THE JOURNAL, rNbii!4 svery . ta la year, tv avuetay. CttARlXS U fTEVEKS, .torroa a auriv. BCBsJCRimoM RATI . . ta Un . . tui M adranca, so y r, j nnttf la U est M AdwlWiaf Basse lralae oa If too. II. Uk M Craft Ceatftr. Haw star. K. C lalj fl. lit. AMI 0L rwUTHJAs. HIIll BiMXV. Taa Democretle political eoaraailoa la Kaalucir wnica wee rsceally kakl (or taa parpoae ef Boaalaellaf a catll data (or OoTtraor, bat provoked lb usual aasoaal of crHicten, aad aaasber 01 wua praaKXRia. Ia toainioc ap laa eoavealloa la Loalavllle Coarier-Joaraal sayst . . "At (ar aa Inullljeel paopla knew, or Bars tMB, Ibeie was HUM OBotoa D teeea the various rival caadldaiee ba yoad lhal of peraoaal (aror or disfavor Sacho( Ihta alerted oat to daclara himself flrvt aad foreatost a radical, Uyed-lo-lhe wool, Cbicag-plat(ori aad Bryan, free ellver Desaocrat at lb ratio of 10 to 1 without aoallfieail or dia cuaaioo. Harlng awora tbia, aad, U poa albla, proTd It, acb pxooaadad la bis owa war to praaa bit dalau aad to paab hit (ortoa, ia ao oaat' llowla aay qaaatloa about ragalaiftr to put U llghtaa Umltatloa apoa. bis right U knock dowa aad drtg oat as maar row i bl moaer wouia buy, ar. ia default of money, as ba atlght ba abia to lar at bands upoa." ad of lb CoBTtatioa'i i aoatla, OoebaL a waatera acwtpapar sajr. ' "Ha Is a youtg ana wlib a gvaiut for political raaalpalalioa. B la cold aad calculating, aad in party erisU or margaocy b I juat thaja to tad a way out. Aay other kvaa lolai la Laala Till wttb only 200 Tola would bar recognised tb fact that lb paopla would bare aoa of blat, aad would bar thrown ap lb sponge. ' But the author of the Kentucky fore bill I not that sort It li a matter of indifference to bin whether the people want hia or aot proided he attains bis and. When b was a member of the Kentucky Beast, he gained some distinction as a manipu lator, but there was nothing ta his career to bla personal credit His fore bill, fully as Indefensible In its way at the Lodge bill, Is aeblckea that will yet come home to rooau It baa don mora to pr lb way for a national foro bill than all Ihe scheming of Lodge and Reed and Darenport could accomplish." And from various other newspaper. In the country there bar gone forth a choice lot of cipressioas . regarding Goebel, his record, and the workings ot the Democratic convention which nomi nated him. . s--'-:. Now what doe all this flare eiploslv writing amount to, any wayt Or who really cares outside of tb de feated candidates la Kentucky, whether Goebel is a "political lago a wire puller, or that he secured tb guberna torial nomination through questionable methods? , The tact is that the Kentucky eonrea tlon was very like all Conventions, per bsps it showed more fighting than usual, but it ahould not ba forgotten that tb Qoebel outfit represeats a aew political : faction which has ecaredeontrol of the "machine," and propose to run it for themselves. . , Naturally the advent of a aew leader will create a "hot political convention,' bat what there via ta the Kentucky ' convention, specially, to mark it so pe culiarly different from all others, tb dispassionate and unemotional . person will not be able to decide, and any dis interested party, will readily declare that except in degree, tb Kentucky conven tion only showed ihe same old political razzle dazzle that previous conventions exmoiiea, ana iaiure political convea tlons will probably act in the tfime way. v - T- : . Hew Tkist ' - We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by llall's Catarrh Cure. : F. J. Chzhkt A.Co., Preps, Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, bv known F, J. Cheney for tb last 16 years, aad be lieve him nerfactlv honorable la all hiii. : iness transactions snd financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wist s Trcax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Waldiho, Kurxm & Habtih, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catsrrh Cure Is taken internal ly, acting directly upon .the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pri 75c per boltle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills sre the best A coo! and refresLk j drink Has apple Sherbet, at sl. SorUj's. ti.BL-t K S ji U lb eoltaa a at art ll tte orl tatacikt r-o !,;ks tbsy era were. enlf are boh;; la rt an raaataf ut. Vttt Xa Mt 4..O0 tgtiii wrarcatry J rartlHd (or Um A oca. coadtUoe a Ueae eaa ao4 always to. Is a nal fMral prosperity. Taet waka la rrponad la la proprUjr ef IrmaU aalj. Bat UK U aot amapwilf , bat la Oaly a rssry Uf hi to ie4 laa people deeper lalwlkaaataof UMlraata. Ileal proa pull? mt bafla at Ike bottoai ay flf iaf mrjixxij aa eqaaj rkaaee to aaeke aa aoal tllaf a4 aot aastst te (aw la ii ti aa4 eaatrallae all laa weelin aa4 eaa aenfa serfs of laa greet at laa people WUkeaaore Canto- LBJIOMt At BiOiMB. They rmsalal lb Liver, btoeaeca, Bowes, Kidneys aad Blood aa prepared by Dr. U. Moitar, In hi Leeua Kiislr, a pUeet laaaoa ditak: It cars btUoae Beae.eoaatlpailoa, lad lgttoa.haaJ ache, malaila, kUlawy dleaaae, levara, chill, been failure, nervott proslratloa, aad all other dtarasee caoata by a torpid or diseased liver aad kklaeya. It la aa ee leUUhed (act that lemoaa, when coa Maed properly ,wtth other liver toalcn, prodaoe the asoat dealraUe resulte apoa Ihe etoaeca, liver, bowels, kidneys sad blood. Bold by dragglai. oue aad l aoiuaa. Vesder' Lea BUsk. : Cared m of sick aad aervooe bead ar be. a aee eeea aoj(x w u bit ma. j . , -.,. aa n. a, HCLmis. Spring Place, Ue . ktaUTs Laaaa BUxir. Cared a of ladlgeatioa and . nervous prostration. I got nor relief, aad at once, (tea Laa Elixir tbaa all other medicines. ' I.C Brnaat. Iadiaa Springs, Ga. Bleeder Leas BUzt Cared m a a loag atandin case of chills and fever, by using two bottle. J. U. BTAXLET, engineer X T T Oa R & Haaday' Leaea Bllnlr Cared me of a case ef heart dlseoe aad tadlgesttoa of foar years' standing. 1 tried a dozen diffrreaimadiclaee. Noa not Maoa KUilr aoas me aay good. Tuuto Dinat. Cor. Habersham aad St. Thomas st. Bavaaaab, Qa. Meaiey' Leaea Bllnir I fully eadors ll for aervoue Droat ra il o, keadache, Indlgeeiloa end coasti- Ktloa, having need It with aoet ealla :lory results, after all other remedies ea lallea. J. W. HOLLO, West Bad, Atlanta, Ga. Thata "Ont CbarUy." loa. 0. B. Ayeock has contributed to the political literature of tb But on tb strongest argument w hav read on lb amendment Morgantoa Herald Br. . Betchtea'a AaU Siaxetie. May be worth to you more than $100 If you bar a child who soil bedding from ineoalenc of water duilng sleep Cure old snd young alike. It arrest tb trouble at once. $1. Bold by C D Bradnam, druggist, Mew Bern, N. C. ; Sarkaea Maeaaa. Love lorn swains, aa well as "photo graphers, frequetly develop negative la darkroom. You assume ao risk when yon buy Cfaamberlala'a Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, F. 8. Duffy 4 Co, will refund your money if you are not satis fied after using it. It la everywhere ad mitted to be Ihe most successful remedy ia use for bowel complaint aad the only oo that never fall. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. , v Neve Twlc Bit. Most any woman can tack dowa ear- pets Ilk lightning lightning never strikes twlc in the same place. A dlaesed stomach surely undermines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys the neovous system, and pre dispose to Insanity snd fatal disease. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cur. It has cured taousBttds of case and la curing them every day. It ingredient ar such that It cant help curing. F. 8. Duffy. - ratrieti afalf Baeta, : . It may be patriot! to get shot in th Philippines, says De Tanqua, but It' mors pleasant to b half shot at bom. Be Feelai the Bargeoaa. AD doctors told Renick Hamilton, ot West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, h would dl anient costly operation was per formed but be Cured himself with Ave boxes ot Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest pile cure on earth, and th best salv In (he world. 83 cents a box. Sold by C D Bradhsm, druggist. : -, Wet Well Bred. Bread ia frequently good when it's homemade, says the Usdayuok Philos opher, bat the self made man Is seldom wall bred. Blecevered by a Wemaa. Another great discovery haa been made and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its sevsrest tests, but her vital or gans were undermined snd death seemed imminent For three months she coughed inceeisnlly snd could sot sleep, glie dually discovered a wsy lo recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's Kew Discovery for ConiuippHnn, nd was fOB'uch relieved ou uln - first dose, tuat il-e s'-t a.l n t wiib two b.'-Hlis k-.s t u sWlulUy cih'.'I. I' n e id : s. I i ' r I i" ' 1 i :. c. : '..,!' sci, i' '!.; I .'a ' ; (1 U e rj i , I f - fc-s. rT.-tL4j U aHsssjBal lvr -.a n-f sv tmA.y j an I . y. caasmm ..iu, m& c Bui ky aU anut u, IS OMoa. Qait Orytag Konh Carvel aa is aot the "poorest Bute, ia aay , aor ar her people paupers; ysl If the ealaaslty boeWrs aed demsgoglcal poriloa of the pro were to ba baUev w ar all ibis aad aore Forme parpoaeer aaol Sr, all bad, a afue grewleg oel of peraoaal aaallc la eealale oaaaagsgoalam, the people have baea told they were lapeverished, dew a troddea, robbed aaill oaly oaly peeQer laaaadha attoadaat ovll eoatatlutod their dally Ufa, and thle ta the face of a islaatly Increatlng prodactlua la every line of tamea eadeavar.aad alaag great at aay aore 11 see lata but few other State or people caa boast. Ral sigh reet. is it Bioar ferAa liltW U Beeeaaead Pateavt Blllaee I From 8ylva Valley News, Brevard, N C. It may be a quesiioa whether the edW tor of aewspaper has the right to pub licly reeomaead ay of lb vsiioas pro-1 prleteiy aedlclaes which flood ihe mar ket, yet e a preventive of eu Bering w feet ll duly lo eey a good work for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aad Dlar rbaalteaedy. We have kaowa and need I hi medicine In our family (or twenty years aad have always found It reliable. I many cast dose of tbe remedy would save hour of suffering whll a physlctaa Is awaited. W do aot believe la depeadlag Implicitly oa any median for tear, but w do believe that If n bottle of Chamberlain' Diarrhea Reme dy wer kept on band and administered at th Inception of an attack much suf fering might be avoided sod In very msny eases ihe presence of a physklaa would Bol be required. At least this ba been our eiperienoe during the past twtaty year. For Bale by F. & Duffy ft Cj. AKiagabaiUaBaaaiet. It is to be hoped that no North Caro Una military company will volunteer to help kill tbe Filipino that they may be come belter civilized, duly christianized, aad mad to acknowledge what th Bos ton Hersld most tofallcitously aud un Wisely and unconstitutionally calls "the sovereignty of tbe United Stale." Wilmington Messenger. Gun shot wounds and powder burnt, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty Balls, Insect stings and Ivy poisoning quickly healed by DeWltt'i Witch Hazel Halve. Positively prevents blood polsoa Ing. Bewar of counterfeits. "De Witt's' Isssfeand sure. F.8, Duffy, ; AneatTla Per It We hear that an effort ta being made to have an organized celebrstlon of the Fourth next week. This will ba tb Brat lime that th old custom ot reading the ueciarauon na been observed hero In over thirty years. Fayettevllle Obser Olerieaa Mew Come from Dr D IS Car g lie, of Washita, IT. He writes: "Four bottles of Elec tric Bitters oss cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her bead and face, aad the beat doctors could give no help, but her cure Is complete and her health Is excellent'' This shows what thous ands hav proved that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. Ite the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,' ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulate liver, kidney and bowel, expells poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 60 cent. Bold by C D Bradhsm, druggist. Guar anteed.. . ' rail of Wrinkle. - Tbe governor has made a concession and ia diaposed to be reasonable In th A. ft N. C. railroad matter. This is new wrinkle la ht excellency's character. Durham Herald. : - Bpaat a deed Farm Becterlaa;. Mr. A. N. NoeU of Asherville, Kansas, ssys b spent a good farm doctoring himself for chronic diseases but got no relief and was afraid that he must die He chanced to get hold of a boltle of Cumberland's Colic Cboltr and Difr rhoe Remedy aud was permanently cured by It. For sale by, F. 8. Duffy. . Aad Blaswhere. From all information we can gather from the people of our section, we be lieve that tbe proposed amendment will meet with au universal support by them. Smlthfleld Herald. . 1 he Appetite of a Qoat. - It envied by sll poor dyspeptics whose stomschs snd liver sie out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful itnmsch and liver remedy, gives a splendid sppetlte, onnd digestion snd a regular bodily habit that Insures perfect heslth and great energy. Only 25o at C D Brad- ham's drug store. A J inj Bbata. The e -.junl r g'rl may have a good msny e y-.jfnneiiso, but the telphone girl gfts tiie niit r;-r,-s. - "" e ! e i i c nt c- h r . ! t i; :i I i ; ' I. i;rr .--. i t:. -i f :'.v' pm s :. t . . : , : . a . - ' . ,.I.'' ,!() t'NTO TrE lO. a fci r r Sm tta a I to ativ eMi um na V twi avtal rfl 4 ka a; mil lif. wtara k4-4 la I ft.) Mft m tM H p: I mm.U to f ! u m I a aol fMik vtoi ito rat pmimi w wft r ftftiiT winftj wftif hi . M ftiiaU to atwa mmimmm la Uft . fti i- lUftto Bwtaui la Vaaia nrwBaVm. A UTTLE BIT OF A DARKY. a TI4 ana tmrf Wrll aa Bav4 Hto Bar4. He waa a little bit of a darky, aot inch bigger tbaa a lump of coal aod ot maafc whiter, and when I called blui ap to do a rrDd fur an arrca tb street hie eyee aaappad a If they were etortrL3ed. "What le jroor camer' I inqoired. 1 "Tank, boas." be answered, with a bow and a gria. 'That a a qneer kind of a aaroa. Toor people aren't tetnperanc folks. nietheyf 'Deed. boaa. I donna Dry call a Tank, but my name's Pneqootank Per- qnlmsn," "Oh I" I langbed. That' nam noogh for two kida Ilk you- Where do yoa come from T" i "I's rain Norf Ca'llny. bo." "What ar yoa 4ping so far from borne t" i "Doln th brat I kin. boea" ' lie atopprd a mouient to alody. ' i "flow lunch hav yoa and today V "When I Kete de 10 cents you' winter gib roe." be mid. with a shrewd little amlle 1 bad not agieedj poo a price at a- an l gets 10 cent ao f um d nex gem maa It U make SO centa, boaa." "Ia that nil I Ten can't llvonf cents a day. ran you t" A shadow, if a shadow could tbow there, cam into th little black face,; nil with it a bard Una a of determi nation. - - 1 Tee gotter lib. boas," b said. "I csln't die, fer dey nio't nobody but m ter tak keer ob mammy, an she' tsiirhty po ly mo ob de time Possibly Pasquotank Prrqulmans waa working on my ynipatbiea and bla story may bars been told many a time before, but I think not, and I know that his revenue for that day waa mora than 80 oeuta. Washington Star. ' tla W He Aatfcorltr. ' Tbe New York Times relate smnnee- dote concerning Mr. Howella thut le good enough to be true, whether it I or not According to report, a dispute as to th word "lunch and "lunch eon" recently arose between Mr. and Air Howella Mr. Howell chueoploned "lunch" th proper term, whila bit wife defended "luncheon." At last, at Mr. Bowolls' soKKeation, they appealed to th Ccntnry Dictionary to settle the question. "Well. I was right after 111" he exclaimed in triumph, and be read aloud tbe following extract quoted as showing correct usage: "We lunched fahfy wpon little dishes of roe leaves delicately preserved. "From what author n tbet sentence taken t" Inquired Mrs. Howella "Why. I declare, from W. D. How ells!" "Pshaw 1" waa the retort "He's no authority." . - ' ; Carloaa Dlrd llalilta. - It is a well known fact that if the young of almost any kind of bird are taken from the Beet before they can fly tbe old ones will feed them most atten tively if the cage in which the little birds are inclosed ie placed somewhere where the parents can reach it, and a popular bot erroneous belief is current that they do this for a time, and end by poisoning tbe yonng ones. - This, however, is a mistake, the fact being that at a certain stage of a yonng bird' existence, when it is naturally able to begin catering for Itself, the parent birds, also qnite naturally, cease to attend it, and then. If tbe birdlings sre shut no In the cage and iheir cus todian bas not thought of placing some food at their disposal tbey necessarily die, not from poison administered by tbe parents, but from starvation. St Louia Post-Dispatch. v--: . PvodaolusT a Good Impresalon. "I suppose." said the editor as he spread the manuscript out on tbe desk in front of him. -"that you call tbia poetry. .k " , - "Not at alL" answered tbe young man who bad aubiuitted it "I desig nate it merely as versification." - When tbe editor bad recovered from his astonishment, he made haste to aay "You uiny leave it. I bare no doubt I shall find conxiderRble merit in it, and I shall be glud to look it over care fully at my leisure. Chicago Post. , . Worae Tbaa the Dlaeoae. Handout HHrry I wasted de hull morn in yesterday readin a piece in de paper about bow ter git rich. Tiepaes Teddy Didn't it tell bow yer could do it T Handout Harry It didn't tell no way but workin. San Francisco Ex aminer - " Tbe best doukeya cctu from Arabia. Tbey bari clean, smooth costs, hold their heads high Snd are "used only for riding purposes. Many Hre sent to Per- lia. where they sell for bigh sums Tbey ure well looked after nnd their karneasinKS are of tbe richest Hirr Dnevn. a Germnn traveler who explored the west coast of Putsgcnia, uya-ibst moHHes of all species are de veloped there .to an extraordinary de gree They i;row In immense henps, tbe explorer sinking to his armpits In some ot tnem - Relief iu Six Honrs, Dtstieoring Kidney and Bladder Dls ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South Anierirsa Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on accouutof its exceed lug promptness In n-T ! -v i n yr pain iu blad if' r, k hi in- s and la. k, In n..; e or female. 1 i- ii-vt i ri' -'iHi-D of v ii--r r;;iu"-1 im 15 l .1 V. If y'U H;t!ll(i; .k l--;;lfail cn-e tins is I1 e n - :: ."-.-i.! It C. I) r . ' i, " c. i LT t ito ! ! ilui b tkat Mil Olik ID- ft nx M Ik Bit Aotx of n i to aa aonaw tpa ar I tlun to ffm iianm to tto at L cui;;;i;;g sores CURED BY UIINQ ExiftftuiS EiwwJ Ci!u) (BtBiB) . Tkt Grnd Blood RimtJj. Boil begia a a small, bard, red polat. watch la hot, palatal aad t robbing. CarbiBcl la aalla-Baal boil. Ia Itbar boil or lhair aor wors (era of carta ad It Barely Indicate a diseased eoadlttoa of tb blood, which Bbould bv proapt atleaUoa oa the eppeareae of tb Brst syaploass. Kst lb beat yoa caa get, and freely na Uotaole Blood Bala (BUB), ill aedtdae will teat, tar the boil aad heal the diseased flash la a few days. Mrs W J Bleed of Ague- ta, Ueorgla, had boils (or several year past, a well aa a carbuncle over the rlithl eve. This sprint ah (elt lb symptom of bolls coming oa agtio. Vt hrl aewlnc d would prick lb akla with her aeedl. The Utile aore would (eater. Uer blood waa la a terrible ea rtiltoa. Kb took two bull lea of Bol aalc Blood flan I H U UL and waa eotlrely ruml, and she paaftcd lb spring without Ilia aoaovInK boils and uoululi return of a r uliuocfe. Her IiIimmI waa relieved of iwia'M mailer by II It IS, which ia a powerful blood remedy. 11 Is purely Vrertalile. Kunninc Bores or chronic ulcers are In-uurully lonl oa Ike leg, and the nearrr I hey ar to Ihe ankle the harder lory are t- car. Loral treat ment will leasea Ihe pain and disagree able features of running- sores, - but tbe real cauto Is In a nlseaoed counilliin of blood. Ilsnnllv Ibere is a cure In Bolan cl Blood Balm (B B 11). Years ago lr Ulllsm used U 11 Ii lor running sotes,atiil no case since ever failed lo rield to Us msrvelous power. We have over 4' testimonials of suceessful cures Imm li B B of running aorea. We give one or two. More ai printed In our circular, wlTcb i sent lo any one free of charge, Waller Bridgea of Athens, Tenn. write "For six year I bad been anlclea wlin running aore and an enlargement of the bone in my leg. 1 Irlea everyiuing i heard of without any permanent benefit until l olanic lilood Ilaim (ll ti ID a recommended to me. Alter using six bottle tbe sores healed, snd I am now In better health than 1 1 are ever been I send tbia testimonial unsolicited, be cause I went oiheis to be benefitted. " J D Watktns, Hlakely, Ga, wrllea, "Old aorea covered mv entire nerson and itched intensely night aud- day. For several months I conld not work at all. I commenced the us of Botanie Blood Balm (B B B) and began to grow better the first week, and am now sound aud well. . Botanic Blood Balm (B B Bl Is a sclen tlflc yegetshle romponnd used by Dr Gillam In hit private 'or blood diseases, such ss Old Sorts. Scrofula. Bolls, Blood Poison, etc. It cured so msny people Mist It was put on ine market anil is tor aale by all drueclat al tl Per larire bot tle sent, charges prepaid, on- receipt of .V It has always enjoyed a Urge salo because It CURES! CURES I CURES ! even after evervthini eUc has been tried In vain. Book of cures tent free of charge. BLOOD BALM CO , Atlanta, Ga PKOr'ESSIO.NAI. V. M. Simmons. A. 1. Ward 1. II. Pen, K. W. Fob. 5IMI10NS, POU ti WARD, ATTORNEY, aad COUNSELORS at . - . LAW. . , ftKy XilfllNK, It. V. ' Offlci SS Bo, Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Cliatlawka. - (Offices also af Balclsb and Smlthfleld.) Praotlee In the eonnties of Craveu. Dnplln, Jonti, Onslow, Carteret Pamlico, Wako, Johnaton. Harnett anil Wilson: in Ihe Su premo hikI Kwieral Courts, and wherever aarvu-M ara ttvairm. , IMI. Pclletlep, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street. Lawyers . Brick V Bnildlug. . Will Traettce la tbe Conntle ot Craven Tarteret. Jonea, onalow ana Famllco. U. 4 Court at New FMrua aad (Supreme Court O ne out MB. ; ROMULUS A. NUNN, ArxoxtBrxrar . j.q? . ia.'W KEWBKRNB, H. C. Offlcct Opp. Hotel ChalUwk. . ' Bomb Frqnt Street, Practice in North Carolina FINANCIAL. T. A. tireeu, Pres, K.H. Ueadowa, Vte Pre K. M.6BOVaa,Caalder. CITIZEN'S BANK txsr uraTW bhutx, r. o. DO A OBNERAL BAKKIMO BUBIMBBB The Account ot Banks, Hankers, Corpor ations, t'arniora. alerehuits ani other re selved on favorable terma. Prompt anil ears mi attention given to tue inwi ai oi our oo lomera. coulcuoo aspsoiaity. .... boabo or oiaeoToas. . rerdlnand Ulrlch K. II. liesdows, J. a. Meadows, ' Una, butty, Jr. Samuel W. Ipock, - Janx KedmrndJ Chaa. H. rowier,' Mayer llahn.K J. W.Oralnirer, Tlinma B. bieen, E. W.Smallwood, ' C.S.Koir. tleo. M.lTea. . . W. t. Crockett. , F. & . BAtlK, , - MAT 1st, 18f. Capita! Stock,. , . . . . . . . . .. 73,000.00 Surplus,..,................" 8,500,00 Undivided ProttU... 4,025.00 OFFIOERS. L. H. CgiTLKR Prt-sident. W. 8. Ohadwick, Vice Pres. , T. W. Dswsv, Cashier. J. W. HiouiJi, Teller. F. F JUtthbWS. Collector. riRECTOR3: Wm. R. Hindi's. M. M. frkn. (J. 1 iirmllmm, 1". 11. IVIietrcr, 11. Cutler, . Jm. Sntrr, W, h. t tiailwick, J. t,Mi'Hri, r. w.fivw.-v. ' V W'i-t v.-ur l)i!.ui. -m Fii -I fuel tliat ffpci.nt r v-'n M-i inn h in return b- anv is: - r . ; i i ' " v. It ia onr (-. r t i- ; I... -m (iHi;- i i t i . no our BLUE SERGE SUITS, BLUE SERGE SINGLE COATS. A Fine Line ot Silk ceived. . " Full Line ot SHOES rhlMun VUllvu vu , . , . Prices to suit buyers. H : ,. A.J;SM1TH T BllDPUt BTREKT, itiiittmiiiiiiiimniuiinimiiniinnniK OOT 9ats9WatVBS flpa) VQWlslVfsjfty awU 1 f ifltm j tuasj BuiMM w cwo of ttawMMa OfMCmMthu MM, O ' tsUsaal, VBrTm.i;oawaatA, YmrtmttiA, Jmpastrf I Afjulia . tW fwmlft my m CrrfoiiBBi tarldsT twnmtf aajaarr BWrTaaaafw ttt.. aUMl ii iHttMM Of VUBMkB,SVTa M i'Or. Oammikm Lttmrrtmm, Warn TYvatito, 'ismI4 Wmimtm, HTfriMii, burin Dtm JftM, Mnr 1 i. Oar twaa trwmwBJ vly laod, tkoveAr Tmk tmmr aaaile-lilw' ZZ- PROVE THIS BY ORDERINQ k TRIAL TREATMENT. tViltrf r3oart mmxpmmm. UM (HatVI Ltn loll mm sll rm m mbumm m9 fin' caan, tho wnem Lh ur. yuajr mem. nrttovtn avntl full rv in4 V jiim i iai jr ymi MrepiinitoniVTnTi will . TRY FIRST-BUY THE NEW BERN FIRE OF NEW CAPITA! i-fDOES A GENERAL FIKK T. A OIIF.EN, Preeidmit, QEORUE GREEN, HeAelary. M L I10I.L0WI LL, Gcn'l ARfnt. i sij.sii? emoGm 89avsixiii r rnrnm : CLOVER HILL" BUTTER ! FAHOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ONE 1YB. PRIKTN ONIaY 25 CENTS. Perfect Ruller. In a,. ,( , Perfeet Paekage. , Ii I 'MInkeN Friends ilgAj(Stli).?-ll sen EDULE "Bj To ihe Merchaiiis Of Craven Connly. 3 Oentlemen-aYou are required hy law to oiase icliim of soodiv ware and mer chaodue pnrcbaseil and amount ot lius Inef s ilone by you for Hie 8 months ending June DOlli, 180J dnrinB Hie first 10 days in July ' 18119 at I he oilioeof the Hegisler f v Deeds under , aot of General Assembly of 1899, the perrons or Amis carrying on tbe following business are liublu for tasalion -undT schedule "B". Persons or firms who keep horses" and m nits for hire. ' ' Every pirsoa or firm-who hall buy for lite purpura ff stlliug Bpiritucus, iuoiis or malt liquor. ' y . You are earnestly requesiea 10 mane your returns (luring the lime pn fpniied by law, visi - Deiween uie in aai joiu of July, 1WJ. For failure in make re t torn cr list raid schediiiu "D ' taxrs I'B'taxrs Your attention is rwperifully called to section 70, machinery act of . 1899, which Mid seciion will lie rigidly enforced. ' : . Onlv owners of uiililio feirics. pcrsins ltecpiHK liorees or rnubs lo lire and dealers in spiriiuons, vini i.-s or liquors sre required lo jrive iimnl mnke return duriu;; tho first 10 dsjs iu July r " : All merchnn's or pir.rns d.linu in gooda olher llian lluaie Fit forth, above ore not required to give in at this time. Refpei tfullv. E, M. OREES.'Ree. Peeds. .i I I reef. : Bhirts for Men just re " fcr Men. Mirses and ' - ... ... " . - - SIW Pi t! r:EDXi::E as ADVICES -FOB- MEN and WOMEN. ! WiaiMl iMrtwaase. 9mmm wui awoa AFTERWARDS. 3S MUTUAL ! INSURANCE CO., BHKN, N. C. $5O,CCO,00 1MHUHANCK BTJ8INEK8. V I Rl.ADEfl, I Yj.p,.,, J. "! OUNN, I Oflc VtR I ITIZENS BANK Everywhere." ' JQJj ; roa HOME VSB J Clean, pure wliobsomc, gnarantit'd to Do eiirniiruny maoe irom uiMineu micr , and free (rom impuritli a. frMcially in- S tvnded and prepared for buiuan eoo- . sumplion. ; . ' t Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 8 4 amtoOpm. hundays (retail only) 7 a m to 18 rioon. i For prices and otlu r Information, t .' . Addreef, : New" Berne Ice Co., : " B. 8. fJUlON. Mamsoib. , NOTICE K SPECIAL! - . - :. y e Hate OD nautt t; Tnnn niirmr' . AUVO t. osaou iuui, Used for Cemetery or otlfcr Nice Work, gg BIG HILL.- Ths Slfejji tiV', REALIST ATEAGENCY Houces and Ixts For Sale at Loww-t Postible Figures. Dt Birable floniea anil Teaemenls lUat sill 'prove a fine Invest . ment. allertloB f Itt-alg a Sprt laity Ofllce st r. iiiletite, 17 Jnhi ton fti.rt.. n Mi

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