: - -tr M f . -IAKJIUOL :1MT, J -- ' . - t; 10V7 HI,,.? ; VOL." IJM-K9. 56. i sir:::?, I. c, r-iai .sua, mat it,-mi'-.: i UTtSTiiusaiP irtt v : - r " j ..... . A U - U uJwi : t L i i ix , A in $ SuariiiiCoVfiiilFio'iif'iimiiiii' IS A IN IN 5 IN (fs ft IN ft IN IN ft IN IN ft IN IN IN i i" ti ri w and CigaRltM,&'criiH'&ci&blS; I W cmt; htr t.uW Q U I GntiH U4 dii- Vl t fimt aiifcix hH m artknvuvnaMdUM deer oar customer tbe Ixwcit Pinuiblc IVtc conitmtible with y the guulitj o the Good. ' - j , Out SJmJ( fiooli are beine; conUMly.lplenUiW ' . with New Mill Attnictiw'Articleft'fciid onr dbnetant ana M U to tuit our cualotiM-n in every rmpect - --' Mf Any rrron of omission or 'commission - i cnwiuny corrccutu - , :H : ' ire'1wtji ; : n . t.:.. i :t ... k. ..,u . ,w ::;.rT r.... n v '4 r " v will nut bo N we Are ITTTi AGRN 1-4 "JMO X . Any pattern you see shown in the Stand ard periodicals, we keep in stockr 1 " ' " ' No : waiting here tor patterns to be . or dered. Our pattern stock is the largest in Eastern North Carolina.'! f T p V M A HQtl? PRICES, 5 'TO 20 CECITS JH it THE STANDARD DESIGNER jut 4 iliiMi '.vi ..... Blf CkaaCM It BttU ar4. Urui ILlr VtU. Kxar4 rrtiglt I i4ai f'(CttMllU U Rlrwkrry '. klak 7, jElrrt' BlWlMk t'J.xi; .' SiUJol, lit U-TIm rxbrtl eoa- Tku la Ua pniuoUry waraj aalil Capt.-iU- Day took aoM af Ua aaat atUry. allamd U 4 wraU aaek aa ribey laaaad. Taay daclarad iktj eaaM aot to aaaUaad. Taa BlaaaMMMotai aad tka an a taa aataialiaaanUa lag iha Suu eaarioia. Dayeaatalaaad fuaad thai tkr could to paaUhad. TU(nr-la of thaa wrra atdaiad U taa brickyard aad all mt tkaa awaiw Ikay wauld sot go. Taa rlaglaadara wara a wblla aaa aad a 'airo praaeaal1 froa llatejaa. .Taay wara (traa.a laaaaa, taa otaari Uraa to all. Daj aayi iklt workad Uka k okar tad' that Ua ntnilatera ackaowladged that taa? fot whnt daaarrad. ' ' Tha adjataat-geaaral haa auda a Ut ekaoga la taa nglaMala of taa BlaU Gturd. What wm tha Firtt h aada tha Soooail Tha Flnt thus eraatadaaiUraral U taa oaatpaalai uj aa Flnt Vulaatrar Iteglaiaat, which aarvail la Cuba, aieapi iba UoklalMtro eoatpaay , wkkik la pat la the aaw Sacoad rrglaiaat. Tha hWiUw od L amber hiidg emnpaalaa art pat la Um BeoiiMt raglaMBL Taa Third ragt 1 1 aot ehaand. Each rag taMat ha twalTa ooatpaalea. Joarpk It. Armiakl will auaaauad tha Pint aad (a July ot Jkagoat It 'will aiaka a practlea atarch Tha Heooad aad Third will go loti ramp. Tha eoBpaalea of lha Flnt will reiki a their lattara aa thajr wara la Cuba. There are 148 delegata alleadiag tha Grand Iiodga of Odd Felluwi, aow la aaialoa bare. Thai rapraaent 108 lodge la future laataad of aaaatlag at a differ ant point annually, all 'the Beating of tha Grand Lodge Bay ba held here. Thb Batter la being ipeelally ooaaklerad. Oaly one aew on of tnallpoi .1 dl. oorerad in ihltChy, while ilxteea pa tleaU are dlacharged froa tha peat houae and tw enty-foar anipeet froB the aa tentlo oaatp. At yet ao oaa hu died l(Ve, peat houta aad tha anthoritla lajraueyao aot fxpeo 10100 .a eat there., i .r.m .. i .- .m .H The new hoebfttl at tha 'Confederate Soldier' Horn here U to' accommodate forty patleat. Th buUdiag will he one atory, With a eoatlnaeu varaada, Work; will begin tbla month pa a cot .L L M ll i el a. tjtaitwKjm iTTun Bic4rrrm. Bwl Itaal f ! ae4 Bear . .1 I,.- Is issued monthly at $1.00 per year, 'and can be purchased oi us at 10c ppr copy.; , , . It contains nothing but the latest and most up-to-date styles. ; Standard Fashions the asking. .4 Sheets", are r yours for MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. II . t mm s THE CORRECT HAT FOR SPRKJG We have thein at pHces to suit buyers jand in HAT! RROM 25 CENTS M4aua.ltatl4Th FUlptao Oaa- aral htaaaardw'a arag, kwpirod by , wla froa the auiaheaaar of Beeotot aad by th OewaraTi oratory aa If ooday erealag, attacked Baa Faraaado. There waaaaa4aaa yelllag aad a great, at pewdllarea of kartrMgea by th atol, but rery little raaelt. 1 Oaaeral lfaacardo hold tha ooUkliU 1 Bacoiof, Waat U the railroad la front of hie poalUoa, are taa Kaaaa aad Hoatana . raaiaMata, which - occupy ehe thai U Flllplaoa built la a- ticlpatloa of aa attack free (ha dlree- ttoaoftbaoaa." IHirfag the) afteraooa of Monday, Oaaeral Uaaeardo, with large retlaua of offloere, rod along tha Uaea, fiao.aeall etopplag to haraagu alawarror. At daek detach -teat of laiurgaaU ruehed toward th oatpo.U of the Moa- taaa Keglmant but wara Bet by a hot r froa the Montaaa ReglaMat' Use Th Inaargent froa reach nearly tare Bile long reapoadad. After aa hour ftrlng daring which oa prlrate aoldlarof th afoattntJlcgloMat wa wounded, the laiurgeBta aubsided,' ! though they kept a,i a acaturlag Are throughout the Bight. Prteoaer who were brought lalo lha Aaaarlcaa line ald that taaral Mea- cardo distributed buraU of wla aaong hU aaldicra, telling tbea that he ax peeled tbaa to capture the city of Baa Faraaado, , ... : Tba Mencbe uudoubtedly Ted the Aaerloaa froa hetry loaaa. bnllata falling thick about then during tha aa- gageeMBt. ( .. ; ;..'. , . toe -teed oil Bill her at th work of the CaraUIgh; TUoephate, and' FarUlUer Compaay. h will ho mill of aedlu Ize. I ' ' ' " ' ' The Wilmington Tariff Aocltlon aa- cure 1 eqaal freight rate with Norfolk and Richmond to point la Central aad Western North Caroliaa.i Th Atlantic Coait Uoe and 8outnni Railway agree to aakethl reduction.) . .. r Th Ladle' Memorial Auoclalloa la a rery quiet way, decorated (htfraraa of Ut CoBfederate dead. There wa ao ttarada and no itddrta",,fif A report aada by the Allahtio Coaat Lin Rail wathowt that Khar wrokea att record la etreweerry ahlpaieaU- oe- tweeanf wnaiiagtonv aadiuoidiboto. There were ninety oarioada. making three tnln.ohlkiulng2,Sn0crhtal.P, , It la learned 4he Duke family of Our ham wtll build an 1300,000; "botton 'mill tbete. A 4100,000 mill will alto to' built ti Durham In addition to th $250,000 raifl therev tht atock in which wai tajtn laat week - - - ' ---'T Robert Strang tlrklaad, brother of Cammoddre Ktrkland and General Kirk land, died In flroMwlcfcT county N. t. He had ap ' much othl JUa-laJTlde, waleriVli . ? IfeVAf Thebon., troller oftfie CiJrrenct hu decided that Juge Kwart, of tha Wattara district 6rTJorthCafolIn,'1l ntniedtb tha aalary attacked to the. office from "(he dae of hl quillllcatlon under the racer appointment lMued t.4m by tha f real. dent oa April 18,1899.- - Dulag tha latt aeulon of Oongten, Mr.- Xwartr lerred u'dlitrict judge under a reeea appoint' ment leaned July 15, 1898. The Supreme Coart ad jottraed to meet neit September.1 For tha tret time la orer 6 year aot a (Ingle cane wai ..car ried ore to tha Mcceedlag term. t .- a .' Childrerrahd Oisscsf SSiirS jTWilibe- soldchap. g Tj-jf' n-fl Q V t-rf a 4-.. .. T n-rt 1 f" n.A sizes, Xq( 104-2, 1.7. It youi want "cne; i Ifrill og soiq ver.cneap,. t t , Also havea fulUiseof SnOEli. which lare soiling: at Reduced Prices." r ... '.'r ".V ) 07 MIDDLE STREET, k all i 4V.V I N Cj -l';r. THI SPKCULATIVB MLARKKTH. j ''".i iri ,l-i t hn wJ'A fa Today'a.quotatlon furaiabed by Lewie May ft Co., New York, Repreeanted by A. 6t Newberry. f-Ki- :uvnt r nawYoBt.Mayii Open: High. Low.Cloaa Red let Pfd.. .. 68 ' 68 t' 66 J, 66 a R Qr-nw483-18Si-181 1 . 138 B. R. T. . .. A K3 5 13.t 118 1 it. O. P....". .. 45t 4.4 'H ii Manhattan. w.fl8t ' 3 10 1 HH '-ill COTTON. .!"! j Open. Ulplt. Low. dote Angnrtni.v. S.01 6 93 80 6 93 , January. , V. ,','. M B.03 ;6.0t t 9 01 ; Chicago jtAKKETa' ;-.. i WaaaT . . Open. Bi(.-ri. Low. Cloae t3tku.wrof.' B. C- Bay It Fear ereala were crowded lato th prog raa for aba opening of lha Coe federate re aataa of la la Charlaatoa today. The) drat waa, of aoaraa, tha formality t weleaaa aataadad 4a ha aaaaa ot tooth Carolina aad the eky of Chart lea M la aamaabtad aoeta of yeteraa. froa ail the Co red rat Bute la the drll war. The welcome, howrrar, wat ao hearty aad waa girea aad raoalrad with each aathaeleaa. that It ahould hardly ba called formal. It waa really aot to la aay aaaaa, bat a apoataaaoa oatpoarlag of aeetlaMat, each aa eoald botoeplrad oaly by koeeegeaeoa poo Tha aaeoad ' waa tribute to th woev-a of the Soalh, which wa heartily aooerded by th amembled ToUraaa. Th third waa a grant aurahallng of the boat ot tha aanriror of ttooWtl wr la a atraet parade. The fourth waa a trib al to the dead who fell while aoatala ag lha "lot principle.- . ' TaOeeOarjlMd, Wabioto, May lu-Tha Freach gorerameat le making laqulrlaa aa to Aaaerlcaa ooal with a law to adopllag It for tba aa of th Freach aery. To thia aad the allnbler of Maria la the Freach Cabiael haa lottrnetad Lieut ea aat Da Faraaoad, the aaval attach of lha French Embeeay . here, to iamln ha America coal now la M oa Amer icaa warablpa.. Ueulaaaut UeFaraaand haa completed hie laqnlriee aad la preparlur a fararable ' report to the rraachadmiraltr. ' - ' " arnccH or okm, ookdom. .1-. i of A rto. C tfce Bewtli'e fleraal Lymlty t a, eeatelty W Ametteaa Fieeieem,' Cbablkbtom, B. 0., Ma-10 Oeneral John B. Gordoa'i opealng addree at th Ooafederate twanloa today waa a fol lowi: -v"l; "My fellow-con ntrymen of Sooth Caro- Har Th flood of amotloBi which atln th MDalbilUla of lha reteraa today I their hiring aatwer X your graolem greetlag. Thee eaotloa will tpaak to yoa la language far mora Impieetlre and eloqaant than any word I could alter. The rloglnglnoati from theaethouaaada of Confederate throat ar 'reiltable echoe Of the Iniplrlng reaoluUoaa of welcoBia naaalmoutly - adopted by your Otaaral Aaaaaably. f - it lt "WkUa I ho raaolatloa hare cheered aad thrilled every Soulhera aoldler' heart, they were not needed to ell at tha recaption that awaited at la South Carolina. Her whole hlttory and Uurtof her commercial oapItaLwan tba promli and guarantee of tblamagaldeeni reality, - What ala eonld be aipactad of pao- ftle la whoa Tain ar coaimjngled. tha blood of the pioud Kngllth. carallen the blood of thoe deroted and reaolula men who protested agalaat.the lmmoralt tie I and grinding exaction of iJtunrU; tha blood of the atalwart Die- tenter aad of the heroic Highlander Scotland aad of tba ilurdy demacralto Preebyterlan of Ireland) th blood thoae defender of freedom wha came year ahor from tha mountain battle- meat of Swlttejrlaad, aad laatly, bat 1 par and aacred, th blood of high teuled Hagueaota ot France, whoee martyr, by a glorhma adelity, area death, hare mad iweeter aad richer record of haaaa derotloa to eoaacleao and liberty. -tv 1 "No resolution. I repeat, by which thfi groat Commonwealth aiteada Ita lorlng welcome war needed to aaanr thee remnaal of tha South immortal armlet that tha freedom of the State waa their, aad that arery heart within her border waa a eoldler't ehrine. We had but to remember that Saath Carolina wai th Buraery of heroea, aa well aa of atataamea aad of patriot that wo oaa State, accept that the. ba oodowed with aa almoel bound lets affluence of great Beta, could in one centnry hare glrea to the cause of liberty and tha republic inch a tpleadld galaxy a Booth Carolina pre tenia In her: Rntledge, her SamterJ her ao the note the A aamtT ajnurax. 1 t. The auo.l(i WM Dmm. WsantirtiTOB, May a0.-A dispatch to lha Nary Departaeat (rem . Caplala Coghlaa atate that aa examination ot tba Raleigh after aba waa looted laat Ight ahowl that aba (attained prac ticallc ao damage la grounding off Charleston. . ' ' , , Little, neg looted teratcket and Wounds frequently ' reeuk la' blood-poisoning. Better heal them quickly with DeWkt' Witch HaieiiSalve, a thoroughly aoti aepile applicatloa with a record pf at way curing ptlea, oM ulcers, sore, cuts, wound aad ahta diseases. F, 8, Duffy,. ; A Thoroughbred ', Man of the world would never think wrartnf k ready made salt of- clothing nay aooaer than he would allow his boat Kin la take uia to lite taetire. nia in dividual Ul must be suited In Fabrica, aaii the Bxqniidle Finish, Perfect Fit and Exquisite Style tat only a Skilled Tailor caa out on a auH will aatlafr him. Oar ArtiaUo Tailoring BulU tho Moat taatMlioua. . F.' ltX.iChdwIu Middleatreot, " NEW BERN. N. '...I ' nil V i i VlLBookStpre 9 Moultrie, her MiddletoB, nnd her Marlon; In bar Butler, her Plnckney, 'and het snr, la bar McDuffle ud her CaK ,; la her Uamiltoa, her Hajae.iaad I : We dou'l owtke a apeclalty of taat year' alntanao, but we ar headquarter- for Fall Lino of op-to-dnto' ;-! 'I - , SUUoiiefy,.,.,;. -r Blank Book a, "'V" I , n o o o ' k freah lot of rery small Sugar Cored Pig Ham and Breakfast Strip jutt received. . .. , . ( Also BigilaautoCtit. FreaVimaUd OobTm, Kneel Tea. I' Freak lot Fta Sir or Priat Buttor, 25c 'per pouu. Fresh tlar Load Ftoar direct from the milL The beat aaaorUd Block of Chewing ToUcoe in city. Freak OriU aad Carolina Bio. Cob Bed OoodATAOj kind jou want - - Price a Low, quality ooosidefed, as anrwbere in the Give no a call and I will do my beat to please yon. Wholraaale Grufcr, . city. J. L McDII EL, tw McDaalal dt Oaaklll. 'Phone 01. 71 Brvl Ht. VnrnWxi . Clnut Dot tnl I inu i auuiy i iuui iaai i ui i I th Boaree of asach oaHaary cr.oj ! la White aad Deiloioa Bread, Rolls rakaa, Tadry, Bb cult, rlc, if It ooataia oar High f Orada - Bt la Um Wartd".- ,,. ' FLOUR. ,: If your Boar supply seed re- plenithlug try this choice brand, aad we will guarantee Dainty, 1 Boariablng aad Tootbaom Bake Btuffa. J. R. PARKER. JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. "CLOVER HILL" BUTTER I 5; FAMOUS THROUGHOUT c; ;r : the world. -AT- aJHQtIJOTSr'S; Ml Perfect Batter in a Perfect Package: fit- Tt ....... 91 "flakes Friends Everywhere M)otiBBBBItlfiSwa!lBa1BBB1 k T " MM,i" hammock, - ' Sporllrig; poods. ' it a-;.-jii a.l? Liit It! fiTTtlTif lit tiUit 1 -a July "Jil' 71K '70' ' 70 Plckenr, houa; her beloved Hampton. 'i ' , :'.. feel emfowered by year confidence to eend to every patriot lu every section aad 3late the fraternal greetings ot tbit convention and at the whole people to pledge la the name of every Confederate and toq and daughter, of a Confederate lh BivufK'. lrn.l Invalfv Inmrvr.uii for the uplifting of American manhood, tba per pet art y of American freeUom, toe unity of the American people that by aU these agencies we my accelerate the on ward m i tit t'ia rt public in Us lc- J mUatou to bumsnlty." 6 II. Ennctt. We kive it lecelrei ou complete Ufle of Spring Spi r mi ... nav'tklf'trehoDe it OOrtLlTT. STILI'IKD r .1 ' A.v Haa af Mea'a 11 . 11.50 lid Bllck Cllf '. 13 SHOES ciiiot Ivjiiklel it tfie CttT.iirflv ;-:..'.,' wcf r-r."'-. 0rM bMUiVIcI z $3.50 ui t4.ti0 intrk J.' L;; Ifnrtcfield. m VKVkW WW theaire et.ra.ieei. UUAU LWiniH ;.,f.yS! s ' , we km tka Ureett I1b of Mei'i Skoei ii nlrltj J Ba II tke CItTii.(,v - t czi wmjs, cl'HU RCOtS It 12.60 $J.7i, $3.00, J IN CITY I bav some REAl ESTATE. , ; . ; Odlce over Citiums Bank,' with J. J. , Wolfenden. , , r Sean the - ) llw ui ''' &aj! ; nator. as It make no diiTurence bow bsd th wound if you uh PeWltl s Witch Uacl 1 ! ud leave no II. I--1'1 I . Ai ... 1 l.lil we jrjuriEtee our EiioeaTur, BBlIty; Styles f-d tjM.a'thH 2 We eu sell joi Shoe, wklck ire ip-U-lite Iiitjle-ail low. El i - i. ' . t J wl a ,-. ;rW. "' 'f i 'ttf .-5. f dowl la Price.' z ' Call 3 convinced. 67 PCLLOCS STHTST, 'Salve; it will qtilik'y h 'csr. F. 3. T; 3 NEW BERNEN. C. '.i -,,..-llt i VI I Ml M Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml I'l I'l IM I'1'