Tbo Kiu.I Tou a ! a) 1: -mi III. J h L.n la Ik ttsB fu tor " J rjrt, Unri.r. ,tiijr f .z' inn iiiiilo Had -r Lis w r- tO sfo 'J? f T )os..i ati;-rl-.i,.u a,!u-ir i; liif.ucy. laVV 'CvtCAli xi;.f BHitwpl.. tles-vive JuuU Iblsw , . All CountVrfrlU, Imitation mi J HtibstitiiU-a Brw but Ki . perliueals that trifle wills ! ritJnfri r tUo ImsUUi of lafkaU aiMl Children.- Kiiw-ricui a ngaiust IIitierUneBt. : What is.CASTORIA Gas tori U itibxtiUtla for Caotur O t. I'nrr-corlf, strops,, and, HoolblBf Syrupa. It I llarruk-aa and l'lr&s&uL It " bUJsui atellber Opium, Btorpblao tior .llirf Nnrcotlo ' . ubrtarwv. It U lu it tiara ti Ue. II destroy! Worm . Md allaya Ferertabneaa. It cure Diarrhoea, ami "Wind . ' Colic It r-Uec Teathlug Troubles, cure Coustlpatlue, .: , ' ttad FUtuIrorjr. It ajsilmtlutoa tlio Food, ycBtlaie tfia ' - rttotnarh atatd .Haw-!, gjvlnf lirajthy suxl t(nr. 1 a!vr. i Tbo ChlMrctj'a Inora.-i ka WitUcr' l riw,l. t, . . CENUirinCASTORI A ALVAY3- yBcaw th nature ot. r sail ,-" t ..bb WMMV' - 1 Tho Kiad You Have Always Bought ; - In Use For Over 30 Years. v J No 1 lor, B Vaccinated. Whereat, The city b la danger of la taction from smillpox. aad lbs Board of Health of Crarea county bat recom mended that every person la lb city lot already vaccinated, ba vaccinated at once. . ' ' . Ba II Ordained, by In Mayor aad Board of Akbrmea of laa City af Mew Bero; ... That all Peraoai who are ruldeote of the city, wbo bare not beea vancioaled aad wbo (ball willfully fall or refute to be Tacclnatetl wbra called oa by tbe city pbrtlcian, or other phyilclaa icWatf aoder bil auilmrlty, (ball he punUbe-l by a flae of tt 60. - A ad the poil pbyil clan la beretiy required lo ieMirt at to tbe Mayor all rates of leluaal lo com ply with Ihlf ordluaoea jrAr."ii tor tiwi tvr, , HarlaK qiI Hid aa Rxeeitor of Umt eft late of Uorneltua Moore, deceaatd, inu li to notify ail peraoai hariat: etitmi agalait laid Coiuellua Moore to preaeni Ihk aamt to lue ou or brio re March 8lb, 1UU0, or thii ui.llce will be plead' la bar of their recoTety. Aad all peraoaa ia debfd lo Ike laid Uoraeliua alooia are hereby aotioed to make immediate paf -nenl lo me. . . v . March P, 18 A. T. FOREMAN, - - Executor of Gornelius Moore. , - L J. MODHU, -Attorney. ) ' Nolle i of Nale, t . - North Cabouna, gu or Coort -CraveuUouoty i . " . 8 R Ball, AilniiaUtriUoi of B i Bmjir, deoraani .. :'t : ' : , Va. ' ;-' -i- ; - . ' -.. -Mary K a r and othi ra. . " ; ' Punuaot to a lcuae of the Rup-rior Court of Urareo ouumy lo th above en titled proceeding! In which t wis dir. c led lo wll the bert innfler described rval ' olale to make aueta to uar the debia ot llieinUslalc above nauteU. IwilloOerlnr aale aud aril at the feourt boiua dour of tJruTen ciHinty to Hie higltili.Mer fur cash at public auction on Monday, Hay . bin, low at lite Hour oi u octoca noon, all tbe follow inu real estate tj wlu . Lying and being situated in lbs cily of New Bern, North Carolina, begianlnt: at point 281 feet west of lbs we. cru side of George street on the- not lb side uf parallel with aaid Oeorge street, 61 feel 10 Inches, tbenca west aud parallel with ; said White aireettO feet, lUeuce south and parallel with laid Ueorga klreet 61 feet 10 iacnes to vVbke street, thence east along the northern aide of the aaid White street IW teet lo the poiut of Ugiuuiug And belli a part of kit of arccl of Uuo . conreyed by deed Uiliearge It White b) John U lawyer tieai ing ' Ualo the Mth day of August. "IbMI,' and" onuvryid lo K A8ui)er by aaid UiMg II White b una rvcorueu iu uiei iui:r ui uro iu , ter of Deed! uf Uravi'ji vouuly in book 116, pace 420 ' -: ' ; .' Also the lot or para rqflind lying on tbe weal aide of U klrovt- at tbe -tine ot IbeAoVN Li It It and raubiDg thence down U K south 50 f. et to a stake, thence wi-l 6U fl to a auke, tUewe north 60 feel to a stake, tbeuou east along B street to the btgiuhiug Being apart ul lot It la the plau a iw! o uutd ur eyed by II T liuif .u, in . JS67, aud re conlea in the ottli o IDe negiater ot ' Uoeds of C'ran nuly, book 64, pigt M aud belug a part of th land Conveyed dv aeea lratu sun Dieveuion auu wife, to (.'an.lina lloj, recorded in Uit book 87, piHe 819, and beintf the - same couvejed to K A bmyrr by William Mollraue l y det d recorded la said rw oru, uuiia no, i - ; BettMiuiiuc n lb north side of A streetalatH.iutitt fl soulhwetl from the line of tbe A ft N U K K and i uubiiic thence north raslwaroit along said nor I line of A alieet H7 fell to I be liue of tbe A A N C It It. ilitnce north wentwardli 131 feet parallel lo Ilia main track of laid railroad, llience aouiu wmwaruiy par allel with A street. 54 feet, thence aouih astwardly along lb wentern line of . wnat is known as a siren iu leet hi a atreet the bcitlDiiini. - . . BesinninK at a ooiot on the north east of B street at the line off the A U K 96 feet south west from street, running thence north eailwardiy lo uie lotersevlion oi o siren wiin m wre, thence southeaslwardlv with I lie line ol Jl Itreei ( net iu incuea in ,in hub oi the A & N 0 R 11 59 ftvt to the bea'u ninir. The above two described lots 8 and 4 bavinz beeo surve ed for 8 It BU adminiitralor of K A Smyer on Not. 1st 18'J8 as by reference tbe annexed plot . will lull appear, aaui khs otariag toe numbeis 2 and 8. ADd a full den: iplioo of said flr4 two detciibrd ha Uaiipg tbe numbers upon emil anuexid plot, I, &, (i aud 1. Which t.ii.l i. low aie l.ercliv relrried to for a p.irl Hiid liHfcel of ikrBe 4cSCitioui. ' 'Hue April Oilt, IWfl. ' li. HALL, AJuuuiuti i .tr. r - CHEISTUN SCIEEICE. Wkat it is Aon.3l it I CCS lecture at Ne Bern. April 18th. ky E H Ramwaad. C. . ' , Under Aatplreief fhrlsllaa . SeUallils af Nrw Bern. 'Tbe - Standard ' Dictionary deflnat Cbrlitlsa Bcteace as follewK - & Christian ttcleace U a ayateia of anor el and religious invtrucllnn fooadrd upon principles formulated by Rev. Mary Baker 0. Eddy (1866) aad combin ed with method of treating dleae mentally. As presented to Mrs. Eddy's 'Science and Health" Christian Bclencs fa baaed on taachtngs of scripture which It Interprets giving the Christ principle and rule In Divine Melapbyilct which heals the tick and sinner. It explains 11 cans and effect as menial and abows tbe scientific relation of mas to God." - It U defined by Its discorsrsr Jul earn I u "the law of Ood, the law of good ia terpretteg and demonitritlng the prln clple sad mfe of universal harmony. -. Respecting this wo'rk ''Science and Health with ky to.. lbe Scrlplaret'V to which allusion wss been miilo,we would say that tbla book, tha standard text book ot Christian Scieuce, wss publlshad by Its lutuor la the year 1871, nine years after her discovery of Christian SciebCd. It Is how In its 161th edition of J 00 copies each and the deman J , f.ir It throughout tbe world continues anabat-e-L It contains the statement and er planatloni of the entire subject Its au thor Mrs. Eddy Is a New England woman of wondeiful spiritual Insight with "a heart glowjng In its love (or . Gotl ami humanity. From the highest ideal aland potnT Ideal yet smloently practical she works with unlelfiih devotion ' and untiring energy In 'the great cause of up ¬ lifting mankind to a knowledge of their higher selves and to a true understand ing of God. lt , CUBISTTAI SCIENCE, TBDB CBRUTItBITT V AS TADOBT BT J ESDI. - We are told by the opponents ot ChriatH dan Science that It Is not CbrUtlanlty. What 1a Chrtstianll) f The answer must bei "The doctrines anJ leacblogi of Jesut Christ". . ' . r .i Do C'briitlan Scientists accept HU doctrines and his teaching! C. " The answer Is tbey accept nothing more, nor not h lug less. ,: v- ;r ; ; , WLat U the doctrine of Jesus as re gards Godf ' :" " V ' " Tbe Muter said: "The Lord one God Is one Lord," Mark 13. ' QoJ Is SplrIC John 4. '-God b our Fitber," aialk 8, "The Father bath life In Himself," John 5.' "God Is Good," Matt. 19. God b perfect," Mate V: r A V i Cbristisa Science accept these words of lbs Matter.. It underslsnds thai the truth which Jesus I aught as regards God was thai Go t lav Divine mlud, Infinite understanding, Omnipresent. O-jiuipo- tent, Omniscleol,' a Beiug ever pres ent Mind, all powerful, alt-good, and In whose Mind li found all true knowledge. , It acknowledges Jesus tbe C'hrbt as the Son of God, as he declares.' It sees in him a duality of natures, Jesus tbe human and Christ tbe divine; the one the son of Mary, tbe other Vhe Boo of God.- The one mortal, tbe other Imrnor- la'.: It nee la bJ'U.oue wbo knew his divine origin aud voiced the Truth It acknowledges hiui as the mediator be if tan the human and the divine, the "way-shower" for all lime, the way, the truth aad the life. That no man can co rue to lh Father (5oiril) save, by the way and In tbe way be (Jviub) pointed out end illustrated by hli own pure life. Jesus laid of himself, "My Father Is greater than L," VI can of uilue own self do noiblug." "What see the Fain erdo, do." "I haye-not i)ntfn of rr 'eli.'l-.tiiie'PatVr WI.I.-I) ' i. . '. I . ; a ", A j s . t la A. ...., a. liwad, l" CUM cf L l Irtts ' 'p. k, U..:.t L i wrs e Uaai Iks a;un of OuU, h; Ufl, Its lar ,f lki;.h-!Tn,il1flrci,')!,.,' so-4 ll'.r GU defirtj poacrs, is evMbt frooi tis toaxi.k(, aad UmU la fttliowlag hlat they wouli tai sot "what auaasr of spirit' U.-T wtrs of." Is Uta aatsgnsisUe le ct.ju-.:n;!.r I brUUurSvltBoe taehas that it we an to follow Christ at sit we are te follow hiss la Utsasy ha pointed eat, sat la lbs way oaraaltual, canal minds ssy w should, for Christlse Sclsoce IsJs the earaai atlad leads to death er to the death er dasunctloB of svery saor tal tuoogbl or feallag that will sot yMd Raair no US Obedleure of CWUt." Cbristisa B. leaca alms to fulfill lbs dlvlni coaiinau J, ! all thy ways so kaowlsxlra Blm." This Comaiaad Jesos taugbt, thi acleJ upoa lbs spirit et las command, and bade ill mapklad a la cH'Jrea ef oas coanaos father do Ibe aiua. Il tii is contrary to CbrUUiull) r CbrbUaa BclrBce doee diSar from popular lTHilnliy la leeehiag lb haallag ol s. koeH as wall as als,throuk dlvlae, aotln man maatii. ft tear ha U healing power of Train a Jesaa taught. "Te shall know tbe Truth and IbeTrath shall mat yon fr." .' CAIBAL MUD TBI BEAT OF DtSBASB. Chrtsilaa Bcieao disco vers that the carnal mind or the aataral salad b whs re slckasas aad disease originate, that It manifestation la afterward upoa lb body, thai the body manifests what b la lb mlad, that disease end " pal a b thought externalised npoa tha matter body that smbrao the whole body I thought," therefore a mental remedy b really the only adequate remedy. Now tbe oaraal mind b aol bora ia Truth, tor as Paul says, "Th carnal mind b at en mity with God", bene the carnal mlad b error, and as lb Truth b brought to bear upoa this earnal mind It begin to break dowa or destroy Iu errors and sins, iu other words to heal II of Its sa nities (sins) aad diseases. - Herein- b U secret of tbe C'brUl healing. - - bistobt or ran dibootut. . . . -. Mary Baket Kddy mads this profound discovery year ago. Bar story is oa of dee in la rest Meeting with aa lnju ry pronounced fatal by .her physician, sh turned In her extremity lo God. Ia bar owa woids she says, "Ja th third day thereafter I called for my Bibb and opened (t at Mitt t, t, (.where it b ra corded, Jean heeled lb man tick with palsy), as I read the healing truth dawn ed upon my sen and lb result was I I rose, dressed myself and aver after was 1b belter health than I bad before nJoy ed. i That short experience Included a gllmps of th great fact that I bar sine tried to make plain to olhera, namely, tit band of Spirit! this Lit being lb sob reality of existence." For eom three year after this re markabb recovery Mrs. Eddy sought to find th underlying moaning of the car. She sought to Bad th law governing th healing power. Sh knew that core were brought about ia the apostolic days by 'holy uplifting faith" and that such care were always posilble, but th ardently desired to know it sciesc or tbe law which governed them. Gradually the troth was revealed to her and w shall find recorded la the book we bar mentioned, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" the full results of tub revelation. . TBI VOMStAHD Of JESUS TO HI .DI- Jesus preached the gospel and healed the sick Ue seal forth bis disciples to do tbe same.' Ills final command to iham was as recorded la Mark. "Go ye into all the world and preach tha gospel to every cream.." "And these sign bau follow them that believe (under stand me) to my name they shall cast out devils . tbey shall lay handi on tbe sick and they ihsllTecover.". Christian Science believe Ibes com mands were for ill time. In confirmation of this view we read these words Iu John 17 woere Jesus says: - "Neither pray I tor the alone but for Ihem also which shall believe oa me on- derslaad me through their word.' ' Jesul left no precise or deflnate rule by which the healing could be clearly understood but II has peen discovered In this age and made known so thai It -may be learned and put lo practice. -" Christian Science teaches that II Is the duly of every christian today lo heal the sick as well as preach the gospel; that there Is no longer th excuse of Ignor ance of the way or want of knowledge of the method, for It has been discovered. The text book of Christian Science con tatm it The cultivated spiritual under standing will do the work for that culti vated spiritual understanding will regis ter II nearness to the mind of Christ. Proportionately, to that approximation will it bring forth fruit (good works) "some tffirty'folJ, some alxty fold,- some hundred." Uy their works ye shall know them," said thy Savior Christian Science has proved this: that man governed by his Maker heals the sick today, in proportion as ws have iLe Cbtisl mind with the understanding It brings will we beat ourselves and others CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A RETURN TO r Hit, I . TIVE OUBISTIAHITT. Tbus Christian tteience trarhes the primitive truths of tbe christian re". -'ou aud healing follows. The klalory of the Christian church shows t'mtlalts fancy It healed the ! k I t vvt'.-a word'y thought and, worM'y poil.-y s-t in t h a:;r J b"v u to d . Hue i .'If; j "y ' '!.'! I J ( . & rt ii -s tl tea- e lu M f ttw?J S I.V ! v H.J . .il. I 1.U U W S'e B i lltai sv Cl.r!. j Lil !. a Wl "tlaS wt Ufi . fj i a .' 1 ty rci ot rslora U.S loat scAfbt of SMiiiif, it r-jaa to rttstvrs thi aai.vtdd gsfibsat cf t. Iir..t u gi.s to a Waitiag sarMl full lad eossuleis chrisiisalty. isis luii rmi miue Mt.isa It msaas lastly avre thaa haallng Tills ll but aa EJed vf eae grist e0 Iu moil aaphitk: purpose la la besllsf ala, splrituallstag eoascioioaes, kriag- tog Btaa to a kaoaMgi of,hb btnlu CapabUllias aad thiM Usbarlnj blm Into the kiai-Jom ut kaafsa wkilsa Uvea apoa lb vartk. Ia seekiug U do this ll bears ao a klty agiioal asUUI.swd laatitailons. N eaulty agalust tbs diurvh, , -ll honors U for what It has does ia U past, but It seeks lo purify ll of er rors lull) which h baa uooxoeiously tal lea. - . . . A 'forum" writer salJi .'Let oi re-. member that aae conception of Christ- baity b a growing thing. J- wbat caaisriAji icieci laaas to DO. Chrielba Scieao eoate to accompliah two things, first to giv aveaklad a more spiritual chrtsllaalty.and secondly better healing methods. Ha does ll seek lo accomplish Uf By giving man a higher conception of himself tad God. ... . Ia what wayf Wher shall w look! . , " . To tb word of God. Tb Bible interpreted spiritually ' God U splriu . - ' Msa is hU Imag tad llksnesa. Llk vegets ilks. A spiritual Being mail pnxluc beings Ilk himself, aa . Father beget aoai tharefor th true a.aa b iplrttaaL . Where foundT . 4 ' V" . -la mind. - '' Where do w tad that mind? ' "Th Kingdom of beavaa b within you said lb Christ Paul speak of that "bona aot mad with hands e ter nil In the heavens ," "a building God." . It Is within ui all. Our ideal form our characters. W should entertain lh Id sail which Christ gave as aad bring to oar ooascloosae this cause of heavenly good within. " Paul say "To ba earn illy minded It death, to b spiritually minded b life." Th spiritual mind should govsra as and no other. ' ; Whea il govern ut it bring out th highest health, th highest hipplne.1, th highest good. ' ' - . siuuin unto ' : '- We hsv said disease originated In lb earnal mlad. So doe tin, Where b iu caret -; - ., In lbs ipiritual mind. -- ; '. "That which U bora of the flesh b flesh, and that which b born of th plrit biplilt," and theiaare contrary on to another. - - : .. . . Whit b tha care of tint ' . -Hollaes."' - . - v -. ' Wbtl b the cur of tlckneeif Health. . v ' . What b health? ' ' Harmony in mind. ' Harmony b health. . Whea th body work harmoniously health result. Thus w see th medicln of ia b Holiness. '. . : . ' "v , ' Th medicine of evil b good. Th medicln of bat b lov. . Th medicine ot gtbf is Joy. Th medicine ot despair b hop, real ised. ' - -Th medicln of death b Ufa realized. God support bb children. ' HI over m'jsterlng lov will flood their mind with radleoce aa they patiently itrlv In Chrlstlin Selene to come to Him. The ureal nature of tin, disease, nahappi less, will be seen mora ind more as w agprosch the heavenly light within . I "Shin, light of God, , ; Make broad thy scope lo ill jbo iln and .i' tulfer." " - : : ChrlstliU Selene teaches tbst Jesus Christ doe not rellev at of pur res ponsibllllree. If we will sin we will luffer. It we Will bold to phyilology aad hygblen w ibill nevej find the Christ cure which effectually heals disease God'i medicine b the medicine fori mauktnd, and that medicine comet through mind not matter, it comet from above, not below. - Is ll not a liinpl yet profound law that the higher governi the lower, lb greater ' governs the lesser? Then let at acknowledge God's right lo govern us through the Christ mind with. in os. Jesus teachings with thi explana tion! given by Christian oclence. will make plain lh way so he who runs may read. '-. , ' - . , The criticism b made If all this b line then man will never die.' At the author of Science and Health says, "I have never supposed this century would wit uess tbe full fruitage of Christian Bui enc or that sin, dim-ose and death would not continue tor centuries to come; but this 1 do aver, that as aresult ef teaching Christian Science, etblli and lemperence bsve receivtd an impulse, health has been restored aud longivlty tncrettted, If such are tbe present fruits wbat may not tbe harvest be when tbif science Is uioregenerslly understood." Nevertheless Christian Science bids ui feist our mi uds on the reillllcs of our spirltval ei lull-lire, life not death, ind luui begin to lessen its teeming power for death is iu enemy sayi Jeaus, to be oveicame Van, true oian be Ing spirit ually imiuorul ovi- b' t:"- of ... ..5 i L j i i a . t U..S ! t ' s a 1 r . : ts bsrers ti.s h':i CDS .umea. Tkst t ;-:a - g-w t ki S t m. u at U- i mailer aa t ttaba. 7 1, J, tha food sad Irra. ... u. rut. W..I riv o.l t!r p!-s bet hi. g e m trie w.rf d. Ill W - tf 4 r tM f a- v th-i a K.1 tree's snost ma-kffl not aalf ra cWi'urt. bat Bering IbaonUa) Karl! aad a e-wa-d. lnt rs Is ovwv sans by rt rius IrMHal labor short eoad sad saupqasnl dancars awaited, IMS St I" iw B a kam. Ml ttmr:iLt I iwclatui ci , AaUL death I kb lrilusl progress. Ue first demoastratlun maat he over si a Is kiss self, aa aa via brouf bl daalh, hot a triage Ufa B'llll Ufa b saderood aad realised, ibe IsoViih swallowed sp ia victory." Ilww aoui each one of ws Is to Ilia UI will drfwul apoa our faJiu- luinros bow sou ia uuie to exese. . . , .i . - .... . - t 00 aim a acraacs tbi orroaiTB of ll has beea eaij by tbusa tsofiUradly to Chrunlaa Scteaca that wki1 l tab method tb tick has beea healed It ha beea lb rough what It called tha "lasf of anggeslloa" that H b but a subtW kind of mesmerises, or hypaolbnv, that tb haallag -effect b produced. Notaiag could be more erroneous. Ch l.rflLa Scleac Is ia bo way ooaaecied w 1th each device. It b aot mlhod of thought transference, it b aot the actioa ot oa mind apoa another mind producing leatal or phytlcal eOecta "A tra b known by lu frails." Wbat are tb f fecUot CkilstltD Scieao thought and healing? ll ha beea observed universal ly that It quicken! th moral aad aplrit- aal aalare, rau oil disease and nro- ducei happier and belter msa and wo men It make the study of lb word of God delight, ll brings luto lh mlad of people perception of God at a loving Father, It Impresses th mind with tb thought thai God I not a far oft Exes nc hot b vr near; en to whom w can look al all times. Tor "eader bb rings" do a trait Dos hypnotises or th law uf suggestion produce luck af fect? does it Cbrbibnlt humanity and make It lov to possass th asm mlad .Which wat la Cbrlit Jui? If hypnotbni rer. produced inch, e Sects npoa th human chtrarlir wbo his ever teen lit . , HjpuoilaiTi or mesmeiUra btbabaa counterfeit of Christian Selene helling IU effects are never petmaaenl in healing disrate, It is on belief casting out an other and lh list Hal of the man b won than th first II Is a human de vice, It Is alluded to by Jesus In Mtttbew where be say m - Many will tay to me In that day Lord Lord, hav we not p raphes! ed lathy aame aud in thy name cast oat deviUI And la Ihy nam done many wonderful worka? And then will I profess unto Ihem I never knew you; depart from me y that work Iniquity." - . ; ; raacTicAi. eitecti or ouiidjtiaji -:.- :.v bcibhcb, - Let m ber testify at to what w know concerning Christian Scleac lit elevating power. v --, ., W knew a man sixteen year ago who wearied with life'l battles, disappoint, menu and sorrows,- saw little or nothing in human existence worth lh living, well nigh hopeless and with a sense of God ind HU Providence so dim tbst from it he extracted no balm of consolation. Tbe ' comforter was not to be found. Amldit despair and bitterness tb book Science-and Health with key lo th scrip tore was placed ia hb hand He read, but only partially comprehended, 'still the book held him to lu pages and be continued to read: He fell the book was bo ordinary production. At he continued there came a moment when be wat filled with a profound conviction that lull book was mora than human. It wat la plrailon. . He Bought out tb author, Mary Baker Eddy and as he liitoned to the explsnatlons ot the Infinite theme dwelt upon la (be book, a new sense of life and joy aud peace came to lilm, 111 health Vanished and once agaiu the man had a purpoas and life bad for him aa olijet t. '- i ... Ct. r. '".-"- - He learned then and there the truth of Jesus' word1 "It Is lb spirit-which qiiii keueth; the flash (desby mind) prf- Iieth aolhiBg." -From thai day to this his health of mlud and body ha been luperb. He learned tbe law of Heaven by health through bb enlighteued spirit ual nndrsUnding. His wife an Invalid for years lufferiug aith chronic hip disease, pronounced Incurable by all pbyslclsnt wbo were called to attend ber was healed within Ihree uionlbt from the time the heard of Christian Science aad with that healing came Ibe light Into her mind w bich has- mad ber to thi day a consecrated Chrlstlin Are these the effects ot hypnotism or ibe bw of menUl sugeillon? - Then again it It said of Christian Science tbst it is to Ideal in itl charac ter, tbil It it impracticable Can this be laid In tbe face of the facts we have given? - ." ' ' ' . Can this be said when thousands upon thousands have been healed of every variety of disease throughout this coun Iry aud Euiope? 1 MISCONCEPTIONS CORRECTED. . Chrtsliun science is neither mesmer ism, hypnotism nor mind over mind. It Is the action of that Truth" whose foun tain is God upuu the human mlud, the teat of disi'axe casting out its errors and. t'rts. ii nce faith cuie ' t r- :t foi 1 ; t' a . i in u. a era we !'-:, ' r it ' s 'i J r ! 'r-- S 7- - a.l I !.'- U . a .a.. t a.1 ' J I ...a , liMat.t .atari au a tl la ike - mt i H. aberw be k to i V i ikiart .at.) . ( . r li m ? ithUia i Sum! all aaJ umiL? Vn ih fmitm wlfa bin gta W taa at.l'tiuaJ asaav. i-Ji la ttW aaisraiasaa 1 sw avaiaJ ma at rW gor.iaaj e4 euairwtUd ly ih." f eves ' aaisie. ism feraa ef -la, lh a-tsrvrut akkaM aad Jisraaa sad taW4 awt at1 ksfia by w h.' , Ckrtatiaa ycssBO Baalato tha Way to daaaUat alt llwr Tkrwagh tatiW Ug ike i k tal avlad as pnsasl o ChrtMba Bctaae. - - ' TMIWK1B DDTUV Of IK. V Man will rab all the fvnw af aatare as Jasas did through spiritual perreplioa aaderstaadlag aad bv. He walked ta waves, sabdued las tampsal, sranaas las eUiaata, haalsd dUaa, rabad the lis aaid "the ww U thai I sW ye tball do," aad va "greaur." ' ttplr.taal rtoluiloa will brlag to araa H God derived power.' The- words of Jesut will be fwlullsd,' gat aaaa maat aak U hi grudf pOaalulnUes. .Jii maat niats hb WglaaUg U bhisI begla to awls kls Irs damoBalratkia and work bis way apward, for ealy Ihroagh work stxlfaa,pBibat, perebwat will he reach kls Heavealy labertlaace. ' Work sal your owa aalvtlloa aaid Paal, aad God worketk with too. "Oc cupy till I coaa." ' ' , The first desaoastrattoai will be ever the easier res to be overcome aad over disease, ih harder work will coma la overcoming aalf, aslf lore, salt will, leif joitlftcatlo. These weed of lk mind 111 ad maay a hoeiag before oar mlad wUl become a "Gardaa of Kdea" whea "th assert shall rrjoio aad blos som is to rass,'' Bui hup aad Joy rls higher aa ws ar rawarJed for what w do otstcosm from day ta day la Christ laa Bckac for "lat Biurul courage fllb th naaua breast and llghu th living way of Ufa. r ' ' fADEESHIF. '-. ; All great rellgloui mnvsmenU require leaders, Chrlattaa.' Science aaludb- Oovrrer, Mary Baksr Kddy. With tiaglsaess of parposa aaergy sod courage, be has goes oa directed by divln lov lo establish la tab ag Cbr.i tlaa Science. Sh does not assert heuelf a aa ' eccleslaMlcal moaopoltsl ' for lack a fhlng b Impossible la Christian Science What ayt ska. of herself? "Today Ihougk rrjolclag- la some prog rata tb finds Eiraalf Mill a willing dlacipl at th Heavenly gala waiting for tha Bind of Christ" 3 A (fix. " Christian bcleutisU hav faith In bar wb aad loving leadership a faith last I fled by years of success and neither nn Just crliicl.raBor foolj.h pertcrutloa Con tura them from this well placed con- fidenoe. It baa beea laid her followiri salt bar personality. This b a mbuke. Thus who accept Iter pare' teachings hav Indeed feelings of gratltad lov for the human individuality through whom they came, but to call thb "hero worship', b to insult common Intelli gence and misinterpret common gratl tad. ; . . : v4 , -sunt EDDT TIWDIOATXD. In ipetklng of Mrs. Eddy't book ear tain peopli hsv triad to bav tb 1 pression upon lh publb mlad that Mrt. Eddy wat aot tb author of bar work "Sclincs and Haitb with Key to tha Scriptures", bat that bar tdei taken from on P. P. Quimby'i writing years ago. Thb Individual bat long tine pasted twty bat his son bat tuted that he possissij all bb father writing Whn howvr tbf y war examined by a Chicago grntbmaa aad hi wife, with a vbw to publish them they were found to contain nothing that weald compare for 'one moment with Scbaeaaad Health and tha purpose warn abeadonad. Also tb United State Circuit Court ta lad confirmed th tltb la hsr book, "dcieac and Health" for ao evldenc coukia b brought forward to show ah wat aot lb author of her owa writing. WHAT bTHElU BAT O OflRIBTtAH SCIE.C. ' Says E. W. Tay lor ,: A. B , of Harvard ITnlverslty. wbo b not a Christian Sciea tial, yet has the candor lo tay,' "la lu practical results, the .doctrine demsnds recognition." . 8ay Pof.Wlllbm Jamas, 11, tb Mm University, Thelr fact are potent and startling, and anything thai Interferes with tha " multiplication of tuch fact! and with oar freest opportu nlty ot observing and sitting them will I believe be a public calamity.? SayiRev. Edward T.Hlacor, D. D., lb well know Baptist clergyman of , Brooklyn in the Christian Inquirer, tpeaklng of Christian Scientists after ex amining their doctrines nd live, "X do nobheiiut lo say If they are fair speci mens of tb whole body tb -modern church would be elevated, lo a much higher plane ot Chrbiiaa living it aow occupies if It were to follow Ihem They tay thai the sick maw b In a worts case then the tinner it God cm forglv tin and will not heal sickness. They tell me that the same Master who .com msnded us lo baptise also commanded u to heal.' I do not know hew Id answer them. I cannot lay they bav ao religion, that tbey are aet Christian!, tat they have only t tyitem of itupld L.nn l.-rings, because I am profoundly convinced that the great need ef all our churches is more if the religion I here seen in the lives ot the Christian Sclea- ll.ts. . - HEED OP rOPCLARENLlQUTMEST Earnestly would we ask til lo read this wonderful work, "Sand U with Key Scripture" and find therein the true way ) teahh, holiness and hsf pinens through l!.!i!.l Uiit K 'liter. 1 t l t' i ' e whl. h f ' 'i si! t s f f s I ;. It ' ' r to f f ' ' ' . It ' v i !' i i , w b1 mtwvi a. as It ( b 4 a eoaa- i, km i- Ia.V. It dosts Bru r pte.rl ,be Hi 1 4a, I s as h. Im tw-ttfuk a-l saa.t. en I awlai -mt ! Ur . h lae paas ' tke w" j4 Its dli la aad evetlasUag remedy tuk, b 4 sans iW stUsaae aaJ ala. aa4 it'd laa sinib, yet pfwfwitaJ ba shm Bbhb war taaaMHtal kef phases b i l ' M e saWI tUi Wla l kaow .awathsitg ,4 Lbs llbwly efiketuaa af , led su first aaaalkauiV wtil ba la ataaaar ksppUMa aad bwtt t baaltb. Ifcl as vur J.if ray aoutlaaas a kali kfp l t'tkex. Bad klgWr raage aflt-aMUt aaj fwal.ag. as Trath Bad i L htaJ lU way, aad Ula U UU4 ; Ike hoar uf oar sala I apoa laal ateraal tack kb Barer caa aa akak a. W shall tao. aww aad more laa avsaalas; ! at Ik learkiag of dl.lae" knowbdgs aad w it tad that baaaaa kaBwladgSwaa bul fa a day aad coatalai aotklag cf perm as sat aad baling va'aa, bib tha kaawtadgaaf Ood b taa kaowtadga of eurally aad b forever talbfy lag, tak atBalbl,parfv1. . Tb vaat aetoaat ef good lab bosk baa bob la baeJItg alt ut aad ersdioatlag ala aad leaplriog kamaa belagi with a gaaab Wr (uf all that U g ud,la bad- lag thalr Bvlasa taward GaJ sad thereby aaabliag tkaoj la lie higher aad aahbr Ureb lacaloi U'lv Iu kvlagaUabtry eoBdaaat aad. will eoat laa a ta years roll om. Da yoa wonder that gratitade goat ant fpwa thousands of kaart t la sat kerf bo yoa wonder they lor bar aasa and delight ta boaot her. Do yoa woadar tbey tkaak God thai each a rav- alatioa of haalth tad bapplasst has cosM to lhasa wh la Vo maay laalaaoes lhair outlook was nturiy hoplsa Whlb humaa gratltad aad tb seas of right xlst will lb aaat of Mary Baker Eddy he raipectad, koaorsd aad bred. Wbat bat Christian Bebaca accoav pUihed slac lu discovery? It will b impoMibb lo aaamarau la detail th vast work It bat dona. It bat healed according U eoaaervillve tl males at bast ons mlllloa casas. It has brought with that healing almost ani. vsrsailya-qalcktnlng cf ike moral aaa spiritual which has produced braver mea aad women. It has bd thousand te th study of lb Bibb Who bar scarcely looked Into It before, whlb thoB who wr Bible readart hav foe ad their in le rest n tb Word beigfauaed a tboaasmd foIlaVvJM drawa people to ll who ware infiJeb and scoffers. It bat shown them tb difference between a theoretical and practical Chris tlanfty. It has built over 40 chore be sine 1894 among them, tha First Church of Christ Science, In Boston Mass., and a so known as lb "Mother Church," at a cost of over TO.'MV W'heu fmi-bed and defeated an January lit, ims. It wss entirely tie from debt, tor Chris Uan Sciential believe they ibou!d"owe ao man". It was erect-4 ed as a testimonlul ot gralli ude andlove to Rev. Mr. Eddy, the dlicorarar and founder ot - Christian Science. Iu memberthlp b now 12,400 which include a local memberthlp ot 1,300. New charcbe are being - established from bar to six monthly. Tbe number of branch charcbe radi ating from th parent item, tbe Mother Cba rob, b npwirdi of 400, with an atuad anee of 800,000, whlW the number ouulde In lympalhy with ru work b probably double. There b not a city or town, and tcarcaly a vlllag la the United State whr yoa will not fin tha tvldencet of ChrbUan Selene In lu healing power of tickaaat and tin. No sermon are preached In those churches, but th ser vice b coadocted by two Readers, wbo read alttrnatily from -the Bibb, and "Science aad Health" th text book of tb Sclentlit The object sought through tii omission of Ih customary sermon and tb substitution uf reading from tb Bibb and lb text book ot lb denomi aatloa b lo obuln Inttrnoilon from tha Word ot a ipritntl Import, untainted by human opinions and ipeouutlons. , .-. , V A larg puUbhing home located also la Boston bra a monthly known a Tb Ubrblbn Science Journal, and a- waekly called The Christian ttebnoo Sentinel, together with 'tract and va rious other publications pertaining to Christian Sutauc. ; - v -1 .: ' Th number of Cbrlilbn Scbnce read ing room aad dispensaries In .America and Europe b aow ataled lo b 85, most of which are located la th brgtr cltlet, X- ' - , . r j .. ... -- -. OHMtTIAM SCIESOE Uf KEW BXBJf . : Th First Church of Christ Be! sn list la yoar city b a braach of th Mother Church, although aot yet organized. It b located and bold tsrvlces st No. 87 Craven street, oa Sunday at 10:30 a. and 4:90p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. meetlngi are bald when lestlmonlali showing the bailing power -of ChtbtUa Bdenc are give. At all these meetingt the publio are cordially Invited. Tb Reading' rooms of' tha ' church . b located ia th lama building -being opea from 10 a. at to S p. m. daily ATI infor- matloa with regard to the Cause, th Obtaining of literature anif btae mat ter can ba obtained at these rooms. Tb Readers ot tb Church ar Mbt Mary Hatch Harrboa C. 8., First ii eader and Misi William Lane Ferebee,v Second Reader:;-- 'H V1;" . '-".'.v- ' CASC HEALED W KIW BERN I Nervous prostration, long tlaadlng bad not bit her room in 8-yeart. Treated dally by physicist! for a year, no relief. At end of slat weeks, walked whenever the choose. Is now a coniUnt leader ot text book, itrivlng to live accordingly. find Case of paralysis ot eight year, in six weeks walked everywhere tb chose In house, iu three months was visiting friends. ". : V i Sid Two casei of measles on cured 11b 80 hour. One 6 months, the other thn ari,feverbroken and perfectly well in tbreetlsyi, -' 4 h I ..t umatism of IS years sUnding, U 1 ll t rre treatments, pstient If r t' sn in Cfteen years with .; .: we-. Us who!! wtil. a ' . : i . i ! ' -' t ' :n-rj J i t : FA f. ', ; curzd :yj ... ; THE CIIlTLaT .3 sT aae praiaei BerVab b bherited aAiafly from ead or doib Barest aav lag I moos pmsaa. Thb prava ikat ta eau of Ike dlsssaa b Iiward, from I potsoadl Suadltloa af IBS DtOOd. CBbrgsd glsadt aad eta, w bits swetllBf aad or sara, vr rraq tly aooosanaav the disaas. To are terofab tad It ysioia rs-asJrasl a Mood twaady that b tried aad true, 1 and that reaaadr b Botams i iood Baua (B B B). Il mlxee wllh!( s ImpurUb ot ta blend ia sack a way mat the pob . on, from which crofab'stid It ymp: losM eHriaau, b tpalied from lb lyatsas ikraafh Iks wat (bad sad xeratory araa at, Tkb aaedldaelhat mada awaay kaadrads of auras duriag the bat 17 yaritBO4t has baaa ea tha marlat, aad4kfollowln are few case which wprlBtsostolre hop of a are to at ken similarly Meted. SxtaJM BVaakiagj Oat ea the - V aUia. J' Mr If Rpasmaa, Gr esaabara, Ga.. write, "I kavs a lady beea entirely eared of Iriead wha ha arl aerofn loon braakina oat of the 1 n . .7 Ilia Of ins of two bottles ot Botaald Bbod Balm (B h which affected ia ielire aora. I kaow af Tnl of blood dlimrn aared speedily by tb as4 af B B B." raal IsraikiaBa TJlaes- Owrea. AtbBt,G,Julyt "I here beea troabbd wtth a running soro fn loot alcer oa my leg, whreb baa aoaflaed ma to bad for over a month al a lima, aad had lo be la scad la new pls cea that brok out Sevwral doctor n deavored to care It aad bamerou racom msnded article ware used, but vry thing failed. Daring tbe present year I ad the nicer, which ran near rm4roT pore matter. Poultices r-" lhe P plied, sad th doots-r rrFmmded the s use ot Uolaaic Blood I Um (B B B) at. once. I commenced It as, and three. bottle have effected a cl'r Before one hottla -had hrnn naad I'M Bluer com meaeed oeallng, aad myt Cral health impruveo. - 'I, . , ' , M hmtkar a Um a.1'0 dllUat. for ten year has beea iroutil 0,1 a con- - tinual raaning tore on s auaiw. WU1CO id to heal under treatment He wat apreadlni and refn phyticiaot' and others' procured two bottle of UB B, and found relief before using ibemf tending to bb regular J and la now at business In the nettt a. n McDobald." Botanio Blond Balm (I H.BB) isasulen ion used origl. nallv hv r nillam In hlTn7.Vale practice for all Blood liomori, tuch Mmplei, Old Sorea, Running llcersV Mercurial itneumaiiam, . ous, Lro-",-"" Scrofula It baa pertonr- ,0 many caret that 17 yeart ago th- preparation wie pal on tbe market and "J all druggbu at $1 00 for a' unt botUe. Send to u for book of curt- - toe cur that coanu. ' V BLOOD BALM CO , -AtlaDla, Ga. following th rale. ' tb Cholera Infantam of mot serious nature wonderful Improvement from first treatment, la a few weekt no trace ofUloee. li. , . . 7th Kan, of typhoid fever, in two weeks oat, afterwards It raltptc, ia two weeks free. I 8th On esse ot hMdacba of yeut (tandlng healed instantly, when patient bad reached lb tttga ox taking morphine lh only relief. - (lb A woman after birth ot baby was unable to walk vn across the floor without (uffering. From October till bit of My condition aot Improved. In thro treatmenU tb walked, oontlnaed wU. " -, "?".-"' "tsry of "a 'iUwa. ,. To ba boand band and foot for yeart by tb chain of (Use as It the wont form of ilivery. George D. Wllllami.of Mancheater, Mick, tellt how inch a tiara wat made free.: Htttyi, "My wife has been to belples for five yean that the could not turn over In bed alene. After ntlng two bottles of Electric Bitters, tha ' I wonderfully Improved and able to do her owa work. Thb laprema remedy tor female diseases qaickly cares ner rousness, ' sleeplessnsea, : melancholy, headache, backache, fmniln and dizzy spells. Tbb miracle forking medicine i. SO cent. Bold by F. 8. Duff, druggist. . ;",' v T i?EALEf;:SJ ' ,. ' ffefuware and Fire Arms,: ........... . .. aeb, Door and I'limls, Pninta, - ' ,'''' Oils, Cement Agent for Garland S.. .'csS: Ranges ' ted I'evoe'g, and L'::.j, Moore' ? ;-"EIiOI MIXI'J PAINTS.:"S . Under Hotel C ' tawka, WEIV CUt. - C.' ADMISISTSATCr. 3 fOTICK. r Havln; qnalified as A Iniiui-itrfttor of Annie Outicw, d -cca , l"'wif Oaven county. N. I'., t tit fail person having c f - ie of Uie stud : , , o the UD dersi-.ucil t r "lire liie 8th c v cf i be'r' All r 3 will . (,