y t y - v ' ' V- "J I - f ':- ) " I I j : j a. HIW BISJ, I. C, TBUEiDiT MOESISO, JL'IE I, l!J3. ISTJIMMUP Ult VOL IJII-KO. It w. fcarfsfceawewsnaKewaawaw stv , ! ft m as THIS TIMEVE COi 1TRADICT y thk o'Lb adagi:, .;..:;.;' M ...... . , vv "The Early ; Bird Catches the :J - Worrn." J "": 5 For tboeeof oor cinlonvn who did not Ui? their PIQUE fS SUITS early can find inch beauties in nil. itjlfj ed prices from w TS - Tlc MHliwrt Fold wi'd the Bow Knot fiane or the Fanry W ft Cotton llrnid will the IluUoiu ot same, nne-op namisomn l Then M onn-kbow tlr ewj fu Mr UWi Mq .tvojars. IV PcniiMil in,f Jmlik I Utn iU .FVrt Lv ir Y". JUV Rinnixininc and we have lovolf White Mid Vi . . . . . - . UISIZS-CZESTIC3 CcaanieCiCfJii Lai d A Owr frtil( Waist., 4r Caaa ef, labesxllag Teetaaater. . Talk On IVrwe rails Vealae tleae, Cerparellea Cemmla lea's Tear. raltUAr. llsgtan feee. RALkroa, May Sl-Twe ease egelael postmasters for ombetaleeaoBt vara triad tee Fedatnl evert, aad la both there Mil ' Band Xeer. "TU5tto-k r anry w , )rofy. O J ra. Vj P i.m4 vy u v vJ l ne nim a r' i-" "1 " " W bom; ordar dapartaaal. W. IX Bakar, 2 inch, cannot be Uten for the money. ' . SM a-poaiatat U Lawtaton, ptaaoad n New designs in Belt and Collar Claipa or a ntefol Delt Pin. ly n VM o,oWI that laa awaay aa kad (!) v All thec and Terr many otbr new ihion, not forgetting itl ukea bad baaa rapald aad tkara wai JVVbiUKidJnrtin. Come and for yoaraelvw. tg TIT IN AS IV IV IN Hack alas a pkyiloUa (tataaMat tkal aa wai la (eoUa baalta. loif Poraall taapaad rd judcakeat aad diackarfad Bakar. Paopla vbo prorata to ba aa U. trroaad floor. ftallUcallr apaaklac. ara tkoa aarly talklaf aboot tha DaaMcratlc caadldataa la tba aait eaapalga. Tka; ara aariag UU uaa nog a MCLaa, j3$$$$c$-rWoftb.Ho.-fro. HaraMt, mp w win vum buuiibiivb ivt iwivwi; With a good utore, where bo advanUga la ewr lakca where only boat knovn ami mnX rolUble article are offored yon, la rally a mutter of bunliiewi. 5Th.l nutlro ouUllacndlonWe etary argnmcot ! olT. r yu, ey feauire i thai will mdte you fl It W be tit atif;tory tradlog Il1ace.', l-- ' ' ' jI AIoii In miner . rii Tlme liem will nmw of nocia) 'Wrra. o y In nil t!ie plain nml Ucy nalluim, an liiiimn.-x- aUn-.k to a.ltt from ami tin' prio itl which w are i.(T.'ilnj tlicin, will con vluco you that ii i eoonomy . trada with ui, with eitlu r wall tr beditiad' atta-iaeoH. I'oa. JjHve CurtjkliiH An endleM Tarlcty in Nottingham ami Irian Point. It will pay you to examine our Block bofora making your purclmwa. FRANC. H. J0NE8 S G0.. : 87 MIDDWG STREET. , ,n . ran t tml basEb 'IS Aa e!l aa paatry of all kioda, pud ding, breads, biscuit, rolle, cake, or any of. the culinary triumiha that the rpicure likea to Indulge In um he mad from our High tirade F-KxlRtuff. We bae everything' ihat la Dure and the acme of owal- liy, from Eioa gutter to Bakine;, y I'nwder, 'and from Pure'Bplcefi, 1 . Jf1'ir, to PrW'FrulU and ;a-irJPrioee. UUf' th Just raorived a Froab lot Fox . River Dutler, SSo lb package. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69 r 11 Broad Street. ; , it 'i.htl i V THE CORRECT, HAT FOR SPRING .isSO.jyAT.t.L STRAW HAT ! -r ;: x- ofSUUlaa walk, to nae a sporting pbraar, that Fraaelt D. Wlaatoa aad R. Dixie Gilmer are tfpt to hare a lively con teat for the aomlaatioa for Attorney Qeaeral, aad that as to that for Governor Charles B. Ayeosk seeme to be quite far la the lead, though U. li.JatUce.of Rutherford, b looming ap It It eaterled that quite a aumber ef Inflaentlal Repabllcans will vote for the eonttltutlonal ameadment. The deed for the site (43 acres) of the Methodist Orphsnage aad Dome for Aged Minister here has beea glvea the North Carolina Conference. Last Saturday your eorretpoadeat announced the fact that the North-west ern Life Inturaace Company, which bad Died Its charter uader the Craig law, would aak to withdraw It. The Secretary of State got the letter today. He ked whit be would do la the matter and replied: "I kaow of no law which permits me to return or revoke a charter. The court will have to pan upon that matter, and a high court too; mothlag lower thaa the Slate Supreme Court or the United States Court of Appeale." The Secretary waa asked what Incur rence companies bad died charters today and replied: ''The Life Insurance Com pany of Virginia. A number of fire corn panles bpve filed, the letters accompany' Ing their charters saying they filed for limited period, filed under protest, etc I reply to these tetters that I file them with the charters, and that I know authority for limitation aa to time. Of coarse you know In a charter in the State the period Is usually named. The anal ogy la for a limitation of time, but that la matter npoa which the Courts mutt pan." ' (i i Tour, correspondent went up to the office of Iniurance Commissioner Toung and had a talk with hint. The commis sioner said; "A eaee agreed is to be mad up by the representative of the Mutual Reterve (Colonel Hinsdale) and the At torney General, and this will be tubmlt- ted to the courts. This will hardly be done before September or October, to at to have It in shape for action by the Supreme court as soon as the latter meeta. - The companies say la quite number of cases that they regard the Craig law at settling the question of transfer of cases. ' They do not care for that particular thing. They think there are other dangers lurklag la tba Craig law, Theoretically' there are dangers; practically there are none at alL lam very glad 1 Went, to the Hontheattera Tariff Association meeting at Old Polat but week. Hy explanation there is the cause of so many of tbe fire companl filing charters. ' We simply eeuld not do without the fire insurance companies, and their protection. It - would requl ten years' time for the State to organise companies to do the fire holiness. The withdrawal ol the life companies woald not affect tbe State so severely, I really believe three-fourths of the life compa nies will file their charters la 80 daya. Tha balk of the fire companies will W About a dosea Ul net domesticate. The Connecticut Fire notified me today that It would withdraw its commissions to sgenls and asked ma to return It the thenars, the oommiatloawr ef laaaraae art. lie am eeye that tba Melael Re mm aad the North waatara daalraa te withdraw, aad that the ageeta ef the folloaltg aay they will domestical Beaten' Oaareaiee. Equity, Malual, New York; Pewatylvaala Melee), Prevldaal Saviage, Royal Ualoa, Baa of Oaaada aad Ualoa Central. Tbe foliowlag iaaaraaoa com peal have domeetleaied themeaivm aader proiaetiThaMataal Ufeef New York, aaover Fire of New Tort, aad Peaa- ylvaala Fire. Tbe other com pea let tl- lag charter ware tbe Fidelity Depoelt, Company, of Baltimore, had tbe Green- The Fcetel Telegraph Ccmpa.y do- ZTZTTl ZZ. eellcatea Itself. So doee tbe Virginia Fire aad Marina Iaanraaee Goeapeay. Ne army officer will be oa detail at State Guard headquarter after Major Davta leaves. J. C L. Harris, aa aide to Ooveraor Russell, will look after tbe Adjutaat General's office. Lleateaaat Douglas Settle, wbq is here will asve to Th. , to. .n ...... Th, do only with the recruiting service. Um( to uk, DeWllt's Utile Early Risers The corporation eommlealoa baa re . . Verier from eoastlpa- tarsed from a tour of impaction ever l M.,h.tnh or .. trtMM,. the Atlantic aad Worth Uarollaa Halt r'e f lluLes the food Btore dtHcJous tnd wboeesoene yftVlYsWaVeyiW anal I SHALL g SUGAR CURED i HAMS !. mat Daxtf eittt. Lotraoa, May BO The plague It tlke- lv U eomDlloate tbe hoeae eomlag r Admiral Dewey. Some goveramaaU have already de eterad eevere qnaraallae tagelatloee against all RaJ eea ports and Hoag Koae. where the freeh eaeee end the number of deaths have aearly doaktad la the last week, the aew ease aamber lag 1 aad the oWtha 1M . Adaalralty eJBclals say thai warablpe have no privilegee as regards quaraatlae bayoad those of merchant ships. ier the ship is Infected ot- there ts skk I aeei aboard. By tbe time Admiral Dewey arrive, at tbe Mediterranean, bit I ship, the Oljmpla, baviag beea so long out from Hong Kong, will probably be I regarded aa immune tnd the Inspeeter I will put her without delay, road, the tUamthlp line between New Bern aad Elizabeth City aad the Nor folk aad Southern Railroad. Commls tioasr Rogers said that tbe roads were found In at good eoadllioa at could havs beta expected. It Is the plea to tee all the roads la the State la the aext six months, as It Is deemed beet to per- tonally Inspect them all. The Bute Superintendent of Public Iattraotloa waa notified that Judge Tim- berlaka. at Greensboro, had decided In favor of the old board In the ease from Samueoa county. In which the old or fusion board of education donled tha right ot the present Legislature, to boM office. . Last month in th Superior Court here Mr. Paltl Arrlngton of Naah county, sued her ex-husbaed, W. H. Arrlngton, for 1 7,834, claimed due as alimony. Arlington baa filed bis antwtr to her complaint, pleading the etatuta or llml tailont and saying that Si years ago, being determined to wreckpili happineaa, lha left bis home with their children and tor years kept their residence secret. they being In Illinois. He says; "For wrongs and Injuries exliting only In hsr distempered Imagination, ahe has relent lessly pursued this defendant with writs snd warrants, bench warrants aad ca piases, llll be baa been crippled financlat- iv. and la hit old ace be is not. even al lowed the peace ot being left alone." 1 "' W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., ssys: "For forty years I bave tried various cough medicines. One Minute Cough Cure is best of all." It relieves Instsntly and euree all throat and lung troubles. F S Duffy & Co. . F S Duffy Co. 08 Tba above figures tell a remark abls story; they represent almost exactly the per centage ot cures made by lllieuiuacltlt the wonderful new eonetitntlonal cure lor UHttMAiifltt. ine other two per cent, were not cur able, or failed to take medicine according to direction! Thooa andi have been cured. In view ot the fact that many physician think that Rheumatism la Incur able, and that mnet rwmediea fall, It mutt be true that Rheumacide is the greatest medical discovery oftheaio. Particular and testi monials of many well known peo ple sent free to all applicants. Rheumacide) Will Curt You. XlSUVAOTCHaD BT THE BOBBITT DRUd CO., AND Breakfast Strips Just Received i At 1 L MoD ARIEL'S. Tl Bra4 Plrrec Aba a Fraah Lot of Betaae Ptoaiea both wet at.d sour. Freak Cakee aad Cnekeee. Freeh Elgla aad Foa Blrrv Batter. I deaire to elate that I bave teemed lb amioea at Mr. Orr. O. Wayae of Oiympla aad Mr. DavU W. Babble of Cartrrat Oouaty, N. C, who will I glad to bave UrU friends and ac qweJalaacee eafi aad see them la the city. Pirate Reasambsr that I gaaraataa every article yon boy fmm at to be a repree. atad. If fouad mberw: nrtura K aod e yew money back. Haapictfally, Wholevtalt) A IleUII Grocer, Swcceaaor to Mi Daniel ft Qaiklll. PbBe 01. 71 Hrorl Hi. j.L mm WWWWT Pharmacy, boUle. J. L. Hartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT, I bare tome BARGAINS IN CITY REAL ESTATE. ." Office over Oitiaen BankJ with J. J. Wolfenden. ' Imagrinatioii 1 . FIiji Ike leiilig pirt wkto it come to bnylog clothes f a tailor. Toi lailie tkfj ire better Ifeiute joa ire 3 fiylig aire. 3 How, we Bake to order, iad we make to til; and if yon g bay kere, we Bake yoi jadce aad Jury, besides If the clothes wear, if tkey do aot give aatlfactloa la every way, we give your money back. Tbe aost important point in a unit of clotkea after tke aaility of Ike cloth is considered in the p care aid akill displayed la naklBg it. On that point alone E: ia based tke charges if the highest-price tailors. la oar stock yea will find akill, care and taste displayed ti aa iuit far beyond tbe previous standards. By pricing it at the proper profits we have our prices right. $4 50 ror a Salt of Excellent Servlcable Quality. 16 50 ftr 1 Better One. 8 Oil aid 110 01 for Excellent Suits of Quality Sel dom excelled. J. 0-. ds CO., E 6? POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERN, N. O. j1m...iiMM se,eee mbn am xmodoh. This Is the If azIsaaiB reree, 0. OUt At- sarU, That Will k. Meen4 la VkUlp- R. H. BAXTER. We have them at prices to suit buyers and in nue,rnIcd pri' f lhlicen, u "d :- x- 1 j - foes. I can't do this. There It no pro , V. I ' latest Styles ff. ; ' ' TWon for returning any part ofsuohtsx FROM 25 CENTS TO $1.75. WasniNQTOR, May SO General Otis, It Is titled, hss Informed the War De partment that he will be satisfied If tbe army under hit command-1 kept at a maximum of 80,000. Tbe President will give him I Mi number. The present strength of the army In tbe Philippines', including volunteers who are still in th service, Is 84,000. Whsn the volunteers return, 34,000 regu lars will remain, or 1,000 leas tbsn the number estimated as necessary by Gen eral Otis. Tbe reinforcements now en-1 route to Manila or under order to depart will bring the total regular np to the required figure. A there may be conalderable loss through dckneai, It is proposed to de crease the companies now stationed In garrisons in this country to their mini mum, aad increase the companies In tha Philippine! to their. maximum. It is believed that this arrangement will give General Otis all the men he requires,! without disarranging the army as It is at present distributed. Until General Otla asks for an addi tional foroa there will be no enlargement of the army, not even to the extent of i 9IAJ11AK NIIIIIT8 A genuine Madra Shirt for 60c, worth 1 00. Also a pretty Hue ot Percale and JSitk Shirt I Just in. , R. H. BAXTER. Goods i -AT- New York Cost. niSS HARRIETTB LANE Will Retail her Entire Stock ot Fine Children and Hisses SUFFERS Millinery Goods For Cash At New York Cost Will be sold cheap. -BEGINNING ! recruiting the 85,000 native provided for and feet. Th matter can't be put in the J lB the army reorganisation bill which count, euner, i aa license teea are quo was passed by tbe last uongress. is auvaaes lor a year from April lit ror I The tllnallon In the Philippine! wai all companies, and are alwsys paid np the subject of an extended conference to April 1st next after a company comes today between the President and Adjo in. . . tent General Corbln. In view of alarm "By compliance with the Insurance Bg reports which have been sent to the law (the Wlllard act) a company can col- United Statea from Manila, It can be led Ita old business, but can do no new mted that tha President does not share C f A n r 11 o xt n business until It domesticates Itself. Its I. h. .n.l.i which thau illnnairhm. atllUlUtl V 1 1U.Y JCU TT71-, 4-x nnrt XTaiI(a O Y1 U a 1 i A f i,? i , L.' ' nsvment of the annual license and the v. r..iul n.n.r.l Oils has naliU-d - k..m. a - - saai repona oi uio bv.iv.ij ui iu. m.u-. Villi t till eonduct inch old business." I gants south of Manila have been exag- UU willtl Tbe Southern Expresa Company hss gerated. , domt letted. . I , Of life companies only tbe Aetna,! Bankers', Fi.lclHy, Michigan Mutual, tba Life Insurance Company ot Virginia, I New York and Pacifio Mutual have filed 1 3 "aa 3 3 4 iFEtlUS DISFUI! Of the best values you ever saw tor the smallest price you've ever paid. Low Prices is the magnet that draws our immense trade. We quote below a lew oi our trade win ners. ,--,- The Cheapest Line ot T70W1EI alft That Ever Greeted You A Very Fine Dame Towel, else 848, knotted fringe. . You , never bought tneaa nt less than BOo beforr. We now offer them -toyoaat " , 25 Vent ' n ft. til t .11 sviiA & aaR- s..hta 15 enfa - Bame Quality Huck, 18x06, all linen at . 12 l-2c Bleached Turkish Bath Towel, 83x47, laige.t towel ever soid ' for tbe money, .. . 25 Cenfa Unbleached Turkish Bath Towel, 18x86 at Full Bleached Very Heavy Honey Oomb Towel, 32x47; 15 Cents 10 Vent sizes 1 6, 1 6s 1-2; 17. Ii you want one, it will De soid very cneap. Also have a full line of SHOES, which' selling at Reduced Prices. are MIDDLE STREET, : :oj . : , NW LTT.N, JI O INDIfiFSTIDN, rcaultin.r fmm I wenknesaot tlioatomncli. U relieved : Eoars the byllootl't Sarsaparilla, the trivnl tlmn. E'jaature ach tonic and cure for D Y. r Z ! A. C ASTOR I A lot Isfunts and CLlIIrsn.' - r.3 r.:.j y:j ' u: ' Fine Shade Trees, Fine Fruit Trees, ,'.FIne Ornamental Trees, . . , Fine Coses or .,... ; ... . -Fine EhrulL'ry ' Place your order with R. R. BILL, ' ( New Bern, N. C. ' Order now being taken for Fall Plant-irg. Consider These Towel Items. L. irir ri

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