7 TT J' !. i J J . J TOL ITII-IO. tl. HEW BIRM, K. CM TltSDlI HOltlllii, JILT I, IMS. tSTHLISHID lest 1899. -L riaaa at wilob. IbCLii'iillil-OGiJ 1 1 m O O O . . . U 4 MASON'S UNEEDA BISCUIT, Sl m 1 Tb finest and most palatabki variety of Ma ; Wafer, T f 7 iu &led Peckap. ouly FIVE CKNT8. One trial S will make you a constant coBganer. e ' r" fc- 1 A Freeh SuduW of " x. i i . V' an Sugar Cured Meats,' j Just received, including Richmond Shoulders, Sugar dared Short Backs, Breakfast Stripe, which we cut to Suit at lCc per pound and aluo tboM eioelleat HAMS whose popularity i. constantly increasing, sliced in any quantity. '.,' . . . ; , . The Finest Elgin Butter end full Cream Cheese kept on ice. " " n I i i lii'aGK'DURni IKIOUAII OnUnni range Tenety. MUinMM OUnUUL. Near Meh.ae fit Offers Eatru Carol int Boys healthful tod beautiful horn io Piedmont N..C Plenty of wholesome food, pure water d Imh air. Faculty of sewn thorough teachers. Fine Hible, classical, scU-iitiric and business courses. Gymnasium and .rnyatcal Uireclor. All oul'loor aporti enrotiniirwi Hcboirklp, prlwe ana nnl el. Llleiar tMriellra. For nw handsi-mrly illnMraied calalniriir. addnss. : t PBESTON LEWH 0114 V, U. l, Hlbci,l HiDgbam reKoai, liebaor, N.r. Mew tail That is the fay we are Selling our Eutire Stock of Clothing Dry Goods and Shoes, And Oents Furnisliing Goods If Jul wint GENUINE BARGAINS call it No. 28 Middle tUtti nd be eoivlnced of whit we tell yoir iliV - We ire guii to more iwiy iod for tbit reisoa we ire ucrl ficing oar stock, which if iikei idViitige of wiifbe yoiif gilil ; l C?0E?3LjOir 28 Middle 'street. Big Sign in front of door.. , 13 13 25 Per M B KG IN NINO CATHDnAv mi v t 3 3 We will sell our entire Sto-:lc f BOYS, YOUTHS, CfllL- 3 l! rKEX8 Af) MEN'S' SUITS AT " 25 Per CVnL I-h Tiian ltegular Price. 3 13 . Put your money back in your pocket. By b jymg now yoa Actually 3 S save M CenU n eery ft 00 wortdoT clothiu yon ouy. Our many friends caa testify a jo the kind of Cloib.np w sell. We t te lead in quality, style and low pilcee. , . , "'. j i ij We are selling the balance of our Spring Stork to make room for . Just think a t 00 Suit only 9 00; a $4 00 pair of Trfustis now 3 3 ioo. --i-; ; v v ' 3 We need space for Fall Stock ani must get rid of jat - uits we' 3 g itars left. . We are selling at almost impossible prices to at co Induce you to buy. It woul.1 pay yon to buy now and keep till, next 'season- ' z E Tou can never get more for f 1 03 than now. Krery SS cants saved b t- so much made. Youn, ' iV- ' 3 13 6? POLLOCK STREET, ; NEW BERN, N. C. SI ;aiaiaiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiaiuiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiii:r; V SEVEN SPRINGS. W i, ft ft ; g3aSKixfr3iB . . , The Fiaest of all Mineral Waters. A Positive Cure for Indigestion,' Dyspepsia, Insomnia, Nervous Proatratlon and all Kidney and Liver Troubles. Its general restorative properties aie wonderful. Each Bpring has iu peculiarities. All seven are marvelous. ' BEDUCED RATES ON RAILROADS. HACKS TO 1IEET EVERY TRAIN. Telephone Una From LaOranga to 5evcn ffrlng. FOIl TERM3 ADDRESS Waterworks In HoUI. Hot or Cold j, Water E-ths Fret To Quests. G. F. S.UTH, Pr el I r Oiai OSt. 0SIaMM4 Mi Wm Sk II iiIiiiw ti. BalSma A S)iSin la CiwImI BVMaml f tha Ar- Uuiea, laly The HlaU eaartaes thelailu Creek Maaafacturiag Coss paay, of Ctovalaad eeaaty, capital ,- 000, evaers W. A.' HudUlU. C B. Web ota and & A liaaaey. .. .Dariag Us past foaror Ire aaoata tkere have beea aa lass tkaa sight iacaa dlary Ires at Wllaoa, The eoaaaU stoaar of lasaraaoa basraiaraed from ibat Iowa, harlag spaat aeveral days la aa lavaatlgalloa of the I ram, lie baa not yet completed IC TJsderaasw law U Is saade hU doty to lavastlgata and re port aa all laosadiary Iras. A Bile of the track of the Rkhinoaa- Bldgsway Ballroad bas been laid at the Rldgeay tad. A narrow gang railroad oa the Blchaoad ead Is try lag la every aoacelvabla way to obatroct Ike building Of the Kkhttoad ead. Revenue Collector Duaoan aaaaaaced early la the week that be would make a lot of changes la the reveoae force. He saaoaaced the changes as follows: bliss Flora C retch relieves S. P. Maaoa, as iteaographer, the latter relieving W. P. King as clerk, King relieving W.O. Pool who at bis own reoaaat relieves S. A Bodgln as general storekeeper, Hodgia reletting N. A. Brown (Democrat) at the dltboralng , desk. . James H. Youag colored, ei eolenel ef the Third Regl meat of Volunteers and devoted friend of Governor RuttelL relieves John K. Cameron at the braady desk, Cameron becoming general storekeeper. . W. J. dutton, of Blsdea, who was Governor Rassell's favorite foe traasarar of the AllaalU North Caroline Railroad, relieves J. B.HoUaad as deputy collector. Collector Duncan will have a little aids talk with Holland aad offer kin some other Alad of "pie," "something equally a4 good. The collector says: "I have sent in (be names of IIS storekeepers and gaugera, to take the place of Democrats. and, God wllilug, aone of the latter will be left. I am pleated to be able to clean them out so early, like the Democrats did our people In Ibe Agricultural De partmeot. . These are all my own sp poinlments and I stand by Ihem." Before the corporation -eommleilou there was argument by the Southern, Atlautlq Coaat Line and Norfolk A Western Railroads against the order re ducing to ten tons tbe "minimum ctr load of commercial ferlerllzera. W. A. Gutbria appeared for tbe Norfolk T Western; Messrs. Drake and Menifer for tbe Southern and Mr. Williams for as Atlaalk Coast Line. The Seaboard has transferred ' Its -case ' to the Federal Court." ': '"' ' V - ' Tbe figures got mixed as to the In crease of vslustlon per mile oa tbe main line of Ibe Atlantic Coast Line aad Us Wilson A Fayetleville and Petersburg division, by the corporation commission. The Increase of these by the corporation oommissien Is from $11,000 to $25,000, Tbe Increase of Valuation of the prop erty of the various transportation com' panics approximates 80 per cent., and nearly nine-tenths of tbe Increase Is on tbe Southern and Atlantic Coast Line systems,' ' "! '! Returns are rapidly coming In to the Agricultural Department as to the con-1 dltleaofcropsaptoJuna 80. Officials say that tbe returns show that crops are In very fair condition. 1 Tbe board of public buildings 'and grounds met and look steps to nullify the action of the chairman of the board of agriculture In ordering that the -State Museum exhibits In the front or south section ej the State Museum should be removed and tbe corporation commission given that parf of the building. J Tbe reason tor the giving of such aa order by tbe chairman Is a puxxle. Tbe board of agriculture did not order that the corporation commission be given any part of the Museum. Tbe executive committee at its meeting did not, as a whole, act oa It, but only two members voted for.lt Tbe chairman at that ing made remarks la ridicule of tbe Museum, this being tbe first Jtme that anytbljg save the highest praise hss been beard from any North Carolina, or Indeed from anyone, who baa ever seen the Muieom. . The officials of tbe Agrl cultural Department . are naturally pleued llitl the Museum Will remaiu In Its entirety. 4 , ; Tbe board directs tbe return of tbe furniture and collections to tbe Museum and alto that tbe present quarters of ths corporation commission be enlarged and that tbe bateuient be assigned for storage. The corporation commission' ers stated that this was entirely satisfac tory. ; y . . , ,. - Major Powell and several citizens ap peared before the board of public build' Ings and grounds and urged tbe latter to Yemove the Stale arsenal. Tbe mayor was informed that while the Legttlature directed lberemovai of tbe arsenal, it neglected to appropriate say money to build another or purchase a lite for It and it will never do to store government property iu aa unsafe place at the mtrcy of a mob. ' . . . . . l A . ItaLcs the food more rkHdotis and wtolesotoe ir 1 should bin To-HieMT. rraiow gutter an. a at 14- If I should die to-ela-bt. ihvawnii My friends would look apoa si) qalet . ait. rtn sMihk. face, Oaaaa,Naa JaaeW.-OM Has A! Before I key laid U la Us last rasllag Usaee sssn aad populiats aiet at Kearney place, .-. - . .today and decided to rarped fusion aad lad that death had ktl It alssost Bute :falr. Aad lay lag aaow-w kite lowers agalast my hair. " ' Would smooth It down with tearful tea- daraess. Aad fold my luwdt with lingering caress, Poor heads, so empty aad so cold to night.' i . , . If I should die to-night, . My friends would call to salad with lor - Ing thought, . Soma kindly deed the Icy hand bad wrought; . Some geatla words tbe frooea lips had sakl;' ' Errands oa which the willing feet bad pedi . , ". , The memory of my selfishness and pride, My nasty words would all ha pat aside, Asd so I should be loved aad moaned to-night. , If I should die tonight, Iven hearts est ranged would turn once more to me, . Recalling other days re moraef ully; Tbe eye that chilled ate with averted glaaos. Would look upon me as of yore, per chance, Aad soften In the old familiar way. For who could war with dumb' aucon- sclous elayf . So I might rest forgiven of all tonight ' .' Oht friends, I pray tonight, Keep not your kisses for nr dead oold brow- Tee way la lonely, let me feel them now, Tbtak geally of me; I am travel-worn; My fallertag feet are pierced with many atborn,'"" : "V ; -'' " Forgive, oh, hearts estranged; forgive I plead) . . When dreamless rest Is mine, I shall not nominate a middle of-tae road ticket this tall. They Issued aa address to" Nsbresks PepnllsU, denouncing Ibe existing fu sion arraageaMBta, the present Stale officials, aad the Board of Traasportatlea declaring that Democracy had swallowed np Pop Htm, aad the Utter had re ceived aothlag from the deal, aad de clartag their Intention to keep In the middle of tbe read. They declared agatatt supporting a national tlckst with Brysn at the head, anient n Pope- list Is glvsn seoond place. Tbe address Is a scathing dnnnndatloa of fusion, So tar at known the Jub-e of Irbk po tatoes Is better calculated to- cents the hot to let go the lining of tbe stomach than any remedy that ean, with safety, be given tbe horse. Tbe Juice doss not kill tbe bote, bat canssa them to become anmb. Hence they enrl np aad let go, and the horse in relieved from his bo is Six to twelve tubers will furnish enough juice, when scraped, to relieve the worst esse. D. T. Stephenson. The tenderness for which I long tonight; REPORT OF THK CONDITION ' OF TBI NATIONAL BANE, Or New Verne, N. C at New Berne, In the State ef North Carolina, at Ibe elose of Business, Jaae SO, 1809. , RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $I0,MflU 8,449 18 A fresh lot of Roystert Chocolates aad Hon Bona In sealed packages Just received at Mcoorley's A few days ago a prominent lady re marked after drinking glass of Coca Cola at Davis' Soda Fountain. "That Is the beet glass of Coca Cola I ever drank In my life, J, J. Baxter Is closing out his summer clothing, shoes, dress goods, Ac, very lOWio For that "something better" desire, when Ice Cream fails,1 try Pineapple Snow, at Bradham's Fountain.' ... -Bath Baits. J. J-Baxter, has a new lino of Path Suits just In for ladles, misses boys and The Oaks Market offers a better grade of Fresh "Beef then usual, today, Fine lot of Smlthfleld Hams just re ceived at tbe Oaks Market. Sliced bam, to suit purchasers, at Oaks Market . - -r Sverytblng you need to keep yon cool this hot westbsr at "the only place there be." ' m - v; ; . ' Burton Ale Is msde at Burton on tbe Trent Iu Wales, but you msy now find It at Jlurka's on the Trent . Your prescriptions If brought to us to be filled, will be given our most careful attention,' and will be filled with Drugs am? Chemicals aa pure and fresh at tbe old tellable houses can furnish us. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. o ' if you 'want Life Giving Sweets yon will fiud Hener -In nbundanoe at T. J, Baxter's Residence No. S3. Eden street. For sale in any quantity, style or grade of Comb Honey. '.,'. Brsdhsm'i Pbotphaies always sstisfy they srs msde just right and are not only healthy but aid digestion. comes from those lui'i!!it for .J wliot ke ilooU'shttr SfU'ufula, tly 11 "li.Oil"lt Give your h- 1 a 1 eo.,1 it 1 1 Cu'.n I ' ' e l l" ( 5 f r ! v.- r g Old English Ale on draught at Burke's. A big man snd s big glass. Quantity a well as quality si Burke's.- A cool snd refreshing drink Pine spple Buerbtt, st KcSorley's. Dollars snd sense should teach you to hsve your prescriptions filled where qna'.Uipt are alwtyt re'lulle and you gtt tLe most value for tLa U. b it money, Va wskN t ewaj A iw VI 1 11 U - liUl ur S: I Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams Nlrletly FIrat Qualllymml I m Nelllns Tliria for lSe Lb. S; Entail Brvnkfaat Stripe and a few nice N. G. Hauit. JJ A nice lot of small Portsmouth Cofued Mullets with brads of and Lackbouea out for ouly 20c wt doten. Fifth Grits, Carolina liir and Oatiakea. Fresh Cora SUrch aad Tapioca. Cud Flour for J tc lb. The Verj Best for 3c lb. - Duval, Cream, Runifunli and (!ood Lack Itakiug Powder and the. beet refined IahI. Sjnip and Mobuaea, - Ileinx's Sweet and Sour Pick lee. Potted Hans, Chip Beef, Sainton, or anything else yon want in Groceries at the Lowest Possible Price. Overdrafts, secured and un secured C. B. Bonds to secure circu lation . B. Bonds on band . . .".. Stocks, securities, etc... ... Banking-house, f urniture.aad flxtures Other real estate and mon tages owned...,.........! Doe from .National Bsnks (not Reserve Acentsl.... . Due from State Banks and Bankers .7 ... Due from approved reserve aeeuts Checks snd other cash Items, II. S. Int. Revenue Stamps Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents. ....... Lswful money Reserve in Bsnk, vtzr Hoecle bi.xbi so Lent tender notes 1 1.000 SO . 44191 60 Redemption fund with V. 8. Treat r 10 of circulation). 1,15)1 uu 11.000 00 10,000 00 U.1W8 76 15,000 00 42,100 17 11,983 tt 15,409 M ioa,;is 90 1,057 50 1.938 00 613 03 Total , . r LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In , Burpiusruna , Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes psid....... National Bank notes out standing Due to State Banks and Bankers Individual deposits subject to ebeok lof.wo sa Time certificates of deposit. 97,820 OS Cashier's checks outstanding .... 1,806 44 883,177 18 $548,870 18 .$100,000 00 , 70,000 00 17,493 IS 18,5 iO 00 4,547 85 Total , $548,870 18 T- 1 M County ol Craven. ) I. G. H. Roberts, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beiier. - . . u.KU04,tiro,jssuiec Subscribed and sworn to before n this 8rd dsy of July, 1899. J. tt. If. CAKUArr A I, a. r ConnccT Attest: . J. if. Haeiainiif , , JAMns A. BaiJIK. , Jsa Dosn, , , , ' . - ' J K. BisHor, ; . , - ' ?. . Directorsi lion is this ' That tbe Gashins Cycle Co , can sell B cycles and Sundries snd do kepalr Weik so Cheat ? Because they buy in large uanllliet and tell for cash and have best workmen employed. Tliey now hsve five experi enced woikmen and are turning out dic er wirk than ever Tluy are also doing a whoii nest in Bloycles and Sundries and wo'ild like to have agents In every town snd vlllsge. Those Interested will please write or call on fiAStlXS' CYCLI UOUPAKY. Planters Building, ale biiai Wliolettnle JL lle.nl I Groeer, f f if n i ifffif p 'Phone We , 71 Brtwvl Hi. p YOUR LUNCH BASKET WiU eoataii the choicest of foods If yoa make yourj selections lrom our DeUcious Jams Jellies, Canned Meats aad RelUbes, Ci ackers, Bardlaes, Salmon and Lnbslers. When prepsring for picnics or outings, our High Grade Foods will be found particularly tooth some snd nouiishiog, Our stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries la unexcelled. Fot River Butter, slways fresh direct from the dairy 83c lb. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, . 'Phone 69. 77 Broad Street. Hjioojk: Over I Tliis Hiist i CM hinl And see what you need among them. The Prices at which we shall offer them daring the balance of this month are un heard of in the Fnrnitura Business. '. , Fancj Rockers in all the new styles and finishes, all re duced 25 per cent ; . - Ladies Desks, some beauties that we have put at a price that will not leave them here long. . China Closeta, new lot just received and it will pay you to them before yon bny7 Sideboards, some exceptional values among them. -, Chiffoniers ia Oak and Inu Mahogauy, from the cheapest to the best, y- ' ..... The above is only a small part of our stock which is full of the best values, in fact so good that yon will feel this to be the tore that best serves yon. . . ,. . . . . FRANG. H. JONES & CO., 87 MIDDLE STBEET. JLVLLJLJLJLJLJ1.JL JC J. L. I!nrt-n:!d, A Good Friend will tell vou without flattery that a suit of clothing with our pertoot workman ship, artistic finish, fsulth-ss fit and ele gance of atyle makes yon look like a Prince In Its exquisite tijut iksimbi.b. Our fabrlct ars exclusive and the hand somest patterns and colors of the season. We will fit snd make yon a suit at a reasonable cot. . ' E 'jyli.Xtj ( Kiddle street, NEW EEP.N. N. C ire 1 11 y t i our in 1 ! It 1 I 1 V'1 IT' a ciiivAi::3 1 i ...I, CITY It- I' ;.':! 1 6. - 1 t Co j v y i i r y Lan Rwi ?, ?, i'-i. e (i. ie- 1' a c' , f: .!" tv Halting Preserves And Jellies and Canning Fruits ia what every housewife ia doing now that likes irood things for her table io Winter. Tbe fruit teason ia rgbt with ua now, and we are prepared for it with a superior stock of the beat Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, Preservinf Kettles in copper, brass and sgate, Paring Knives, &c. We hsve everything that ia needed In this line at low prices. i.o.nii out to. ::jlss & photon for sale i As my family will be away for seveial y ouths, I otter for sale my nice family y !!e, phaeton and harness. J. E. LATHAM. j.

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