v THE JOURNAL. p.iii .ary day aj to I-. bvuaoaj, at to SlaMaj re. - rut Mo. a. CHARLE5 U iTEYEMS, ;wru mi rjoiv. BCBJJCRimOR RATES) ta yaar, to ,.. .....t UM yoaf. a dvoo,,.. MuaUiv, byovnwialkaeit,.... Advarttaiag ItW hnM a! EntoradMtteFoMOOm.lUw fcn, H. C. as metmt olas maxim. OBclsJ fa f Rtw r Cravaa Caty. Ml Maw Bera. N. C Jaly ft, UM. . rcanHCicwcimrABCB. Th railroad eoavpaaie la Ifortk Caxollaa wbka bar that far made tbt Beparsu Car law. or m h to efve M salad the Jtts'Crow law, a faro, should It bp that od of th job and asakla law operative, u It u lalaaded to bt. Nvhataver pretest eonld aav bota ado, and waa saad by ta railroad befor lb paaaag of Um law, aught to hav tufflotd U oorporailoat and for idm of Uem corporation t aiak a covrt attack upon lb law, by making It obnoiloiu to ttTaJen It at f olag lo Lit tb elite; lb railroad eompanl hav la Contemplation. Ia franlag lb law tb utmost lealea cy wa kowa tk railroad, and tb great! faith wa placed ia their carry lag out, e.mpl.tely, lb Separatt Car bill tbat waa Introduced, modified at pad by tb latt Legislature. Uaqoestianably considerable latltad wa gives tk railroad In tb matter sf tb law, la tlm for it eafercemenl aad la tb conitrnctlon tb railroad people would give ta tbe "tepirateneae" of tb race. Hiring attended ucb courted to tb , railroad; at1 a tlm when tb fttllng throaghout the Bttle wa moat rigid oa tb color Jin Issue, it i mt unfair tbat any railroad ahoald bar taken ad vantage of lb iltaatlon, aad placed uch Interpretation upon tba law a a iwlaglag curtain being a dlvliloa, or tbat a car ihould 10 be divided tbat white pttsangers (iiould be crowded t gtbr, while a lngle negro ihould bare half a car to himself. Th Jim Crow Car farce ha gone far enough. The traveling public 1 Id do mood to longer coneider it a joke, and unlet a ju'tt and full Interpretation and carrying out of tba law-It .promptly made by of' fending rallroada, which need not be par ticularized by mention, the offender are likely to find themtalre brought up with a turn- which will make the jeke aa xpentlve one for them. Hew'iTkltt Wa offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halt's Gatarrh Our.' F. J. Chknkt 4 Co., Prop., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the latt 16 year, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bo Iness transaction and flaanclally able to carry out any obligation made by their Wkbt & Tru ax, Wholesale Druggitt, Toledo, 0.' ;. Waldino, Kinnas ft Marvin, Whole- eale Druggitt, Toledo, 0. Hall't Catarrh Cur It taken Internal' iy, acting directly upon the blood and mucoea turfacea of th tyatem. , Price 75o per bottle. Bold by all Drngglate. Testimonial free, ' -Hall t Family Pillt are the beat ' ' " Th Sittiag rrie. ,. Tlteflit What! $7 a dozea for photoif I caa't itand for any aoh prlc at that. rout rnoiogrepner so, air;' yon can'f. Our price for full length picture ' Ho Bxght t Uf alia. Tb woman who it lovely in face, form and temper will alwaya have friends, but one who would be attractive mutt . keep her health. , If th I weak, sickly ana all ran down, 'the will be nervous aad Irritable. It the hat constipation or kidney trouble, her lmpur blood will causa pimple, ' blotches, skin, eruptions and a wretched complxln. Electric Blttert la the beet ipedlcine In the world to regulate stomach,, liver and kldneyt ' and to purify the blood. It give strong nerves, bright eye, smooth, velvety tkln rich complexion". It will make a gooi) looking, charming woman of a run down .invalid. Only 50 centi it C D Brad- ham' drug store. , '" . ' -'. atU iUrtak. ' SIm "It I lt yoa have a kltt will yoa promt never to tell any oner H "Yatj I'll' nvr repeal It." "Obi if that' the case you can't have . on." . Thomas Rhode, Centerfield, O., write "I auffered from pjle teven or eight year. Ho remedy gave in relief until . DWiU' Wltcji hazel Salv. lest than , . bos of which permanently cared me.1 Soothing, healing, perfectly htrmlets, Bewar of counterfeiu. F. 8. Duly. .... oalr M IwlieHk. Durtt. ku awfurr mr M 11 P. atarKja Ovvlurd it mmIM. Ud ta Brt tirnw with aa Aawrtra oarUsquita. U ta Bao rraadm. d th aback waa eo at Us pnM ra oa Um for yaar. Mr. raarfurd waa loathing at lb oar! rtth aia tartara asanarrr wbr sod- aWoJy Uw- building tTl ta irraU rtth ttaa ak-tral&f asoduo wbk-b la pa- collar ta aartbq takes, Tbcm tba ta ble ahook aad dlab fell ctattMtng to Ut aVnr - ,-..-, - ...-- la aa lastaat there waa paalc Mca a4 warn raahad IVoat Ota room. ota rrUftool7 larUBad fuart beaa pray, aad aereial waatw falaud. Tba Btajoarr roa aad atassvred to ward tba door, bat Ur. Crawford caught him aad polled htm bark Into ale chafe. ,.;..-..., t "What la Itr gaaped tno aaaaarer. "SothlM." aaawrred tb Borellat, raaebinc for anolbor allce of bread. . -But iba balkllnf ia collapsing." -Komwiaa ira orec now." "Hut what la Itr "lra only aa earthquake Wa art thna ta luly right aloof. It dmvat amoont to anything., what im ot 6rt are roe coing to barar FhU adelpbla Ioal. Tb wheat of Mexico amount ia value to aearly 30,XO,0uO a year. Tb rice crop I worth 10,000.000. Tea mil- Ho doUan worth of bmoa ar growa aca year, for btana form a atapl arrj- cl of diet among tb peasants. Astroooieen tell a that la oar aolar ayatem tiarr ar at least it,o,ow comets of all site. tntORS al MBDICINt. Thar reculat th Liver, blomach. Bowela, Ktdoeyt aad Blood aa prepared Dr. H. Hoaley, In hi Lemon Ellttr, a aaant lemon dilnk: It cure blllou- nea. oonsllpsjfcn, iadigetWa,headache, malaria, klduey disease, fevers, cblllr. heart failure, nervous prostration, and all other disease rucd by a torpid or diseased liver and kldneya. Itlt an es tablished tact thai lemona, when com bined properly with other liver tonics, produo tb mod desirable results upon th stomach, liver, bowel, kidney and blood. Bold by druggist, otic and i bottle. Master' lmaa Elixir. Cured me of sick and nervou headache, I had been tubjeol lo all my life. Vjl. IN. A, MCENTIRR. Spring Place, Ua. Maly' Lma Bliair. Cured me of indigestion and nervou prostration. I got more relief, and at once, from Lemon Elixir than all other medlolne. J. C. brtlQHTS, Indian Rprlngi, Ga. Meclsy' Lma Elixir Cured m of a. lone Handing case of chill and fever, by using two liottle. l. U. STAKI.KT, Engineer E T Va 4 Ga 11 It. Meslay' Lma Blizir Cured me of a case of heart disease and indlireslion of four vear' standing. 1 trler a dozen different medicine. None but Lemon Elixir done me any good. TULKD UltHL, Cor. Habershsm and St. Thomas tit. Savannah, Oa. Maaley'a Lemea Zlizlr I fully endorse It for nervous prostra tion, headache, Indigestion and consti pation, having used It with most talis factory results, after all other remedies had tailed. J. w. hollo, Weal End, Atlanta, Ga. Same Mjrthelegy. Wbea th maiden In tb old Teutonic myth taw th Dragon approach tb waa much terrified. "Ar you going to de vour mr, she shrieked, clasping hr hand agoalzadly. "No Maude,' replied th Dragon sarcastically, "I'm limply going to lak your chewing gum away from you!" Whence wa e tbat even a Dragoa eventually - become tired of being saked foolish question. Bi Life Wa Saved. Mr. J. E. LTly, a prominent citizen ot Hannibal, Mo., lately had a 'wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he uys: "I was taken, with Typhoid Fever, that ran Into Pneumon ia. , My iungabecame hardened. I was to weak I couldn't even tit tip In bed. Nothing helped me. ,1 expected to toon die of Consumption, when I beard of Dc King's New Discovery.; One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use It, and aowamwell and strong.. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvel lous medicine Is the surest and quickest cur in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble.; Regular sizes BO cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at 0 D Bradham's drug store; every bottle guar anteed. A Pasasagw's Opiates, Lady (at railway station) Is there any objection to dogs in this car, conductor? Qentleman (on alarform) 1 am not tb conductor, madam;! I will say, however, that there Is a crying baby In this car, and if your dog Is big enough to swallow tk baby, I think he will be welcome. : Qua shot wounds and powder burns outs, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty hails, insect stings and ivy poisoning quickly healed by DeWItt's Witch Ilazel Salve.'' Positively jjxfivenU blood polsou- ag. wwia oi counieneres. --uemu i . It safe and sure. F. 8, Duffy. - - IJk It Mother . . Mrs. Henpeck Baby i grwlng to re. aamble m more and more every day. - ; Henpeck Yes; I'vonoticod lately that 'h doean't appear to want to keep qnlel slngl Instant Bismarck' tram NarVr - Wa the result of hi splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy ace not found where stomach, liver, kid ney and bowels are out ot Order. If yoa want these qualities and tbe succes they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pill. Tbey develop every power of brain and body. ' Only 25c at C D Bradbam' drugstore. ,.";, , Head's Pills , - . tm at t'-s tv lmui Um afta ptvmtpUf, :uslif awl Civo Comfort . m at SO aiasftsta. SsaaU. BrtsaaUy 0V Fanaar Jeaat They aay Li)a t f aolitk. FaisMr Btitik Oisol Aayway, h paid off hi miwgtdg was h might V had It raJ twirs aot. .. ,, . IS IT aUOHT la Aa liitar ta ktaeammaad Pataat KatUiaaet Froai Sylvan Valley Mew, Biwvsrd, M C. It may b a qoeslloa whether tb edi tor af awsppr has th right to pnb llciy iwaoaaaaead aay of th vacle pra prietary (aadlciae which Bood th msr ket, yet a a preveatlv of as String we feel it a dety to aay a good work for Cbamberiala' Colic, Cholera aad Diar rbcr Remedy. We have kaowa aad saed tkl medicine la oor family for twaaly year and bar alwaya foaad It rallabl. la many cast a doe of th remedy would v hoar ot tufTering whll a physician la awaited. W do aol believe la depending Implicitly oa say medicine tor a cure, but we do bellev that If a bottle of Chamberlain's Dlarrbos Reme dy were kept oa head aad administered at th Inception of an attack much suf fering might be' avoided sad la very many case the presence ot a pbyslitaa would aol be required. At least this bat been our etperienc during Ibe put twenty year. For tale by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co. Hw She Ost Evsa. Hav yo beard about lira Bmart? No; another row with her husband? Not yet. lie Insisted oa her bathing dreat being so long to tb bought un ihrank fltuntl, and whan k come down he'll find It shorter than anyone's here. A diseased stomach surely undermine health. It dull tbe brain, kills energy, destroy tbe neovoua system, and pre disposes to Insanity and fatal disease. All dyspeptic trouble are quickly cured by Kodol Dytpeptta Cure. It baa cured thousands ot cases and It curing them everyday. Itt ingredient are such that It can't help curing. F. & Duffy. Crade rrefaalty. Tbe Idioms of the game have llmltalloua. their Yes; when a man misses a stroke be talkt just the tame as if be had hit hit thumb with a hammer. Aa Epidemic af Oiarrhma. sir. A. Sanders, writing fromC'ocosnut Grove, Fla., saya there has been quite an epldemlo of dtarrhosa there. He had a severe attack and. was tared by fonr doe of Chamherlaln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtt'a Remedy, lie say he alto recommendi d It to olbert and they lay it it the bett medicine tbey ever used. For tale by F S Duffy & Co Fallal Anyway. Slobbt Forceps, th dentist, I get ting to be a real absent minded chap. Ulobb That's no joke. I (topped at kit place yesterday to have a tooth ex tracted and he pulled my leg. ' 100, : Dr. r. Betchtn AaU Blantici May be worth to you more than $100 If you have a child who toll bedding from Incontenc ot water during sleep Cures old and youag alike. It arrests the trefcbl at onc $1. Bold by C D Brad ham, druggist. New Bern, N. C. ' ' . Rot QnatioBA, Hoax Guzzler has got a Job as en graver Id the Treasury Department. Joax Is be making good money? Well1, I've nvT heard anybody question thTquallty of the money that the Gov ernment turn out; haveyouf - Spaat a Qod Farm Oecttrlng. Mr. A. N. Noell of Ashorvllle, Ksnssa, say ha spent a good farm doctoring himself tor chronic disease but got no relief and was afraid . that he must die. He chanced to got hold of a bottle ot Cbamberland's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy 'and was permanently cured by It. For aale by, F. 8. Duffy, NaJeke. "It's always advisable,'' says the Msaa yunK Philosopher, "for a young man to have serious thoughts of matrimony, be cause if he doesn't remain a bachelor he' bound to find put tual.lt 's no joke' . "We have sold many different cough remedies, bnl none has given better satisfaction than Chamberlain's,'' says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, New- ark, N, . "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon In all 'rases of coughs, colds or hoarseness. -Sold by,: F. 8. Duffy. v- - .". ' ' , ;,. Only Yawned. - . Cholly That fellow DAuber pout at a man Who knows all about art, but noticed Ibathe didn't, open hit mou k when I started a discussion. of the sub' ' Mlas Cutting You're mistaken, Mr. Sofilelgb. I saw him yawnlag frequent ly while you were talking Yelcanie Sraptiaas - Aro grand, but skin eruptions rob life ot Joy. Bucklen't Arnica Barve, cure them; also old running and fever sores, ulcere, bolls, felons,' corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scajds, chapped bands, chilblains. V Best pile cure on , earth, BrUestiut pains and aches Only SA cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by C D Bradham, druggist. " ,: . ; ,-. '. ' X ..' ' : ' ... ...... THE HELPFUL Yt'OXAX XI AJ TOO ANXIOUS TO ASttST MCA rtUCW MORTAL. - aw Kfeaaaatva ftaat la laafclaei Araa ta WsUan at a BUm4 aa aa a T-rala Sat BVw lata Tsaaaia WHt I karw A MTtr saada a battar who aa har oaf ey hi l Mf wa atway trftasr a b helpftil; always tout las' oat ta hod hand to bar felkw wayfarer aad to saak tb roach path anaoothar aad oaalar for then. Sit waa saver do happy a whra b wa asaalaa- aocoa aarrtflea or arrlBg Boot other peraoa, shartnx har atraegth with tb weak o her ptaaty with th poor, aad eoma rlnae ah vwrdld it For the purpoa of tdeotlBcattoa 1 rtu call bar ktr. ' WbO Jjorellng" batweea Ctkasod AiUaay on day, a blind msa waa lad Into tb ear aad placed la th aeat bo huad har. Her waa a en or for a Rood Samarttsa, and ah awtaad tt ba for anybody got ahead ot her. Boa aw tbat h wa comfortably seated; ab opened her lunch basket and of fered him something to eat; tb looked at has ticket to see that it wa right and did everrtblnf eta she could think of to show her Interest In a fellow be ing so afflicted. , Tba blind mas waa going to Llttl "Mis, aod every time toe train stopped bs would Inquire In aa anxious way If be bad reached bl destination, and whenever b beard somebody psadng through tb alala he would ask bow Ur It waa to IJttle Falls. Air. J one was alert and answered every qoeetloo and assured him tbat he would aee to hi perfect safety. Sue urged bttn to be coinfortabl and contented and promised to let him know wbea bis Journey was ended. When the train slowed up and a brakeman yelled. "Little Falls!" sb pushed aikle several offlclou persona who offered to assist her and. taking the blind man by the baud, led him out to the platform aud delivered him to some-friend who had come to JM sta tion lo meet hint. After she bad bidden him goodby and returned to the car b noticed lu the scot he bsd occupied a well worn satchel. She seized It In fantly, rushed to the door and threw It off toward her blind friend on tbe platform with a much force aa abe could exert, screaming at tbe top of her voice: "You forgot your satchel." Then auc returned and took her seat In the car with the consciousness of having performed a Christian duty. Pretty soon a rather rough looking ieron, who had neglected to shave that -morning aud chewed tobacco,- came back from the amoklng car and began' to look around curiously and In an anxloua way. Noticing tbat Mrs. Jones wa watching him, be looked at her Inquiringly and then said: "Madam, hare you seen a satchel tbat was left In that seat?" Yes," she replied promptly. "It be longed to a blind man. and I threw It out to blm at Little Falls." The blank you did!" exclaimed the unshaven citizen, whereupon Mrs. Jones, perceiving that her friendly in terest In the bllud man had possibly caused some inconvenience to oue wbo bad two urge, blnzlug eyes and was addicted to tbe tobacco habit, began to apologize. The stranger listened with an expression on his face as If he re gretted that murder wa out of style, and when Mrs. Jones had completed her somewhat incoherent explanation be remarked: "Madam, permit me to advise you hereafter to mind your owu -blank business, and let blind men and other folks' gripsack alone. I am going to Utlca to attend court today, and that satchel contained all the documentary evidence In a case that Involves many thousands of dollars. - I have got It continued twice on various pretext. but If I go Into count today aud tell tbe judge tbat 1 can't go on because ai lunatic has thrown my grip at a blind man. be'll give me the laugh and my clients will be robbed. And you are to blame for It" ' ' Mrs. Jones protested, apologized and shed tears, and when the conductor came back and sent a telegram to tbe station agent at Little Falls to find tb bag and send It to Utlca by the next train abe took out her pocketbook and offered to pay all tb expenses. She even offered tojeave the train and go back to Little Falls herself and bring tbe bag to" Utlca. 'She was eager, anx ious to do something to repair th damage and aid the lawyer-In saving hi case. He settled down In his seat. chewed bis tobacco calmly and let her do all the fidgeting. . ;. ' V" ; ; When abe reached borne and told the story to her daughter, she solemuly promised that she would never try to help a blind man ngaln.-Chleago Rec ord. ...... " ' ' ' Reversal, Theaaa Drank. The large majority., of Russians of th orthodox faith will not pass a ehurcb or shrine In the street without uncovering their beads and' crossing themselves. .Travelers have seen In toxicated men who were staggering along; observe this ceremony, and In tbe case of those who were too help-- leasly fuddled to walk borne the friend or relative who has accompanied a Udsv companion la a sledge Or drosky has. While holding him in the vehicle with one band, performed for htm th sign of the cross with the other when passing a sacred plage. Warraata Praah. - Fair Customer Are these eggs strict ly freahT , - . . Grocer- Ies,r; nium. v. The chicken that supply me with 'eggs don't lay anything but fresh ones. Philadelphia Record. ... T'".."" " ' - ' BeUtf ia Six Bar.-' Distressing Kidney and IBladdtr Dla ease relieved In all hour by "New Great South American Kidney Core." It Is great surprise on accouutof Its' excaed lag promptness In relieving ptta ia blad der, kidneys and back, ia mal or femal Relieves retention of water almost Jav mediately.-. If yoa waal quick relief and cur thlt Is the remedy. Sold by . C. D Bradbam, druggist. New Bern, N. C When In Bayboro stop at th LuptonJ House for good accommodations. . Modest Women Kadast r ta thmratx i shrink Sots per-1 iuaa- I by sm1 1 phyaksaatf Tb I aad IrreruUrilits of wanes sway be teoarataad by eartaia aaauliag Tsaptaaa. Barbara. haaiWha. hasriag (Vawa pauss, trritabiUtyaadavuoawasra. oaaaas tadicata dataansBast of tba aWtkaai tit orwaaisnv hradatld's Pa aaal Ragalssor ss tba ctaadaid lassody fcsl haialiiitlsr dlssaaatis awiaiea Sud by ararxiata at ixa par boUl, . Lodge Directory. VICTORY COUNCIL NO. 11, JUNIOR O U A M: Mart vry Wadaeaday aigbt la Rcoatr Halt Ja O Dkmar C. C P BartUag, R 8. NXW BKRN LODOt No. I, F H A C J C Beat, Pratt; I H Bmltb, Raeordlag Bac'y; K K Quldley, Finaacial 8ae'y. Masu la lb Kalgbuof Harmoar Hall vary Id aodLSrd Monday aigbla la each moath. EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. P. Offloerk J. L. Moody. N. O ; T. H. Bnttoa, V. O ; W. T. Hill. Rae'd'g Baety; J. It Parken Jr, Treat. Regular moating very Monday aigbt at 7,30 o'clock. CRAVEN IX) DOE No. 1. KNIGHTS OF HARMONY t Meats tnd aad tk Thursday nlrhta la each month la Rounlrot'i Hall. Pollock atroet, at 8:00 o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President, Jama H. Bmllk, Sac'y, R. R. Hill, F. Soc'y. KN1CHT8 OF HONOR -Officer: K R Jon, Dictator; O L Vinson, Reporter, W F Roaatrae, Financial Reportnr New Berne Lodge No. 448 meets tbatnd aad 4th Friday Bighta at 7:80 o'clock in Konnir- uali, fouoca street. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, 1. U. U. r. Utncer: r It Hyman, V f; M IT..KU u 1. A V UIKK.hI U w. J L Moody, J W; 0 II Hall, Scribe; K Gcrock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, rd, and Bth (if any) Thursday night ia eacfl moato at 7:o o'clock. CANTON CLKbalOMT KO.f. r. at, 1. O. O.I Ofllear. tiae. aiover, Caputn; T. U. hf mo, Lieut.) P. 11. Pslleller, kniln:Wni. J ritta, Clerk; Ed. Uaroek, Aocounlant. Br alar Canlouiuratt, td and 4th Thursday aicnis ia aou uubu iiiw o-oioea- PE0FESS10NAL. F. M. Blsmeat, Pa. I. Ward W. I a. I. U. SlrVlTlONS, POU A WARD, ATT0ENEIS aad COUNSELORS al LAW. a aw ;, m. c Offlci M Bo, Front Street, nearly oppo- it Hotel Cbattawka. (Offlcot alio at Raleigh and Smithfleld.) fraatle. lu tk counties ol Craven. Dnuila. Jonas, Uaslow, Oartarat fauilleo, Wak., JubaKon, ll.rn.tt and Wilson ; In in. 9u prwn. and 'd.ral CourU, aad wbwv au-vli- ar desired. P. II. Pelletier, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyer Brick BalUlag. trill praetlo. In ta Countls ol Cravan artsrat. Joom. Onslow aad Pamlico. U. a Court at Nsw Bru. aad uuprniu. Court o b. SUM. i ROMULUS A NUNN, Jk-TTOItBTSTT- . j T . HCW BKBNB, M. 0. Office: Opp Hotel Cbattawka. South Front Street. Practice in North Carolina FINANCIAL. t. A. Urasn. Pras. l.H. Mmoow. Tie Tih . M.OBoras.Oaaalar. CITIZEN'S BANK o erjrw mmjnrst, w.o. DO A ttKNKKAt, BAXKIXO BUSINESS ' Th Aeeou.ts ot Banks. Baaktr. Corpoi attest, rannart, Me re hauls aad otaar r alvad oa lavorabl. tana. rroupi and aan ral attention glT.n to tk. Inlai tl ot oar torn art. CoUcalions a Bpaolaltr. . - aoASD or aiaaoToas rardlaaad TJU-laa 1. a. Meadows, Samuel W. Inock. K. H. Maadow, Chaa. DnHy, Jr. Jani.it BadBH'Bd, Ckas.R.rowiar. MaT.rn.bnAI J. W. Qralntar, . Thomas A. Wraaa, E. W.Smallwood, ' C.B.rov. lro.X.Ivaa. W.r. Crockett. F. & BANK, ... MAT lit, 1808. Capital Stock,. ........... 1 7,000.0 Sarplas,.-;,. 8,.00,00 UadTflded Prollts,:.;.... 4,026.00 . OFFICERS. L. H. OtmxB President, . -W. 8. Cbadwick, Tie Pres. T..W. Diwar, Cashier. J. W. Biodlb, Teller. - F. F. Matthxws. Collector, v DIRECTORS: Wot. B. Blades, . M. M. Hark,' O. D. Bradbam,: P. H. Pelletier, L. 0, Oatler, " Jno. Suter, W. 8. Cbadwick, J.W.Stewart, : .- T. W.lDewey. W want your butineas and feel that we can offer you at much in return any other bank in in city, it 1 our endeavor .to make business relatione mut uallv ploasant and profitable to our patrons. . at"V ' BO YBARS CXPERIINCB TflAOC MARttS 4 CION f vkvtpk vnl tarriiton rf ii o tr oiHnlon frM wIiiiit m r pki: - ?'ij. CotJuucankaV . r t KWkou I'ottkiattf i m '." r fat '-Ul'tkif PtatoUtlA. 1 . t.-cr!-l j i-.a t sNHMT ' '-'Haft 6- UatJ tjnlcltif m'li IliTOWtlon I lr tloiu ffriMiv f - hi fri-ss. t? Fat cm Ut&.&T. ry tot tWiMW, w , " - , - . a jt- .- ,-, , .i . , i.. a ... te a w. . era, i ti3 tadti, i rrt S T St. WaehiiMiutt. V . C kat caona taaat atyaad arct. I It aay eraadar that oo aaas astcta o-ua pbyaKal etaorom saaa, har . BLUE' SERGE SUITS, BLUE SERGE SINGLE COATS. A Fine Line ot 811k ceiyed. - ! Full line ot SHOES Children. Prices to suit buyers. A-J.SMITH CT MIDDLE STREET, aSiiiitimmininmninnnniiniiininiiiK zTcso)ccl umzmi 22 ADVICES E IT lit I S a Is SnwiMMinnlwInlr U. C Jtt ZZ-JZTJLtZL'ZZ. J IP PIOYE THIS IT 01DERINQ k TRIU TREATMENT. ZZ -nwllIIItIt w mmm ...t u strln rtis mm naar aa mttwmrr.mm yaa ara as aa as I ! rASIri Llolrll M Kl) ro Bm Vut a tm roara,iaaotaaiiiir, roars., owytaupa n full nir) nm.nt sod mm , ion, wt a aw. k a rV u k7 fc hTm!-tv i-eni.., jl IaiTta.l U r.npu.)., .ill M ud iH0:lt taa will aa m alwajr. wra ioar ataxitVoa. m j-ti. t i i.nsair.oaa. TRY FIRST BUY rjiaauaiuinaiauiaiiiuitaiiiuiuiuiiiv THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL, tJTDOES A OENKKAL KIKK T. A GREEN, President, UKORUK GREEN, Mec.retary. M L HOLLOWILL, Grn'l Agent. ii CLOVER HILL" BUTTER! FAHOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OKE IjB. PRINTH ONIaY 25 (i'.XTS. .JNO. DUNN'S Perfect Butter In a Perfect Package. It "Makes Friend FOR HONE I'SE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially in tended and prepared for human con sumption. , Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) 8 amtoUpm. ... Hundaya (retail only) 7 a m to 12 noon. For price and other Information, Address, New Berne Ice Co., a S.OU10N, It AKA0BB. NOTICE, SPECIAL ! We have oa hand f 4 .-.- Nice Pressed BRICK, Used for -Cemetery or other ' Nice Work. ' SEE- m HILL, His Stickle Mae. REAL ESTATEAGENGY - Houses and Lot for Sal at Lowest Potsibl Figuret. Detirabl Home and Tenement! that will prov a fine invet ment. .. - ' " ' s . CellectUa f Keats A Specially. . lfll at residence, 17 Jobnton street l C E. . HARPER. . I IGB Shirts for Men just re. for Men, Misses and NEW I'KKN. N V MEN and WOMEN. AFTERWARDS. BERN, N. C. $54MM0,00 INHUHANLK llt'SlNKHH. W. B. l-IADEH,v,cr-Pr,. JOli.N 1)1 NN, ( Offici's: nV Ml CITIZENS RANK !: S I 9 (Si Every tilicre." II. W. NIHPftOlV, Architect fi Superintendent 68 Ifroad SlrH(. AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVB FASHION MAQAZINB ;. iitxi THE DESIGNER PublUhed Honthly - WITH HANDSOME - . COLORED PLAtES. '. ALSO ILLUSTRATES .v The Celebrated Standard Patterns Th only reliable patterns, because ' tbey allow i Subscription Price : $1.00 a year. - " 10 Mtt for (lagl op)'. ;.. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR PUBLICATION. v THIS Ukeral Dash oomb)IIb. WHtt for, aaaipl oopy tsd terai lo Subtorlptlsi Departaitit, THE DESIGNER, ga West lith Stroet, Nw York Qty.

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