- ( e. j, . m l m i J A A r VOL. ITU-HQ. 7S. 111 Hill, I. C, S1TIRD1T MOHtIO, JILT 1, lt!5. tSTHLISHIP 1 831 CIO UTES SID. 1 Arn Vnn Rninn fn Vi a niu iuu viuiiiu vi Arc You Going to ; ; Snend tho Summer at Home Iltk I & A. If f X tY t , .X ( rx . (,s A ! IV 8. o o o If am hv aU auk w flail. Dialac IV Aiilinr Rnoma I us- crHKfoi labia r.y Um Cool, jr, and rvie.M fKAlKIK tiKAbtl-Rl'U", hwrtd of kr revenag. 14 Ol iktm h BfB uM, bat W. Mill MM left. Hare (ma raaklaf our Nl aa-J (Viler ChMpa, alee Ylolet Breuly Pit. Art yua aorliag aaytalag la laat UM f Baea a My all Liaea Dataaeh IWal tar Ml pair. Xkaar t Fiite) at tlw iHoLd Bowl. . . Tod if aar beeatlfel B fared Orgaadie marked eowa traaa UeaadllelDltopev jrara. m i. i m : . . , Aaotaar Uaa ol Pcniaa Lavaa aed India Uaoae la lata week, aad Btaek Lao laaarttoaa loo, walok an aa ttjttaa. 'Tata a peep at. or ita a Piuae Rklrt, lHaiavd alia Ue km pet KoM able com la eUa'areat color. It aiii a : Botany eklH (or la waaa girl who aim at qui latipaaaira elegaaec la he wardrobe, ' Wt Mill bee Baoaa for ail aad la varloue Oradat aa4 Makes, CaU aad 70a will tad aa aaitoas la pie aad wall apoa joa. - . Va X V 8 Cji, fir; P1 rh o lx P n inri'rTi 1 Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale - 1IR IE j The lot is not very large, but that counts for little with you. You are interested chiei ly in Styles and Prices We offer this morning our entire stock of Summer Fabrics at one-third their .values.. - -40 inch Batiste Lawns, 10c values, but they goat , 6 cents WW 4aWaM MaaaU W Maa1VV) atM M ' f W "at lace effects at 3 1-2 cents ; Zephyr Ginghams, bVautiful styles, the ' 10c quality, we price them at 6 cents - A splendid quality Dress Ginghams. These goods go at . J4 3 cents 27 inch Scotch Lawns, all bright new patterns at Seems Good quality white check Muslin 3 l-2c Better be early if you want the pick of the Styles.: .v - ' An auYrArvf innol tt-Iiia In tan at4ha Iquma mm aVV4VUMr WMfMW WU' VafaVVakCV 1UV size Bed Spread, a 100 article at 76c. . H June SO, 1899 4 . X ; VATCHvTHIS SPACE. A., .Bar foot, ? W SEVEH ; SPRINGS. W ft ft &ssm - - - ' Fiorat of all Mineral Watera. X PoaitlTe Cur for lodiReatioa. 9yppiU, Ioaomaia, Nerroui Proatratlon aod all Kidney and iirer I roablea. Its reneral rcatoraura prooeniet aia wonderful. Each Spring ba ita peculiarities. All atrea ara narraloua. ' ' REDUCED RATES ON RAILROAD 3. HACSS TO IIEET EVERY TRAlir. 4 Telephone lint Wmterworki 1 From LaQranza ' In Hotel. . " ' Wat V to 5va Sprlntfc ,. Fret ""- FOR TERMS ADDRESS il Hot or Coli V rVater Catha To Guests. f L. . 1 p.if-.r) U WW W aa ILles the food cx)re dcikiot Md whoiesoow Oararaar Baaaall Caaiaa aVawa, lavactlfeU latart Paat. ' fM far Falaa Arraat. ikal leul Faelllilae far ' 2 ' ' Grata tare. RaLxiua, Jiaa 10. The aorparatloa eaatatlaaloa aaa aaard ta arnaaat la ta ialapaoaa aioaptloa miaa, Xi-oaa-atae Joaa W. Daalal aad B. 0. 8lroa( appaarad for la Ball Ttkpaoa Caai paay, aad Oaaaral Maaay, taral" ataa afar, aadA-B. Aadrawa, Jr., foe la AaMrloaa . Teleaaca aad TaWf rap Coaipaay, eoaiaMaly kaowa a taa loaf da4 aao lalapaoa eoaipaaj. Ta polat la la argaaMavaa la old eaa taat ta ooaalwioa ft aot elolaad wlla pow- r to aiaa ralaa for tatepaoaa. Ta coaiBilialoa orarrulad la axcaptisaa aad the p natal rate at aad. Rr. Dr. i. D.Uunuua of Haadaraoa, a wall kaowa aa BapUat praaeaar aad wrlltr, U bar, aaaklaf ptcial lanartaai la U atwtpapar rooai of la But LJ- krary la order ta obtala atatarial tor a work aa BapUat aad lhair eoaaectloa wllk Ute-praa la North Carollaa. Cklaf Clerk Daaaurk, of ta State Traaiary, ear a In paallaatlary baa draw 8,0W) out of 5,0M aptclally appropriated by la laat Lf UlatBra,aad alao all tb earaloc wklcb wereoa band Jaaaary 1 laat. OoTeraor RaaeaU baa daaeeadad froaj bla "blgb hon o far tb Atlaallo North Carolina Railroad la eoaearaed. He aiade the propoellloa ta the bo id of latetaal latproreoieata to tad the dis pute a to eoatrol. lie baa taraed ore; all tb book to lb board. Mit Taaa- day tb latwr will beg la aa laipacUoa of tb road. Tb qatttloa of deeidlBf wnttbtr tbe OoTtraor" or the board'a appolatae aa 8tata proiy aball be reeof alzed I left entirely totbeprlTatealock- holdtr. Tbe tnuleaa of Wake Foreat Culltg bare SUed racaacU la tb faculty by laotlaf i. F. Btlltra profeaaor of pbyaiea and W. B. Daniel aaalalant profeaaor ef Greek and Ltb . The penitentiary eiacullr board baa d auiameal which abowi that tb debt January 1 laat waa ltlW, ud March t, waa f 117,681. , Two antoatologUu from Watblngtoa wlU be "lent" to fiorth Carolina by tb fOTtraaiaDtto aid tb State crop peat exMnmUaloa la itnnlallBg tb Saa Joee acala and other dancaron lnet poit. ' It la aaarld by Vie Frealdant St John that in all montba to a day through train between Nw York and Tampa will b la operation oa the Seaboard Air Lin, Tl Richmond, Rldgaway, Raleigh, Cbtraw, Columbia, ato. Lwt autuma a whit man wb owned land on tb Una of lb Raleigh Cap Frar Railroad atopped tb oooTlct fore from grading for a day or two. ' Caaa la tb ooart followed. It wt during hot light between ibl road aad aaotner for right of-war. Tb then ehertff ar retted tbe man and bow tbe latter ue for $5,000 damagaa for alleged falae trrttt. It la decided that tb new eoltoa oil mill here will sot be built until But year To largatt atockbolder aaya the delay la due to tbe fact thai machinery cannot be obtained; .tb manufacturer! being overrun with order. The late DrJoyfnl Ladgblar Ramaay, of tb Agricultural Department, to bow traveling la tbe Interett of a vary tictl lnt patent medicln which la manufao' tured by a firm here, bf which be U a member. He ti a full fledged drummer. Raleigh' aldermea hart luatd M llq- nor Ucenw. - Thl la tb aaw number aa laat year. Judge Purnell decide in a bankruptcy cat tbV'a revltlonary homatttad ia not eiempt from tale. The Sut charter tb Edgecombe Club, of Tarboro, with about atveaty five membera. ' - - To the deep regret of tb Agricultu ral Department officer and the public, aa order came ijf continue the removal of xhlbltt.from th aoulh front of the ktuatum, a6 the corporation eommtulon caa occupy It. Word come that tb President baa granted a pardon to William; McDowell, convicted in North Carollaa la 1807 of breaking Into a poelolBoa. Tbe ptrdoa waa Itaued becauM of McDowell'a critl cal 111 neat. The Benbow Hotel, Oratntboro, otntly damaged badly by Are, it to be re built, enlarged aod modernized at once. Boiton capital it Interfiled In the enter prlae. Thlt, with tbe oinhera Loan aod Trutt Companlet .new live atory building Hearing completion which to to be atllliad for a hotel, the Normandle, will give Oreeniburo ample hotel faclll tlet. - nciuwa VAUiATtoia vaxixiw nrraai tnwia twaua. ataaa aia Wirwiaiaa .! la a CjM. Spaclal U JaarBaU eUuitm, Ja 0 Th OrpocaUoa Oommlaaloa larretiet tb valaatlot oa Rallwaya, Bteamboata, Tetephoaa, Tb grmph aad Panama Car property, from fSMiajNa I 4J1M0& Taa total taitt thb year wlU b 145ft, 000, aa laereeee of 41,000 over last year. Tb Atlaatk MorU Carollaa rail road valnatioB to laoriattd fro (,000 to M.&00 par mlk. MAT BOLT nom OOBBBX. aVaalawhf ewapaeaaal LtxineToa, ly, Jaa ta A gaaaral bolt from William Ooebel, tb Damocra Uo Bomlaa for Goveraor, I immlaaat Leading aewtpapert which bare baea loyal to tbe Democracy aad It aomlaaai ar today deaoaacing taa aomiaatloa of Ooebel a nafalr aad advlalag Damocrau to refua to tupport hi candidacy. It I eeld thai few of tb frtad of Oen. P. Wat Uardln, tb Uadlng eaadi- dataia tb toavntloa befor Ooebel mad bla trad with Btoa, will anpport tb aomlBC. Owea county, hitherto Demoeralle by 1,000 wilL II to predicted by latdlng au glv a Republican majority, Loultvillt, Democratic politlclaaa of that city I clar. will glv ta Republicaa tO.OOO majority. Kaw You,JeaM.Joh Jobaeeei, aMM of lb lfrwglaa (Uamablp Krtam, wa removed la Swlabara lelaad Haa phal lato aflaraooa anfariag tram yellow favor, aad toalgbl bla taalUoa to aerloa. Tb Erlm tailed fro Havana oa Jaa 0th fee Malaaaa arrivlag at laat port lb am day. Mat Jobaaoa, an bad bate Bill eg, wa taken arloaly Ul aflarla arrival at Malaaaa. Th part phyetoiaa wet aaltod la, bat ap4a the Om ef aalllag for tale port oa Jaaa MU allboagk tb maa aavalopad blgb lamparatBr, a Maploioo yaaptoaw appeared. ' . Taa al earner waa detained at qaaraa- Ua bar for dlelafectloa, which wlU probably be laubad toatnrraw. Tbacrew will b bald- al Bofmaa Itlaad iv day, aad th eleamer wUI be allowed to prooeed to tb dock with a ntw crew. LTHCUKM ABVKBWntl). Taa Ma aaaaaaael to Jail aa la Taxaa Ckartad Wtth Haider. HootToa, Tax, Jonu M A tpeclal from Alhana, Tet, tarti Walter WU klntoa, Jo WHklatoa, Polk WaaU, WlUlam Brook, JohaOreanbaw, Arthur Graeahaw, W. 1. Jobaaoa, William Gad dla, John Bltven and Samuel Hall were today remanded; to Jail wilboat ball, charged with bavtny murdered James, John aad George Humphrey by Uklng them from I belt home aad hanging thm. :'r : " Tb prtoonar will Inttltut .habee corpus proceeding. Tb caa to the molt celebrated la Tetaa criminal hltiory aad tbe But hu ant aa aaabtanl attorney general, dis trict attorneys aad ranger to aid la apr prehendlng the lyncher. Three of tbe men hav oon retted and other have pleaded to M prmlttd to do to. BALTiatna, Jua tfl Tb tamr Queea Aaae, of tb Prlooett Anne Railroad Company, wa launched bare today, a aotabl feature of the oocasloa being lb oultaloa of tbe time honored cat torn of breaking a boul of win vr the vettel'i bow a th glided fro tb waya. Iniiead of tbla two white dove wtre released at tb vettel began to mova and bar deck wa ttrewn with wreath aad gtrltndt of flower. ' aBBaaammfaBmmmWtaaaaai- Ton caa'i cur dytpcpala by dieting, Eat good, wholetom food, aad plenty of It. Lodol Dyspeysi Cur digests food without sld from th tlomach, and 1 marie to cusk. F. 8. Duffy. . WaatraBeralurarthMav7. WAaaiNQTOM, Jun W Commtndtr Hwly,olthXavlgatioa Bureau, : received a report frotn,Lleutnant-Com-maader Adamt, of tbe receiving ship 1b dependence, to the effect that tbe xper- lmnt In lb tnllttment of tailors from tb allddl Wett for service on ibetrain Ing ahip Hartford promise to retult uccessf ullr. Th mn are (aid to b lntlllgtnt,of An pbytlqu, and alto gather of such superior qualifications as to glv great promlte for lb future, Tbomas Rhodes, Ceaterfield, 0 write "I suffered from pile seven or eight year. Mo remedy ga,ve m relief unlfl DeWltl't Witch btxe Balv, toss than a bos of which permanently cured me.1 Soothing, healing, perfectly' barmto. Bewar of counterfeit. F. 8. Duffy, TUB tTKCULA tl U BtABJUrt. Q. F. SniTII, Prc-:!:tcr. 7 DaBett tMi Wahinoto!i, June tt. TbeTrettury offlcia't s-e nowconr '-ntthttthed 5clt for tlit picj..i.l fiscal j.r wiil not ex ceed '"3,03,C?0. One week tiro the etll nifttt was little thort of '.' 0,M, but dutli lb lfiit few duyt La recis'ptt Lave Wn r!h aiove tbe tsl'mate. v': the tpen.!Uure bav gresi'y ' - n i..T. . Sugar..... Reading.., C.B. 4Q. R. I C.T ... . B. R, T... M. O.P... Manbattta August. January 1 134t 78 ; 114 117 i - anotujeq jlot of : 1 Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams if' Rtrletlj First Qnallfy and I mm 2: 5 . , ' HUlmz TbeM Ur lSe jLb. S; 3 ' S- -2 Small Breakfast Strip and few nice K. a Hani. Z" A aice lot of aaall Porteaooath Corned MullrU wilh keaJl off aad backbone oat for only 10c per doarn. 5; Frrth Qriu, Carolina. ic and Oalflakr. . Si Firth Con 8tarck And Tapioca. Z Good FWur for Sic lb. Tb ry Bret fur 3c lb. Roral, Civaa, Euauford and lioud Lack linking ! 1'uwdrrt and tb bet rrfiaed Lard. Z Sjrup and Molaaar. 3 Ilt-iBi'f 8eet and Sour Pickle. Potted Ham, Chip Beef, Salmon, or anything t-lse 5; jon want ia Grocerir at tbe Loweit Pouible Price. Wlilriale A Itelftll Grocer, Btilirj Aaeat tn i r . Ran Mat, Fatuca, Jaa M. A well accredited report to la etrealetioa thlt evealag that Ctplala Drayfut will arrive her tomorrow night. Tb boat occupied by Mate. Dreytut wa cotrdad by gendarme all last night aad at daybnak I bet policemen were taoceedod by other. I addllloa a gtaat perter keep the ooter gtl locked aad barred. Mo on to allowed to enter with oat lb xpret pormissioa of Mm Diwyfn. . Pant, Jaa N. A aa e xampl af the Drevfus rnmora carraat, th Boir thlt vnlng tttttt tbtt a blgb police official, peaking t an Intlmat frtoad, said tb French Government reoeived Inform tloo 48 bonis ago that Dreyfn commit- ted Milcid oa board tb cruiser Bfal, on which be left Devil's bland for Franca Ma Mat Kneed a,,. Wamibotom, June J9 Tbe Traatury official are confident the deficit for the present fiscal year will aot exceed $90. 000.000. One week ago lb mIIkA wai a lllll short of 1100,000,009, but during tb last few days tb receipt bav bean rather above tb estimates, while tbe ex pendllnres bay fallen off. WHEN YOU are feeling rirvd and out of sort yon wl.l uml Hood's Saraapenlla will do Vou wonderful gootl. Be sure to GET HOOD'S. Bradham't Pnoephata alway satisfy they are msde Jutt right and ar aot only healthy bat aid digestion. ' J. L Hartsf ield, REAL ESTATE AGENT, I bav som BARGAINS IM CITY REAL ESTATE. ' ' Office over R. II. Baxlar' (tore, with J.J Wolfaadan. LAWN :-: SALE. 1 Will 811 my Stock of LAWNS. OR Q AN DIES. PIECES AND DIMITIKS Out at Cost I bave.qulte a lot and do not ilk to carry It over. Bee me for a Bargain. R. H BAXTER, No. M Middle Street. Today's quotations turnithed by Lewis A. May fc Co., New York, Represented by A. O. Newberry. NnwToBK, June to. ' v .. . BTOCK8. Open. High. Low. CIos .. 153f 154( 158 154 . 61 Hl . 134 136 J . us im ,. 7r)t . 79t . 115 IIS .43 44 ,. 118 118t COTTON. - Open. B'?h. 5.64 5.68 5 74 5.73 6.74 V'raiT Ci a. I U. Low. C.- Ja-y ::i 7;t 7-t r', Fopfcmber.... 74t 74t 7t 7it f t ' l 136 117 78 U4i 1UI u i mm 85 i Flie 91. ' 71 IlrvM Nt. i vniiR i nrir.H raskft B W WW mew w w a a h Will coalalj tb cbotoMt of food if yoa mak your aalectloa tromour Delicious Jama Jellies, Canned Meat aad Reliht, Ci acker, Berdlaet, Salmoa ad La bt I era. When preparing tor picnic or outings, oar Blgb Grade Food will b found particularly tooth- aomeand nouiltbiag, Our stock of Biapht aod Fancy Grocer irt to nneaoalled. Foa River Butter, alway freah direct from the dairy 85c lb. J. R; PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. f Look Over i TMis" List ruji Uiu , And see what you need among them. The Prices at which we shall offer them daring the balance of this month are tin heard of 10 the Furniture Business. Fancy Rockers in all the new styles and finishes, all re duced 25 per cent Ladie Desks, aome beauties that we have put at a price that will not leave tbem here long. . China Closets, new lot just received aud it will pay you to see them before you buy. ' v Sideboards, some exceptional values among them. Chiffoniers iu Oak anA Im. Mahogany, from the cheapest to the best . i The above is only a small part of our stock which is full of the best value, in fact to good that you will feel this to be the store that beat serves you. ' FRANS. H. J0NE5 & LQ., 87 M1DDJLE STI1MET. acacaBeB3CTtoe?CTtraraCTCTCTCpc?tiSr;; Sum mm i Low. Clot 5.53 6.53 5 71 i ' : A3 iui Ezsrcissr i Can't be best, when it Is one of our llt'ht and ety rnnoir.se Mowing li- cumet, that Clul your .hsi epnsv aud ,U-vn t-iui Inwn -.,.,oii and Vi-ivety as if it i II i "'1- t'-nr now law I mow" s rt ,ve- . y cmie 1 to be ' ti r ii .'j .wtr by tUot wuo hav n"l ti"".- I v e a. so If p the tl'a'er A. V. o-1 II iy T: r. Tho past tnonth, having been too cool to sell-Jour . - thin Summer Clothing, wo will offer the public an- other grand opportnnity. , k " - W will contiuu a Special Sale in this, June, . month. In ordes to close ort' our immense stock of Crash, Al'ca, r.oliair and Other rit' il: ' r I'lriTiiinn aMa.tt.awl Wr BWaiSSja . ,y - . - - A!ro . Lcdbs and Qcnts Oxford Ties, Ar 1 rll C zr-tr' Goodn whirh must Ls f ill l tLa Very Cawcst Prices. ;Go::?AnY S., IIeT7 Ecrn, i:.C.