I I hit J i i II A I. C, rKIDIT HOEIII0, JULY tS, ilS5. VOL XVlt-XO. 102. i l 1 . 4 J -a i A mmisimi uct t i j""t::sE iciiiiu. 5 BARGAINS?; A Ci-.Vr4 lM4t Ta Vff T"'"f. AN lri3liK::lte ISsles tlto food more Cdklout aad wboletKMM To Cut at J ar 0 0 O ' - s 5 Today we have marked down a line "of Misses ami Chil dreo's Tie. and Slippers from We, fl OC and $1 25 to what f Some lYetty Figured Organdie, fortner jrioe 35c, now i5cy j) fl Son Elegant J 00 Feather Bouf CoktU too,'mV be bad V f duriug the next few daji for 60c r ! ' - 1 1 -V flk Only a pattern or two of. thai UatrcorJ 56 "Mohair for Sic V' ft wer vanL - A ... . . A few piece of Wool Chi Linen BatisUa for 10c. AS TIN A ' Several Beauties in Whit Saliu marked down from 85c to 15e. ----- . . - y allie for 6c yard and M and, 35c V - - - i 1 v t 4 9. . e Saliu Stripe, Pplka, -Nainsook, . A Only Call and Nee ForYou rKelviwi -V 11 ' '"I it 1 j M M V llnve n Well Nelectrtl Mock or Groceries and Canned 1 Goods. ai Butter Very best Butter and Cheese in the best refrigerator in town 25C Cheese 15c lb. . . Mocha and Java Toffee 25c aud 35c Air-tight tiua,Jine flavor. 1'ork and I'eans, 3 lb can for 10c With or without tomato tauoe. Kentucky Korn Syrup 10c can. Oysters 10c can. (Ham Chowder 20c can. Grated Pineapple 10c. . . Peaches 15o and 20c can. Carpet Tartar at firaaatbar. Maw KiMlaiaUltlt WlaiWa, Bf. ral Maw CatUa Mllla. Maw tlaelria PJaat Tka . y Draat;kt Eai4. , Raleiub, Jul 17 Wk aaa oaa- aaMd aa taa earpat tmeUMj. vklcfe b to b locawd la Oraaasbora. Thaaqalp. neat will ba vary larft. AboallOOlooaM will ba tailallad, aloag wllk Mcaa power t lad lie llfhilDf aaa dra(B( plaata. Tbatowa coannlwloaeri of Wadea- boro bar oroarad aa alaclloa la ba bald Tbandar, Aagaat lat. for 4ka parpaaa of lubmlitlm tba qaaatloa as to wbatbar lb Iowa (ball ln $13,000 ta baada to nuUith a fjMm of watar work . aad alaotrto llgblt. A ooploai (apply at wa- ba baea ' foand abaat two tMm onlh of town. It only remain for taa paopli to say waatbar tbay sbaU Lara tbaaa aaeauariaa or aot Tba probabili ty aow Is tbat the bond will b rutted. . Tba Wlattoa Caltttaf Kills ara la- eorporatad tor In aaafaetara of cot- ton, woollra aad silk roods, shirt aa- darwear aad botsery. Tb propoaad new oottoa mill at Calaa Orova will prova aa addltioa tola low tboagh the mill will ba aractod two aad htlt mtlea this slda of China Grove, nsar a plaoe oa tba railroad callad High Point. Tba land, 75 acres, was recently bought. It Is a valaabla slta aad wear the Interiecitoa of the Mooresvllle road with the roid to Balisbary. Tba capital stock will ba $80,000 and already $.10,000 have ubeorlbed, and provided a Ilka amount is subscribed, ona . Individual will subscftbe the remalndlng $50,000. The apacliy of the mill will ba about 6,000 pindlea. " Tba frit steps ara being taken ta hare a oo-operatlve cottoa mill at Newtpa 1 T, 1 A Vt II ! 1 1. 1 '1 French Mustard (real) 10c, witlj gpoon , if f I , Anything found in a grocery store "w(ill hai.JneljcJ J J Best Flonr, balance this month at 2lc cts lb. Toilet Soap, Zm 5c box, J j j j I ( M A ' I GASKILL & 'MITCHELL, - - t CI ltUOil NTIlKKTJI.l IO im SEVEN J rb Finest or all Mineral Waters. A Positive Cure for Indipeolion. Dyspepsia, Insomnia, Nervoa Prostraiina ind al Khlney and Liver Troulile. It general restorative properties aie wondorful. ' Each Spring lis its peRiiliariUea All seven artf amrVloHB t EEDUCED RATES ON RAILROADS. HACKS TO MEET EVERY TRAIN. Telephone Line Waterworks . Hot or Cold From LaQranjce ' In Hotel. m Water Batha to Seven Spring;. Free To Quests. Wa'er Free to UuvsU. Hoarders t other hotel or bnardlne lio men vain' Seven HpriiiRs water ara CUAIUJKI) $3 00 PER WEEK FOK WATEIi PRIVILEOE. S FOB TERMS ADDRESS , . , G. F. SMITH, Proprietor. SPECIAL ..-smSSBS Will Commence at' S. Coplon's, Thursday, July 20th, and continue through Fridayj'baturday ajidilon- !I am Going to Leave in a Short tSIJOic , " myStock.of irrjqp : Clothing, Dry Good' iods, &c Must be Sold, at once. ; Secure ,Your Bargains iv, 23 Middle StreeC' ' ' Ooart report. The Slate ka karwtufora always doae this aad will aa doebt ooa Uaaa the praeUoa. Saperiataauleat Day, bf tba pUlaa tlary, called oa Sum Treaearar K'arth fat saora saoaey, eayiag taa paaltaatlary aeadad M awdad all tba approprtaOoa for this year aad more too. Capt. Day is a at wtltlng to pay say ltN debts, fc ta V arch T, oat of the $-50,000 appropria. lion fr tba current year. Fatbar Worth I trylag ta force each paysseat. CapL Day told tba Traaaarar that tba aaoaay woald be aaearad, erwa U It had to be borrowed. Big Sign in front of doqr; j t-4f T BIMGHAM SCHOOL, THE Ornncre founly. Near Olebaaa N C (nstatiUaiied, ntJ3.) , Offers Eiwtern CaroliiiV Boy healtlirtil and jeftiitif l home iu Pi Jmont N. C. Plenty of wholesome food, pure Water aud trrnyi Bir. l uculiy of soven tlionu li ' teachers. Fine ftiule, elassicali scteatitto and btaiixM emr.' Gymnasium h.id ' Physical Director. All outdoor sporii eoconrRcd. ' pris wjd r ; d- als. Literary bocielles. For new handsomely ninf lumiostie, Bddnf ca, PRESTON LEWIS GKAT, li. L., Principal. lliii-.um Bctiool, Ueoane, JN. c Qen. Robert T. Ioke aad Ua aaaocl ate have bought the aarrow gaaga rail way from Chatter to Leaolr.tnd they will make It a standard gaaga aad a part of be Seaboard Air ' Line pystero. The same persons have aaearad a logging railway from Lenoir to Wilson's, Creek, the latter place being not . many mile lUtant from Plnola, from which there Is road to lite Cranberry iron' mine aad thence to ffokastot City, Ten n. It I uid Oil Will make a 400 mile saving ta the coal haul of the Seaboard Air Liu. It will alto develop tba Cranberry Iroa mine, which Is really a ssouatala of, or ol wonderfully high grade aad parity, The new gas aad etocUle lighting pany at Raleigh will expand , $75,000 oa III plant. It will lay new mala. The'plsns for the new hospital build lug for females to be erected at Morgaa ton have been completed. ' it will be a handsome structure, with a capacity of 400 bed- ' " .' ' Btale auditor Ayer has received a letter from a Confederate veteran saying tbat in a certain county In this State all widows are fraudulently obtaining pen ilonsj that the husbands of Ave were de serters snd that the ttuabaadf the sixth was not wounded while, In service; tbat each of these tvto .a menbe af the County Peualon Board $ in order to tecnr their being ut oa the . pension list. The, Auditor, baa called oath County Board for statement ; as to; tb matter.' -. State Auditor Wortii says that the debt of North Carolina over iia .investaaeat is only $t.00 OOO; ' The) First Presbyteriaa church ta Grecniboro Itas awarded a. Contract for the parohase of a new ' organ to cost $3,500. .- y - The drought which wa generally ever tuts seotlOn bat. Dean; succeeded ova rlo? as generali From, all flirection came new of an abundance of rain. The country ha been' blessed' In every di rection also. The rain of yesterday was the first- tbat has fallen In Ltucoluton, Col. Tipton says, since the middle 'of April. ' Governor Russell t attorney1, John W. Hinsdale, in his argument before the Corporation Commission la which ba sought to force the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Campany to pay taxes oa 1,- 400,000 of rolling stock on the Seaboard Air Line, 'which he claims it owns, says it returns this rolling stock at.enly $'S0, 000. TUe matter oes evet until Fri day, i wl . a,in 1 fcC li'U President George T. "Winston, of -the AjTlcitltutal and Slechanlca College, arrived snd expressed unbounded p- light at again being In North Carolina Very soon after arriving here he went out to the college. . Twenty four recruits ! - to the Twenty 'seventh P.? bls recr-'" - ond 1 l- mei 1 (iieu v ut v i 'd t. t H is . od l at . wli'-e He . can ill t maLti h)i' ita Lo l ' ,il try lo r ' ! Vus , t late Chairmu lamr 9 a.- . . ..01a the cast.- He 'T : ; ,t... -t is all right In t':c ' :X ' ' . . W. C. t,jtr. .-. . .:t. cftla I .; Mature from . - ?p-' - print . Today's ejaotatloa faralabed by Law to A. May Us Mew Tork, Repreaeated by A. O. Mawbarry. KiwTona.Jaly 17. - BTOOCS. Open. Blgb. Low. CJoet rJogar.. ........ 1M 1H 155 1M Raadlag 5 aaA m R. I US at - m a t. ii4i M.U.P. 7 Maahattaa 1171 Ml 1M im a 47 117 Mr. aad Mrs B. Lack amp, Klatoa, Mo., writ "OaaMlnel Cough Cera saved the life of ear little boy when nearly dead with croup." F. B. Duffy. LIVED FAST AND 11081. ef XfTtedUn sHi ta reMt atMr. T.Ua Tata. , Rauiiow, July $7 Ex-Secretary J. L aaney, of tba Board ef Agricaltare, wtaagala awltaesa before the leglsla- lire lavestlgating committees. He is what to kaowa as a "star" wllaase, and two snch shrewd business men and eloee questioners as Senator Browa aad Rep resentative Oaltla gathered some valua ble Information from him. The fusion Board of Agricaltare would vote tor any sort of aa ".appropriation" for one of the "faithful." J. C. L. Har ris grew some $S,tO0 f0r his services aa "general utility man," but It appears tbat there wa always aa order ef the board that be aboald have .the particular amount The board atmply "blew In' the funds. It had Ave fertilizer Inspec tors, who, It to admitted, were not need ed, but who were merely given "pie." The further examination of ax-8ecre tary Ramsey by the investigating com mittee developed some very Interesting He testified that J. C. L, Harris was paid In two years $9,937 ss attorney of the Board of Agriculture, and $448 for at tending the board meetings. Last De cember Harris was paid In advance $100 extra oa Hill K. King's motion to "look arver the legislature." Ramsey said be did not know whether Harris ever evea appeared before the agricultural commit tee ef the legislature. It -was farther show a that Harris was actually paid for his license to practice la the Buprem Court of the United Btatee. The voucher for this was for $118. One of Harris' vouchers gave him four dsys' pay member of the board $20 but paid hi board for five days f 10. Oa this vouch. er was also ene day's pay and one day's board 18 for attending a meeting of the executive committee. Ramsey couldn't explain that pay for five days when there was only four days' service, He got pay for all trip aad expenses He - charged this . extra. None of tb attorneys did so. It was shown tbat on some day th board merely met and adjourned. ' Oa ene occasion It devoted Its session to a conference with the Governor,, who had summoned It, The committee was un able to find any verified expense account for the holding of farmers' Institutes. Ramsay admitted tbat be had audited M. Allen's bill for $18 for buying carpets and" cuspidors and Inspecting carpets after the latter bad been laid. He ad mitted that all this time Allen was a clerk receiving $1,200 salary, Jas. H. Young, colored, wa la June, 1897, en Harris' motion, elected inspect ing clerk. Ramsay testlSed tbat Young was never tent out to Inspect fertilisers but that ha put in most of his time In the office wrapping fertilizer' tax tags and bulletins. For this be was paid ft,- (00 salary. Young wa first elected for two years ar at the pleasure of the board bat at the next meeting a resolution wss adopted, on motion of Hill E. King, striking ent the words "or at the pli are of the board." This was d-rae to give Young a cinch on the office. The examination of the minutes of the board meetings developed the fact, that A. Q. Holliday, then president of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, iu allowed at the last December meet ing $25 monthly as chairman of the ex periment station committee for each ser vices since he began to discharge these duties.! It wss found that while the. old and new Board of Agricaltare, which met in April, adjourned to meet May 29, yet the old board met May 84th, at the call of J. C. U narria, chairman of the executive committee, and these members drew two days pay on the 25th. There were fourteen fertilizer Inspec tor oa duty this year from January 1st to May 15th. Hill E King and J m 187 111 Bfti 1141 48, 118) COTTOM. Open. Hlra. Low, Close August 5.49 5.51 6.45 5.50 Jaauary...... 5 88 8M 5.89 6 84 CHICAGO MARKETS. WbxaT Opaa. High. Low. Close Beptember..., 71. . 71 70, 704 Coax September.... Kt K, Si) Si, DeWIU's Little Early Risers expel I from the system all posloaous eecumala-1 tions, regulate the stomach, bowels aad liver, aad parity tee blood. They drivel away disease, dissipate melancholy, aad I give health aad vigor for the daily rou-l tine. Do not gripe or sickea. F. B.I Daffy. For a hot day nothing will exhilarate yoa more than one of Bradham't Orange j or Lemon Phosphate. Cool breezes I from our fan and a glass of pure, leal oold soda water will furnish new force for the days work. School Books I ' . All Klnda At Baxter's Jewelry 8tore, next to the Jotjmau Mew Bern. M. O. School I Books at Low Prices by mail, post paid. Write nt tor price litis and term. - J. M. & J. B. KKKL, - HEUBORO, N. O M Allen got not only regular salaries but psy for attendance and board at $3 a day at escb maetlng. A. Q. Holliday, wh had ( ?,53 salary ta -eollepe president, also g jt p s y and board t 1 a day. C. Ray, of VlVanfa, at flrst charged t for expenses from b-"" to t!;e rniiromi. t l.-ter lncre.U t". to f '.6. . r.n Hti .-n.-l t!.t I. y n-.n l l,ive .. 1 1 t- : t of 1 ' k?n fi.-'k aVr : I k'-Mnl. 1 0 snro tj J-LMcDaniel's; 71 . Broad SU And one of the Urgent aad beat selected stocks of Choice - Family - Groceries la the city at Price which Defy Competition. Goods delivered anywhere in the city frve of charge. I solicit a share of your patronage. Respectfully, 6l 187 111 M 115 aa 5 1181 S . . - . . ..... IJ.L IM1I1BL, 2 Plione 91. v 71 Rrv4 HI. Whle3Mle A BeUll CDaTMPf IXLOOD TIsIaH. Yee, it to the Index to health. If yon bare bad blood yon a IIKOiy MJ nvn m juu h. Kbeumstiam, oa of tba most hor rible dUeasee fo which mankind to heir. If thle diteaee baa just begun It work, or if yoa have been afflicted- for years, yoa should at once lake the wonderful new euro, RHEUMACIDE. Tbouaandt have been cured. The summer teaenn to the beet time to take a rheumatic remedy. Nature wa ill then aid the medicine in effecting'a permanent, consti tutional cure. People with bad blood are subject to catarrh, Indi- WE ARE PUSHING THE SELLING. There will be no lapse in yonr interest in this store throughout the Summer months. We keep it alert by active prices, by special offerings of reliable Summer Furniture and House Furnishings. A Downward Dip to the prices, and yet the same goods in the factory' hands are rapidly advancing. But we wish to push the July Sales. to the limit, and to swing into August with stork lightened, ready for the Fall arrivals. We want to make July a record breaker in sales aud to that end we offer this week. Golden Oak Sideboards, were $30 00, now $25 00 - " Cheffoniera, 15 00, " 10 00 " " Hall Racks, 15 00, 12 50 " 12 00, - 10 00 Extension Tables, big reduction in these. All our suits reduced from $5 00 to $10 00 suit A glauce ai onr stock and prices will convince you that we 'mean just what we say. FRANC. H. JONES & GO.. 87 MIDDItX: HT11EET. LIP? ajn easnsw ekeaas aaamfj eMuem aeaajaaaaaaaaak sBebaaA enssefe Sseah 4beBse saaasseaeeaa Ssaae abanseaaea abebeb cashseenass abenea Ssanel aaeaeaVea Sea SmmmmnfiiTnrniiiTm rMiiwal 3 3 e cation and many other diseases. lire KUKUMAU1UK Po be healthy the blood must lie is the Prince of blood purifiers. Sold in New Bern byTj. D. Brad- bam, by Davie' Pharmacy, by druggists generally Price $1 per bottle. - ' J ; and Marvel Polish ! We bought our Underwear direct from 'the manufacturers this season and are now giving our patrons the benefit of our close buying. . You will be surprised at the quality at such a price. -, if 20 Cents a Garment I 3 MARVEL POLISH Have yoa seen the New Tan Polish? Needs no robbing, one or two applications per week Is suf- flcent. ;?v v .- -'"!' 'y- - Just apply it, the polish comes of It self. Guaranteed to withstand mud and rain. Save time and temper. , Try it. R. H. BAXTER, No, 95 Middle Street. 3 3 , Almost Starvation Prices, bnt we have to make room for ' Fall Stock so we are closing our Underwear at Cost. , We have all sizes from 34 to 44 in Sbirta and from 30 to : 41 in drawers; Call and get your choice of colors and sizes. : Remember the price 20 cents a garment, 'A whole suit of Un- 3 : derwearfor ONLY FORTY CENTS. ' 3 I J. O-. !DlT3?T3iT CO., 3 57 POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERN, NO. : fllUeUJUeMM J. L. Hartsfield, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Special attention given to Collection I of Rent. , . ,. ; Office over RJH. Barter', atore, with J. J. Wolfeuden. tiic DDiincriT uniiocrfirc s 1 11c. r iiuulh I iiuuol. irt i:b'7 is this That the Otwkimt' Cycle Co., can ell Bicycles and bundrievaod do Itepair Work o Ulieapr Beca;ise they buy in large quantltiea and tell r eab and have beat workmen employe.- I liey now have live experi enced workmen and are turning; out nic er work tliau ever . They are ai.o doine a wholesale bust ti"s iii Bicycles and Sundries and would 11 to i e ir-cnta in every town and vi. - . 'I '-ogu interested will pleas v- or c 1 on zr.zizz acts r.:'riXT.' .!,..!'..-.S -li ;.t Mi v'-t ." Takes advantage of the fruit. ton when it ts plentiful spa. a cueap ana voee up uw jcuiee, prr- ' serves and. canned goodp She hi -; uwaya sura 01 gemug nere uif very Best and Purest Spices, Su gar, White Wine, Vinegar, for this purpose,' tbat will Insure her. ) trails against spoiling. Onr prices Ws also have" a full line of I Mason's Ball Fruit Jars.' Pints, j 60c Quarts, 70c. Half Gallons , 90c dot. Extra Jar Rubbers 8c J. R. PARKER? JR; XiUOCERy T110I13 CD. -177 Tread Ctrcct. V X r