Tb Kin Tern Have Alwaya Uought, and Um:1i hM bre in dm foe- orrr SO ymtr, I'M fcoma the al;-nuliir of -f kl Uf llff Ml ff yJ-f - nual aorwrvUIoa since IUlXuM-y. SOtXtiX Allow naoMto 4 Ivo )tM In tbta. AU ConaUirMU, ImIUU hii u4 BUUltc ara but Ki i .c i t lunula that trUlo nitli ftttU cniUkr r the healtn of lufkaU ud CkiUrea- Kir-rt ioiuit eg-lMt llipcrlmeat, What is CASTORIA CuUrU U wMiiklt r.-f Canf.ir 0;i,"lkN-rte, Prepe . 4 Hnotkia; rJjrMi. It la ILtriMloNa aad l'kmiuuit. II . coaiUlkYtf (mJUwit Opl'iiu, MirikltMi nor 6 liter Xareotlo uliktanca. 1U ag I ltd s.-iukrankar. II A-mtroj Warms aa.4 fcllayo l-'crerULaree. It mrr llUrrlmai mm! AT lad Otic It rrllTe Tettalur TrouMi-a, eurea CoaaUpvUo 4 FUtuWnry. It ajwlmlbUr the KooJ. rrerwUlee ik tUouuu-h and llowcU, giving laUa fc4 natural alee. " 1 k CklMrWe IVaiMHM-Tk Uothnr'a Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS t I Bears tho AW atatataTaatatatata The Kind You Haio Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ftif tn-MM wwmih. rt auMMf snart. mwm tmm rrr. J WILMINQTON ft WpLDON R. R. 1" And Brachet, -i ' i 4 AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. ' eoMDKNStCD tCHKDUtl. . TRAINS GOING 80UTIL Hay. . W. e. o. 6S -j tea o 7, S aft ac, - ' .u p u p75. a.m p.m! L. Waldon II 60 43 Ar. R..IU.. li 6A 10 3d .... t. Tarb.in Vi 21 . ... t 01) Lv. K lit. i on io m mr 5 i ta bs Lt. Wilaott I II 14 1 111 li t W L. Hln. 2 M It 57 L Fay'vllk 4 I lu ..... ..... Ar.rtoranoi 7 25 3 15. .., P.M. A.M I i .1 --. . .1. .1 III I Ml III Ar. Uuldi... 7 8U .... Lt, Guldii... .... 7 01 8 21 Lt. Mai'lU i ... 8 08 4 85 ArWilm'luo .... ..If .... 9 43 5 ftO l: P. M. II J P. M. : TKAIN3 OOINU NORTH. - -r !.: . 2! v 2" "6i ar.i ko an 5 " A U PM , Lv.Floreuoe 9 40 .... 7 4ti L' Fay'Tilki li i ... . 43 LT.ftelma.. I 50 10 S3 Ar. WUao t fe Il M ' '' A II. ' " P. M A.M. LrWIImW v... 7 00 0 05 Lt. Ma'lia .... ".. .... 8 24 10 63 Lt. Gold... ..... 5 15 .... 45 18 80 ' . P. M A.M. P. il. P. If j Lt. Wilaou 2 85 8 4a 11 81 10 38 1 IB Af. R. ail.. 8 80 8 15 18 0J II 85 1 68 Ar. Tarbof. H 7M ."il 7. "J Lf.Tarb.ir.. 18 21 .... ..... ..... Lt. a u. 3 so . ... ia Oil .... ..... Ar. W.IJ.ui 4 88 1 00 .... i'.M A.M ' Train ua tha Bcotlaod Meek Branch Boad Iwhi A'tddoo 8 85 p m, Ualifax 4 15 p lu. airivm Smtlaiid Nck at 5 08 p m, unwnruie o ai p (u, K.ioaton 7 oo p m. Ketu.-Diug kiavi-j Kiniton 7 Ml a n OreanTUla tNin. arriving ualifax at lllSaoi, Waklott Una a ov, dally ex oent Hundav. ' Traiui on Waalilogtoa Branch leaye Waauinglon 8 80 a m aod 3 80d to. ar- i1t Paroude 810 am, and 4 00 p in, re taining leare Parmele 9 85 a m and 8 80 p m arrive Washington II 00 a m aad 7 20 p m, dally nicepi Sunday. ' Train learea Tarboro, M 0, daily except Sunday 5 80 p n, Sunday, 4 18 p m, ar rive Plymouth 7 40 n m, 8 10 e M. Re turning, leavea Plymouth daily except uunaay, i an a m, ana nunaay uu a n, arrive Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a n. IVain oa Midland; M 0 Branch leaTea Ooidaboro dally, except Bundar. 7 OS id, arrlvioe BmilhSeld 8 10 B. liatura in ImiTia Smithfield 800 a m; arrirea at uoiaaboro uiuam. . . Tralua on Naahrille Branch leaToa Rocky Mount at 9 80 a ai, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 a m. 4u3nn. Sprinc Hope 10 40 a m, 4 25 p m Returning leave Bpiing linpv 11 00 a ta, 4 55 p m, Nash ville II 24a m. arrive atRockv Mouat 11 45 a in, 8 00 p m, daily except Sunday, Train on Clinton Branch leaves War eaw lor Clinton daily, except Sundar 8 10 a m and 4 15 p in, Retntning leavea Ointnn illOOam an. I II) Mlnin Train No 7H makea clnee coanoctioa at "VVuMoa for all points North daily all ml via Iflchmond. . f - 4 U M EMERSON. ' & t ' i .i QealPtMAgont j K hcni.t,-uen'i Mnfgr, -T M KMEIiMON, TraiauHanager. CAvtnU, ami Tradc-Mrkiobtiicl aixi nil I'at till lrtl;inCS9l ContitiClcU for MOOFRATC Ft Ctk. Oo OrncciB owositc U.S.Patcnt Orrics 4uJ we rao trnire itent ia less tunc Uun Lhou: icmuie 1 1 inn r iu.itinttvai. Scntl matiel, rtrawiwir or ptinhw. with dracrip- thMt. We adisct il patentable or aot. free ol hirC Our frt not du till rvitent 14 sccwrcdi A Pa m p4 LPT, How to Oot tin Fteot," with LU( jI Matte in the y.S. um! iorein countries pATmT Ori-tei, WsaHiNaron. C. Signaturo of sum - A. A IV. C, B. IL i t tnet xaui o. 7. la Taka Effect Paaday, Uo. 8, 1898 at 18CH. ' Qoiac Eaat SohwoUi Oolag Weal Ha. I Paaaenger Tralaa . No. 4 L. pa tranom: Ar. a m 140 Ooidaboro ...1105 4 08 LaUraure 10 88 l.....f ; .Klaatoa.... 1013 40 Ar. New Beraa. Lt.. .... 9 00 8M......I.T. , .", f , Ar...... 8 87 7 08.. ..Ar. Morebaad city Lt 7 47 No. 8,1 No. 8.1 Mx'4 yi tranoiBK If I'd Ptand rata To. l'aaa Ta. Lr. a. M. Ar. r. u. 710.....: 7 43...... ...Ooidaboro., .....Beat's.... 8 58 ... 113 ... 143 ...113 ...13 58 ...1168 8 08 .... ....LaOrange.. 8 20...... ..Falling Greek 914 Klnatoa... 8 25........,..llaweU... 10 15............ Dover... ...1140 ...1040 10 40 Core Creek. 11 15,.,,...Turarora.. ...10 18 11 8l.........v.ClarU .,.1000 12 05.. .New BertM...... 180 A'J". Itoada. Wednesday, Friday. t Tuesday, Thursday Saturday. '.- ,t. ' : No. 1. 4 1 ' I No,,a : Mx't Ft. aad I Paaa.Ta. aU'dtXand RATiom: Paam.Ta. - Ur.mS A, ia 719 .. Ooidaboro...... ... 813 7 43... ....... ...Best's.. 7 33 808 ...LaGranre.... 70S 88... ...Falling Creek......... 88 914...........Kinatoa,.... 813 88..... .....osaweil.. ........ 1 18 9 40,.;.4.Ar. Dover, Lt.. ...... 600 1015........LT. , Ar.....;.. 40 10 40. . .Cure Creek. ... . . . . . . 4 11 15.... ;Tuacarora.......... S88 1181., .....Olarka ...... .... S 20 (8 0S .....Ar. NewBerne,LT...... 3 60 t 80. 'Lt.''' '-: Ar. .....10 47 1 19......... Riverdale . ...... ,.sl0 10 0. .......... oroataa .......... .10 00 ItS.r........ Havelock. ......... 940 8 12........ Newport, Lt....... 908 8 2S..........WUdwood... ....... 8 47 3 81 ......Atlantic........... 8 88 S 48.. . . Ar. Morehead city, Lt. . . . . 8 20 4 01. . , .Ar. If. dty Depot, Lt 7 60 r. a. a. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, fluoeday, Thursday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, BuparinU.ideBL A.tlanlle Const Line. WimufQTOH ft Niw Bisss R. B. - TIM 8 TABLI HO. 6, In Elf eel Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1886Daily Eioept Sunday. . doing South 80BKDULI: Going North , Na. 51, raaaenger Trains No. 60, Lt. a m, 900..... 9 88, .... 981 ,. 18 08..:. 12 08. ' btations: Ar. p U ,; New Berne ........ 6 40 ,,Pollockiville 604 4 49 ....Uayaville. ,. ..Jacksonville.. Wilininfrton, , Union Depot J .' ' WUmingtoni Lt. 413 382 U15 r m .Ar. 326 r No. a, Pasbknqkb ft Feuqbt, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wedni day and Friday, Leave New Bern Tues day, Thursday and Saturday,. Lt. am Ar. r 7 80.....LT. Wilmlngtoa, Ar..... 145 40.;..'.-. .;.Scott'sUiU,........18 55 9 80.... . .. WcMMlside 10 05... Hollyridge ... 10 51 Dixon....... 11 211.... Verona , I'i 05. ....... . Jacksonville. . , 12 JO.... .....Nortiieasi...... il 65 Whilerak ..... 1 ).......,.. I'njrsvllle ..... 9 15. Pollocksville.... 2&S Debruiil'a... . 3 40 Ar. New Berne, Lt. 19 15 1140 10S1 10 20 9 45 855 880 8 05 780 . 8 85 . 800 'Daily Except Sundar. , J. K. KEKLY, Ueoerai alaoayer, 608DEM, t:upt.Trn p Uon , a kr4 t m ArW. .Ml ,M rA. M fc. . W al i tk Oars Ika are Ik ' Ik rtrm mmj bs aofl ikraaak (kaaar- bi at kto warn. Kfca and at MiS.n Ik fear. A k U raa Ik wl I II It, kU the r THE FINGER TIP3. TtMtr a.kakU Taloa ta Ik M taaallM a Crtaataala. Ia letectire aorela Ban prlats left by crlmlnala, preferably ia bloo4.'ptay tmporlaat part, ant trota inraa than acttoa ta tha tart that tha ftnf print arateaa of IdeatifTtBC eriaslaaki la India has baaa aadeeo nerfect that It would eaabU any intelll- geat peraoa la a fw aaiaatea to diatla- giaa the lndivkloai. u iciaaary. noea all other pmone now living la tha worid. or, U data were avalUUa, from allotber parsons who hare lived since the creation of aiaa. .' Tha aratem ia siapUcity ItaeU. aad tbere Is none of tha elaboration of pros ess or the costly aad delicate machinery reqnlred for the aathropometrie ayatara. All that It aeeded ta a pier of tin, a sheet of taper and some printers ink. Ths Inked lmpreealuoa of the tea digits are taken and Bled la the proper oom nartment of Ike proper plreonh.-Je, and It la oa the clanincatluarof recoroa ana their distribution into the pigeon half that toe aacceas of the tratvan depend. Every finger mark shows lines of ths "looo." or tha "whorl" typo, and by simple table of tha combinations of these types la the tea digits 1.084 mala classes are msda. These are sgala sob- diTided according to minor detail and the subdivisions caa be farther diTtaea ad Infinltam if Bsc senary, bnt with the table before him any person of ordinary Intelligence caa place bis finger oa the eorrespoading card to a record in his band within Ore minutes, no matter how many tbooaand cards there may be. It is calculated that lb chances are about 84,000,000 to I against any two persona having single fingers Identical, and the chances against all tea fingers being identical go beyond BMtbematics aitogeuor. , i - ; , The row)' at hakeaaeare. Aa old Latin saying. Laodant qaod Boa IntelUgnnt (They praise what they do not anderstand). was once Illustrat ed by an English toarist who happened Into tbe Lutheran church at fiJalDors oas Bundar morning. Ths toarist did not know a word of the Danish lan guage, but he wrote: "The clergyman had a aulet earnestness of manner and persuasive eloquence that pleased and attracted. I admired tbe discoarsa, ai tboogh I did not understand a word of it" Tbe book from which wa bare copied this Illustration of a common practice tells the following amusing toryof a Dutch sudience listening to one of Bhaktaoeare's plays: I wul tell too, snch is da powers of de Shakespeare, that I Tnace saw play de treat man acted la Angllsb, la Hol land, where der vaa not run person la allde boose bat myself could ooder- stood It yet dere raa not a peraoa la all dat bouse but Tat vaa in tears oat is. all crying, blowing da nose and Teep very mooch; coaVia't eaderstoad Ton Tard of de play, yet all reeping. Bock was de powers of de Bbakeapearel What Aa Opened On. 'Brothers and slaters," began the old parson, "I shall not choose any partico lar text thia moral og, bat shall preach from where I opea the book, and, ao matter where, I shall find tha wrath that is to coma npoa the wicked, who will be cot off when they have ahoffled off this mortal coil. It Is now opea. and'Wii.rV jy.'. Here the parson was interrupted by deacon who had been asleep, and beat ing tbe words open, cot and shuffle, for got himself and cried oat "It's yoarsi what did you opea oar The surprise of tha good man In tha pulpit was great but the deacon col- la peed when the reply came, "It is open- ad oa Kings. "Atlanta Constitution. !' :: A Card af Thanks. I wish to ssy that I feel under lasting obligations for what . Chamberlain1 Cough Remedy has done for oor family. We hare used It la so. many cases of coughs, long troubles and whooping cough, and It hss always given the most perfect satisfaction, wa feel' greatly Indebted to the mansfactorers of . this remedy and wish them to please accept our hesity thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. 8. Doty, Des Moines, lows. For sale by F. 8. Duffy A Co. Druggists. lAnt Your City Taxes Ton are hereby notified that the time for Tax Listing is nesr at hand. The books will be open in the City Tax Col lector's Office on the 1st day of June 1899, and will continue open until tie 31st, for the purpose of lecelving your Hals. Hours from 9 a m to 5 p m Don't fall to attend to this under pen' ally of the law. .-: - :. " : -, ' J- J- Tolsow, . City Tax Collector. Ail k-4 Vk , ! ImM Ik m ia a Tt-i l M Im, kar Ika. wvat ktat ! kar diaj ; TWa .-! kaan fck I lag at kk) krM Hn4 kask wm 'IiUi u.aha. ( ka. "Cxki. aa hiltarmlkuar AhMiiianM k nliaiil 04 bar Urn aw H Si II laaM la ik Mr wavvkar tm a nwn ai.l H ka ni ta k - m-t Sad ) Maaaaa trial glMiaiMMa, Ooa aaia fcr kakla. iimibh a Mna ad di. Wars Ik "I II " -tin t umil Notice to Tax-Llctcr5 I Owners of property are requested to list tl'i'ir prnporty as early after the lnt day o( June as poeaihie, so that they may be nouiled of any change in the valua tion of ssnie. and io expedite Hie com pletion of the Iht lt is f "rticiili ..fly desired that city nuiiiboa on liont xan.l name of street be given ia eyiry o.-e. E. W. F ',TU CCD, C i. . .. C. C ..' S S Si Is t Crcit Ei -ssr j t3 c:ir;:;:3. HD:$Tt:a f.:j E!::l v.i U!3. f ? tog their tha rveaedy which will k-r Uawr eytkkma young, by rnirtfytog fttUoot, big new atrragvh and life to the whota heir. It hows tbe apiaHiia. bali'te np tK wflr. and arada new llf rirlng b'd thrnoRhout Um eatir sral.vn Mr, horoh Pike. 4T7 Broadway. Hmith rVatoa. writes ! lam sevwity rvora old. and had not eojnred good beatlh t imi. 1 vaa airk ra diffwviit vara, and ia VP 1 aiUitino f xl Fivms J, dorkrw aaid that on account of any age. I would new bs 1 - i ll airjua. 1 took a doara but t lea of S S. & aad it eared s w -oomplcieJr. and I aia harry to any ttiat I fl an irli as I ever d. J In my U(. -4aa. Xr. J. W. Loving, of Colquitt. Oa., eon yeara I sulnwea sorrurea i m b aVla. I tried alrorM orary hnowa failed ona by one, and I was tol l thai my mr. vm as dxtr all wa ogmlnet me. and that I imild nover bopo to be woU again. I Anally took & & S.. and it clranaed my HitH tborooghly, aad now I a -a in perfect health. O. 0. 0. FOR THE BLOOD is tha only remedy which caa boild no and strengthen old people, beoauasit is tha only ona which is guaranteed . r ' ..w - arnui nl nttirr da marina -Ib-l ftkimada from' roota and la it 8 8 8. earea tha worst cases of Tetter, C.Soreo. Chrocic U A LITTLE DOES MUCH. Beosa, Iowa, Dee. He caa ton wka I km mdarvd ta Ik paat Ma J'm wltk mJ ,t"'' lcs aaa. W.ll. nliai ao!oJ aronjr, a trMad eallMl aaa roamsndS Wis t Oardal. I ml lor a bottM, and Oh I wkst altol. Attar to. Srat doa I bsa to lost batur and kav kad do pala sine. - aUUS. OBAC1 LAMPBSU. Mi i mof Cardul not only cura but It arts AT ONCE. Iter b tens of ten vara' standing, and yet on tingle dose made tbe sufferer fed better, and stormed the pain. The Wins roes ttraieht to the sett of the trouble. II acts direaiy upon the menstnufind genital organs. Its action Is not violent, and it does not force a restut. It simply rivet Nature that httle tssistance that ths sufferer's syem hcks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when ths Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish is t matter of course. A woman can bs her own physician and aire herself at home. Local ex- aminations are hugely thintrsof ths hi Uliir AtVltttf KMITatlT. ToclTto. ta a riulrtti. iprtal BnTtiona, Harm, sT,nK "Tmri IT an' lay, TwrlUTT.M Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. Accidents Will Happen Io the best regulated families, es pecially to those that never secure our Prices on Bicycles and Sundries before purchasing for lt never happened berore La'lies. Pork raage. Hie bi-st auJ fat tha bargains could ever be secured as J ,el. jj Bte tUwk gc, Biewlug Beef low on vuellly and Blyie aa wan ua. new Uicyolea. atrong, nicety nnisnea nttea with uartrora 1 ires r r tuooo on unto 850 00. Cbainlees 860 and 975 00. Second band Bicycle from $5 up. Wood Handle tsars 700. Double Tube urea 1 75, Saddles from 75c op. Lamps from 50c to. 3295.. Built up wbrels. plete leaa Urea, front 82 50. rear 12 75, Inner Tubes 65o and 8100. Sewing machine oil 6o and 10c Edison Phonograph. S3000. records SOOdoseo. RASKINS' CYCLE lOMPASI." '' Floaters Building, K , k - X WILL JOIN 11)0 HEN ! In giving $100 00 EACH TO START A boTTON FACTORY IN DR! "SEAR NEW BERN. "V.:, jir 'i t :i.t. --iim t urn' t . i. -rjf-Also don't forget I bars the j ' ' BEST BEER ON ' EARTH : BOTTLED AND ON DRAUGHT. J.F.TAYLOR Palace Saloon. BARRED OUT! Kvery oonceiVHhle nuisance i when your windows and doors are pro tec.ud with our well maiie and handsome Hy Prool WlUK HCREKN4. Flt. moKniiitos or insects of any kind. trnrDpfl and the Ismily doj?" or cals can he kef 1 1 out by their use. We bare iliem in all j sizes, and they are easily adjusted and hamiled. ' , j Cleuts and Wostenholm Razors. ' l .'ir . -rn'nrs and everything in the Iluruwaie Line. f J U Xj L. ft.vitriii k.aul lu UL UUliLU oUrpeni4e oka he avnsJxL i.ia-iy TMOle are wry s-tTM rjhl io lila, L,, 11 la rknl)v a Ml I Pv k blond pare thev can fortify Uwemm s.es la aenapa uirpnriA im tmm wiimb which tbey suffer ao iraaanily. 8.1S.S terriKlv oa ooa of aiT kia . Tha sny: -ror eiKkt. urwj -,u...-. remdy. but they herbe, and baa ao chomirala wriatarar Scrofula, lancer. rwne KheumaUesa, 'ZT 1 Z: , Atlanta. Go. M. Ck past the obnoxious custom a no longer necessary. Wine of Cardui is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable Wine made to-day for the curt of " female troubles . v. PI v kerp hKsts on har.d Hard Brick, i j,. All kindi nf DtT Ptove Wnml under l.rj hl.ed. it never rtts wet in iinv westher. A qurter-cord suarantred to tnei-'HU. nana niaa.Qf ait aningiea. B'jyKics ard nlcvcle . , , . , II(.uss al av8 to let. A large stock of Groceries, Fhiur and Meat Cues per than -any man. Post for fen.-mg i. ... We aell al above mentioned at the Cheape.-t Prices. BIU HILL; Ths Stoi!6 Man. FOR BONE USE Cletin, pnre wholesome, guaranteed to he chemically made from distilled water aod free irom impurities, bpccially in Nnded and prepared for human con tumptlon. - t i Ice delivered daily (except. Sundays) 8 am ma p uu. t - .; , Sundays (retail only) 7 a m to 12 noon, JTor prices ana other information, i t Address,-' New Berne Ice Co., a 8. GUION, Maxaom., . . ta read- to do auick work. . It J you fault If voa don't have your laundry ilone well. Let us call for your next hundle. We make your collars firm aud stiff anil they are not worn out on a irsshhoard. VVe can please you if you will In us. Patronize a home laundry Il will he a erest help to our home peo ple, besides it gives employment to rur home people. Tbis is something ought Io be rememlwred. Keep your money st home. All of t his is said with pros perity and progress, aonrs truly, . " NEW REIIN '" LAUKDKY, J. E. DAYBCRRY. Man. TSetlce, IV rf i! I have a few buslicls of Kin? Cotton Seed. Isat least two weeks earlier than our common cotton and yields well from field and turns out well from pin. I oon hdcntlv reenmmc" 1 mr fr.rm.-r friends to use it. l'ii'-e r bnm-l. ctaf m IGB THE'STEAM LAUNDRY J. T EI77 0 11 J I I U 11 II HI ' DEALXn in - ' Haidwaie and Fuc Aim aaa. Doors sod Bnada, raiata, O.U, C.iI. Lisr, txr. iKfitfsr CirliiiSliifik KiiRfi ll IfTM'l, 111 IflJ liMtfk' KtlDT MIXI0 rillTS. UaaWr Hotel CkslUwka, NEW ItF.ItiV N. c. A GOOD Tll'j To the maa that weald bs drssssd well I aad charocierialkiaUy, and a style thai dUilnrtlTo froaa tha raadr rkahlng aau. wa will giro bias freely. Wa will aiaka a sail of ctotbtna tram ex- elaalva st Tie la Baa labrics that will bs perfrcl BiUng aaa exquisitely naieawa. I rrtoes toot era oiiraouve as v kHblng- . F. M. Chadwlck, Middle straot N EW BERN, N. O Henry's Pharmacy 127 Middla Street, NEW BERN, NORTH OAROLINA. Tha bast known Skin and Blood Rem edy, for tbe corn of Pimples, Postulra, letter or Den itueom, oioicaea, aoHin, Bolls. King Worm, Ubeamalism, c, la , : HENRY'S COH POUND " EXTRACT OP 5A R5APARILLA . WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of tha blood, act. tn thrmiKh Ilia natural secretary and eicreury organs removing llwae mailers which diatorb its purity. Hen ry's Bareanarilla ia nut MP to meet polar aeea tor auca a retneay, wiiikhii ins related to the many secret nos trums sad quack medicines of the day of unknown eompositina. It contains Just what the formula calls for as print! io on the label of each bottle and arils for one half the pik-e charred fo. unknown compositions. For Sale at Henry's Pharmacy, where you will find Combo, Tooth tsrusnes, T ones niucies. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. REAL ESTATEAGENCY Houses sod Lots For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirsbla Homes and Tenements that will prove a fine Invest meat. Callectlea af Rests a Specially. Office at residence, 17 Johnson street 12. XL UABFEB. STEAMERS- EAHTEIXW CAROLINA DISPATCH- AND- LINE, FREIGHT & PASSE1QKE. For All Points North. The Steamer NEUSE will loare on Moudaji, Wednesdays, and tfridaji at 0 p. ni.,khaii. The Str. Newberne Will sail on Toeadaji snd Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon., making laud- log at all wa; Utiona. ' ty Freight receired Mt , Latai tLarr one hour previous to sailing. For farther information apply to. ' GEO. HENDERSON, Agt U, K. King, Gen. Mgr., Q.O. IlnDGiNfl.Gen.Frta Pas.Agt : . Norfolk, Va. New Berne. N. O., Hay 30th, 1898. CoiumlrolonerV Male ! Nobtu Cabouma. l Soperier Court. Cbavkm Coustt. j Spring Term, 99 Isaac U Smith to. Giles Edwards aad ' Ella Edward-, bis wife. By virtue of a certam judgment ren dered at the May Term, 1809, of Craven Suuerlor Court in tbe above entitled ac tion aa commissioner I will offer for sal at public vendue for cash at the court house In New Bern on Monday tbe Srd day of July 1809 at 13 o'clock m. tbe following described lot of land lying and beioe Id the city of New Pern In that portion of the citr commonly known ReiKeusteinville ou the west side of Mil ler street at the northeast corner of lot No. 49 and running thence north along Miller street to the southeast corner of lot No 45 thence West along the south ern line of lot No 45 to tbe nortbeaat corner of lot No 46, thence south along the eastern line of lot No 46 to the south east corner of said lot, thence east along the north line of lot Ho 39 to the begin ning on Miller street, It being that certain lot of land plotted and laid off in the man of the said portion of the aaid city of New bern known aa heizenstein- vilio and reriitered in the ofiice of th li. (-inter of l)ce.ls of said county In book No 1 r, rsi"s 68 and 67 to which reference is u le. iai'UArt, O'HARA, t'-nmmissloner. This 8 J dy of June, 1 J. NOTICE OF 8 ALE! ,a.uiblgviM'jrrah A Hal .. Aim H HuiWaav. el at a I tKI tt'kkak.ra4 Atakkrr J K) SM. liar uastfki aa rn man mi l am . uaxt Ue Oum i to- ray , at IS i-rkv. a . mi 4M. ike Bid dat .4 J4r S! w Ita ki Ur4 I. id ).-f lv c lk UAVvm mf O tin aaa lain sMoaa la berliUrWw Url. tlana raaanl. N. I' , sijoug Ik fcuMia rt Aaa . frMHwid kal oiWra. hegiaaiag a a kw.4 m the karth skAvaf craoh.d stia.1 lal fret fkl of tha ksamU T CrAedabd H l sirvete. raaairf tVSKwaaiai kloag fruuked aliart aal.ei Ik, ao. ourlhwaidly aod rmlM ua. is.a-viuua asrrrt 17a leal: ibMa tadiyaod parslk-l wuk t rmAed stnetMir,!, Uato, snaibaardly ok4 rIM auk cMaud alrvvl 170 fee la Ik la,Uhliri hrlag tha bm law s rwM-d k) Hicha-d C haAer aod w.la tu lk a U uks, kr need k nag daU of Uikk.U K4. is.fi, end reeaedtd la Uo.4 b 97, V,4n 4t nf tke kuklic ia- rals i4 W I is vet, Coasi) ; briag loeasav MM l.y aal i4 veil Ikrau ikfcra aaa wtie I VbbM. Ii"t- brfiay, rial. 4 way I Ilk. Maad a.d- la tv.a ko 12a, rmia u mJ I aUta larmtlo. l kU rack aT or May. iota. HAfHAEL UIUKA. Uamiklk4H-r. Kxrrutorn Male! Br i In) of aa order o4aieJ oa 8lrf 4 of kUr IW8, la a spacial proracdlug .lot thartirii litha dupatkif Cuuil of Cravrai aaaaiy. North Oarallna, la aa a Uoa eaUUrd Jno O Joyarr, EaMUka- UwthHII rssfurd agaio Julia Baiith, tha aadenitsail a ill ua tha 3d day of July imr, st 13 o'clock aa, at the Court Mouos door or UraTea eoanlT in tbe cut of New Bern, srH st public suetioa to tha hlghast bidder far aneh, tha follow ing aVacribrd land: beginning at tha south w eete.ru eoroei of Fanny Uouais lot oa (Jorea strrat and running west wardly along (jueen street 80 feet to Christopher ." Luptoo's line, tbsoca Borthwarrily along said Luploa's line CO feel to TW iewey's line, thence esat- wardly along T W Dewey's line 80 feet Io Fanny Houaia line, thence south- wsntly along ranny Uouxia line to the beeinnlng oa Quera street, being tha same land oa which V A Crawford resi ded at tbe time of hia death with oil Improvemei ti thereon. JoneSnil, ltw, JNO. O. JOYNER, Elector. i W Quinerly and Bros , I Ts. v notice. K B Moye. ) By virtue of so execution to me direc ted from the Superior Court of Pitt county la the above entitled acllna I will evil to the higbeat bidder for Oaah at tha Court Mouse door ia Iba city nf New Bern on First Monday of July 1808. It being tbe Srd day of aaid month, all tha right, title and Interest of Mrs K B itoye wines was neia oy ner at toe date or tbe Judgment in aaid action and at tha dale of said aale, in and to tbe following .real property, situated on the nortu side of Neuse liver, near Maple Cypress known aa "The Buck Neck Farm" and containing 800 acres more or lets, more fully described in a deed from W B Move to Ik B Hoya as follows: Hounded on tbe noith by Bay Bush Pocoaio, oa the east by the lands formerly belonging to f reeman uarna, on the aoutn by ins lands of Jsmes Henrahan, on the weet by the land of Jno Gaskins; said deed recorded In Book No. 106, pagea 19 and 80, public records of Craven. To satisfy kid execution. Time of sale 19 o cluck U. JOB. L. IIAilN, Sheriff, Craven Co. New Bern, N 0, May 81st, 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified aa .adminis trator cum teatamento annexo of tbe es tate of Rosanna Ward, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims agalat tbe said estate to present tbe same to tho undersigned duly veri fied, on or before the 29th day of May 1000, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to tbe said estate 'III please, make Immediate settlement. This 89th day of May, 1809. t. f. McCarthy. " Administrator, 0. T. A. J E dl R O'Hara, Attorneys. Exeeutors Notlee. Having qualified as executor of Mary U...4U. U.m Hu.Lm J J lata of Craven county, this is to notify all persons having claims against tho es tate or aaid deceased to present tnem to tbe underlined on or before tbe 8d day of May. 1900, or this notice will be plead In bar or tneir recovery, ah persona indebted to said eatals will plesss , make Immediate paymenta. k, vy. UAKrartT&K, ttxecuior. May 8, 1899. . j Executrix Notice. Haying qualifled as Executrix of Zoo ; cheus T, Brown, deceased, late of Craven oooaty, this Is to notify all persons bating claims against tbe estate of said deceased to present them to the under signed on or before the 18lh day of May, two or uus aoiioe wtu do pieaa ta Per of their lecoyery. s AU persons indebted lo said estate will plesss make immediate payment L. , t : , . Jtrrr. K. Alarum, May 18, 1899., Executrix. i Executrix Bf otlce I ; ' ' Having qualified aa eiecutrix of A. 1.' Marshall, deceased late of Craven cotin- ' ty, N. O., this Is to notify all persona having claims against the estate or me , said deceased to exhibit them to tbe on dersigned on or before tbe 23nd day of . May. luuu, or tots notice win be piean ia bar of their recovery. AU persons lav - AetttmA Ia th niil A.l.laa.111 nlA naaha imrrediate payment . . This land day or May IfW. H ESSIE MARSHALL. i .;' :-,... . . , ., , ... Kxecutrix. ' ' R. W. Williamson. Attornev. .. KOTICB OF lilSSOLUTJOS. . The firm of J. H. Crabtree & Co., bar ing been dissolved by the death of John' H. Crabtree, all persons indebted to said -Arm are reouested to - aiake immediate settlement with ths undersigned, and all -debts duo by the firm will be paid by them as surviving partners of Skid firm, . lay 24tn, ltwa. - . . P. A. . WILLIS, i.-.,n. , .: W. A. MolNTOSBv ." , , . Notice bt Dissolution. The firm of McDanlcl & Gaskill Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Jo seph Gaskill withdrawing ; therefrom. having sold his interest to J. U McLao-' lei, who assumes all the liabilities of tbe firm. All persons holding claims against ' the Arm will present Iheru to him for . payment All persona indebted to ihe , tirni are requested to come forward and, settle at once. J. L. JicDANlt L, tay 4, 15J. J0&1JH GASKILL. "' lvmv.wiw

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