'V 1 'tlJU!. ;IJI! r V Y , vol xiii-m s 517 .IX ill, I. C TttSDIY XOMIIO, ifUIL II, H!J. UTAIL12BID lilt i - A a At Hackbum'Sw can I it rcyn aw ;.mdu s v ariety op f W CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AN r, AS is At U'hAlnuiIe mid lU-fall. V! Oar psrcbaar s Itom Brat kwh u4w ptld ' "Bpot Cash" V which of lUeif gliea M daeiued edvaalace Mr "Tiia." ('omjodlon J sad fanheraeM ikrOuh M h a bay for, the "Family Trad" are guaranteed is cfrfj partlcalar and if wit perfectly uctory, ere will Uih'v elckaKrd for olUcr (ootli ur ' MrX RttiMuled. ilj j? i 1 1 Nmkliic Mud Chewing TobntroJ y ' W ere eoasUady abiding to eur altee ly larg eta k of ring ToW OK Cigar end Smoking Tobeeo Wk wM rboiata'a Dm baur rtlOoMJ per lb And other (tuokcra gout end many bread of Plug Tobacco W ara aold by a at a We prio thaa oa In oltialued fnua ilia uuanfaclar V ) rr, which nil eomea from baying Wrgely and pe)lnf ,"CA8H.f D.Vt 7 j furgetlha Mr. Tuooms La Pileon and Great aJ Li-a Cigare. ,Ttir if V' ? j !. !- V m Hiiarn.jr sscuuweauy iBctratraa. IN I ! IN CT2rl Iba RaW at Ind.Wd NEWS OR NEW , PARASOLS I J tt1TYS3V. Havo you thought you would like a para sol. We knew that when ydii had. parasol Duying m nima you wouia.aemana an , exten. sive assortment of the newest creations.: Yes we have them lor you and Hot one 'whit too strong an expression when We say that5 here is shown just the daintiest and most enter taining conceits you ever saw. , - . What we say here is impossible to do them justice, we ask you to see them tor yourself. 4 prattr.i $1 25 A handsome plain white ( Ltna Silk, good quality "an handled ut Here id just the ouc fur that white snit thii 8mmer, a dainty while silk uud large rnftlea at $1 50 I eautiea in plaid silk, lovely colorifigs- ' . $335 . Thoe 2 tone plain taffelas, so stylish nud serviceable a $2 1) j Handsome plaid taffelaB, they have their full value at $3 So A magnificent two tone taffeta with plaid and check border canopy top, Si go and $4 00 ' We are also showing a splendid assortment of sun shades in black, natural wood handles, steel rods, very serviceable at, , $1 00' and $1 3sj " A good durable nmbrolla at ' CLD SHIL. r Ci(r H..ij Xi . fraaaaM U M faaulra Talaf. Black PUaaaf Eallrail. Tal craak aa4 TWaaa Rata ' to Coatlaao Boao. ' 1 Ckaritn. . . ' i lULCiaa-.H. 0., April !. Joaa O. DaadrUI, alia JoUa VTOoaal, la laa lart arrival at taa )atl bara. IU la caarf d With laa roUwry of laa poetoBca at PljBoalk. N. C, aad kli eaptara waa tada la WaA VlrflBU. BaiiaaMtaaa a profaaaloaal lobbar of paaloflUat kad kit aaptara U IM eaaaa of ataca aau taetioa. ' Bayoad taa Blaa Ridga poopla ara aty log taat thay aro tara laa BUoC Dla- BMtad Railway will ba baltt (ruat Zaaaa villa, Ohio, to Udawaiar, donbla trachad. aad IhU It will ba tba graataat davalopw ba Valley ot tba Uppar Thiiiiii rivai has avar haowa. CorporaUoa ComaUs tlaaar T. L. Bodgara aaya ba la coavla oed that work will begla llay 1 aad wilt ba rapidly earriod oa ThaeorpombM raatltlaari hava decided that they hava aoriadlctloa la any of tba aulla bruaght bafara the lau railwa comailMloa. Tlier farther de elded that this appllea to Iba aaiu ana la tba federal ooarte to reJuoe the lea- word ateuage rata of tba Weitara Ualoa elegraph Company front twaaty five oeuta to afiaea oaala, and to reduce lei- phone rantaU t par oeat. , The tele graph people appear to Ihluk that the ualcr U new eadeL' ' " 1 ; Ulna Daley ilall b appoialaJ .apoaaot aad Mlit Addle Snow Meld of boaor ol the North Carolina dlvUdoa of the United Canfalerate Veteran at the renaloa at Charleeton. ' '" Tba alteaiplcd murder of Chief of Po lice Flowerpot riyeltaWna, b M. W Oooper, a Croataa ladiaa, aad the ihoot lag of tba Utter by Pelioewia Beaton jaat la lima to ear the chief 'a Hfe ' wet the testation of the past weak, Cooper was from , Darllngloo 6.0, aad ha It inoagbt to bara been lataae. Two yeart ago a Baa of hia aaate, parhaaa a Una man, "ran amuck" aad killed a au, two womea aad two or three children. ' . '. Tba Bute hat chartered the Piedmont Park Company, at Wlaatoa, P. H, Bane and other atockholdera. The company will conduct racea and (airs aad will conttruct buildlngt and a Una race A charter la alio granted the Bala Oottoa MIIU, la Carbarrut cooaly, W Uannoa and other tlock holders. The colors ot the Flret North Carolina rletment. United States Toluateen, hare been sent here from Savannah to ba kept la the capltoL These ware the flrtt flags borna through the city of Havana, and hnce they have a historic latereit. The Pint Regiment ha turned la Its ' rifles and equipment. . u . A ipeclal from Charlotte, N. 0., says; The discovery of copper ore near Salis bury, N. C, at the Unien Quid alines, are eicillng Intense Interest all over the South, and claim are made that the up ply will equal the famous Calumet and Hecla sad Anaconda mine. . According to J. J. Newman, )ha mining - engineer, an immense vein of gold and copper bearing ore runs for half a mile from thirty to two hundred feet back on the surface. ' a April 41890 - -i..- - i lit :?. JOHN DUNN, X a OiShli SM rnli1 Vmar Aay Catrliai, WtM SUA W She Baa. Raw Tone. April Admiral Dewey baa glrea to llie Win 11a eomapoadeBl of LioUle's Weekly aa latervlew regarding the euggeaiioa that tba Admiral be made oaadidata for tba prasldeaey aast year. lie said aa to hia poUUcc 1 am a sailor. A tailor baa ao poll ilea. TSa admlaiatratioa (s hia party, aad, republican or democrat, It makes ao diffareaoa, "Tbea agala, I eomo from Teimoat, aad yea kaow what thu meaaa. To be aaytnlag but a repabllcaa la Vermont Is to ba a maa wtthoat a party. Mj flag ItaMteaaat eomea from Geor gia. 11 tell me that to be anything but a democrat la the Month Is to be nobody. ' If I lived Boath I would prober, bly ba a democrat.' "Have jr on over oudftbe corres pondent asked. Tea, years ago, was tba reply, "bat my vols was aaaally lallataced by per ooal preference ot local coadltlona. 1 ant a pollllclaa, have never held po litic! oflloe, aad am totally Ignorant of party Intricacies and affiliation.' Tba Admiral said that not by vocation, dlipoaltloa, odocatloB or training waa be capacitated to till the presidency, lie stated that he was too well along la lib to consider soeh a possibility ills health would But admit H. All his life's work, be stld, had been la different lines of effort, aad while the kindness and enthusiasm of nl friend were grateful to Mm-aad the geaerou tribute! of tba Americaa people were dear, he could aot-aad would not be a eaadidala for the presidency of the Uul ted Butes under aay coadltlona. The Georgia flag lieuteaaat to whom Admiral Uewey refers la his Interview I Thomas II. Brumby, of the Olympla, who has dlatlngulahed himself by his service at ataalla ' ' to (tiata a . 1 mas t Take LaxaLlrs Bromo, Qulniua Tableta AU druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c The genuine has U B. ,Q. on each tablet " , . THKaPKOVLATIW KAIKm Today's quotations .furnished .by W. L. Galbralth, New York, Represented by A O. Newberry. ' i ' NlW Tome, April 10, STOCKS. , , Opra. Ulffh. Low. Close Sugar..,...;' 1S7, ISSi IM m'Tobacoo.., 120 2, 0 f J JU.. . 118ft ' ll8 118 0. B. q. ..... 14l mi 1401 M.O. P.. 4S 49t Vi 0. Tobacco .r.. S3 55J "68t Manhattan ...... 116 117 115 A.C. O...... .. m m m UMICAUO MARKETS. ' ,1 . COTTON.' Open. Ufh. Low. Close ' August 8.84 95 5.M 8 92 Whsat ' Open. High. Low. Close May ..i 70 70 Tl 71 Groceries and 5 Conftotionc?i05, NEW BERN, N.,C.: 1571 sat 1184 140f 481 Ml IK 36 CASTOR I A ' For Ialuutt and Chilurea. 1 Ri Kin! Ycj E::i t' -;s r Bears the .. ST ' " !' Eature of QQ , St, rArfwaf- 1 f v ilcLts Lbe teod faota tic.'kJous end Atx4eono ADMiaaL bivii ad rourict. Bia- Ba- Wassuaevoav April Jaetiee ahtaJ PMd,W tae Ualted reaae Coart, tatlred, died at hia a Capital 1IIII la this dty at ( SOe'rtock IM srrslaf of kldaey eompltoatleos, Ua had beea Baeotsciona ehtce Batatday moralag, and death came palaleaaly. Anway'a Crotip Sjrnip, a apt' dftc UCronp. Nevtr Fall. 25c at BradhasVa. : DC rsuNTiaa arvLB. OeMtal LawkM WiU 8ueh For rulptaoe. " Mealaaaaads) ' . IIaxiu, April . Ab expedition of flfteen hundred men, under Gen. Henry W. Lawton, which started last night with the Intention of crossing Lsguns da bay, a large body of water east of Manila, capturing the town of Stnta Cms, oa the enstera shore of the lake. aad tbea sweeping the country to the south. The flotilla which carries the espedl- tloa ooaalata of twenty canoes, towed by tugs and convoyed by the gunboats La gqna de Bay. Oeeta and Napldan, pre ceded by a launch containing General Lawton aad General King. It started from Baa Pedro htacall, on the Paslg river, moving toward the lake just evening was setting lm The mi a were all la high spirits. They carried ratloaa for tea days, with the lightest marching equipment, - General Lawlon's plan was to reach Santa Crus quickly, to capture or de ttroy any Filipino gunboats or shipping which might be there, to take the town and tbea scour the country to the south of the lake, a district not yet explored by the Americans. The lactic will be those of the old-time frontier flghling, and it Is probable that the expedition will ba devlded Into ' squads of twelve, under bob commissioned officers. The withdrawal of the companies con stituting the expendltlonary force made a gap la the Una from the beach to Cull cull, Just southwest of San Pedro Macstt which ' was subsequently filled by the Fourth Regular Infantry. Th Fll plnoa oa the extreme right had ivldeatly been Informed ot the withdrawal of the troops and they attempted to sneak through after nightfall, but theymet a warm re ception and fell back In dliorder on dis covering that the line was still strong. "Give me a liver regulator and 1 caa regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitl'i Little Early Risers, the fsmous Utile pills. F B Duffy. rlr AMoeletkNi BUI. ' Alt persons hsving bills against tho Fair Association, or who were awarded tf lulnm. Pin fil.i.tn t i .a na Hr . 1 H n I at the office of the Secretary and Tress; urer (over Citizens Bank) between the hours of 10 a m and Spji, L- meoM sa a woaoeiuUv QUIIII hart tun. It promptly f XSyrup. Ktomvlabla. SatatteVmst, Prk25a i : . r .- i . mm IT PAV5 AND PAY5 WELL To look your beat at all tlawa, whether ia bicycle attire or la a boeioess or go-to meeting suit. ''Costly thy ban it as ur purse can buy, ncn, not caody." Ton can never set tbe excla- ie style and genuine satisfaction from ready made cloth lav as voa caa from a Tailor Made Suit such as we fit, finish and mtke In the perfection of style. F. Iff. Chad w Irk, Middle alro.4. ' NEW BERN. N. tm mrMrJtrjmmrjarMrjmjarjmA lUIBook Store "Break th News to Mother" 'AtlQeonrIaCamp,;Maet Ing.". ' ' G. H. Ennett. J Aecldents Will . Happen , J , , - In tba best moisted families. pecially to those that never secure our Pncrts on Bicycles and Sundries before purchasing, fur It never happened before that Diryain couia ever tie aecnrrd at Low on guallly and Style aa wltb ua. rM.' .ut. fl.i.i..:! tilted with H art ford Tire for a20 flu on uo to 450 00. Chainlesa 180 and 75 00. "tevond hnnd Bicycle from 5 up. Wood Handle Bars 7 so. Double Tube Ti $1 7.1, Saddle from 75o up. Lam fromfiOc to fe2 95. Built up wbeei oomplete lea tlr. ,froDt C2 50. rear 18 75, loner Tuoes ow and ft 00. Bewtng macutoe on oa and toe. K llon Phonograph, 30 00. Records 3 00 doseo. : - CASK INS' CYCLE COMPANY. Planters Building. " ' J. L Hartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT and COLLECTOR X)P RENTS. If you want ynur house occupied with good louanlB or If you have prnpeity for sals turn it over to me 1 hare calls for bouses every day ,lit I have none vscant I make prompt returns end of month. Otlleo over Citisens Bank, wltb J. J Wolfenden. : . : NTiAi.i, n a r- n Vms.Ii Iat Jnat i:rlvrJ. Also a a Uml U Fait a Market fertwd Bn-f. Btuall I reaifast F trips aad Eaglisk Cured Sbouldtrs. lleiat'e Pickle aad Baled Beans with Toaaato Sauce. Freak Prance, Dried Apples and IVacltet. Canned Peaches, Cora, Tosaatoea, &uooUah, Lobster, 8ardines and 8oJaoav. Lima Beaua, Wkito, Braaa, Fresh Oriti aad Carolina Bice. ' . Fresk I reea Ckeees aad Ik my beat batter. Oeauin Oodftsk and Nice Irish Potatoes. . Aaytking jo waat ia Groceries at the Lowest Possible Price. lFhlttlt a lie Ull Grotserm, Phone Ol. 71 Dnini Hi. Our-Spring and Siunmer Boods Qood Values For Every Dollar You Pay Us 1 Hen's Suits. FOR BPIUKO AJtn BUMUfcE Buiu worth $4 M. our P' Ice $t aa 1 In da k aud light oolura worth t6. e irU for l 56. (lay Worsted Bulbs woul 4 ti U. 1000. Firer grade ot Salts worth (It 50 to 116 00. We sell for WOO to 0 00. Men's Pants. 2000 Pairs of Men's Pant. Big as sortment from Fifty Onts and Upward. Large block and Shoes. la Blath and faua, Sold at Liviug Prices. Dry Goods. Alo big assortment hprlug and mer Dry Good. Hats. i For Every head in 8traw and Fell at Low Price. Our Goods Are all New. No Old Ktock. AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY, 69 & 61 Middle St., New Bern, N.C. C SPRING HOUSE CLEANING IS DUE NOW, ' And th demand for Sorab btng Bi ashes, r Brooms, japolto, Boaps aad Washing Powder are la demand, and we eaa supply tv.ry thing ia labor-aalng atale ' rjals of tbe best manufacture, and of superior quality, ia anything that is eroded la this lino. : Small Pig Bams and Breakfast Strips. Also a alee lot Country Hams and Big Hams to Cat la any quantity. ; r , J. Re PARKER, JR.. GROCER, 'Phone 69. .77 Broad Street. 5 I Season UllU CO en 11:3 a V, Dsvl Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of precrlptlon.iSend yonrs there to be filled. TUey will receive prompt attention. They will be filled with the greatest sceurary. They will lie filled exactly as the Doctor directs. S-t-r "V'i i-SiS'SSvSai t't',-ia.s t still it t ?'! Only Batlnf gooi to h. j frout U tne purest dings 'on gtmrsiiti't'd d service. S'cui j it ct t':e c""y. 1 :. e i . v. 'Ill be used ss to pr! i-, due delivered I 'l at - " . Motta.1 :'- ' ... The annual rent of opera chairs la the theatre are now due and must be paid or the chairs will be sold ss regular re served seats for April llth engagement, and all future entertainments. Tbe rent can be ee!d at the box office for tbe sale of reserved seats, or to J. 0. Green, man sger. Pure, com, refreshing tods water, msde from ripe fruit juic j, ami served lu glasses that have been washed, rinsed and polished, Is drawing the crowd of tlilrs'y people who appreciate good sok We try to improve on every g;.i-9, ami If 4lnt!is" ct servlee and good s-n'n c; si U y mi, you '.'A d u.k at 1 1 I I I v.' It. is an easy matter to claim tual a remedy lias wonderful cura tive power. The manufacturers U IIEUM AC1DE leave it to thoue who have been permanently and poaitively cnreil ol iUltu A I tsii io make claims. Amoue llio9M wlio have receimv wriili u n volnuury It-tu r savinK tnxy u.nvo heen cnreil are: - llev. J L rW. r lUlelgb, N I'; Mr J Robinson, Eiliior, Uoldburo, N O Dally Argiid; Mr A Uaiis, a prumi- lent mercliiiit, SUcon. Ga: and Duke, a railroad man. Jily, lo. eumaclde Will Cure You. MANUFACTURED BV TtiaaSirT V2.ua CO ' VktU'ldlt, N. C. Sold iu SV IVva by C. D. Brad- ham, by Dnvis' Pharmacy, and i by diu:i;iais generally. 1 r i'r'riotn.-. n i, nem mert J Mr W It h Kansas Cil ; j Rheumai hi n In u lg upon iu and when you go to honse-cleaniugyoa will find that If, J you need probably a, - f - - U j Art Bqare or Cos, C 3 Or an Odd Chair r XXoeker ' All of these and other thinge too numerom to mention, yon will . J find at our store. " . P'!l Our new WALL PAPEBS have been pnrchaeed and wilt C arrive within the next week. . The prices are right and you are jj J i i asked to examine them. - : ' f i' " n-i i We have become agenta for the largest Tile Manufacturer !j ji I J in'the World and will carrv a Stock of liEABTHS AND FAC- I d i s lNUS at all Utiles. 4 We carry an up-to-date stock and will at all times be (j J pleased to snow you tbrougn. - You are as welcome to look as to trade. " FRAn&. H. J0IIE5 T: G0.. JL 4 X aav J IHtl aVaw-BrBasja M JB.A.ViJk4JL ' I n lit 1