THE JOURNAL, rtun No. . CMARLE3 L. STEVEN, mm x raoraiavoa. HUHHCUIPTIOS RATESi , lav, U . J OmIW, adva,... f BUeiaJv. kr (urta la Ik M lertal lUtaa taraitkea oa efoU- to Ota. ,. EaUd at tU Pit Office, lw tea, H.C.M OaUlal rap' rB Cravea Ceaali. Sew lera, K. C Jaae I, lMt. TBaT nNANOB OOBUUTTBB- ktort. , Tk report of tee llaaac coamltu appelated lo eaamla and report oa lb alalia at Ike Fa-loa Hoard ( Acrlcal tare, akoat about aa dlaiepalable a Ula el asaag eaeat, aa otald ba taa-lul. Cjot aatlsflrd wltk retllag. pa; for lb offlce aad work to waivk tliey were appolateJ, tbeee members' appoiatcd tkesaselves la clerkstfas aad bjaca poi tUa la order W draw ik pay wkkfc tu atlacborio taeet plaoaa. Taa charges made for to called urt Io ta raadcrad, mast provoke tba adsslra (loa of laa most skilled and rapaciuos offloa Bolder, aad lb eutrageoe tkrp ara oaiv exceeded by tba coal iff roalr ( taeet aaea wkea ceeroated by tba Ansae committee's tapuiL . Sack a atetter aa pajlof oat tea tkoae aad dollars (or Items, wHk ao atataaMota accoapearlng; tba Items, la eaeol Ike faatarea of Ike report, j ,, i Tkaa tba matter of drawing four dol lara far day, wltk two do A art extra for expenses, for apeelal committee work la tba aalactloa ef carptta and tplttooas, ia aaotbar "trait" which tba faaloa board took apoa themselves. - Tke fact tbat memberj wboae terait bad expired 'were called Into meetings aad paid good moaey for dally atten dance, la eeother feature of tbe report. . Aad wbea coafreated by tba report, tlseee member are to guileless, ao calm ia demeaaor, from Loge Harris, Govera r Roatell'a particular friend, wbo baa been g lve oflloe after, offloe by tbe Ooveraef Oils much ofllce appointed man, kat ao apologlea to make; and Ihea tbe member wbp smiled and said, "We are all.reecals: Democrats and Foalonlsls alike." f Truly this Inaace commlUee'l report la good read lkg for tbe farmer and tax payer, during tbeaa summer days.- j State or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, t Lucas Couktv. 7. J Fbabk J. Cbkxex makes oath tbat be Is tbe senior partner of tbe Arm of F, i. Cbxnit A Co., doing business la the City of Toledo, County aad Slate afore said, aad that said firm will pay the earn of ON 'HUHORED DOLLARS tor each aad every case of catarrh tbat caa not be cared by tbe use of I1am.'s Ca abb Coax. - . FRAME J. CHENEY. Bwora to before me, aad subscribed in my presence, (bta lib day ef December, A. D. 1888. A.W.GLKABOX, f-r-J. t Noury Public., Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken lateraally aad acta directly oa tbe blood and mu cdbs surfaces of tbe system. Bend for testimoalale, free. T. 4. CfiiMKT i Co.', Toledo, O, Sold by druggiats, 76c f ' . Hall's Family Pills are tbe beat.' ' : A Geed Trta. 'Z.."-" " Well, did yoa baa a good trlpr So, merely sold a lot of goods to men tbat wanted them." " What oa earth do yon coaaider a good trlpr ..r - "Salllag a loir of goods ta) aaea - who doa't waat them.'' A rricbtfal Blaaaer Will oftea cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise, siucklea's Arnica Salve, tbe beat la tbe world, will kiU the pain and promptly heal It. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corn, all skla aruptlona. liest pile cure on earth. ' Only S6c box, ' Cure guaran teed. Sold by F. S. Duffy & Co., drag (lata. i t - . ' ' , ' ' i -ei i i - Sbat Bis Syeaw ' :'-! ' - "Hosklas Is not a success, but be bu always beea a maa of high alma,", " baa aimed high, tat fguesa he mast have abut bla eyes wbaa be , red." - - - , -. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling tome heavy boxes. The doctor I called OS said at first it waa a alight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and tbe doctor then aaid I bad rheumatism. ' It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. 1 went to a drug store and tlit drofglst recommended me to try Cham berlain's !' H' a. 1 tried ft and one half of a S3 c t Wllei tu J meeatlrely. I now recommend it to all oiy friends, F. A. BaUwk, Erie, Ta. It la for tale by F. 3. VuSy 4 Co., Vr t J s. - W"aai t mmtr-4 Jt ah '!. i -? t t calls aal ;r, l-, ! r ir,'o I "JCSliil c4 th.tik By CI ami. ij yoat Toa will U br ad try to 1 gtt a, areai't yoat Yoa do a4 know how aurry I aa to be rosip4 to aay ao to yoa. WadolbrrircajistaBe we rnliibt have ba brrT bat aa U la I mom be beak wub yoa. Tbre ktae bar." Ba whole fruwe was abakea by a grcatanb. Tba ae hwM appae.Uag3y Uto net Iswalike eyea aad aakad ; -Why U iL Vtrgiaia, tbat y era ao ewre we cannot be happy together f Why may I mot aopef" There la aa inipaaasble hamae be- l" aae tnitri "Toa are tbe champloa golf player of tbia atata. aad my aaotber m prvaideait of the Society For tbe Bapin ail urn of Diamcat ao there yoa are. ' RaaUf IB that bta areem of bUaa wae at aa aad, be wrat away baaaaUf aaftlr: JIM IBM M" aiaia , Mt)MSpUHM rtaatHl OiicagO News, Da Tea Dr Tbe fallcet examlnatioa lata the Be ta re aad orlRia of dreams baa beea made by U Mnraaa. tbe French erica-' tiat Bedivideadreanasiatatbeareaiaa of health and tbe drcama tbat are tba remit of a diaeaeed state of sniad or body .... - With regnrd to tbe latter tt aeed only be remarked tbat rMtmatent dreaming la one of tbe aarat invariable eymptoma of Insanity, aad aa tt m a iwyerwlotical (act tbat trenioe la Bear allied to saad aeaa maa of aaaine must be expected to dream more tbea ordinary atea. With regard to tbe dreama of bealth. they are tbe reseat of aa Imperfect state ef eonacionanem or aa Imperfect state of deep, according as e look at li t It Is obvioaa tbat tbe mtad of tbe dever ia. that la enaalantly occupied with many acbrmaa and thoughts, ia more liable to be awake when bta body is asleep than that of the dullard, whose lad is oftea asleep when bla body la wake r, . , . , ' ; . .' Thee tba sleep of the plowboy has bacon proverbial oa account of its aa disturbed batata In most caste a maa of lively Imagination and quick braiae Is andoubtedly more liable to dream tba a tbe dallerd. Motun umon luzat , ecaktes tbe Liver, ttemash, Bevela aad Kiaaeya. For biliousness, constipation; and ma laria. For indigestion, sick and aervoua headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart tailor, and aervoua prostratlen, - For fever, chills, debility aad kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladles, for natural and thorough or ganic retrulatlnn, take Lemon Elixir. - auo ana f i.w Dome ai arurgisu. Prepared only by Dr. IL Moxely, At lanta, Qa. . , , Oratltada Dr. II. Motley Dear Sir. Blnce ualng your Lemon Elixir I have never bad an other attack of those fearful aick head ache, and thank God that I have at last found a medicine that will core those awful spells, j , r i s Parkersburg, Wast Virginia. ' Mealer's lemea Slixdr, ' I suffered with iadlxestlon aad dvaea tery for two long years.- I beard' of Lemon Elixir; got It; takes) seven bottles ana am now a weu man. ---.- Hasrv Adams, No. 1784 First Avenue, Birmingham, Ala ; : Mealey'a Leaea Bllalr ' " i ; Cured my husband, wbo was afflicted for years with lsrge ulcers on bis leg, and waa cured after usirur two bottles, and cured a friend whom the doctors had given up to die, who had suffered for years with indigestion ana nervous pros tration. ... Maa. E, A, Bkvillb. Woodstock, Ala. . .orijfj vy. ) t MOZLCTt LEMON HOT DBOr. Cures all Coughs,' Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Uemorrhage, and all throat aad lung diseases. Elegant reiieDie. - too at drug glsta, Prepared only by Dr H, Motley, Atlanta, Ga.. . . . , . Half Way Bean - 4" Because a man can do a somersault Is o reason why he should be classed asaa all round athlete.. . , .. , ' - l , 100. : Br.. BetchUa's Aati Siarettc. . May ba worth to you more than $100 if yoa have a child who soils bedding from Incontence of water during sleep Cures old aad young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. D Brad ham, druggist. New Bern, N. C. ' Pulled Kaeagh, ' ' Doclor Tout leg Is pretty badly ernshed, sir. but I guess wecaa pall It through all right. - J Patient Never ml ad. Jast take It off. You've been pulling It long enough.' Belief la Biz Hears, , Distressing Kidney end Bladder DIs eaae relieved in six boors by "New Ureal South American Kidney Cure," It Is a great surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness In relieving palu In blad der, kidneys sod back, in male or female. Relieves retention of wster almost im- medlstely. If yoa want quick relief aad cure this ia the remedy,; Bold by 0, 1) Brsdham, druggist. New Bern, N. C. J f ;wmb, Vaal Iloax I tell you, this fellow Boodler Is an honest man. Wbea the corpora tion offered a pi Ice for bis vote be promptly replied: 'Not much. Josx I. heard his reply fit 'Not enough: t ; j , , -it I . If troubled with rhtumntlnra, glvs Chamberlsln's Pain-Buha a trkl. It will not cost you a cent if It does no good. Ons application will relieve the puln. It also cures sprains and bruises la one third the lime required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frov -i, ,,,it sey, pains In the s' 'e and c'.. .!, i- , ' lar and othur swelliii('s are qnk kly c ui J hy applying It. Every boti'e ' 1. Prl. e, i'j and C3 c'3. I 3 I . "y i, C,. f' ' r-''- S) m w m m WareCaMUabU. M re. CrmataMt Cook beuks are ao aa- raUabla. - Urs. CralWr-I ksw v Mrs Crammet It said tbe HP ebeeld be cooked ever a alow fire.. I followed directions. Tbe mall was thai the eggs belched. It la )ost aeealble tbe fire waa toe slow, bet tbe I aa; osgkt takers said til it woaki aei ae to kava a re too alow. B tala's Oreateat ReeA Mr K V OUvia, of Barceloaa, Spaia, spends kit wlaier. at Alkea, a U Weak aetves ked caused sevrre pales la tbe bark of a Is bead Oa aalnr Electric Ulnar. America's greatest Blood aad Nerve Remedy, alt pela tooa left klav Us ssys Ibis graad Bwdicias it what hie eeantry aaeda. All Aaaaricakaaws that It cares lifer aad kldaey trouble, pariflee he Mood, toaee up . the stomach, stKbglbraelbe serve, oats vba, vigor aad aew jife Into every maacle, aerve and orgaa of the body. It weak, Mred or ailing yoa need It, Every bottle guaranuwd, oaly U) oeals. Sold by F S Duffy. They are Q The breath of spring aad tbe breath of spring oaloas ara melting away. Weald Met Bute Be Agaia fcr Mfty , . Time Ita Priae. I awoke last alght with severe pela la my stomach. 1 never felt to badly la all my life. Wbea I came dowa to work tblt morning I fell to weak I coeld hard ly work. I went lo Miller McCurdy't drug store and they recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aad Diar rhoea Remedy. It worked like magio and one dote fixed me all-right. It certain ly It the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. 1 shall aot be with out It la my home hereafter, tori should ael care lo endure Ibe sufferings of last alght again for fifty time lit price. U. B. V llsoa, Liveryman, Burgetlatowa Waahtngtoa Co., Pa. Thla remedy is for sale by F. B. Duffy Co. Druggists. Call Sewn. . Justice Toa have charged Jones with theft. Toa have failed to prove It Withdraw the charge or take tbe cense- e.neuoee. Robinson I have called Jones a thief, It Is true; he is aa honeat man. ' I have lied. .. ' - . That Throbbing Head . Would quickly leave yoa, If yoa used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for alck and nervous beadaobes. They make pure blood and strong nerves aad build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only iS cents. Money back If not cured. Sold by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co., druggists. : ' . The Other Bide. - "What't tbe matter, old manf Ohl I've lust had a quarrel with my wife. Wall, forget and forulve. ' I never can forgive her, you tee, I was ia the wrong. , Tbea In that ease demand aa apology Charles U Marks, whllectlng a In the capacity of nurse at lbs Second Division Hospital of tbe Fifth ArmjTCorps at Santiago da Cuba, need a few bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy tor diarrhoea and found It lo work like a charm. For sals by F. S. Duffy A Co. Druggists. Ha Qet Clear, li Harduppe-1 hear that M Iss Mlllynna' father at laat decided to let yoa have an equal tooting with the rest of her suit ors. ' " J " ,: - DeadbToke Yes; I heard It myaelf la time to get away and avoid my share of the booting. J. A. Bcbear of Sedalla, Mo., saved his child from death by croup by using One Minute Coagh Cure. It cares coughs, colds, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and long troubles. F 8 Daffy A Co. ; fw ','!,;, Mover Oave Away. .: Miss Passt Cholly seems to think that I'm keeping my age remarkably well : ' Miss Curt Tes; be told me tbat be never beard of a single Instance where you gave It away. What yeu waat ia not temporary rt- llef from piles but a cure to stay cured DeWiit's Witch Hazel Halve cures piles, and they stsy cured. F 8 Duffy & Co. SUd Game. "It's one consolation," temsrked tbe expiring tabby aa the boarding house mistreat got together the ingredients of rsbblt pot pie, "to know tbat at least I die game." . Aa Bnterpriaing firm. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than F 8 Duffy Co. who spare no pains lo tenure the beet of every thing in their line fur their many custo mers. They now bsve the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cures consumption, coughs and colds. This Is the wonderful remedy that i now pro ducing so much excitement all over the country, by its many startling cures. It absolutely enrol asthma, bronchliln, uau sea, and all e'-ctlons of the ihn at, cl-et and limn. You can ti -t it 1 -jie buying, by calling at lle a'uove Ctvg siote and p 't a r ' ! 5 ', f , or i 'i lar i.-e fr .' : ( i ' ' ' . C 1 to cure, ir: Tfc ! a Wrr r. Tht ij..i g a t 1 i ;l l tb sacw er;4 a-. that enr ta4 c wr prcrful Ci! Ut hatDr Ujr c WT;:rg srliaa aa f c I Ij r n.rr4 ua nm tt U Bxst etli tboTooLfar Tbe wtt;l.scrack -i e rtfl tunaAti ca ux dear morning air. end a kea ai frt eg aVaih cTiw4 tkntegh lb brata ef t hnma bsicg. aamaxwicg ks soej to tbe ogneat bar of O 4 witboet a SHont t warataf aad with all hia rU bkrwa aaa ' iiil em tbe lree.1 Tb ftUl boUrt bad ba seat epoa IM cWdly miaaioa by a band tbat a tew boor before clasped bta vtr Urn's htad ia friewiablp One aow im ia the cukl embrar of death and ercMa a Sma4 ta tb aiWat city oa tbe bul: the oUmt tsegatsbaa ia tbe eoeaty U. aloe with hit eraacieawe and bit eeed aa be awaila tbe ootcoaoeof tbe trial fur mar ker Hut mat earety foUow. lag (Hi. I btar - T Qwl Keel Ibe Leneew Tb laU Mrs. Kly aeed to tell tbe following story a boot tbe visit she paid tu lbs qotwa at Corkingbaa pabice oa the orrastoa uf Ibe jubilee la IWT. Bo ia incrednkaa uf the araoiarn of lb Invitation, sb waa disposed to treat the rcyal romwanl aa a joke aad anils a rather sarcastic letter to tb official, a pMwaal friead. who had ad drewed It lo her This be nave to the qnna. aait tke veteran ertrea wae B little, diwnacvrtrd wbea br aiajeoty add ber ab bad reed tbe trtler Mr. K niley becin-d that It shoo Id be rratored to her "No do. Mrs Koeley. " anawor- rdtbeqnrwi. "it baafdy paated in ray autograph bouk You'U never get it again. aae SUeHea sb Nat. A Enrtiurha gHveraiueal servaat waa rweully married tu a aatlv wosnaa la Bauuranx by be Mubatutucdaa cere Buiuy It toub place la the mesjid, and it waa cuodiicled by tb penKhoIo. bat Ibe brideKTtaui waa aot preaent H had given written notice that be woold not pnt in an aiipuaranea. bat be cent bla bat. and that waa, according to na tive cturtoia. quit enfficient She mar ried tbe aai Blatreaeiag teaaach Sis ate ' Permanently cared by tbe masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need auger ad longer, because this remedy can cure tbem all. It tt a cure for tbe whole world of stomach weaknew and indigestion. The care begins with the first dose. Tb re lief It brings It marveloat aad surpris ing. It makes ao fallare; never dleap points. No matter kow long yoa have suffered, yonr cure Is certain under the use of Ibis great health giving force, Pleassnt and always ssfe. sold by U. u. rrennara, aroggiat, new Bern, n. v. fSb CaiitnlM ExHk Wmmm t rEflNYROYAL PILLS I 4C-v .i.ll!'. A mnwi. alwavt rmttm. isdisb ttn$l-i tar txucswawerw -f" A aWJ s llaal aad (Md awMBl M ariia Maa rimsja. t atia ta tti"? eauul taUeatearaa. At I nMsjtMe. eaaal 4th Btaaaai m aartlBfjlara, HaiamtaU sag, UealUf tW Laafl." J ir kfejIL ! TvUaaleH. sT-m ayer, M IH aibaaa. aVUIkA aWaVe 1 aa II. W. SIMPSON, Architect & Superinlendent , 68 Ilrond Street. ItEMO VAL. NOTICE DR. N. H. STREET bu moved into hit new office on Middle Street, next to Planters' Warehouse, where he may be found a tbe usual hours. To Ex-Ck)nfederale Soldiere OF CRAVEN COUNTY. By an act of the General Assembly, Laws of 18(0, all ex-Confederate Soldiers who have become totally blind since the war are entitled to receive from the State Treasury ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS ANNUALLY for tbe term of their natural live paja able monthly. Apllicants for benefits under this Act must appear at the court house before a board consisting of the Clerk Sheriff and County Commissioners, on the first Mon day of tbe month, furuiah proof as to now be or mey lost tneir sigut, . . W. M. WATbON, C. S. C. , Southern1: : " Railway. . ThcjSUndard RaJlwaylot.lhS SOUTH The Direct Line to allolnta, k , Fr-OKIDA, CUISA. AND POIiTO RICO. Strictly Fimt-Class Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal ace Bleeping Oars oo all Night Trains Fast aud Safe Schedules - Travel by tbe Southern and you are sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi lious Journey. , . Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta nice, Males wnd Oonetal Information, or address F. It. DARBY, II. L. VERNON, o. P. I. a, T. P. a., Asheville, N. O Charlolle, N. C Frank S.Oannon, J. M. Cou, 3d V P A Gen lan. " " . Traf.Man W. A, Tchk, Q P A. WAF.::n:uTc-N. - D. c. It At bUI Vo:::r..n's Severest Trial. Uatl tmwtt MIS W SWISS! SruJ lu bm tb braacC da ess rhs erand. Today acuff al msskbaaa, pun, itb rural art aeal asiad ta avctdta by tKr tv1aet BMtM ks Metber'a Prtsad. chat wcwn iul anatMM auJt SvJ&aaa tT tb pnl e- oa a baa aona. k sad ramxSy. I ba h ate bv tmilt sad SaM wray a eta SttarnM atcsnaM, Vvtdirla, : taw, saraitea, br4 at iarg luat. Ta aanrtg o duUrra aeed a bwfer bt Vaa. blxWi Frkaa ba baa oM a ad by anodaen afl ret tba bad. Said at drag atans lor l a butk,se1T ta BWfWl Baraasw Oa, Atlasta. . Lodfce Directory. VICTORT rOCNCTL NO. II. JUNIOR OLA M-Meet ererr Wedaewiay aiaat In Uoea tree Hall. J M C'ommaader, C. CP Ban Hag, RS. NEW BKItN LOIMitt No. I. K II A C J V Sralea. Preel; J II Hmlth. Hecenllag rVc'y; K K guMley. riaaadal rWy alerts la lit KaU-hU or llaranar Hall every lit aad ltd Monday night la ea U atb. El'RKKA LODGE NO. T, I.-O O. P. OnVer J. U Woody. N O ( T. H. Huiien, V.t; w. I Mill, lire ii g nerty; t. it. PtrkenJr, Tress. Regular atreiiiig every Monday eight al ?;M0 o'clock. CRAVEN LOIK1K No. 1 KNIIIIT8 Or IIARMONTi Meets find and 4ik Tkorsdsr nlgHu In each month la Ronntree's Hall, Pollock atreet, at 8:00 o'clock. 8. K. Hall. President, Jam U. Salt k. Sery, K. 8 U 111, F. Bec'y. KNICI1TS OP IIONOa-Offlceni: K K Jones. IHclaior. O L Yiaaoa. lteoorier. W P Hooatree, flasnrlal Reportor riew uerne iKlga tta. 44g wee la the Inn aad eib PrMay nliiht it o'clock la llountree's Hall, rolioni street. 8T. JOHN'S LODOK, NO. A A. Y. A A. M.I OfflcersR B Prlmrnae, W l; George Green, 8 W; 0 D Hradbam, J W; l A ureea. Treasurer, w j I'ltta, srere lary; W W Clark. 8 D-.T O Ilvmaa. J D. Reenter Communlcailons fid VVedneada eacn monui. CALUMKT ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, I. O. O. r. Offlcerr n Hyman, C P; N C Hughes, U Pi A E HI board, 8 W: J L J W; C II nail, Scribe; B Oerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, Ml, Kru, ana otn(ii any) l nnraaiay Bights In each month at 7:80 o'clock. iinHimriLjAiivn n u i , , , k t)mer . (io. aiover, Captain; T. tt. Hy man, Uout.i P. II. I'alletler, Knattis ; W a. 3 Pitu. Clerk : Id. Uernrk. aeeovntant. Mea alar Cantonment, VI and 4th Tliarlay AMfni in mmvtn Bunn ia w irviac- w hbrnr cuariR no. al r. a. a. meem T. A. reei H. P, k.; T. W. Itewny, Serlbe; Unas. Puffy, Tream; C. .. It rail ham, 8eoiy. Rotrulae (ionvooa- ST. JOIIS'8 COMMANDKRV NO. la K.T.: Ofuoera:-!. W. I)wr. K.C.: Jaa. kailmond O.; T. U. Hrmau, u U j T, r. Me anilir, Prolale: R. a. Primroa. Hveorder. Hmcnlu Conelava trst aad Milrd rrinavt ol the monta. PKOr-tiSMIONAL. P. M. Almmeaa. A.D.Ward J. U, Pan, E. W. Pan. SIMfiONS, POU WARD. ATTORNEISaad COUNSELORS ,-- . LAW. , '. ' , trw BkBWK, aj. ft. ; OfBcJ (HI So. front Street, newly nppo- - site Hotel t'liHttawka. (Offices also at Raleigh and Hmithfleld ) pTBStlee In the aonntuni ol I Vavan, lnilln, Jon, Onalow, Carteret Pamlloo, Waka, jonnvton. tisrnen na wnaon; in utm an pram and Federal Court, and where servieo ara uuairwi. P. II. Pellet Irr, J ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyer Brit ' i Baildlag. . Will pcaeUe tn tb Coantle e Cravm -arteret, Jones, Onslow and Pant Iteo. U. B Court at New Barn and Buprem Coart e SiBUU. i .- . . . J ROMULUS A. NUNN, ITOBNIiT . JLX - KgW BERNE, -II. C Office: Opp-Hotel Claltawka. ' j-v South Front Street. ' Practice in North Carolina. FINANCIAL. T. A. ttrean, Praa, B.B. Meadow a, Ttee rret K.M.OBOVXS.CaaUar ' CITIZENS BANK '' .f OW JWMTW BSBKH, V. O. " DO A utMttML BASSIMa ' BUSINgfU ' Ths Aeeonats et Banks, Bankers, Cerpot aUona. rarinar. Hero ban ta and othera re selTed on lavorable terma. ITompt anil ean miatteaittongiTutourauuei'Sior ear ens mmer. coll. uon a opeoiauy . noABDorDianoToaa. ' Perdtnand Olrloh ' tt. II. MeadoWa, J. A. Meadows, Chun. Durty, Jr. Bamael W. Ipoek, ' Jauo.a Redmond, ChaAH.rowier, " . Haver Hahnjg J. W. Grainger, Tbomaa A.breaa, K. r.8mallwuo4, C.K.For. ttee. H.lva. W. P. Crookett. F. & t.I. BANK, MAT 1st, tSOS. ' Capital Stock,.-. . . ...... . . $ 74.000.0j Sarplan,......'. 8,500,00 Undivided Front,....... 4,025.00 OFr'WERS. ' L. II. OdtlxR Presulenl. s W. 8. Chadwick, Vice Pres. T. W. Dxwxy, Cashier. , , J. W. UtoOLB, Toller. F. F Matthxws. Collector. ": inUECTOHS: -Wm. B. Blades, M. M. Mark 0. D Brailhnm, P. H. PclletU r, ; L. II. t'tillcr, ; Jno. Suter, . W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Btewari, T. W.lDewey. We want your business and feci that we can olTcr you aa much in return as any other bank in the city. It ia our endeavor to make busincaa relations mut ually pleasant and proliublo to our patrons. '. tiwwwaa tlw.wW While in Ikiiuforl be sure and stop at t'.o niw'l Iloiise. Firnt-Cla.os Board A home for traveling people. Finish!? bihI Iniii-'ng ui;i'('t;!i! . Terms J l.?5 s :' y or j . : ; r v Llakc !!ay Vliilo ' We ara Agv&U far the ( tWLraUj DKERING JtO iVIIlXS Tbit cot tbowt bow compWtelv the operator. We refer you to Messrs. Joel Shuts, Ellis & Meadows, John F. ' ill IviSf Ipock, II. F. Ipock, James Spruill, J. T. House & Bro., W. S. Wyun, J E Haywood, to whom we have sold these Mowers. I all and sec theie machines or write to as for prices, terms, etc., Yours Truly, J- C- . WHITTT 60 CO. 8perwatonam. VtuitmtiA, Impotent, iswtMamhm& rmUU if mtii imH . twrUoH, tetaw rrrtwaiBt. worr 0rrworm i ett., and In aiieMtM of wobmii, atucii M Ptla, QtmorrluM, Leutorr, Wamkh TrotaW, Fmmt Wtakntm, ftttrOU, Jfwtwiiif Pam jbtM, Minm wal TnmttU. OirBIHiMartittwlTly VWeMl, n-eMP ffaUl t waT Bktjr aUkat CsaafL Bk keUrBmfl aV9aa. PROVE THIS IV ORDERIKQ A TRIAL TREATKEHT. ' sew REisi sra w Mat irmlnul mm a4lTlM lass aa tnV - a rilM7, mm yam mwm at M x mmammm. Mm CABtBSTVI. to tall mt an ro au akowt i mm mm yoar eaae, thmortbkur. Tour a, oraupatton and roll aortnwaj nama.suet an mmmw0 mm aomhnr, inwm. oowitf and alau. (VfeKKItrOflUKIVI MTH.ICTI.V SJOWVS. p mi bsSTIAX. If jmx aonept U'U iilrnr Tov will m pleuadbutOaoaaadi that wilt b j-, alwaji. Writ Wdar ta AiAl.VIMH mrii. CU 1 nanr.Ualtt. TRY FIRST BUY AFTERWARDS. THE NEW BERN FIRE 0P NEW CAPITAls, tTLX)E8 A GENERAL T A GREEN, President, GK0BOK GREEK, Hecretary. M L' HOLLOWtLL, Crn'l Agent.' Ofleew 0?IR CITlXKlfS BAftl vn ' CLOVER HILL" BUTTER I I ; FAnOUff -fTH R0UQ H OUT; ; THE WORLD; JNd. DUNN'S IVrfvct Butler In a ; PriVt Pacltage. It Titers L'rlrr tho Sun Shines. KIW-IWiiiX AND HAY BAKjCS. the Mower it under tba oodLtoI of v- Kinsey, A. 1). Kawla, Geo. Dees, M. M. Humphrey, J. IL ( rorowell, Sam'l W. a. e r:.zc:ci::E advices rou- MEN and WOMEN. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., BERN, N. C? $5O,O0OtO0 FIUK IN8URANCK BCSlNEfla t W. B. BLADES, I Vioe-Preea. I Ivrrywhcre."