Till JOURNAL r-Mut-aai . arrr da? la th J'"', S- la (.tdll.ltMkaMlttUM, ru( ho. i. CMAW-E3 L STtiYUMS, 4Mrua ass mmiiMt, . m twi KirrioN katrs: m )r, ta oaao ..It Oar fal, a4 la aJtajaia, k fcotAI, J emttmrn ta ta cl..,. ; tdrastMaf lUii lursbUJ M appM- EaWaraJ l is- Post Oato, New Her. M.U.B elel7,rB f Ktv attn as htm ra. . (X, April , lM. AHTKCITIBlBLSTBVAlNIfit Tat coaalaat BBspptr war oa th ab)rt of Trait. sad Coasbiaee of aaarartarers, abica has beea kail Is hniaf wd, him tobtaairalllug.aad IBM a ao sgrpnuag aaaa locra an o ataa j osfecl la ta laws, which permit Ikaaa organisations to coat Into eiltl eac. . - - ''' ''- . ' ': The tualaaalloas oa alavwt erry kaowa artlcla of Saiaaractare, keep eoailaf ImUt ailttcact, rry assay of tttea ta dlroot nJoa of fctal imd aalloaal statue, aad a yl irjialalit and preastkua Irrsad ierectlre do aM toack Ukb, ni stnp their laereew, , " At present thrr iems to Im bo mesa, of restraining ibis' Trot growth Th evils of orr captsllrslloa soar bo .rat-, ployed la argaaieai, but Iktra nn-4 h other bmibimU asod betides argument la order U stop Ike rati aouaaiulatod wealth real tail ftclltlout, which f on lolo eae i trust. . . Shall there be aa opea door poller adopted bj tblt country, the doing away with lariil for prolectlua, aad a cessation of tka protection wklck the ' tariff bu glrta to the Infant tad all Industries la the United Biatesf . . r 1 5 1 L V Or aboil the restraint of Trust be found la a belter method of taxation? It la aa old story, tb shirking of taxes by corporations rtudlrldusls, who bar. acciiaiulated wraith. There I a wide spread demand laallnberllanoes, cor porations and franchises which represent wealth be taxed In proportion -to the amount of their aconmalallons, for It Is a well known fact that the drj not at present furnish their proper share of the nubile revenues." , ft i ' " Here seems to be grooa I ape r which Trusts can be met, and It not actually restrained and successfully oombatleil, yet be made to pay taxes which snail not only keep them wflhla reasonable booad but also fnrnlih relief to the tax payers who axe now-compelled to pay the full amoaat upon what! they possess,; saxes vastly out of proportion In comparison to the amounts paid la taie by tho who possess accumulatad wealth. ' - If the Trusts caa be made to pay their just taies, theia will be .less desire for their JFornutlon, and most . Important there will be an Increase la therevenoes, Suae and National, which will make the harden, kuch (essstrere upon those la aaodeute circumstances and who today pay the greatest part, proportionately the taxes that are collected each year. ' : Bewr'aTktoT - ' ' ' We offer One Ilnndred Dollar Re ward for serosa? -of Catarrh that can not be corad by HaU's Caurrh Cur. , Jf . I. Cukmbt A Co., Props., - , , . - Toledo; O. : yit the undersigned, here known T. 3. Cheney for the last IS year, and belter him perfectly JioaoraU la all bualneea transaciloni and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm Wbst ft TatJAXi Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Wamums, KiNSiK A Uabtix, Whole sal Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. . i. Ball's Uatarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the . blood ' ' and mucous surface of the system. Price ?So per bottlo. Sold Lr all drns-aiatr. Testimonials free. Hall'i Family Pills are the best.? - : ' '-;. ", Ik Eaev.' Utt.TWotAU mast have taken Dsn lei Webster a long lime to compile the dictionary; dont yon think so. -: Tllford -DsulelT You mean; Noah don't you? , " , ; . . :: ' Krs TllfordNow, dont b silly. oab built the ark. If yon hare a enngh, throat Irritation weak lungs, pain in the cheat, dirtli-ult breathini;, cronp or boarsenees, let as aggest One Minnie Cough Cure.. Al ways reliable and safe. F S Duffy.- informatiea. ,-. ' J." r lfann'xrturera' Agent I tb head buyer u Ulrar ' -Accormnodating Employe No; he's out. I: t the in 1) n Her Is downala! a. .--,. .1 .! a . ... . . , Hi.- i r ... tw-sL b-l r- ft- a a .1 t " a. so 1 im et t! 1 1 4 , i Id '4 tu) wrtit 4 thr titif f r-T-ft mm of atWIfi.O (IHrhKt im bs nmra l a Ar-t l iVvnbt tt the yuenir HtM a. ! J atbtrre- tut III "ilt'tA-ltui it imijfxl; fw!l rUh. and a li do Mur It t." rrt-ix-d tW praxpBniXt t.mnina rtU dt mi it "ft pint I a ; 'iw with li tarb t'lSt ' t I f. kr)( U the tWr ihe Mart t T fire ouiuiu auj Ihra be cl:i'l"-l In. uo thrf rain oat at the et1 alp and tarfc. If yua'U bo iler M Wril air. bta I tMard thai I uutdr op any nitod w owla't worry aaotrwr mite atnot bow Ueurg-e Wunld am-rrrd. " "f!U trat-bor'a romlderad the brat piano player In this part ct the con try. aad If Gatfir ouald do what b did at that riux-rrt It wno't b many years brfim be 11 brat klut oat and oat row can joat rt-ly oo that "I d b wtUiu to bet. if 1 waa a brt- lng sua. that ta two yrars tlioe that iMK-bar waa'l dire to n niter bin on of Ibnw two piano plnrea with Ororir antra Dmre t:irr hint a good teat miimtm' atarttif bimt" Tooth Cobs- ' ' A tlta Tbaaerbt. . Wbil anuat penooa com into th world crylttK. rery law of then weep when they are fearing It Boatuo Ttaaacrlpk i ) l -.A Taaaaaa Teaga . ' Cnabl hot espma the raplur of Aa i i K. Bprlngri f 1IJJ Howard at, Phil alrlphla. Pa., when ah foued that Dr. King' New Dlwervry for Coniumpltoa kail ejoipleti-ly cared her of a hacking eougk that far msny j ears bad made Ufa a harden. All other rramlle and doo tors could ft Ire brr no kelp, bat she ssys f tblt Royal Cum "It anon rr-movwl the pain 1 my cbe aad I caa aow sleep ouailly, rometblag I ran traiqt-ly re member doing befure. I feel like nouud Ing III praises IbroaghoutlhaUalreriie'' So Willtrery onewbtf trlvs Dr. Klug's New Discovery for a.iy. lrouble of tbe Throat, Chest or Lnoga... 1'iic IMo and $1 00 Trial boill. fire at V S Duffv'. ft rug store; erary boll to guaranteed, , ' IkaPriae. . , Frayed Feeler -Wears l Je jitlnce of flatterers, , Tora Tooser Wot makes jer t'lnk Frayrd Feeler Tie's de oaly "bobo" 1 knw dat eaa git pie out nr a woaaaa oa washday....-,, .,;.,... ... . ." ,'.'-, ... J Sheer, Bedalla, MoM conductor on electrio street car tine, writes that his Utile daughter was very low with croup, and her life i-aved after U phytlcisns had failed, o.ily by naing One kllnule tteugh Cure. F A Duffy. :.,'... Beaaea. Persons who stammer," said , th pseado-ecleutlDe boardef, -do so because thry think farter than they can talk. ; ' - "Is that the reason," asked tbo Savage (tacbelor. ' 'Hhai .Wo so seldom - meet a romsn WBftstammrAV'i"; iiaJi.'at V'-i;. .the Orav. : .. A Starting incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: " "I was la a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eye sunken, tonga coaled, pain continually itn back and sides,' no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three, physicians nad .given me ap.r Fortuiutely, a friend advised trylug 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and ' surprise, the first bot tle made a decided Improvement, I con tinued their nse for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only 50 cts. per bottle at F. 8. Duffy's Drugstore, - . . 1 ! '. . Charming. .-, .,' . fcIs Mr. Price a dekirable nelghborf "J should say aa; every spring her rela tions In , Vermont send her barrel of neT maple syrup." , ; . ; : -"' i ... ; For frctt biles, bains, Indolent tores eczema, -kin diseases, . and especially Piles, De Witt' Witch Haxel Sslv staads first and best. Look out for dis honest people, who try to imitate and counterfeit It. It's tbelr endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are act Imitated. Get . De Witt's WllcU Hazel Salve. F 8 Duffy. . Notleaof Flnt Mactlng of Cradltora. In the Eastern District"' Court of the United States, for the Eastern Dis trict of N. C, t -' t In Hie ruatterof " . ta Bank' fsAAQ 11. IIakris. liankrupt, ( ruptcy. To the creditors of Isaac II. Harris of Elnston, in the County of Lenoir and District aforesali, a bankrupt: . i. .Notice is hereby given that on tbe 7lh day or April A. D: 18..9 tho ssld Isaac II. Harris, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held st thfl-"offlce of L J. Moore In Now licra N. C, at 13 in. on the' 20th day of April 1&83, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, sppolnt a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and Iranasct such other business as may properly come before said meeting. . . i.-'.,,:". - L. J. Moulin, Referee In Bankruptcy, !Sril Bankruptcy Dirison in said district. New Barn N. C., April 8th 18ft!). .TiS'e.' ... .- "What's so empty title, p.t" " ' ; 'Aa empty title Is your Bi.,lt si's way of calling me the lit I of t; e 1: m- ." t one rTi . . -J I i if ( Jl.C :c. ; s ( r 1 f j'F.tMIJkl ftl Jn f C'J mmmm4 lal A p a4tr1ti. "I ht i; l.i ilia Vh oil.. day.' aMiH l UarW tirr-t t-Miu-w uiaa. "thai U to aay. I bad It to all intmtf ant parta" Tt.li ta tb wf I cna-Irat-W.) it AUt "r airo I burrow --4 a iiir3Hml via-k fnicu f rwtl lo kkk op al )k,nt hl h I aaa mrUxva It was a tint oa duui. aad among otht Ihinm It a niluuu d.rlp ttca of Um syni4iiu of spprndit-ttis I barr always baasi miwj a! raid of th taalady. aud that chapter bad hVma fasrlnattua km mm-1 aa4 H aad raanad it. and as I did aa it an-turd to m tbat autua of The pretoooitury diktat rolnctd 4 exartly wuh cruta acbeaaiid paioa I had frit ft srveral daya .Lgnt alarm ed at eove, aad that alffhl was rW' strkkea by a severe cramp a littir BortbraM of my ricbt blp boo. That I knew to be Uw fatal spot. and. nmiks la-aay. I did at iln-p a wink "By tTMvaing I had all th ymptran uf a typical caas and roaid rarely get around art ae tb doctn I br'a to tell him any tury wbea be b-ppt4 ue , 'How do yoei cnaiw to know so aaax h abrmt tb dlaraas V he aakrd -I replied proudly that I had bees reading np on it : Tb dkkeo yoa hare I' he rrplied 'WrU. yoa get rixht ant of this ofHc. eoDionod yoa. and cVat't war4a any more of my tinsel' - .""Thm ha axpUlaed that srery med leal atndtiot always ha all tb disease na record, la menhir crder. jru4 a be atadiee 'eta, and I brKan to fel better I Wrnt how, returned tb blasted book, and am now ratlrely not cf daa Kt. thank yua It waa the qnirkeat re niveey oa rrcurd." NeW Orktaa Tiiura PwiaaTit - . , v ' A Qarar staaaalaalloa. . ! DifBcalliea uf tba civil aerrb- examl batiotir are multiplied tenfold la thr requirenMuta art down by btw of appll ranla U poult iona ia the mall aarricr of China ' . lu tb firxt place an applicant wnnt have strength and coaraK To avqnlre Ibrwt ba IOaa thnaigh a Very qnerr iiM'tbodof tralninii lie wanders thronKb nHNintaiiM and valleya forest and ravt-a The exact liutr to beiarnplad In a trip t fixed by law. and a heavy flue linpmcd fur nnnec-HMary deiuy . lie moat rerwat tluw tripa at nlxbt. and if be ItaU-na to thr laid spirits and there by fall to nptirar at the required time at a t-ertnia diur br in anre to haw bla rixbta to a puaithm ' This ia not all lie la ohlignd to carry an HOoruHma welht for nwuy luilea and mtuni with it Ritblna givcBtiiue No alhiwanrr bi made for bis (nubility tii defend bluielf agaluiit thieves and hli;hway.iiira. hla rood nanully leading throngh n district thick with bnndita ' . In training the randblate eats very little thonKb br I navd to this aud he tilea every atrnlnlnjj exercixe. Then nne hbi real exHiiiination nnrter the direi'tion of govcrnuieut ofili'lala. He la taken into a long room, where, sna pended from a high bciiui with striinK Mpea. are very heavy rack filled with rock . ' '-.:.' ' - ', -'.' The candidate umat nlve awinging motion to all thear sack and then rnn to and fro between them, rarefnlly gnnnling against a blow by one tat the weighta. ' - 1 ' - " 1 Carlaalllra a Jaaraallaia, ; ' ' A paM!T in India rwcutly pnbllsbed thr followinK explanution "Tliia Is cn ly the begluninx uf unr pa-rr We were not nm how utneb matter waa reqnirtid to till it np, and. thinking we had ; sufficient. Wr did not exert onr selves' uinch tu get any looru . We there fore beg that onr reader will vxenao na this time fur thr apm-r left blunk and we promise to do better and get uior In thefntora." . ' . Still UKirr cnrlons waa the annonnce meut of a'papvr which caiueont for tbe first time with twa column bkink. tbe editor making the bold nnuonncement that "a birgn quantity of exceedingly in threat in matter baa taten left ont for want of iace. ' .. ; ' When thr native editor Wiintu a holi day. heatiKpends pnblicntinn until it Is convenient to rennma. and taking his renders into hla confidence. . Informs tbeui plainly Why the pnprr wna not la sned nn tht'eipw U-d dntea "With thr conaunt uf onr reader, wr now propuer to- take onr annnnl holidny Wr arr sore none uf tbein will begrudge na onr reliixation ". . . . , . f Tral Laahra rrl Halva.' 1 A singnlar theft waa trird by Ii" Benle. lirst rln uuiKistriite Snperntl liorw Baruiaua poll ont thr hiiira of an elephant a tail lor. tntiamniiM. nutting ringr nl of them anil other charm One NgrTnn Lin went into an ele phaut's sheil at Ahlour null pnlled six huira not of a bnll eii-pbunt s tail e rretiug tbrm in bis nmbrella ; Tbe ma bout challenged him. and be promptly shook thr bHirs ont of the nmbrella They fell on some atrnw were picked op and put forward in evidence of theft The man war rouvb ted aud sentenced to receive 80 ImhIihh - Tiuiee of Buruiuh ataiaal Dlallkr. Brahma and Tschnikowsky. the fa- mona mnHicinna met bnt twice On tbe last ckxhhIou Urahnia whs Hmlk'iently interested in TachiiiWowaky's "Fifth Byuipbony1 to travel espresHly to Huui bnrg in order to make ItHBci-naintance. A."nT the perfornmncethediiitinsniiilied comt 'wers dined togetlier. audtbecon s i. ions Uiahuis frankly admitted t lit l.e did not like tbe work at all Vi t,. iiin flie nanully niet k Riifwinn I j "d np snlHcii'iit commie to liiforui l a I t that thr ili dike of each other' v c was iniitiiiil Tbcy parted on ex i.iJi lit UsrniH ueverthi'liMM Wmutv4 Waruttti. 1 ihlrik it wonbl be vi 'l. . tor "to l-:.vi y'i r ; sjiid the . d by a fi'icKH . HO. ivilinll l-T;?-.!l t''c 111' '1 : -1 c: 'y rn-n v fiini k it "1 t -t room siifove nil o. --ia. to - a -t oi c v .. ( " f - i .. .. . it i i ; . . : t . -1 . i . x. 1 a -.J i ta u. at mmm i I' ta a.. ;.a two tvws ta.tjo are diira. tN-nS fir fvH . 1 ha ki il'.i is Uni'.u ai aUiut 10 or It f.a-t 4(. and tlx th tix- U stl luiir ImWa. tank cw ii U tkrow a ta Mall IHr fW 4 ln;:ll, r.nkl S AA.h la f.-. ..t tf t':.f i: . I . A t: .. i row of b&auboo t tbi tl driven f r fv ia Ue rr f i'j iun-r m tow Tm ofc'y a r , J t Bstni.l W't t lb anil i. .: - . h MB'! tsfaUd in. ati t'.i f. rasa I raoMued 4o a aa k bt Wbrr there has been a snfflciret k"ftfc"tb uf tliiMI to cat portholes tbr-jaxh tb front tliu knna uf earth tba luea ia th turtifloitioM thns tUniwa op rd But ipua tbemarlve st ail, bat wtwa. aa la all raiss cf rapidly canatracled Bald work, temporary protrctiosi aluo has bee dtsdrrd. tb row of bambuo do Bid ris more than three feet above tbe natural level aad tbe mra Ue down nr crunch behind tbe proUctioa thoa afforded and Bra orer Ik Hack works win keep oat any rifle ball, cad will even so Iocs Use shrapnel re as to snake tt very Ineffective, If tbe shrapnel strike the bamboo before explodlug it wiD harm only tho di rectly ia front of it. If it bo rata befor reaching tbe earthwork tlie ahrapae) ball will fall to penetrate it IVolIor, lie YflMlnatetl. Whereas TlMcltvk la daarer of I freiloa fnta amallpox. aad iba Hoatd of llealih of Ciarea coaolir ass rrcoa- BtradeJ thai every pcroa In Hie city aot already vaasiaaleu, be v. colntl at mice. It II Oidalaed, by tw Mayer aed Board of Akiermea of tb City of New Bern; . That all Persons who ire rreldi at of i he city, who have sot h.ea vatrlaat-vt aad ho abail willfully fail or refuse t lie vseciaalnt whr callcl oa by the city pbtsloian, or oilier phvslclaa anting ua ler his Snlliorlly, shall Iw punished by a fin of $.1 00. ' A ad the port physl clan ia berrt.y requln-d to report at aare In the Msvor all ranrs of refusal to roia- ply mltli this oidlnsne . .. FREE SHINES 1 T-ieery ruhlnrrrr who l.ss boudit nr la the fuluie BUYS KIIOES FROM U4, we extend a rmdlal iavltaiioa to rail at our store and bare theuf BHOEd SHINE!) every day - except " Sundays WITUOUr CH AltGR ' ," ; R. H. BAXTER, No BS Ml 'rile Stiert. EASTER--flint DAY . ,, Will b her. bef.-rr you realise it,' and all Um- worlJ and his wife will don their Ik st all in-. Be ready for it by or dering your new su't ni.w. Anil w will have I'Jready f,-.r you by llnU time. Our Fit, Workmanship atd Style are Eiquis- MiddlostroH. l -NEW BERN, N. C REAL ESTATEAGENCY . Howe and Lots For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements Ibat Bill prove fine Invest mrntV . ' ' ' '.'" ; CelleclloB of Kcals a Sprrlalty. Ollli e st rcs'd.'nc 1? Jnhn-on 1 1 -n't 12. E. IIAItfEIl. GAfiDEfl HOSE -'..' LNFQi? SJPfLY, JUST BE ,'KIVRD. . .. Hose, Nozz!ei and Reels. II jinan ft up ply Co. ' ! t YV ! ' ! r tatrawn 1 1 1 1 "if-!".- Y.iu g 'l fiee a ","! . I I'onid ami ''' al t ' 1 'V! V M: I.-:- r' mt m w . -J 1 , V istbalaHaeaar " V i hi uo uaa " l w-y wiu Jl ' i M a J prTparo lirrwH tirtar twtreacy wuh rva n.urs u widely kaowa enaraai Unmaat wluch soaianv vossea as. It not entf pare I ha way fur easy da-. bvcry, but toaaras atrwgla aad Vi roe to th now bora. ai mr im ta. si a auaia as BaAartaL iMVUha aa. ia i n, aa lV(lcs Fartnera! I bar a few kail ils af Kiag Collaa) Rrad. la at least two srerks rarfirr laaa oar enrnmna eoUoa aad yssbi wall froaa feVkl saa tares nwl ssaa) froas gia, I raw drally reoniBBsrad auy faraMar file ads to u,e it. piku Uc per buaail. ' J. E. LATHAM. A CrIoBtI wriiU.. . CEIaEnRATED BO&tt BEER. BASS BURTON'S ; - ENOLiSH ALE, .Tar I'rii.k in Car ladigi ailoa. t , AT THE - Palace Saloon. J.F.TAYLOR . '..,.,.- . MARKKT -DQt'K. -STEAMIkS- Carolina : dispatch Lwe, rilBICHT f AS81M0IR. For All PoIiiIh North. -The Steamer NEU3E will leave on Mo 1hjs, Wediiradavi, and . rulai at o p. in.,sbaip. . 1 he Etr. Mewbern Will mil on Tin ila si-i Kriilaji ut Ti o ' k. noon, uisking lanu ilig il a I J stalioni, , t-W Prrijflii rweirwl not Utet tliau one hour iirevion to tailing. . b'or further iuformatiou applj to i 0F.0. HENDKHSON, Agt. M. K Kino, Gen. Mgr., II.O, lIUDOiss.Oen Frt.4 IWAgt. V. .-: Norfolk, Va. New Bnriio. N. C, May 30th, 1998. Henry's Pharmacy,; Combst, Hair Brushes, 1 ; Tooth Brushes, s . - Whiak Crooma, - . . . Toilet Articles, . - -f.'v Vrlumery, && With evriy purchase of FAIRY 80AP aniooiiliug lo . liS Cents, a Handsome Calemlsr a lib rbotoeof Pewey, Merrill anil WbbT. ....... --j.. ;. y -. Physklon'a Rretcilptlotif . ' .A 5 eciH Xolicc Up-lo-Date ! We keep always on hand Hard Brick, Lathes. P.trk riausagr, the best and fat lent NLw lieef Steak 8c, Stewing Beef 5c. ... .. - - - All kinds of Dry Stove Wood under birge sited, it never gel ' wet In rain wi atber. i cord guaranteed to tb k-ad. x Hand nadr Heart Mliingles, , 4' Buggies aihl bicycle. A . , Holmes always lo let. - A large slock of Groceries, Flour and Meat ( In spcr than any man. I'ost for fcm-ing. We nil all above nieutloned at tbe nii ajxta Pricea. I. a -"'1 nn 4 J 1 I ' "t 1" ' "I Vft Prospect Brewing CorapaDys ;,. ANH . I Old pominioBSleamship Co v Ic in. pure, Vi', .ue, fi.ti.-f.! to lie i ' mil u 'y n 'of. -.till. - 1 a.dcr n II-.- from i i , .. f , . 'y iu- I i . .1 j , 1 f r 1 a con- Sim-i'm-n.. I - 1 i! V (i . t r .11 ! . h) 6 n. ni. i 6 j 1 1. ; it 1 17 a. in. to 13 . ... fir.'' , ;i !j i:rf,-.l 'Acs Tobaccp : " ' (at 'mmm mm Tobacco Guano A JIKW TOBACCO IIKANII ltr k leK.V TOIXACM FCIlJlllIaA' ' IlUT IIY AN OII IIOITHE Loo Oat for OSCEOLA Tobacco this Season. It's Going tobeHeard From. .fill rr ii. in Otcfota. Munftclnrr, Hy OLD DOMINION GUANO Co., Branch, Norfolk, 'a AN ro SALE hT ALL DLDPOaUMO AUEKTS EVERT WHERE, i it (ei Ben Mr. I Fbj ii OBrlpt ru LaJ LaJLJ01l I Will Name a Bo tllllDFEN-S rl'ITS WA3 tf AND l 2.".. NOW ftO fat . ' 1 Ml 5 UO, J mi 50 " I la) 5 Ml. 1 Ml ta " " 2 00 HI' TO - 9M 40 BOY'S SUITS WAS ?H0 ANI 2 NOW l',i 8 ' , 8 IK) VP TO Mil U klFN'S hl'ITS WAH 6 ( NOW &0 Men's Black Oay Woraled SOD AND CC-0 NOW :i !r H..; r freach WoraUd 10 M ' 7 .'ill N ; " " 19 (0 s.M) 60 PAIRS JIKN't hilOIS WAS. 1 Utt . V". 100 i " " . " " " ' 1 25 " ' !' BETTtK GRADES l 00, 1 23, I b0,200 IP 10 3 .Ml EVERYTHING REDUCED HERE ! . A Big Line Top and Undershirts Cheap. ' Also the Largest Stock Hats in New Bern, going Cheap. Also a Full Line Collars and Ties, Trunks and Valises. ." Come and Satisfy Yourself. 17 MIDDLE HTRKET. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL - FIRE INSURANCE CO., OP NEW CAPITA Is, ' ' lyDOES A flENfcKAL FllilC INSliltANl'E HI 8INKSS. - 1. -A' UREN. President, W. B. I-LAPEH, I vp,,., QXORUK GREEN, Heoretary. JOhN DUNN. J.'J. WOLFtNDKN, GfD'l A firm. riMANCIAU ?. A. tlraaa, Pras, B-H. Maailows, Visa Pre, , f, ' .at.aaorai.Oaahtar. ' CITIZEN'S HANK p inrw mira,T.a .; DQ A ttEMEKAlV lUSKINa aUSINKH ' TBaeeoaBtselBaBks,Baatan,Corpat attoae, ranaar. Marohaats sail other! re Mired oa larorable tanas, rrompt and can tal atiaatloa (Ivan to tb tatai st ol oar eaa loaurs. CUUoas a apaetaUy. jBoaaooroiaaoroas. . rrdlaaa'tJlitoh. ' St. II. Meadows, J. s. Meadows, Cha. liutty, Jr. BaaHel W. I pock. ' iamxa RtHlrooait, Cbas.ii.rowiar, - Umyn Hatia Ji J. W. UraifiRar. - i Thomas A.faiaaa, It W. Small auo4, C. K.roT. two. N.l.aa. W.F.OocknU. F; & . BANK, ' MAT. lit, 1898. Capl tal Stock,. .... ....... $76,000.00 SarBlBs, 8,500,00 VBlTl4e4 Preltg;....... ,170.08 . OFFICERS. L. H. CoTuh Presiileut. - W. 8. ChaowiC. Vice Pres. ; ' T. W. Uawsv, taBhler. t , - 1 J. W. BiDOLB, Teller. - t F. F Matthews. Collector. . DIRECTORS: W. B. Blades, M. M. Hark, O, D. Brailliam, P. H. Pellelier, L. II. Culler, .- Jno. Soter, W. 8. Cnedwick, J. W. Stewart, T. W. Dewey. We wnt your tiunines and feel that we c o. t you as much in roturn as atr oil r U.'-lt ia the city. It Is our es iivnr to niiike business relations mut u i r.oHsant and proliuble to our r i . e " . . . - i li.iW Jl. T '" In Fmnforl ! e s e and stop at ' V U roni. liit (Is s Hoard. , t f..r t"v- ? V ' ' ri l,iu( 1 ! : ' T B, -S ' -1. t ! S tl.a eecret ol a Perlect rormula. . Under North Carolina Few Prices : NEW I EIIN. N t BERN, N. C. OSm: OVtli ( 1T1Z kNS BANK PROFESSIONAL. P. V. Slatweag, " : A. P. Ward i. U, l oa, E. Pub. - 5IMfl0NSrP0U i WARD, ATTORNEYS aad COUNSELORS at . .. . l.W. -V ' : - , ' W KI.BAE, H. C ' OncJ 08 Bo, Front Street, nearly oipo .. site Hotel Cliattawka, i (Office also at Raleieh and Rmitbfield.) Prautie In the counties ol traren. Duplin. Jihmm, (imliw, laiwrnt Pamlleo, Wake, Jobnatou, tlarueti ami Wilson; in Ins 8a priuv anil Ke.n-ra) Ccairts, and wherever aer es aro desln-d. . f , x-.li. i-eiieiicr, ; ; - ": ITTflBNET T UW. s " Middle Strwet. Lawrera Brlii Balldlaff. i Will nraetlea In the Conntlea M Dnna Uarteret, Jonas, Onslow and Pamlico. U. IS, Oourt at K.w Borne and supreme .Court o R0MULU5 A. NUNN, llltW BKHNK, .-: H. C. T. Office:, Opp. Hotel t'liuttusk v - SiHitli Front Slnt t. Prarllce In North Carolina. , to yiu: s vynjAv i j. w. duuuid.' n. y. Hj . Physkian ' and ; Surgeon, Hits resumed practice in tills cily a .1! d.un'n' Can lie iound at Dr. N. 11. Hlrm'a (lice on Muldlu Si, mm Um v. r.inir;orT, rf C ,'OUS trouble aro r 1 U Ml l S.-uvipiii-iim, m , i.i, , ,. rlciii'8 i I r"i-; ' h v " i ii.o i. ii i r .i best it. .. i ? i j

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