THE JOURNAL. fM Ha. a. CHARLES U irnVbNA. HNiinrwniiM, J ejear, tatnaa, U ya, aol to advnao,.. " M.iar, ayoajvWIalaeeelj,.... M rtlalaf Kmm tarahha aa eppU- Rmcftllk Port OOm, New Bn, H (I w moomi class akaltcr. OfcVlal raaar af Cravea Cty. Saw Vara. X. C y , 18M. TO OftADtB UdOOU. Now Ikal Im qB.lioa of U railed Schools kas ten iWtermlaed, wd Ikal a tai is to be levied to establish tbras la ibU dty. It mail aot b thoagbt b) lb friends of edaeatlo that all It doae, TIm fact li Ikal averaly tlx aommsnce-bm-bI ku beea matte, for I ha work of preparing these ackooli, tad equ'pplnr them for Ike children, kai yet to be ac complished. It ailht be aald Iktt Ikeie I plenty of time for tkli preparation, anil tkat there It no need of hurrying. Uut It muat net be forgotten that there is mack to do, and that ll It not merely urn taary to plan, but lo to arrange Ikal tbe plant tball be carried ou, and car ried out to thai Ike children In New Bern can find a tchool ready for tbrm net I Fall. Tbe neceaalty for early action Id Ibis trboiil mailer can betl be teen In that parent! will toon bare their attention attracted by the advertisements from outride schools, and it It but fair aui Jut, that having roleil for Oraded Schools, that these school abould bo made ready for occupancy at tbe begin ning of tbe regular tchool year Both work and public notice of tbe prngrett made, la what Ike people of New Bern Want on this matter, and the sooner and quicker there anpeart tome thing real and tangible In tbia Graded Scbooli matter, the belter tbe people of tbit city will be tatltfled. Having voted for a good public Initl tution, let ut tee a tpeedy realization of It. $100 Reward $100 Tbe readert of thit paper will be pleated to learn that there It at leatt one dreaded dlteaae that acience hat been able to care In all Itt stages, and that It Catarrh. Hall't Catarrh Cure it the only positive care known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requlrea a constitutional treat ment. Hall't Catarrh Core it taken in ternally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mecui turfacea of the system, there by destroying tbe foundation of the dlt eaae, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and satiating nature in doing lit work. The propria tort hare to much faith in in curative powers, that they offer One hundred Dollar for any cate that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonial. Address, V. J. & Co , Toledo, 0, Sold by druggists, 75c Hall't Family Pills are the best. Tha Fasnlar Dueer. "I saw you waltzing around your lawn this morning " - "Eicuse me; tbst wasn't a waits -It was a hose reel." ' . People who haye once taken DeWitl't Little Early Kiaera will never hare any thing elte They are the "famous Utile pills" for torpid Urer and all Irregular Itlet of the tystem. F. 8. Duffy. , atataliatiea. I'aterfamUlat Xelly, I want an expla nation from you. I taw you kiss young Johnson this evening.' r - -; .v Nelly Well, pap, be kissed me first, Tkair Baaiaeat Baamtaa; t Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at F 8 Duffy A Co's drug store aa their giving away to their many customers of so msuy free trial bottles of Or King's New Discove ry for Consumption. Their trade simply enormous la this very valuable resaedy, from the fact that It alwty cure and never disappoints. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and luag disease are quickly cared.: You can test It before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large ttze 60c, and f 1.00. every bottle warranted, Ghapr. - Landlady It It oar custom to return thanks each meal. - . New Boarder Well, I rather think will like that better than the old way of paying cash, . 100. Or. r. Bateataa't AaU Diaratie. May be worth to yon more than $100 If ye have t child who tolls bedding from Incdnienca 'of water duilng 'sleep Cures old and young-alike, .It arresu the trouble at one. $1. Sold by U. Brlhaas, druggist, New Bern, N. C, k aataa km tia. It auUl is Ik i.'ilUaaks CuaJitioa af rVfala abuwa at la la Irniimw rrmac baulk w kick lias taa stls a of Barer. fjia kaa finiiJ Bark at the pk-taraMjas tilt ot past agaa, ea4 east at lb pniiat day ta saaay of Its tovatrby be mm tbe nirtua with tab and laaasra. fota kta abrbtty roaaai nut far tram a Bo rtrat brO tUatfv Ulaartaated by to irrsrte tljrtr. la tbe Eambla, lb principal alrartof Barrsluaa, saay ba ataa antral af tbaat writing booth ol the pabUe em baa TWt io aaaall araatdiaattoa tha U Itarata or say eaja ea may baa aay lata indited fKsa tka poetry of a low araatto to tba proaaM application) (or t attaatiusv Tba froat of each booth la acardr4 with tba Mat of tba ecribe aad tba asrvlcaa ba la preparad to raav aat tabia ta atntBtta Buata acribea cosa btaa lb art of pabitiat; with that of wrttiBC. aa4 all add ta tbasr actirilia tba baaintas of registry offloat for Mas, "A rwl Mi la Bt PaaTt cbarebjard. la AWa- aadrm,' Ta.,' la a marble inn batons bearing this inecriptioo! T mt mmmtry at a Still atiaaf i Waat. a Wwimat aaa arali laaa aot; t a-fena naakal ay wlata la kaay al aaat alaa naMlaa at tha. immli MaN ark aa4 all Mm roa4 W ' Tbia atranira inacriptioa raised mack conjectare. Tba facta, a snarly as kaowa, are that la Hay. 181t, a maa and a beautiful girl, aceuuipaaiad by a rales, arrirad at Akiaadria la aa Sag- Uah raaaaL Tbey abnoaad rrary oat Fira month afterward tba girl died. Tba aaebaad staid loaf eooagk toarect snoaanMSii, left a sum of noey to repair it and thea sailed away and Waa aarar beard of again. ' Beraral noaew bar bnaa faaadad, apoa tbia sad tad totuaatie taddani . . T Brr ja afaawa." , , People like to talk about atlracUre thing la adrertising. In a company r jceatly tbe proverb above quoted, and which appeared at ibe bead of a well constructed series of sdrertisements of Hood's Baraaparilla, was so much dlt- ensaed that w doubt If any ona there will erer forget the source whence It came. Messrs Hood 4 Co. are -aio Ibcs prorerb adrertltementt on a very broad scalf, anu tbey are attracting dis- cnaslon and favorable comment trery wbere. - - v " ' Rival Arroatpllakaiaata. A new liv hmi uiurvd Into the nalirb- bnrhoixL Ma waa Ktlna-oa the line ronre that a pnniUil his partirular bask yard from the yard pcrtnlnlng to the nazt dour DiHr', bor and wn prucvcdlng to cultirata the arqnalntaiiro of the next door neigh bor's buy. In irniM) through rmuimer school. be add. ' I ran do every sum in tbe men tal arlthnu-tlr, and I always got a hun dred tnnrk In hit history and (roogrnpliy." Well, runimmled tha other boj, Uirutt- ng uut bis lnvr Jiiw. " 1 oun more mi ears, and you oan't." Youth's Oom pan tuna. Tha Widow' MM. The widow's mite hi coin of copper lasued bf Akiianiler Jannwns (10S to 178 O. C ), twartna a wrattb of ollrea, with vlic tnaoriptlon, "Jonathan the High Prieat and the Confederation of tha Jewa " On tbe rererw am two cornucopias and the bead of a poppy. Too mite was t he small est currant oolu In the time ot Jesus, and it value was about ono-olghth of 1 cent. - Sue Ureal Faltha. The seven urlncliwl Bibles In the world are tho Koran of the Mohammedans, the Eddaa of tbeHeundinavuna, the Tripitlke of the Buddhists, the Five Kings of tba Chlneau, th three Vcdas of the Hindoo, the Zendarosta,' and tho Scripture of the Christians. rtts Mtafortaar. . Han-er It's too t;l it happmAi to Pliimkln. 'rank What happened to him now. poor fellow t Harvey Too bad be 'as born. Ilatw loin Lifo. M0ZLET1 LEMON ELIXIR Bsralatss tbe liver, ttamack, Bawela aad Eidaaye. I ' For biliouenest, constipation, and ma laria. t r. . For Indlgettion, sick and nervou headscbe. ; ' For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart laiiure, and nervous prottratl n. For fever, cbillt. debllitv and kidney diseues, take Lemon Elixir. - . Ladies, for natural and tboroaeb or ganic regulation, lake Lemon bllxlr., ' ,oc and 1 1 tsj bottle at aruggtKta. Prepared oalr brPr. H. Uorelr. At lanta, Ga. w . Qratitade ( f. i ft : Dr. II. Hozlev Dear Sir: Since rising your liemon ciixtr i nave never nau an oilier attack or those restful tick head ache, and tbank Ood that I hare at lot found a medicine that will, cure those awful spells. -- -, 1K8. JtTTa W. JOKER. Parkjtrtburgj'WeiVVlrgiiiia...,, , . Mealcy'i Leases Elixir,,-- ' I suffered witb'iudliceetion and Jvten tery for two long years. I hoard of umon JSllxtR trot it; taken seven bottle and am aow a well miav.-.;Sf..4t,' v ; . iUhht Adah. No. 1734 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala ; Maslay't Lamoa Elixir I Cared, my husband, -who was afflicted for years wit lanra nicer oa his lex. anil was cured after udog two bottles, suit cured a friend whom the diKtors bad glveh up to die, who hail suffered for years who indigestion and net rout pros immn. " siks. K. A. ukvii.i.s. Woodstock, Ala. MOZUBT'S LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all Cnmrha. Cnl.t. II, aura urnai. nriini-nmft anu bii tnroai ana lung diseases Klegan renauie. - . - , Tc al druggists. Preparoit only by Dr u, iuouuy, auania, ua. - ' i ' J NoUo... notice is nereuv riven u.t wnlnl nm petals will be received up io 13 n'ebx-k .V ll . U -i... . . - as. uo tue urtt mnuuav in June lor fur- nlibing tha CoUaty nf Craven medicines for the t'oiintv Home it ll and poor." Address all bida-lo the Clerk of Ibis Board. . v. ; . i t. May 8, lfj. ; " , ,' . . . CaaatT M. Tiiutui. Clk. Bd Comm "fi ijna' ' M'aaap i ... i -i . OAB'l-oniA. JamuV ' jf IM IM W Hm Ksfs Minis . Sf ,. V.e 7-w. Comes Forth Tht thorn point of discAi h in xche or piln. Bat the blood U the feeder of the uhole sW. ISirifj it ulth Hood' $ SsrstprrHU. Skbsry, tiar sud" stomach will at apoad T X tbora la tbi point. -Attoa PcCnlriJ-'rt auraaea said 1 am oat b kraal aball waalta ka I at taa Juaa llul ra warts laaa a. that n) aaM taw prtaawa M V n aa katai a mj par laaat 1 aHa N liorf Mtatnarlila lil M H uua." Omhi P. ttewxa. t a . TM V. A. lnT. a aafiaui itamcaa, a'aahawtaa, U. C rrtaumatlam -Mrarll aad a Irtana bwn auOr'ni Uwut amta aliacka of rhxi tatUaa. Houd't liaraiparHIa rara tmkM. W wmM ant r WHhmt -War H. Lcarsa. 4 Launartl , rail Klrar. ataaa. SHintmhaVSi at amly yikytt ii ifc wHh Hum f SwayUa. Baagb aa Aaatia, Tommy That ckarck to aver two ban- drr4ytaHokl. Cissy My aaalla sayt It's oa'y oae aadnd yean oM. Tummy Oh, well, I tnppnae tbat't at far bat k a aha eaa resaember. Brave kaaaraU Victims to stomach, Urar and kldaey troables as well as wosaea, tad all frel the ratullt In lost of sppatlta, poisons In tba blood, backache, aarvoaaaeas, bead t be aad llreJ, littles, inadawa feeling. But ibers't no aead lo feel Ilka that Liilea to J W Gardner, Idavillr. Ind Ue aara; "Electric Bitten are jntt tbe thlag for a msa when b Is all ruadown nd don't care w tether be live or die. It did more to give me nw strength anil good appetite than anything I could lake. 1 ca now eat anything and bare a new lease on life." Ouly 0 cents, al 8 Duffy A Cd's drug store. Every bottle guarantied. Mast Hav Bad a Flaaa. One of Ibe hot leal poker garnet on re- card was ibe one where the "boy stood on lbs burning deck" and "called" lilt father. If jou bare piles, Cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that sim ply remove ihe results of the disease with out uisturblng the disease luelf. Place your confidence in De Will's Witch 11 .re I Halve. It ba uever failed to cure others It will not fail to cure you. F S. Duffy Level a a 014 Maa. Miss Pssse (atntlmentall) )-"uo you kink it possible to love an old uianf" Hits Perl (iwulsbly) "Ye-, it is. Fur Ido ls its Psste-ht)b, 1 bsdu't beard. Who lilt?" Miss Pert (laughlugl))-"lt's pa." fixed rrlt- Well, well, It la always the expected bat hspieiis." ' It never happens to me; I alwsys ex pect If Working- Kikt aad Cay The busiest and mightiest little thing that erer was made Is Dr King's New Life Pills. JCrary pill It a sugar coated globule of health, that change weakness into stiengtk, Uitlessness Into energy, brain fag into menial power. They're wouderful In building up the health! Only 85c per box. Sold by F 8 Duff) & Co. . . ; ,. . - Relief la lis Baara, -Dialiesting Kidney tnd Bladdir Dis ease reliered In six hour by "New Qrea) South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of it exceed ing promptness In relieving pain In blail dcr, kidneys and back, In male or female Relieve retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick relief and care this Is tbe remedy. Sold by C. I) Brailhsm, druggist. New Bern, N. C, Bight Oalar. Bell I hear young Sportlehih hat been painting the town red tinea begot that qnarterof a million. Nell Well anyone could' paluPthe town reH with a quart of Vermillion. V ! If you suffer from teuderneet or full ness on Ihe right fide, pain under vhoulder-blado, constipation, biliuusne.' slck-beadaulir, and feci "dull heavy and sleepy your liver torpid and congested DeWllt't Little Kaily Biters will cure yon promptly, pleaautly and. perms nenily by removing the congestion aad causing tbe bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They Are Good Pills, F. 8. Duffy. " - t . Triamaarar tailing.'.': . !'l wonder why tbey alwty call thlpt slief ''Why, became tbey ate all rigged up." - v - i . i Rsi Bat freta tha Qaa . - Wat the ball that bit 0 B Su ail man Of Newark, Mivb, la the Clval' War It conned bnrtlble ulcers that no treatment helped for W "years' ; Then Bocklen's Arniita Salre cured bliu. Cure cuts, bra tart, burns. biII. felons, eornsj tliin eruptions. Bust pile enr on rank, S3 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. ' Sold by F H Duffy & Co, diuggtsU ' ' Aa Attitapt Farmer Taterbne Ooln' to keep city boarders this snmmetf . Farmer ClovelopWall, neow, I'm golu' to take frw. A MERICA'S (iruatest Mi-Ulrine la I loo.l'u rsniirill,lCi.ucll put- sefset tiiKiiitiiica curative powers awl lu record of cure U GREATEST. 5 a HaTuitlTY. NwhiW . ifca -aak ksaal tkraifvi a at WIS aw aa-iM Mto-a aa -- Wa ik kaauf aa aalamy. fkaa-asUar aik mulaVJ. M-fa4- raitrt Kr k m aua Aa tua rm.. tw-a aa Ik fm I .k. l iV, h-.-4--f. --.r- 1 jtr irnnali vara aaiia J IX a ka la lbs aaaika laaaa. ! ! r--a' CtaHax a aa lev isait ta Ikv Ikaa it'l l all mj aakrk'ata Ikca k.w tirm tar aaeC brlaat .-Fall BUBOaaslka ; t ACriTvilNOEO tJMOATt Taa tlaaaa la Vhtrli It rrara a tallaaTa ruankJ ' - , A rturv h tuld f tba lrMmlaVtmas af J.h II. Conatr t-y Arthur T. Ataw aesa, aknMrisi. -a ulla I was Uatn ta Saw Va-fc. ann nlaflua dala lor my hla bar;". I had occaaioa tnimntly to rtanrt la tha UbrarkauC la pnMuin.i:t alturnrjr aad Utctury aa-a rbrra. I think, a a rale, tha knr lllamrtra la Ik aiaid aaay ba found la aa of taa law offlcra af Kaw Vers, i Mr t read otto dav tha a vary rar work a Ibe oMiattiatkanal ktavwy at tha star aa4 lalloa into ta band af Mr. Utoarfa, ami I waa vary aasUiaa to tiad taa work. I kurrWd dua a tu Mr. Cbaata's oClca and. Klstug aiy naiaa, was eahmd Into the rliale eonaultaiton room of th gnat aa.arato. With ao atnar latrortna Uoa tbaa suy card 1 sokl: 'Mr. Cboala, 1 aca writlnx a bjrtory of New York, and 1 , aca yn bara aVtTk I want fur n-fwnra. Will yu knd It to niv eV-pamllnr solely 1 aa yotir rrpated JiKlment of hotnaa aa toru Kr Ms saf roturaf lie luonl at mm lor a minute; then, rising from hi desk. bsald: Yoanlall hare tbe bonk. I will bar u (to to my lihmry to and It.' "I tnok a ami ami drammadoathadeak whllj I sailed ta lawyer's rot urn. Fire, 10, Ii. tu. 40 minima panvd. and still tla-ro was ni Murn Mr. Itionlo klean while I bnd arown tired Wbltlng aad was aniualna: my If purloin ; air. Choats'a eialiurai 'orlcb' and 'duinurror' and ' and even the plotuna oo the wall enaaiFial for a dosin tlinea any attootinn. Aa hoar rnuM-d. 1 brann to miapec that Mr. Clmalv had concluded to lake a aooood determlnntlou on hU judguientof hnman nature. Alxmt two hours Inter, as I was Just fnlllntf into a dose of sleep In th big ekairof the cn-nt nllorm'7, I board too elattorof feet III tbe bull and rvonsrnin'd the voire nf Mr. Chonto and another dl tlnRubhod Ni-w Vorkcr as they cam filing Into tlw room KemortiiR thuir silk hat and oven-oats, tba irenlkiiiien continued their friendly conversation, when Mr. Chonte's eyiw full on imv llo looked aaton Uhed. walked mvr to mo, ileinamk'd my btuillM-a. ami lim I looked surprised awl cunfnwd beexi-kilined: "lh! It'aGeuriru, is Itr Abliy. how itro they nt liouie, my boyf "Tlien. rmllzlng bU mlstnhe, the at lorniiy t litnlly asked n y Inihlneas, and on belnaT told, of tbu clrrtimMnuaa of my visit loudly cxvlnlmed. W.ll, upon my atul, I forjM nil almtit you!' Whllo eareldnjj lu Ids lilimry for tbe volmuo in question ho bml fitlk-n upon a book of Doinn's amvdotes, nnd, U-Ing reminded of a Ur Kil muw. I.iid donned hit hat and omit and driven ovrr IVrew's nfllea for a friendly ebnt. It Is neolleas to say thnt 1 not tho hook and tluit Mr. Cbonto alwiw HMiiiMids-ntl i:ie after that tliuo.' Pbiludelphia Times. Ulrlnc lllro Waralas. "Father," mild tbo bountiful girl, "Ooornu Kltx-Montmoruiicy trill cnll on ton today. " Tbb old started from hut chair and brotiuht his list down on the ta bio with a vlolem-e that Indicated groat tudlu tuition. "For three yenrs," went on tho fair girl, "Mr. I Itx-Moiitmnreurv tins plnrud on the rush lino of his oolhwi football loom. The obi Ki-ntloniou Wiw ulwut to bring ids flt.t don-n HKidit and swear, but he panned. llo Is thochauiplun lairr or hlscloss," went on the kIit. "anil he holiis tho Inter- collvi-lntechanipioiikhlp for luiddloweigbt wrestling." The old mun sank buck into his ohnlr. "He will for my hand. " sold "the beauteous mtildon. llo may lmvn It." returned tho old gentleman with what sounded liko a sigh. ChlejiKO fust. Goad V.'urb af Moles. Foruieni dUliko uioli-s, and alleire much ovll OKolnst thei-.i, but I believe Hint they do more good than hiinn, at kast on pas tuna, lr brliu'lnu up to many tons ot quito fresh forth from the anbsnll, which, when bnrrowed and brushed, gives tbe grasses a dnwlttg of now mold which must benefit them much. Indeed I doubt whether some jmstures that are frequently mown and never uuiniired would keep their fertility hulf as well ns they do were It not for the notion of moles and earth worms. In bis reiunrkiihlo book npon earthworms Durwln bus shown how jcreat is tho work they do upon tbe surface of tho world, nnd I believe that one part of It Is to promote. Ita fertility. Longman's Mngnxine. - . lledeemlna Time. Denn Swift, when ho elulmod the degree of A. II., was so deficient a to obtain It only by "tpcrtul favor," a term used to denote kick of merit Of this disgrace he wo an eshanied tluit ho resnircd to study eight honnr Any, and he continued this Industry tor seven years, with what Im provement .Is sufficiently known. This part of his history deserves to bo remoiu hered. It may, says a pommeuter, afford useful admonition to young men who. hitvinK lost one part of llfo In Idleuess and ploasuro, are tempted to throw away the remainder or it . Mast Da la Taaa, . Organ grinders In Vervlera, Belgium, are by biw ouimiclled to upiiear every morning before tlw police superintendent and piny their instruments. Tbe organt which chance to ba uut of tune must be set in urder before a lioenso to play on tbe street Is granted. . - Wlna aad Waves. . Wares travel, faster than thewtml which causes them, nnd In the buy of L'lscny fro quentlv ilitrliig the autumn and winter In calm weather a heavy sea guts tip nnd rolls lu on tbe coast ill hour bofovo the gale which uums it arrive, and of which it is tbe pruludc. -x ' ' . M'Xli an M'lwxri ri.lldrt n are allowed to suioku durlnrf Umt lime provided thoy Uhvo attained u oert-iln sundord of estrl leuey -I . : '. . ... .. In l(!'l" a t;iv viiK tmrcsed on l.lrths In l.n I lt d. t;e bmivt fee lieing 3 sbilluiKu lok . Imd lo sty over LM.' y ; ' ,f baammaterr fiheamatitm nred ia 3 , .... . -,. : Bxyr. -. Mnrlnn L. HiH, of Lrlanon, Ind.,mys "My wife had InnamniHlnry llbenmallsm in every muM-kt and Joint; her- suffering was terrible- and her body ami faceere swollen almost beyond recognition; bail la-en in lwd for six weeks mil boil eight physician, but received no btnelit until she tiled th Mystic Care for ltbeuma- tbm. ' ll gave Immediate relief and she was able to walk almul lu three days. am mire it saved her life " - . 6ld bj Henry's Pharmacy." liMTHVO.US r. Do v-oa Its! Us tcraamHp tVfnaa ani d4na tka SHwtlil tirk. mtM V AjrTMtmlT krrflati-a Da . . ' . , . T soms time yeas wvr acaa I 11 TV anraa k "Ya" to any ot Uktaa tarjSaMti vast thostlA fcoat aa kift BSAbFIElD'S FEU ALB REGULATOR b wL3 OTcroom uA essre -vry form ol trrtftxlAr mcnart, Ictscor rhocA, iaSisr of fh woDTib tad otiktr arlariskt trouUa. - tai aasanaia uuuim ca - -i. ta. LodRe .Directory. VICTORY COUNCIL NU. II. Jl'MIOK It t! A : Saat vry Wedaeeday algal la lloaatraa HsU. t M Uaaavasder, C. C P fiartlhg. It g fzvr BKRN U)DOB Na, I. F H A C J C Hralaa, Pnalj 1 H Malta, tUrordlBg rWv; K K Qoklley, Flaaaaial rac'y llaau la tka Kalx-kia vf Hanaoar Hall every lt aad rd Moaday atgkla la each amaia. KURKCA LOIXJB NO. 7. I. O. U. F. Oflkarw. J. U Maoriy. N. Q ; T. II. rWlloa, V. O i W. T. Hill Bee-d-g rJetiyt It farker; Jr, Treat. Iteauhsr artatlacs every Moaday Bight at fW a'ckx. KA YEN LODUK No. I. KNIHIlTd OK IIAKMONY i Maets tnd and ilk kn rails r alrhu la each nsealh a Rounlrea't Hall. Pollack street, at 8.00 e'eloek. 8. H. 1UIL Preaulanl. J H. Smith, Sec'y, K. R. Hill, F. 8oc'y. KNlCHTd OK nt)Ntt OfBcera: KR Jones, Dictator; U L Vtnaia, Kaponer; W r-Kubnlrae. r.aaarlal RrDartor New Itera lxlg No. 443 meeu Ike Sad and 4th Friday alhls at 7:J0 o'clock In Itonntraa't Hall, follock ilreet. ST. JOHN'S LODUK, NO. , A. K. A A. M ; Officers-H S Primrose, W M: (lanrge Oreen, 8 W; C D Hradbam, J W; I A ureaa. Treasurer; w J ruts, Urcre tary; W W CUrk. 8D1TU llvniaa. J D. Regular Communications sd Weiluavlay eacn moniu. CAI.UMKT KNCAMPMKNT. NO. 4. O. O. r. onicera: K It Hvman. C I" N C Hnghet. II P; A K lllbhanl, rt W J I. Mmaly, J W; 0 II Hall, Scribe; ft Geroek. Treanumr. Regular Kmainp meul, lL Xnl, and Slit Cil auv) Tlmrtdsv ntguts tu eacn month al T:.w o i Iim s. CANTOk Cl.Kk)SOKT Ml. I. I". II. I. II. O.I tatcarM. U.'o. tilovrr, lactam i T. u. My aian. Limit. i t.H. IvIlelWr, kunlira ; W a. 1 ritia, t;iai a; Ktl. uernra, senainianl. turn star CaiitounH-nta, at anil lib Ttiarsday a-ania in aaoa nnui m w o ciuca- S W ItKKNK fllAP-IH Nil. SR. K. A. at. 'Irtearai T. A. iirimi,, II. P, a. r. W. tk-woy, terllie; Iuff, Trtma. .. Itrailliaiu, Hairty. Uufrular wuvoca loniiil MioMlav each liifnith. r. JDIIN'K IHIMUAMtkKY Nil. Ml. K.I Ofllvera r-1 . W. Iieaey, K. I' ; 4aa. Kealuioud u.i l. u. iiymau. c. u ; T. r. Me arunr, I'relaU): It. a. Pumiose. fti-eoriler. Umralai uonriarea and tnu unni rruiava ia awnta. riNANCUU T. A. tiraen, ta, k.H. Muailuws, Vtea l-ra M.aaovBs.iJaalilar. CITIZEN'S BANK - r, OS" nw xsjnxix"ma nr. o. DO A SIRNEHaL lUSKIMU RUHINKH. Tha Aoeoonts ot Bants. Hanker. L'oruor sttoas, ranaars. ttarakaau ami oliisra rc ealraU on favorable term, rrouipt at eon twl atlaaUou glvaa lo tka iauntal ol aar aa toman. Coll atluu a .tiiaolalLr. aoaan orBiaaoToaa. rarolnaad Clrleh K. H. Meadows, A. Mnailows. uiiom. uusy, Jr. Samuel W . Iuoek, larai-H Kedoiond Chaa. H. rovwr, t. W . Uratnxer, Mayar HabaJI Thomas A. taraea, o. a. rov. W. r. Crockett. K. W. Small wood. ttaa. M. Ivea. F. & M. BANK, . MAT 1st, !!)(. : l apltal Sleek $ Ti.tmO.OO 9rplaa. . S.alMl.UO lindlrlded PraBts, 4.02i.OO OKr'lOKKS. L. 11. OrrTiiR Pretident.' W. S. CiiadwicK, Vice Pres. T. W. I)swiv, t 'enliier. J W. Ilil.i.i i. Teller. K. K MATTutwa. CoIIkiU. . IHRritTOIfct: Wm. R. Hla.ltT, M. M Marks, 0. D. itrudluun, - P. II. Pellelii-r, L. II. Cutler, Jnn Suti-r, W. 8. Chadwick, J W, Stewart, T. W. Dewey. We want your businesn and feel that we can offor you as much in ret urn at any other bank in- tbe city. It It our endeavor to ninko business relations raut- aally plnasant aud proStalda to our patroua. PKOr'bHHIONAL. P.JI. Rlmmoas. A. It. Hard J. II. Pan. .. .; . . ' K. n. Paa. SIMilONS, POU & WARD, ITTOItNEVS aad COUNSELORS at . 1 uw. ; ' - . altar tokasK, a. u 0f8c 68 So; Front Street, nearly oppo - site Hotel Chaltawka, . (Ofltoea alto at IUTeigb and Smltbfield.) fraettea la theeoaainaoKYaven. laipila, loueii, Onslow, Oariami faiutlua. Wake, foiniaton. iiaraaw ana hwwi hi taa aa prema ami Peileral Courts, auil wkeravai serv, ea are rteslrwU IMI. 1VI lolhr, , ATTORNEY AT LAV, ' V " llddle Street, Lawyer - Hrtii - Halldiag. Will oraetle la th CuanUea of Cravak artfrat. Jones, iiankiw au Pawlkm. II. H. Court alKew Rani and Hnpreoia Coart f na aiaa i KOMUl US A. NUNN, Office: Opp Hotel Cl.atUwka. . " rVmlh Front Stwt. Practice In North Carolina: Russell House. While In Beaufort be ture and ttnp at the IIumII iloufe. Klrit- lant Board. A home for traveling people. Fishing and burning uuexcelled. Term $l.t9 day or (S.uO per week. Q. A. KUSHELL. Prop iill!!l!irilillilil!lil!ll!lll1illlllll!l!111tJ - S ll ll Ui-aLa MEN ond' PI9YI TKtl IT IKimt riisiiiit w a n in n,rMMMtiiiii. 1 a arkaj. ka, wav a aaa iha ow ;n S TRY FIRST BUY AFTERWARDS. zZ siiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiaiiiuiiiaiiuiuaiur; THE NEW BERN OF NEW CAPITA!, laTlNlES A GENERAL PIKE T. A' UREKN. Prvaident, OlkOHUK OREEN, Secretary. J. J. WOLrtNPtlf, GfB'l AfEfBt. & HAV SALE ! ONE MONTH ONLY. ' H'g Line of llliie Serge Suit", inlticeil to a Very Low Price. A la-1 Itig Line nf Double lliraaled ?erge Coals, rkrlelon line-l, anrlb tH0, oaf rrdueetl price $3 8,1. We have receive I a fill l.ii.e of Cliil dreu's Suits of all gisilet fn in 4Uc In 3M. Big Line ol Men aud lloy's Pants ' Hack Bottom Prk-es. Meo'i Black Clay Worsted Suits, rega le) p Ice 4 25. reduced to 2 T.V Light hpring anil Summer Plaid Suite, worth $1 (Ml, ivdu. r.l to : 5. Hig liedtii-eil l'rii'i ou Sitiiirr GOODS, NOTIONS, wliich will Very Low Prices. Don't fuil te before tliey are picked out. AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY, 50 & 61 Middle St., AcohleiifM Will IIaiii In the la-st regulated families, es pecially In tliose tlial never si cure our Prices on llU jrlea and Sumlrii s l efme iiurcbaslng, fur It never l.tpiwiu-il In-fore that b:irraiiia could ever lie n cun d ns Low on Quality -and Style as with us. New Sicycles, itnirg, nicely finivhed, Dttea wild llartroril Tires for S'JU (K) on up lo 50 (10 Cbainless $00 and $75 00. Second hsnd Ricycle from $15 up Wooil Handle Hart 7!io. Double Tul e Tin's $1 75, Saddles from 75c up. Lamps from (iOc lo 2 05. Built up wherlx. complete leas tin a, front $3 50, n-ar 1'.' 75, inner Tubes tMo and l (HI. Hewing machine oil 5c aud 10c. Edison Phonogiaph, 20110. Records $6 00 dozen. QASKINS' CYCLE COMPANY. Planters Bulltling. Henry's Pharmacy, Combs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Whisk Brooms, Toilet Articles, " Perfumery, &C OkTKEE. With rvrry purchase of FAIRY SOAP, amounting to 23 Cents, a Handsome Calendar with I koto ot Dewey, lierrilt and Wheeler. ' -"-,,. Physician's Prescriptions - .A Specialty lh KcrHM , This man did. litil'i-all on ns for inch Seam .mil tie (iinkIs aa Pari Ureen, Hi-.r. i-ii IkH.m ami Wti.iloss, Flv Hat and M..ue rra. n.iors, water Uwdem, lee .iem reete and any - . . ... . . n, . mmg m Hie nmuwireuur, anlee our price. , w guar- LU. CQTLin HDVJ'ECO. tfcaaT aaaav-t M faaaBaaatBT aaaaa LfcXVf Wf) Mai Maaaifi Igt ita aatw tat OVJaaM t 1 1 niU TtCATMLIT. i mm aataa rati aa4 as i a ay . ssraasriLawiaiiiMaiuni' aara a a B iTaiiVl fl !- ,a- k itatu aaasuaiwui a. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., BERN, N. C $50,000,00 NHCIIAMCK IIC8INKH.H. W. a P.LADKS, lVu,., JOliM DUNN, iV,-" Of etti OVER CITIZENS HANK We have als i r-tlor-il .i . Linen Shirt or silk I'utT. ivn.l V. Very dm- I'rii i h All wool elm . I.l ii k, w. nli ; ndlii-lnl to niil) ft .'0. f Km i ilium Still lietli-r In all mI. n i. nli only t7 J.'i. IM i.h l r it -. Worst-il. . t lU-.-lt l lo Ml. Freiii-li I I dlirtil to$S .' . I.l l U. r. ill, $15 UO n. Hetter Oriulr $11 110 mid o I ' $(1 lll ami 4ti Ml l,t . on. ...ii, $: f.n, -.1 lo 1 1 t.i Ml. I Line of fSllOKS. HATS, ll(Y be sol.l THIS MONTH :tt come to gft lite liivat I'uriitti New Bern, N. C. Wc kiip alwnvs on ll.-ml, I.aiIiir. P. iik SiiiiHiigi'. il- U'-i ni il lu!- lent. NI. Itn f SU-i.k i-, Miwiim Its-, f '(. I All kiiuls i f lty St. Woml iinil.-r Inrgi-shell, it in ter pn .! in t.- iuy wriilber. j r-uril tritiiiatili r-il If. lite l Hil. Hand umile lliiirl Sliiuli-i-, HtiKilieH ami I i.-vi l. n. lloiineH klllH to Ii t. A lurje stiM-k ni (iioc rii'H, Pli-nr nnil Meat t luaper limn hiiy num. lis I lor fencing. Wn Kell nil above loi tilioiii'il nt I lie ('lienpt Ht Priei-M. BIG MLL, Tb0 lm las. ICE pou mm: i sf, I Clean, pure. lioleinip, iriiiiruiiti-iil to l lie clu-mically maile from ilistill, il wntrr , and free frnm inipiiriiics S)'cmlly in to, d-d and premri-.l for ltiiinnn enn sumption. lee delivered i,iil) (except Sundnys) B a. m. to 0 p m. Suniloys (retnil only) 7 il. nt. to 19 noon, roi pncei. anil i.Hier iiilonuiilinn, aililn-HH. New Berne Ice Co.. H S. ril'tor- V tyuitv THESTEAM LAUNDRY It ready to do quick work. It It your f m ii von don't have your latin by ilowweil.- Let u call for your next bundle. We make your collars firm and st I IT and they ara not worn out on a washboard. . We can pleasi you If you will Ictus, l'atroniae a noma taunury. It will be a great help-to-mir home peo-. pie. besides it give employment to our home people. This Is som 'tiling ought to be remembered. Keep your money at home. All of this is said with rot perity and progress Youtt Truly, , . J03W BEKN STEAM LAUNDRY, - J. B. DAYBERRY, Man. '-: Jfolice, Farmers! I have a few bushels of King Cotton J 1M j, ,t least two weeks earlier than t (nr ,,,, eB(J -icUg weU from flt,,d d tnrng ollt We froTB Ein. I con fidently recommend my farmer frlendt to use it. Price 40c per bushel. J. E. LATHAM. .

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