as .4 i-v i 1) 1 w W ?1 a " r ACTSGCNTlY ON THE- j Kidneys, Liver and Bowels f LtAN5ES THE YSTtM U EFFECTUALLY 0,1 UAt PERMANENTLY niBt&'ECT& GUI?KNUlTGfSYRVr(3 -iifmfc''M aawaaa, THE JOURNAL. New Bars. N. C Jaly . UN. K 4tMTIIKaT. 'kas. T. Bray Watermelons, llcflorlef Banana Ioe Cream. Business Locals. THE watermelon king of the loath U ottering lili flae Cuban Sweet Melons at Ibe Planters Warehouse (tore, for sale Terr cheap. Don't purchase a melon until jroa try one of Ibe largest and sweetest melom rrer offered In Ihla city. Chss. W. Bray. MASONIC Penilint Maltete Cross. Found at VIkldle and South Front ate. Owner can baTe It by paying cbargea and proving property. Jocrkal Office. PLUMBING We deilie tolntorm tbe citizens of New Bern, that on and after Augurt lit , we will be In position to do Plumbing, Oaa Fitting and Steam Beat ing. We will carry a large stock of material In this line adjourning our present place of business, and Invite you to Inspect same. Having secured services of a licensed plumber, we propose put ting In work accoidlng to sanitary rules. If yon wish good work promptly done, ring up 62, or find us at 43 Craven St. Hyman Supply Co. HOW to conduct a War of Extermina tion use Columbian Insecticide Powder, smokeless, noiseless, kills out all roach' es and water bugs Guaranteed as aura as a shotgun. Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle street. I HAVE a very large stock of newly made, Hartford and other tires and am selling them very low for Cash. $3,00 to $5,00 each. Wm, T. Hill, Phone 139. THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. A DAT IK THB C1TT. Continued threatening weather with rain Is the forecast for today. The official rainfall for Monday Is given at 1.41 Inches, and probably over 2 inches additional fell on Tuesday. It was a very wet day. Roysters Candy In sealed packages at McSorley's. The extreme care exercised In our prescription department la further In' creased by use of typewritten labels for all prescriptions. We claim to be the first pharmacy la the State to depart from the pen written, blurred label. The use of the typewriter haa become so universal, and so esaential where legibili ty Is required, we have adopted It In writing our prescription labels, preclud ing the possibility of patient reading tbe doctors directions Incorrectly, We use every means ta give our customers the best service. Bradham'a Pharmacy. Banana ice cream at MeSjrley' te day. ' - For a hot day nothing will exhilarate you more than one of Bradham'a Orange or Lemon Phosphates. Cool breezea from our fan and a glass of pure, loa cold soda water will furnish new force for the days work. J. J. Baxter la closing out his summer ' clothing, shoes, dress goods, Ac, very low. Ilalr Brushes, Flesh Brashes, Natl Brushes and others at- wholesale prices. F. 8. Duffy A Co. - . ,u Mothers, remember thst An way Croup Syrup is just as effective , In cases of .' severe summer coughs as In croup. Have a bottle On hand in case of croup, coughs or whooping cough. If It does not relieve your child, we will refund 1 your money. Bradham'a Pharmacy.: ; CAPUDINE . la the only remedy thai will cer tainly cure Headache and Neu ralgia without any bad effect 4 whatever. A fair trial la all we iltret awtv. C( Ju IX Kail, of fsywieetli. prsai tret of Ibe ionk C'arollae turn tixkllc. rseM as taster: da; afore ana ! roaNr mhk ta local cart Im la uteres of the Imml toeraaaasat aaka opens hate tootoe- war a weak, lie rstataed hoeae at aooa today. ' ' CepL McNeil ask! Ual tbe Oreeasboro toaraimaat woaU MBiloabudly be tbe saoel largely aU.adaJ aa4 moot sarceas (al ever said la Ue mate If not the Bluest thla. of lb kla4 ever kale ta the south, lie said ke had eh her talked with or Ward from nearly every Ira de aertaaeat U tbe auu aaJ Ual every oaa weald bare fall rapreaeatatloa at Ibe loaraameat. lis was asach pleased with the elaborate preparations Oreeaeeero has tails aad la making aee looks for ward ta a graad old time wbea the teaij. vlltas Secretary Oriffllb, of the Slate Flra- saea'a Associailoa, today received tbraa Special prisea to topreaealeilaltkecom- U toamaaieaU They arc A boas aoxxlc aled by Ua Fabric Fire Uoe Coat paay, New York; a fireman's laoleia, rreaaatad by the Gleaana Bailey afaa- factartaf Co, Mew York, and a Ira chief's rubber eoel, preaaalad by. fcV F. Bay wood, of New 1 ork. ' It has aot yet beea decided what tbeae arUsa will be presented for. They areoa dl.pley la tbe window at Will H. Mat- tbew's A Co'a. Mora. Oraeosboro Even lag Telegram. Mr. Aba Cob a returned to the city last Igbt. Mr. Geo. tfoesDf Pamlico, was In the city yesterday. Dr. and are. E F. left yesterday morning to spend ten ilajs at Jackson Springs, Moore county. Mrs. Charlea Duffy, Mrs. M. A. Moore and Mr. Richard Duffy returned from Morehead yesterday morning. Mr. Jas. E. Holtan returned to Wil mington yesterday. Mrs. Uolloo will visit for awhile longor In the city. Mrs. D. M. Roberts left yesterday morning for Roper, Beaufort county, upon reoelpt of a telegram staling that her brother bad been seriously Injured In an accident. Mrs. Q. W. Pope and Miss Endora Wallace of Morehead City, came do-ff from Seven Springs last night, and topped over In tbe city to visit relatives niLfrlends. El-Judge W. It Allen of Goldsboto and Hon. E. W. Kerr of Clinton were in the city yesterday. Messrs Allen and Kerr appeared for the Democrats In tbe 8ampson county case befoie Judge Bryan yesterday. The First Reglmea! Band. The Jocrm ai. Is In receipt of a letter from Chief Musician Chaa. Coe, of the First North Carolina Regiment Band, who announces that this Band will re enter the United States service, joining Ue 29lh U. S. Infantry, now being re cruited at Atlanta Ga. Director CoeT says he needs a few musicians and any one wishing to join can write him at 05 Spruce St Asheville, N. C. Tbe enlistment terminates June 80th 1001. Fanerai afMlsa Fnlford. The funeral service of Miss Emma Fulford was held yesterdsy evening upon Ua arrival of the A. & N. C. train Rev. T. M. N. George conducted the services. As already published, Miss Fulford died in Greensboro Monday morning. The Greensboro Telegram of Monday says: "At the home of her sister Mrs. W. B. Bogart, at 10:80 o'clock, occurred the death of Miss Emma Fulford. Miss Ful ford, who was about 85 ytra old,, had been an Invalid from childhood and during ker life had suffered almost con tinually. Sho was a member of Ue Episcopal church and a faithful, devout Christian. She had lived with Mrs. Bogart for eleven consecutive years, during all of which time she was con fined to her bed. Tomorrow morning the remains will be taken to New Bern, the former home of tbe deceased, for Inter ment. There will bo no funeral service held In thla city." "-V, '"""Jim Craw Care Grow Smaller. ' It Is noticeable that the partition in tbe railway cars have been moved, at least a good many have, and the work is sill) going on. At first they were placed about the middle of the car. Now They are divided, about one third for the col-. ored people and two thsnls for whites. This change- was made after getting some experience, for It haa been demon strated that Utt la about the proportion of travel . . .' , . The new arrangement is much better In every way, though on an occasion of a big Sunday meeting among the darkeys a few mora cars will have to be booked on. Record. Greensboro. . r . v A CHILD BNJOY8 "t . The pleasant flavor, gentle" action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be oostire or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so thst It is tbe best familv remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Mann lectured by the California-Fig Syrup Co. CHNGfc OFBCHEUVLK. Noe, aad C Dally Passenger Trains DU r - , '' eontlnuad. -. ,'. :v; . i' Da ly passenger trains Nos. BTthd will be discontinued on the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad on and after Monday, July 81st, 1899. To take effect at Qoldsboro on arrival of No 0, on Mon tatsstaer cusauta. Tbe eeJlsd sw.'tif ef tbe CtsaW W Cnsaaarrre aa k.J last ai, l, t-4 la Bffle of Ike aiMsay wastes as4 fcvjte eesibef of asaeiljara absMl fieea Ua rity, tbe attaadaaea was a good sitae' ewe. la Ua aberaot af pTwaUewt r--lkt-. View PreskWat Joke Dwaa, pratWd. After stailagtbe objM af Ua saarv ng PraattWat Duaa caliad for siis at- preaaloa by Ua saaaibara. - Mr. Prlteiiar stated I Its objaaa al Ue ad lag as be eadaretMd It, aexl aaJd be bad prvparada Bt,IUt lalrodecury, wkkk ke read, for the saaaabara ta alga, aotlag oppoalta UaU aaasee Ua aaaaaal af stork take. Soeae dlacaaatoa followed, aad Ue maitsr being wall aaiiontood, Uoaa praseat were asked to alga Uair aaavas far aaaoant of sleek Uay wiakaa io aab aerlbe for. ..' , ' Dearly evwryoaa present subscribed. Ue total aaaoaat being large for Ibe aaaber preaeaL AcommlttaaotUrea, Moaara. C. D. Bradkaa, P. U. Petletlar, aad WlUlea Dane were appolated to wait apoa Ua ibarsiot present aad gat Uair aab- scriplluBS far stock. Tbe meeting tbea adjaaraad. The stej atvar The aaembere of Ue Cbaabar of Cum merre beard Meesra. 8. F. McColtar aad F. Cowell of l'amlloo ooaaty Ual Igbt la regard ta Ue eetabueblaf ef Ue steamer Una between this city aad Bay' boro, VaadaoMre, Orlealal, . Adam Creak and other points below hero. The statement was made that 97,000, was desired to be subscribed to tbe stock tba proposed company. Of 1 this amount $4,500 was subscribed or la If ht from clUaens at IbediOereat points oa the river, ibe remainder $1,500 was detlrtd from people here. Of this amount half, with what was subscribed last night is now raised. It Is believed that tbe remaining 91,950 will be Immediately taken by merchants who are now away but who will be back la a few day a. Tbe practical assurance that a steamer running on regular schedule lime be tween Uils cily and tba points named will be put on, meana much for our merchants In the way of Increased trade and the opportunity of opening up new trade u very considerable. A photo graph of a steamer that Is si pec ted to be bought was shown last night, a decision of tbe question of course being left to the slock holders at a meeting to be called when the amount is made up. Such a boat will furnish good means for travel up and down the river, Messrs McCotler and Cowell will call on the merchants this morning so as to raise the small amount stilt needed at once, so that tbe matter can be pushed. The llent FraaeriUoH.IWr CMlle and Fever is a bottle of Grove'e'Taate lesa Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron aad quinine In a tasteless form. No cure- no psy. Price 50c Llaf of Letters Remaining in the Post OIBce at New llrru, Craven county, N. C, July 24, 1899: MEN'S um. B E P Baker, Richard Blount, J W Brown. C Grant Cradle, W M Common,!. C Catton, Cicero Cooper. E J H Evans. F W D Fontrest. ; . ; II Caesar Hymaa, Willie Uswklus, James F Heartier, Prof R C Uollon. I Jsckson Ipock. -' '. J James Johnson, Jesse Jones. M Stcphea Mosely, David A Moore. O John O'Neal. P-i-W W Pearson. 8 W J Bandars, Caesar Skinner. W-J J W Whites, Rollln Wright. - women's LIST. ' B-CIara Boyd. E-Ella Cogdell.' D U A Dougherty, Llzxie Dudley; Nettle Dudley. -- E Sarah Evans. ' . F Pattle Fay, Martha Foskey. G-Lula Gardner cr Robt Gardner. ' H Annie Hendersou, Rebecca Hill. M Rosko Merrlo. ? -. N Jane Nelson. . r ' ' , R Mary Roberts, Lula Rue. . 8 F Bnlle Scarborougli, Nettle Stanly, Agnes Smith, Motrins Smith. - W-Martha Watrers, Rebecca Wtl llama.. . ' V Parsons calling for the above letters will please say advertised and give date of list ,Vv;. . The regulations now require that one (1) .- cent shall be collected on the dolivery of each advertised letter. " -v , 8. W. IUrcock, IV M. "What might have been"-If Ibat little cough hadn't been neglected is tbe sad reflection of thousands of consumptives One Mluute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds. F. 8. Duffy. Lost. Many golded opportunities have beea lost by those who suffer from rbeuina tlsm. By Uking Rheumaclde now they will be permanetly and positively cured; . ? ' Bath' Salts. ..: " '. . J. J. Baxter, has a new line of Bath Suits just In for ladies, misses boys- and men. w. ' Violet Soap. 15 cents a .box of three cakes Is a bargain, ' The same aoap, Heliotrope or Lily of Hie Valley, same price. ' At Bradham's. . - Try a Cherry Phosphate or Cherry Sherbet at Paris' Soda FouaUin. They are fine. :; Celery Headache Powders will cure your headache Made and sold at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. . -,. aasiraoa cot irrv etna. taaaaMaa at ra Tba sail iavslvtag iaece at erases directors for teaiiu reset waa beard before Jadge Bryea yesterday. Theses. tlrslara of Ua aass am ahsai aa fallows The old aoasd af eAaasilea earraaiTsr ad Ua bosks aad oOoa ta Ua sew asard af school alracaora appolated by Ue leg- are. After the Day aactslsa Ua etd board laatlimaw aa sotlsa toe Ua recov ery of las slloe aad Ua books aad pe para beloaglag Uarate before J edge Tist bar lake aba dsoUsd la Uair favor. The aaw board appsaisa frees Ula eecte ksa to Ua baareaee Coait. Tbea Ua old board got aoaaaaaloa of Us key aad took' charge af Ua basks aad ausmpted to aaaasaa the authority It formerly held. . Tba Democrats or snembere of aaw board gelaa lajuaclloe from Jadga Al len rest raising Ueaa from aay aetieei as school directors aad ordered Ueaa ta tare over the books, ate. Tkla Uey re fased to do aad tba aaw board eiarted proceedings against laem for eonlsmpi. Thla action was aaal before Jadga Bryaa by Jadga A Ilea aad waa heard hare yesterday while Ue eclioa to ro stral a the old board waa eoallaaed antll Aaguat tS by Jadga Bryaa who will bear It at Klastoa. Ia Ua contempt proceedings Judge Bryaa foe ad Ua members of tba aid board, Messrs. D. IL Herring, R, AIa- raa and W, J. Faircloth. gallly of eon tempi for aot obeying tba order of the oourt aad toed I asm each two kuedred aad fifty dollars aad tba Judgment la U the effect that they bo confined la JaO antll this flue ia paid. Maura. W. a AUea and E. W., Kerr appeared aa attorneys for tbe Democrats and Messrs. Geo. E. Butler and H. L. Sleveas represented Ua fusion board . A sseetal Fastars ml "Uala WmI." Among the large list of attractions for "Gala Week" at Greensboro, August 1st to 4th will be llertraav and WUlard's two plays, -Csplalu Dick" and '-The MUnlght Fire," presented under their personal direction. It will I a pleasure to Ue many friends uf these gentlemen throughout Ue Stale, to know ibat tbelr services hsva beea secured In Ihla direc tion. It will be pleatsot to those antici pating a trip to Greensboro upon this oocasleu, particularly those who have taken part lu Ueae same playt.o have an opportunity 01 witnessing luem per formed by the Eagle Democratic Clubr- which has a reputation not confined to lu own Bute. "Captain Dick" will be played by this Club on Wedneadsy night, August 2nd, Tbe "Oate Cilr Band" In fuU uniform and The Greensboro Orchestra, will lend additional charm to the entertainment, The Midnight Fire" will be presented Friday night, August 4th, by the Wins ton Hook and Ladder Co'a. Dramatic Club. Mr. Wlliard will also plsy a lead' Ing part In "The Diplomats" to be pre sented oa one of the other nights of the week. - Reserved seats will be on sale at J. B. Farrlss' Drug Store Monday morn Ing, July Slat. Seata can be ordered by mail, If parties desire. You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting, Eat good, wholesome food, aud plenty of it. 'Kodol Dyspeysla Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and la made to cubic F. 8, Duffy. Life's Springtime. We roamed the world together, In tbe sunny springtime weather. When all the world waa lovelioees and light; When all the birds were singing And all the bells were ringing, And we dreamed not oh, we dreamed not of tbe nighlt We did not see the shadows On the green breast of the meadows We only knew that suns aud stars were bright; " The May was sweet around us , Her rosy garlands bouud us, - And we dreamed not oh, we dreamed V not of the nlghtl . ' ; But night must come, with sorrow; And yet, sweet peace we borrow From the springtime with Its skies so - blue and bright; . . Still tbe May time Is around us, And the garlands aweet that found us Are not withered aa wa pass Into the night. ' For your hand's In mine, my dearie, And the dark Is -not so dreary But It hath a gleam of glad, undying light; , Tbauk God for all rough weather , We reach clear eklee together ' v God's morning dawns in spleudor o'er the night.- ; -c . .":.; Frank L. Stanton. "Duly Feed Man and Steed." Feed your nerves, also, If you - would have them strong, . Blood made pure and rich by Hood's Sarsaparllla ia tbe only true nerve food. ' Be sure to get Hood's. It never disappoints. , . Hood's Pills cure constipation. Price Have .'your prescriptions filled at Davis Prescription Pharmacy. Medicine delivered to any part of the city. Ntght bell at front door.. Phone 50. , - A Good , Telephone SERVICE 13 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A J30MK CONVENIENCE. A COM--' BIN ED . ... ... . . Necessity, " - Convenience. Order Your Phone at Once I School Books ! All klUds At Bastawt Jewalry 1st ore. Bast to Ue Jot aaal, Vew Barm. M. C irassl Bauka at Law Prtoa by mail, past aaad. Wrtie aa lot price Mete aad tarme. J. M. A J. B. RKKU Bituaoao, . c C. E. PALT1ER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WU1 srartirs la tbs State Osarta aad before Uke baeasaa af Ua tatanor Do. panmaat at Wsstttagtoa, D. C. lrompi aiioataoo gtvoa aa lae eallr. lioa of caataaa. Losaa asgotlalod. Coa- muolsi a specialty, UfncO,M Broad Hi, New Bsra. N. C PeilflYROYAL PILLS eae at a re ssmassa ei IlKrOOD TELIA Tea, it 1 Ua lades to health. ir yon nave bad Mood voa a likrly to Isara that yua have itnsnnialaim, oaa of taa stoat anr rible diseases fo which ataakiud ia hotr. if Ula disease baa ioat begnalu work, or if you aavo beea afflicted for years, yoo ehonld at once lake tba wooderful aaw cure, RHEUM ACIDE. Tbouaaads have been cured. Tba eutnmer season la Ilia beat tint to Uke a rheumatic rented r. Nature aillAbea aid Ua medicine in effecting a permanent, conatl- luUitoal cure. People with bad. blond are subject to catarrh, iodi- aestioo and many other diseaara. To be healthy Ue blood must be purs KIIEUMAUIDE Is Ibe Prince of Mood pnrinera. Bold in New Bern by C. D. Brad ham, by Davia' Pharmacy, and by druggist generally. Price t per bottle. GRIST - MILLS New Mill., Bolting Cheat, Eltratora And Corn C'leHurrav, Of tba Latest Improved and Up- te-Date mil Macblaery. YOUR TUADE IS SOLICITED tr SPECIAL PAINS taken la clean Ing aad polishing gra.n before going through the uilla. whtcb insures pure meal. GEORGE BISHOP. New Bern, N. G. p. TRENWITH, IlIaikHmllir, and heel right. Manufacturer of Buggies, Wagons, Carls, Drays, fto. All kinds of Repairing in my Una done itb ntatneas and dispatch. Two new Carta and two new Drays on hand, also Spring Wagona and Buggies newly repaired, For Sale at a Reaaouable Price. Vebip work aSpecialty . Shop SouU aide of South Front Street, between Middle and Hancock, New Bern, N. 0. A Good Friend Will tell yon without flattery that a suit of clothing with oar perfect workman ship, artistic flalsh, faultless lit and ele renoe of atyle makes you look like a Prince in its exquisite tout enbkmbli. Our fabrics are exclusive and tba haud eomest patterns and colore of the season. We will at and make yon a suit at a reasonable col . F. 31. Chad wick, Middlestreot. ' ' NEW BERN, N. O $ i.Book Store A Full Line of BOOK-KEEP- ) 2 !SR3 AND GENERAL Or'FICE I SUPPLIES. - I S Few more Perfection llammocka 3 i " I i Ci. II. Ennett 1 1 MMMMmMnMMMaaaaaaaatsasaiMMMaaM ai j () () () u a Brilliantines For Midsummer and Early Fall. o n o o 8 a' o o o o o We have just opened an entiro now line oi Brilliantines that are without doubt the very best values that wo have ever ofiered.- Eich, shiny black of a very smooth weave and such good value as to make this popular fabric more friends than ever. a o a o 8 O o p a The prices begin at 30 ior a 36-inch blue or black. AT 40 CEiTN. 38 inches wide and as good piece as you usually find at 50c. AT SO CK.TN. Our most popular price as it is such a pretty piece. AT OO CEXT.H. 42 inch wide for those that want a superior piece this is recommended. AT 85 C'KNTN. ' 42 inches wide, an unusually flno quality that will please thoso that want the very best. o a o o New Figured Lawns. Some new arrivals ot cool Summery q Lawns just opened. Light and dark q grounds 10 GENTS YARD. 13 IOOCOO OOOO OOOOOO 0$G3S0$: TRUNKS ! Trunks ! Trunks ! We have just received the largest line of Trunks we have ever had. Prices 25c to $10.00. Jnty 10. 1890 mm V r . We have Just received our first shipment New Bugs, and at very attractive prices. A Special Value in a Smyrna Kuk. largo in assorted colors a1r$l 48. , " Some special values in Ladies fine Trunks G-. A. O n o o o o o o o 8 o O 8 n 8 O o o o 8 o a o 8 o u o n o o Jta TJllfrff Efispf tfijaaiy ej Bar foot, ask. a5c bottle at well-stocked day, July 81st, at 0:40 a m. , V v ; . 8. L, Dill, Sapt. "Tlielms," a nsw and delightful per druggists. . . . THE NT J fume far sale by K. S. Duffy & Co.

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