1HU JOURNAL Pwtli la ry Uf la Um year, .- m mawy. at a au4i bum rmt ha.. CHARLES L STCYLMS. aaartoi ut oatfciv, AdrUele;Hats haraJekad aa paJ KMadilMOa(,Kk hn, Oatclal rir: af-iuw r" K. Bera, K. C M.y , . TCBtSAT'S kATUrAOTCBT YOT& Tb ?oU cast hi Mr Taasdajr it oa Ike whole, a aaJtafartyWy coaumplata.- .... ,! Il atlU haw baaa aura aaaalBtooa, but Ibbb II kUeja. M,Vvd,ru tbal New Sm aa tar pepba, Intend Utj M IB iaa ptnyr Ta lawavi 9 a I Naturally sropoallloa Ibto1t1d addl Uoaal UmT eaaae oaaakl I Be lax caa ba appreeelve, wbea Iba Ux pay lac receives Reentry a Jadlread; fa a ' . .-.. t . value la returas for la Ui paid. ' . go II h vita Iba Ux (or Graded Schools. . lu rctaraa ara not aserery today aad tc Borrow, IturUtcj lonllaue 'forever a each ucetedi&g leaarailoa coomb, bless td by tha nduealioaal spirit bequeathed toiu '. - . vy" Tfaat moniclpal ownership of , ma piopei tin ai jrV tier Works Sewerage and KUctrlc Lights, la Milctly la aceoideBce lib veiy Mh of Iba advanced spUM ol prog ran of lidy. needs no argument.', Buik ownetablp is good, loll la lb tax payer, so tar a his pockat U cot. cerotd, and alto to hli health, -a Boat Important llem. la tbli connection, It mutt be laid tbal a coloreJ'eMreai of Mew Ian bowed 4iakat li .Sating JorJjhaae publlo lmptoemifis;ud it la Jus inch mum at tba ballot box which argues well for tba good clllreaehlp of tbe Altogether, Tuesday's role, jn hew Bern I hopeful oa fof IlifntoraiJ " Let lite aame go-abaad-feellng con tinue, at It should, and tbta city and lu people will re Jolt In their city and their own proaperont conditions. OOB.jrBrd$U.jyy rfai.'lklfi.HipetfwIllld The readei ? , ." pleaaed to learn tbat'lhere I at lean one dreaded dltew that aclenca ba been able to car, la all hi itage, and that U Catarrh. Jlall'i Calanh Cure l the only poaitlve care known to tbe medical fra ternity. Catarrh being ooBatitotlonal dlaeaaa, require a conalilullonal treat BienL Uall'i Catarrh Cure li taken in ternallT.'actlna dliecllr onon tba blood aad mocnt (urficei of thayiAnn tbarav by destroying tbe foundation of tbe dle cue, and giving toe patient strength by building op the eouitliullon and aaaiitlng nature 1( doing it work. " Tb prapde tore have an much faith In " Ita curative powers, Ual tbey offer. Una hundred Dollar foi-any ease that It fall to cure. Bend for lilt of leatlinonlala, ' .ddreas, V. J. Cbxmet & Co,, Toledo, P, Bold bydrugglal4TScS. Oit lit Uall't Family Pill are the beat. ., !, I ' t hi Bard Lack. An Irrsb tenant lately observed lbatU u "bard thing for a man to b tnraed out of tba house which hla father built and bl g randfathkr Was born ln."i gas - Telcanie Eraatiens Are grand, buCtkhi Bnrpttcmtvrob life of jey.j. Bucklen'a Arnica Balve,. cures ihaui; also otd rttnnln'g inrf TeYetoraai' ulcers, lKns''felona,-eo)rBwatB -eata, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped bands, cbllUairi " iBeat pile ear trth Drives aot pain and acbea' tOflly 86 ct a box,. i;ure.ruitantaed. Bold by F..S, Duffy A Co igglat I- ' Oasaaaay, First I'Tramp I'm glad that sprln'g Second- Tramp Bo am I Wa anl'l de only lailows wot don't feel Ilk work ing. Tr -t! jnj-; U -e'! - " t- Bgat. . 1 u : To ptesse, attract and glva people something to talk about,, ia. an art in wrllfng a prosaic advertisement, .riood, of Baraaparllla fame, la tbe orlgnloator la aa eiien-lve sense of tha Idea .or. ut log proverbs and wise sawa as .a prrtlx i to a pleasant Introduction. ' of the. well knowu firtnes of America's greateat . medlcioer Tbeae qnalnt quotailoua ot ter fit tbe aawa of the day wllh ktarttlng directness and the moral le easily drawu, wilhtiataratood to Uootra Baraaparll la. Chief. B aeag Theaa. Funeral Director'(to gdUtremaur-Ar you onf! of the mourtrM? v Oenli mat-; ' ) OAjeil riie $.MIQ, r -1 H tingles and nil 'f to iniMii-n iil.K ", Omt year, la aatvaaasnii U j J W 0 mm. M b iJwMt. , ay orwr la ia oj .'ill .. tTf Hi.. a w -t i -- ' , ' -a,'1. " " Faui kJ. t A la M x'liium VII a 1W hwi twii'mj imm Itkmwm ftfMl IM taiwMWdw kmtift tl m t rout faim m uf m wl ibe CtttfrTlia4 MniiiMial ra at Cj eMa of a hiai mmuut tktlB' trrmr a ou tui ( f I) " t 1! f rl r. a4 V W. 1 !finl "' 'IMI awww." t kM. ' VIQ yo k IM MMir ft '4 kwwfar a W t i a . A i t f m i I 4' 1. i w-'t a aar.- kkr tl n ta avwaf-t il '- aa m " U a wmlirtrt luadr" tt a'. a cruukadW aar a Via aioJ k b ! atui'l ail "" M aataa lull a mmm bm at aafcar.'." . .7 I UaaM hoe m4 ji alwwt U oa when mttc 41 ' 11 ' " "Are iwa SOB, nM W rroaa aweft aae ak. , , -. , . , . I us If lm rtftWa 1 ' ' 1 VWOl, a.6t Uatm ao-Uta B aa a atfaflcit, but I'd be powerful pblucwsd la yoa af yoa'd do aa errant fee- aae aowa BBB.. .1 " I ...... I l. ,-,,...,! , Taa aura I'll ba oaly too glad aoaarra a Udr." I reapondad, aha mj beat aquea artaa now. j 1.. jt 4'i I t "alnidoa a aaloata," aha aatd aad wan tnao itw aouaa, to man vary ekxvU. ' Uta'i a band la I wiaM yoa'cl ae H Um aturekerpor," aba aatd. baaulluf aae waa aaeaMd to be a roll of dry fouOa of I 4 raato aoUIBfta aVk bar ef aaaa. itona, tml 1 na4 Kara took ad one, fr aha aaauoaaVd ayaartttaaB. tn i-tl , "Vou aae,", ahe weata, "I aoM kin ftibaroaywhan IwaaaowatbatwaMikla ew gooda eouaa ba waa to aeod ma a aae- nar aomatbla I'd Ilka aa be ann aaf , U't bUek fooda, W I'm a aatddory lut I lata t What larant. ,HJ -i tna aai Waa dd ' M atiaitaa W11 Mrthort haa Imuu ooiuln to aae mi f the UuB alt week, aa Hani aan that mourn tn aia't aa I ahnlt(htjr lixuraHr aaa oturtln taaoea la align oa, an a wuua u wmr imwi alaa." - - t"OB, I laiiawort, ifyawaaan So aaomr aaaata,atulhun, aa xuurs .., i . ' ' lit not partle'tor. Bam," aba baalrafd aad bluahed and atulled, "but tnar's a few other likely once that aroma to ba a-hangtn back, aa 1 thought rt I could ail aoMMSbla kinder niournln eurtor betwixt aa between, with a yaller oay t 4 pink apeak, atabba It would ba a kind av aaln that 1 wua wtitln to aiee 'am hulf W7. In eonrae,"ieaetadaraocotaally, "I ala't In no hurry, bnl thar ain't no via puttln tbtnga off, la tharf ' and I has tened to aaaura bar tbera waa not.t-Vasb- tagton 8r . . . LUa Waa Saved. llr. J. Yi MMy, a prominent cltixen of llaenllial, lately bad a wowderful dillrvWace from frightful death.. In tetlfpg or It he say: "1 waa taken With Typhoid Fever, that ran Into Pueunion- J.. My Inngs became hardened.! I Wad an wi-ak T Wnlda'-t.aTenjilt np ify bed. Nothing helped me. 1 expeSETWHo soon ill f Consumption, vliea 1 heard of Dr Klnn'a Bew Dl-cover Onelxttle gav great teller. l iwaimuealtVuM'll, -aaa noiaf ai VrMlt anal atraiiir. r i aant aae too much In lu oralse.' This marvel- . . . . . ' - . ... "f .v- ... ft Ions aieilfeirie la the surest ana 'quickest cur Ui.Iuq, oW for IThril and 1.UHH XrouUauAogubvf at7 oO.lenU and $1.00. Trial botllea free at F. 8. Duffy's drug store; crery boltb Kuarss leeil.. -,iT"..-8T0nwia,jl. . lllrlanl v her dtf'JroB etpeft Va go this aummer to the mouplalna or the nope ha will say auks mamma take to jib inountaius.and I Uke hem somucb better, f) 'f ; ". ,.i -if 7 MOZtaiT'f X.CMON KUXIR 4, Basalataa tha Uvar, htaasach, Bowels ., aad Kidaeya. r -FoJ biUoijanea, coMtiDatlon, and ma Fur Indigestion, . sick and nerrou baailscha. .' " ' Fur abseplassaeaa, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostratlan. For (ever, chills, -debility aad kidney diseases, take Ltmou KlUlr. . Lailien, for natural aud thorough or ganic regulation, lak Lemon KHxir. . ; 6O0 and $1.00 bottle at drnrglalr. : .Preparedouly byDr.il. Moxely, At' lanta.Ua, ' j ' Dr. H. MoxieyukDea Bin Since axing yonr Lemon Elixir I have never bad an other attack of those fearful, sick ' head ache, and thank God tbal I hava' at last found a medicine,, thai, will cure , those awfuj spells. ' ,v - -!-:., i . Mna. Ktta W. Jomxs, ' fabjf lemea, Xlixir. I auffereif with lndlireanon and drsen rr ry for two -long years. 1 .beard of 1.iimb Elixir; got it; UWeu seven bottles ami m now a well man. tTAWBYTU)!!, No, 1734 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala " :, Waxley's Lemea Elixir ! ' Cired my nl'i1'l,"ho was aOHnted for Trr wiiu largB UM'ora on nar re j, ann Vss cureil after nlnir 10 uutUav. lad Hired1 a fricBil : wbnit the iliK-lom had given up to die", wh bad autlemi -for years Willi indljresllou anil nervous pros trillion, ' Mas. K. A, Ukvills. Woodstock,' Ala. ,. nozuT'a lxhon aoTBirors. Cures all Couxtis. Colds. Hoamenets. Ho re 1 uroal.i Bronchitis; ilemorrbage, ami ail lliroat and lung illseasea. fclcant reiiaiiie. - . ,i.-.r. 85 al (lni)rf;lta. I'reparcil ouly by Dr 11 Moxlejr, a.llaaiB,Ga' 1 lfi " ' . W$Mi WfaBaBBti vi'i Emplnynf So( yen waet a fortnight' a salary In atlvani-i? But suppiiM you ahoJrtfaie toiiixlil! " ' " - ' Clerk (proudly) Hlr I may be pivir, but laujageutleman , j-fj-. ? Sismarek'a Iren tferva l , Waa tlm result of his (.plenilid l.ealili. Indomlt&l.lt'tt ifl and 'tremendouk energy are not omul wlx'rn atomtuh, liver, kil acj s aud bawels ?.out of a ar If y i want ihfi (ualiiira and tbe aurres they bring, use Sir 'King's Kea Life I'iila T1 y ilinel;iu every power of limln ami seaauoiel. H 1 I H lllfllltli : f will dDn4 ol ibJcl'pWliAi U do l! I I., wl'll ..J II.. U..l...r TLbI Ilil ',lB II, 71' iS KjKit A fiJJiJ Oct. tclliig hrr arts nJ j.v nessfS. . ILr fnend mcvrscrJ hdJfJSt S ich troubles tnJ kuis arcJ tj Hoof s SfsjirinUi, I iiud woo 1 i , lt ml I. r sr I.K.S li.ui , atiitii J.t 1 t l.j4 u prune e-i-. 4 as i.vra .. Uaa 1 I ol . .t iut, 4 pi won, a u lioa of u. paat, ' a '," I had tfrwirnJ aaanlsta, Bua. . K f fnonUka. K ft tora tola M tc . nt I rrUaM atM mm baa BKti."" 4 laaa Ivaxaa, bun, Vc Kfyalpelaa M tuua aUI la axa Jat li' riil carl' hr ' rrr.'il.t and rwi.a." Maa.il. tX VaxAiut. l urt Quale. X. -: -"""" "- V . - , , Ml rua tan U IU Ho'! IW'll .CaatWaik., ..,; . 'Wa waais bet MtlU here balow, , A Oaa-tlaa pott wrote; ,., ( ladqathlaiheap Woe, too, ,. .... pj world kaa loaned la dot. ,.j Bat sin tt Is fart" plainly set- ' Its Irttk wa dart ad tcoffi ' - '' Baa Wants aa mack aa ha ran get,'v Aad wsati It right straight of. ' X" itx " -J - tm 1. 1 etebiea'a Aad Blatwtic. v tlav ba worth ta vou mora than 1100 Ifj&Biavaa rhlld who sofla bidding froal lajroaleBce of waul doling aleep Vartw old aad yooag alike, , It irmli Ibatmableat onra. . Sold by C D Kradhaja, drugglat, New Bern, N. (j . Thaaaaraa." Llmrta Tolliy waa Idling 1 1 a thrill "K lry of au perienc of hla. Ai Talhy say a, truih is alranger thaa So- (iba. j '; v.: -'.y.f-i v- v fJlurg It Would be, comlag from l'eople who baye onre'ukea DeWllt'a Llnle Early lilaer will aever have aay IWair laa Tbey are Iba1 famous Ittlle pUla" lor torpid liver and all Irregular I Lies of Ihe system. F. 8. Duffy. g '...iTaBt aleBmaB.'"""" -Tb(srp'thatkM4tav. hr, madam , aald tha clerk. "U caaaot be bealert.1 Tba t.'iIon'l Want lU- 'reptled'lh ahniwd inatooMr. . "I want on that can tan I beating oao or twha year., . " jij-nlll ,BaUerialt Baara, .. , ... DUtiealait Kidney and bladikr DIs ease rlwved.tn six bonis by "New Great BowHij American Kidney Core:"'' It I a great tVprUe oa aoiuiiLof. lu exceed ing prompt Bene la relieving pain In blad der, kidney and back, ia male or lemale llellt-je retention of water almost Iru- meillalely. ,11 job want quick relief anq cure lihi la tba remedy. Bold by Cs 1) Rradlraai, drogglst, Mew llcrn, M. 0.- li an 1 4 -""sVaaaaaBa'' ''' D Job mean to tell me," said tbe on ate HttgMt, nhat the whole 'pro perty 'Ui dlgputa baa been waited In I aald It bad beta absorbed, my friend -0l;fled,n replied tb. lawyer, who hil otfft fl,a mul nt It If ou have piles. Cure tbem. - No use . ' i .. V;. ...i !..(. ... undergoing norviuia-nperanona toat alia ply rrwov tbe results of Ilia disease with out uMurbing tba disease iuelf.- Place your 'conflileuceln De Will's Witch Uaxel Balvd. Tt has never failed in cure others Itw II not fail to cure you. F S. Duffy. I aakiag Ikr Mara Traable. I Among Ilia sturdiest of tbe silver cham. ptoni I (be Bait Lake Tribune which now eay: Our' Judgment Is that it Is useless to make another stand for- silver to this country until conditions change " ry until conditions change onht, jrewttkt ve Jnwr WW ML IB utter words, are Must lay more cslsikRy, or f'; I . . r r '''j Ha Bight ta Dfaliaese. r Tba Woman who Is lovely In face, form1 and temper will always have friends, butane who would be attractive most keep! her health. " If the Is weak, sickly and (ill run down,' Hi will be" nervous and Irritable If she haa constipation or I kldrtey trouble,' her Impure blood will cans pimples, blotches, skin eruptiona and ia wretched complexion. Electric Bitter la I be liest mediclu la tbe world tomig ilate atamach, liver and kidneys and fo ffrlf the blooA, t-gives strong urrnr.li1rlit yeir, aqtmilti, vulvciy skin rl-h rtuiiplexlou. ft will make a good looklug, charming woman of a run down invalid. Only M) tents si F 8 Duffy's dru store -l. I Flaaiag for ratare Jof s.v . "Josephine Is so thoughtful."" 'Tn hat'wt" ' " ' " . ' : "AUu baa the ruaile of ber ailk petti rout taken by phonograph, for fear si e !!! forget It when It Is out of t.. le." , I Uaamatiam Cured ia 24 Hear V. J. 1 Unci more, of Haller & Blsrk iw,' I'lttabnrgb, Fa , Bays: "A slioil tt since I procurml a hoi Ik' of JKyatic ire. It g'd uir out of the house. In 21 ura. I look to my bed Willi Hlieuma ia nine-months ago and Hie 'My'lt' Cure is tbe only medicine that did i a.'ygooil. I bail live of the bust p! (' 11a in the city, but I r ' ! I 'if relief from Ihera I 5 f -lio Cure to be what it l t f. t il e d'uro In re. I'y !. iry"s I : I - 1 a b I . W ag. I , anat. ('. .4 V .m. k . ire C i ta; ' at I lif-it IU 1... ; fc '4 r,- a l. 1. 1 ...? a .'if Ad a.!. Waa rweistly etna- a. .-.! ta b4 luisle to a farahuaae sk4 mtsy .) a froia Birwin'ham II fuoaj aa ol 1 nun ia bed. tot ia perfect h,tx aad akad why b bail ba taut fu -Why. air. ' rrltd tba daaghter la-1 a, nai awn a litliB.BMtiia aUiBi tb donr: w kswd It waa a 'call. aad we IbfincM If imo be aiar" n We t a 'a I.! 1 ft K f Lot. M T gr..K, ..' -" My filfrHl." eatd tba rwrra.. ...aa, "4ua't'ua Uilu.yt ot,t i tak anmethlotf f thai ettld I Yoa kao a armrrkaal'4 tauabta axy ariaal Xroia a aJivul lonsa. rtnavr Dea "I nerrr had a aligbt ruKb la BtfTIrt WbM t eoturb, t aongb lik LUra:'-Wi4iiagtoa fuat "i i. .ntwak smiu, . ., . Donvb.trk rldiBg y iiauaa, Borordlog to entna phyaicUna. Ihe faculty of both ImTrasinx aad reducing weiphl If larab) are Ukra haiovdlately after rid ing, additions! flrh ia gained. Other wUe a dVrrww f Brah rem Ita ' I. "0. Brtdg v rdltor aad nmnrleloT af tb Democrat,' Lanrarter, N. II, ee yarn "I woaUI adtb Whknat a Hmwta Cough Curs fir any boy whew troaMed wllh cough or cold. Il la iba beet rea; a.ly for (Troup t ever aaed " F.8. DBy. V UdTOB jltiVSE, JJew Bern, N. Collrctoi'a Olllce, April tt, ItW. 8upllaa for veakels Meata! Prnpoaala for (.applying afalp ehaaillety, ralloaa, and eoai to vrsela of ihe Unlved Blalaa Cutler Keivine la Ihia Collection Dlatrlcl luring the Baral year ending June 10, ivuu, win tm leretvm at ibis otttew aaiH I o'clock p. m. of Tuexlay, May 6, IMW, ai which tlm tbey will ba publicly pencil. Tba coal furnlahed to be an thracite or bliuroluona of brat quality; an. form In eharaniei; to"relgh S.14U pouails to tha 10m to ba dallvereil oa board Iba veneris at such times and In auch quanlllloa as may, I required, at UHliilea readily arreaalble to aald vra t, and la be subjert 10 tnepecthia aa to quality and aright lliddere.wlll asm the priors both for steaming and stove rna.1, and also tlielr facillliea for luralsblng lb vessels wltn "reuli water. and their charges therefor. The right la reaorved to 1 elect aay and all bid. Blank forma of proporals for ship chand lery and rations wl.h achudules allaib d may le had npnn application to this noire, rtrpa-tl liW will ba r erri red at ihe aame lime and place for lubricating ami Illuminating olla. r klAVKH 1IAIIN, Collector." . ... . , . " , NilC. State Bonds OR SAlTEw. Uier "An act io aulhortra and direct 'be laulni of State Bondi to pay off the leli a of 1 lie 8 ale's Prison and fjr nthr purnsea", bida will ba lecrive I by the gule Trenail rr-r, at Itnlilgli, N. O , for I 10,000 of N. T. 4 r eunt" Ibmda, run alng len yeark from Jan. lal, 1809, inlerast payable , July " and ' January These RoUdt are ixmipt from" nil taxation; Bnl bot conalilon-d under 1 Ot Tbe rinlit Is reserved In rej. ct any or ad liids. Bids will lie reived tint tl Mny 'ffinri, li.ODin. ' ' '" ' b j W. n: WORTfl, Plate Tiaasurei1' HaWgn.'N. C April 1.1. 1800. ' V - LONG NEGUN I Or abort necks ran be sulti d from iir hew stvle 1n (lollnra wlUiiaHany idilBciilly. i On r new colors and pal'eins in Mailnts. Percale and Milk Shirts .are swi U in effect, and onr nrw styl in Spring Neckaenr, Hose, Hliors and Hats ahouM tie seen to be sppreclated.i - : ?Jr. X BAXTER. " J"-', " -"-; t h k. f M I a. REAL ESTATEAGENCY Ilonaea and Iots For Bala fct Lowest loallil Figilrra,- Desirable llomeaand Tenement lhat will prove a Una Invest meni i Cul lection of Rent a SpocUllyi : Oin alMsidenre. 17 Jo'inon tnit t;.- x:. 11 a ni mi. i A IXUd PA1TLUN. i I -rrmr earn iwiprtUm) 10 crerf aaa- : Kiitmr. Oniy ct.ata a tuir. 1 Son . Av m-"'' 'Tr.t.li. Maisf a&sai.a t....t I J (J Li U L beadag as chil 11 1 mi - mi a I s aeciv pcrkJ of i t r jua - ms.- I f Ionia a aer fJWaa caa ralMva (bear ail 1 1 - t J Bury aWy tboar tt;:!f kaaB -tw) arte aa- p-Jtvart s i Vy sold, pm ritv may auc Jir.;iKil U.tk ia J Jt J t hkl wnleaasag, asktxtag aad aaafa ' f t metal kw exattwal aaa. -4oaabaaa a ahaaid gat a boat at tba drag .ore 'of $1, aad Wat Thcrt v a pov. i .wiy af rta doing kana, aad tbera I aver? tiu.ibood af ba earing tbeaa saajry boa I af paia. ia THa BRADF1ELD KECUUfOl tOk nrr. c. " " Lodjre Directory. VICTDltV tXH-BCU, NO. IU iVatloa O tl A M:-Ma4 every Wadaaaday Bight la lUwairaeBali. J II Cuaamaadat, C. C P Bartllag, R 8. . - NKW 8K1IN LODGK Mo, I, F U A C J C Hralea, Preal; J 11 Mmltk, Hecordlng Bec'y; K I Quldley, FlaancUI bWy Meets la tbe k alrbU of tlanaiaar Hall aaarv Ut aad grd aloaxaay algiaas at earh BSUSHB.I .j Bt'RKKA LODGK WO: T. VOStX F.' Owlrwst J. L. klnnriy. N. (1 ; T. H. ftattMt v.u w. T. Mill. Mar-d a- Kajatyi J.iM, Parkan Jr. Traea.,.. Bra-alar .BareUaas avory Monday night at 7.30 o'clock. CHAT KM LODGB Ma. I. KtirUHTi Of IIARUUNY4,taala.la4.a4 k I hur-Hlay night la, each moaik la Itoiintrce a Hail. I'oiioc alraet. at B w o'rl-k. B. IL Ball. Presidaat. Jasaaa H. Baahh. Aee'y, U. K HIH,F.Bay.M i v KN1CI1T8 OT HONOR Otacera: K R Jonea, IBcUlor, G L Vrnaoa, Reponavj w r iiountree, fibsbcibi. iteaariar MawBaraa ldaw ka. 43 aeaeu UataA ana 4th rrway algbU at 7 1 o'clock la KoBBtrse's Uall, follock street. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, nU I, A F. ak A. at I UtBoera: K H Primroaa. W Hi George Green, 8 W; 0 D Bradbam, J W; T A Ureen, Traasurer; W J Pitta, Beera tary; W W Clark, 8 D; T O Hyaaaa, i D. Kegutar t'aataBicatloaa aa weaaeaaajr aaiiamoatb. i. -m.M . CALUMRT KMCAMPMENT,'' NO.' 4, I. k O. F." OfflewrsF H Hymaa, V P; M 0 llflgbea, U lj A S Blbbard, il W: J li Moody, J W; ft, II HalU, Boribei li (lerock. Treaaurvr. Kerular Eucamp- meat i lt, Srd, and ta(if anyTburaday Biguia ta eaca asewia T::ao'rioea ia NTXiMn. KfctalV ibt ho. , f . 'at l.'u. ti.f MMrii .-Ura. Hlovrr, t'a ialn I T. tl. Be aiui, lloua.; f, U. aUntUr, kaalaa; Wa.) fitir, :lu a; ltd. Uaroek, accountant. Ret lar tiaaaawawaU, a and aib Tiuwailay 4nl M sah aaoath at S u o'oloek 4 W HKItNK CHAr-CH NO. 4a.it.aM iBVfWal-T. A. UnwtHH. P, K.j r. W. Wrvry, Bcrtlwi Una. PaB, Tl aaa I C .. rinulhuu, Hae'ly. lUarular i.-oavooa- haia Bl at"la aaaa maatl it. Jiitnrw miwaiNtiKtv Ha. w, B.t.i . HHeerai-1. W. beamy, K. 0. Ja. svaawoad (l.;T, U. Hyinrnu, V. U i T. K. Me anihy, rnwH 1 K- iTvifwa, Hvooeuw. aiaaniaa uoncmTaa ana aaaa uuyu rnuava oa 1 wonta. FINANCIAL. T. a. Uraaa. Pnaaj B.IL Blaervaa it f at.4)aa-aa Oi.TI ZENIS "BAN K i ; 1. Ov swjbw m sum es as, xar aa. .. . . . , 00 ' Kaautak aa.iiiiMu ,., auamswa . ria Aeeaaata at Baaaa; aaaava, Oarpn atlons, ranaora, Meraluuits aad olbara re oelrod oa favorable lerma. r row pi aad oarr MiauauiuuaaivauMiuiaiBUMeatM oar aai torn ara. tkl auoaa a miaelalljp. . ""- I " boabo os BiaaoTuaa. 1" rerUkiaau tltrmh '4M" at. Ik Maaatowa, .1 t. A. Mnailowa, , , v , . . Ubaa. Uufir, Jr. Ilamuol W. lMM'h Jaw. a RMlmoaaf ' ' Chaa. H. Powitir ': ! Slawr HaBaJB .., J. w, (JraliiKM-, , , . Thouias A . taraaa. R. ar.amaliwMotl' '' T""0. ki rwr." Men. N.lvea.1 ' w. Bi (Jmeaan FJ & f.1, BARK, i MAT 11, 18B 1.1 - Cap! lal Stack,.V.e.. A,64)4w Sarplus, ... 8,atNl,0B Uadlvlaetl PraBH,..... 4,08a 0B ; I lOFFUJEBS.. Ti..." L. 11. Rtitaak .Pri,etil,' -,i , ,.W. 8. t badh. VkrW,.; ..... T. W. Dbwby, CMHhier, v ' ! J W. B1W.1 Tiller. w ' , p jp MiTTiiKW Collector ' J ' ; " - ' MKRITORHj - Wni. ft. Bladea, ' M. H. att !"' C. I). hra.fi.Hiii, H1.M4 PefkMkr,. . I 11, (:ull r,. ,(,, i Jnn Bntr,'i W. B. Cbadwick,' J W. Stewart, . . T. W. Dewey. . , We want ynur business and" feel that we can offer jrou aa wtachv ia ' retura as any 'other bank anf the city,-? 4t is our endeavor to atake lnuiueaa relations mut ual Iv plcaaaiil and profitable to . our patrons. , v - 1 EAMEkS. '" EASTERN"'"' CAROLINA DISPATCH . LlH . j , "Si It."- ' :! , ';'" -AND- 0!i Dc;i::c2ans!iip Co. FREIGHT t' PASSKNSIaC ' For All Folate laoi-th. TheCteamer ITETJSIS will leave on Monday, rYedoeadgy, aad Friday ht 0 p. m., hatp. " ! The Ctr. Ne7bernii Will tail on' Tueedaj id Friday at 12 o'cWk. noon, making laud' ing at all wny ttion." " ." ' . t7 FreirM wceiveXoof Inter thatjjoue hour isreviuns to t&'c For f-irtLer infloritHion'i;i'ry to , Clio.. UENDE.'ON. Agi, '. M. K. King, Gn. ir., U.O. IlunniKB,Goti.Frt. zl. , Norfolk, Va. " New I'. rue. N. 0.. May 3..th, lh',.3 n ( iaw. -.mjm iaaaai.irrKi v raal.t 1. . 1 W ..... f ran iiy roaatad. and la add only In ona-Doi Pa agaa. tacn paokaga will makaAO cupa. aa m aealaxi at tha afiila ao that tha arorr list t vn i9 win wm v-tii tm wakaMl. It ha at dancloua flavor. Incompavrablo uarvsrirt. It b luxury within th reach of alt, . . Inaaat on "Uon" Coffaa 'H ( " '" Hmvmr around KOr sold In bulK. ... Nana Caeualna arlUvavt Lton'a haad. , , m a 1 ' ry If your Grocer nm - mi sjilb 1 V' ONEvMONTHijONLY. ,. JBkg Llrta of Blue Berga Baits, rrdarad toa.Vrry Low Price. Am Big. Uae tl laia-Biiaalad Rage rwatafkalatoa liaed, warth $ , MraadwediittastMJ mdWiJ Wa.aa reerlvad Big Una ol Chib drea'fjiaolBir afaBV,40 .1 Big LbMot Mea aad Bo'a PaaU at Rock Bottom Prlcea. ' Mea'a Black Clav WorateJ Bdilk. rei- far price $4 H. red.Kd Ki.fSf , J j , Lbrbt Pprlng and Bummer Plaid Suits, w wlk $9 00, reduced to $3 til. AfdERICANa STOQKm CQfilPANY, 69 & 61 Middle St., THENEW BERN . I - ' I ! U ; i1 tit'iFIREt ' j OF NEW Capita!, UTDOE8 A OENKRAL FIUK INSTJRANCK nTJSINKHS. T. At GRE&N, Preadeut, . QKORUK GREEN, Neoretary. i. S.I j ' .1 J. h WOLFINDIN, Ce'l Aent Aliiiit W 111 iinpiWn t;1 w J U tb best wvulatsd . families. 1 rt pecially to those thai never aecuia our rncea on nicyciea ami onudm a tore purchasing, lor il never happened before that, barfaina could . ver I aeciirnl as Low; ob Quality and Style as with ua. New Bicycles, atrong, tdcely finiabed, Blted with liarlford Tires for $30 Ml nn up U) aftO 00 f bainleM $60 and $74 00.. Hreomrhand Bicycle In.m $5 np f Wand Hamlle Bare 75. Ikiuble Tube Tires $1 10, Baddies 10m 7.Vi up. Lamps fromfiOc to (3 05. Built up wheela. Coliiphleleaslirvt,frniil(xMI, rear 12 75, Inner Tubea Ma and $1 00. Sewing machine oil 5c abd lUc, EdUon PhonoKiaph. $20 00. Records o bu aos n. CASK INS' CYCLE COMPANY. Planters Building. .J .f ''If'HJlMl' -.) , Pharmacy, Combs, Hair. Brushes ;r f . r "Toalh 6ru8hess " f ! I WhraV BrooaiB, k'vJ Toikt Artlclra. I j , Perlamwry, 4c WUb every purchase of FAIRY SOAP Bmouuiiog w nis, a Handsome (laiVoda wllh-l twtuaaf Vowryti Merritl aad WherlerVl 4 t i jH . Phyikba's Prate, fptlbnf1 " aaaa A 5rcclll i 5l'l Tliia t d'.l, bill ft I K -.-!. le I w..a an I a -n !.' i- .,i l m! .1, ' . me i i.a, R.'lric r., I e leimi Fiee.eiS to i - I n ;ahi' i.iue. i n n f - i 'a t. i, r ly I' t Vao.-r iii d any. We guar- : i Strength is i;r::LI0N 0 ..COEHEJE. 1 1 B m. j 1 j j puriiy iiiaan purv wi iw. t&-. I . t - - ,t . a only in on o-do una isuea ;upa. Tno pack aroma is nevAf aat kaa I4aa Cava sa aw atara. grrlf Wa have ahw reduced pi icea nf Fine lineaRbiiU or Kllk PufTa aad OUwrs at Vt r Law Prices, J- All won) rlar, blsrk. Waaih $7 tt, bow aJtacaa ta wiry 4 60. -f i f, , , . , Still belter In 18 ouira Clay Woralrd, all wool, tegular prlc $10 40, retiucad to only 47 15. Frcm h lv. 1.1 1 k. worth $IS 00, re ilwaedla$1a4J. . . iSotser Grale IJekt Hu la.' anrtb $1 M, $11 00 and up to $15 00, reduced to $4 15, $ 00 aod HO. I New Bern. N. C. MUTUAL I ' t . - CO., BERN, N. C. $.-0,0MM0 W. fi. BIJinErl, JOUN DUNN, J Vice-Prenl OScrs: OYKIt ( ITI7JNS HANK W-e kp s aravs oikband I I nrd Brick, rlhea. Pnrk Ha'iiang. Ihe lat and fnt ,wt. Nl. Beef 8ienk 80, 8U wing Be- f pc, , All k'thrtVoT'ltrr fclove Wood undi-r large aheil.lt m Ver cein wit in rninv weather. cord guamiiti ed lo the load. Hand made Heart Shintilea, . Buggies anil hii-.yobw. tlouwH always b let. . A large atmrk of llrnceriex, Flour and Meat I Reaper than any lunn. I'oat for fencing. We ell all above memi. ne.1 at tha Cheat at Prices. BIS HLI, Tl" SliH'i Mao. IGB I (lit II OMR USE lean, pure, wboleMmip, (imranlei rl lo ue chemically mwfp from riiiilu4 water and free from impiirities Sa.cially In tended and prepared for human con sumption. lo delivered daily, (eacept Sundays) 0 a. nt, lo 0 p. m. -' - . Sundays (retail anlv) 7 a. m. to ia nnoa. ror itev and oilier iiiformaiion, ' : New Berne Ice Co., B.;8iflVInN, llANA..,U( t t afa.a' Is ready to do quick work. Il is ymir - fault if you-don't have your l.iiiudry dono well. Let us call far your neat bundle.... We make yonr colhra firm and lilf ana) they ar.i not worn out "an a jSwashboard. Wa can pleas h if yn will letaa Palra nr. a hnme laundry. It will be a great help b ou' home pen. pie. besides it give emplovuieiii to .nr .koine people.. I'lhis it SKin'tblng ought 'lo lie remembered; - Keep jour money at home.. All of tbli is wild with i ioa- - perily and pngrr4, "Your Tiiily, WAY REIXIV , J. H DAYBHRRY, Man. INSURANCE THBSTEAM LAUNDRY Nollfc, IiipiiirM ! " I have a few IiiirIh Ir i f Kinfr Cotton Seed. last least Iwo weeks i Bri er than our eomuiorfcolioii and jiel.lx well from field and turns out well limn itio, I eon. Rdeiitly recommend mv faini'T tiieid to i i J Ue f)c per t.i.ii.cl.. J. H. L ATI! All. aml,f ' Hood i