: 1 - An Excellent Combination. Tb flMtl aaethod Bad betartWbU ' f MU ad tbe aaU Imm rems-iiy, BVBirs o Fbia. amautartared by I'm C'auvomiia t hvaur Co.. llluairal Um amlae of obtaining tbe liquid bum ttre prutoiptc of !uU know a to be aedicuially hnhft aod praamting Uwk la Uau tuna ami reirraj.ine; to Um tatte ud a"eeutatde to tin- ayaU-sn. It li Uwj oaai purhxt trvoirlliiilng laxa tive, ch-aa-aus! Ui avalcm eiT.vUiollr, diafwlltug eubfc. headache aud fvvcre gtmUy yol promptly aud wmld'uig one tomraat habitual cun.Uttiu por mtBetitly lu p-rfcot frdi4a fmra very ot.k-rt bauble qnelitv and lob klaaoa, and 1U aetinf m the kUlrwya, liver and bmwla, without weakci.liir or Irriuilnj tbcra, aiako K the Mead laaailva. . la Um prawww of atkniifactnrinff Sir arm a nail., a Uacv are plcajuuit ta the taste, bat Um aardi.-liuil qnulilieauttb remedy are- obtained from auana and other arunmUe plants. Iy a method kaona to th California Fio f vn r to. wily, la order to prt iU beuctlulol effects and to arold Iwiutionc, plea reuct.ib-rtlie full name ol thcCorrpany printed oa tli front ol every puaatre. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Ca AM rUASblJOa. CAU lOOtVllxr.. T. KliW too, bt. T. For tab- u, ll Tieilala.-l,rW M"' THE JOURNAL Nr lUra. M. C. A aril 14, 189. - rTtitaiari. . V At 1 1 ThratrvAThe Alcrry Msld. - k MoUaoici fiaakill-Sraall Mama.' ..' F H Joaea Co Furniture Val.ee. N B Matatl Fin lot C-Stair mm.'. -Business Locals'. A BIO Slaughter sal In Ih fruh bust, acta today at 11. K. Roytl's Kroad si feci Frblt Store. . , '. A FULL supply Y Uiapkophones and Records. iu: sink - I'ikta; Grapbo phoaws 5 lu f.'.X Records fi io J xr d"tea. The out- perfect talking' ma thin. , Also full lino of C'oliiuil la, Hart lord and Vedette -' Mrcyclo. Bicyrle Sui.drwof ail kiada, As. I'bone 129. Wm. T. Hdl.i WANTED TO BU Y'-Second hatid boohcaaa. JoOuxal Oilk a. - - - - TliK aoeat rlr alWuyi oa drauglil, n jAOMi'a, Middia 8tr4. . , . J. ... , ' A DAY IS TH IE CITY. . ' n t . tba forecast for today. ... v I Keinember tba MHIUry Drill by ilia joung ladles at Slanly. Hall, tuulgbl al o clock, v, Jut Gakill-Klllott caao wu not heard ycaterday, aa'Ellloit wai unable to ap pear. . Tba cara waa continunL ' . Tbe GoTerament Steamer, ' General Tuom, Capt'. Dave Roberta, arrived bere jtalaiday from 8oBbMrtand will go on tba mailne railway bere for. repairs. A general meeting of Ike momUeri of tba Craven club wilt be beld at tbe club Loaae tonlgbl, at 8:Sil o'clock. A full alleodauce dcalrcd.' Buslueaa of impor tance. . . . , '"- Tbe annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign; AlUaiouary 4orcty of Ceuleuury Ai.G.C'liUrcb will be beld Ibla afturncon al 4 o'clock la tbe cliurub. Eluctinn of olll cere. A full atlendanre la deaiied. . Onslow Hairlof. At Catherine Lake, Oualoar county, AprU 12ik, Col. H. U, , Taylor and Alia Haocy lloyt, mere married." 'rA Both Col.( Taj lor . and Mra. noj t ;are well know reaiileula of Ouilow, county, i ,i. :,'.-, it , '; I1ED v-.: ., . i i. In thla cily after several 'weeks illui a," .William U. Pearce ageil 73 year.., , ', Tbe funeraj service will be beld from bis late residence Salnrday morning at II o'clock. Frieudi and acqualutaocct invited to alleud... ... ,, i Ckaaa la Fir NaailMr Waatwr; At tbe meeting of fto Fire Depart men t board, a committee waa appointed to go before the cily aldcimen, and lo request tbe change ot lire alarm box nnmbcrtO, market dock, to fonie other number,' aa ileanfllcla wlih W, and also' la a;iong lnBj ;. . ics ; s ., Tba market dock ia an Important eec tlon of tbe city, and the olDcert of (be department think that a aliort aumlier would be belter t -. .. ... '. To Whom Thli Msr Cooccrn. ' Any one can aee tbe captfon of . the eta and resolutions olxt General As sembly pasaea at the session tof 1899, wltb s synopsis of their contents by ap plying' to5 tbevClerk 'and" lteglnter of Deeds of Craven connty. ; . ' . -'' i'i For a quick remedy and nne " that' U perfectly safe for children let us recom mend One Minute Cough Cure. It Is excellent for croup, hoarsene, tickling la the throat and cooglrj, F. 8. Dnffjr.' Cola -1 Headache i Powdetg, prompt, afe certain, harmless, Quaranteed to Curr, 10c at Brad ham's. ' : . " .'-. C AP U D I NO TTT1 T"1 ri K;Mi..t " li:.t- i i actie. La Grippe. Tains ,. Ncrtoua lletdiitlie, , v nEADACHE. - Kvery bottle KuruaUtd. 2"ic at all lliuggiats. 1JM Il.Mitl Utf. LWut. 1 tU Iim Ua lb C'uu.r p. trtl ai n. I lu tra l'u.mnl tu tu tnt CVI'x, ai Cbaikloa.8 C. X L W aa W auiiy IrWinl. fcir. ako ifvl Intrcblai Watt rr.in.Ux, a. da k" trad W tUW; fur hk wr. la k arw Maik. bm a. a a. c t r aa.aaa. A ! ' a a. IL C. Ilaidlaaa, lU A A N. . rgrftal- Uivlaa, 9 kits rdrg hiaa aiar mail irata, a a pal nt t trala at KiraoUla by Udwinr llll, Im trjwtrd llardUoa aa brlag ilia- ardatly. llanlla ka brouikl auit afalaat tba A. A N C. lot t4.aW.rtala( that aa du fiMra a H airrt, alan Uat aa u pal K akik tbr trala aaa luunlnf. to kU l.wy aa4 karl, 1hbi kU claim for Tka I'tlal aad MM ftaa. A rata Irrat aad a plraatat rrralaf I la atvra fur all ikwa afco atlrad ib Modiutka at tba tbeaira oa Haaday alKbl, Apill 17lk, af laa (101111(1 faaay famlal twrnady "Tba Marry a)a4' by tba fatal aad Powder flab of WU at!uglu M. C. Taa Cluh It touring tba Stata lor tba Ubellar of tba Bllrer Crum, a aammar bom fur ladlgnat rklUlrra at WrlnbUTilla llrarb, aialnulord by Tba lau;hia and the pincnt trip It hmWi tba partvual diracUua of Ataaager 8, A. Srbbwa of lae M'llwiaglM Ofiara konaa.' Tba Wllnfttgloa pima araroally buiileroai la Ilia pitlK accorded tavir Turilaaa, aad . UouUIwi oar peopk will.artkroaw tb Club rigbt myally. Mea-H.WaaaHia Mwaaar. Tbo Joi aAi. b la receipt of a eoanpll mcntary'eapy of The Bounding Billow, a'papcr "published al laiervala" oa the U. & F. S. Ulyeipia, "la tba Inlereala l American niea-'u waramea." :The flr.l numbers of Tba Bounding Billow . were printed la Japan orta. Wbaa the Olympla waa teal lu China al tba time whea war wan- Imminent wllb Hpaln ihd Caal anchor In the harbor ol Hongkong The Bounding Billow made ka appearance wilb lha Brat page la mourning for the besof tbe battleship Maine, blown up In Havana harbor. The copy 4t Tbe llouudlng Billow re ci'ived al this dice aaa scut lb rough tbe coiirlecy of W. W. Wearer, lo whom the JutkNAl. armU'lbanka and beat wlanea. . Warreatatl tov alanlar. There waa large drlcgallou of Vanre- l oro people herei yesterday, the occas leu beiug the ras i uf IL (!. Vltva aud Abrara Cleve, who bad beoa served by a warrant, reusing them to appear belore It. I . W'(!IUuis. J. j'V to answer the charge of knowing sowelbing regarding the killing of Macon Itryati, in last Jan uary. -' ' ' " - " ' ; ' 'J ho complaint waa iiiado by Alpbonso lli.cll, ; t.,,., .... - .. i The ewe was heard at the court bouse, It. B. N Izon appearing fnr tbe Clerea, and I.. i. Moore and W. W. Clark for tbe utoaeculioui.vK i -ii .., ,. , After bearing the testimony of a nnm bef of wiiucMCs, tbe Clevet were dis charged, there being ue testimony to wairaut holding I him upon lha charge. ilr. (iotlar i-ee, w bere last algbt In the luterot of the . Wllmlnglon 1'aiut and Powder Club, which appears at the theatre next Monday night. - . 11". L. M, lientlren, aha baa been away about two mouths, visiting at Durham aud Winston, returned borne lat night, v" - Mr. aud Airs. Eduiond Studwkk . of UicbnxiiMl, arrived last night to visit with Airs, John llogliti on ltrosd street. Sheriff F. W. Ilargetl.of Onslow coun ty, arrived, iu the eily last night from Haieigh ;;v Air. Alex Justice U in the city, cn a short business visit. - . Ex-Sberlt W. B. lane Is In tbe city. : Miss- Estello 'Mill's of illchlandsr is vtsiUngMra. W. B. Cus. , , a.,,.- AGhe me liver Teeulalorand Iran regulate the world," said eenlus. Tbe druggist lisudeil biui a bolile of De Witt's Utile barly Klsers, the famous Utile pllla.' F 3 Duffy,' V ' ; Bealli orciuM.l. Uuiaell. ' f ( i Died at his residence neur Hwnnsltnrn. N. C, on April llih, 99, Mr. Chaa. l. Itussell, aged 41 yean. Ate. ltusselt bad beu. sick for several monlba, and .r coully wu Ihougiit to bo recovering when a relapse took place. ' Ho was a kind father, affectionate husband, and a map highly reapeuled in his comuiuulty. He was 'a consistent member of the Methoulsl Episcopal chnrch, Boutli, and also a. member of Ben Hide Lnlm A. V. , - . -s - a A A. M. al Ssausboro, ink whjcb be bad i. i ., , i - . . usiu avvorai imponani poslllons. Its leaves an affectionate wife and fnur children, "leil)l p a ' larire ' number of irieaus ana relative to mourn his loss. . Wilmington Blar please copy; F. . 7 WBKN TRAVELING. ' " ' ; Whether on pleasure bent or 1iine. take un every trip a boule of Syrup of ng,aan eclaio-t pkasantly and er fecluallv on the kidnevs. liver and boar. el's preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of skrknuss. . For valo in kii cents Prattle by all leading druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig 8y rup Co., only, : '." . 7 ', , ' ' . , . J . . , Be sure of your ilruirm don't bur' at raniliun; bna uf iiia aha wnn i. .. .-j --j - - '- j "ii nmrm mi, faith In. in no country are there belter medical ''supplies than this" (United KtuU'i-V. anil we search lha nonnt rw to obtain the very be,t, and havu every modern spplinnce for tlisensing these drugs and at reasonable prices. Your prescriptions will nave Immediate atten tion here. The beat of service Is glveu osr emtomers as well as best drugs. Does qnnllty cmint with vou! Brsd- htm's Pbaruisry, ATI I n Sl.tT U 1 i l in j M llf S.w U.a, a r Tva a..,, Tka Aiiaailc ll4rl ass lampniriS' Vsalarday lia s raplial k k ft fl ' i'O. aad H B. BaibMk U.a.la D I'.srW. T L UtaUri raii k. Juha Uultng tad Frank hiroaack as barur-iai.4a. Mr C B liaua U preaUrwi aad Mr. Joaa Galilag aaxnlsiy aad lrrMiitr Taa lax-urpuraiora ara tbe aUrt rs Atr. kVaror aaU la Tbe I'ual aa4aiuay lhal tbe pruat-e-rU fur tbe aaa4 irnwa- fal seaeoa srer kaaaa. at tba km at were vary Wt,.t Tksl Mr. O U. Foaler, aba kta Waard the boial for ibaasasoa Is verr popalar abb gaaata, aad Ikal bala aw Bar lag iaa aaiiia aaMai piopcnj Iboraagbly s.vrbaa!d. Everyikiag Ikal will add lo Ike eawveabBea 4 alt is being Uwked after. Tba butal bat bare taoroagkly tiled oat ahh kaadaoaa Webbach ibjbla, aad trrangarals are Bow belag made lo pal la bot sail rwbi water balks, so ikal I key will La available oa every .ur. Everything Ikal will add la taa euavew ieaoa of gavels It being bmied after. Already mora rooms have lea ea gaged fur Ike romlag araaoa tbaa has been booknl before a p 1st tba 111 4 June, Mr. foster It staking preparations for the Teacbere' AaseaiWy meeting la Jane, aad It la si peeled Ikal about t Iboesaad people will be la aUeadaaoa. Tbe 8uu Bar Assoclalloa will be beld tart In July, t .9 thai promlsrs lo be a moat kucctatfal aad a all al leaded meet Ing. The pro-pacts forth Htait mill tsry acampmeat Ib Augtttt are slaa very bright. Efforts w bleb promise ta be successful are being mad te Induce lb Uns that Moiehead City la tbe proper place for lb ncanipmeal. The Atltalld Uoul," Ms. Barbe aiUleil, wlll l keadquartert for news paper atea of tba Slate this tammer, aad w will be prepared to make ll pleaaai.1 for thews. Mr. C It. Poland who kaa twee en gaged lo atakl la ailractlng ' gwesle lo tbelr hotel, will sollrk patroaaaa for lb leaort, aad also tba Atlantic and North Carolina Kallroad In several Suiet south of her, and a ibrough sleeper wlU be put oa betwrea Memphis aad Morebeed City, Waving Rsleigb la lb afleraoon and arriving at Morehead lily la time for supper. Ralelgb Post, 11th , INFORMATION VOR KKOIMTRAaVt Caamraliic city Klaatlaa aa Ftrat Taa.day la May, las. . For the new registration lb regis- tratloa books shall be opened alsome roareuleul place In tba Ward, and tbe reuhttrar uf tin Ward abail give ten days notlre prior to oK ulng the books of I lie time and place of regWtie lion. ' , The registration books f hall be opened on lb second Monday before tbe Aral Tuesday In May, 189, and shall be kept opea from and Including the second Monday proceeding the Urst Tuesday la May, 1890, to and Including lb follow ing r aturdty between tbe hours of eight o clock m and tlx o'clock p m each day. All vacancies caused by registrar failing or refusing to act shall be titled by the other registrar. If any person appoint ed a poll holder shall fall to act the registrar for the Ward shall All th vacancy by appointing soother person. Krglstrars before entering oa tbelr duties shall qualify before Justice f the Peace or other oftlcera qualified to administer oaths by takiug tbe oath prescribed for Ueglstrart for tbe City of Mew Bern. Koglalrart before registering a voter shall administer the prescribed oathu the voter.. . . A. f, xm JwiC. ' . The registrars and poll holders shall meel al the polling placet la their res peclire vranla on the AInnilty proceed ing the election to bear and determine challngcsv ' $ -J The party challenged must be notified In writing.' , This Dotlce uiiy be served by. any mot.-,'i .--w: q m , U f: ? :' What Tvaeh. ; Thadditor of tho Bar Harbor Beoord snys: -.-"Two mithorlllua one a man who has mtiilu educational matters a llfulong Btudy. the other an ablo writer and a train ed obcrrver arrive at tho sunw conclu sion, and this Is the sum of thctr obaorri) Uofis. There Is a (tnldon mean In educa tion a In uvorythlna; else, lunch your ehilUren whnt It Is essential they should Worn In order to till tliclr proper places In UflS, and teauk It thoroughly. Don't cram tbelr heads with studies that they will never' need niter they loavo tho school room, ' ' ' .Carloaltr A-aBaa. ' . "Want question vl all the hundreds you have to answer every day," Inquired the lounger ut the Polk street railway station, 'lnnlus you tlie wearlestr" "That one," replied tbo ticket seller, 'U ubout as (utlgulng aa any." Chioage tribune. . ,. i . Wtlllaa U Bhaald Par. . Youth-?! hare er ooiuo to ask yota, sir. If 1 r niay pay my addrossos to four daughter Mr. Cash Pay anything you like, roung man, and woleoiue. But If yon At tempt to Itorrow, look out for yourself. .' Tho palms f tho ha ml and the soles of 5h feet are eoniponwt uf cushions of fat In jrder that nu Injury may lie done to tho muscles underneath by sudden Jolts or violent blows. 4 , " Before the discovery of One Alinnte Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregations. Mo excuse for It now. , F 8 Duffy. , Cola Headache Powder-) are harmless but slllc.icn-; guaraulecd to cure your liesilacue or money icfunded. 10c al BrmiUam's. " Oranges SOc p?r dozen si 5", 'oi!cy't. To Uis Public! 'Eugene Walluau Is no longer in our employ, and the Public is hereby noti fied against recognizing Urn ss our Agent, or ir.nsaciinij anything in onr mime, or paying him, any money for us Auoliicr pt'son Is wanted to till IMs po.iiinn. r v vt taa...a st 1 aea. . Itm BlMa-al tM la-w- ( arul stork auUrtibcJ .... f iO.OM (A Cac Hal tt a p aid ap la ra-A . &.OUI I Tetal lac axis lb )rsr U TAal ail-Lir rrats f.ar Ik ear . ,'. .i j. . . i .. t ' ABBCT Mana kaa u al lai. , tral ..'. , 1,00 (a baaj ssavarad Uj pa-d, of s b-adi, soki or aibcr colla ,' teal .'. tioeo MarkK value of storks aad boaJa al by lb Com. paay Caah Muafla(lu Company I ' anr aad dspoalu-4 la baak . Bills waivable Net aiajat of Barol Naiad premlnmi,,.. i.netw Ull II iaftLM b 1W4S Total sasrU ........ Jl.Clh UABIUTICa. . Total aaearaed premlams ... 1.4M4I Tutsi llaUHtlr .... 1.4M4I nuava raaut.DiA auastm is itUH. AmoBBt of polhlcs wrltir dariaglbeyrar ltS,4iO00 Absmibi uf baes ami i Islam lace r red du dag lb year... 100 00 Aaioutl of Voi-ea and claims sallied dm Ing lb year. ..i 'l.00 Gmat amount of picmluai r eivd or secured duilaglb -year. ........ J,lr S7 Presidenl.T. A. Green. . iba retary, GeOige Greta Ueawal Ageal fur Nonk Carollaa, J. J. WoUeadea, Mew Urea. - , State i w Nokth Canouka, orrica r scmktrv p statb. 'V BaliiuH, Marct4ia, IttM. I rrnlfy ikal tbe above is a Ira ah all-act from Ibo twora slslrateit of th New Bern Mutual Fir Inearaac Com psny asof lkoriaor8l,imiu,'ahlch Is bow on file la Ibis otlli-e. . Cvai s TuoMrsoit, -' ftcielary of State. aaartiU jigsataie .. i ! HTI i,'' llj aa A new lupfly of vsceliislio tblehU was rai-elveil last klgkl a: lal.' Prt Mi, I it Ion 'l-liairuaoy." ' Thire different kluds of b kids sre la ih assorlmeal Pnre.euld, refresblug soils Sater, made from ripe fruit juices, and served la tissues ibat. have bee washed, rinsed aud NtlUhrd, Is drawlof I he crowd of thirsty ieople who applet late good tod We Iry to improve on every glass, and if daintiness of service sad good oda couats with yon, you will dilak at Brad ham's Fountain. Extra fine Spring Lamb tt tbe Oakt Market lod , Dressed Chickens at Oakt Maiket. ' Fine dull Fed l'eef at the Oaks Mai ket. - Kalr AaaselatliMl Bllla. All persons having bills against tbe Fair Association, or who were awarded Premiums, can oblalu the same by calling at tbe office of tbe Secretary and Tieas nrer (over Citizens Bank), between tie hours of 10 a m and 3 p ' . , : Kew Maat Market. . ' ' ' Mr. Buruey Bwert, who has been con. aected with tbe Oaks market, Is now aasovlnlrd wllb bit brother al No. 49 AlUlillettirel, In Ihn n ral inaikt-l Luai aesa, wliere he w 111 glad losi-e his old customers tnd friend, . W The werts tnarkt-t will alwais krep (n hand choice supply of l-eef, pork ad sausage. Call phone 40 and tKtid yourordors. 1 - ' i" ' - ' Cocoannt Brittlo today, 1(1 rents a found at ilcSoiley's, . - - When In Bayboro slop al the Luptoa 1 (duse fnr good MmnmniUtlniis. . , Miss I'owfll, th Palmist hss decided lo reiusln until Batuiday, ' April. ISib, which will positively Iw her lasl day. and can lie found at her rooms at the Hotel Albert. Hours from 10 a m' to 10 p in. , ; Don't read thla ad, but go to Baxter the Jeweler for neat, cheap ami prompt watcb, i lock and Jewelry repairing. Also engagement rings for sale rbesp KeXttO JotWNAI i .'ft.: ; ; '. Davis Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescripllons Hand yours there to be filled. They will receive pioiupt atlentlon. Tbey wilt be flllfd with the greatest accuracy: Tbey wilt he ill led exactly as I lie Doctor di recta. Only the purest diugt will be ,used Salisfaetlon guaranteed aa to prices, gnoils axl service, Alediclue -Delivered to any part of tho city. ' Night bell at front door. Phono SO ' T. " : ' ' .... At Tlie Theatre ! nONDAY, NIGHT, APRIL 17. The only Apt'cnranc llilatieasoa of tlie Pal ii I an-l Po dci 0 n'i i f Wilming : ton, Prts-ntin the Biiliiant i t omcdy . , Tlio Lrry jahl PRE CEDED BY TH H BEAUTIFUL ; COSTUME PLAY Contftly :iiid Tr:?pdy. ADMISSION SO CENTd !AJ.L,,'!Y: , 2. , No fi'n h iri;- for lifrvcd P, which will be on ale Stluid.iy 10 a m at t pv F Oa Firm Ftxtllur; It tlarsvs deakwU war ta fied ynararlf. Oaos get lata a pair f oar W Douabut Skboes la V M Kid. Taa and Black aad Patent Lealber Ibat bj fuaranlerd a4 to brake, aaa) yoa will bare aamrthlae la b prowl at aa well at la be rnmliarui ib. My customers say tka-y an law iiBeal rrev la IL cily. J.J. ItAXTKIl. : NOTICE! Tiuia of Holding t'ourf Cliangrtl TO JUSTICES tHf TUE PEACE Tbe lrgbilalar uf North Carol i a bar ing rkasgrd Ib lias lor boldiog tb Fell Taim U lb Ciicull Ciilaal l oarl, liar Crate oaaiy, antkw la keraby glv va that lb twit term of said sunt will b held oa the mciavl Monday before the list Mnadty la September. It k lug the d.ird Motadsy of August ItsM. Toa are alto aoHfled that Ih Pprlag le-M uf tb Superb Couit bat bee rhsatad lo hr twelf Ih Moaday sfter lha I rat Mocifty ia Msrrb, M brirg tb fifik atoBday i tiay, .inw. All appraU from yr roarlt must far seal lo that term uf lb fluperlor Coort , W.M. WA1SON, CVik. We Oive 00041 Mcttkuru uutl Att h YhViI KlUk. Yoiig(l !r. c a W l.i I lb bid u.d Shal 8uhhu witli tvery new buggy. . Wtkirpall Llutiti.f Uuggy Suppliet fur Uflr. Itispinluily CJ. II. U nit i h A Hon, ; Nu. '.8 illioAl) Hi BEET. GARDEN HOSE 3i.A LU.OE KUPI LY, V .'; iVf DECEIVED. . llo", Nozzles and Reelf. lljuinu Nupply Co, STOP THIEF 1 I 'Ciy . well riKblatid housi kefr tiioi Id have oi e of our ncul'y Duithed Family Scales. They only r si yon $1 50. Arruiate and Q.nveiiliii. -F -r Sale by J. c. ilik;44tt CO. FREE SHINES! To every cuslorrer who baa bought or l.t the f n to, e BOYS BHOES FROM UM, we extend m cot dial iavitatiua lo call at our etor.t hud ITav their SHOES BH1NEI nvery day except Suodays WITHOUT CllARQfc - " ' ' R. H. BAXTER, .n. ns Middle Stie.-t. ActidfiilH 1V1II tlappen In tlie liest rerrulateil families, es pecially lo those ttmt never secure our Prices on Bicycles and Hundrirs uefor purchasing, fur It never l.appei ed before that lnrpKiiiH could uver Iw secured as low un Quality -and iilyl a with us. New Hicvcles. Klmnir. rlceiv tlnbhed. fitted wilh I (art ford Tires for tO Oil on up to t"iO 00. - nialnbua pV) and 475 00. Second hand Bicycle from $5 up. Wood llnndlo hats 75o. louti!e In lie Tires $1 7i. ' Suttdlea from 75n up. Lam from nOfl to V.i. Hulls up wheels. complete less lirrn, front iJ 50, rear t2 75, Inner tuiics uio anil ftuu. sewing machine oil 5c and 10c. - .' EilNon Plioungiaph, 4'JDOO. Records 5 00 dozdii. CJIXS' CTCIaR CCMPANV. r:i.i. i . w M w war ( ) ) u U Our Corset De- . Jr AM 4 tal-trXm-m OJiXA WAaiA C AA Ij O AA U W 9 f Aft. Q some sina. in ih O most overy. figure. (I Our latest acquis!. U tlon is 4tTho Dow " ager Corset" lor q stout people. O , This corset is O made pf imported ) Coutil, extra heavy O bonod and ' nvurvv bone tipped with celluloid to pre- n vent toarioe O through the cloth. O It cornea to us verv O highly recommen- J J ded and warranted D a o n o o w givo tjxbxa koou service, ux wuuo only lrom 2U to 85, ; $2 00 each. With each corset .we will present free a 3 months paid subscription to the Art Needleworker" ot Boston. , : Other makes which we sell and rec- o ) ommendare:' Thompton't (ilove Fitting iu long or short waist, $1 00 , W. B. Cot te t ia long or tbort iraUt auj French uliapo, iLort, t hook, " i oo W. II. Corset for Spring ami Huni'ii-r, slnrt waist, made of Patisle, which mukea it verv li-'ii uml u verv pretty ooi ret, ." $1 J j V'aar, long waint, extra well ni.-ulc, 50' u o a o o o jf . The Vasiitr it the best wearing cordet for I lie price th.il we I I uow of any where. Every pair givea good service ami. iiiukcs it D regular customer for us. o a o 8 () O o a o Ferris Waist for Misses aud Ladies, 7'jc ami ;,l no Trimmed Millinery. See the new things iu Millinery every eh.iiiiv yon li uc. There is always something uew to be shown hr for Ictr.llv :i day passes (bat either New Hriiids, New Klinix-a, New rioucrj or something new is not received. This Week's offerings of new Pelt Bttckleg and Coll if CI tups and llrooches are the prettiest ever shown lu re. See flii-in be fore thev are all selected. o o o Qocccocccoooooccoooon FREE o We have ifcnrrd ibe agency for tbe Palt'ht Hint' Pollsbfr. r'nr ihe next 30 iltys f will ive ana) wiili i my ilr of sboen one Pairnt Shrn. Puli.vliir it ml an one bollle Wbilrnnirt'A I'uli.slt. We imiie your altenlloB tu tbe Kbue Pollslin. His miiu'-Ibiiig-brand new and is a grrm couvi nii iHT. Any ' ov, ataa or woman taa use sonie without Kniling ibrir bunds, We not only Rive away tbo I'nli li and Polisher, but Guarantee SalLsfaclion in it riy I'air of abhors. Give as a trial aad you will save money. :z f ' ' ;....' j.; . ,. ...!' J- O. 23TT2T2r 5z CO, 1 W" ,' B7 P6LL0CK STREET, .( i MEW BERNE, N. P. IvIlUiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUMiUiUiU W A liberal Showing of the Daintiest Organdies, Dimities. L Was, "fcc. All new arrtvala. Also a very pretty itu.t of J'eicales, alalme, 1'iques, tu., at very Altroctixe Prices. , -- t i- .. j -. Special. 8 pieces Orgind.es, Beautiful Patterns iu Blue. Pinks, Heliotrope, etc. Very Flue Cloth and Very Special at ' 10 CeiilH lVr Yard, Silks. ' Now oa atle a rn rtion of our New Bilkt in Shirt Widata l; uRlb8 both iu Stripes, Plaids and Checks at ' ; '. TCt, COe, and 1 OO Per Ytml. -New Embroideries. ' We l ave Just recrittd Hie pretfiesl lot of 8wisi and Oambrio Em broideries and by far the l'liDSet we have ever ahowo. Pulile aud attentive atlespeople to Show the New Goods. I G-. A. Barfoot, - o o o o o o Tvp nnfff tpFr by the maters ot it o o g o a o a o 0 o ta o a 9 Mt jm, aaw Mm aTMa. , t. gm, V Ps 1 f aaf W Jf Smt W W m Hr C ' .0k -i? n w a . , v 4 at f, a)"" I O .V O lis. a .'.- x -' - O rn ... ) a p Sttwttf! i shoe pnpp I POLISHERS. lllDD o ' -a) 3 3 -X. ' A. Coi-s, P. & 0. Co. aiirs.

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