s r $ r VOL IVII -KO V FIW IIKI, K. C, THL'kSDIT M0RI1IQ, UKIL C, I1JJ. ISTllllSHtD lilt r kaVLtaVatfe)) DTOTHK f iK ami K. mir Ke I uh a Stripe or I'laid iu lL Natiu Taffeta or htndaxu IVob V tfeSuie, ' . Si) A 1m a fonip'.efe AuortuM-ut of To Tom TaflVUe. Th Snivel Silk b.kk tnaa sack charming Suite 1 or y i WlliU UeerT IDUUXDU , f& llotnan Mnpe 1'iqu, tuarea anytning in nqaecu do loanu Jv oa our couotert. 2y Do not forget the Irisk Homespun, m nobby for .Skittl or ytj ft lVu.rte Gran Mailt ng. W IV w yjv For Floor Ooveriog the Prairie Grata Witting and Hugs y iu all color two admirable point it lays claim to, Cbeapueaa j AS aud Durability. J? i - - , . w ft iN ! m riMht aiil ZHgler Hboe. , y We are ei pecting our Plant Parasol News-.'. NEWS OR NEW PARASOLS Uavo you thought you would like a para sol, knew that when you had parasol buying in mind you would demand an exten. sive. assortment of the newest creations, i Yes we have them lor you and not one whit too strong an expression when we say that here is shown just the daintiest and most enter taining conceits you ever saw. KJ. Jl What we say here is impossible to do them justice, we ask you to see them tor yourself. A lminldoino jibiin white China Silk, gooi qnalitj and pretty handles at ' ..I $ 25 Hero id just the one for that white suit this summer, a dainty white silk and large ruffles at . $1 50 I'eauties in plaid silk, lovely colorings, Those 2 tone )iluiii taffetas, so Handsome plaid taffetis, they have their full value at $a So A niagniflceut two tone taffeta with plaid and check border canopy tap, $3 50 and $4 00 We arc also showing a splendid assortment of gun shades in black, nutural wood handles, steel rods, very serviceable at ' ' ; . 1 $1 00 and $1 35 A good durable umbrella at ; . jOa and 75 April 4, 1899 41,111 IN Groceries and NEW BERr),;N.iic:to83Li. V . v - V ' Ji. nf U'muI Kill, abetter van W U and JMglef Tie on every boat j V $a as stylish and serviceable at' n so ;Cpnfectiqnenesr: aPOBBC,W KaXaW ' ' Maj K.irtu, aprfl 4 -Tfc VahaJ ttm PUIIpplMi eoakluliH, KMipnMd tf Dr. iamb tiovkt Hcaarmaa, A4iiJ Uaorg Jfrmbf aa4 Frof. Daaa C. Watoaaiaf, aa4 IMaf arUanllM la ua raioa- plM POpl " vn w. , Taa praelaaMlioa coatalai aWraa r-; lldaa, daclarlaf A aanioa'a hiUaiioaa, M (blUva. l J - " 1 lint Tba oprmacf of lk ValtaJ Sutaa Barf a4 . vtll b aforead lkrof aoatTwj part tlka analpal tf. TaoM wbo ml raa aoootapUak aoUlag tioapt Ualr ava rata. $Moa4-Tba aapUM HWriy ut fit (nraraiMal will b fral4 wkkb-t raooMttebia vMk- jaat, waala, faotlra aad acaaoilcal adatlalalrilloa aad eoav paUbla whk UtHnnlfi rifbu aad obll ratloaa al tba Ualud BtaMa. ' Third Tba civil rlfhu of tba Ftllpl aoa will ba faaraataad aad pretacud tbair Nllgioaa fraadaa will ba attorad aad all will bar aqaal ataadlaf bafora tba bw. ' ' - ; I Foartb lloaor, Jaatloa aad friaad ablp forbid tba atploltaUoa of tba paopU of tba talaad Tba minm of tba loMricaa fovaraaiaat l tba walfara adraaoaaaaai of tba PblUpploa paophk ;'t I .1 1 Flflb TSI artlcla (varaatiai aa baa ait and affecttva clrtl aervloa, la wblch, to Uia fullaat aitaat praetiaabla, aatlvaa ball ba amployad til lib Tba collaclloa aad appllcatloa at laaaa aad otuar ravaaoaa will ba put poa a aoaad, boaaat aad. aeoaaailcal bula. Tbapablle faaiU, ralaad juall; aad oonactad bonatllr. wilt ba applied only to defraying tba propar aipaatai of tba attabllibmeot aad aatlnleeanca af tba Phtllpploa fovcraaieat aad luch gaaaral ImproramanU aa publlo Inlarrau dama id. Local faada collactaJ for local pnrpowa (hall aot ba dlvarted to other od. With tuch pnidcul and booeal Qaeal admlnl4ratloa h I ballevad that tba Da4i of tha (ovarauaot will la a ihort tlma baooma' coapallbl wltb a coatldaralila fadacUoa ia taiatloa. . Bavantb Tba aalabllahaieat of a para apaedj and affactlra admlnlatraUoa or Juitioai by wblob tba evil of dlay, oor raptloa and aiploitatloa will ba effect aUl aradtcatetl. . ' Eighth Tba conitractloa of roadi. railroad and other naani of ooainaal catloa and traniportatioa, and other publlo works of man I Feat advaalaga to the people. .-, Ninth Domestic and foreign trade and commerce and olber ladutirUI par- iulu and the general development of tha countrv la the Interval of Ha lnhablianta will be ill constant objecta of solicitude oil foiUrlog care, (. Tenth Effective provlaloa will ba nade for the MlablUbment of elementary hoolai la which the cblldrea of the people will ba educated. Appropriate facilities will alto be provided tor higher education. ' .'. . Eleventh Reforms In all departments f the' government, ail branches of the publlo service aad all corporations close ly touching the common life Of the peo lle moat ba aaderlakea without delay ind effected conformably with common right and Jusllca In a way to aatlsfy the well founded demands and tha highest sentiments and aspirations of ths Philip pine people. .. : .' ' ." Will Circulate n MANtLi, April 4 ThrbelM Is spread Ing among the residents her that the effect of the capture of Mslolot, the Fill pino capital, followed by tha proclams ilou of the. United Slates Philippine commission, will be to suppress Agul naldo' power. Dr. Bchurman, president of tbe commission, said today: y ' ' -" The Filipino have bee it asking na ceaslogly, 'What do you propote ,lo, do for usr Tba proclamation answer the question, and It should aatlsfy them.", ( Colonel Charlee Denby; member of tha commissloa and former minister to China bald; "It la HBe mast Important proclamation since 'the declaration of Independence 8panlh,.Taglo and Eog liab veaslons have been priated, and It I proposed lo circulate them about Melo ns arid at all tbe teapArts. They will be tent to the lake town by gunboats." ' wa) t vstBi a s i.n) in sssjb bjat Take Laisllve Bromo, Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money It It fall to care. 25c The genuine has U B. Q. &a each tablet . , . v i '"' ' m ft ..i.;.-- ' . v tHB SPECULATIVE MARKETS. ' Today' quotations furnUbed by W U QalbralltiJ New York. Represented by A.O.Hwbrry.n ?i I Mi liti Nlwtoa,Aprlii.! i , STOCKHj ' , .; Open. High. Low. Clcae Sugar.. w..i 1C8 . 168,-103,, mi AmTobaoooi .vi SM 22i 824 234 J 0.....,.,.,.. l0j 1311 liOl 1311 aB. y. I..., 1431 148 14HJ 14Jt H.ap Sl'; Sl Bit Sit Reading Sud .. ';,87t : 87 861 86J C. Tobacco .... 67 69 ' 87 87 kanuttun.,,.... 125,' Jl 123t 1J4 ii CHICAGO MARKETS. ' ,. COTTON. .s Open. Hlrh. Low. Cluae ,.. 6.91 5. OS 6.91, 6 92 Open. 5ifih,,Lows Close August.. WHaAT-i 7H .78 .71 . 73 "" 1 j .:itv: :...t. PABTOllXA. Bmtiiu ' ? 'I Ktud In tlnva gqtiaM iifiuM the food more defickms and wttoicsoaio aalbawf PllilMy raWif. Baaua. Aprili-laaaUtarvbw to day a aromUeat Oarasaa Sialasmsa said: We are pknaod at wbM McKlakvy aatd at tba reosot dbtarbaoea la Saama, aad at tba eltltade of tba I'alied Btates, la aaaaaUag to the kVa of a Joint high eoamlasloa, bat Urd.Ballabary'a dlla- lory policy Is aaaoylag to aa. AsMrica't atlhada la all tba mora striking, aad ba wa admit, daring tba last twenty year. vary largely wcraaaed lis political latat- eat la Samoa. Oatmaay' political later eat there are all, while lis commercial tatorestaaia the largest of tba three eoaalriea. Ia tba eoadomlalam the Oermaa goverameat see ao danger, bat mach aaaoyaaea la tba whole aoaatloa.? AMfM Na la It. Caicioo, April A Carter II. Ilenl- eoa waa ra-alactad mayor of Cblcaga to day by a total vote of 14.fl4 agslat 10704 for Ziaa B. Carter, tha Repabi:- caa caadldata, aad 49,401 for Job a P. Altgeld, tha ladepeadeat Democratic candidate. Harrttoa'a plarallty, 39X10. VOICE Or Tilt PEOPLE. Hmnimj dMhSum. Koiroa Jooani. W desire a small space ia tbe JouaaAt. to laua a pro last It Is somewhat as follows: We as peaceable clllxeas attending oar Bandar school, c'lurvb, Ac., object to having our cblldrea scared by a drove ol cows helng driven along our public road oa Sunday. Not many weeks ago souir on had a drove of cattle driven atony tha road leading to Street's ferry on a quiet Sunday eveuing. . Some of our vuuw and children on their way to Sunday school, were both scared, aud grieved. The scare was up.m tbe children, but the good women are glleved to think that while they are wending their way to tba house of prayer aad Bible study, soma person forget law and Gospel too, and pursue a week day servloe oa the Uoly Babbalh. When will such violation of law and Gospel cease! Whatr Where? And Low comes the remedy f Citizens Alobo WAtHiaait Road. IX MKMORIAM. Died pa tbe 30lh March. 1899, Mrs. Julia F. French , wife of Mr. L. H. French. Bh bad passed her sixty flflb birthday, being one amongst our oldest citizens, ' She waa tha daughter of Francis and Julia Mcllweao. Bha Joined the Methodist church under the ministry of Rev. R. C. Beantan about tO years ago, and 00 ber departure, at' turet ber loved onet of a gloriout prot' pact for eternity and requests all to meet her la beavea. Bhe leaves a husband and five chll dren. Having suffered much and long death come as a release from suffering aad though loth to leave ber loved ones rejoices that tufferlngt are patt and lookt forward to a place where disease and death cannot -enter. ; . - A FaiaND, For a quick remedy and one that li perfectly safe for children let n recora mend One Minute Cough Cure. It It excellent for croup, hoarteoeaa, tickling la tha throat and cougba. F. 8. Duffy. ' Kraal Items. , ' - srj: h W ; Apiiuth. 1 Tba farmer have been making good progrot on their farms for tba last month, . But tbe 4th of April haa put a dlffereat look oa tame of our good farm era.- ' . ' , . There haa been tome' corn plau'ed. tobacco plant am coming, If they don't get killed by tbe cold the farmer will be able to plant by the 15th of May. One of Vanceboro't most accomplished young ladies who nat been teaching tbe public school at Macedonia,, haa .made ber departure, accompanied by ber best fellow. Mr, J. W. Smith, made a Dying trip to Yaoeeboro Sunday evening, Mr, Smith reports a good time on hi trip. . Tbe Maple Grove base ball club ba organized again, practice up boyt for that contest In May. Mn. Dr. R. J. 'Smith of Vanceboro, wa the gaett of Mrs, A. P. 5 Simpson yesterday. - Rev. V. O. BrftUia will nil hit rcgu lar appointment at ' MareJonla on ..the second Sunday. . The culture of tobacco hat been In created about 85 per cent In tblt vluln "y- 1 " ,. The Macdedonta basket factory are making preparation to fill tha demand for basket this season. . C. J. H. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregation. No eicu for It now. F 8 Duffy. Pure, cold, refreshing soda water, mfde from ripe fruit Julcjfi, and served in glasses that have been washed, rinsed and polished, I drawing the, crowd of thirsty people who appreciate good soda' We try to Improve on every glass, and If daintiness of service and good toda rrtfabara Far B 1 1 1 in. Rauho. ApHI -Tb RrpwUlcaa la Ikl Slate are Maiae; all rtxlr ikar to lad Ma He aw or ft I letter J to Uoeai tba caadi lata of tbolr party for Guvvo ar. Th y at) a tpedal ivaeoa for ikl w that If 1'rltckard It a caadMale I bo ad laletratloa will apprt him. Tbry aay that Ikhas aormsd lo them thai the ad mlalatralloa ba dWrleil ido North Carollaa repabllcaat ever tiace tbe cam patera of 1W and I key are quite' tore aver ibis neglect. ,. COUCH SYRUP Cures Hoarecneu and Sore Throat. It it the liest mnrdy for ttuMmm ndds Small doasa. Frio abata. at dragglsU IDMIXISTUATOR'S ROTICr. Bavlnr qualified aa Administrator of Annie Outlaw, aVraased, late nf Craven oonnty, N. C, this Is lo niifv all peraoos having elaims aainst the estate of the aid deceased lo preernt litem to tba un deralKoed for paymnnt on or befora Ihr 6th day of April- 1W0, or this notlrt til ba plead lo bar cf Ibelr recovery All paraoa ladebtod to the said estate will please make Immediate pnymi at. J NO. D. U HK1T. Adntinistiator. R. vf. Willi iwmhi, Altxruey. It is an eaxy mnttcr to claim thai a rvmrd bn winnli rfid cure- live p.rr. lite uianulaclurers of II EDM ACIDK. k-ave ll lo flirMo wbo have lawn IH-rinnniMilly and poeilively cured 01 llllfcU.MAIIs.n lomaRecliilms Ammig llmsrf who linve recently whtlrii ns voluntary k-lters atylnir lii'-y ne ren cured are: Itev. Mr W K Duke, a railroad man, Kansas City, Mo. Rheum id le Will Cure You. -MAUdKAITIlKID BY THE B0Birr DRLKl CO., RAIIQII, N 0 Soi l in New Item by C. D. Brad - limn, by Uuvu' I'hsrmaoy, and by di uggists generally. Price 1 per bottle. .. Nrw Hegitra(iin Ordered. It It onler-d by the Board or Alder men In session assembled thsl an elec tion for Aldermen shall be held In the different Wards of tbe City on lha 1st Tuesday In May, 1899, and for which election there shall be an entire new registration. , J. J. TOL80N, fity OVr I Li!2.Book Store 3 M , I "Break the Ncwa to Mother" ''At a Qeort-W CaJtip Meet. J I ;G. N. Ennstt. $ A Good -Telephone SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS NECESSlT Y,:: A .HOME : CONVENIENCE, A COM- ' B1NED . . . ., . V IVcMBeitsIty, Order JYour Phone at' Once I GARDEN HOSE . r.RQE SUPPLY .., , " . JUST IIR.EIVED. j Hos-, Nozzles and Reels. Ilyiiian - Kupply ? Co. REALESTATEAGEN6Y Bouteii and Ijota For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Home and Tenement that will prove a fine inveat ment. ' - , , - , . CoUectloa of Rents a Specialty. Office at residence. 1? Johnson ttre t aj lii"y n.iire Keen currd are: Itev. Z J L Post' r lUlrltfli, N C; Mr J K U'tlilimoii. E,li or, Uold.liorn, N C .Unity Arirus; Mr A Dans, a promt- nciit miTi-bint, Macon. Gs: and lit .hams! 5 5 Frol. Lt aTaftt Itwlvfd. AUo a jh Larrrl of Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Trtalfaat Btrip and English Cured Shoulder. ileiaa'a Pickle and Bated Beast with Tomato Sauce. Fresh PruD Dried Applet and Peach ea. Canned Peachea, Oom, TomaUxa, Succotash, Iultter, 6anlinea and Salmon. Lima Beaut, White Brant, Fresh Orilt and Carolina Rio. Froth Cream Cheeaa and the very beat butter. Genuine Cod 6 h and Nice Irith Potato. Anything Ji n want in Orocerie at tbeLowrtt Poatibla Price. e mi 'IMionrJOl. ItTTttf ttf tTfTtTtTfTTTftflTflTfltTnf McDhd e THE IMPRESSION YOU HAKE 1 bm e U Hon off yaur vest or coil or lit sum of fl.'HI 1'ERlONTRato to , toja Mid cle in it once a week. Call at ot r itore for n.ore minute Z Hie lit. . . : Yon w ii fti dgreit pleasure In were made for you, and ablch are Call at i nee and join the list. at a-, n-crisr co., 87 POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, N. 0. wlUiUUiiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUaUiUiUiUiUiUiU. SPRING HOUSE CLEANING IS DUE now, And the demand for Scrub bing Bmsbes, Brooms. S polio, Soaps and Washing Powder are in demand, aud we can supply everything in labor eaving mate rials ol the best manufacture, and ot superior quality, in anything that is needed in thi line. 8mnll Pig Bam and Breakfast Strips. Alto a nice lot Country Mams and Big llama to Cut In any qi.aitity. J. V. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. I Springr, I 1 Seasbn 1 Ul u la npon and when you go to house-cleaning yon will find that Ln al you need probably aj . - ;. Xew Carpet, Matting, :jj . J rt Sqare . Or an Odd All of these and other thinge too flnil.nt. nnr aliro. Our new WALL PAPERS have been purchased and will ...ina vWtiin fliA tiorf wMih - TKa nriopB ara rloht. and von ara ftlil nlij asked to examine them. fi'ij X We have become agents for the largest Tile Manufacturer ntq M in the World and will carry a Stock of HEARTHS AND FAC- m C iil INGS at all times. ' - I J C!l We carry an up-to-date stock and will at all times be 13 P pleased to snow yon tbrongn. Br3 You are as welcome to look FRAH&. H, J0HES & ..60, C3 Uill Whalcale A BcUll S: Ortvoent, S; 71 Brtirv Hi. p iTftttTiTtTfWTTTW 3 3 Teiends vtry much on kind of Clothe your ar, the . But, why wear goad clothes If Ibi y are n4 leai, Nral and Nice. E3 ly Pra,lr Belter to wear arheaprr mil and keep it In shape and at good rt- pair. W have f-rgauiu-d 3 The PreMiIng Hub. We ai-ite to Piest Your Suit Every W.i k. No need for you to wejr ( li ihes nil i nt i.f fthape trousers bagging at the knees. 3 io's on y nr suit, we agree for keep your suii in p rfect order and particulars and add your name to weiring clothes that fetl like they not always ut of si ape. 3 3 n 77 Broad Street. or XXng Chair or IXoeker , numerous to mention, you will . . - ( as to trade. V r 4? Bigaitor counts with you, you will driuk at Brad a ham's Fountain. it r ii ".rr.a

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