A- v r iol itfii-fo. I. C, IICUSD1T KOUISfl, mil !C, USS. ISTilLISHID US! - liiiiEiliiiss!! A AN That art being ulil by ut lbi wk, cm k foaud a , choice lot ( hhrn-cVr't OU-lratrd V V V "-' I Hams and Breakfast Bacon, $ s i IN ! ft in IN IN IN IN N A ; They ire jut received. Mid ore wi tally nice, , W are alto handling larg quantities of Kingant't English Cured Shoulders which are Bait excellent and art guaranteed absolutely "sound and solid.', , t , : Wt have jott opened a (ma invoice of Aodertoa't Preserves and Jrllie. in gleet, which are at fine at' home made aud only l(ks per glass. And Wt bat not leatt it, that for 5o can be jur chaard at oar store, a barrel of thoae deliciunt "Ameri can Beauty" Ginger 8aape, they, are at "fine at tils" and will lait the wot fastidious ctutouier of BtaWaaaBBaa IBWtaaaaS to . WHATEVER THE PRICE iTIIKRK IS AI.WJYN YOUR FULL HONEY'S -WORTH The Price and Quality ol tne Goods we ..mention here are more than worthy, of your caretul consideration. . . Ever alive to the interest oi our customers and always striving to name such goods as mill Tint, rvn xt rtlAaan Trrvn Viiif. irrill noriirA few ill rAi-iAt.it.inn nf vniir viAita tin fmr sfcnrA Such Goods as These Sold at Pop- . t .. t"v .. k . - r- 1 1 s r 1 t ' . f ? ' : ; ; uiar rnces Are run values. Cotton Coverto, Iserviceahlo and ttyli8h,plain, stdpo and fancy fignrea, 10c l'laiii and Stripe link Dnck, . . Beautiful Figured Lawns would be cheap at 121c, are telling at Figured Ditnitiea, well worth 8c, wo have them at - 30-inch Itatiate Lawn, we have murked them at Very heavy P K, piuk and blue at 20c, those good are 25c valued. 10c 10c 5 8c Tliese are only a f-w of Ihn mauy bargains hi have for j ou aud all w nxk I a cliaiiw 1o show you. .' -.' '"; a April 23, 1800 n n sa .:v-7?g. 9 JOHN" DUKISr; s i I 1 I i:ai,i:r imr NEW BERN, N.-C. i:elc::::d ki Cl.!it CSkaal Is cert Ira Cn!i! EilL PiUl Tkldcratk CaMtT Wlaa. Eaal CtUa Bl. TrMtjUriaa Caarta ValUlaf't BUUrj. BallrM4 f karUr Fat- ItaliU U 114 Ralciwb, April 16 Tkww mm bmloM at atrraa eltl aad towaa la tb 8tat wvar Ik rawra at lb Tarioot eanpMlw of taa fltat Norlk CarollD lUgUMaU Two of Ut eoapaaloi wart romCkarloU. Taa nwi lotto rt appoiaud Uiom Um "(UattfM lo Um Soalaara Railway a lot com U walca lot aoart dotidoi lhal lot PooTal Tatof ropk eoatpoay roa raa iu wlraa for tSO mllot aloaf lot dooihera fin oaly lit daatfoi. Of ma, lotra art ao aauca, alloc eoaru aa Uait agala dacldtd, to lot ItOtoBMroljraoaiaal. It wtt lot Wtt Ufa Unloa tad aol tot Bouibtra auk- lac tlx flg ok Jaiaot Sprawl, tbt wll-knwi cot to tblpptr of WUBklagtea, aow aitkaa tot potillva auerlloa Ibu at cat pat aunt weight of lot oonpreoMd ttaadanl tqnttt bait of oottoa (MxM) a oblp lo Ibt net toa rcgltlar Ibaa ll It pottlbla 14 pot la cyllt(irlcl btlta. lUneally lot boiiery aoill al BalUbarj iu truck by ll(btBln( tod burned 8 H. Wiley and olhen hart bonfht tbt laurttt of tbt oM klockbokltrt aad will U ouca rtbulM tot mill and 111 ll with new ataclitutry. Ia a auburb of Ooldkboro Palanlay i(bt tuert wtt a ahootlng affair, la whlck At atea wtrt wounded. Atytt ibt parUculart hart aol coma to light. Heavy tblpmeatt of ttrtwberrlet front Uia toatbetatara aoutioa begia thla week rbt Ural carload f root aay wa point wat blpptd from Cbadboara. Bturgwoa fialiiug la Ibt lowtr Capa Fear rlvtr It quilt actlv. Tba (lib bring (15 lo $30 tach. Tbt worthy tad public tplrited Dukrt of Durham art making attentive and eottly Improvtmtalt at Trinity Uollegt al that place. Tht grouada art being graded and beautified and two haadtome buildlngt btvt recently beta completed, Preptraliont art being madt for a "field da" of athletic tporU la May and thU may bt madt Intercollegiate. , Thlt week the, Firat . Pretbylerlan cburcb building ntrt will bt torn-down to make loom for a new one. Tht build' Ing wat erected la 1817 aad It tbt oldetl here. Prom 1810 lo 1817 Rev. Dr. Wil liam MoPbeetert, of Virginia, wtt not only tbt principal of the academy, but alao "patlor of the city," at $600 talary. He preached la tht Capitol. In 1831 tbt Ctpltol wtt burned. Ia 1885, before tht new Capitol wat completed, the Bute constitutional convention met. The act loot wtre held 4a the Presbyterian church. It" wat at thlt that ex Judge William Gaston madt ibt memorable perch on allowing Roman Cat holica to to vote, ll resulted la their being given the franchiat.. At an acknowledgment ol what Gtaton had done, -the Pope tenl him an autograph letter. Strange to aay. at another corner of the block on which the old church ttanut it a little wooden ottlie in which Guton wrote North Oarolloa't Bttlt eongJ-The Old North State Forever," to dear lo all tht natives of the Slate, with ttt chorut to wel known.' y'f . 1 The Slate cbarttrt the Transylvania Railway Company, capital $3tf,0u0. It ha bought tbt dendenonville tnd Bre vard Railway, twenty one milet long tnd will extend It ten milet farther to Eaatloope. Pitttbnrg and Ntwctatlt (Pa.) people art ownera. ' Tbt fuaion board of agriculture hert aecretly to take tteptto prevent thr Dtmocratlc member elected by the late legislature from ttking charge. The fualonlata were not notlBed by mall, but personally by two fuaionlata. They pro pote forcibly lo prevent the Democrat! from taking charge June 15, tnd to thti end htvt put new lockt on the doors and iron ban tt tbt windows. There are le gally only nine fuaion member, at the lermt of five expired, but then latter are here. The Connecticut Mutual Life Iuur anoe Company retires from North Caro lina because it will not accept the terms of the Craig bill, which requires all cor porations doing business In North Car elint lo turrender all right lo transfer cast t from Bttlt to Federal court. Tt.tDtt a t oLt I war.rntT Take Laxative Bromo; Quinine Tablet. Alt druggists refund the money if it fall! to cure, 25c. The genuine hat L..B. Q. n each tablet The Beat Advise I Ha. v. To the Republican of New Bern: I suggost that you register but refrat from putting a single city candidate the field. ' (Signed) ' . InAic II. Pmitb. Pneumonit, la grippe, conghs, cold croup and whoop cough rwdy yield to the food fnoce dtlkkxis and Hholesorae FRESH Al ED rmjtjrrow aaert ajarrBiiikoa. lanteeja rteatiral. V9W talrtAsv ollt4 reostwe l)are, Tia Urti Weak A Crtt BlreK TreatoasN C, April 15ib Mr. Leery, tbt cootraeior bat complet ed toe bridge acroea the Brogdea mill rate at Troatoa, a loag aeeued aeraatlty. Mr. Ltery la a good workmen aad ka given aa ticellent Job both la wok- aaaaahlp aad atalerlaL Why It ll thai people who have to travat tbt Core creek roau are ao leeea- vealtaeed at creating at Dora creek at a bridgt It mack needed loerer Of lea timet lot mall carrier baa to leave kit vehicle oa thlt tide of Ibe creek aad take Ik mall tacks tad crate Ibe footway to eery bt mall te Cora, a dltttnce of. over half t milt tnd return taint wty. Why doa'l tbt proper tulborltlee btvt a bridgt put Inert! Ninety or a hundred dollar woeld pnt oat there. Herring are quit plentiful arooad Trenloa today (Monday). They art be ing dipped ap her la the river with mall dip atta, qallt a treat to at til a tbt fish catch thla teaaoa bat beta but very few ap to the present time. Bishop Walton held service at Graft ebarcb oa Friday last aad had qultt laigt crowd tad appreciative coegrega- tloa lo hear him. W bear often Ibt remtrk that tbt patch crop It act much Injuied. We hart examined maaf Ireet tnd ia our judgment the crop arouad here It Injur ed at least 75 per ceuL The ttndtnu of Profeeor Rhode' tcnool bavt for tome time had a debet lag tociety al the high school, tail we learn that Ibe boy are much Interacted ia It, and that many of them are devel eplnf considerable talent la their de bate. The new whlakey ttlll arrived bert on Saturday laat, much lo the dltpleasurt of the temperance portion of our com munity, who oppose all stills tnd bare of tvtry kind that dispense or make tpirlluou Uquorr. - Wt learn that tbt corn It being ah ro ped here by every boat. Over DOO bush els wtrt brought here oa. Friday laat Well. Jones tt a real core county, this core Importing It brought - about by planting too much cotton. The farmers are enquiring for empty flour barrels,, baying and atorlng them twty In advance of the crop. Many are caavaatlug around lo get them. Oabbaget trt looking well tor the cold that hat proceeded tbem, tnd promise line yield. . v . . Our Sunday Schools art lo a flourish' log condition and are well attended by all, both eld and young, which tpeakt well for onr Sunday school tuperiuten donla, whoae Inleretl and untiring ef fort for them appeart to Increase. . We notice In a recent Issue of. the Joubhal an Item that a gentleman . al Pollocktville who straightened up houses and wharves was at Pollocksyllle who taid he could alralght-a Trent river. We would Ilk to ask the gentleman not to do it at tht old rlvtr bat flowed, so majestically to many years, winding lit way through old Jobet county with to much convenience to the good people of our county; wind nj around lo neatly every plantation, giving a good landing. HolTexceedingly convenient to our far mere bot if the gentleman desire lo nt hit atrtlghttniog power lei him lake the beat at PollocksvlUe and take a visit lo Trenton, and when In tight of Trenton he will find a crook that is, I don't know how many mile around, a I bavt never Matured It, with a bend like a mule shoe where one can tit In tht centre of the ridge and fish on both aides provided he hat a very long pole. : Should the gentleman deal re lo ttralghlea this crook no objection will bt relied, at we have learned from tradition that our fore father bad an eye on thlt crook and secured an act of tht legislature to reme dy the Inconvenience by cutting a canal across tht bend, but the company who procured the job failed to do U, and It remtlnt there until thlt day; at ntture formed it : : Mr. Benjamin Brock, Jr., aud Mist Susie M. Klntey were united In holy wedlock today tl Trenton, Rev. T. M; N George, officiating. The happy coupli have the tlncere good wishes of the whole county that happlues and pro parity nity attend them through a long lift, . I. B.8. ttosweea OHrt ttia.o.M. Special lo JoaraaL KALtien, AptU 5 The Beprtme Coert lied the fullowlag opialoee todt) : Doady vt Teiegrapk Cw , I rusk Chat ham, affl rased. Ltadle vt Tea-graph Co., from Mtck leabtry, tew trial. State vt Mcboleoa, from Caloa, af- Ormed. Stat rt Kale, from Catawba, tfflrmed Beak vt Rlgglat, from Furajlb, aJ- lrmtd. Uodgtr vt Baak, from For-yth, atw trial Boraer School vt Wtaeott, from Oraa villa, new trial . THB SPECliLATIVKMAKKKTS, Sugar..,.. an.ti. B. R. T. . Uauhsttsn August.. 122J 5 3: ntbt ftgaatam tf ) II tats tw Um a- FREE SHINES To every cuelotrer who bat bouihl or la the futuie BOYS fcHOEi FROM U9, we extend a coidlal iaIUtlnn lo call at our atur and have their SHOES SH1NE0 every day eiwut Bundavi AUHOUT CMARUR. R. H. BAXTER, ho m til'dleRlieel. AUWIN1STUATUIX NUTIl't. Havlnsr qiialiB- as Admlnlatiatrix o( uentv Hall, fleretaed. lute of Junet county. North Carolina, thlt ia to notify ait person Having lamia agnlnbt tin tl1 of taid decett.il lo exhibit tb m to the undersigned on or before Ibe Slat ftay of April, ItHHl, or thia notice will U plead In bar ol their recovery. All per sons indebted to taid estate will please mire unmraiaie payni-ni. utt xtst oay or aihi. lbiw. . v LOVEMA UALl. Administratrix. REALESTATEAGENCY Roure and Lots For Bale at Lowi it Pueailile Finuret. U airable Hornet and Tenemrnta I bat will prove a line invest men i. - - Collection of Rtatt Specialty, OBlie at ri:di-i.ce. 1? Johmi n itnit, K. K. II ARPjEII. A Great Bargain I ForlOibiTt oi.ly I will tall a very line ugn graoe upiignt runo, new, al a tar lillct for a party who In in mrd of tht cusl . J. WILLIAM STALI.INUS. VtT .flar ta rTito, Don't G?t Into the Ncrape - Tills man did. but call on n-i fi uch Seasonable Good as Paris Green, Sorven Doom and Window, Fly Rat aud Mouso Traps, R-lrtKrator. Walt o outers, loe cream reeiert and ani thing iu the II tida are Line. We guaf intet our prices. . L. B. CUTLER H'DVJ'E CO it the beat teacher; and we rely upon uieu of experience in matter of importance. What it more iraportaut lieu a doctor give you a uiencrlntioo thau lo have it prepared by a drng(iBt of known experit-uce aud connaencer BRINQ THEM TO BRADHAIT5, Today' quotation furnished by W. L. Galbralth, New York, Represented by A. O. Newberry. - Ntw Yoa,Aprll 23. STtXIIyS. Opeu. Iligli. Low. CU te ,.. 1(18 178 168 171 ,. 143i Wi 123 12-1 COTTON. Opeu. Hili. ,. 5.82 5 87 T At it O t. : I 1 i it ii i iv oiurc 1441 iOW, 5.t'3 Cldte 5.t4 Headquarters for v Fine Musical Instruments and the Latest Eheet ilusic. , 'I T r v - Vj A . Ullli t t . o o o We detlre to call SPECIAL ATTENTION U oar KRKH OA NN fell r.OOUH whkk oootiel el He.lUU Proia, Uaw-a C.Imji aid Yellow Oewtord , IV tIh. TiMnoiua, Corn, Soccniaeh, Lima Beaat, Strlnc Beaut, Cera and Tomato. Or r ad IVinia Chip Beet, Corned Beat, Salmon. tVibtirr. Kippvnd Urrringi Sardintt, Puttod lleia and Ti'Dgat. Alto a Nice Table Peach for ISo S lb can. And froth lot of loot nice little PIO HAMS. Kvaporeied Apple, Drird Peaches and California Pranea. Very Fiuett FAtfn Butu-r, only ?5 Cent. - Give U a Call. Kt?rjthinK Ouarau- teed aa Ilpr?riittHl or Your UTonej Rerunded. ll McDaD iel & Uiil, Wholesale A ReUlI Orocerii, 'Phone Ol. 71 Brairl Hi. i? A will tt Fiultt that trt I Med at Ibt projer time, and cauntd aUoltt ly freth by ibe iix tl tellable pw here la the rouo IpjS tlie ool) kind you will 6ud on our thrive, We htve iIh i luh-ial pioJucts raited. In gla't tnd tin. tt well at flth, shell Uh, aalmon tnd lobttrra. Evaportled Applet tnd Prach.t, Fii est tlgia butler iuo. Fox A, Bier Butt r, SOi-. Give ut a trial tnd we will tavt yon money. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 60. 77 Broad Street. eneaffyvtfint JiStiSffiSviSviSviSiSi $1.25 HIS mi We htve Just receired our complete line of Spring Shoes 2 and tin bow idU evrrjone In QUAL11T, STYLE AND 3 PUICK. . Onr line of Men't $1 25, $1 50 and $2.(10 Kim . Calf 3 $ll(f cannot be equaled in i be liiy. 3 ; Our line of Tan Vicl Kid 8B0LS al $2 51) $2.75, $3.00, $3 50 and $4.00 in strictly op to date and every pair of 3 thrni arc gnaranreed. .- 3 K We have the largest line or Meii'e Shoes in the Ity and wp guarantee onr Shoes fr Quality, Style and Price. We ran sell yon hors which are op to-date in mjle ana low down in Price. x -3 Call and be convinced. 67 POLLOCK STREET, -NEW BERNE, N. C. jiUiUiiUumiuuiiliiuiuiaiAiiiiiuiaiaiiiiuiaiUtU e I 1 i V Beplacinir the worn oat Furniture and Carpets by Stylish nl n Ideas from tfTtandsome Spring Stock, is really an easy matter. Sweetening the home from the kitchen to the parlor, making it Lrjru an ideal place, means but a small outlay, if von bny here. - We meet any price made yon by mail order houses, often- times saving you quite a sum, making this the ECONOMICAL CI OUTFITTING STOBE for yon. : . - - :' v E; 3 Buying in April ' Making your selecUonB early gives yon the run of our new stock, the cream of selections. We'll protect yon In the prices, they'll-be less than others will quote yonr for equal qual ities, as the following will testify. C ' ' v , Solid Oak, 8 piece Bed Room Suit, finished golden, 10x34, French Bevel Glate, $18 00. Tbi It our leader. ' A. Benutiful Mahoeaniied Cherry Suit, polish Bnisb, reduced from t33 60 to $27 60. j A tolid Oar of Oak Suilt, ranging from $13 to $100. You will regret it If you buy before teeiog our line. ' PRAIIG. 11. J0IIE8 a G0., C3 Chicago' mai::ce rpAT V, -n. I" Ja'.y. 7 ! -. 1'3. Low. I'! e i 'y In time tnd save a doctor's IHI o i it y& (f is I i'.i44' !. tl.e uii '- ribkoi's. F. 8. Vv Tf. One Minute Cough Cum. Use this rem