I r lit im, I. C. FRID1T UQRI1IG, irRIL it, 1199. ISTIIUSBKD Hit TBS RATI CAVITAt. I - , ...w. I ..., V,- r.J At Hack burn's ol- "A,N fS FOCJI AN 5 IN IS 1 (fS to IN l IN IN IN IN IN IN dN IN CHOICE FAMILYGBOGER)ESg At l !lr-.lr Our irheera etc lr- a Brat lend mIin add for 8pot Cash V wlU.k cd ,1 est gltta ui 4-tinr.l itvataa ovrr "Tib Ooaapeiltora mi (Miibritnoiv ! r G ahi h bujr for Ibe ' family Trade" at J guaant at ia titty particular awl i aut a frclly alialacH.Tcy. are a III ijy UiHl rlcka gd f.e? i4lr good Of MotM-y Krfuiuled. . ' Kiulilg mmU Chewing Teb.ietMt.? ( w W art enaataat jr ad Hog Is mr already I trg .i no. k of Pluaj Tnhavt. co, Ci((rt and tlmukiua TutoKwu Wa oltl akolaaale tlx Utu r at Mo NjT per lit Ami otlwt emoaara g.kalt a4 maay bread at Flag Tcco V' ra told by at at a leas ptiee U.aa oaa U obialeed from Use maaitfactiir- ' r, wbich all eomeo front bay lag largely Mil paliig "CASH" (Wl ' forget iba Mr. Thouiaa ta IMaoese and Urant aad Lee Olger. Tbeir yi pupulailly itcoaiui.tiy Increaela. , . ,, , , ' i ;, fi Rrailr I'trftrl Kallaladlna Ot laflWi W Rf Uiwiawl lat fttUa fiiala al IN TIES ODS Have depreed that this season shall be one of White Goods. With that thrust upon us some one must supply the demands tor goods that are in koeping with such a decree No store in New Born is better prepared to fur nish these necessary goods than we are. ' Every worthy sort, every proper style oi material for a White; poods' Beason W here. If you would see thein. be posted NOW- TO SPEAK OF PRICES ! 1'lquen. 8? inch plain well PK at ill inch plain b.;avy well P K at SI iik.Ii Kiuey P K at ; . J .4 I. I. ' 2J . ! 10c liic lSc 20o 8Uc 1 HJc 21 Iik'Ii utlra hear plaU welt Viui aale of 'heee Koxla ao far bate IxW ao viry fltlieiiug we kuow the pr.cm ace iljlit. B.-ntiliful Tiiik Ouck in p'aio anj aliipe'i, 'iitt,j at I Jt, lirre al lids Tell Us Your Needs, r t in April 13, 1809 JOHN DIJNH, GrcGorks and NEW BERN, N. C.! V JE1DMS4 V A 01 STY Of- V n ii. I lUUll. NV OF ASHIOLT I on these, you must Dlnilfl. Nlceplaia wblla dainty .pimitiea In check ao I atrip, 10c to Hie." Jutt ibe cored thing for a cool ihlii walat. A aulid cae of beautiful Uaured blui -tie which we have ddclded ID aell hi te. , In plalu H'hlle Ltwu our Price are Right. .. l.. . Uuttoir filaUIngii. Wa cannot fail la mention a new ar rival ot plain and fancy atrip C.iltnii 3.iilioja. i Ju.t the thing for earyiceble wash akirl," AUi fur boj'i u1ii ' " . They ire I. 1c value bill we are olfei iug Ibeut ai lit.:. We Do The Rest v. lnl tarda au (w, Hun v. .uiaa, Iprfl lt-lf. li.tl Abbott "My Mtoraart aJrUa at laat ta Day Jaclalaa piaotkmlly aautea mj MM ud gtraa bm mf plaoa, I fal aaaalal j oeaddaBl of arlaalag." Tha Atluraaf Oaaaral gara Or. AaboU kava to IbiU lata qau vaermato proeaadlag lu Irj taa t!Ua to Iba aAoa of eotporalioa ooaiail (loaar.aoarWUbyX C. BliIaBIJ Tsa AUoraay SaMral apoka at It ai '.railroad tommMomt,'' (baa a4daj. Tba Lairtalatara baa tba right uebaaga iba aaata If It to wiaba. Tbara la ao d U aboot lkat." Tba Auoraay UaaaraJ U dolag quit a "laid 0000" badaaa. Ha baa graatad laaralo bilag kitlt ta Maai ar ca a. Oaa of tbaaa la tbat of M. a WilflaaMo aalaal Juba R. Krata. fur Iba ekrktbip of Uia Crlmloal Uourt of Ifacklaabarg. laotbai eaa la Ibat oa tba ralaiioa at Jamet A. Uryaa agalaal U. W. .Patrick, to try Uta right to Iba coatrol at tba Atlaallcaad North CaruHaa KallroaU, Ui fraoahlaa aad proparty. ; t Aaotharla (ro faaUoo, ar all lha county aOcUla art to try lltla. Tba lait oaa 16 ooaaa It la Baajamla r. Me Cottar, who waata lha affloa o( UaMUrar from lleary CowaU. Tba Supra nM Court baa glraa vitality to tba doatrlM a bid dowa la Uoka galaat Uoadenoa, aad Judga Clark;' diaaeallag optaloa It aa oatory aad pro teat agalaat thlt doctriaa. It U aaid that North Carolina la tba oaly Biaia la which It U law. r f'' Oorareor Ruaaatl, wklla la Waihlaf ton, workad hard to dafaat Ewart. .That waa la tba llaa of tba plaa to hara Boyd ada jodgd, Ooyd'l aialataat pramotad to hi plaoa and, Kaaaall pat la a aialat aat. It la learned from high authority that Uaaeall, while la Waablagtoo, Vnl la polou" lie did. aoma damaga to Ewart, and there I na doubt but that Effarl would bara been appoiuletl laat week, but for what Ru.aeU did. Noith Carullulaoa do uol cara whether tba Oovaraor goea to Waihlpgtoa or lo New ITork. ... '3 AMBUMAUKU. Amartnaae a4 Britlah CamgM hj laiaajn Bavaa Ma K0la4. Orara ApavahaaalM 0ar Patare KaaaMa. . WaaBiMTviit, April 18. Tbeiltuatlon la Samoa aaa luddenly beooma mora critical. . "'i'-' Advice recetred yeatardaj ttal that an American aad Brltliu force wai am baiheJ by Mattafa rebel April I near Apia, Ibe Bajnoan capital, and defeated Pour American aad three met of Ibe Diillah farce Were killed and Ive Ameri can and one Briton were wounded. , The new wa teat from Apia by (team er lo Auckland, New Zealand,, where II arrived yeeterday and wa cablet). ' - Tba American killed ware all of the cruller Pniladelpbla. . ; Fiva men from the Philadelphia and OATautra or vua stohaov. '.Vi Kyjf-j'n ui iii i'ijt.V.vlw A rieaaaat. aimpla, fteM bat XaTaetaal OarererU. , Catarrh Of lha (lomach haa long b ea connldered the neit tbina te Incurable. i ba uaual lyiopioine are a lull or bloated aenaatkia alter eating, accom- panird tomeliuiea iih aoar or water rUtngi, a forma loa of tjBMM, ijiuaiug (irnwure on the luuga and heart ami JltUcull brealblug; beadache. nckle an pvliie , uarvouaDeai and a general played nut aud languid feeling.' Tbeie I often a foul taate la the month, Oiled lougue, . aud t( the loteilr ol iiuiuacu could be een It would how a aliiny Inflamed condition. 'llie cura tor tbla common and oball uate diaeaae I found la a treatment which caute the food to be readily and thoroughly dlgeafed before it hi lime to ferment and Irritate Ibe delicate mncooa turf ace of the ctomach. ' To aeoure a prompt and healthy dlget- lion I the one aecetaary thing to do, and when normal dlgeatlon I aacured the catarrhal condition will have dltap- peared. According to Or. Barlanaon the aafetl and beat treatment 1 to aae after each meal a f tablet, eompoaad ' of, Diailrac, Aseptic Pepiln, kfllltle Nuxi Golden deal and fruit acid. ' ' The tablet can now be found at all drug (lore under the a tine of Bloart' Dyspepila Tablet, and, aot being a pat ent medicine, can be uted with perfect aafety and thorough aaaoranca that healthy appetite and thorough digettloe wilt follow their regular uae after meal. Mr. NJ. Boohor, of 1710 Dearborn Si . Chicago, III, write, "Catarrh I l Local condition retailing from a neglect' ed cold In the head, whereby the lining membrane of Ibe note become Inflamed aud Ibe poltonou discharge thereform, pauing back Into the throat, reach the itomach, thu producing catarrh of the tlomach. Medical authorities prescrib ed for me three jeart for catarrh of the lomach without eure, but today I- am I the liannltiflt of men afur i: n nnlv ah, box of Stuart DyspepBia Tablet. -1 can aot find appropriate word lo axprc my good feeling. 1 have found flesh, appetite a ad sound teat from their use. Sloan' Uytpepiia Tablet ts-the safest preparation a well a the aimplest and aioat convenient remedy for any form of Ind'i'euion, oittsrih of tlie s'iv su, i; ii)i!ain".sI iir gsin. -i !, h-arljurn and bloB,'-' r r n 'i. - iij f.r l. Si, n . ' ! f ou sin u- i hi m' ; i, i ' r r. a. . - 1 1 . , " , 'tit AzzzvtzntVvsz lilies the food more deHciotts sod wliolesome (lual of the British craiaer Hor- poiae wie wound, d- Tbe ambaacado. acoordlat lo the dif patraaa, oooirrd oa a Uerataa plaata.' Iloa. The manager of the plaalalioa ' waa arrealed and detalaad oa the Bill lab eraber Taaraaga. AOdavlta ware made doclariag that be waa asea argiag rebela lo tgbl. j ! Somoaa say that Malaafa, the rebel leader, wa wllllag tOMrreader, but that Ban Boaa, the Uermaa consul, advised bia not to do ao. Partber troabie af aa extremely criti cal nature M feaied la Bamoa. Tbara are aew poealbilille of laleraalloaal oomplkatloaa lavolvlag tba United Stalas and Ureal Briliaa, which aupport Malietoa, the relgalag Han oaa King, aad Ibe Germans, who aupport Malaafa. Urave apprehension b felt la Watlng- loa, Congrasama null, of Iowa, said: f Germany persists la bar present conn there may be war." Be alto aaid tbat the people of Ibe Weal believe Germany waa hostile to Ibe United States la the Spanish war, Other member of Congress expressed paclflo views. - Kxcltemeet la Berlla aad London wa caused by the aew from Apia. Tba Ger man government, It I understood, hold that It I mt to blaW, but British for eign offloUl regard the course o' Herr Roae, the German consul, as one ol Ibe leading causes of the latest outbreak. Piatt action la aendlng to Biaioa. Ibe commission which will deal with Ibe situation Is understood to be still delated by the British government, a. It desire lo Instruct ll oommlaiioaer by mill In stead of by cable. The view I held la German circle la Waihlogloa that much of the delay In aatlllag the Bamoaa trouble, at well at lha grave aspect the trouble have as aoied, Is due Jo a desire on the part of Great Britain to bring about aa armed alliance with tbe.Unlted Stales.' TexuttB a . mmK f Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuodbe money If It fall to cure. 25c The genuine na oa each tablet Lake City Ljaehioc Caatk Chablkbtox, 8. C , April 13. Two of the government' most Important wit nesses testified la the Lake City lynching today. They were J. P. Newbam, one of the men who turned State' evi dence, and M. W. Spring, who iwears tbat oa of Ibe defendant asked him lo Join the mob that killed fostmaaler Baker, Newham I a white man, and sty he cannot read or write. He used to live la Lake City, but tlnce be turned State' evidence he has been provided for In Washington. On the stand New hn (wore ihtt he met Stokes, Kppt, Webster, Alonzt s i I Rodger, who are amoa; tbeilefemUni, and other at Stokes, at-.. Stokes In tatd, planned the lyucblng, prupusiug u set Are lo the poatoluVe an I kill Biki r when be cau.e out. It was agreed lo do tht Monday night. At thil limn tli-i men named, with McNigbi, Waid ai.il ethers, went to the plae ;. He and Ksrly P. Lee, Newbam said. set flre to the boose, while Ibe others hid in the bushes and Hied Intd the place. Newbam was rigidly crois-uiivsiioned but ruck to hi original t-ory. Nebm declared that b did uol sea Kelly, Hoger aud Clark in the mob lhal killed Baker. Springs (aid Stoke tried loget blm lo go with the mob lo kill Biker, but be te fused to do (a Springs wss being cress examined when court adjourned on account of the Illness of Juror Murphy, y:-:. an -vv. CASTOR I A ' lor Infanta And Children. : Tit lis i Yea K:;i A!r:rs E::;tt Beara the Blgnataro m KFaxuLXTiva makkkts. Today's quotali ns furnished by- W U Galbraitb, New York, Represented by A. O. Newberry. ' NlW Torc, April 13, STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Cloae Sugar........... 108 163 ISO 106, a R.4Q, 142f Utl 141, Uli M.O. P. ... 6I 62 M &lt Manhattan...... IIP 138 118 124 COTTON. Open. niph. Low. Close August 5.90 S 9) 0.81 8 CUICAGO MARKETS. Wkbat ; i Open. Uigh. Low. Close May.......... 72J 74 72J 741 " EOCrXX?I'AS.K!CA SAITB. THS ErST SALYE lu theworld'for Cuts, Erniges, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheiiir, Fen-r iiFfs, Ti-'.Ser, Chipped Hands, CI." ' ."ns, -'irn, ' 1 a'l SI. In 1'nip :'., 1 ' ' ' ( 'i - i' i, or no : ' r '. 1. is l J to i ' " ch ihimo riupiaoti. Uaaantt Wkailaj 9iart4 to Drin Thasa toaa. Mai kf plad. Lawtoa fceaSare Itw riUpiaa riwaS. MsaiLX. April II Oeaeral Wbaatoa started at daylight a lib tba Ten lb Paa ylvaala aad Iba Second Oregon Krgl teal aad two goas U dilvo iba aallvrs from the American right flank, betaeca the railroad aad lb footblll. lie met alight resit lance near Santa Maria aad had una maa wounded. Bui the natives boiled whra shelled by the artillery and bureed and abandoned the towa of Saaia Maria, where a Iboataad of them were reported to have beea con cent ral ad. During the rest of the day the aallvas were ta full retreat toward the moua tains, burning lb village behind them Occasionally a few of ibent dropped lo the rear aad fired at lha advancing American troop from the jungle, ap parently with the Idea that tbl would check the advance and cover ibe retreat of the Filipino. But Hading ibese tac tics Ineffectual, they scrambled after the main body. The American guard along the rail road has beea materially aireagthened and It I not likely that Ibe native will succeed la gelling la lha utare to a cloae quarter at they reached yesterday, evea If they return from the mountain. Oeneral Wheal en ha telegraphed from the Held lo General Oils, saying: "They would not wait to be killed " ' General Lawlon la scouring lha vicini ty of Saala Crux, lie nml the native have decamped. The General has tap lured aguuboat, lt launchc aad two cauocs, comprising ibe Filipino fleet In Lagan a de Buy. These vessel were stuck In the mud of the river. General Oil baa sent a dredge lo lb spot. COUCH SYRUP Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat It Is the liest remedy for rtnliliorn ixJd Small doses. Price 86 els, at dniggUU Anway's Croup 5yrup, a ape clfic In Croup. Never Falls. 25c at Bradham's. IT PAV5 AND I'AYS WELL TnliH.k yi.ur 1 at all limn, a lif i bor in l i i-lr hi 1 1 r-1 r in a I tminew it' t' t" nt't' In "ml. Wily Ihy l.u't It ns t it v i'Utw 1 i in j-, Hen, noi girtdy." Y cii ii er n l lh t-xelit ive ny it anu miiue whimbi ikmi iioiu iva ly insilr rlnthlnji a- ymi can from r failur Made Suit duc'i as wu tit. finish and mike iu tne perf ciii nof styhv Middle Slre.4. NEW BERN, N. C m Boole Store? ! - "Break the News to Mother" ... - J 'Atja Qeorsla CampJMeet J G. H-. Ennctt: 5 J. L Hartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT and COLLECTOR OF RENTS. If you want your house occupied with good leunnta or if you have propeity fiw sale luru it over to uin 1 have calls for liouites every dtiy.liul I have none vacant I make pr.-mpt returns rail of month. Olhiw over Citizens Bank, with J. i Wulfenden. , wgk? REALESTATEAGENCY Houses and Lola For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. IVtinilile Homes and Tenements tlnit will prove a fine invest nicnt. ("i.!!i'l!n!i f I'pbIm a Rprlalfy. C". t n ' "-" fl. 1? J,'!.!..i h.ef. .wis have JUiHT aanaa bl mimtwmtn w 2 a Aa era iiavcaa iivi vf ar I . SUGAR CURED -15 I ' PIG HAMS 1 2 We have teen thil teaeon rarigior 5 Five to Eight Pounds. O 0 0 Kvrry Outs Gnurikntecd U be Strictly L FlrtCliUN, o o 'Phone 01. Rigrht Furniture Values ! r . iug right from foremost manufac- turers makes such results possible 9 here. A feature of our business that yon cannot afford to overlook. Our aim is to give you the best valnes for your money, and this we believe we can do. M FRANG. H. JONES & GO.. m ' 87 M DIaK HTU1S1ST. FANCY GROCERIES . ra nipn Thone;69. Oar Spring M 3 Good Valued For Every Dollar You Pay Us ! Hen's Suits, FOli SPRING AND BTTMMER. Suits worth f4 00, our mice 60. In dak and light colors worth ft 00. we aell for 1850. ,;l Clay Won ted Suits, all wool f 4 78 lo 110 00.:; - Fiat grade ot Suits worth 1S M to $100. We Sell fortS 00 lo 10 00. .len'sints. 8000 Pair of Men' Pants. Big as sortment from Fifty Onts and Upward. Our Goods Aro ell ITctt. i urxi: IVED S; nw 5 in tixe from Try One o WliIrAlr ! & IKeUir J M 71 nrwr l Ml. S Are tboee tbat place you near the real worth; tbat afford you the ful lest measure of Satisfaction in Style and Service. Making your selection from our Spring Stock enables you to secure the newest ideas Furni ture that possesses every excellence that commends, but the prices are such as careful buyers " approve; those that yon cheerfully pay. Buy- OFALLKINDS ft Keliihf" and 0igh Chss Canned Good, Fancy Sugar Cuied Ham and Bacon. Choice Pieah Roasted Coffee, and our. F.m u "Tea, rrk spread n a Ii mpllrg array for our patrons delre'.alioo, at price attraction ' that it 1 1 -.y . mi lo come many u.l'e lirse.ii.re. If y a Mt.nl good bread try a btrrel of our "Beat In Ibe Warld." T jere U nothing better made. i ra si nnr'dn 77 Broad Street. Summer Goods Shoes. la Black and Tans, Large Block snd Sold at Uvlog Prices. rrr Unnrlc . " Also big assortment Spring and Sam met Pry Good. M a4rfV . -?.:; , ,r- -. . ..!! " . , , 3 I For Erery head in Straw aid Fel at Low Price. Ho Old fltoci. . . . : . I; , a its I j (it i till Siiizisx

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