ACTS OtNTLY ON TMt Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ' rUSlS THE YSTEM ...EFFECTUALLY ,,UAt PCRMANENTIY evr Te atmim-ManTo fcr UI?KNUTCfSYR?(S rai au a u THE JOURNAL. w Hera. N. C. Jal; !i. !8i. It 4KTIEITI. Walaon Watermelon. I. Trenwltb fllackanilih. J I,. McDaniel-Lerd, c J. 0. Dunn A Co. Uutlerwear. Business Locals. WHEN jrou want watermelon don't forget that Walton's market. Broad trret, It heailqnartrrt for choice melon A fine lot of down the river melons Jim received. Free dellverj lo any pari of tlie city. Phone 131. MASONIC Pendant Maltese Crow. Found at Middle and South Front alt. Owner can have it lijr paying charges ami proving properly. Journal Olflce. PLUMBING We desire to Intorm the citizens of New Bern, that on and after Augual 1st , we will be In position to do Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Steam Ileal Ing. We will carry a large slock of material In this line adjourning our present place of business, and Invite you to inspect same. Having secured services of a licensed plumber, we propose put ting In work accoidlng to sanitary rules. If you wish good work promptly done, ring up 03, or find os at T Craven St. llyman Supply Co. HOW to conduct a War of Eitermlna tton use Columbian Insecticide Powder, smokeless, noiseless, kills out all roach es and water bugs Guaranteed as sure as a shotgun. Henry's Pharmacy, 13? Middle street. 1 HAVE a very large stock of newly mado, Hartford and other tires and am selling them very low for Cash. 12,00 to $5,00 each. Wm. T. Hill, Phone 129. THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. Naval Raaarvea Attaaliaa. Naval Reserves, you are hereby order ed to report at the Armory tonight at 8 o'clock, for monthly Inspection. l!y order Lieut. Comd'g., J. L. Hartbfiki.d, B. M., C. P. O. Nat Even la that. "What a perfect Idiot lam!" walled Blumper. Ami for the purpose of con soling him his wife absent mlndedly re marked, "No one la perfect, William.'' The extreme care exercised In our prescription department is further In creased by use of typewritten labels for all prescriptions. We claim to lie the first pharmacy In the State to depart from the pen written, blurred label. The use of tho typewriter has become so universal, and so essential where legibili ty Is required, we have adopted it in writing our prescription labels, preclud ing the possibility of patient reading the doctors directions incorrectly. ' We use every means to give our customers the best service. Bradham's Pharmacy. For a hot day nothing will exhilarate you more than one of Bradham's Orange or Lemon Phosphates. Cool breeze from our 'fan and a glass of pore, ice cold soda water will furnish new force for the days work. J. J. Baxter is closing out'bls summer clothing, shoes, dress goods, Ac, very low. Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Hail Brushes and other at wholesale price. T. 8. Duffy & Co. Mothers, remember that Anways Croun Syrup is just as effective in cases of severe summer cough as in croun, Have a bottle on hand In ease of croup, coughs or whooping cough. If it does not relieve your child,, ire will refund your money. Bradham's Pharmacy. CAPUDINE Is the only remedv that will car. Uinljr cuns Headache) and Neu ralgia witnout any bad effect whatever. A fair trial ii all we . art. a5c bottle at well-stocked druggists. .. -, . .a tut tarmacrrr. fair iHlko la ll Ykr kiwi forecast for today. Aa-artelfW iknaa1 aaiet at star rtwd If umII art en est yrttarday I rom la Una1 Crae aarUoa. Tier eeU alt u lr dolUta a a4e. The Caaaabar tt Ceaaanrra will awet loalf kl at M e'rlock. aad a large, al taaeesrs ki desire. Tk aaawttag W called aa to dtaaaa esreral laspotiaat valirrm. - Cariallaa Ckrca-Praaralr asrrir Wedasedar algt, by Ike Pax or K. rWorick W. Laxlord. rWl.jert, To obey ta batter tkea SerrlBca, A ad to batik ra laaa tb fat of Kaau. Quit a aasalaer of people wool froaa bore Basilar lo aim 4 tb "July saaat lag" of tbtBaptsM caarck near. Maya. Vllie. A very largo eaaiber were praaeal at tb Mtlog, which la aa aanoal ooo. Kev. R. B. Joha left yesterday lo be Seal two week, and there will be no preaching till lb second Meads; la Aa gust. Prayer meeting and Suaday arhool will fa held aa aaual. CapL W. II. Bock lia will lead prayer awrilag TLnrsday alghl of this week. 1I KI. At Oreenabora, N. C at 10 a m July Ittb, Emma Fulford, daughter of Ibe lata Joseph Fnlford of thla cliy. . Tb fnral will take place from tke A. A M. C. depot Ibis afl rnoon upon arrival of the train. July ! 1800. CMIM MI1U At a meeting of the Chamber of Com meres, held July 12ih, it was deckled llial Ibey ahould lake lu Initial) ve for a cotton factory for New Hern. The co-operailve plan was provol, the abate subscribed to lie payable five per rent each month for tacuiy mouth. After four monthly pa menia the con tracta for building and machinery to lie placed, and after six addillnnal paymenlr or ten month from Ibe II rat payment the mill would be in operation. Thia plan is feasible and practicable, as several mills iu thia ami other Hialei ate tunning auciemfully today built on the aauie plan. A apecial nieeliug of the Chamber la called tonight for the membrra to report the amount of atock they and their friends will auliscrilie Let each mem her of the Cbamlier bear this iu mind aud put In good work along this line today, and make it a special poiul lo be present at the Stock Exchange tonight at 8:10 o'clock. PKKMONAL. Mr. Owen II.Gulon has returned from Wayneaville. Mr. R. II. Baxter of Stonewall, here yesterday. Mr. Tom Ennetl la spending a was few days in the city, Mr. Carl Cbadwlck of Beaufort, was the city yesterday. Mrs. Walter Dnffy left yesterday, to visit friends at Mayton. Miss Julia Howell of Uoldihoro, leTt by the Neuse last ulgbt for Ocracoke. Miss Katie Drew of Soulliport,! visit ing Mrs. H. B. Holland ou Craven street. Messrs T. A. Green, W I). Harrington and Dan Roberts west to Ocracoke last night. Mr. Isaac Cobn and son went to Goldsboro yesterday to visit relatives and friends. Messrs John S. Manlx and J. J. Bax ter returned Sunday morning from Ocracoke. Mr. W. P. M. Bryan and son, Wm. Moore, returned Sunday night from a trip to Richmond. Rev. J. M. Benson and Ptof. W. II. Rhodes of Trenton left on the Neuse last night for Ocracoke. Mrs. A. E. Pittman and children re turned home last night from a visit to relatives at Kinston. Major Geo. E. Butler of Clinton, and H. L. Stevens, Esq , of Warsaw are regis tered at Hotel Cuattawka. Mr. H. B. Duffy and family left for Shelby yesterday to attend the Baptist Sunday School Chatauqua. Mr. S. G. Barrington of Johnson's Mill was in the city yesterday visiting his brother, Mr. Z. V. Barrington. Mr. Carter Jenkins of New Bruns wick, N. J., who has been visiting at Mr. W. F. Rountree'a, left last night relum ing home. Mrs. Geo. L. Wadsworth. and sons, Masters George and Robert, returned Sunday ou the Neuse from a visit to rel atives at Philadelphia. Mrs. F. Ulricb, Miss Alberta Ulrlch, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Duffy, Mrs. Emma II. Powell and Mrs. D. W. Roberts came home from Morehead yesterday morning. - Too Maeh Takea far Granted. n. Tha-publlsher of a newspaper has one thing lo sell an'd one thing to rent. He has the newspaper to sell and the space In bit column to rent says the San Diego (Cal ) Tribune, Can any one in form ns why he should be expee'ed lo give away either the-one or the; othetT He can if lie so chooses, and he doe a a matter of fact, furnish a great deal of space free. But it doe not follow that h ought to be expects, to do so. It ought (o be recognized a a contribution exactly aa would be the giving away of sugar or coffee by a grocer. But, strange to aay.'lt i nor looked upon In that light at all, and yet everybody knows that the existence of newspaper depends upon the rent of its apace and th sale of the paper, a a merchant's success depends on selling his good Instead of giving them away. . "What might have bee-lf that little cough hadn't been neglectedi the aad reflection of thousands of consumDtivrs One Minute Cough Cure care cough and cold. ..F.S.Duffy. atat mm a au bob. aAa at air which Buy pro la he a BuraVr, took plan at Jeskas Oiy, ftaa- dayklf-kk. .. Ymcm VliKaakt, a eagre, totarelag boaae Baaaay alghl, la a dnaakea a lata. got lata a dtepota with hi wife, the re- alt belag that tb ataa aalaad a tkk of wood aad beat lb woaaaa la to aa lataa ' WUUaaa we arraatad Moaday Bvora tag aad braagbt over to late dty aad lodged ra ibe eowaty )all 1 The woaua at leal aeeeaau bad aot rrfaioad eoaarinaakaaa. William bad recently eoaae from jail having served a eaalcace for aasaelb nuaixa rowbttst rarrtt. The chomlsl of the North Caroliaa Agrlcollaral Kxperiewat Siatioa, rWa. W. A. W libera aad J. A. BiualLbavere eeatly coUected aad aaelyted lb baking powder sold In North Carolina aed the result of their work is glvea la Bulletin No. I'd recently published by lb Ex periment hut Ion at Raleigh for general information. The nasae of the powdera reported aa containing alum and their manufacturers, are as follows: aUhlag Fawara ColaJaiaC Alaw. GOOD LUCK CoatalBS Alasa Boot hern MTg. Co, Rlebaaooa, Ta. SUCCESS Contain Aleai Morehouse Mfg. Co., Hsvaneah, Ga. OLD DOMINION ConUlnsAiaai Old Dominion M fg. Co , Richmond, Ya. CAMPBELL'S Contain Alum The Potter I'arlln Co., New York. KOLAN ConlaJn Alum Smith, Uorpel A Co., Baltimore. HEX Contains Alum J. D. A II. 3. Christian Co. Richmond. DAVIS' O. K Contains Alum. 11 B. Davit A Co., New York. I'l'lilTY Contains Alum. Palapaco Baking Powder Co , Baltimore ONEriPOON Contain Alum Taylor Mfg. Co., New York. POSSUM Coutalns Alum. Savaua Soda Co., Havana, Ua. BLUE ItlDBON Contaius Alum. Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Co , Kick. mond. PA I LROAD Contalna Alum Morehous Mfg Co , Savannah, Ga. The report alatea that the residue left In the bread from alum la aolubl In tbe juice of the body, and la tbn absorbed by it, a fact which- many manufacturer deny. Tbe use of alum in bread -making is prohibited in countries having food adulteration law. It quotes the opinion of Dr. Dangllsh, that the effect of alum upon tbe system Is that of an astringent producing constipation and deranging Ibe process of absorption. The report recommends thai the aalo of baking powder should be so tegulated that consumers may lie placed In poate tlon of knowledge as to which are the alum brand. Naval Keaarvea Crul.a. Rai.ehiii, N. C, July g:. Commander j George L. Morton, of th North Caroli na Naval Hetervo Rrtuade, Is heie. He says the eight divisions have a tolal strengin ot aim. I'art or the force waa on a cruise on the Prairie. The remain der will go on the Hornet, one making two cruises; one probably In July, to Washington at tbe time of the annual meeting of tho Naval Reserve Associa tion; the other Iu tbe fall to New York. The divisions get 2M each allowance for armory, rent, etc., and there was al lowed for tbe cruises only $330. Of thia nearly all is expended. The officer anil men have to pay expenses of tbe cruises, the largest item as to the Hornet lielng $.riO a day for coal. Rations cost about 10 cents a day. -- Favors tha AiueuilmeBt. Your correspondent gave a report of an interview with Republican State Chairman Uolton In which the latter, iu speaking of tbe franchise amendment, said that he was Informed that in the extreme easl the white Democrats favor ed the amendment. It it learned today that the chairman wa misinformed. Richard P. William, et-member of the Legislature, and oue of the leading Re publican in Craven county, says be will not only vote for the amendment, but will also canvas in it interest. He say that nearly all the eastern white Repub licans are in favor of the amendment. Raleigh Correspondence, Charlotte Ob server, July IX A CUILI KNJOVrt The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Fign, wheu in need of a laxative, and if the fattier or mother he costive or bilious, the most gratifying result follow llsun; ao that ll Is tbe best family remedy knowu and every family ahould have a liottle. Menu factured by the California Tig Syrup Co. v Oxford Orpbma Aaylaaa. The third subject of congratulation I the Improvement in the Oxford Orphan Asylum. This refer not so much to In creased number, as to "the additlou of the four brick cottages, with two stories and a basement each, for girls, opposite those in the northern arc, recently com pleted for boys, and besides many minor improvements, Is the thorough reorgani sation and economical and systematic arrangement now Introduced. The hos pital Is vpoken of .as a model of neatuera. Tbe Superintendent regards the cottage system as offering the beat tolutlon of many vexed questions In asylum HO. From Biennial report; Board of Public Charities.-; y... ,v , "Circumstance Alter Case." In case of dyspepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheu matism, eruption', etc the circumstances may be altered by purifying and enrich ing the blood with Hood's Saraaparllla. Try It. Hood's PUli cdre' biliousness,) tick headache. lUk J.-JV tea ml lk (AMBlaka fcWh r iTaa i iaartiaa !. ria Cataaa tafSkia, Jely M. Crop are reported If every aarlio of the roaatry asbrlag epleedkd' Tbe laat I'dayeef bo atbar aad Ugh! bower have worked .aruaeWr la the The health of Jooe eoaaty wa aeeer We boar of bat vary Utile ak- Mr. Bertaaae Oliver who baa doae a barber baaleoa la tbl plan for tbe laat fleea year, baa euU eel to Mr. Eaxaaat T. Boeder who win eoaliaae the baat aose. Mr. Oliver le asekleg a larger ter ritory is wort la. Be bee oar beat wbbs tor hi f eta re aaoraaa. Mr. M.N. Harriett of this place la bavlag very alee aad sabataallel bridge built eeroet Mill creek at Ul place, which will pat hi gla aad mill I quite a eoavealeet poaltloa for lb people dowa la Ibe Whllford aaciloa, sbortea lag the U tela ace two Bailee. Ha hear Mr. Joba C. Parker of Oliver la making aoaae very fiae care of tobac co, ha already cared 13 bare vary good gratia. Ha baa about 40 acres la culll valioa. Quit a squally Hate on the street her last Saturday eight, a Utile fight aad lot of noise, also a littles scrap al Ibe pknte at 10 mile bouse last Friday vea lag. Ml Be! Holland who ha be a pending tb lummer In Wlntlo with her uaele returned home Monday mora- alls Dollle Koonce it vlalilng frlende aad relative at Rlverdale. Horn on I thla placet anxlou for her return. Miae Male Hart and her friend. Mia Jennie Farington of Chapel Hill I vl.ll Ing Mlaa Annie Sbepard of tbia place. Mr. McGregory and Mlaae Anal Tol son, Carrie Watson and Mist Crowder were spending tbe sfternoon of last Bun day, on Ibefr return from I he "Big July," In Ibis place visiting friends. Tbere wete quite a lot of New Bernlans at tbe "Big July." HOliT PICNIC TIMK." 'Bout picnic time, at Sunday school, I always kuow tbe Golden Rule, An' text Ibe ntlulater cave out. Each week get a picture catd Fer liein' good; It'a awful bard, But dad he bauds me out a dlme Per ev'ry one, ,bout picnic lime. There's fullers In my class 'at swesr. An' slay away some daya, an' wear Ol' dirty clothes lo Sunday achool; You bet I dou'l; I tin'l no fool. I brush my clothes an' comb my hair. An' I'm the very first one tbere. Tor sass your teacher Is a crime At auy rate, 'bout picnic time. Some feller tease the little girls, An' steal their guin,B' pull tbelr enrb; But that ain't gentlemanly, so I never do such things, you know. I always know the questions, an' I make believe ter understan'. An' I say a little rhyme That teacher likes 'bout picnic time. Our teacher' name's Mis Nuttlewed, An' bad boy call her "Mutlonhead," Which isn't nice, because she takes A lot of trouble for our sake, An' saves our wicked Utile souls, Au' on our heads heaps buraln' roals; Au' so I love my teacher prime Especially 'bout picnic time! -Brooklyn Life. It Help la Caahlar. Odd bits of change thoughtlessly left by custcmers form uo inconsiderable part of th income of cashiers In res taurants, siluouH, cigar store and sim ilar places clienv during many hours of each day. tbere is a steady rush of patrons. "I get $15 a week salary," said a cashier, " and I always count on an ad ditional $3, or 50 (Tntt per day, through forgotten cbaiiRe. 1 do uot cousider that I am doing nnythlUR dishonest, either bemuse I nhvn.vs make nu effort to attract the customer!! attention to the fnct that lie l leaving his change behind. Nine nines out of teu I suc ceed, even if I have to send n waiter to follow tbe man clear out tbe street. But there are onongli of the tenth case to make my receipts foot np all of the sum weekly I have nam ed. The majority of thorn are people In ft hurry to catch a train or car or to keep nn nn datment. and they haven't the time to return, even If tbey did dis cover their loss a square or so away. The next day they don't care, or at least tbe majority of them do not, to aiteak'nbottt such n small matter, the overlooked ehnuge seldom belna; tnore than 5 or 10 cents, aud I am just so much ahead. The proprietor get It? Certainly not It doeau't belong to blin, and just ao the money In tbe cash drawer ImlauceH with tbe register bo I satisfied." Philadelphia Inquirer. rile It on the Prloeea. In China it Is vtlquette to regard one ns older than lie or she reatiy Is. When the 'Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia visited Bnanghat. tbey met a notable mandarin one of w hose nrwt questions to the prince this being aa Invariable matter of Chinese polltenes was: -;,- 1 . ; , "How old are you T "A little more than fa." answered the prince, aiulliug. ' ' ; , ' "Indeed"" said tbe mandarin. "Your highness appears 60." . , 4 , -' . The mandarin then tamed to the In terpreter Herr Volgbt, a German and inquired the prince' age. She answered, Thirty-two." The Inter preter t Interpreted, and the mandarin made a remark in Chinese evidently In tended to be complimentary. The In terpreter blushed, nneasll and hesitat ed to translate the remark. Tbe prince aw tbe difficulty and laughingly com manded: ; ; -Out with It, Volghtr "He says," tbe Interpreter then trans lated to the princess, "that your high ness looks like 00!" He bad meantrirwell, and of course the princess bad. .ne enough not ta take It Hi. : A-"- -x - " Th Beat Praacrlpttoaror ChlUa ' and Fever it a bottle of Grove' Taste less Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron and. quinine la a tasteless form. No cure no psy. - Price 60c rax boost aaans. uxaf seas oraaaa Clara Marria, ibe adiaas baa sirluea a ebarstlag pootle story. Tbe Prhkcota PamUa," hJos le palliated to lb Aarat Ladtee' Uoom Jaarkal. Ill Mte MartW daalre he htroit as wU haowa a aa sothorea a abeb) aaa asirasa, aad ha tbe bop of each achlevaanat she has salerad lb Utarary Arid. Two Of Urea ether atarhsa frost bar poo have beea pabllkbad darlag recaat yaara, aad tbey bare beea received with the highest approvaL That far Mia Morris' llwrary fori have atal with great aaoeaaa, aad aha lada a ptaoe for everytblag last eossas Iresi bar pea. vbass, Lsaua' rortrua mohtbit. Freak Laalte's Popular Moalhly for AagaM I t graad MUtamaMr Art ax! rtotloa Nsaiber. Il U britliaal aad a lertalalag la ll literary eoaieaU, aad Jaiplana pictorial. Moreover, the lagle article apoa1 Wedding la Art' it luaairetea wits dxlaru beauiirul ra productloa of paintings by celebrated Karopeaa aad Aatericaa auatera. Wll Haas Daaa HowtlU give, I quaint and delightful vara, tbe gaatronoalral ob- Bsrvatloa of on of our fallow country- na al Carltbsd, who declares, "Break fast I my beat meal!" Joel ( handler Harris contribute on of bit Inloillabl "Mlocrvy Ann," stories; while Ruth Mc Enery Stusrt's "Queen o' Sbeba' Triumph" Is destined lo rank among ber sasUrpler. Edgar Fawcetl apln weird ysra, "Tke Lid of tbe Cheat." Klla TV neroa'a-Mlae Angtl" I more cheerful. Larkla Q Mead write a crl.p little aawtpaper sloryslte, called ' llu- ma Interest." "A Dsy of tbe Prealdeul'i Life," by Mrt, John A. Logan la uo He ties, but hlahly intcreallng actua lly. A ate.OO lUrjtrta Ulna Away Dalljr. Tb publlthtrt of Tbe New York Slsr, the bsadaomrly illualraleil huuday new paper, are giving a Hum Uiiauk Birvci.K each day for tbe iargeat I lit of worda made by using Ibe letters conlalued In T-H-K K-K-W T-O-K-H N-T-A-K" no more limes lii any one word than It is found In Tbe New York Star. Web ster's Dictionary lo be considered authority. Two Goou Watciif (ilrat claaa tlme-keepera) will be given daily for second aud third beat liala, and many other valuable re aid, Including Din ner Sets. Tea Seta, Chlua, Sterling Sil verware, etc., etc , in order of merit. This educational contest la being giveu lo advertlae and Introduce this success ful weekly Into new homes, and all prises will b awarded promptly with out partiality. Twelve 3 cent atampa mutt be incloaed for thirteen weeka trial subscription with full particular and list of over 800 valuable rewards. Contest opens and awards commence Monday, June 26th, and closes Mondsy, August Slat, 1609. Your list csn reach us any day between these dates, and will receive Ibe award to which It may be entitled for that day, and your name will be printed In tbe following isaue of The New York Star. Only oue list can be entered by the tame person.' frizes are on exhibition at tbe Tbe Star's busineas offices. Persons securing bicycles may have choice of Ladies', Gentlemen's or Juveniles' 1UK) model, color or size de sired. Call or address Dept. "K," The New York Star, 2J! W. iiOih street, New Tork City. P. TRENWITH, UlaekHittilli, aud Wheelrlglit. Manufacturer of Bugjiei, Wunni, Carts, Drays, & All kind of Repairing in my line done with ntatnet and dispatch. Two new Cart and two new Draya on hand, also Spring Wagon aad Buggies newly repaired, For Salu at a Keaniaalile Price. BfSblp work a Specialty. Shop South sld of South Front Stiett. betwern Middle and Hancock, New Bern, N. 0. A Good Friend irill tell you without flattery that a suit or clothing with our perieci workman ship, artistic tinlsb, faultless fit and ele-a-aaee of style make yon look like a Prince In It exquisite TortT knsrmrlb. Oar fabric are exclusive and Ibe hand aoaaest pattern and color of th teason. "We will St and make you a suit at a reasonable cot. IV M. Cliadwlt ka Middle street. , NJSWBEHN. N. 0 JCB H At th. Rnntf store J J A Full Llse of BOOK-KEEP- V J( KSS AND OKNEKAL OFFICE I K Few more Pel feet Ion Hammocks 3 .Left,' 3 j ; G. N. Ennctt. fc -' ' t VJBJsrarrjiVJBTJs-jjEr avi P. -a-r- JSTew, g gBrilliantinesg ! For Midsummer and i Early Fall. o We have just opened n entire nov O line oi Brillian tines that are without ? i...i. tu. i,..i t.. i . ear Q UUUUI bllO VOtJf UtJSt VttlllCa tllitL Wl! lUtVU J O ever oflered. & Rich, shiny black of a very nuiootli J S weave and such good value an to niaho 5 0 this popular fabric nioro friends than 0 ever. o The prices begin at 30rlor a 30 inch g P blue or black. O AT 40 VKSTS. 5 38 inches wide 0 you usually find at 50c. O AT 5 VKXTS. 2 Our most popular prico as i i. i q a pretty piece. O AT CO tKXTH. Aft tnnt. 1 n f 1 lUtU W1UU IUI superior piece thia is AT S5 rKXTN. 42 inches wide, quality that will please those ihnl p$ O the very best. O O New Figured Lawns. 1 Some new arrivals oi cool Summery a O Lawns just opened. Liht and dark grounds 10 CENTS YARD. B3 O Q 00000000000080 8&$S We have just received our first shipment New Rugs, and at very attractive prices. A Special Value in a Smyrna I'ujy, largo in assorted colors at $1 48. Some special values in Ladies fine Trunks. Gr. A. Tin: jiK.v .v.e:e:. TRUN Trunks Trunks ! Ve have just received the largest line of Trunks we have ever had. Prices 25c to $10.00. L 11 J . July 10, 1809 O o o ta o o o o o and as good iiiccc aa 53 19 0 ta o ll.nn. ll.l ... T M lliUHU Lllitl. W.ltlL it reccnimcndcd. an unusiinlly fine t H & Bar foot, Songs I