s , i !' NKWypM, April 1. . , , 8TOCK3, ; - ' Open. High. Lew. Close Sugar.... ...,.:17i m 189 170 Am Tobacco.... 236 S2d 825 J 0. ......... .7119 : 1191 H a ft. ft Q. 144 145 x144 U. O. P. ;'.;.".. 49 49 48 Reading 2nd .. 83j 85 35 0. Tobacco ...... 84 64 53 Manhattan...... 116 1'2J ' 118 CHICAGO MARKETS. :, Whiat Open. High. Low. Clo-e May 73i 74 - 73 . 73 29 119 145 ,8 85 53 125 J Sheer, Bedalla, Mo conductor On electric street car Hoe, writes tbat bis little daughter was very low with croup, and ber life saved after all physicians had failed, o.ily by using One Ulnute Cough Cure. F 8 Duffy. a :- ' a a a lW I ."-J FT J. (' 1. r. i . 3 i aaaa Wnmim ln Bajra CWI Al. v RaLsuaa, N. O, April 1. Dr. Richard U.Lawla, aaeretary ot lb State board ol health, bad a vUlt froaa Dr. U. F. Loag. State laepector of asaallpoi, who asad report oa coadllloaa la Kaateia Monk Carallaa. Dr. Leag -eaye Ibe amallpoi baa ,beee aumped aat ta Ualuatba eowaty. aad thai there la. aow MM la Wiloiiugloa and Joo,.lbt U Kaky el aunt e wvralireer aae'sasTtbiee of varUUU, all aa; nhdy b di ehargad, 11 eomBteaXl the aulhoHUea of Kooky Meeat, acially in mayor, for admiral ataaageoseaa aad teal, aad for tborougbaeaa ot eoma4tlsory vaccina tion. Two bub ibera ntfaaed to be vac cinated aad were Immediately pel la Ibe chela gaag. Oaa give ap yealerday aad waa vaccleeted, tml the otter bold oat. Good acceoau coma float Halifax aad Northern ploa coaatl; la teal, the tllaa Hob la the east ta geaerally caotiderably beUer. Reporu frost Mr'ayae coanly are aot aa talis factory. There are torn teak tared there. No report from Wk, but there are encase outaida ot Raleigh. Aa unofficial latter, from Greeaaboro speak of rasas there. . i . . ' COUCH SYRUF Cure Hoanenesa and Sore Throat It tt the bett renwdy for rtul.Wu mid Small doses. . Price 43 cti. al Urujiptsl- xt tn. Book Store f- -r-' " : - I "Break the Ntwi to Mother" ! i ' ' ! i V. i : ....;' . ,..v.-- I ; : -nf V j I "At Georgia Camp Meet i 'I Ij G. H. Ennett. j " " - I VmjWJmTMHmT HJVJmYJmYJtt st l'ROOP. laVarf It la n easy matter to claim tbat a remedy has wonderful cura tive power. , The manulacturen 5UIIEUM AC IDE leave tt In those wbo have been permanently and positively cured of KHEUaUTHM to make claims. Among those who have recently written us voluntary letter saying they have been on red are: (lev. J L Fosu r, Ralelgb, N ('; Mr J K Itotdnaon. Editor. Uoldwro. N C Daily Argus; Mr A Dalit, a proml- -nent merchmt, Maoon, Ga; and Mr W It Duke, a lailroad man. K.tusaa City, Mo. - Rheum aclde Will Cur You. MANUVAOTCKID BT - THE BOHBITT DRUfl CO., . BALCJOII, N. C. . ' Bold Id New Bera by C D. Brad- nam, by Uavls' fbarmacy, and by di uggists generally. Price ! per bottle. . , . A Good, Telephone - BERVICK 3 A BUSINESS . ; NECESSITY, A 'llDM ? CONVENIENCE. A COM B1NED .... .' . . . ,-av- . lYe3?8slly, ' Convculeuee, . Luxury ! Order .Your Phone at Once I . gap.de; hose . LARGE SUPPLY, .' - JUST- RECEIVED.. ; . Hose, Nozzlrs and Rrels. Ilytaau "nslj' Co. : . Frcbb Iail Jnat Ilroelvrd. Alro a txw baml of Fultoa Market Corneal Beet; Email Frralfaat SUipa and Englitk Cared Shoulder. ' Heiai't Picklea and Baked Beaaa with Tomato 8a ace. ' Freak Pranea, Dried Apples aad Peacbea. '' Canned rear bee, Cora,' Tomaiota, Boeootaab, Lobster, Sardine and Salaaosv. ... ' . ."" " " lima Beana, WhiU Beau, Freth Grill and Carolina ' S Bin ' . ' -. , . -5- r . . - - .. a. . , . .... j -2 iFrethfiCsteeaaaad the.Tarj beat battatVvi J 'Z - OenniD Cotlfialt and Nice trial) potaioati v i ": T'riaiwTW avtarHt? rorrittthetbw PoeaM - ! 5 5 1 iMcDaniel i Will, Ss 1. v. - - . . . - ' . - WIioIewlw 2: ItUII 5: - a ji i u,a aaa 'Phone Ol. 71 Hrcnl HI. gmmtiTmitntnff nti imrKcasiurN yuu j lAivti Depends very 'tnach oa tba k lad of Clothe, yoar wear, Hot, why wear goad clothe if they are aot I Irtif, Neat aad Mea ly Pretedr - ' B Iter to wear a cheaper tult and leap it ia shape aad ia good re pair. W have orgaaiaed The PrrMltis; Club. ' We atree la Prat Your Full 3 S hi "Ji n Jl Kvarv Week. No seed for yr.n to 3 j)? kfiJl wear Clothe all oat of Mei. m . H("a m r faav buttons off year eett or coat or apot oa yoar auil, w .agree lor tbeaumof 1.0u PER MOST! to keep your uit in perfect order and 3 to pre and clean it once a wtek. . E , Call at our tor for aaor mlnut particulars and add your nam to , 3 1 tbelUt. . 4 . 3 S - Yoo will Bod great plaurla wearing cloth tbat feel like they P were made for you, aad which are aot always out ot thp. CalUt nhc and Jola the list. f Tr-Clv IDTJ3jT3T CO.. a 67 POLLOCK STREET. NEW BERNE. N. P. 3 wnwa aypta xaBBtayaasw bbb Bam aawtw BBWBtexsajwBaet BBwBtBwtv wtsaaaxB waar sww aew rprwrs ww bww wbbvbbv www at E vf 4-.T7Tl onnirin iiniioc Ol c Afiino 5 orniHu iiuuol uLi-niiiiiu ISDUE NOW, 9 - And the demand for Scrub, blng Brushes, Broom. Sapollo, Soapa and Washing Powder are ia demand, and w can tupply very thing ia labor taring mala- r. t very thing ia labor taring mala- vllr ' rial of the beat aaaanractnre, aad J J of anprrior quality, la anything " I tbat it Beaded in tbls line. ' . Small Pig Ham and Breakfaat fitnpe. Also a nice lot Country Htmt and Big Hatna to Cot la any ' quantity. ' , J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 BroadStreet. f lv a? mm i l U rM t 5 nut u J Cr(l u il '3 B&r -ir ii Sr"irTtrrsr1T-r ir irH aTX-ZeE Sprmgr J CO n REAL ESTATEAGEfCY Houses and Ixits For Pule at Lowo t Possible Figures. Desirable Homes 8i; i i.neneiits that will prove a flue luv t mruU I 'CoK:"-t!oa of r,-l a fHV.f. I C:" e i I r. ' ' w, 17 .!-.' at ... t , Season Ia npon us and when yon go to house-oleaniug you will Snd tbat yoa need probably aj - - S , . ; Uew Carpet Elmttlns, ' ' ' : A rt 'Gq&re ?r Kes . ' . ' " Cr an CJ Chair or Cockeiv; All of these and other thinge too numerous to mention, you Will find at our ttore. -J' Our new WALL PAPEB3 have been purchased and ill arrive within the next weh. The prices are right and you are asked to examine them. We have become agents for the largest Tile Manufacturer in the World and will carry a Stock of HEARTHS AND FAC INGS at all times. '' . ' . . ' ': ' ' We carry an up-to-date stock and will at all times be pleased to show you through. - - - - Yon are as welcome to look as to trade. . -,