. I ' M mZJt i. a, 0 Mkt iiwrl An Excellent Combination. Tlae pkauat wlli4 a4 Uwlrlil tlr-sta W Utf wrll a; sow a manly, brew r tioe, aafartareil by lit Caiauuiia tia bvaui. Co., Ultnlrwle lb hIw at uiAuaiim the UpiiU tan tire ajrteclalce ot plants kwnara to bo tctUiuulljr laxative anal nreaeutiuf them ta law furas atnat rrfrediiuir totlie Unit sod nAcrptable to the aysleae. It Is Ibe no pTfw. etitpthrine bin lira, rinumaf tb uyMrm effctaaily, att-lllii enld a, Kotacb ud foeara tvtiliy y rwranptry aoa enabline; tauiuni habitual unatipalkia pec UMtlr Its pnrfert fivniian (run vrry uijKstfcioable qaalrtv fni aab MUM, mm! Ka aatiarr ua the kkrneya, ' liver awl bewula, without wmkcnmr or ivrHalaa ibcaa, anaae H too ideal laaetiaeV' ' " la the areoraa of laaaa factorial; fix are assU. aa ther are pleasant to Uae teste, bat the medicinal qnalitieaof the manly ara uliteineeT frera atrnna aud otbor aruraatio plaiita. by a method known to -she CAuronaiA Fan fcraur Co. aaiy. la order to gvt iU bcnafioial . etfeeta aad to arotd twitnUona, pLraee ramo tuber the full aane of U Comny nriutrd oa Uia (rent of cry pooka- CALIFORNIA FIG. SYRUP CO. aan rrtAWCiaoo, oau " l0ursvTU.11. k. yoxox. W. T. PataUrbiatt nutans, HatanfaWf . THE JOURNAL. New Ban. N. C April t, laOt. - ,m ihii a, lallilaafk Sarklxirn Orncrritw. J i, ' "' ,,''' 11 Cadlck-ll pay. Y , . ' O Harks O-Sulrt Wal.ts. - . American St irk 0 N't v Bhlrta : ' Qi:MnsC)Cle& Aecidrnu I ipr. eBusiness Locals. A fULL supply of Grp hi hones and Ileconb , la Hluik. I'rlrts; . Qrapbo- phones J b -w Records 3 to $5 r doiea. The onl perfect btlkiog bm chine, 'Alan fall Una tif Onluml la. Hart ford . aud YeJrtla Bicycle. Bicycle Bundriea ol ail kind, 4c. Fboae 1)9. Wat. T HilY -v,. SUKPHKRU fUPPllW 4 full blnmlcd dm, for Mle at $500 I ach. Orabitni Klcbaidaun, BrIUIr, N. ( WANTKO TO- UUV Second band book caar. Joumi al OlIU a. ? ; . . . , TUJC luuat liter al ou draukhi. at aw', Mlililla sU-vtt . . A WAT IX TUK CITV. Fair wealber If I be forecast for today I and Mandar. ' jr., Jolia B. Long will aon luct tUs ter Tlcet today, at Christ Church, otorulog aea at aibt. ' ' - s Iter. O. X. 0l4by of Durham will preach tbbi morning at 11 o'clock at the Weabyterlaa church.- - " ' ''''''' Bay. J. 0. Woolen of llocky Mount will preach at the Tabernacle Baptiat church at 9 p m today. - " drawtoirt for three doe realdenoe and a brick atore, all la Ki niton. . , Mr. L. 0. Barfoot ot Wilaon hai ac cepted a potlllon with bU brother, Mr. Geo. A. Barfoot on Pollock Bt. . The bouse to house Vaccination con tlnuet. Pr, RUein Is waking thorough work of It, and no one escapes. -r Oa and after today; April 9lh, the price of ice on the streets and at the ice houses .will be one (4) half a cent a pound. 'Wilmington has no cats df smallpox aowi the only patient being declared well, and the quarantine removed from bis house, -v . . Tha lecture on the principles of Chris tian Science will be given at the theatre, Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Bam atoad b said to be an entertaining speaker. . t ; . The first operation at Craven hospital was performed yesterday upon a female patient.- Or. Duguid, the manager of the hospitsl, performed the operation Which vu a successful one, . The patient came bare from a distance. v g -The Men's League will hold an open meeting oa Wednesday night at the Chrtstian Church at 8 p m. Dr Duguid will give a talk oa smallpox, vaccination and bow vaccine Is procured. No collection, Rev. Frederick W. Lutfort), President. . Addle Eastwood, a young white wom an employed at the New Bern steam Uundry had her arm caugJit In a wring ing machine, jeilerday, breaking her .wrist tad severely Injuring her arm. Pr. I. W. Paguld treated the Injured woman. The Christian science Beading Rooms, 87 CraTen St., are open daily. Services t Sunday 10:30 a m and 4:30 p m, Wednes 1 day 8 p at. Morning leeson.bubjuct: The Doctrio of Alonemeut, Unman S: 1, 11 Afteraooa leson Is a repetition of the mornhag lesson. All are welcome. ' . . iiiii.,.t iaai .'. ,t! , WIIKNVUVEUXa. ' " Whether on pleasure bent or business, fake ou every trip a bottle ot Syrup ot rigs, asjt acU mo 4 pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bon ers preventing fevers' headache other forma of sickness. For mle In SO cents : bottle by all leading druggUts. - Maanfaclurad by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. s'CAPU D 1 N B CUHL3 Nenrilgli,- 'c IT"' ( , ; tear, LaGrifpe. 1 sin Nervous Ueadiiclir, AJ iiU ikV. i-t. Every tiotlU . gusrantoed. 25c It all Diufj'stt. W. ft: , k . . r . tr, 2 ' ' ' ""i- aaair ' oil t I lark id. Iu !..!.- a , b.avrilas abk ol im,lr, I fU a urn bha '4 tiad , . ).l.a. aa. l-.r 1 jun), inl Rry. ail au be! J by Mat ur ll i"MS oa bet VDt 10 )' Otfaolt, to avail the rata 11 at HiaipMai' Injartra. i J Al MMWltU kf a Af. T tJQMaaarraitoa amvlea Ird by Joe a Rejaar). ; - I ; ! . 1 II rWMng by lUv. uul D Poaa, 0.0 - , Baaday fV Ua4 Ami ulk by Dr. Da Bo 8 laiatall rVivko and sAlresi by J. M. Kaavaa); wi ta, Cbarautar Uulld.ttg rroa aa KpaMMlk Uagae Maaalpatat. A roanlQBua aaoaatea eoavas to Km Hara, aaa aaof lea gila dikes, came la yesterday whkrvdar puala aback be aaled to aril. , . lahiadraakea eoadltlon, ba teraard anal l-i i. aaaka the ..roper polnu, hit BrM vlalt bela at the city hall, wbeieba offered bU poali, hut a la avek a coa Ubtua, pkyaAbv, thu Le Mayor rderad aim to be ktctaj epaadiaardail. Ue ftll hardly it) fbacll laha warn at the eliy ball aral tlae, ansa U he is anitk. .-- v. ; r " :l ' a ' ' - . " Aa twaravti'lUrry Carraar. .Mr Uenry . Taj tor, at tUa city, kas pjltmbtl a aatwt cwaveatrat and trnady b Jiy taiik-r, a BHtiutr of Ikra' bring atavMla a aab jim ttatkert in this Vicinity. . . Tue carrier h mad of plaa, IlliHJ ln Ihs. and will bold riiibt uuaita. It U buundtrjnKly wllb wire, yt la Ukl la a isbl. I'be baadht ta ua luat. I'ae ir- ilvr's Ust point Is that ll gives barrles uouipk'te proucilou agaiubl s ib or rain. mi that berrkto (au be safely taken f mm alia nukl wbaie pkkaJ, to the acklng .. riCalaOMAa. Mr. I D. Heailows relumed last Bight from a trip to New Vork, ( ' 1 Mri. l. V. Jar .hi k-ft yaaterday mora log to visit at Qu ucylll . ' ' Ur and Mn. U. A. Caloa of Bayboro are visiting at Dr. i. 11 ltealon's Mm Etta Nunil who b been teach ing near Uavelooa cauui Iuhuu yeateiday Bio .ling. ' '". 1 1 '' ur IL Simmons who has been In the cliy t few days ou business left y unlay morning. " - Mr. Clarence DUoswty tnd Sbeptrd llryan, Kaq., kit yaslerday morning re turning to Atlanta. . lias' Cs ratal t and mother of New York ah have been , visiting Mrs. Seymour k-fl )0.lerday utorulug. ! irs. in. W. Blddle and Mist Litzle Uldille Isfi yesterdty morning to visit at the home of Ufa. A. E. Wad worth near 1 CIAW.I"U.' Mrs. D. N. Kllbutn of Seattle, Wash., who has been spending the winter la the city vUdiing ber slater, Ur. Claypoolo, lefVyesttrJay morning. n? ; A Iteaslaf BatsTtalaaasat. Probably one of 1 he most pleasant of the entertainments given this sesaon, la the Military Drill, ULd the autplcet of the Lallei Aid Society, or the Baptist church, which will take place el Stanly llsll, on rridtyightaetk The Military Uompsny Is' composed of tome 80 young ladies. They have been most thoroughly Instructed la the School of Company and Manual of Arms, and are at present executing these commands with a pre- Clsencss of movement tnd actton.lhst Is turpi Ulng for the lime they hav been under Instructions. ' The olllrers of the company are Misses Reuse roy and Palsy Green, Lieutenants; Misses Mary Lucas, Xva Sanders, Alice Smith and laes Angel, Sergeants, and Aliases Must Salter, Maud Smith, LIda. Sinaw, Maiulo Eehoe tnd Betsle Ptrsons, Corporals. -.. 4,,t Old soldiers tnd those luterejted. In pretty drilling and accuracy of move ment will, be delighted tJ watch the cvolailona of this eomptny. i -. :. The drill lie nailer the direction of one of the officers of our local company, tnd all who take pleasure In military more. men it will be amply repaid" for ..attend- The young ladles will. It nnlforme.lj4 anil the offljeis In full regimentals of thell reapeclive rauk. " V NoUeel ; To whom It mty concetni I Live certain notes on t, under one certain contract payable every three months and one note payable a day cer tain lb one certain piano Brm, which not lie paid till the firm furnishes me a brand new piano at per Iheorlglntl contract. i All persons' ire Warned against trad- lug or baying laid notes. ' " - t . Signed:. . ; Isaau U. F mitb. - - . . I I. , ' . . V1-' - ' Jtottasl, . Y. . ; ' ' T The'tDuutl rent of open chairs In the tbcalie tro now due and must be paid or Ihs chairs will t sold at regular re served seats for April 1 till engagement, and all future entertainments. The rent can be paid tt the box office for the ssle of reorved seats, or to J. U. Green, man sger. ,v - - - - PuiT ami open shirts for gentlemen just received, lUotfino line of straw hall at' American Slock Company', MuldloSf ' " ' New Meat Market. - Mr. Burncy Swert, who has been con tacted with the Oaks market, Is now associated with bis brother tt Nik. 49 Middle Street, In the meat market busi ness, where ho will be glad to see liis old customers and friend. The 8werls market will always keep ou'listml s choice supply of beef, pork and ami-- a. Call phone 4i! and s'tid j'OJtr (ii ' -, Slt li'l 4MIUI Aa A a. rrrU t m Urtrle Am r.U an.,n as trm tmmMf. A a Art la pt.i.sl fa rWliug aad drtr- lag ecraaa U paUlc Wklas ta Crataa Bsly, Taa Uarat AaarmUy af Nonh Cera- lias do raarl: reloa I. 1 kat aay person ar awrsoa bo shall riW or drive, aay bora. aautea M aUasr aaiatals, avar lbs paUlc briUgas of C carta roast y, faaivr tbaa t walk, ut aba sksll ride a barjele ever aaUl brklgas at t speed gnalet tbaa Ive mlan per boar shall tonality of amis drasraaot aad eima eoavletloa Iberaof aball be lead aot teas ihaa tve aov aanre tkaa twraty-ive dollars, aar laaprbanard aot avoie tkaa thlity days, la the dlscre Uoa f the coan. oasnbaat. Tasi the Board of I'oaiwl siaaera tat, Cravaa eoaaty ah ail keep posted at each tad of tba brUget UHt by the eoaaty across the Nseta aad Treat rivers at New Kara a aot ice fa lar Unlets eaiboitylBg the aubittace at tkU art. Baal That It shall be the duly at the keeper of aay of tabj bridge la report at oaee to the Cbalraaaa of lias Board ef Couaty CoatmhMioaert aay vk 11 loss of this aot wklck may eowat waftsr hie oh aarvatloa, aad the said chairaaa sksll lay said eomplalat bafora the Board of Commissioners at Its Best eeaolng aasH leg, for sack actios at aald Board may deeea a scenery la enforce Ibis art. Section 4 That If tay taf aald keepera of taM brbbtet shall fsit to report aay violations ef this tot they aball forfeit their positions is keepers aad the chair aa of tba Board of Commlaeloaera of asld couply aball at once appoint laelf succrsson to hold the pnellioa aatll lbs text meetlat of the Board of Commas- sloaert at which lime aaid Board si bear and datermlea tba mat lev aad either relaeteta said keeper or select others. BectloaS.- Thai this act shall bt la force from tnd after Its lalldcatlua la the General Assembly of North Carollat read tbiae liuent aaJ ratified this bib day ef March, A, D. 18V9. ' Give me a liver regulator and I can regelate tut woild," Said a genius. The drngglat beaded him t bottle of PeWltt't Llilie Early Risers, tba famous little pills. KB Duffy. Ma Aaasssara rta asaa. There are few markete ta the world mote Important Ihsa Maraeillea; and at lit IS,8a4,463 metric quintals of imports In Ilia year 1W7 the Colled Stales sup plied a very largw part Yet, la tpltt of exchange amounting to many millions of dollart betwtea the porta of America aad Meraellles.tbe Amerlcftt Bag hat not beea seen ia the hsrbor for , t least three years, except floating fiom a few yscbts tod tht popular Igaoraace of the Uatted Blalei and tta raaourrea la rresl , For example, Americas bams tie there ia vast qnaollllee every day; yet the consumer duet not knew an A uteri c an mark, tod supposes that bt It get ting prime Yorkshire or anything but l Chicago bam. It is tba tame with ssu sages; these ire made 'In the United Stales lu Imitation of the peculiar ttu tiget of Europe tod are. la fact, much batter tbta tht articles they imitate; but tbey ire. always told it of European origin and consumed aa tuch. - BDOKLBN'SABNIOA SALTS, THE BK8T SALVE la tba world for Cuts, Uralses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,, Chipped Hindi, Chilblains, Corns, tnd all Skin Erup tions, aM positively cures. Piles, or no pay required.. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price SS ceuis per box J For tll by F I J Fair AaasssaUaa mils. AU persons hiring lillls" tgslnst the Ftlr Aatoclttlon, or who were twirded Premluma,cta obtain the same by calling at the office of the Secretary and Tieaa. urer (oves Citizens Bank) between tke kourt of 10 m tnd p at. " Rheiimtclde Is not recommended fo the cure of every ill;' it does not cure everything. But It It a certain cure for rheumatism, tnd Is t fine blood purifier and laxative; try U. i4 $ A;-i.4A ; "J Be sure of your drugs; dontboy at random; buy of tome oue yon btvt full faith in. - la no country are there better 0.11ml uinnllu ; l.-n ,.. (Ilnllxl 8uea KtTch country ow to obtain the very be!,, and have every modern appliance for dispensing these drugs tnd tt reasonable prices. ; Your prescription will bare Immediate t ten Uoa here. , The best of service m gtven ear customers ts well is bettvdrugs, Poet quality count with rout Brad. ham's Pharmacy, :-t Vaeh rulula maul Sldvld." ' 8,000 fresh vaccine pulutt just re eel ved. Vaccination Shields, la Urge or small quantities at ' Path Poaimacv. ' J. J. Baxter has secured the agency for Wapatnaker & Brown's Tailor Made Clothing. Call tnd se him before buy ag tnd he will stvt you money. ' ' Oranges 80c per dozen tt McSorleyV ,- Paris Prescription Pharmacy makes specialty of preacrlpllons.avSend yours there Id be filled. They will receive Dromtit attention. They will be- filled with the greatest accuracy. They will be filled exacjly as the Doctor direct. Only the purest diugs will be used Satisfaction guaranteed as to prices, goods and service. Medicine delivered to any part of the city. M'Iit bell al front door. Phone 5(1. a. . ll ThII Hiw V m Baj the 7 ArtsafMatt t, r ber a sssde fr I j-. .,"..( A : w a ?, ft 'ill.. Ibai .bt, a -4 I,. xi . us; r I I'll Ur a(til. ' lrj J k, 0 mug it. 44 Ira )' appaarrd la sll fas i r.li laaM ami um la itet'atisd bt sic, aad esiab lUtaad t rrpalatasa ( wUUi ba a Jaail prual . Iltks rataratd many tlareste tke aaa .lam el a sys ax-slisg aith Uu- qasllteJsaom.. ftm the 0 rtmg la be rbier ef kis arawa be t. gneaad- every bare With, targe aad rh-ltgliini taj ara lbs , nisi i I i bat great aaia trU tksll, and (aaiarlli; tie oI.vUhiS. His roaasdy U trastsaiigkt aadaellbt filly ralrwddbg, al a hi as be iuate awlraaua allhlaUfblar I brie la acver be (aiutiat suggest iou of cuaraeaess Or valgaiky. . Ilia imm m Im secailng law Vary last an la IB tat aappuit bba, ad. dVaira to eqaal ur C -ed the promisee msda la bis a.lvertlJg, aad aleadfasl aVitaimiualiua lu ' ad ) t keep lbs coa- Ideace of taa people," tbeae pilueldu earefulry followed ant have made hi aasne t bouarbuld wmd tad t poslilv'e gaaaiie of a Ural eiaa perform aoa. Teavonuw at IS a m tba public salt of reserved MiU will lake place at Waters. The subscribers to the entertainment took their leartved aeaU, jeslM.Uy, tad I glsocs at lias dbagiem stwas lbs later- est, a big Lire, la Tarsday't tatcrtala maul, '. . The gs'lery be beea thoroughly tcou ad aad put ia aider, and It will be reserved for white peopie, aud good trait aaay leaerved there at 60 reals, etch. . Bad Ward aUartaUaiaaa.,, Ilrglstralioa of voters, for City trsotioa to be. held oa the lat Tuesday la May lhW. Will roaimeoce oa Monday April tllb at H o'clock a m and eoBVinua until Saturday following at u clock p m, al the CiHiuly Court llmise. This being t Bsw reglsUatloo requlrlug the preset lbed oath for each sutur will aeodsaarily re quire more lima to complete regiatratloa It It requcsleil tborefoni that voters till resister aa early a noailhle . E. K. Buyn, lbglaliarinaiward. ' ' Kulles of Rr(MrslUu. For the city ulw tlou to be held on tha lint Tuesday In May, litl, tha regis tration book for Hi 1'ir.l Ward will be opeue.1 ou Hie aeiMind Monday preceed lag mm Aral Muadiiy la May, 1SU, il ling Ike 2tlh day uf Aull, at I be Clly Uall for the registration of the quall- Ilsd voters in stld ward. . It, H. Dill, Rrglstrtr, April 8th, 189U. . Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, mlnltlers were greatly dle turbed by roughing eongregatlona. ' No exonae for It now. , F 8 IHiffy. ' -,' I " ... Palsslstry. ' . .' Mist Powell, Scieulllhi Palmist, It now located tt Hotel Albert, room 7, Middle ttrevt. ' M 1st Powell ts t pupil of Cheiro tad Count 81. Germain. The charges ire 2 tnd COc. W bltetonly. . J. J. Baxter ht Just received t largt line of W. la, Douglass' aWt, every pair guaranteed.. Abo line line of straw Hals.-, v. . Pnre.orrld, refn-ahlug aoda water, made from ripe frail Juice, aud served iu (lasses that "have. been washed, linsed tnd pollsbeil, la draw las' the erowd of thirsty people who appreciate good soda We try to Improve on every glass, and If daintiness of service and good soda counts with you, you will drink at Brad kiln's Kouuttln. Don't read this ad, but go to Baxter the Jeweler for ueat, vbe:.p aud prompt walcb, clock tad Jewrby .repairing. Also engagement rings fur sale thesp Next to JovtMAb. ' ' ' Smoked sttttige it the Oaks Mirket Ivceaiallv.'' Yf' ;:--Hf-i , t Pressed tnd live poultry tt the Otkt Mtrkel. . W- '' J-1 ' ' " Still fed Weatetn Beef, grown In North Carolina, 10 ceul lb, at Oaks Market v e .. Cola Headache 'Powders, prompt, safv, Certain, liai mless, Uuaranteril to cure, 10c al Brad ham's.. ' . ; ' 1 ':'J:''1.'C'. Cocotnut Brittle today, ' 10 cents pound al McSoib-y's..- ' - , Cola Ilea lache Powders are harmless hut efficient; guaranteed to cure your headache or money rcfuaded. luo' at Brad barn's.. Y, Y ; IT PAYS AND PAY5 WCLL To look vour bese-nt all linns. del her in b evele atlire tit in a buxiue or go-to mpi'iiiii; suil. "(isi!y thy huli- It MS tliv lor-e c:iii liov. lich, not C'linlv." You can ni-ver iret the exclu- tiveslvle Hnd genuine s;i. i.if:Mtioii fmiu n 'y HiH-h1 clifUtitii' us you cn from I itH.ir A'aOe ,--uit so. o us tec hi. lima ut. I m tl.e in t ite pci f. ctioii of st) !. I 5t V fiiillJ "V a I L J i t t 1 PEOPLE TAsm ai trravf tly tssasMl a dt4t4. I ! "tl catarrl ( ; --ly grai The prnrreee M .tarrh la frrqaaat- gradiasi. Cbroaie s V eatarrB ssgarse 1 T t' f I ptrssbmwltb- ly- ' ' I ALvY ad, of lu vto- bodybaaaUtUa alarrk" thai aoaay yaasy fotaf faosda -pajsilfklslUaUoa ' tort. Ytaaelasa V of disease so dim , . , ealt to shake osT. MaaypsopWwall advanced la years Apd tbemaolvca la Uae tuiU ol eatorrk, Mr. aad Mrs. CoUaavos Uiddincw. Tea., toaad help us Ps-ra-aa. Mr. CoUaaa'a Uttar tolauwa: Pt-ru ni Utdktm Ca. CtlwwAmt, 0. Dtua Bias: "I think your Ps-ra-aa b Uw bast medicine I ever tried for ea torrk. I bare triad aU the catarrh xosdielnas that I aoald baar of aad aoae af tasa did aay rood aaail l trisd yours. I aad my wife bare both aasd tha Pe ra-na aad XI aa -a tin, aad we are aboot weU. I am 70 years old aad say wife la 64, When wa eoameneed to take roar aaadiolnee wa were aot able to eee I tier our work, bat avow she eaa tend to bur work and 1 aea after my farm. Vow eaa aaa this pabllcly If yoa want to. A. r. Oollaja, Uldduags, Tex. . .a ... ji . u. , Almaaac for the year IrJoV . Ansvay's Croup 5yrup, t pa cific In Croup. Never Fall, 2Sc at Bradham'tv - Aerlilcnl Will la la l-t rrwulalc.i families, es pecially to thru thai never srcuie our I'norw on Bieyrlee and Suofrii t ta-fore iinmbasing, for It nevrf happ-warnl before that barrains eould ever he secured a Lowoa Vuallty aad Style aa wltH ua. New Bicycle, elrnnir. i.lcely finished, lilted wllb Hartford l ire for J0Wi on up to S'iO 00. rbainlew 100 mil I7lt 00 rtrciind hand Uh-rcir fnmi S5 nil Wood liamne Mart 7oo- - lHwn tui Tiret ( 1 7ft, Saddles fmiu ' Jc - up. I .imps fioro fate to 82 0. Built' up wheels, ooioiili te Iim lir 'r ml f! VI. rear v 7V iniiir iw- o.x! NH' fiiv. oeaing iimciurie it.- and Uf. v E li on I'lu.u rmpb, "0. . ltrcords -I) W III . if A.SK.V CUlt tOMPANY. Planter Ruil.llug. v j At nie Rnnk mnrp ! K-"--:-:--YY -Bictk tlie News to Mother" l) 4 y . .; ; " . ., M "' ",:': J "At a Georgia CampJMeet- 5 inr' .-"5 $K '6;: H. Ennelt. wvj&Ki v - V irwsrxrv rSt LECTURE I -BY EDWArrDtAMMONI, C, S. 0. ClirlMlIanKcIciicp, i'v'v-':- Wbat It Does - H At the Theatre, Wednesday - Night April 12th, 8 O'clock Tu cstl ny N I gh I , . v 'UlirIl.lllh;Yj;,:,: Alba Hey wood, -;::Aiid III ALBA UEYWOOD-Impersonator, In . rai'g of Ecn nti to .."7' CLsmcbrs.'- , FLORA DRESCHER Tha Violinist. HAROr.D DEnUAY Bullsd Singer.', EI.ISE KEIMEIl-PUnUti'. An Etitcrtitiiimcnt of" High Met It, T . . f t: e f.n-i.n. 'V ' Ilbtobatoaaa 1 A i N sa examasoa to f Mm, ii I ? fen? r ) ) ) ) Lr u o n o o o ) u o ' n y o o o o o a ( 1( 1 ' i f A by men whose sole business the year around is making shirt waists and the fit ol ihem perfect. The styles are the 1899 Spring and Summer ones and tho genuine effect is as aunty as could bo o a o o iiAftirAilY Ynn enn J J the difference Jn one II look between these a Tailored Waists and O the home made O and the difference O'cost Is so little that ' wnn nonnnt affnsr1 t ra I) overlook the many ad q vantages ota stylish a ready-toT-wear Waists. O , Prices from - O O o a o 5qc lo $1 0 0 9 Shoes and Oxfords Do not tiut off too lull iri'lliii!' vour Ox funk if vim will Q need uiij lliis Suiiinier hclcct llu in at once :m,l van will cuvc 8 yourself a gooil bit uf worry. Tin- juiccij nre ;n low now ;ts llu v aill be laler tiiid the is.-oilnu iil U ll.-r. Tin- I'rvw. N ll y 0 ford bit given at much satisfaction to tin- wi ur. r :is " po.-.-iMe U and this Reason tbey look m if they were iirtiriil:ii lv hi II tii:x(.-. q A greut favurile is a nice KiifUxfoid, I'utctit Lcallur 'lip rj or Tip of same ouly f 1.50. q licttir Material and Larger Assortment ut 00. a o o 0 CCCOOCCCOCCCOOO OOQQQemV I FREE ! SHOE POLISHERS . We hve efcurrd ilie agi'ticj r.r ihe Halent fm Politer. For llie hex I 30 days we will, siif a .v a wiili rvrry pair of hoe tm Pa lent Mioi' Pulislu r : nil tod our. but tie Whilfninfr's Co'InIi. Wr imiir your iltrutfoa to the Shoe Polisliei. It is nniif Ibing brand new idiI is a great cnniiiiii nci'. An) f'uDf, mai or wvraaii can us' somi it il limit snilin Ihiir binds. We not only rUu away Ibe Poll Ii . , and Polisher, but Guarantee. Satisfaction on miy alf of bot'i. , 1 ! 1 aS p . : :: Give is a (rial and you will m t imniey. j.; a-. XDTjasraiT co. aS : X 67 POLLOCK 8TKEET, , , KKW BEHNK, N. O. 3 & ' ? : ; ...... .r-..-.jrv.s'-.-:.. Y 1 i 3 A Liberal Showing of Die Daintiest Oigumlios, Dimil Ii a. I. -wns, Ac All new arrival. Also a very pretty line of IVrcak-a, Ujilnw, Pique, &o., it very Atiroclite Prices. - - ' 8pbcrsOrgtndies, Beautiful Pstlcrnf ia Blurs, Pli k. IIrliotrre, Ac Vi ry Fine Cloth tnd Very Special at j i . -: .; ; ? ; - t Y-V v - lO CVaifM IVr Tnrtt. y- : Silks. .. . . A Now on sale p rtion of our Ni w Silks in Slilit VVulnti lragtliH, I . bolu in Strie. Pia.ds tuii Checks at ' ' - i 5()ts 73.-, OOe, and 1 OO IN r Yard: f y , yv.; New Embroideries ' r I We I aVe just recrlieJ the prrtliwt lot of Swfsi and CaniVic Kin- I ' Lroiitrrii and by far ll.e t!livaiet we hare evi-r shuwii. wf 14 . Polie and attentive tilrsptoplo to Show Ibe New QooJa. ?. G". l. B arf o ot. I n::t"fKsor o M M J. 0 J 2- 0 O n u u o o o a o ..1H UJ11ShS'!v Tl.e flrtt showing Tailored Shirt Waists ottho.1800 styles nre H now offered. trr t a o o o e o o o a o H O O 0 6 O e a o a o o O (1 o ra o o o o a o o o 13 o 13 inese waists aro ' MAflft 4-i n A 1 A it. uiauo ass- a uiuuitut Ji, manner from most other rcaoy made waists. They are made tnlf ones in 35. PIIFfON IRABt , Fop K trl.y Sprint;. u 1 3 EI.. T, Yoii"j. 3? 9 f lalPswr.iifiSlTt 1 sta J w