lisp's a l -1 r; 'ft An Excellent Combination. Tb plraiaot Barthod sad WocBrUl effect oi lhe well kaowa remedy. brmvt or Five, snanefactered by tha C'ALiruuriA Fie trmp Co.. illuaire. toe vala of obtaining the liquid lux ttra principle of plant known t be merli.mul'y kratfia and macatinf V.tem in tho fona mart irfreehins; both, teste and ancepsabie to the arMora. It la the ono perfect ttvngthviiinT lae tie, ck-an-un'? tbe inU'O effectually, dprlliii? edd. hradarhr and fever pently vet prnmirtly and enobllnit on to overirene habitual constipation per manently. I to perfect freedom bun ervrj objectionable quality ad enb- tUDM, and It acting oa to kidney, liver ami bowvla. without weakening or Irritating- them, make it the kiael l&KAlira. la the prooaai of neonrectwrliit Bea ara aaad, a they are pleasant to the taste, bat tua medicinal qualities ol the remedy ara obtained frrwa acuaa and other aromatic piiuU. by a method known to tbe Cturoaaia Fw (iTBtrr Co. only. la order to get ita beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, please reuieiuber t he full name of the Company printed on Uia front of very paukejre. CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP Ca eta raaaoiaoo, oik lOCTBTIUJi. ST. KW YOB. . Y. I'm sale l. all IuiiflaM. Price fas. scran THE JOURNAL. Mew Ben, N. C Jim 11, 188. KW tDTHTMIIHT. II D Duffy Cone!. Rarfoot 8bo specials. Brtdbtm Peach cream. 0 N Eanetl Hammocks. 0 Mark Co-Good June news. 1 Roseuhaaai Wktt't In a asm. Business Locals. A FULL tupply of GripnophODei and Record la Mock. Priors; Grspbo phoue S5 to 1 25. Record (3 lo 8 per dozen. The onl- perfect llking Da chins. Alto full line of Columbia, Bart ford and Vedette Bicycle. Bicycle Sundries of ail kiodi, Ac Phone 1. Wm. T Hill. TUX fioett Beer alwiyt on draught, al J tooa'a, Middle 81-eet. Oood for your digestion. Brad, ham's Lemon Phosphates. Tour prescription If brought to a to be filled, will be girea oar moot careful attention, and will be filled with Drop nc Chemical a para tni fresh at tht old reliable bourn can furnish us. DtU' Prescription Pharmacy. Try Olelue soap for washing fltaael rnd wath good, the only soap oa tht market I bat will not shrink the good, tk a cake at F 8 Duffy Co'. Tbe best headache remedy It Ctlery Headache Powder, made tad told al Davit' Prescription Phtrmtcy. This week Pineapple Snow aod Peach Cream will hi served to suit the most fastidious tastes at Bradham's Fountain 5c. Fine selection of Stall Fed Beef way J in tupply tt Oik Market. Fine lot of Smithfield Html jutt re ceived tt tbe Oak Market. Sliced htm, to suit purchasers, tt Otki Market. J. R, Parker, Jr., ht jutt received nice lot of Portsmouth mullets. A fresh lot of Roytter'e Chocolate tud Bon Bom In tetled package Just received at ticsoriey's. A freah case of fresh Tanglefoot Fly Ptper htt juBt been received at Davit' Prescription Pharmacy. , .... Olelne Soap. - . The latest improved soap for tht lsnn dry that hat ever been placed baton tht publlo for salt tt ... F 8 Dorr A Co'. The new arrivals at Bradham's Fountain came to stay. Pineapple Snow Is all right, and you make no mistake by trying It. Do yon auffer from nervous or tick hesdtuhebt Well, Colt Headtcht Pow den will cun you likt magic tad lootht your tired tud Irritated nerves. Tour money will be refunded la every instance when they do not cure. Made tod told at Brtdhtm't. , - ' i i . , : t Olelne soap 5c I cake does tht work (a lew time of tny other ltundry soap tad better. For isle tt F 8 Duffy Co'. When In Btyboro ttop at the Luptoa House for good accommodations. A cool tnd refreshing drink Pine tpple Sherbet, tt HcSorley't, , ' OlalM Laaaarj 8oas The bett laundry totp on tht market 1 lb bar 6c at F 8 Dcrrt V Co'. CAPUDI NE CUBES Nfa8l. Bick Head ,.w ache, La Grippe. Paint, Nervout Headache. - nEADAcnr. Every bottle guaranteed. 25cJ !j all Druggists. S Bat X T CITV. Prt!y d!) . I , ';. 4 ky fl es- ar I IkaWW t J . f , Taste will be aa services si tat Tsaar sack Baptist caters, Vaoay. Tee PIm LsatUr Ootspaay kav re- ceired over lb A lias tic Coast Uee M ran of tog, foe thtlr still la this city. ' All ateesbert W la A Uaatic Baal Teas) an ear seal 1 y reqaesud le be aresesl at laelr eosspaty't saeettag ktoadty atfkt, la spile el la taiay eel be kat algal laevt aaaejah I party ff Mew aWraiaat besad for rtaead tad Beaafort aa beaidallb A. H.C,traia. " Rev. B. 0, Ores a af fUatatvlUe will aieaca at la Middle Street Baptist caarck l at ajoralag at U otSaos. The pastor, Bar. HlgalU. Mean, wUl eoa dact tat even tag ervtoe. Tat rala of km sight was a wslooss at lo trackets and every oa far this vicinity, tt vrgetaUoa sated H, sad la hamtaity It brooght coolaas which was greatly sppreclaisd tod ea Joyed, i A carload af Barboar bugfi, ati a car load af fat driving tad tana horse have been saotired by Mr. J. W. Stewart, tad added to hit ilreedf well supplied stable tad wanrootas aa Bread street. About Ire tMl pockaget of pota- toe, beta aad tejattk cssae over tat A. C.;L. Troa point aa that toad Friday, aad wtn traatfantd ban to Ike A. A N. C, railroad lor toipaatat lo aortaera tarketa. acsj About alt p. tm. Balardsy, laethaader- mm m .Eav lorta wblck bad beta tkreaienlag for hoars, burst over Ihlt city. Vry sharp llghtaiag aad heavy thaadar prevailed for a few mloatrt, with a aeodantely heavy rtlnfslL " , The Chrlttita Bciaaot Rtadlag Rooms, tfl Craven street, an opea dally. Str- vioss tvery Wedteaday I p. at, ataadef 1S:4J a tad S p tv Subject for today: oacramaot, Utbnwt 7: 10. Afltraooa lessoa I a repetitloa of lb morning let- ta. All tn wtlcoost, ; l . v ,, The regular motthly meeting of the Atlantic 8. F. K. Co. will beheld tt their rooms tomorrow, lloaday, night aad tvtry member It arged to be preeeat at matters of vital tmportaace will oomt ap for thtlr eoetldaratloa. The tfflcUat attlitaace gtvta by tht c.iy police la to quickly eecurlag the cspture of tht Carteret, negro, LeU Pit rick. It wtll worthy of tpecitl notice, Tht Ctrttret parly who cam! Itre after the negro wen load la their praises of of New Bera'i police force. Saturday was another big day for tht track movement oa the Atl tatte North Carolina railroad, three train carrying many thousands of pscktge. Kit said that it it the last big day for track, which hat been, rushed forward very fast, tht tupply now growing less. Teaeaers Asessabty, Taaieay. Tht annual meeting of the Teachers' Assembly of North Ctrollna will begin lit sessions, aext Tuesday alght, June lth. The Indicalioai ara that than will be a larga attendaac, aad a matting full of Intent! and profit to those who atttad. Bblaa-le If IU ktanua. The thing) mill on the place kaowa as tbe old race track, and ma by 'Heara tnd Lokty, took fin tt 11 o'clock Fri day night tnd waa totally destroyed, with tbout JO.C0O thlnglta, 1 The In started from the boiler la tbe engine room. .The mill will be rebuilt at once. Assessors aaa taa 1 Istsae. The tai assessors in mat lag a vary complete Job ojt the tai .listing of thl city. Both atreet aad number of all prop erty listed 1 Wing made, which will afford aa opportunity of keeping a doit witch oa all property and -that every' thing will pty Hi ttz. The old book art la bad shape, and have beet found la cor not Uv many in-. lancet, which mtket tht present sue tort, wore in mora, h , , , t Thott who btvt not listed an request td to do M oac t 4 II ) Than It a time for til thingt, Tht time (o ttkt DeWlttt tittle Ktriy Risers It when yoa ara suffering from constipa tion or oiber stomach or liver troablet FSDttffyACo.rl itK t Rev. R B. John 'returned from Kin- Hon last night. '' ' " :'V A .V' Mlu Ao n le ' Green returned from Goldsboro last night, . ' ' " Mr. W. R Gulon and chndren, want to Snow Hill yesterday to visit rtlttivta. sin. Fnae H. Jonet and chlldran, left last aight, to spent a few week at Beat- fort. .... .-. . Mra Geo. Howard aad chlldrta, left yesterday moralag to- visit at.-High Point., , , . air. utnry reterson ol Uoidtboro, came down last night lo visit' hit tiittr, Mra. HightC. Moon. Mr, v. at. vooptraaa chudrea ar rived han last alght aad will v bit tbe ftmfiy of Mr. T. J. Mitchell. i. 1 Mr. J. F. Pretty man of Swtniboro, pent the day here yesterday, aad left last last alght for More head. . . Rev. R. G, Greta and wife, of Btate vllle, an In tht city oa a visit to their ton, Mr. J. Barker Greet, proprietor Hotel Neusee. ' '' Mrs. Normta Devi and. dstgh vt, Mine Lottie and Vlvis, of 8avtn40t, Gt.. tre In (he city the guests of Clpt. V. P, Davis oa Broad tlreeL . . , Mr. Waller Mile, who hat been In tht employ or, Mr. M. E. Whltehurst for several months, left yesterday morning retorning to hit home tt Wirratton, J. A. Schetr of Seda'fa, i'o., saved h child from dqstb by croup by using On Minute Cough Cur. It -cures coughi colds, pneumonia, It rHppe tnd til throat and lung trouble. F 8 DuTy Co. rraJtarT litm ( ou lot rm nM- m A. . C am im Crmm Lea. TrsreUn ealh AUaaiie A Berth Careiiaa railroad darlag tat arses si ih have noted tat diswtsg af lat coiet Bat la the paasei.r.r aoeckea, by etrulat ktsg ape pule, let said ear It at taar'sgibe Bee eetweea ahiiei aadblarks. Every u a ha traveled ovar the . A M. C. kaowt the colored tadlvtd- aal wha p realise aa the mail trala, hi ipaUea batag a varied nee, from taoathvg eat the aatnea of tlailoat, la vutea ef great pawar aad s sally aa- Ulelllgfbte, earrytag eat Wakett, itllag Bp the lea water eeolert, aad damping waad apea the eagtae at the '"sklsJ aloag the road. Thl ttoet tscseisry adjaact to the soceeea of ikt A- A M. C It eomsaoaly eaUed "fkaxkey,"- alee "Capt TUlary." tad It It tald la private talk aatoag the A, AN. a stockholder! thai the A. A N. U. would sever derltn dividends wllhool Starkty beiag la the read VaBjTiC Therefor the ha, portt ace of Captala Ttllery who hat alwaya beta ea the Uae aad Jadgiag from the past aad p reseat will for long yean ceatlaae le Ti-ka-ro-reP Now that the aew pole aad ear Uia Uw hat goat bate efftel aa hit read, dividing the Jim Crow from the ether bird of passage, Starke)' duliet an vastly Increased, t f Bat Starkey I alroaf aad he lack lee ihl aew duty with calmaett aad almoet dtliberallaa, tad believing la law tad lat teptrailoa of tht race he it aaoeaslag la hit effort to see that tht color Uae, otherwise tht Jim Craw lew It lllerally and fearfully enforced. At lime dariag the aaoaia of thlt p reseat Jane, there tart beta more frtt class birds that tret elatt Jim Crowe oa the A. A N. C, therefore al part held taerad to the Jim Crows by pole aad oartala hat been empty while the other aide of the p. aad e. revealed a crowd of the other klad of bird itrug (ling not oaly for teats but evta seeking perches. Hare It where Capt. Tlllery came la, many timet, aad each tlmt quietly beck' oaed to the other klad of bird, who had flocked over la the Jim Crow teciloa of Iht ear, to gel back Into their ewa yard. NjI evta have package tad gripe Lata Mowed to remaia, for Capt. Tlllery had hit Initrucllboi, aad tht color Una mutt be ea forced. Aad la this official tee A. A N. 0. tht right maa, aad oae quite capable of knowing tbe light aide for the other elatt of birds, besides being rigid la hit eaforcemtat of keeping the Jim Crow a their ttctloa. The pole and oartala may seem (light barrier,1 an tiosost Imigtnery line, but Sttrkey it not fooled, a or will yoa he al' 1 twed to be If yoa fat oa the wrong tlda of the aforesaid p, sad e. W. M. Gallagher, of Bryaa, Pa., ttyt: For forty yean I hive tried various cough medlcluea. Oae Minute Cough Can It best of til." It nlltvet Instantly aad caret all throat aad lnng troablet. F 8 Duffy A Co. . r AMueo at- amb r. utsrrmrn. tauneneeaseat Kaerslsss Aad arecrasn V Jus ltlh-ltta. Enterttlamaat by F.lmary Departmeat aad Declalmer't contsst Thursday June 13, SiOOpta. Debalsrt contest tnd tnnutl tddratt, Frldty, June Mia, 10:00 a m. Aaaual cones rt aad reciters' contest. Friday, Jan lath, 8 00 p m. Mtrshtls, tint alght Z V. Rawlt, Chltf; A. B. Carey, Frank Spruil, Geo. 8 Alt mo re, Joe McCottor. Second night R. X Dees. Chief; W. J. Baraat. A. B Gtllln, W. Gasklns, J to. MoCotter. Day Mtrshtls Mis Hannah Alt mora, Chief; Mitt Carrie MllUr, Mis Llutt Campta, Mist Sal lis Lowd.r, Mlu Alvtra I.Klggt. ; Tbe Best Preeeristtea tar CbJIls tad Fever It a bottlt of Qrovt't Title less Chill Tonic. It it simply iron aad qainlatinatatttleet form. No cure- no pay. Price 60c. -.i. .BaaSTAltin. The bona babe, totted blithely to aad fro. . Rett oa Amanda' ipron white tt mow In Lapland " Full well ha fires, no eplcon It he, : Upon a diet that would frlghtea me J la Papltnd. Anon ht ft aa urchin, aad matt letra. "Globet' with "geographyn, aad takt ... htt tora . ' . IaMapland. ' If ha it Idle, and hU bookt wIU float, Then It raler, aad it'll have a boat ' r i La Baptaad . Or, It may be, hi fttt It herder yet, Aad ho will iptnd a time he woa't for get. , . In BtnpUnd. , Bat, like the loagest lane, the laggard dty . . .. Will tnd at last, tad Tom will anon awty . - ' la Nspland. ... From Punch AMERICA'S Oreatest Medicine it lloorttaraparillt,becaute ii pot seetet nnequtlled curative power and Its record of curet It GREATEST' Then tre time In t mini lift whin tht bett drug ara hardly good taevth Wt ntver tost tight of thlt fact Wa tre constantly on lb lookout for some thing -s 11 til better tbsa w vr bad before. This I (specially true ef our prescription drugs; our sitn being tohe'p your good doctor by filling bis preopt ions with. bft dn n- jii y cun pur ctstt. Yoms VI tt f'-'-a cur mo-t careful s; - - s t .' : ' if kft S i ' tins to canvtarr. VW S(M ."! W Star af SL BY. WeeaaCeeTWe s Sniii The aegra Bardesiy. at Leak) Patrick as be a) caiied by Gkarlff W Jii of Cart avat, a teksa Ooea aa lat A. A H. C maa trala hut tiM la Beaufort. Baerit A. B. P) 11 Us end Dapaty Frank Loagest, af Beaafort arrived ken yes terday moralsg la areer le take charge ef the negro PttricA tad remove him la the ooaaty whan ht tt wealed charged wtlk lae mardor of . B ft Weekt of Bogae, a detailed la Selarday'i Jora la addliloa to Ike trtlelat already recogsiaaa, feoad la the eag ra't VaJlee, there wet ae old lime vetoc, which wa lade Used by savers aereoes. as I prwperty of Weeks. Atse the a! pars tad aaoa war IsdsatHed by a B. Defy, who sold Usmie Mr. Weekt. Baerit WUlla tald last alght last Patrick weald aot be given aay piatlmi aery haarlag at Beaufort, hit lawyer R. B. Bixea, ef tkle dty, havitg Hvlsed agalatt tt, aad the Beer weald be at oece eoamlitod to Carteret ooaaty Jail, awaillBg trial by ooan, Ntw Toaa, J uae IS. rotatoet A00 le H-M. A. F. Yeuae A Co. The Itaaiai af It, Tea, aald the florid lady, I mad will several yesrs ago, tad It was oat of Iht wisest thing I tvtr did Why? the meek looking woman tsked. Do yoa expect lo drop off taddealjf no, eat if tack a atlUfactloa to go tad chaagt It whenever 1 get mad at aay of my heirs TUB MODKBN BBAtTTT Thrives oa good food aad tansbln, with plenty of exerclt In Ih open air. Her form glow with health and her fact bloomi with lit beauty. If her tytUm need the cleatslng aciloa of a laiatlvt remedy, the a see the gentle tnd pleaean Byrap of Fig, mad by tht, California Fig Byrap Co., only, sally One sea 4. Lttllt Helen Boo-bool I don't wtal to lata that tasty, litter etuff. Hr Mamma But how do yoa knew It'l sttty tnd bluet? Yoa biven't tasted It. Llltla Helen You tsld II would be good for me. DeWltt'i Little Eaily Risen act tt ftalllatt pill thould, oletniing and re viving tht tyittm Initttd of wetken. log II They ara, mild tnd sure, imtU tad pleasant to take, aad entirely fret from objectionable drags. Thty tsslst ruber tbta compel. F 8 Duffy A Co. Bend your children down to Bradbam'i Foaatala these wtrm day tnd let thtm enjoy a aloe, cool drink, It will not hurt thtm. Nothing I mora refreshing or appetltlag ea a hot day thin a good glatt of sods, served la clean, tbln delicate gli Rheumaclda I a thorough, prmnnt constitutions! cur for rbeumstlsm. Th acid la the blood which cause the dl at ara thoroughly aradicated. I alto tht blood purifier, Ititllvt tnd tonlo. o Bssistk atfaatars . ef - -t jf'm aae l iuh aieaji , lit ii In Ibti Aiway fsaufibt A. Good Friend will tell yoa without flattery that a mil of dotting with onr perfect workmen tblp. trtlslic finish, faultless fit tnd ele gance of ttyle makes you look like t Prince in it exquisite tout BKiBMnLB. Our ftbrict tre xcluslv tnd ttit bind. omeit ptlternt and colon of the season. We will fit and make yoa a tutt at reaioainie cot, F. XX. CHiadwlek, Middle ttreot NEW BERN, N. 0 ncnovAL. notice DR. N. H. STREET hu moved int hit ntw bfflce on Middle 8treel. next to Planters' vVarrhnuse, where he mty be found it Abe usual hour i. V SEVEN ft i-,"v . aewttetni st . The Finmt of til Mineral Wsters. A Positive Cure for Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Insomnia, Nervoui Prostration and H Kidney aad Liver Troublee. ltt general restorative properllet ai wonderful. Each Spring ha it peculitriuee. All evea in mtrvtlont. REDUCED RATE3 ON HAILR0AD3. nACH3 TO 1XEET EVERY TRAIN. Telephone Line .From LaQ range o evcn Spring. FOR TI iJI3 ADDRE33 Q. F. 5nTII, Proprietor. U ,a tU CATAPiF.Il I mir mmtmrrA. - Itsa rprtsas saaaythat bowel trosvbl ta ealer rbat. Dr. Bartsaaaa books sank tkia plana. Writ to the fVr-e Medjeta Co.. Colambaa, X, lot Taey tall ail aboat eatarv aad re -earn emree It wfceieTei I bad ehroalcdiarrbasa lee Snaea Veare," wrtvee Mr. T. I Mailer, ursss rvwina. ea. -1 na t v saerllrinss aad I aoetaretarmia. At law mm w '" . l andeA.aaMlitraUevad f aad eared aee atooae." VI Mr. Joka Bartinf-, StS Mala BV, CWaaati, a, writee: MMv wife end myself touk yoar Ka ra -aa far enroot atai- rbora aad It eared wa. Ko doctor or medicine we tried before nelpad waaw. Mr. Edward Woraaaek, Led be tier, Tea., writee: - rem tur bowel troablaa 1 a neq nailed ' by aay thing ta my at (.;, Esrtaaoa. I owe nay y L fa to Pe-m-na, and V 1 ill alwara reenas-adlttotAoseaaffar- u Ins- aa I vraa." Mr. John Edgartoau 100 Third Ave., Altoona, Pa, eeyes "1 aufrered from dyeeatary for three years I took r aaa am now wau.- liiLBook Store S s -I TU at yoar Utmmock ttonbl 9 Our -PALMER'S PATENTED ABAWANA tnd PERFECTION HAMMOCKS will relieve the most distressed. ) 6. N. Ennett. '4JJmmT4mYSrmm J VmVjm FRESH GOODS ! We are constantly getting In New Good. We have Jost received a beautiful ihat of tha prettiest TIES in tht City. Our ttock of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS ara op lo date. Also a fine line of UNDERWEAP. Bbine Fit. R. H. BAXTER. J. li Hartsfleld, REAL ESTATE AGENT, I have some BARGAINS IN CITY REAL ESTATE. Office prer R. H. Baxtei' store, with J.J Wolfenden. mi, i n i it 1 tin itvav OF BARBOUR ilso Rtndulph Bugglc. v i ; " -i CARLOAD FINE DRIVING AND FAKMUO HORSEd JTBT v; . j-h,: abrived. 1 i Sold for Cash or on Quud Neftotltblt Paper..' , Sumoier Rulw For Bale Cheap. J.W.STEWART ' - ' Broad Street Blibhe. i'IF YOU WANT Fins Shade Trees, . Fine Fruit Trees, Fine Ornamental Trees,. . Fine Roses or i , Fine Shrubbery . . Place your orders with R. B. HILL, . New Bern, N. C, Orden now being taken for Fail Plant ug. Imf SPRINGS. 9 a) J 1 1 rtati eocaiea. VAP'll ZSl n mt fm M we-aN. Waterworki In HoUl. Hot or Cold Water Baths Free To Guests. i, i ' i i A' J- e-a, a t 0m tm ( awtv M 0mm, esw, A na, at 0 eW4 j w v v m Wwwwm-wwW waw W w w 'naV W taa wa waff Qm LwwJ sLji.j uiJlJii I U o - 0 0 0 o , o About Linings. Anew lining; has Just been put on o the market, which for beauty of appear, a ance, excellent wearing quality and O general all around goodness has never been equalled. It Jooks more lilir a q TaffetSx silk, and will wear equally as q well. Ji U It is a yard wide and costs 25c. q Spun Glass is the name ot it and wo q take pleasure in introducing it to the n Ladies of New Bern. O at i i ti o n o o I u a o a o o o o a o a o o o o o 0 It comes in all desirable colors, and q and is worthy to be made as a waiat or o skirt.' ' O O Ask to see the "Spun Glass" Linings, a Ladies Hose. s a o o () We believe we are selling the bc3t 2 hose fojt 26o that is being offered. We j base our belief on the fact that ladies o have told us so. In Maco, Plain Lisle or D DropStich. 25c per pair. O ) 1 o a o Towels. O O 0 Last March we bought an extra good and extra large Hemstitch Huck Towel lrom the importer. They are not mad up yet and only a sample had been sent to this country. They have )ust been landed and they look and feel better than the sample did. The price is 25c each, but they aro as good a 35c towel as you usually run across. a o o a o D 8 CI X CCC0000C0CCC30 O 00008d WHAT'S IN A Tbt Ttilsr nime in the back of t gtrm ut u not al ays tbe bait tvldtnct that you htve got your money's wmth Per baps you hsve pslj a fine (rice fur tbe name luiUKinution play lb leading ait. Cow and see oar Tailor made Bum mer Suit which will keep you CJol tud couif rtal le. fr e;a lower tbta tbt lowett. CORSETS! CORSETS!! CORSETS ! ! ! A timely offering which' affords opportu nities ot saving. There isn't a rorset want aV..i. ..MnA.dV mm Mil A1 TetrttVI nuav vaiiiiv w w -at. w We have just received some of the best corset values ever shown to the trade. FOLLOW THIS LIST; SUmere, very heavy tnd well bound tt ...... Tbe "t(K', made t f Bne quality title J at Admiral Dewey. Thlt oonet it the top notch of perfection tx tit long, 0 hook, bttvUy bound, t chctp one at T5n, we . btvt priced them at . - . Valunt at . . ; Vigl ant, (well knon) it Bou.e'.tiugnew it the pilce, a nursery cottet at o3c, Made ol gnol quality ttiteeo, extra loag wiit, heavily boua I. Aa extra good oue tt In better grades our stock is complete with such Corsets as KJtG, No. IIS it K i G. No. ll tt . R 4 G. No. 87 it . ' Warner's Sit tt - ', - . Warner! AAA at W arner's KKK Warner' E Up Naralng at Wtrntr'i t'tt tt Warner's French Pattern Health We have corteU lo fit every figura - Short Wiiit. Evtry corset purchased ' -v.;' n- o EJ o n 9 o o o a & a a o o NAME ? J. ROSENBAUM, THE LEADINU CI.Ol'lllKK 400 60j fiOo 5o " ;t. tt - j; 75o l CO : 100 110 1 O'J HO 185 1 25 Tll, Short, Sleader, Stout, Medium and ot us I wirraolcd perfect and tiftctory- w.

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