V THE nil J J: InmlHIi PA 4 Tarrt h no bm Uhtna IsbylatlMbnvM htb1nk.tBal tfedl hatband end was tucether. Nothing b tedder that rnattess wedax. Ike nuttu vxl Cixxnf (4 the hltk ooa onset t tbnexsnd times the xxauoiul womet tnd Irak U Me. Wuea a wile fe torn, there k deranrrraerx tomewbert la UK genital orpm, oased by a or mort of tb.u curaroua disorders tauwa as " lonu trouble", wa of Cardial ' k the remedy. R putt the organs of immtioe la t ttmnr and hesllhy conditio, attlng U wrr Uw tot thisd duty at reproducine; her am. Durnf tht rarlud of f oI2toa tht emat svsteni of tht expectant another k buJI ap to withstand tlx ordeal o hbor, tad when tht ettit dm 14 :4 snakes K tavern as amy ana strong, wea-faied to trow to ms- . turity In perfect health. Tht mother, too, panel through tht trial with Itllt past and no dread. W not Cardol ft truly wonder ful medicine lor women. V. Urie Bottles for WILMINOTON WELDON R. R. And Branch, -Aad Atlantic Coiat Line Railroad Con of South Carolina. TRAINS UOINO SOUTH. DATED June 19, W it o a 6 S r.Z AO A.M P M P.M. A.M. I'.M. Lt. Weldon II M 9 43 Ar. B. ill Lr.TarbortJl. SI 00 Lt. R Ut I 0 10 3IH 6 4ftl 7 lu 5 40 19 ft) L. Wilson I 5K II 14 II &7 8 ao) II 40 Lt. Selma.. LT.Fay'vllh 2 r 4 30 7 V I'. M. 1 10 S 1ft Ar.Flureuor .1.11 Ar. tMda.. 7 00 7 01 S 21 Lt. Uol.le... Lt. Mas-He -ArWilrn'tou 8 00 9 40 4 iS 5 Ml I'. M A M I'.M TltAINS GOING NOBTU. d d ! da o'"3 o a -r-O K8 G Q KO I : U. P. II. Lf .Kloreocr 9 40 7 4 . LT.Fay'tillt 14 i... . 9 4:i LT.Heliua.. 1 Ml 10 0a Ar. Wilson 8ft .... . 11 81 .TjL - P-M A.M. LTWilm'ton '. . 7 00 9 48 Lv. Mag'li. 8 84 11 1 Lt. Ooldt.. S IS .... 9 4al3W 1 M A.M P. M P. M Lt,- Wilaon 3 85 5 48 11 si 10 88 1 10 Ar. It. Ml. . 3 80 IS 13 07 II 86 1 Ml Ar. Tartxxv .... 7 04 Lt. Tarbon, 121 Ly. K. Mt.- 8 30 19 0l Ar. WeUm 4 J 1.00 - 1'. M A. M. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Atlantic aud Vadkin Division Maiu Line Train leave Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar r rivet Fayt-tieville 13 15 p m, leavea Fay " etteville 13 25 p m. arrives banford 145 p m. llelurulng leave bauford 9 80 p in, . arrive Fayt'tteville 8 45 p m, leave Fay etteville 8 50 pin, arrives WiliLingtui) 64) p m. . . . ' WilminRton and WiMon llailroad, Bennettsville Branch Trains leavea Beuneltsville t 14 a m, Maxion 9 80 a m, lied Uprhiga 9 58 a m, Hope Mill tO 49 a ui, arrive Fayi tteville 10 60. Return. lag leaves Fttyetteville 4 40 p m, llope - . Mills 4 55 p in, lied Hprlnga 0 35 p in, Maxton 6 15 pin, arrives tivnuetUviile . 7 18 p ni. ; . Conuecllont at Fycttoville with train No. 7tr Jluxton with the tJnrolina (Jentral Kailroail, At Rrd Springs with the lied Hiirings and Uowinure railroad, albauford with the Heauotrd Air Line ana tsouthern Railway, at Uuff with t;ie Durham and Charlotte Kuilroml. " Train on tlut Bcutlaud Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 35 p in, Halifax 4 15 pm, arrives Scotland Nruk at 6 08 ' p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Klnstnn 7 60 , p m. Returning leaves Kinstou 7 50 am Ureenvllle 8 53 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 88 a m, .daily ex cept Sunday. - ;; Traint on Washington Branch leave Washington 8 10 a ni and 3 30 p iu, ar . JTive Parniele 9 10 a in, and 4 00 p m, re ' turning leave Parniele 9 85 a in and 6 80 p ni arrive Washington 11 00 a m and p m, daily nxcept Sunday. . -v-1:. Train leave Tarboro, N 0, daily except Buuday 5 SO p m , Sunday, 415 p nj , ar " rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p in, Ite c turning, leaves Plymouth daily except - Bunday, 7 60s ni, and Sunday 9 Off a ni, "' arrive Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a n. - Train on Midland; N 0 Rrauuh leaves Ooldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 05 a, . m, arrlviug Sruithnehl 8 10 a m, Returu- ing leaves SmithHeld 9 00. a m; arrives mt lAnldaKnM. Ill m m- .... Tralus on Nalrvilhi liupch leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a nvS:4U p ui, arrive " Nashville 10 10 a A, 4,08 n." Spring . Hope 10 40 a m, 4 85 piu.Ketuming leave . epring nope u w t m, m p m, nasli ville 11 93 a ni, arrive at RookT Mount 11 45 a m, 6 00 p m, daily excoDt Stindar. . Train on Clinton Urauch leaves War taw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a m and 4 15 p m, Keturping leaves ' Clinton at 7 00 a ui and 10 60 pan. ; - Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for alt points North "daily all : rl Tia Richmond. -; - -. II M EUEKSON. Gen'l Pass Agent. . t- it R-t.rnjt, eu'l alanager. . . T Al MK80N, Trafflo Manager'. iRussell. House. - While In Beaufort be tore and ttop at .the .4tutell. lioTjte. Jlrot-Claaa Board. A home for traveling people... Finlilog and bunilu? unexcelled. Termt (1.25 a Cay or ao.uu per week.' .. - . ..: 6. A. RUSSELL Prop. LIM THAT BIXDS. i itn,TM.H.& HW11 i(WlmtOiiwi,ymiirMii. lMmaaMK.aa4tkaa)Mcl Bas st- . . Mm. g. JOWBBB K uanr arnsssi atruTaitr. f ' 4.tMrf S-.1, TwilihiMMi $1.00 at Druggists. A. AX. C IX. II. . ' TIM I TABLf MO. 8. . " lo',Tak Effexit Monday, Jana 96, 1899 at 5:90 P. M. i OolngEaat'l BctiKDCLE: Ootof Weal No. S . faateagar Traina '' No, 4 Lt. p aa aTAnoat Ar. a at I 40 Ooldabord 11 OS 4 09 UQrmng...J ,10 tt 4 83 KinatoD ......1019 40 Ar. Naw lleroo, Lt..'.. .. 9 00 6 50 Lt. " Ar. 8 87 7 IS. ...Ar. Morehead city Lt.. . . . 7 OS No. S. PaaaaoKr Traint. No, . Lt p m .. aTATiOMs: Aram 520.. 549.. 6U . 7 IS . 7S5 . . ...OoMaboro 0 40 LaOraage ..... ...... Kinvton .Ar, New l'crn Lt,. .Lt. - Ax.. . ... 07 5 47 44S 487 80S Nn a 8 50 Ar Mnrt-Ui ad City, Lt No. 1, 4 I'd Ft. atid IWTn. .. a in ..... , CTtTIONR: Mat Ft. and Pan. Tn. Ar, p 7 10 Uoldftboro..., 8 18 7 43 llcxfa 7 88 8 0S LaU range . 7 08 S2 Falllnit crock 6 88 9 44 KjoBlon... 6 18 9 38 caawvll 518 9 40 JUr. Dover, Lt 5 00 0 10 Lt. ' Ar 4 90 10 40 core Creek 4 00 II -IS. Tuacarora 8 88 1181 clark'a 8 20 19 06 Ar. New Berne, Lt 9 50 ISO Lt. " Ar 10 47 119 lliverdale ....1010 3 90...,. croatan ...10 00 943...,. Ilavclock. 940 8 13 Newport, Lt....... 9 06 8 35 .....Wildwood 8 47 8 81 ..AUanlk....- 8 88 8 48 ... . Ar. Morehead city, Lt 8 30 4 01 ... .Ar. M. city Depot, Lt 7 50 M. a. at. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. (Tueaday Thursday and Saturday. - 8. L. DILL, " '' Huperinte tdent Atlantic Coawt Itinel Wilmington New Bbrsi R. R. TIMB TABLB NO. 5, (nElfect vvcduciday, Aug; 7, 1898,;Dally : Except Sunday, Going South BCllBttULB: Going North No. 51, Passenger Traint No. 50, Lt. a m 9 00... '938... 951... 10 03... 8TATION81 Ar. ...j. New Berne ..V'v .....Pollockaville ... ... .......Maytville.".... . . . . . .Jacksonville. . . , I Wilmington, I . Union Depot . J , "t 0 04 4 49 418 939 12 or; 1315 . ' r Ar. WlJeaWgtoni Lt. ...-8 25 Ho. 8,' Passknqeb ATatiairr.'v No. 4. Leave WUnilugton 'Mondays Wednes- 1oy and Friday Leave Hew Bornt'Tue. lay, Tnursoay. ana rat,urayV4 . I.T. am - -.-r Ar F M 3u,k . .ir; tviiiningioa, at.,,. I t 9 40..Al:8cotf8 Hill Uvitt 65 9 80. .Woodside.,,;;. ,.13 10 .... .Hollyridge ,.S,.;...ll 40 10 05.. 10 51 1120. 13 05. 13 30. DIxon...... - ti..l0 61 Verojia. ...10 20 .. .Jacksonville. '.i,. 9 45 Northeast.... 8 55 ....Whiterak. .......... 880 .. , . Maysvllle ., . 8 06 ...PollooksvHle..v 7 90 ,. .Dohruhl's... 6 85 St 65. I 80. 910 300 140. Ar. New Berne. Lv.-.. 64K1J Duly JOxoeptSujllay, , ,J. R. KEKLY,"" . ' Ueneral ManareX- i i nr.-.. . , . v Tiansrorta'ion . . . - . ;DItALK.IlI, , V ; llariiwarc and lire Arms . Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, - 'bilt, Cement, Lime, Etc ' - Agent for Garland Stores & Eapgei and Devoe'g, ind BeoJ Moorei1 RIA DY-MIX ED PAINTS. Under Hotel ChatUwka, x THE AKOIaIN A, Morehead City N. O. T. L. Hall, prop ..- n Terms Satisfactory.' tivitBr. tuunto xttis ouean Elk wood, SIrtGULAR FISH CIUDLES. ' 4 -ath flab ati tf has sxts taaaa) stM BUaihw Is tba .VtU thevw U a alftfuar Bah that has b kaewa frea early BlMa em It Is Ardxatad ta the Aeoathi Rlawa ar ftm. Is aawwa as TUapaa takweUs and at eapactauy cacasaoa to Palastlae and the M ar lake ef Tthw rtna. Kearty B -theaa Bihtt aar a aasrHlar Bstnad aT carte fee thatr yaaug. At rW tlSM af apasrBtag the MHhar flub rorast a Uttat aat assaM the reeds and rwahea, ta whtck aba da poatta parhans WO freaa ( a boot the ata 61 soot, whk-a aba Unitatato. ly aitiitt, Carlowaty taaagh. to all the thousands of aaha hot Urea or foot Instaaraa are knawa a hare toe toother dtsplaya aay affsrUoa fur her yowg at raoiaina by tbaca. TUe father atatloba klnartf by tba eat aad preaaatly appaart to bacUnlnc a paa tba esa, bat If be la earafully watched K wUl to seen that be la taa tng tneta tats) bar asonU vtth the Kiteat ear and not ewaUowlof tbeta. Tbey are todged ta what car- rvapoada to tba cheeks and held there. Tba etc sooa batch, the little Babee arow and the countenance of Mr. Tae nia becomes greatly swollen and puff ed oat of oil semblance to bis former self. Be raanot begla to does Us mouth and presents a tooat extnortttV nary appearance. , Te a (-commodate aad protect the growing family the. Bab submits to great meoavenleiire and only permits tneta to escape wbrn It H a physical Impossibility to bold them any longer. At this time the father wlU undergo severs treatment rather than rrlln qulsb bis progeny. He baa beeaAbrowa out upon the beach, bat still dints te bis charge, even daring bis death strngglea. Many of the young resaala la this singular cradle entll tbey are four laches la lenftnPhaadelphla Inquirer. MAY TIRES. i Aaateat Beeteh Cmetaaa Whteh Onae IaTlT Sir John Sinclair's "Btatlatlcal Ac count of Scotland" coo talus notices of many old customs, which still con tin ned to be obeerred la the HlgbUtnda, though they were even then fast dying out From the eleventh to! urns of that great work, which wsJ published la 1701 and the succeeding years, ws learn, on the authority of the minister of Callander. Pert hah I re, that the boys of the township assembled to a body upon the moors on May day, and pro ceeded to dig a circular trench, leaving the soil In the center undliturbed, so aa to form a low table of greea turf, suf ficient tn slse to accommodate the whole party. Tbey lighted ajlre and prepared a costard of milk and eggs, and a large oatmeal cake, which they baked upon a stone placed In the embers. When they had eaten the costard, they divided the cake into aa many equal portions ss there were persons In the assembly and daubed one of those pieces with char coal until K was perfectly black. They then placed all the pieces of cake to gether In a bonnet and each In torn drew one blindfolded, the bolder of the bonnet being entitled to the last piece. The boy who drew the blackened por tion was destined to be sacrificed and was compelled to leap three times through the flames. Although the ceremony bad degen erated Into a mere pastime for boys. It It evident that It must once npon a time have Involved the actual Saciiflce of a human being. In order to render the coming summer fruitful. Gentle man's Magaslne. A Waadertal Beak. . - The Chinese Almanac Is the moat largely circulated publication In the world, tfee copies printed and sold yearly reaching several mllllona. It Is printed at Peking and Is a monopoly of the emperor. Wether almanac being permitted to be sold la that country, Although containing reliable astro nomical Information, Its chief mission Is to give full and accurate Informa tion for selecting lucky place for per forming all the acts, great and mall. of everyday life. And as every act of Ufa In China, however trivial, depends for Its success on the time In which and the direction (point of compass) to ward which It la done, It to of the ut most Importance that every one should have correct information at all times available to enable him so to order his life as to avoid bad luck and calamity and secure good luck and prosperity, So great la "the native faith in Ita In fallibility that not long since tba Chi nese minister to Germany refused to sail on a day which had been appointed because It was declared n the almanac to be unlucky. Cincinnati Enquirer. Baarata's Bhasat Aaasrer. ' "John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim's Progress" in Bedford all, where be Vaa confined for bis religion. A Quak er came to the prison aad that ad' dressed him:'"-- ' ; : v - - "Friend Banyan, the Lord bath sent nie to seek for thee, and I 'have been through several counties la search of thee and now I am glad I have found thee." : " . . Bunyan replied, "Friend, thou dost not speak truth In saying Oho Lord ant thee to seek for me, for the Lord well know that I have beea la this jail for some years, and If be had sent thee he would bare sent thee here di rectly." ., .:. -' " ; CtaaM Beai Of bright, witty, learned and cute people we can Sad whole battalions In bvery community, bnt when you go In search of people possessed of good, hard common sense they are not so easy to And. Punxiutawney Spirit ' ? - - stoat Os Worried. :' The greatekt nuisance to any com munity Is the person who makes a spe cialty of finding germs to the food. Wasblagton Post Cittrassiag Stesaach Blssaae Permanently cured by the masterly pew er of South . American Nervine Tonic. Invalidt need sugar no longer, because this remedy can ears them all. It it a cure ' for the whole - world - of stomach weakness tnd lndlgeitlon. The care begins with ths first dose. The re lief It brings Is marvelous and tnrprlt- tng. It makes no failure; never ditsp polott. No matter bow long yon hare suffered, your curs It certain under the use of this great health giving force. Plexaot tnd always safe, bold by U. D. oraunam, druggist, new Bern, . v. Doctors Can't Cure It! fasaglDtJS blood poteoa Is absoietory Wyoad the skill of Uedortors.- Tbey aay dose a psllsnt fur yeare to) shear inurtal aad swtaah rasa ad I as. bat be erul aerer be rtd of the 4) i oa the osAmt hand, bis euadiuoa will from steadily woraa. B. M. a. M the only eore lot this lamble sfflietioa, boeaoae It Is the only reasrdy which guse direst te the aause of the i aad faeea Is boss the system. tatf iwaiainl lalia- tally, la laM. I t mmm all wail. I ms alweal nr s iii4 klea4 mult, kal lay dU sot im u mrk u u mm. a4 d aa aSVal mjhUmrmr, Vllllt . . iwmx. aw it trwaa V rf T r mnrrm. I aMillaa4 U4 aweMaa.sa4rt ssial m DailMlf. kail su at my Maiia aaa ia iHna Althaaak this wu tn ra aa. I aar aavas yak as4 a eta al las atstarto ' llltllM, Vs. II b) like eelf-deetnetioa to eontlnue SO toke aotash and nieeeury ; beasdet .... -11 UM.1 ,U. JIiIm IL-. doeing a stiSnesa and swelling of the jotnie, nnini tna nair so iaii uuk, ana Bompletely mrraeking the tyatem. S.S.S.rBlood Is gnsranteed Purely VeereUble, and It the only blood remedy tree front these dangerous minerals. Book oa snlf-treatment sent free bj Bwift Speeine Company, Atlanta, Oa. The Chamber of Commerce eoaunlltoe oa Iadustrlsl Interests and their develop ment, la order to be la a position to fur nish Interested Inquirers reliable Infor mation, ask that the owners of tltee tultable for Industrial plants, Die with them a description of location, extent of property, price, etc, aad if so- disposed, whatever financial or other Inducement they may wish to offer for the location of suck plants en their properties. The committee also wish the owners of standing hardwood timber, oak, ash, etc., to die with them statements of the quantities tbey have, the nearness to New Bern, accessibility, termt epoa whloh It may be secured, and such other Information as may be germane thereto All persons having knowledge of mat ters pertaining to oar industrial devel opment, or who possess Information likely to be of benefit to tba committee are asked to communicate it la writing to P. B, Pelleller, Esq., chairman of the committee, or to him personally, or hit associates, Messrs Geo. Green or Jno. 8. Msnlx. - These are matter ta which all should feel, and la so far as they can, show an active Interest at the hoped for advance meat of New Bern can only be aooom- pllthed by the concerted action of all classes. CNCLB BAM'I HOT BATHS. The Bet Bartaga ef Arkaaaas Via peateera Railway. Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of grip., and. other ail menu caused by the severe winter, aad malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia catarrh, stomach, kidney, liver and nervous dis orders, paralysis, blood and skin dis eases, and chronlo and functional de rangements. The mountain climate of Hot Springs is cool and delightful In summer. 100 Hotels open the year round. Tor illustrated literature, containing all Information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Business Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par' tlculan of the trip, see local agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt, Southern Ry., Washington, D. C . IF YOU WANT ; Fine Shade Fine Frulf Trees, Fine Ornamental Trees, . . Fine Roses or Fine Shrubbery . Place your orders with R. at HILL, . New Bern, N. G. ' Orders now being token for Fall Plant' log. .-. .. . Southern . Railway. , The Standard Railway tt the SOUTH The Direct Line to all Pointa, TEXAS, CAXXFOBBTIA, 'JPIsOXXIDA, CUBA AKD . HPOBTO RICO. " Strictly First-Glass Equipment oa all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal. ace Bleeping Oars oa all Night Trains; Fsst aud Safe Schedules. . Travel by the Southern and you areas. tured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tiout Journey. -,. ..;-; -: . . 4, ; - Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta blot, Rates and General information, or address :'. F,R. DARBY, R. L, VERNON, -ar.AT.A, - T. t. a.. : Asheville, N. 0 .," ', Charlotte, N. Cr ; ; Fsuhk &JaKOK, J. M. Cult 8d V P & Gen Msu. ' Trsf.tau has awM a4 ta aorSMad I lka Mul W. A. Tckc, Q P A. ' WASHINGTON. f -. D: C. c:-s:iT3 mm, wm im. . PLATERS' Tobacco - Warehouse ! v FOR THE SALE OF f ... r . - I -in !iir:cKfii!B)v i DH. IS. H. STBEET, Owner and Proprietor W. K. STYROX, Book Keeper and Secretary. Henry's Pharmacy 187 Middle Street NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The best knows Skin and Blood Rem edy, for the cure of Pimples, Postules, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Kins; Worm, Rheumatism,. o., it HENRY'S COnPOUND EXTRACT OP 5AR5APARILLA WITH I0DIDE5. A powerful purifier of the blood, act log through toe natural secretary end excretary organs removing, those msttere which disturb its purity. Hen ry's Sarsaparilla la put np to meet the Kpular need for such a remedy, without ing related to the many secret nos trums and quack medicines of the day of unknown composition. It contains just what the formula calls for as printed io oa the label of each bottle and sells for oos half the price charged for unknown cotupoeitiona. For Sale at Henry's Pharmacy, where you will find Combs, Tooth Brushes, Tolled Articles. Physicians Preecriptlont Carefully Compounded. Take Care of the Dimes The Dollar Will Take Care of TJiemselvea. Granite Sauce Pans 20c and 23c. Tia Sauce Pans lOo and 16c Granite Coffee Pots 8 qt 20c, 8 qt 25c. Granite Foot Tubs at 80c. Granite Preserving Kettles at 40c Large Granite Dippers at ISo. quart Tin Dippers at lOo. A Wire Toaster for 5c A Win Broiler (large) for Toe, A 17 quart Granite Dish Pan for 860, A Decorated Japanese Crumb Tray and Bruah tor 25c. A Pudding Mold for 40c. A New Bread Box for 40c. A Tin Trunk for SOo. A Butcher Knife for 16c A Chair Bottom for 10c Gallon us for Masou'si Fruit Jan. "Jar Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, Ac Our prices are right , -v.,:r--. " . f - A bottle' of Glue, nice for scendiug broken glass or crockery ware at 60, ' A can Furniture Varnish and Brush for 85c . " . - .;' Ready Mixed Paint at 76o to tl 25 gall. One pound cant paint st 10c. ' - Tanglefoot fly Paper 45c package, ' Buggy Whips in greet variety.- , We have two Lawa Mowers left per haps you need one - . - - , Tobacco Twine and Tobacco Ther mometers a Specialty. We bare just received a fresh supply of Loaded Shells. - A package of Gold Bronte for 60c - A Clearer for 76c ; We bare . only a few Freeaers left which we will continue to sell at the same low prices at long as they last, if you need a freezer now is your time to iy.' ' x -- We have a nice cheap line of Market Baskets to which we call your attention. Don't fail to call on us for anything la our Line. - . Tours Truly, - J. 43. Uhitty to. tJ 1.5 " . 4 ' :-L-ilF 1 ' r7A "l ? ,.rTl F V I tr 1 .-r a i. . 7 'rrs- SCHOOLS AMD COLLEUES. THE STATE Nonual and htM Collene, Ol North Carolina. Offers to young women thorough liter ary, classical, scientific, and Industrial education and special pedagogical train ing. Annual Expenses 800 to $190; for non-residents of the Bute 1S0. Faculty of 80 members. Mors than 400 regular students Has marticulated about 1,700 students, representing every county in the State except one. Practice and Ob servation School of about 250 pupils. To secure board in dormitories, all free tuition applications should be made before August 1st Correepondenoe invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other Information address PRESIDENT MoIVER, Greensboro, N. C. Trinity Park High School, DURHAM. H. C. Prepsres boys and young man for Col lege. Thorough courses in Latin, Greek, English, Mathematics, History, Physics, and French. One of the beat equipped high schools In ths south. New and elegant buildings, beautiful and healthy location; College advan tages; gymnasium, furnished with all ths modern equipments, hot and cold water baths, twlmmlng pool, bowling alley, eta Expenses $135 to 8176 per year. For Catalogue, address J. F. BIVIN3, Headmaster. The University OF NORTH CAROLINA. Widest patronage and fullest equip ment in its history. Faculty, 83; students, 495; 8 Academic Courses; 8 Elective Courses; 8 Profss sional Schools in Law, Medicine and Pharmacyf New Buildings, Water Wotkt, Splen did Librariat, Laboratories, c. Advanced Classes open to women. . Tuition, f 60 a year; Board 8 a month Ample opportunity for self help, Schol arthipa and Loans for the needy. Free tuition for teachers. Summer School for teachers, 24 Instructors, 147 students. . Total enrollment 644. For catalogue, Address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, Chapel Hill, N. C. Peace Institute. RALEIQH, N. C. One of the beat female schools la the South, and the cheapest for advantages given. Send tor catalogue. . .i JAS. DlNWIDDIE, M. A. .STEAMERS- EAHTERJT CAROLINA DISPATCH LlNI, AND - FREIGHT H PASSlNfiltt.. For All Points Worth. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Monday-, Wednesdays, and Fridaps at 6 p. tn. sharp, mak ing landings at Oriental, Ocrtcoke and Roanoke island.. - ' tST" Freight received not later -III . T V lJL..K XI tra-st' ' ' than one hour previoos to sainng. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDKESON, Aft. ; If. K. KiirtJ, Gen, Mir.,; , ! H.O. HuDQisra.Gen.Frt, Pais.Axt Norfolk, Vs. New Berne, N. 0., May 30th, 1898 1S99. Fair Dealing WmW" .Til : Highest Prices, Br 1 ' ItX.1 Best Averages. Prompt Returns. J. Is. MORGAN, Manager and Salesman. J. E. POWEIaI., Floor Mngr. and Supt. Grading Dept. LEGAL NOTICES. Vessel Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the power end authority to we given in a certain mortgage made on Ike 15th day of May, by lien jam in W Willis of Portsmouth, N C, to Ferdi nand U Terrell to secure g"" due ''Y note and duly recorded in the Cuxtnni House st New Bern, N (J, I will sell at the court house door in the city of New Bern, Craven county, N C, the schooner "Virginia Dare", her tackle, apparel anil furniture to the highest bidder for cauli on the 28th day of July A D, 1800 At 12 o'clock m. Dated June 27th, 1899, FERDINAND U. TERRELL, Mortgagee, Wm. E. Clarke, Atty. for Mortgagee. Admiiiititrator'M Sale ! By virtue of an order obtained In s special proceedings In the Superior court of Crsven county entitled John S. Garett, administrator of Annie Outlaw, deceased, against James Chase and oth ers, I will, on the first Monday in August 1899, being the 7th day of said month, at the court house door of Craven county, st 12 o'clock m., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described land in that part of the city of New Bern commonly known as Pavie town: Known as lot No. 214 in the plan of Pavletown or Farmvllle In the city of New Bern on the west tide of (J reen street snd more fully described In a deed froraiiuclnda Holt to Annie uutlsw, re corded In book No. 100, page 599, In the office of register of deeds of Craven county. JOHN 8. GARETT, Administrator. June the 2mh, 1899. Executrix Notice ! Hsvlug duly qualified as executrix of the estate of Eliaa H Anderson, deceased on the 23d day of December 1898, all persons owing said estate are hereby no tified to make prompt payment. All persona holding claims against said estate are notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned executrix on or before June 23d, A. D. 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. June 23d, A D, 1899. MARTHA M. ANDERSON, Executrix of E H Anderson, deed. Executrix Notice ! Having qualified as executrix of Nel son Whitford, deceased, late of Craven county, N. C , this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of June 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of June 1899. BETTIK A. WHITFORD, Executrix. Executors Notice. The undersigned having duly qualified at executor of (be last will and testa -meat of Furneyfold Mercer of Jones county, N.C., hereby notifies all persons baring claims against said estate to pre sent the same duly verified to said exec utor on or before the 11th day of July, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make prompt payment. This Uth day of July 1899. WM S. CLARKE, Executor, Furneyfold Mercer, deceased. NOTICE! We the undersigned will offer for sale for cash on Thursday, August 8rd. 1899, al the Court House door in the city of New Bern, at 10 o'clock a m two hun dred acres of land more or less, well timbered with pine, cypress, poplar, ash. and oak, said binds joins the land of Ful cber and others, and it known as the Mary Ernul place. For further infor nation, apply to any of the undersigned. . J A Ask in, Agent; Sidney G E Arthur. Alfred Gtskin, George B Wiggins. William H Price. Apply Askins or Ernul Poetoffloes. . 1 . 1 1 . I V tr yn Ipwatnt or imrirt)Te alto ft C t-e.,.al, C'-flK -HTOTbcSll-ll r 4. Bnd BtKl4L, ftkrttMIWwOa for t Main "it and advice Patwat Uwytn, WASH I NQTON. D.C. iavVVVlrfArrsl