Ar ft ttUe Ptcr-aM!';. .n Ic As ting Ust SuiauvJis and ljMtL 1 Promotes Djtcr.lion.t rr T arts and ftrsi CotUiiw nci:.- OpMd.Murphinr ux I lus'f.J KotJahcoyiv. A. i. A pefret Bcttwd'y for (VMeslIp lion. Sour Stamath.DurTtued. Convulsions .Fevcrish ncss aid Loss or SLEtP. TetSiasle Signature if NEW YOPK. IXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. THE STEAM LAUNDRY Is reedy to do quick work It I ynir fault if vou don't have our laundry i'oweil U-t m mil tor )onr n t !.,!t,,i,Sr yT"n,tar,J,r,,r!l Hilt anil they a not nra out on .a wcsM-oard W ,an p'eese yon If to will M ua. , Patronise a home laundry. l wt 1 1 a ha l in our home p..wl I I a liesides It ria rmr-lnvmi-nt to rmr owe people. ThU la aomethlng ought! eomethlnn oiii?hl! IO he rrmemliered Keep rour moury 1 1 home. Allot thla la said m lh roe- eruy ana progress, iours Truly, NEW BERN STEAM X.AJTNDRY. J. E. BAYBERRY, Man. A FREE PATTERN froar owa wtectioa) to arcrr aab ! acriaw. uiuj at ouiu a j ear. nsCALESITv niGAzniEVv A LADIES' MAGAZINE. a A vmi; beaMifHl coWrael platj;lr)Ml . , (uftiont ; elrMmkiihf ccettMitei ; i cy aiwavifl aiiuts ; nciiott, TV. BUD- - criw iu-o)r, or, km v. tor tMH copy, j L4W&T M WAlel, SewdeW Mm, Stvllnh. Reliabla. Slmolc. tTivw , oaie, ccuoomicai aaa Aoaoiotlj ; rnuci'i hiiuh raper tnuicna. S Only M Bfld 1 CM. Mctr-MM htgbcr. S Ask (or them. Sold hi Mtlr wrv city JJ Mael town, or by Mil lroB 3 Mt-148 Watt 14th SU Mm, YMk. AUMWUMWJUUIUttpVW TlTT7TYTriVinVVVTr TIE CARE of Hie DIM , Aad the Dollars Will Taker . Care of Thfnmeliea. . We offcf a long as llicy last A pa r finniriK Hlieaia for 80c. A liand Uardeit Hake (for Uoweia) 10c A liaiHlli.rdin Wndi-r4 10c. K jma Pqn ier lib- porctlain band fr 15c. ... : A Call Hell for 15c. ' . A pair 7-iuli kei plated Shran for S.V. A p-lr8c - ' 40c. A lull polulied Ulli llnlcbet, 85a. , . A Kaniilr Oi lnd Blone A " ir.'ly (laidrii flow. 12 00. lU dram lloso with t'oiiiing, 10c fi.ot. A Ih atMlllll t lOCK TMIII 2 Wl. ' - , A rfect llaKp auj Miiple, 10c. I ?" ) riuui I'ad lii In frnm Klc to 6(c. A nice liat illtd Axe fiW Ode. -'. A nioe (laid h Ibm t r ttiK You can Rod a full line of useful ' ar ticle. . . . J. C. Whi CO. $100.00 Yi III le given for the srreal, and evi dunce to n.uviit the murderer or mur- derets of Macon Br) an, who Was killed at Vannt-lioro, Craven county, N C In uanuary louy. E. W. 8MALLWOOD, Chalrmtin, Buaid Cnnnlv (!iuiiiniA4inii.ri.. .i.iii, BAZAR I ) ' ' ' 1 1 - 1 it vj . fc t 3 . -Dears tho Siffuatui'o of . The 'You Have Always Bought." rMVaHI C0MNV, ! Tofts) . -Tiiii'r Uoltllng ' y : CourtM Changed. TO JUSTICES OF TtlK PKACR The Legislature of North Carolina bar ing changed the tune ;nr holding the I II Term of the Circuit Original Court, tor Craven roomy, notice U hereby giv en that the next li-rat of tald court wilt lie lieM do the in om.l Monday before the H I I. I .. U 1 I t 1.. I.. . I.- " ,J , .H ""T.con " . t" Monday of AugiiHt IS8,; ., t Y,H, are also uoiiluid that th.8pr'.a 8nri cert h.. hH . . rhanred lvh twelfth Monday after Hie Bret Monday In March, it la-tng the fifth Monday of May. 1899. AUappeale from yw a u eppesia irora your rourti mnat m aentto Uiat term of thp Beperior Conrt. W. M. WA180N, Oerk. ' u.i i, l ir ItHlor's llgr Komettmca ovir point in profeaalonal pracllce. IhiI they will agree that we put up and compound their preacriptiona ith more care and with the beat end fihet druga that can be diapenaed any-' where. You mill always find us reliable and .KTiinHe in Ihia deparlmeot of our hiiimn. Ouratcrk of irujra,' Propile tnry Medicines aud Toilet Anieles are uf toe lMt and onr prices are riKlit. - F. H. DUFFY, - ' PUAKMACIST. ; Oor. Middle ft R. ttoot Streets. ; and Fire Arms, - Sash, Doors and Blinde, Paints, , Oils, Cement, Lime, Elc Agent for Garland 8loveg& Ranges and Devoe'g, and Uertjr Mooren' READY -illXID PAINTS. - Under Hotel Chattawka, , NEW KERJJE, W. C. mm Vtzr. V. -- ' - .; OF all k'mU, from a Flat Iron t -a Tack iMiuu-'r of the but n S;e e-id q'K.,ii"y, c:m hs ? Hind here s I:is.r. A le Ware, ' "i s Wa'--. A tciim V .0, "A ! 1 . d .1 n . i- . t pers, , i,..,t,.v nn.l 1. r W e liuve a 1: 'C v ' ) f,.r a 1 v s i PUIS-. , J 1 1 f 1 H, J lil k Ip 1 m:1 v v tr9 bm tdav w!U & t mr ItwM. m? hm. mm tw fmt m4 Ml oa Vt At Mr ptM ky -m , T kMsiM aai m r Ivaw t rOtaCk Ij 4tmf AkW CWUt tm tr 'I i-aawiaaiiimeiiaai ilai HI TOOO Hit CHOUNa Tkt allUUUT Salt Wm r ! a4 Was a mn. Tttara reaaUr rWM la IMraU atta- tary aiaa wauaa OMturut wit wae ea la- 1nlanMia taeurttewlta ail thoaa wae kad Um plaauia at wi iliig aar Baa waa tall, afwet, Kmoafut, wilfe. a poailt waalta haaUU and eokw. Tae t anaii UT ha aoorwbtp wae aMUoif aajt a( taa aewal. A aanl aaaaaa aBd rua-d OM awniiarn. auddaul tauuiH riuk ibuu(b lhaia- eofery u( oaJ Ur hilla K 1 that laay OeM aU affurta at cutMrMiua Ha was a wtduwar with mm 4aaaiae, aaa aotktac waa tafl aaaaaa laa aaiaiay amli ao aw bhe was worthy l Ule aTUkaaa af rtoaoa and adilad tbaeaarm of latattaa- tualaUaiaaaaotaaa liraas tiuluaaa by aa Aa a Mat taa huaar twin poa of the kdua tbat Ibaea wae a4 una Suae la a mtllkua worthy uf auch a daugh ter, sod reaolotuly sat airmail the kaak of art Tina nileht laay aaBie, bat whaa taay aakad of law aid gantiaaaaa aba BrtTtlaaw af lag aultors as promptly eraalad a hurrleaaa. fia cava Mm atgata ewalaa W aUuly aa- dcrauuid that eaay waa loo ataarty uq- worthy and that ttwar praaaooa la law future would be the eUraal fnr opening up front aa aaihrta Tagaely buMa aa Lmer arur lovar had riddua duapofately away from hla door before the sua uf Mara appeared. . Upoa hUa the atara pamot opened up af lor the aeual mannar. Taa aiUltary aoaa waa characterised as pre sumptuous, awrsuaary and unpertlnaaa. The aoldlar stullut and aaatuwd to biuah. Ba laughed and anapped hla augura whaa the eld gunttemaa fuUowed Bp with aa other outburet. "Keep It galas," he said. "You dolt aduiliaUy. What an aotor yoa ami Yoa hare drives away a ebure uf eravea youths, I deollne to be tern Hud. But yua are auparb to the part." V Then the oM BenUeruaa wilted, eang low and aurrendurud, aubjeet to the ap proval uf the daughter, whluh waa prompt. ly gtvea. Uetrolt rrue lreaa Saw Jeeere tiaaae at Lard a. It will eouw aa eurpriaa, eaya The Ocnealogteal M ana tine, perhaps even aa a ehock, to moat people to kaura that there at a real house of lords la the. united States. It la situated la the elate of New Jersey, and tta main beta, although etttsona of the United Htatee, are, a the aame time, vasanls of her majesty, vaarlea II gave to his brother James the html which la new New Jersey, and James la hla torn gave the land to U uf hla trienda, with a deed of grant ereaHag them and thoar de- soandanta lords. . - - The tordameutt alee every year la Perth AJuboy, la a little two roomed bouee erect ed oa tbe alia id the tlrat meeting aouaa, which was ereoted la land. Thar are sum moned by a erier with bell, dreased after the manner of a buuleater. Hla aumtnoaa begins with ths usual "Bear ye, hear ye. hear yeall manner of mea to whom theae preesula do come ' that In purauanobef his augeaty King , ubarlee,-eta The lords, who hare boon waiting lu tho outer ruoiu. then pruoeod to the tuner uroouuoll cham ber, where their dullburatioue are presided over by tho lora preetaent. ' ' ' Ta U at the Pasta. "Thoy ear that ekurv detail of his pre vious Ufa appears vividly to a drowning man, said the lawvur. "1 betleve that . la correct," replied the Juuito. lt seems as If such a fact as that ought to be aaad in the interest of justice,'' suscested the lawver reflectively. ' Now, If we only knew how to -make the proper application of great tmtha to ' ' Preoiaely," interrupted the Judge. "For IrMtanos, In the eaae of the man you have Just helped through bankruptcy a Courtroom tank might have done wondera toward getting a truthful sobedule of as sets and liabilities.' But the lawyer well, the lawyer always did hold that the Judge was gtvea to per- sonallttes. Chicago fust. lore Sa Thaa the other. '. A new millionaire, after roturnlng from a oontinentol tour on which he had long eat his heart waa narrating ona evening to hla friend the doctor bow ha had vtaited ' the autjiwtlo lake of Ooneva and trodden the banks of blus Leiuan. " '. " Excuse ina," Interrupted the dootor. "Lake Geneva and Lake Leman are ay' Uonyiuous." " ' - "That, my dear sir," replied the new millionaire, "I know very well. ; Bui are you aware that Lake Letnaa is the mora synonymous of ths twor . tl if Thar Hasdsd Rrarsra. ; ' A member of parllnmont telle a good story of an out at the way oouniry otorgy man who did not keep up to date In what was going on in the world." One Sunday he asked bis sexton: "Is the prayer for parliament to be used todayr la parlia- luunt still alttlngr' ' The sexton 'a reply eame promptly, "Well, air, 1 don't know, but, anyhow, 'bottor pray for thorn, for thoy'rea preeloua Dadiotl" Luodon btandard. The Bravest Beidler, Frederick the Oroat after a terrible ea. gageuient asked hla oflloen who behaved moat Intropidly during the engagement. The protorence waa uuanlmoualy given to hlmaelf. . f ' ' "You are mistaken. The bravest fellow was a flier whom 1 passed 80 times dur ing the engagement, and who did not eease or vary a note the whole tune." It la stated that flve-eightha of the pas tors of the Methodist churrh of Canada live ou salaries ranging from 0 to f 1, 000. Three hundred and e' -1 reoelve leaa than i00, and only tea reeeive ( 1,000 a yenr. - - There are more than 8,000 German waltorg In the hotels an i restauranta of London. r.Beamat'ria) Cure! la a" ay. 'fcCur fir!" - v- n V M',.'a r;'.icaVy c-" ! li 1 t i S t. f, 1 V l l 5 f I ii 1 fir ' . I, r -: ft . 1 t V, f $: an. k4 awfcl. aafamta, av saiB BMr sa tas as. sr4kas aa4 ISvtea wuk smni a . iasi a .a. i mm .ig mmrm fee aa ar mmmn m4 g aaaMSsaa sad r s r r tnt Oaaae tt the iiaeaae aad wards ef raise frssa tasee whs were eared. rWefela la InharUed eaeJIy front os or both perveta having Wood potsoa This prove that the cause of the dissaaa la la aanl, froai a potaoaed eoadiUoa of talat.ed (taaila sad arweeaasa, rick- eta, wkhs swclila a ail sore ears, very fteqeeaily arroaaaaay the dtiaass, Ts care er rot a la aad lis svmptosas reqelras a blood reatnly that Is tried ssd true, and that remedy is Bouale Blood Dalai (H B b) It ail is with the lapartties of the blood ta each a way that the pels ea, froea which scrofula aad Its tjaap Icaas arlglaale, le expelled Irota toe syatMB Uroach the sweat (leads aad excretory organs. This eeeirlciee has aaada eaaay baadraoe ot earae aanag last 17 years etace it aaa Data aa taa market, and the following are a lew eaaea which we prist so as to rive hope of a ear to others similarly atBoted. BersfkOewa rsaklag- Oat ea the Mr M J Roaseasa, Oreeaeboro, tie. writes, "I have a lady friend who has beea eallrely eared of aa arly scrota loat breskisg out of the skla by Ike ass f two bottles of Botaaic Blood Bala (B B BL which affsotsJaa entire car. I kaow of several case of blood diassses cared speedily by the ate of DBB." real I arafalsaa Dlaar Oarad. f : Atlanta, Os., July t "l hate beea troubled with a running scrofulous nicer oa say leg, which has ooattDed ate to bed for ovrr a aaoatb at a lime, aad had to be lsaced la new pla ces that broke out. Several doctors ea deavored to cor It, and auaaerous recoai needed articles were used, bat every thing failed. Daring the present year I sent to the cltv for a pbvsician.wbo kut oed the nicer, which raa near one pint ot pur matter, rouiuces wero men ap plied, and the doctor recommended the ose of Botanic Blood Balm (B B B) at once. 1 commenced its use, aad three bottles have effected a care before oa bottle bad beea used the alien com meaced healing, and my general health Improved. My brother, few mile dialaal, for tea years has been troubled with a coa tinnal running sore oa his ankle, which vil spreading aad refused lo heal under physicians' aud others' treatment. lie procured two bottles of B B H, and found relief before nsing mem, ana is now at tending lo bis regular business ia the DeM. A. r. acuoitu - Botaolo Blood Balm (B B B) Is a sclea title vegetable preparation nerd origi nally by Dr Gtllam In his privalepractio for all Blood lluatore, such' as llmplea, Old Bores, Running Ulcer,. Mercurial Kbeumatlam, Holla, Uarvuncles and Scrofula. It ha performed ao mtny cares that 17 yrars ago the preparatioa was nut on the market and la for tale ny all drurarlata at tl 00 for a lane bottle. Bead lo us for book Of cores. It la tb curs that counts. ; - BLOOD BALM CO , AUanla, Ga. : Art Critklasa. - Hoax Ther say that d'Auber' pkt- uret ot snlmali are very lifelike. Joax That's a tacit I saw ona or two and they were beastly, sura enough. , ; MOXUT-SLIMON EI4ZW. . . A pleaeaat Laatea Teaie. - For biliousness, oooalipatioa aad ap pendicitis. for Indigestion, sick and neivout bead ache. . For sleeplessness, .nervoutneu ' and heart failure, , . -i- . . . Kor fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Klixlr. ' Ladies, for natural and thorough .or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. , . i)r. atoiley's Lemon Klixlr is pre pared front the fresh juice of lemons, combined with otber vegetable liver ton ics, and will not tail vu in any of the above named diseases. 500 aud $1.00 bottle at all druggists. - Prepared only by Ur. II. Motley, At lanta,0a. . .,; At the CapitaL ": I am la my seventy third year, and for fifty years I have been a great sufferer from Indigestion, constipation ana Dill ousness. - I bsve tiled all the remedies advertised for these diseases, and got no permanent relief. About one year ago, the disesae assuming a more sever- and dangerous form, 1 became very weak, and lost Mean rapidly. 1 commenced at Ing Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my direation were Derlecilv restored, and now I feel ss young and vigorous as ,1 ever did In my li In. u. J. AU.DUED. Door-keeper tia. Stale Benate, . State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. . - ' ' Healey's Letaea Elixir - ' ; Is the very beat medicine I ever used for the diseases you recommend tt for. end I bsve ever used msny kinds for woman's troubles. Mus. B. A. uklsham. . Salem, N. 0. mozlet's Ltnoic hot DBors. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Ilosrseueu, sore 1 broat, Uroncnilla, ilemorrliage. and til throat and lung diseases. Elegant relish. a, S " ft drii'- !"ls. Prepared only by Dr H. l.o.ley, Atlanta, Ga. Set a Irap. . Clarllwl You told me yoa were never g ing to write toyouag Ilankin- sou . ii. Anle lie's written me dozen let ters 1 I: en't answered, but la his one La left a ;o out, and I hu.l to wrlio ami a 1: n 1 t it wns r. At I' a s I i f u y r li rri n n ' , U , t el' ', c ( , ' " - i lo I ? : ! I '!... - "N i rr ' " ; 'fit. aii a ih ta..a, As ill i 1 If t I V. & ( .i r. .! i a 1 :r i. i. . .rt n t 1 ; . ut I . a.-oa:it In I n unil it. e I if fi; i Ise arro la tlJ J t -l la mS-1 lhm4 hts retaU(Sa it ,l J.III UK, UikM. - We etc driring cut taae Snaday fro tkxalar. b.b we ratae erua a Brfru. ailh a rlah ia hie hand sad killed iaaiu oat hi saooWa, We l. ti4 tui xatulne hia ptlaa, aad Iha i.u. I Old aljr rTiasd. da yoa traiw U kt Baut dayf tmrtia. bom "At-yi4t aU a religioas toaar "I ana. l a Jlst oa) say way aoaa froea cbarrh. " And a bal sort of religlua have yoa got that permit yea lo go haatiag ea bandsyr' -RtllgUiC, rellfiloar qoerrad the sms as he held taa poaseaa ap with oaw bead aad arrsUard bis hoad with the otber. "fXca yoa 'apart say blarfc aaaa la Alabawa b gwtae to tia bless tt ap to aay feltgloa, dal 'low a poasasa to walk right across de road ahead of hia aa git away free! No, sakl A taUgioa whU-h won't bead a IllUe when a fat pnaaaut beads yoa off coo ain't bo 'stab- Uebed Kond yere by ail 4a la de nal vara." ahartae Psas gataa. ' The cowardliniaa of aaarka Is well kaowa aaaoog stew who have beea an nob to aaa is sootbera wator Infested by ansa aatera, The tercest abark will get oot of the ana way la a very great harry If tb rwlmronr, noticing tta ap proach, sets ap a aoUy eplaahlng, A abark is la deadly Sear of any aurt of living thing that splashes is the water. Among the sooth sea Island the sa tires aever go am bathing aloam, bat always la parties of naif a duces or so ta order that they may make lb great est hubbab in tb water, sad ths ecara tb sharks away. One la awhile too veatureeoma swimmer among these os ttves foolishly detacnea hlmaalf froea his swimming party and aioaaeatarily forget to keep op bis splashing. Tnea there la a swish, and the man eater comes ap beneath him lik s flash and sobhlee him. bfetbenl 'i ku waajer- a ,,1, iul rvmeiy wiUuve your Va O U &L II child's lit when attacked . " by Croup or VIoopliic-SVrU Da cough. It never taluto J 9 Mr curs throat aoJ hto( Irooblsa, rtkwda Great-Sacrifice Winter Robes. I will tell all Fine Winter Robe for Actual Cost, until all are sold. ' . ' Summer Is coming on and I am deter. miajad to aril every One robe I bare oa aauit, w id carry none ever. - . Kobe that wero ." $ 8 00 ' NOW 4 M ' 00 '. 8 85 " oo "' -vt 78 '::' "4 00-' 8 85"-: This ia what ihe robei actually ' ert me ik liven d heie a lib nothing added to cover the baiHlliog.. Call and be con tinced that you have Lever area rubra sell for such prices. .-. - H III have on band a few DORSES and UUL&H. ahlcU will be sold for less profit thaa we hare Vver sold tlietn beforr. ' ".' "l: Also a l.lg asVorlment of Burrks aad riarni aa, Whl, Ac, which I a ill sell la order to reduce stock.- Donot forget that Western'' Buggy which I ant at lllng for 821.00 in compe tition with other Westeia . Bujglee. Every crack and joint gnsranterd not to open. It they do, will be replaced by J. 7. STEWART. tifw Uegi.vtnlioB Ordered, It Is ordered by the Board of Alder men in session assembled that aa elec tion for Aldermen shall he held la toe different Wards of the City on tb 1st Tuesday In May, 1809, and for which elect Ion there shsll be an entire new registration. ' - - J. J. TOLSOS, lityChrk. Executor' Not Ic. Having qual Bed as Kxecilor of the estate of Cornelius Moore, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims sgalnat said Itoraeliua Moore to present Ih same to me on or before March 8tb, 1900, or this notice will be plead ia bar of their recoveiy. And all persons in debted lo the said Onrnelius Moor are hereby notined lo make immedialo pay. merit to me. . - . . t .. March f, 199. ; . A. T. FOREMAN, .-- ". -: j;tt.0jT ,4 Ooruelius Moor. - L J. slOOKK, Attorney, Commissioner's Sale t . Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior court ot the county of (Jra veu. rendered in the Civil Action eoti lied John B. Russell, administrator of O VY Uicharilson, let al vs Thomas I Wetliorington, i t als, the undernigoed (Jotiiiiiiaaioner of .the Court will Bell to the highest bidder for Cahb, at public aucliou, at the Court House door of Craveu county, in the city of New Bern, N t', on Momlsy May 1st, ISi ;, vt the hour of 1 2 o'clock, nooo, the following real estate and Improvements theroon, tow H: . Lyinr ami being at Cove In the coun ty ot Creven, Korlh Carolina, lying on the north aide of I lie A & H O It It aud and on the went side ot the public road 1 1 t'ore tJieek Station, heciniiine on tit-- wist nidi" ot the aaul pulilio riaui where the line ol said Altlillh Rcroiwee the sxuit ; tin n runs aiih suit hue in a nt ei'v ilu-i'ciioii i4 S .H Mi'.i"iHi( n ri)" iu a B'.- ' rly Ollfi'llon i ii; ti 1 . H 10 IHl ISt-lr; V U t ' 6 JH l i i ; e I. 've I. "... .1 r:- o r-- t . 'I I A 1.) a s : ; i v i J. 1 i i t OreBuirs r M at ay r LST VlLtiT CUSES HAVE S mbummxi. ppsser arrttci! wbada stMsrsaaeSsptaBtsaatohe-l aadr ordisv HtWB AT FIRST AS ?l devetuo lata Caarer of the wurat typT - Bo many peupie die front Caatr Bimplr aa- rrrp r;"p . tay kao. .hat tb. Jli Ui4 I ! LL taa aartaraUy torn thstiaaslsis over to the dootorm, aad are foroad to eaheait to a crwal aad emaa operatics) the only traalaeat watch the doctors kaow for Cancer. Taa rinrsis arompUy rataraa, nowever, and ia eras aaor violent and eVetrwaiva thaa ' Worn. Canoar t a oaadly foiaos is ta baood, and aa oparalioa. ptastar, or -Other eataraaj traalmssit aaa aaa no rtfast waata-rar nnon tt. The eara aanat Suans frees witntn -the ktat veattg of poteun mast U rrolicated. . . Ur.Vm Walpole. ef Walsh tows fk D . tarsi "A ry freely. This i tie Bad aJtoetnar. I psd off sad bow artist threataww to .0. C. 0. FOR baeaos tt ia tn. only remedy wkleb oaa go deep enough to ranch the root ef the disease and faros It out of the systoa pwnBsneaUy, A eargleaj -rt-itlTa soss not reach tit blood the real aeal of tha dltaaai bees use tkt blood earn not os eat . Insist anoa S. . 8. i " .area alas nay osss of Berafukt, Eoasnu, Rheumatissa, Coataglotts Btaod Piioav, Uioers, Rom, or aay other for ot blood dtanasa. Valuable book aa Caacer and Blood Diassses wUl ba ssallsd tree to nay address by Swift BpsotOo Compnay, Atlanta, Osorgin. . IVttlee f lUle. B R Ball, Admlaietratof el B A Banyar, deceased. V. . Mary B Snyer and others. rurtusnt lo a license of tb Superior Court of C'ra rea eoaaty ia tn above en titled procrediag In which l was airao led lo sell the beretaaf tor dascriuad real aula lo soak asaww to pay tbe debt of the intestate above named. 1 a ul oOer for ssl aud sell at tna court boos dour ul Oravea county to tna highest Udder for oasa at poblie aoolioa oa Monday, May Mb, letnl at lb hour ot It o'clock auou. ail the lolloa log reed estate to a-It i Ltinr sod being situated ia lustily ul Mew Bern, North Carolina, bvuiuulu al point xill feet west of the Western Side of tieorge street on tbe awth aide f White street, vanning thence went ana parallel with said George street, tl feat 10 Inches, I bene weal sad parallel wub said White atreet 80 feet, theses soutb sud parallel with aaid treorg street 81 feet 10 inches to Whit street, thence east along ihe northern side of the said While street Ml feet lu the polut Of ovgiuulng Aad being a Dart uf kit of parcel uf Mud conveyed by deed lo Uearge 11 White by John U Sawyer bearing dale tb Mtb lUyuf August 1st, aad convey. d lo ft AtMnyer ay saul Uworgs u n nil ny de d recorded in lbs offlos of the ttegis- icr of Deeds ot Graven county ia book ItS. page 420. -Aleo the lot or parcel of land lying on the west side of it atreet at. ihe line of the AdS N O R R and running thence do a n tt sou in Ml l.l to a ataas, thence west 80 feet lo a stake, tbeoc north t0 feet lo a slats, thence eaataioug U street to tb beginning Being apart of M IV la Ills plan uf a plot of laud sur veyed by ft T Uaha, in 167, and ts cotdi d iu tb ottU.-e uf tbe Kegialer of Dreda ol Craves oonolv, book 84, page at and being a part of lb Und conveyed bv deed tiom hi D W Stevenson aad wife, to Carolina boy, recorded in lb book B7, page Ulu, o., aud OMog tne same conveyed to R A Smyer by William Mcllvane by deed recorded in Said rec ord, book I IB. UiSre M. . Beainaina oa the north aid of A street at a point 67 feet southwest from tb lino of the A N 0 K K and i nuoing thence north castwardlr along said rtorh line of A street tf7 feet to the lino of Ihe A 4 N C 11 B- thence north weatwardly 181 feet parallel to the main track uf vaitl railroad, thence soum weeiwaruiy ar allelwith A street. 6 feet, thence south eastwardly along the nestern line ot what is known aa E street 108 feet to A street the bealnulnc. Beginning at a point oa the north east of B street at tbe line of the A & N C li K 88 feet south west from street, running theooe-north eastwardly to the Intersection of B street with as street, thence southeastward!' with the line ul K tl eel 47 fiet 10 inches to tbe line of tb A AS N 0 R it 68 feet to Ih begin niog. The above two described lots 8 and 4 having been surveyed lor a u Ball administrator of R A Smyer on Nov, 1st 1898 ss by reference tho annexed plot will fully appear, rata tats Bearing tne aumbere 8 end 8. And a full deec lotion of said first two described lots bearing the sumbert npoa said annexed plots, 4, 8, 8 and 1. Which Mid plots are hereby referred to for a part and parcel of inese aeacrinuoo. L This April Uu, 1890. . o. K. ball, AamiDistraior Commissioner's Sale I ' By virtue of a judgment of ths Superi or court of Craven county In aa action wherein A M Edwards is plaintiff and T F McCarthy, exe, of estate of Usnnia Wadswonn, el ale, are orisaouia, i wui sell at tb Court House door . ia New Bern. N C at oublio auction for cash to the higheat bidder on Monday the first day of May love at ia o coca m, tne rot lowing lauds in Craven County, N C, de scribed In a mortgage deed- from said Wadsworlh to Mark Disosway a follows: ' ' " ' la tbe city of New Bom, NO it tbe junction ol Queen nod Pollock streets adjoining the lots of Geo Fisher oa tbe we I. Queen street, on the south, and folio k street and Trent Road oa the north, beiug the same conveyed by Jas W Biddle, commissioner to said Wads worth by deed recorded in Register of DeedsoiJioe of Craven county in book 108, panes '270, Ac, and also the lot described in a deed from Uatlie S Rich ardnon to tbe Wadsworlh recorded in book 99, pirt) 248 Register's otlice of Craven coon' v. AlsoUie machinery in shop of sal I W 'Jworth. hjitrch llib, l i. K II N1A0S, Commissioner. AcVy:-T-"--J : I-iv:- to,,' I m i 1 Jl i e t V, I !, I' 1 i . V. ('., I - t ' ' t . j . ? e ! ,.4 ; e c .,:4e ol ' . ; 1 , t t n to I a 1 if r - . 1 . r t lore . . -v 1 f , or 1 a r .....I ! . ' i 1 1 r t n' f , mi Btti blotch about the aiaa of a pea earn aader mf left eye aadnally growing lawger. froea which ahootiaa; pain wsmsna aa au airaruoa. 1 nscam. (raaiiy aisraaaa aad consulted a good doctor, who prooouat-aU it Canoar, and advised that tt be cat oat, bat tbat I rmikl not eon arat to. I read ia any local raper of a rare t ffected by 8 S. B.,aad dvetsii to try hv. it acted lib a eharaa, tna Caaear beeoaaiag at Am arriUtad. and then dtecharainc gvadtaally grew Iras and then ditooa- laavnag a seaall aaa which i only a healthy little scar reaaaina where aaaUuy ay life tteld full swav." Paatttraiy the only oara far Canoar I Swift's apvHBtr THE BLOOD nocbJng oan'take Ua Discs. lollce af Piklicatloi of 8oBnoni, Rom CatsoLtaA, I lath' Crave a tjounty. ) Baperior Conrt, Santa r, Guxa, ) WrtxiAnGaxxa. ) The defendant. William Green, will taka aotlo that aa actios, sstltied ss above, ku beea cooaeaosd In the Ba perior Court of Gravea eoaaty to die solv ta bonds of matrimony aowsxist Ing betweea the plaintiB aad dsfendant above named, oa tbe grounds of abandon Mini: and the 'aid defendant will Farther taka Botlce, that he I required to appear st the next term of the Superior Court ot Craven county to be held ea tb 18th Monday after tb let Monday of March, H being lb 28th day of May. 1H08, at tb court heute la said County of Craven, N U.and saaweror deaur to lb com plaint of tb plaintiff, whh h wlU ba the and there oa file la the office of the Clerk ol tb Superior Court of said onealy, or lb plaintiff will apply for tb relict demeaned la atd complaint. WM. M. WATSON, Clerk of lbs Superior Court. R. W. Wiixumsou, Ally for PI'ff. This 1st dsy ot April, 1899. Commissioners' Sale! Br virtus of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craves County, rendered at Fall term, 1898 ot said court, we will sell at tbe Uourt House door is New Bern, N. C, at public audioa tor cash, lo tbe highest bidder on Mondsy the 1st day of May 1899 at 18 o'clock M., ths Following land in Craven county. N. 0., described in a mortgage from Richard Dixon ana wits to wiiutm A Wilcox as follows: . On Ih east side of the new road, ba ginning al a Make in the savannah and runs north 78, east i!H poles to tbe east em lias of battle's 840 acre patent (now Ange'sl tben north 17, east 24 pole to the laurel corner, then north 78, west 100 poles to A Harris corner In I lie Wilson line and with said Barriss south, 79 west 178 poles, Iben south 88, east 84 poles to Ihe beginning containing 88 acre more or lees. March 11th, 1899. U. THOMAS, R. It, NIXON, Commissioners. North Carollim. I ' Ktierlor Court, Craveu County. ( May Term, 1809. OHUuhHi, As-1 eigne, . . i notice of I'ublioatloa vs. V of Summons and At W A I'm-Urflsld ) laebment. AOn. 4 j - ' ' . To W A Porter Held A Oo taka not lea tbat attachment baa been duly issued , . . t . . 1- M.t Jk S I .. 1 , i.u, . , , ,a VWI, UH .1 , L Mil. VUJ V. WUH ary 1898 in favor ot the above named plaintiff, and levied up-mlha debt due by the Naiioual llank ol New 1km, to you. said attachment la-lug returnable to tha next terra of thiaOtir as herein stated. And you at further notified to appear at tbe next term of this Superior Court to be held for the county of Craven at i be Court House door la New Bern, Notfh Carolina on the 12th Monday after ths first Mondsy ia March; it being the 9lh day of April 1899, and answer or de murtn the complaint, which will be Hied ia vald action during tha first three days of said term or otherwise judgment will be rendered against you, according to the prayer of the complaint " ., W. M. WATSON, 0. S. 0. Executor's Notice. Bavlng qualified a executor ot Harriet A. Crawford, deceased, Isle of Craven coBBl-r. this I to notify all persoaa hav ing clawo against the estste of the said deceased to present them la tbe aader signed oa or before tbe 23nd, day- of March, 1800, er this aotlo will be plead In bar of Ibalr tecovery. All persona indebted to -tb said estate will pleaaa make Immediate payment. - . - Johh O Jotubk. Exeeotor. . - R. W. "rViixiAasoK, Attorney,, . March 12nd, 1899. , Notice of Seizure. -. VOLLIOTOB 8 UrTtOB, - Fourth District, Rah-igb, N. a Notice ie hereby given of the seirsnr of ths following property for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws. New Bern, N, C Fehy. 24, 1899 trora Mark Disosway, R. L. J J Perkins, special deputy, 5 packages containing 84 gitl Ions corn whiskey. ". On March 2nd. 18'.tl front Key Co, B.icsvile by i) M Babbitt, deputy col lector, one package containing 4 75 galls, com hiskey and on the 4th of March, 1 J, 8 pacMre from Key At Co, of a.itnriB :bi -C, containing 14 galla. oo-a vh"tkeyi.(. ' , r... . ' ny paotk' pr person claiming the I ri'ptMy are hert-r noiilled to ap- I I t.iy wntVlB Sn h. N C, within f I. oiu u.ile and u.. .ecUiia la tbe I manner p"-cr -ne i by law or :tiy mil be f-1, in -1 to tbe . C. I 1. GA5f, 1 , a h 1 Mrl.t, N.C. : - r. - ( i . ta . City N. (!. T. h H ,!', I'r, n x i'.I. S II 0 i - T V. . i ;. til.

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