Tli Kind You lui la use for orer '. i .1 I ymrs, L and ! i WuMfY, SiAli Allow no AU CounUirfrlU, Imitation mid Hubl,;uU s ar bnt l'v perlneala that tHn with and. ruJanrr fcculth. of JafjtaWand CtUJft'O- KvfM-rl.-iH-o t;.uut Iltperlineua. What is CASTORIA CautorU b a nbtlaU for (Iwtor Parrxorle, Iropa Mad Soothing 8yria. It In llarwilr;.. ami rktuutat. It coalala aellhrr Opium, MorpLIno nor other 'areotl substance. Ita ago U lu c itarantcev It deatroys Worm and allays FeverUbneaa. It cures Dlnrrlior and Wind ' Colic. It relieve Tartklug Trouble, curt' ConstlpailoaV -and Flatulency. It AMitnilutea tba Fowl, regulate th( Htotnarb and Bowels, firing healthy aud natural Bleep, The Calklrea'a Inaer-T Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA! AI-WAY3 'Lean the . - " r . . The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years." ' twt tuajtaw , t axaiar tmr?, mm air. A. A N. C. K. II. ; ; Tim TA8L1 X0. 7. la laka Effect Buaday, Oct. 9, 1808 , , . - at It.:. -:.; . , - Going Kaat 80HOCL Going Wait No. 3 Pasaenger Trmlna , No. 4 Lr. pa . mnomM ' ' Ar. a at 14) ...... .Oolilaboro ...1105 4 0). LaGrange. ......... 10 S3 IK . . Kuudon.. ...... ...10 19 4d...,..Ar. New Bhm, L.... . tOO 160..,.. I.e. ' Ar.'.... 8 37 7 M . Ar. Murehead oily L. ... 7 47 Nats, I Mad Ft A Pae Til. Lr. a. M. 710..., 74J I No. 6,1 (TtTioN J MxM rt and J - 1'aa Ttt. ' .-.T Ar. i. u. . Oi.ldsboro. ......... 168 .... Beat' ... ......118 I. Leiireoire... 1 48 O 5W til kU ... a tx .Falliug Craek....,.. 118 .".Mi t8 ,..1168 Z3. ... 10 isr... I'aawvil. ,...1140 10 40 ... 11 15.... IIBI.... uoj ... r. . ....t ore t rrek. ... .TuM-arora... ......t'larkar... . ...Nti Iferua.. 10 40 .....10 18 .....1000 0 80 I Itondir, Wadneaday, Friday. TuUy, Thurattay riatunlay. N I. Hl'd rV aud . I'aiM. Tu. L a w 7 10.....; "No., Mi'l Ft. and faahTa. ; Ar. p m btations: . .. . . tlolilalwro .......$ 18 7 411.. bun.. 14.. lw 40 . 10 15.. 10 40.. 11 13.. II 81.. I'iOS . 180.. i U.. 8 80.. 8 43.. 8 li.. .. ...... lhMl'. 1 " i f 88 703 83 IS 618 uiuiauga..., .... . ...Kalllng creek......... ..KiuUB..... ... 1 ........ jawull.. ........ .....Ar. Dover, Lr ,.:..L.- Ar . .....Our creek. ......... too ... 480 ... 4 00 ... 88 ... 8 80 . .... Tuaearora. .. , a a .Clftrfc at aaa-aaa. ' ...Ar. New Berne, L ..... 8 80 ....L. " lUrerdala . , , .. .. .. croatan . ........ llaTelock .....1047 ......1010 940 08 ...... Newport, Lr 25.. ...... ..WUdwood.... ...... 8 47 8 81 ...... ....Atlantic... 8 88 8 48....Ar.Uoreheadoily,LT..... 880 4 01... .Ar. U. city Depot, Lt..... 7 80 r. M. ' -V ' A. M. Uouday. Wedoeaday and Friday. fTueaday, Tburaday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, ' (hiperints ident A.tlnntle CoaMt Lilne. Wilminutom & Ntw Behki It H, NO, 6, UKtfoct Wedoeaday, Au. 7. 18S6, Daily Gxoet ttuuday. : Going South f aciltuvLt: Going North No. M, raasenuer Traia No. 60, ' Lt. a hi. 00 ... 34 61 ... 1001...; 13 08 " 8TATMHNR Ar, p m,l . New Bern ........ . Pollockfcvill j ..... , ..yyBiiio .... a .a . It 4 49 .Jao.kouviile. Wilinington, LIuiou Uepot r 12 15 . r at No. S. ..Ar. Wtlmingtnni Lr. i -: ' . - ; ... . PtIUItMQK tk FkKlOBT, Leave WUmlngton Monday,-Wednea-; uj auu 111U.J. mm. .,ow w.g day, Thursday and Saturday. Lt. a at ';.. 7 80..... Lt. Wilminfrtoa, Ar.. 8 40. ....... ;.8cotf Hill...... VW Woodside...... 10 05... Hollyrldge,.... 10 51 ........... Dixon 11 90 ..... .... Veroua 1305 ........JackHnuTilla .. . 1J30 v Northeaai. 81 65 ., Whiterak 1 80 Mayitville.... ,, 3 15 roll.K-kvil!e....-, 2 55 .... ... IMjriihl ' ... ... Ar. r v ...145 ...13 65 ...13 15 ...11 40 ...10 61 ...10 80 ... 45 ... 8 55 ... 830 .. 8(15! ... 7 so; .-. . 6 85 1 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lt. ,., ... 8 00, J. K. KENLY, 1. t. :..! tv t., ' ii I..ti - n brne tlio signal-., u . been li m.lij lui.lrr liK - r- n i:ice I: i iu! uic. omoIo. Signature of . - WILMINOTON & WELDON R. R. . . -. ' .. . . .And F ranches, . "v . AND TLOSENCB RAILROAD. ' - OOHPHH1KD acnKDULB. . TKAIN8 coino w uru. . ; " , i! Apivw H 9j .n u . e ; o j c 3 o il ."; . 5 si a -a a '" A. M Pll. P. U. A.1ap7r Lr. Weldon 11 M 4H Ar. R. Mt.. IJ M 10 30 ...... ..... Lv.TaiboroM 81 ..... 8 .. . .... L. R. tit. . I m 10 ill 8 4& 5 4i' 18 1.9 L, Wllron I 8M1 14 7 10 80 9 40 L. Selm.. i 5! il br. ..... U.Fay'irtile 4 81: 111 Ar.FloteDoe T it 8 16 . .. . P.M. A.M. Ar. GoMa... Lt, GJd... .. . . ... ..... 7 01 8 21 Lr. Miid'll.... 8 09 4 26 ArWilin'luU ,. 94 0 S (10 P. M.IA M. P M TUAlNS GOING NORTHi' ? 5v. S S?k 5"k 5 - e 5 dj c"3 6i o"3 A M "t P- M. . i -rt I.v.Floiwune 40.... 7 ' .. lT.Fay'Tillo 18 ) . . 4H LT.rk.lm. . 1 T ..n. I 62 ...V. Ar. Wilaoo. 9 H6..... 11 81 " - AMI. pTm A. M. LTWilm'ton U.. 7 00 0 Lt. MaK'lia ...i '. . '. ; . 8 84 10 68 Lt. Gold.. ..... 6 15 4.1 ti . ,. . . P. M. aTT PmT P. Mj Lt.- Wtlaon 8 36 6 43 11 81 10 88 1 18 Ar. a Ml. . 8 8V 8 15 19 07 11 85 1 68 Ar.Tarboro 7 04 ..... ..... ..... Lr, Tarboro 19 91 .... ..w Lt, R. Mt.;. 8 80 ZJf. 13 09 Ar, Weldon 4 83...',. t 00 ..... - P. M ? A.M. ' Train on 11m Scotland Keck Branch Road leave Weidon 8 85 p m. Halifax 4 15 p m. arrive Scotland Neck at 6 OH P-tu, ureenvllle 7 p ra, itioston 7 o n m. Returnlna learet Kington 7 50 a m. Greenville 8 63 a m, arriTinjr Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 88 a in, daily ex. cent Sunday. Train on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 20 a m and 9 ao p m, ar rlre Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p in, re turning leave Partnele 9 35 am anil 8 80 p ni arrive Wasliinglon II 00 a in aad 7 80 p ni, dally elcel1 Sunday. Train lea Tarboro, N O, daily except Sunday 5 80 p m, Hunday, 4 15 p m, ar rive Plymouth 7 40 D m. 6 10 n m. Re turning, leaTea Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m, and rtundny vw :n, arrive Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a ml Train on Midland) N G Branch leave Uoldgbora daily, except Hundar. 7 05 a. m, arrlTiog Smith field 8 10 a m, Return tog leave 8mllhneld 8 00 a m; arrive atUoldaboro lOiiSam, Tnina on Nashville Branch leare Rocky Mount at30am,S:4(ipm, arrive Maalivllle 1U 10 a m, tosnm, bprmr aom iu w a m, o p m. neiuruing leave opting nope 11 uu a m, 4 .w p m, Maan ttll 11 94 am arrlva .t Kivt. Mount 11 45 a m, 8 00 p m, daily exoent Sunday. '4181 Train on Cliuton Ilraiirb leave ,W ar . . ' saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 9,33 8 10 a m and 4 15 p ni,' Keturning leave " ' Clinton at 7 00 a 111 and 10 00 p m. 9 85 Train No 78 make clooe connection at r Weldon for all (minU orth daily all No. 4. rati Tia Richmond. 1 1 ,r DurncAM ; . . ' GI P. Agent ,j K KCNby, uem Manager, : T M EMKRSON, Tralllc Manager. vram, aid i r "kroluainrii ami .1,1 l'.it- 1 nt buinc-s t'onu.j, ini voD'Miff Ft 9. wemn ftf' tire ut i.l iu lvs Utuc unu Uio l.H tlOOl .tsllt r photo., with f! ib( or not. ! i;Heitt t ' l .un t'.ittfii; -," juti toieiu iuu 4 fMi'Hi rr, khjl . ! : a4 a-" wa t N. ; I i. " ; 5 . kakat . V ' J t . o - . ... i W u 1 --v fc. .1 I --.. I -i .'-i.i iu lbc4 fc.ia 1 Jul taw4 ar.U atw a, ! " Ivi j. t..a 1 i arr(la a Faa- t'art., Im4 artil Oa a..r- 'i ffMa Uw buLua Ua. m . ; i Ukf ajt4 la flt.itrMwnaa 1 . a t .--mr.l A id, 1 a ..i.-.'.i If- u m mi. Of ...ira Id ftrHMT iia aamlwriun."' li rkndU4 l nuk-lf and auj. pl 4 Urt UM "J. K. )x IliaiulB, aak- Ii. k," ao BiaJniy wriiten 1UM liai t U M mtauUll It. "Uk, I awl nm aial laa. yat Hndaj anla Mr lu)iuin ruaa a uaea." Mr. Urovuuta la la Itat caf at bemk- BMt, ir, o4 vna will ! aoa, baa roa a.-! It klr. Joiiea. yua kwi.1' laal' ail WIT bn. Tea M rtichi to tnat k a Tua wuald aay oaa atias tn lb! auutrr. I U mm la and ula aim at brmkraaV II win ni ona of tba lltti aamdla of kotel Ufa In a big etty, ana rat H ofxnad Bp Wanv anapaiatlnaa Wat n Job ar waa It Uetijauiluf bupuoaataa maa f twa aamea bould die axWly la at noa a ao would a bar If lr ahoald 4aauqy and hm aacapant aad anry tba bt.a ruatatar ba aavad, J. K. ilealauatB, v 3hlri(tta, wowkt bar baaa neunlad aa among la ut. Tat a aueh paraoo w la taa hotal a laaat waaa't Ut am of Um aiaa o IXtfiatarad. I knew," aatd ua dark, "that M waa Jena that wa la the oaf, and 1 knew hi partner! knew them at botati (artb'dowa Umn. wbar they uaad to Jour tnureated la mnl biff eooeara la the woat, and oeoailonaUT autn eaat to carry throuirh enaie Ma deal that h dnsaat ear to troat to hi bayan. H doeaat want bl rival la baatnea ur other In than th 00a he I dulng buataeM with to know that k I la town. So, Inatead of atgntag hi owa nam, ha twlU the Initial and for and and aaearaa attenttoaathat he don no oar fur. He baa beea carrying oa thiti almul little dtnepUoa fur year. Both bnd bu partner know that I kaow aU aboo It But If 1 should ever make th mistake of acknowledging H to either, they would never ituai bant aaaln, or elat 1 hould have to go. Oh, th elerk ar not the only erank ona ran acrua la the hotel buai neat. Now fork Time AN IMPUDENT TRICK. aw a imw Hu rA a InI' aa UU Rival. A rroop of newspaper men wow chat ting and, a usual, fell to talking shop. "Tbey used to have aomaquoar Idea of enterprise up In the middle north," (aid an old timer. -"I'll give yon an Illustra tion. A young rauurter named J one oa a big dally In never mind whuri wa detailed to tnterrtuw the governor of another atatewho had lipped Into the dty on a ooret political mission. When be got to hi hotel, he learned to bl disgust that Jackson, to (tar reporter of a rival shaat, waa oa to the new and proposed to call In aa hour. Acting on Inspiration, h sent up a card bearing Jaekaon'a name, and wa promptly admitted. When he had asarnwl all be wanted, be asked with grot and Intentional Impudence whether th Information wa really trae. "The governor wa noted for hi Iraaol blllty. He turned parole. 'D'yoa question bit wordf' h shM. i - - - t " 'Oht Don't cet gayf replied Jone airily. Or.mmon governor cut no to With my offloa.' "Th old man foamed atth month. 'You Insolent aooundrel I he roarod. 'Oet out of my room I' . - " , "That wa exactly what Jone wanted, and he went down stair chuckling. , " Presently Jarksuu shotted up. ' Here boy,' he (aid pompously, Hake my card to toe governor. " f When the old man looked at the paste board, be nearly expired. 'The blankety blanked lntaiuous lllainl' be spluttered. '1 never board of such blankety blanked effrontery In my llfo I Tell that mlacreant If be or anybody elae from hla Infernal naoer cumes un here 1'U kill 'era I ' " The word was curried to Jackson, "who went away raving. .Next day hla paper called the gown or alt the sad nauir't In the dlctloua I mid, Intimated; lie w In town on a bender. Junes' bauur hHff a capital lntefvl and a big scoonf Thoe -u .1 K..toBe' Vh n.L.n Tliia.nniinit V" ? 1 " V - Hera's a C'ariaaa Bartaah. ' t- The Uillowlnc quaint epitaph waa writ tea on aa eoceutrie enaracter well known In rUinnt.4 fTlnrL Imland. hv John Jack on, who contributed to th pnpers of that" day under the noiu de pluma of Terry o-Drii r: Btop, trarrler-atopl This pot.demsad t- trsotloa, - -' ' ' ; i '." Pur nndaraaiUliit lie th bone' Of 'RWt Aachen, i . ' ' - ' Bark a itrariga cotaposittea wat ae jrat to He'd Ulk In all eompany .NrsnyW ail vrMtbar; Be wa fond of hla ylpa, hi glas aad bu . lUouhter. Bat eordiully hated grist death aad esli ra tar: . If hated avery oac'a boslne, neglestad hla own. . r : His dutiful nephew erected tbta stooa. ' -.. - Tviaea. .. .- . ' A friend onee enlled upon Michael An' eelo, who wa finishing a statue. Some time after, be called again and, looking at the figure, laid: "You have been idle (iiioe I hut aw you. "By no mean," replied the sculptor. "I have retouched this part, polished that, I hare softened this feature and given more eipretwt. n to this Up." . "Well, well," said the friend, "but are mere trnii-s. . ;- ' '" .- . "It my Ijo so," answered Angelo, "but reoulleut t .-.t trilli s make purfwtloo, and purfectlun ii do tritla" - " r . ; .' . ' ' A Boitas Sehaaia. First Youni? Woman Let' Who wrote "Plekw ik l'norsf" , . i Second Ulito Dukena, (The Lie.) "Of courae. Ioonldn'tfbr the moment think of his name." (The Trnn ) "He wen the anthot of 'Pondeunis' aud 'Cniter Two Flag,' you know." (Caught) "Oh, yea") I know that I" Boston Traneorlpt. , . ' ,1n Holland lt la customary when theie is infectious disease iu a house to notify the fnot to intending visitors and lite pub lic generally by tying a piece ot white rug round the bell handle. - Tnlent knows what to do; tact knows what not to do. Chicago Record, ' 8tatrfif 5 wnk r:ie . rennsneudy cured ly the manerly pow er of South Anirrlcsn JTervine Tonic. Inva'.lui need auger no longer, terausa tliie reirp ly can cure th'ti all. It la a cure for ti.e a hols world of tinmach wcKknex tnd IntVgettloo. The cure b- ;'ii9 v. !;h t'ie firt d . Tba re lii;t It tiflnr,J tin iv. !9 e .1 i.r. i- It n rskes no f ;,iie; r- r , ... - .Jtitn. K Bm"rr I-ow let t 'i ! 3 t :it e.. ar - i 1 i e- 'r htr l.fe but the 1.: - . ai 4 prrfntion (A , r . hcr..Wl L-,- a - w'tl orruwane all i ' rculiar la tba prf tl yrfra.:, ch:iuLjrt it, ami srul prm pf V or.caL iwxuim Cr. '. T i I tii hnal orvfceaL h'.if'1 f rtrut la aa toteiBAi mre-ail, N:t a Wr-. . Luiraent SflTtnasd VJ aardKal ai" 'v and eat !, .lcd by year c .-m ..I aaa. ulj hv drervUU Jur It. Vahiabl bouk, " brlur feOjy la bo. a," tut tre t--V'UOB Uosu Thi aoaf itiM u auuiot eg, !. la .. . A Cfti-lond of I he. . . LISUATD BO&K BEER, ' BASS . BUETON'SJ ; ENGLISH '" " ALE, Tba Drink to CurelDdigasUoB. AT TUB " Palace Saloon. J.F.TAYLOR , MARKET noCK. . DEALER IN Hardware and Firo Arms, Saab, Door and Blind. Paint, . OiU, Cement, Line, Eto. ARfnt for Girland Stovei & Rugri ani Ueroe'i',' and BfBj? Moorei READY MIXED PAINTS. ' Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW BEIXNE, JT. C. aj. " 1 ) 1 I - THESTEAMLAUNDRY I ready to do quick work. It i your fault If you don't bare your laundry done welL Let ua call for your next bundle. We make your collar flroa and atlS and they ar not worn out on a washboard. Wa can please yon If yoa will let ua. Patronize a home laundry. Jt will be a gteat belp to our borne peo tile. beside it vlvea employment to our home people. Thi l omething aught to o reniemrjered. Keep your "-j at home. AU of Ihi is said with proe- lieiity and progreaa, Your Truly, . JTEIV BERN STEAMS I.A 1JNDBY - J. E. DAYBERRY, Man. iO. W. SIHTSOX, CS ZSroarl Street. FROrXSSIONAL. V. M. Slnmoai, ' J. H. Faa, A. I. Ward e. W. faa. 5IMTIONS, POU & WARD, ATT0BNETS and COUNSELORS at : ..... . LAW. , ' ' " BETT BKKtHB, m.c Office 68 So. Front Street, nearly oppo- site Hotel Cbattawka. (Office also at Raleigh and SmitbBeld.) BWAtfoa in tha counties ol Craven. Duplin, Jonas, Onslow, clarleret Pamlico, Wake, Johuaton. iiarnett and Wilson; tn tne au prenic and (.eiientl Courts, and whareTer Services arc uowreu. :. ... i II. t'cllrtier, . ATXSiXET'AT LAW, ' KUdle Street, Lawyer. Brlti BulIdlBg. ".. Tfill praettce In the Cotintlf of Craven ..... . j,,nfl. i in.lnw inH Pamlleo. U.S. OourtmNaw baru. aud bupreuia Coart C neauaw. KC.V."JLU3 A. NUNN, JLTTORNHY - . KKW BK11SB, ' M. C. OfHce: Opp. Hotel Chattawka. Boiliy Front Street. Practice lu florth Carolina. J. . l-jcv.3. n. D., Prospect Brewing Company's WmM Architect iS SeperiQlenden u . . s. in r. .! tj A.'ai iw. i4 . : I . il. I. t -! f a.f.-tf . ..'ni It . r r . t I ul iUrmm 4 CSt.llMl k Ml I,, ,h tMMke.... eet a W-ffW lh flat n.f Ai-i'1. ''. '"" tiire lll ! j 4 in I i ; U-i ir ree my A II r-r-m,iimI.,v tnaawlaslela a ill 4ia a.t ittrtKis.t 4vnewt. 1 .... .1.; of Ai-tI. 1 I.i VLMA II'LI A.luiicUira'nx Commissioner'a E&le ! VU r od fey irlu of a Jodgaal at the MrfM art uf lUaeuanly of tra- vre, raueevd fie t,ill Aun tuiH !-d J4ie ILKuaaill, aumlKtaf alor M O W Ku bu, ;et al v IVwil J netlwnastuw; tl aW, lb naon.faa faiipiaaiuaer nf the Umt WUI fc to the h in best lu.t.W-f lor I a. at uutie aucttoa. al trie l"ourt Hiwh door wf I nns county, la th euy ol New Hera, NC. oa Mneirta May 1st. ". tl lb buttrof llu'lkKk. h.aja. tba Mtoab ( real eeiau and lauprwreaiewu) tbirein , towtl: Lir and being at i in tn nwi ly of Crevew. ftnnh latndiaa. lyu g a the aorlh .kte .4 lb A At N O It II aad and ea the at i,leut the publWi had atCore Cierk htatHHwIeglnaiaf ua th weat side U the aaMt aubl.u roao where lha line of raid A At N I' t Mejeaaa the aaiae: the runs with aald bu at a weat- erly dirrcUfWi 4 i 8 tanHhea run la a aonberly dlrectuia oa a yar: mi run In aa easterly dlreetkat W 88 yard to Ilia elm anrotiotMd publlo road; tlearuna fcaawaiibMly dlrrciK n wiia (aid publlo road 88 8 J yard to th be ginaiag, Containing oa acre mm nw lees, bring the anto ronerty wbenwa Thomas J. Wathrrlngloa lalely resided at Cot. nd lb nam deacriuea in lf morlrac id (aid Wethrrlngta bi U W kirh.rdm and wife Lnrana. record ed la lb office of the KrgMnar of need ? haven county k Book 117, rig n, etc. Dated at New Hern, IT V, Marc loin, 18M. CHARLKa B. THOMAS, LTxnaiUBioarT. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTIt'E. Havlnr Qualified aa Administrator of Annie Outlaw, dwseaaed, rat uf Ctave county. N. C. thi hi to notify all peraou baring claim against the eatst of tba aid deceased to prearnt tbeat to th ua dersifrned for payment oa or before Hi tthday pf April, 1000, or tbta notice . ill ba meat in oar u tnev recuvary. All prwa hidelAed in tba (aid estate will plena, maa imaiauiaia v"5 . Admluistralor, R. vV. WUIhtmaoa, Allorney. April 7tb, I89 Commissioners' Sale ! B viitue of a judgment of the Roiie- rlorl'ourtuf Craven County, reudered at Fall term. 1898 of laid court, w will tell at tiie Court House door in New Born. N. C al public auction tor fash. to the hlnhesl Lhldrr'ou Alonday lha 1st day of May IMW at 1 o'clock M., the following land lu Craven county, N. O, deacrtbed lu a mortgage from Richard Diion and a if to William A WUcox as follow.: , - Un I he eaat side ot the new road, be ginning at a Make in tha savannah and run nor lb 79. cant S'lH pole to the eaat era bne of Bailie's 640 acre patent (now Anire'al then north 17. eaat 84 pole to the laurel corner, then north 78, weal 100 pole to A liar i las' corner la lb rrileoa line and with said Haniss outh, 79 wM 178 Dole, then aoutb 83, east 84 poles to the beginning containing 88 arret mora or lee. March 11th, 1899. ). tr. T flO MAS, , R. a NIXON, . , , O'omnilaaioner. -Notice of Kale. NOXTII CABmjKA, I Rn.il11,rnlirt. ' . Craven County.) r : . 8 R Ball, Admioictratot at R A Bmyer, d ceaaed. . . . . . . V. .' . Mary E Hajer and other. Purtusot to a license of the Superior Court of Craven couuty In tba above en titled prucrediugs ir which t wa direc ted to aell tbe hereinafter described real aviate to make asset to pay the debt of the iolealateaboTe named. 1 will offer for ale aud aell at th court bouse door of GraTen county to the highest bidder for cash al public auction ou aionaay. atay 8ih, W at tha bour of is ocioca uoou, all tha fulluwlnr real estate to wile Lying and Dttng situatea in me rny oi New Bern. Noitli Carolina, beginning at point 881 lent west of ths western side of George street no tha ninth tide of White street. lunulug thence west and parallel with said Gvuige (treet, 61 feet IU luclie. Ilience went auu naruici wiia laid Wbite struct 90 feet, thence oulb and t-arallel with aald Ueoric .treel 01 fret 10 itR'bes to While treet, thence east along the northern able of the (aid White i reel 60 feet to the point of beginning. And being a part of lot of parcel of laud conveyed by deed to Gearge H White by John ti Sawyer bearing data th 94tb day of August lobtf, and conveyed to RASmerby aald Geoige U Whit by dotil recorded iu tbe t flice of the ltegia. ler of of Jrnn county In book 115. page 480. Aliotlieh or parcel of Und lying on the wtal side of B street at the line of tbe A & N C R R and rauning thence dowu K R south 60 ftet to a Hake, thence west 60 feet to a (take, thence north GO feet to take, thence eaat along R strvel to the beKlonluK Being a part of lot 19 In the plan of a plot ot laud sur veyed by H T Guiou, in 1857. and re corded in tbe othce uf the Register of Deed of Craven county, book 64, page 94 and being a part of tint land conveyed hv deed from M D W Bteveusou and wife, to Carolina Roy. recorded in tbe book 87, patse 819. &o.. and being tbe same couveyed to R A Sinyer by William Mcllvane by deed recorded ia said rec ords, book 1 18, p ge W. . -ltilnnlno' on liie north tide of A air-t at a ooiut 87 feet southweet from the line of the A A N C R Rand muning theuee north eamwunfly along said nor"h line of A sticel 87 feet to the line of tbe A4NCKK, thence norm wesiwaraiy 131 feet parallel to the main track of taid railroad, tlitnce somu weo.waiuij w allel with A slieel. 61 feet, theuc outh en.twardlv along the aestern line of what is known as et 1011 feet to ireei the beeiunlnir. "Beginning at a poinl ou the north east of o airceist me ii". oi tne a. . v It K :!il feet south west from E (treet runuiuK thtuce uorlh easlwardly to the intersection of U street Willi K street, thence onihestwanlly ailh the line of V .tieet 47 ftet 111 inches tu th line of the A N C R R &v feet to the begin The aliove two destrilied loa ! nl 4 l,HViii2 been surveyed for 8 R ISall ail'iiiiiini rur of ii A 8myer on Nov. lt i a I v refereuce the annejed plot will I . y ii nnuil . f - Ai' i a ! d - 1 i i Ouia una Dearing in s...i8." I ,-. -o luica of er 1 Brt tw n Inrint Hit' im'i 'f e. ! i ', 4. ti, ft ami 1. V e'l v ) - i In f-.r lif t IhiV Unit. " " aiatbla iVeal l' . t llab.r. .Nvsai I agine a-J t.tua.S. WlU he .11 for eab at Ike t ba. I II.Hiw Ui. r. ia ih r i y uf 1a Beta. day i lw.iKUaui4 eairuM nan) .4 It il a, lb ui kwlag h4 aal tltola-r, Iw-ab: A l"t la Mala, with taUaUe bMa tbrerua, b Bit be al-M Wir e. al la I.4 ol Uoeva .net. talaaaa A A ft 1 1 r.llr.wl, aad M .Ita agtua K.m.1 bwadril a. Iinhiaa: Hrgiuulag al the noaibraat Mart of a tiiaHliag tr W at k ia Maa aai la--ilh Kla w4 Oana all art aad laaaiag al.h aaol II a a r ba.idlr I. ib hrht U y ut lb. A At N C K K t a. aad Ibeao ailb aald ibiht a' nay eaat aanlly tu lb cbaat if Mut rtvr. and Ibeaea rlik taidcbaauclaouibaar.l It In II aortb buaaJary -f Uaeaa traet ead I bent a altb lha aailh Ut ttarv trf tjaeaa ttrevt aeaiaaidly to taw brglnalag. A traet of uwlia joaesaoaaty, taaaa a lb Usu Wkluy tract, buaadad a fulWaa: Beginning aa I-ladererk wharattotu- moa Woiibtoatua Ha. Mrlka aald creek aad ruaaiag with said II !! I to Log Branch, thea ap tba Tartuo aoamee of takl braarh aad with lb lie of said Kdaerd P Prltebett la th Rac cooa Poonala, the with tald puooela 8 la the lake poeoela. laea with aald lak imvwsI eaaterlT I Daalet W llliaata lice, Ib altb said IiatoJumlag Kaa, laea with tha various coarse a( aw raa la Iralaad creek, thea dowa the rertoav course of bald creek lo the begiaaiug, eoatalng 000 acre Bor or tat. A bra tract 04 una ia lA-noir coaaty narcbasad of 8 H Phillip aad wife, bounded at follow: Lying and being a lha county ot ueaoir and But 4 North Carolina, Contealn Neck Towa- abip, aad blg lb laad deviaed by Jame L Canady lo lb (aid B H Phil lip, beglanlag at a red aak (tamp oa th edg ot the Great marsh, Piuataa' corner, and raa with bis line north 6b weal 194 pole to a piaa, lba aoata M waat 10 pole, than south 97 weali! Dole, thea toulh 58 nasi 40 polo, thea south 98 watt- 19 polo, thea aoath 60 west 11 pole, "thea south 28 wtt8 poles, thea north 64 wett 19f pole to a pin la a tela, the sooth a wt 181 oolea lo a pin. Bond' coraer, thea aoath 77 eaat 108 pole tbea aouth 81 ea 89 poles to closter ot water oak. lha south 7W al 88 pole to a (mail weet gam. the 98, M 98 pole la the road, Ibeaea wua saiu roaa aorta w west 15 poles, thence aorlh 884 weal 421 Dole. I hence IrM west 61 poles to the canal bridg, tbea dow ll earn aortb 804 east 44 poles to a small drain, thea down l be sm north ov east 10 poles, thence north 17 east 14 pole, thence north 854. east 9 pole to a gum, thence lo tbe beginning, containing aul -acre mora or less. Alwat excepting that part convened to J C Hooleo, boanded as follow: Ail tbe land oa th east (Ida of tha public road leading from Griftoa lo Edwaid' Bride nd enough oi said una on tbe west (id of (aid publio road la make (aid undivided hall Iniereatln (aid land Also all the interest of "Tba Vlluisoe Lumber Compaay" in and to the timber on the following lands. It inches and above, at th base: Oa tbe land. In Craven county, of J L West, adjoining tbe land of A brant bar- cell, W U Weal, and others, bouuded as follow t ' Oa lb aorlh by the ma of Mostly' crvcK, ua tua aaa. uj i . a iauu, on the south by Abram Bargell and W L. .1 --. k. UT U U' tmmA 11 Watt' land, oa tha wast oy ADram Haraelt' land, and tba run of Moatly creek, containing 150 acre, mora or less. On land In Lenoir county, oi 4 ti west. bounded as follow: Beclnnln? at a small black gum, In Foley brldg branch, by tba tide of the new mad, and run N 18 W to Catbariue Morris' line, then With her una, going eastwardly, to lha Jack hole, la Mosely creek, Jacob Dougherty and K.T West corner, tbea up the run of (aid creek to tbe month ol tienry s oranco, tnea np the run of said branch to tha mouth of Poler Brldg branch, then up tba ma of said branch to th beginning, containing 43 acres, more or less. - Oa Und of W Pate, Henry Btllly, Henry Lilly and wife, In Craven county, bounded as follows: Oa lha south (id of Snltt creek, and aorlh side of Neuse river, beginning at a stake, U Lilly and Sam Dudley' corner, In Aboer Cooper's patent line, and thence 8 44 E 100 poles, then 8 60 K 87 pole, tbea B 19 K 114 pules, then N 504 W 114 poles,tben N to. 89 poles,lUea hit K 15 poles, then N 50 E 189 pole, tbea S 68 K 168 pol. ue0 B 64 W 48 pole to th beginning. ' ' - ' . , Oa land of A S Klrkman, la Craven county, hounded a follows:' - - Beulnulbg at R. B. Stoke' corner, or aid hWikman 8d corner and rua with Kirkmsu's lie M. 13 E. 16 pole, thea S. 44 K 88 pole, tben 8. 66J K. 60 pole than N. 61 K. V pole. Ihea 8. 804 E. 88 poles then N. 70 . 14 pole, thea N. 85 E. 18 poles, tben N. 74 . 18 pole, tben N. 0 K 50 pole to Kirkmsa's line, Iheu with bl line, N. 88 W. 88 poles, then N. 29 W. 79 8-5 poles, tbea 8. 80 W. 98 poles to tbe beginning, containing 804, acres mora or less. -'V Oa land of W H West and wife, ia Craven and Lenoir counties, bounded at follorc Beginning at Caty Moore's coraer on Moaely Creek, Bear lha pole bole, and run with hi line nearly a w. course to W U West's field, tben alibE. Id of Held to Richard Oaugherty'i line, then with his line nearly E. to lb run of MoeelrCreek, thea dowa tbe Creek lo A 8 Powell t line, thea with hi Una to J R Rouse's line, then with hi line to snake hole branch, then on me Branca to a. n Hill's line, then with hia Una to K J Cox's line of tbe Bryan Griffin tract, then with that line to B N Ferreli't Una, thea with Ferrell' line lo Mosely Creek, tbea dowa the creek to J L West's line, thea with his line to tbe run of Mosely creek, then np the creek to the beginning, contain. Ing KM acre more or tea. -. On land of W H Adam and wife and A B, Bell anu.wue, in wia rauoi;, bounded ts fo'lows: On South side of Swift creek and North side of Neuse River, beginning at a cypres. Joe Dixon's norlh comer known as Cooper's corner, ard runs S. 43 W.113 poles, with I il mn's line, thea lo a gum. then N. ttO W. 80 pole to a pine, , then N. 81 E. 98 poles to Bell tnd Klrkman's corner tbea ti. 9 W. 1T5 poles loauguiwuuu pusiuu "the old Canny patent Hue, then N. 88 E e71 nole to Jeff Push's corner, then S. 30 E. 80 poles to fanny's patent II n-, tben 8. 17 W. 163 pores to a lightwoou knot, then 8. 47 IS. 10U pole, tbea 8. 80 W. 83 pole to Cooper's now Joe Dixon' line, ihen with bl line to the beginning On land of A 8 Powell nd wife and A man, I Oirlesbv. In Craven county, bounded aa follows: Adjoining land of Cha M Grlilln, Will A West and Other On the north by Mosely creek, on the east by Cartbriiige branch, and A 8 Powell t home place, on the south by A S Powell'i home pisce ana v u nest land, known at K T West's bom place, and on the west by W H West' laud and Mosely creek, containing 63 acres more or ie. On ImkI of 0 II Perrr, In Crsvenconn i- nt oof' r p . n I, b'innded i . ' at ' iiifrloo . ( r ; -1 e.tlieo '.,1 if c.i to tle j tl:- , --'t t. thri tf -ecrw -a ! ib. ia '.A bra. altn, iaa p .'J ii.. . to lliWi baa, tbra wlLb I .. 4 I tlsilaclua faai, i ad Me i si i riti iu ta Ws'aaiag. I v ' bd 1 f J il la J.MM w4. b-Mit-drv . j U.i.i,t.f at W W bouib iliMiii'lxian,w aatbaaaala roaj .k-aiiag lenta i'HMt. la o issasbutu ua lb waat .to taaa raa- isg a lib Vt W BmUh lla atb iCT. west tl n.les tu iw ro.aer f aald W VV amiih . Uaa.lWate suwh 6. Waat IUr.ii laJisNaansi' baa, tbowta alib Jau M ataiebs lla Mwtb BAt. o4 IJT M.r bt iheasal v0. tbaaea with a. d maia i oat ami 7. aaat 7 lug tb bal.lg. vualalaag 7) aves mora n b Oa laad af J C WiWrkk aad wlfa. U leuireoaaiy. huaaded aa futtawai Ad bMalag tl a laada of Abram liargvt, J L W aal aad otaar. baglaaing at a Mack gam va the N.w mad, J K West, Abram llsract aad J C bllpairtct coraer. aad raa with J L "fan's Una aeaily a earth cuera. to Caty Moore's baa, theeos with bet uaa aaaiiy west to her aad glipat- rkk aoraer.tbeac allb their ii aaalA a ea ia Caty Mooie ad J. J. Ikllpaa rt'a cawaee. Bear K II pat rick's Bald. thea with lb aorta aide of tb aald "lag cast, to the cart road, Ibeaea wttfe nkl cart road lo tba Mw road, tbea do tha New road to lb bagiaalag, containing M acre. Also tb foliowlog neraoaal oraoertn Oa 950 bora aft, aad oaa aaptaa ltaaea. ENOCH WADSWORTB, B. O. ROBEHTa, Rxcatrera Kw Bern. April 91, 1899. North Carolina, I ttuuerior Ooart, tjravaa Coaaly. Hay Tana, 18b. O U Guioa, Ac) eigne, i notica Of rubUoaUoa . of Samatoa aad Al W A PortorfMld I tacbaieaL Ce, ) To W A Portarileld at Oa take aatloa that atlachaarat has been duly Isanti from thi Coart oa tb 80th day of Jaaa ary 18W la favor of tha abov amd plaintiff aad levied upon tbe debt da by IDS nauoasl Bank of Maw Bern, to TOO mid attachment being retarnabl to tba aext barm of Uil Court aa bsrsls atatad. And yoa ar farther notified to appear at tb aext term of this Superior Court to be bald for th county of Craven at be Court Hons door la Nw Bora, North Carolina oa the 19th Monday after th first Moadsy ia Mar-b, It being tba 99th day of April 1899, aad aaiwer or da mur to the com plaint, which will he Bled la tald act km during tba 6 ret thro day of (aid term or otherwise judgmeot ill las render, d aga'n.t yoa, acoordlng lu la prayer of the complaint W. M. WATSON, 0S.0. Notice of Nelzure. CoLLtOTOB'B Omoa, Fourth District, Raleigh, N. C Notice I hereby given of tba seiiure of tb following pionerty for violation of the Internal Revenue Laas. New Bem, N, C Feby 94, 1899 from Mark Disiaway, H. L. D. by J J Perkins, special deputy. 6 package containing 84 gallon corn wbi.key. On .March 8ml 18119 from Key Ss Co, Stall sv ill by C M Laucili, deputy col lector, on package containing 4 75 gall, corn hitkey and on the 4th of March. 1809, 8 package from Key ft Co, of Staleavllle, N C, cobaiutDg 14 galls, corn whiskey. Any person or persons claiming tb said property are hereby notified to ap pear al my office in Raleigh. N C, within 80 day from date and make claim In tbe form and manner preact Ibed by law or the said property will be fmf.lied to the United folates. E. C. DUNCAN, Collector 4ih District, N. C. By C. M. BABBITT. Dep. Co . 6th Dir. 4ih District N. March HOlli, 1869. Commissoner's Sale ! By virtue of a Judgment of tbe Superi or court of Craven county In aa actloa wbereia A M Edward I plaintiff aad T F McCarthy, exa, of relate of D)bbIi w sua worm, etais, are detendtnu, l wui aell at th Coart House door ia Nar Bern. N 0 at public auction for caik a tba highest bidder on Monday lha frit day of May 1899 at 19 o'cock to, tha tmV lowing land in Craven County, N 04 r rltied In a mortgage deeil from aald Wadswmlh to Mark Disosway as follot la the city of New Porn. N O at tbe JuDCitua ol Queen and Pollock (treeU adjuiuiug the lou of Geo Fisber oa tb wevt. Queen street, on the south, and Pollock street and Trent Road on tha north, being Ibe tame conveyed by Jas W Biddle, commissioner to said Wad. wonh by deed recorded in Register of Deeds onioe of Craven county ia book 108, pages 970. o . and also tb lot described in a deed from Hattia S Rich ard son to the Widawntth recorded In book 99,.psge 846 Reulslei'a offio of Crarea county. Alan the machinery ia bop ut tald Wsdswutib. March I lib, I860. : R. B. NIXON, Conimlmioner. Executor's Notice. Having qualified ai execntor of Harriet . rt 7 I -i i I . . - A. UTBWiuni, unaHui, law ui v. coont", this It to notify all- persons bar Ing cla.jis sgalntt tbe estate of tha aald deceased to present them to tb ander gned on or before tbe 12nd, day of March, 1900, or thi notice will ba plead la bar of their reooTery. All parsoat Indebted to the said estate will pleas make immediate payment. Johh O Jothib. Execator. . R. W. Wiluamsos, Attorney.. - March 13nd, 1899. Notice of Publication of Somaioii, Nokth Cahouva, ' In tb i Crarea County. Superior Coart, Babab F. Gbbbb, j . T. William Green. ) Tb defendant, William Green, wflt take notice that aa action, entitled aa above, hit been commenced In th Bn. per lor Court of Graven county to di solve tbe bonds of matrimony now axis -Ing between the plaintiff' and defendant above named, on tba grounds of abandoa meat: and tbe (aid defendant, will further take notice, that be Is required to appear at th next term of tba Superior Court of Craven county to be held oa tha 19th Monday after the 1st Mondsy of March, It being the 89th dsy of May, 1809, at tha coart house In said County of Crarea, N. 0 , and answer or demur to the com . plaint of the plaintiff, which will be tben and there on file in the offloa of the Clerk of Ibe Superior Court of aald county, or the plaintiff will apply for tbe relief demanded tn taid complaint. WM. M. WATSOX, Clerk of tb Superior Conrt. -R. W. Wilmamsoh, Ally for FPff. Thi 1st day of April, 1899. AT A T-aW.frWT A ' ja-..J - aXaV.Aw.Jka.A.X) Morehead City. N. 0. T. L. Hall, Prop. Rates SI 03 Per Day. -