ill 1 r 'V ' VOL. Xfll-NO. 105. 1 A .' If IUI, K. C, S1TLRB1T XUKIU8, JUL? 19, USJ. ISTAILlSBtP HI! WiViYiYiVaV i a B ABGrAESTS? I f . W 111 i lilies the food tnor dHdocs aod wfeolesoroe To Cut at ? " : " V! i O O O . VI l . t Today we have marked down a line of Miners and f hil- A dreu's Tie, and Slippers from f 1 OC and ?t S3 t.v vket ? y yea to 4!c per jmir. Also some Lad us i 00 Tiv for fo ,1 Some Pretty Figured Organdie, former pri '3.1c vow 13c. f Some Elegant $1 00 Feather Uoue Corset too, may be had VI A during tb next few day for 60c W IX l IN ! m as Onlj a imtlern or two of that Hair cord 60c Mohair for 35c W 25c and 35c Sf? .... u ci l ii a: .irii I' i . cii lv.ll IT : - " sennu vnuuci 11 nuue nun ouijy iwtii, nDn, marked down from 25c to 15c. per yard. A few pieces of Wool Challie for Co yard Linen Batist for 10c ' t,t. aud i i v . im; sc. Only Call find Nfe For Youraelve. Vt .lHackbU'rn!i IN W Ilnvo a Well NeWrtod Miotic of''?j. r Groceries and Canned i Goods. '. Very best Butter and Cheese in the best refrigerator Jtt town. Jiutter 25c. Cheese 15c lb. I 'J..-V.-V''. ' . Mocha and Java Coffee 25o and 35c Air-tight tins, flue flavor, ; Pork aud Means, 3 lb can for 10c. j With or, Vitjtiftit tdtitntli sauce. ,; Kentucky Korn Syrup 10c can.1 Oysters ipe rsii '. I j I ! i 1 dim Chowder 20c can. . . Grated Pineapple 10c , Peaches 15c and 20c can. ... ...... T. ....... , ;t French Mustard (real) 10c, with spoon., f ' ff 1 1 T f l , Anything fomid in a grocery stoi'5 we will have sUiol.j1 111 Best Flour, balance this month at 2ic cts jb. Toilet Soap, 'Zaza', 5c box , : j . j j GASKILL & MITCHELL, Ol IIKOAD NTItKET. l. i 1 fit Y W SEVEN I SPRINGS; Wi Mti T lie 1 J v EachBpi g REDUCED RATES ON RAILROADS. HACKS TO MEET EVERY' TRAIN. i Finent of nit Mineral Watera. A Poaitive Core for Indigestion. mpepnia, Inaomaia, Kerrona Prontratlnn nod all Khlnct and. .cr l nmulea. lu irenrrul reatorauve propeniea ate wonderful. Each Spring haa its peculiarity! All aovrn Hro marvuloosj i- Telephnne Line , Fiom LuO range to Seven Spring. Wa'er Froe to QueaU. Waterworks In Hotel. uain' Heren Bprinei .water ari (JI1AHUKD f i WATEK TKIVILKUK. FOlt TERMS APDKE39 .Hot or Cold - Water Baths Free To Quests. B'Mrriera ac other hnlela or hoarding hn ntcn 00- PKB WEEK FOR !. t'i . C G. F. SMITH, Proprietor. SPECIAL SUII1I1 Si'! Wil 1 Commence at S. Copion's, Thursday, July 20th, and continue through Friday, Saturday and . Hon day. . I am Going: to Leave in a Short Time and my Stock of ,' ; tu . i Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, &c. Must be Soid. Secure Your , Bargains at once. v 28 Middle Street. mn Big Sign in front of door.51" Tie. )aetia f filrUaais ea tk A. a N. C Kallra. The fer tiliser sHfelepaeata.' A ' Ferelf a Artist. NawCaa- , paay fer-fTlastea. rUiaisa, Ja)j 18. Otalrmai TrarU at tkt tacUve koard aafs Capi. Day kaepa ao books aad Ihoof k raqulred to to Bakt r porta aalkl haa aade oalj ne, oa Jaly a, Tkat rapcrt ahowad re ceipts aggrejatlBf lt,ago, aad teat arty all of tills had bees dlabenad. Moaey oufht to ba coailnf la, aa there are large aatoa of brick aad lO eoerkta are at work oa railroads. Aagoat lat W0 more will be pot at. this work. For then ?S osate a day Is paid. , , C'halraaa Travis aejre Day hat aot toraed soy of the penlteatlary recelpla into IbsTreaaary so far this year, bat that yesterday he told the Traeearer he Intended la futere to pay la all aad get all oat by vouchers. Day weals money, aad told the Traaaater he ssuel hare It. Travis says there Is eaoegh savaey to pall through this year, as there Is a bal ance of $18,000 la the Treasury of the 50,900 specially appropriated for 18M sxpeniee. Travis says there Is extra ra ganee and that this can't be Stopped, .It appeari, as the offlclala are all holding oa nntil September, having been appoint cd for a certain perloa and being, under the Day declaloa by the Supreme Coon, aot removable nnltl the term expiree. With most of them September 1 Is the dete. There was never such a mixed np mass u this penitentiary affair. There are three eoeks stirring the broth. Bill Day, Senator Travis and father Worth, aad that Is the trouble. ' ' ' . ?" The business of President Dea Patrick of ths Atlantic North Carolina Rail road, to see the Qoreraor oa Wednesday was to aak what he should do about the vldend this year. It will- be remem bered that the board of Internal Improve ment! after a careful examlnatloa of the road, recommended to the directors the! no dividend greater than 1 per cent, be paid this year, but that the money ex panded for eorely seeded roUtnjr lock warehoused . '' September t 'James A. Bryan comet In' as' president and he favors this course. ' Patrick laid the mat ter before the Governor and the latter Is considering it. He will give Patrick an answsr la a day or two aad It la inti mated that the Governor will comply with the requeat. The Atlantic A North Carolina UaUroed has bsea .declaring what are aptly termed political dlvl denda. The result Is a second-class road. J.H. Fix, one of the officials at the experiment station, was before the legis lative -committee. He Is one of the fuslonists who wss carried over. lie wss uked about the Increase of salaries ef tbe experiment station, and said that U were Increased September 1st last, nd that he had net asked lor any In crease. Tbe committee feana tnet oa the date earned the board had increased (he appropriation for the experiment ststlon from $10,000 to- $15,000. It -em ployed only one new dark and paid him only $50 monthly,' so aeerly $4,500 v. tbus divided among fusion' employes. It was dlsoovsred by the committee that the record as to fertilizer Inspection for the past four years shows an Increase of from $8,000 to $6,000 annually.: and that last year's Increase was the smallest of any in four years, yet this trifling In crease was secured by aa Increase of cost of inspection from $10,000 to $15, 000. Chatrman Brown, of the committee lamed subpoenas tot J. C. L. Harrla, who is at Mereuead iCHy, aad J. H. Mew borne, who Is at Klnston; fof their ap pearance as witnesses. John It. Smith hs not yet arrived and no news has 'yet Judge BImonton grants a restraining order forbidding the corporation com' minion from assessing the value of the Western .Union . Telej-roph,, Company property la North Carolina at $1,000,000 sad directing that "ft be 'assessed at $800,000. The order Is returnable before him at Asherllle September 80th, Pa pers will be served on the commiuloe.., It Is learned from a sculptor that the ststue of Ensign Worth Bagley, "to be placed In the capltol square, probably next year, will be the work of a ' Paris artist of great renown. era! Manager Xgaa of the later State Telephone Compeey, wbe la ea electri cal sipert, to come la Wlaaloa aad take eaarge of the proposed eaterprtee. Tbe smaller streame are very high la J seotlon, ewlag to three days' almost latum at rale Mot sines Febrasry has lae ground been ao setereted with mola- tare. The Seaboard Air Line Is the first to pay Its Bute Uxse for this year $15,eeo. It Is bow eertala that M. H. Justice sad Juke 8. Cunningham will be can didates for the Damoc ratio aomlaatloa tor Governor. WASaUMOTOM,' a. BUSn aa aha Ma War water. aSPawa CMe.C n III a WiaBieeTOK, July tiawaa. 8-Oan. Miles U egree with tbe President that a civilian Secretary of War la apt to make a better official than a military man, al though the moat be weald sey was that some of tbe best Secretaries of War had never had any military tralatag. Gen. Miles was asked what he thought ef secretary Alger's saocesasr, who was la Washlngtoa this week arranging to take charge of the WarDe pertinent Tuesday, August 1, aad he said In reply: "I have Mr. Root several times la New Tork aad my slight acquaintance with him baa bsea most pleasant. Us Is a aa of unquestionable ability, aad there is ao queslloa that be will auks aa ex cellent Secretary of War." " According to a report Just received by the Department from toe United States Ooasul at Dawsoa City, last year's gold product of the Klondyke region bos been greatly exaggerated. The report says: "Instead or $ w.uw.uw waica was reported as the probable output for this district for tbe past twelve months, I am Informed that $10,000,000 will fully cover the product Reports from Alaska Indi cate that more gold will be fouad there than will ever eome out of this district," The report wares everybody that It Is useless to mall papers and msgszlnes to persons at Dawson City anless letter postage la paid on them. Nothing but first clsss mall Is carried. Tbe annual report of the Secret Ser vice, Jst submitted to Secretary Gage. contains some Interestlag facts. f7 per sons were arrested for making or pass tag counterfeit money. 918 of them were convicted aad 293 are awaiting trial 438 of those arrested were aalive Americans which shows that foreigners do not monopolise the business $55,189 In counterfeit notes and $S0,778.M la cola waa captured. Tbe total number of plates for counterfeiting captured was S67, which Included the "Hancock" and Wladom" silver certificates, for which officials bad been vainly seeking for ehrht years, and the famous "Monroe" $100 silver certificate. ; ii dies for strik tag gold aad sliver colas aad 41 molds for spurious coins were also captured, being the largest number ever taken la a single year. - '.. Irritating stings, bites, scratches. wouada aad eute soothed aad healed by DeWIU'e Witch Hesel Salve, a sure and safe application for tortured flesh Bewsre of counterfeits. F. S. Duffy. UIKUT toiuia. KOUac Bla WMa. ' Jolibt, lu., July K-Adolpb L. Laet fart, the wealthy Chicago saasege maker wee wss serving a life seateaee la the penitentiary here for the muider of his wife, wss found deed In his sell today. Dre. Weraer aad O'Malley held a poet mortem examination, disclosing the feci that Loetgert died from fatty degeaera tloa of the heart. . Freak Fry Pratt, a member of the Chicago Bar said tonight that Adolph Laetgert ooafaeaad February, 18M, that he had killed his wife. He told me had killed her," eald Mr. Pratt. "Ha started to tell me some of the details, bat fell to eurslag aboot the affair aad I wee uaaale to lead him back to aa unfolding of the sups In the crime It was la February, 1886, that I became acquainted with Loetgert. I wse eon a acted with the Chris Merry defense, and In my visits to my client I became acquainted with the ssuasge maker. He waa told by one of the Jailors that I was palm reader, aad one day eel wss passing his cell, asked -use to read his bend. I did so, I fouad the lines of fatality, or predestination, vary strong, and I told him that there were laflueaces that he could not resist thst led him on. I told him that from his hand I could readily see that he wse aot responsible for hie actions la the sense of self-re straint. He then said- " 'Tea, that Is so; I did klU my wife. I was pessesssd of the devil aad killed her because I wee la love with another women.' He then started le tell me about the vat, and ssld his wife exempt ed to make a dying statement to him when the dogs beg aa to growl' aad he put ea end to her. It wss then tbel he switched off to cursing. As 1 considered the confession a professional one, I res pected iruntll death has now placed blm beyond farther human pursuit." iss srncuLATirn MAiuurrs. , Today's quotations furnished by Lewis A, May Co., New. York, Represented by A. O. Newberry. . Naw Yon, July WJ.' STOCKS. Open., High. Low, does 158, 18'l 159 160 Reeling.:...... 60 a H. 4- ..... 137 B.I............ 119 O.T.... ....... 84i B. R.T. l:l M.O.P......... 48 Manhattan...... 118 lugart.......... m 187 119 T U8 60 188 119, 85i 116, 48J 118 0 138 1191 86 116 148 119 . COTTON. Open. Hif-h. Low. dose August.'.,.... 6.51 5.61 6.50 .6.60 . January. ..... 6 8 633 6.79 6.83 - . CHICAGO MARKETS. T?HSAT - Open. High. Low, Close September.... 70- 71, 70 71, Cork- - "' ' ' September.... 81 1 81 tlt 81 Hamilton Clark of Chauncey, Gs. SEE HERE i We now furaieu yon Stove Wood ready eat end delivered to your door, Always kept under large sheds, never gets wet la rainy wsetber Nice Brick aad Lslbee. Flats toLet. . . A large stock of No. 1 Hand Made Heart Just arrived. Tar and Lime. BIG HHi Tkc S.iil6 Mai. School Books ! ' AH Kinds At Bsxter's Jewelry Store, next to tbe Jocuhal, New Bern, N. C. School Books at Low Prices by mall, pott paid. ' Write us for price lists and terms. , J. M. & J. B, REKL, REEL8BORO, IT. 0 Marvel Polish ! MARVEL POLISH Have you seen the New Tan Polish? Needs no rubbing, one or two eppllcatlons per week Is suf- flcent.,, , , ,'. . Just apply it, the polish comes of It self. Guaranteed to withstand mud and rain. Save time and temper.' Try it. . R H BAXTER, ; No. 95 Middle Street. 5 J.LMcDaniel's, 71 Broad St. s - ' ......... si" And one of the largest aad beat selected slock of Choice - Family - Groceries Id the city at Prices which Defy Competition. Goods delivered anywhere) in the city free of charge. I solicit a share of yonr patronage. ' Respectfully, Wholestaie A TUiull Grocer, 'Phone Ol. 71 Brtini Nt. h Sin mil WE ARE PUSHING THE SELLING. There will be no lapse in your interest in this store throughout tbe Summer months. We keep it alert by active prices, bv special offering of reliable Summer Furniture aud llouse Furnishings. A Downward Dip to the prices, and yet the same goods in Jj the factory's hands are rapidly advancing. But we wish to push ui the July Sales to the limit, and to swing into August with stock 0 lightened, ready for the Fall arrivals. We want to make Jnly a record breaker, in sales aud to that end we offer this week. Golden Oak Sideboards, were $30 00, now $25 00 " Cheffoniers. 15 00, 10 00 - Hall Racks, u 15 00, 12 50 i 18 00, " 10 00 Extension Tables, big reduction in these. All our suits reduced from $5 00 to $10 00 a suit A glance at onr stock and prices will convince you that we mean just what we say. - FRANG. H. JONES & GO., . ; . H .. . .. . , , . 87 MIDDLE STREET. UIU p. anm SaaaSj nhnft aaeaa snsnee anasnnahas snanas anaVaanaas anaaaa afehsi anaass ananas ananaannBVanana snanea nhnVBs ananas aVnwi anenss sVnnVee A IS IS Hazel Salve, two boxes of which com pletely cured blm. Beware of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. F. S. Duffy. THE.,. Orange County, Ncsr Mebane N C BIMGHAM SCHOOL,? Offdrs Eastern Carolin Bnyv a hralthfiil and beautiful liome hi Tiedmont N. C. Plenty of wholesome foo l, pure waU-r and fresh air. Family of seven thoroush teachers. Pice Hible, classic 1, scientiltc and buMut-s eourai-a. Gymnasium aiid Physical Director. All outdoor iKrn encouraged. Srhohirahipe, prtzee and med als. Literary boeictli s. For new liaudaomely illustraled crU:ilo(,'iie, address, PRESI'UN LEWIS GRAY, B. 1. , r'rimli! liinghnni Hd out, Mebnne, N. r. The Pullman Car ComDanv will aoti file exemptions to the vsluallou ot lis irs he suffered with Itching piles twenty nrnnextvbvtbacoruoratinxtnmaiiulaa bears before trying DeWitl's Witch A site for brick barracks at Fort Cas well has been selected. . ! now 116 men In garrison th Thert.vs s. -1.. . i ise s' lng ti e prti!loni la t e "Jim Cr. w" ( i sossto elve two thi-J to wMtes one V ' I ! ' - l' , ' ' ' ' fot , upon test, to be abm, . portion. , ,. i A movement Is on feot n initon looking to the orf ut,atii)o of a airnng "Thelma," a new and delightful fume for sale by F. S. Duffy A Co. per j Executor's 27ctiC3. compauy to nimu. plies, such sa ti ', An effort Is I ctriot 1 l' iit- i:l8. a t liepori "3 t : The ander.'.-nel havlef duly qualified St ex c itor ot ti-e I -t .i aud t. -- .rut;ni of Jeremii.h A!' "il, bere aot:::es ad lersooi Iim.1I' r c .;;ns 4itit P ' d e tit! to " r 1. 1 i..a nine u , y ' ,1 to ll eir r ou or In iie lue v n tv of Ju'y, ftt u 8 1 t ( j in Hi i'f t !'- r ,..,.,. Ail pmii-s I i... I to Iff : i e are re juiieJ U t i J. L. Hartsfield, L ESTATE AGENT. Special attention given. to Collections of Rents. j Office over R.H. Baxter's, store, with J. J Wolfenden. i I!017 IS THIS That the Oaskine' Cycle Co., can sell Bicycle anil Sundries and do Repair Work o Cheair Because they buy in large quantities and a-il t M- ch and have best workmen euit'lnTev- Tiiey now have five experi enced workmen and are turning out nic er work than ever Dier are a5o doin a wholesale buei- - in i ipvoiee and tjundriea and would ; e to I 'tt t - uts in every town and vi. v, V"m iuterenteJ will please a r a or ci ou r.,r cicls :n::pixr. IS ; We bought our Underwear direct from the manufacturers this season and are now giving our patrons the benefit of onr close bnying. You will be surprised at the quality at such a price., ';V;;'- . -f.V" .Y v:.: 20 Cents a Garment I Almost Starvation Prices, but we have to ' make room for Fall Stock so we are closing onr Underwear at Cost, . We have all sizes from 84 to 44 in Shirts and. from 30- to 44 in drawers. Gall and get your choice of colors and sizes. Remember the price 20 cents a garment, A whole snit of Un derwear for ONLY FORTY CENTS. J , . ; , - TaTDOTT d ' CO., " 67 POLLOCK STREET, V " NEW BERN, N. C. , '.2 iiiiuiiiiujiiiumiiimiiimiuiumiuiummii 3 3 m m 3 I THE PRUDEnT HOUSEWIFE I i i r'-v ffv- Takes advantage of the fruit 2 "'vl B "nen' 11 fa P,e"t;'ul "d, K, t cheap and doss np her jellies, pre. a serves and canned goods. . She, Is . . always sure oi ejeumg nere tua very Best and Purest Spices, Bu gar, White Wine, "Vinegar, for this purpose, that will Insure her ) fruit against spoiling. Onr prices f are the lowest. - -' I . ..': ; '' ' , We also have a full line of Masoe's BaH Fruit Jar. Pints, j 60a Quarts, 70c. Half Gallon 90cdoc.' Extra Jar Rubbers 8c. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, Thcna CD. 77 Tread Ctrest.

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