i r A f f f , I A VOL XIII-SO. 10G. KIT XSS,.V. C, IISXfctlAf .011110, AISIST t, IISI. ' tSTllLISHlt list v " " ? r -1 , -I'll!"'.- - , ( . - ; i Small Sugar Cured Hams i B ARG-AI2STS? V V' dren'a Tin and Slippers from 5e, X OC and f 1 25 to what f yea to 49c per pair. Aloa anna Ladies $1 TjoTieafar 9V f . " . Some Pretty Figured Organdiea, forum-rice 83c, aow l&o. T2TJDTZZ o o o Today w have narked down a line of M istra anil CVH- .X A A A A A A A A , . . Soma Elegant f 1 00 FemlWr Doue Corset too, may be had Vj , goring the nest few dajl fo 80a ( .1 , J I 1 A Onlj a pattern or two of that Hair oprd 50c Uobair for 25o M i per yard. ' V! A (,S A A A A few piece of Wool Challie fur 5c yard, and 25c and 35c y u IlmliaL. fur idn. . . W Linen llatitUa for 10c. Sererml Beau tin in White Satin Stripe, Pplka, . Nainaook, narked down from 25o to 15c. : . ' . t ,.t . . ... Only Cull and fire For Youinelve., .' ' . . Ml-. W IHsickburai it Just t: ' Received . , (: jrj.s-.ii air. " . Finest of the season, Fresh turned and as yon like ihem. LARGE, MEDIUM; SMALL. : JU1 our Groceries are Fresh and First Qimlity. Our; Prirwaa liow Best Flour, 21c lb. And by the Barrel, Va can aare you money. Large Pickles 10c dozen. Oats 10c package. r Fancy Butter, 25c. Just In. ''' ? Ut3 t SI'-l YSTT Smokers of Good Cigars will find ears one of thenUTry iUUM Cliewers of Good Tobacco will find ours it gaskill1 & Mitchell! ' 01 IIUO AD STREET )': f W SEVEN 'SPRINSS. Ta Fiwrall Mineral Waleri. A Poaitive Cnro for Indigestion. DyitpeptiA, InBOmaia, Nnrvous Prmtration aud all Kidney and Linr Troulilea. ll geTt restoratlre proporliea ai wonderfuk m Atca paring luti II peouiiirUKM AU aetra am inarvaioaa. I REDUCED RATES ON KilLROADS. X HACKS TO MEET EVERY TRAIN. Telephone Una ' Waterworks ' H4 r ICold From LaOransje ln;Hotel..n, , r Water Bajtha W to Seven 5prlnt. " " FreaTo Quests. 7 - Wa'er Free to OueaUc - Bokrdera'at otlier hotel ortaardlng; hn ise f naiu 8errn KurinKi water are 0H4UUEU $4 00 PER WEEK FOlt if WAl'EU I'lllVlLEOK. " i, L. VOn. TERMS ADDRE89 ''"'"'i ( P C -' G. F. SMIT Proprietor; SPECIAL II : Will Commence at 'S.,Cbp(lot!$, Thursday, July 20th, and continue through Friday, Saturday anduTlQn- I am Going to Leave in a Snort Time and Clothing, Dry. Goods, SIiqc3;;&c. llust be Sold. Secure Your i Bargains i ..( at once. . .'I l;;i,:.-iiti 'a.. Cakeea II WijU laalla. library la rat la Oraer. Xaek Stata. ssaat' A eael TtUraa. ' ay Keeaaa ' ' .... ... Taxaa.. . T , r , , lULaiaw, Aafaat 1. curia Cola, wbo waa waa la Ik Tint Hag aa4 alao lia saaatae oat aa baa la the qOartaraaaUr'e dapartaeal la Cuba, ar- lired bar oa bl wa la ataalla, wbar a ajt b will raM work la tbal d aartDMaU Ma aaja K. O. BarrUl, wbo waa Ik qaartaramHf tba flrat, baa a rtry good poallloa la tba oBea of Oaa ral Uaapbr7, cblat ,aarlnatf of tbalalaad. , " i . Praaldaal AMmiaaa, of tba Calrar ItjotNartb Carol! aa, I kara. LTba tnut aaaat . today aaa) wlU, au otbar batlaaa a tact Trl antban ot lb taeolty. ' ' ' Tb aluraalloat of tba BUU library bar baa eoaapiataaT aa4 Ubrariaa B H. Bradley, Wbo I by tb way aa la- raluabl aiaa, baa r-rraa(d tba book Thar ar aom 1,000 la th Library aad ther are la aow spaea tor 1,000 nor. Tb books are' wall froapad For la- taaos, la on aloor I tk law as ralata to rallroada.. Oaa abl( at tkls I earot d to tkoa book rtlaUra to aagUftaae aad damage. It la eartalaly a. labor aaTlagplaa. ' . . . Out of tea day ala bar baaa taiay. Tb great boat add, kowarar. It wa a trying a "apall" tbla part af lb State bai kaowa for a fctag walla. . Tb State official are altcklag rary do to JUlelgk lbM day. Tb Altar- at j Qaaaral la tba oaly abaaata. H I aot required to b bar aara darlag tba Urm-lima of tb Sapreai court. Tb Sapeflatendent of Public laitractloa I a bom for a few days." Ooraraor Raa- aall will not go to any f tb raaort" thliaeaaoa. "', Tb eomoteat b mad aa tbeaew board of agrlcaltnra tbal it bolda too ouay meetlaga. It baa bald tare. Th rtd Democratic board aaed ta bold oaly two a year, aad tbat Wa aeongb. ' 'Jd(t Browa at ebambers at Oiford decided t be , Ice . factory cat' -pi tba Bygieulc Io Compaay of , Cbarltoa, S..O again tb Beaboard Air Una, kh daclalon being at all point la ferer of the lee compaay, aad that tb railroad had by tba delay of It attoraeys kara la flung its appeal from ta' rtrdlct of 130,000 damage, forfaited all right ot appeal. Tb railroad appeal to tba Supreme eoort.' ' ' :s-Jedge Jam I. Sbepherd baa re- Igned aa bead of tbe law aekool at tba Slate Unlreralty.. He waa eipectad ta become tbe oooaasor at tba lata Joha Manning aa profeaaor of law bat aaya h find it impoailbl. Tb traiteee will consider tbe qneatloo of bl sucoeaaor. The Guilford county eommlsaioaar bare decided to bay a twalr tea Rua- aall (team' road 'roller1 for "Work la cadamUIng tbe county reads. The roller I eiactly ltka the on aaed oa (he Mack- lebbnrg' roads,' and roll tba grouada, pall a barrow or plow, lad runs tba rock entailer- -"r" Initrnctloak bare been racafred tram tbeSoatnera aotte alt tiekettta Old I'olat Comfort ai prwent. .'.'..: To CbarloU beaad pananger train from 'Wilmington wa rocked twice Baa? day night, tfawflret tlue betweea Hamlet aad ktonroe; the aacoed llm betweea Uonroe aad Charlotte. The II rat rock. battered a paaa of glaaa, tb piece ly log In lb face of a gentleman wbo waa tilling atxt to tbe window. 3 ''i ii. aeport coaiea tbat tba lady dlad from hr lajnrlee recelred by tbe bra tea that recked the Teallbuled Ireia at Nebo some olgbt ago'. The ' corporatloa eemmbwloa coat pleted a lnmmary of tbe 'bank itateaieat up to June 81tb. There are 45 til ate bank, aome of which bar earing' fea tures and the ahow ,redurce. aggre gating $8,558,101, loan aad dlaoouaU aggregating 5,18888. ' Slsteea prlTate bank report retOerce of 1,S50,!I1 loan and dlscoent ' $779,33. Five taring banks report resource! of ft,- 34713, loana aaddltcooat l,t,53, Capt. Alney Burgle died' al hit resi dence, two mile aorthof Wllaoa yeater day aiiralng. Ha had beea la decllaiag health for soma time and died at the ripe pld age of 83 year. II wa Uea tenant la the Cherokee war wbea the " . U L k 4 mm .ab. iULt &e food tr.ore dcHdocs ftad wboeeexxne ra vaaxow raraa. Ta. SMa. Mawroat Kawa, V-. Jaly tl-'Tbe etty I la a ferae of eiciliai erar tbe Hrlow eoadllloa af falr at tbe Bol dtera Hoaaa, Haaptoa, where yallow ferae Wat diaooTered yeeterday. , Tbe Board of Healib af tide dty took prompt eclloa la tbe mat tar, aad, la ae eordaaee with a reeolallea adoplad at aa U formal maaUag Uet algbt, tba ear raaalag from Haaptoa aad Old Point war aetlSea ta eeeee raeelag at mkt- algbU ' Berea addllloaal eeeea are reported aad three death, aaaklag Ike total a am ber af eoea 17 aad tba dttibs kaowa ta kara keen frees the diead Jlmii aerea. There were eerea death la tba home Batarday aad elgbt a Friday, bet H lo aot kaowa teal they were dt racily attrlbatable I tba ferer. Tbe large per eealage of death la eoatparUoa to tbe aamber of ceee to Uy eeoeaated for. Notably, all af the relaraa occupant af lb borne are old aad feeble aad bare aot tbe vitality ta eaceeeefally raalat lb ravage of tbe aooarg. Foot beadred gaeeta from tbe hotel at Ok) Polat peaaad tbroagh oa a (peclel trala before aybreek Ik It aaoralag. Tboae wbo did aot ga that lle will be forced ta leaula antil tb " qaaraatla bee beea lifted. A eoidoa of armed pe- etato gsardi all polat of lagrees aad greet ta tbe etty. Tbe dlaeaae to eald to have ort flatted la tbla wayi Oaa af the veteraaa teenr ed aa etleaded farloagb, aad darlag tbe time he we away ha viilled Cuba aad brought back the germ of dlaeaae la hi el that. ', Th Oily Couactl baa ' appropriated $10,000 for immediate nee la malatalalag lb qaaraatla. . TbeBoldlere Home to earroeaded by a eordoa of armed guards staking eeeape Impoadbl. Xearou, V, July tl. Korfelk er perteaced a asatatloa thto moralng, wbea tbe fact that yellow fever exlit at tba Natloatl Boldlar' Home, at Hampton, became kaowa. Promptly npon receipt of the news, which drat became kaowa to tbe antkoriUas lata Sunday algbt, tba Board at Health held a mldalght seeelea aad decided to at oaea establish a quar aatlae against Old Point, Phmbaa, Harnp- ton, Newport Kew aad the adjeceat con try. Bteamera which took aa pae- atagera at Old Polat thto aaoralag were aet allowed la toad. Seven tog have beea chartered by the local health a theritle to patrol tbe water of Hamptoa Road. The city Is In excellent sanitary con dltloa, aad all that (kill can avail will be done to present the Introduction of the fever . There are no caaes aad aa sus pect la Norfolk., i ,( Tbe boteto at Old Point are practically deserted.' .-.- ,- boll ateary, la view of ha eomparailvely email eta, tbe reara etprtttid by aome eorreapeaideala tbat It to formlag tea eh weed eeem lo be pressure, Tbe heavy ralaa, bewaaer, have caanad mack tbaddlag la many eoaetiee. Corn baa beea greatly baas1 lad, early earn to practically aaadei here aad there army worm coellaae ta damage Ibi crop. Tba eoadllloa af tobacco la tbe Berth eealrel porllea af the Stale ha hereta fore beea reported aa lata aad poor, bat a greet tmprovemeal to noted thto week la reports free tbat Important tobaeee growing eeetloat topplag to aaderway lheri ealilag aad eertag eoetlaee, aad while the week e aot eo farereble tar that wark aa aeeeaat -f .aaa! eappy a eoodlUoa of the plaata, eaaalag Ma poor care, tea general ratal ta ore very attofaetery, especially ta teat era coan itoe, where the erop lever Baa. ttlce to growlag rapidly aad aoata early rarl- eUee are beglaalag to head Paaa a U, Bald pea, aweet potatoea. aad aadowt era very thrifty. The eieemlv atatotare to lajarioa ta toatetoea, astloas, aad frepee. ... ..; . Irritating atlaga, bite, aerate baa, weaada aad ante eootbed aad healed by DeWIUf WMch Heaal Salve, a aare aad safe application for lor la red leak. Beware of eeaalarfetta. F. 8. Daffy. Kedol Drspepala Car ear dyapepela beeaasa It ingredient are each that it cant help doing aev "The pabllc caa raly npon It a a matter remedy for all dIordr arising from Imperfect 'dtgeo- tlaa.H-Jam af. Tbomaa, X. D.r In American Joaraal ot Health, N. T. F. 8. .' . Wlily Cram ejallarlB. . 1, For week eadlag Moaday, Jaly 81, 1890, to as foUowt. - J- , A decided aad talis factory change la crop caadltloas to ladlcated by tba re ports of crop oorreepondant for tbe week eadlng ktoaday, Jnly 81, 18W. Tba dreaght wa thoroughly brokea by 'cop- Ion rain throughout tbe eatire State. Shower occurred at tome places oa every. day of the week, the largest emouata falling betweea the I8d aad Sth; longer lalarvale of tuathia oc curred the latter pert of the week. ' The rainfall averaged S.25 Inche, or I Inch above the normal. In tome eastern coun ties, eepecllly Halifax, Montgomery, and Oreea, the relafall wa vary heavy aad damag reanlted to lowland crop by orertowlag etieaai; tb praclplla lioa was tbe least orertbe western conn ties from McDowell aorthward, though sufflcleat tber for prstent BeeUs. The . though without great extreme, th high reUttre humidity causing the oppressive- I Indian wre driven wet of the Mftal. aeS of the atmosphere. Crop through' 'tlppl rlrer. Captala Burgln wtt cr"'a!c t theblate were la moslticellent con lover tbe aerend cotpps- ot to) i :!oato receive the full benefit of the that left I ;. ;l)o ail county to fight la Iht " indent moisture, having been kept 28 IXiddle Street. , - Big Sign in front of door. clrll ww.-i v ii t . 4 C t 1 c..a In a thorough state of cultlrstlon ,The Corporatlre Cemmlatfoa refute ' h exception sated below, the to certify down to the State Anditor tbe Influence of the rainy weather fata been tOOO.OOO raluallon flied by Jodse Simon-. Tery rarorable. aiucn lu.prorement la and Breakfast Strips at; iJ.L.r.lcDaniel's, 71 Broad St. 2 Alao a new lot Freak Corned Portaatouth, MuJleta. 2 Pleas Knaembar that I ant still selliug say I Best Flour at 2 l-2'Cts: Lb. And there is no Better Floor Made. '' N . , Freeh Canned Good of all kind, lieins 8weet and Sour Pickle, and anythinf else you want in groceries. Ton can save money by trading with Wholesale eft ItotAll G nicer, .." Fbn 01. r 71 DraM Hi. J. L fwIIEL. ntat araoouawtvw atAMLm. Today's qaetatloae faratohed by Lewie A. May Co , New York, Repreteatad by A. O. Newberry. New Yoaa, August 1. STOCKS.,. , :; Open. High. bow. Cacao Sugar........... Id . 1SSI IS) 168 Ass. Tobacco. .. 103 100, 108 . Beading 61, 81 ' 61) J.0 n 11H - ll8f- U7 a&dtO, 188, U8a 1371 Rl i)i.it.io.. 1001 It U7 187 180 St. P.... C.T ... B.B.T, 133 133 132 188 88 88, 87 87) 1161 1171 net'iittt ISO ISO, U0 list T. C I.Y... 78 .731 78 73 M.O.P....;.:.. 40J 40 40,, 49J .....110 180 118 Ut 488 485 483 488 P.Oa..... Manhattan. Dee, Coffee 4SS485 COTTON. Open. Hlrb. tow. Cloee September..;..; 8.53 8.84 6.88 B.64 January....;... 8 84 8.84 6.88 6.88 Oct Cotton..... 6.70 8.70 6.60 6.08 CHICAGO MARKETS. rTstaaT Open. High. Low. Cloee September.... 69 89t 00, H December.,.: 711 711 71, 711 Coan ; , , ." ' September.... 80 80 December. .,. 80 801 80t 80, 801 :4 - : "... -. . . . . . . ' 'r ".- Kodol Dypepeia Cur thoroughly dt geete food without aid from the stomach and at tbe same time beele and restores tb diseased digestive brgant. It Is tbe only remedy that doe both of theee thing and. caa be relied npoa to permaa antly enre dyipepela. F 8 Duffy. '" Cocoaaut from 8 to 8 cents, each at atcSorley's. s ... . ,. . SEE '"HERE i -si tit , Wi jow f ur aUb you Stove . Wood reedy cut . aad delivered to your, door. Always kept under, large tbedv never gt wet la raloj weather, , Nice Brick aad Latbee, , .FlatotoLeU . ...'., , A , large stock of Nojl Hand Made Heart Shingles Just arrived. m u Tar and Lime. - " . . ..... , .,..;',.... 'I, ".!. :. EIS HILL, T.8 mSXL " J. L. Hartsfield, HEAL ESTATE" AGENT, 'Special attention gtran to Collections ofRtBt,, A 2. ia; ,-., ,,?.. Office orrr RJ3. Baxter', etor',' with J. J rrolfandaa;"- ton for the tajei for the Western Cn'on 1. 1 conailloa end sppea ranee ef all cropt (Telegraph Company so tbe ouiiook I ' reperted, althor;h ta th west Ibe ( mat tne compaay am scape ail uxtlion "i " i Tor tbe present. THE.. ::!::GiAr.i school, Orange Couaty, Near Mebane N U (xatauiiBiiea, l7Ba.)- Oilers Eastern CaroliDS Boyi healthful and beautiful borne in Piedmont N. C. Plenty of wholesome foo.l, pure water and fmili air. Faculty of seven thorough tnacht-r. Fine Hible, clmisM'al, scitntilic and biisiui courwa. Cymnasium and i hysical Director. All out'ioor inorts encouraged. SclioUrsiiipn, pr,?cp and med als. Literary Nieietlet. or new handsomely illnstrated cataionu. a ijrtss, rRESTON LEWIS GRAY, B. L., Princiiwl Lingham IfcUool, Mehnnc. N. C, :"Our b' r r is ' for a r severe coi j nl i J f though we t ' 1 i (rsttiug worse until u 1 1 Ceui-h C.;ra,-!t r " : cutdt t In a few d -i."- ' T Frin. . ' School, . F 8 Li.l'y. 'h atth r. Al- ' l I tome minor crops was look-real tft 'r f .'1 re-'ove-y, .1 e l.i 1 t' a II I. .'i as ft ., Is 3, tuj Is ' J to f' r i'' inf fa ! It it vey w m 1 s 1 af V . -.1 1 v :0jMSi1!!S That the O.nklne Cycle Co., caa "U B ere1" and Sundries and do kepair i ork eo I i:1!!'? 1 ivdiin tm v buy In lur; quantities I I 'Teh aud bare tt workmen vrf 1 ney now ha' ? re trvtri v ... i woikmea and are t" z out uic er v ;." evr r i ' I l'. ' - 'l I - lil i t i . ts J Will t j f) ' t i u i .a luJ 1 rvci i"!"tT That are templing aad Bour tohlog oa a warat day caa be saada from oar Ga latin. We bar many dtltoiuua hot weaJser food la Potted aad Devilled Meata, Caaned Lobeter aad tbe eweeteot and Sneet Olive Oil to prepare your salad with. If you cannot fled aa appetialag meal from our Stork of Fancy Groceries yoa ehould consult a doctor. ' ' Porttmouth Corned Mullet josi received. J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. J77 Broad Street. WE ARE PUSHING THE SELLING . There will be no lapse in yonr interest in this store thronghont the Summer months. We keep it alert by active prices, by special offering of reliable Summer Furniture and House f urnisniDgs. . ' .... ., , . A Downward Dip to the prices, and yet the same goods in the factory's hands are rapidly advancing. But we wish to posh the Jnly Sales to the limit, and to awing into August with stock lightened, ready for th Fall arrivals. We want to make July record breaker in sales and to that end we offer this week. .. ' Golden Oak Sideboards, were $30 00, now f 26 00 . heffoniers, 15 00, "10 00 .' i. Hall Back 15 00, IS 60 J u . u . 18 OOj 10 00 -Extension Tables, big reduction in these. ; - All our snita reduced from $5 00 to $10 00 a suit A glance at oar stock and prices will convince yoa that w mean just what we say. ; . j . v FRAN&. H. JONES & GO.. 87 MIDDIiE BTUETT. ' .' . - - ( ' ii ii inhrinnnnriim i --.-aaJ . . a i-. mmtmi aehaa taaaaasaisaaA aalbaaaaaaaBah eaaa OTOTIinOTitTflT s- 13 13 13 13 : 13 aSaiStiaO mjmmmm)mlmlmimimSMmmmMm)mmm) m .3 i- nr. t,n..nkf nn. TTn1aar Hirafi. from th mannfactnrers IS If this season and are now giving our, patrons tbe benefit of onr 2 P close buying. Yon will be snrpriaed at the quality, ktTTOCh a I" price. ' : ' ; ;:- -'i ' . j" .t. ''; ;C j li 20 CenU a Garment I r 3 fz . "'---' ; g Almost Starvation Prices, but we bare to make room for " Fall Stock so we are closing onr Underwear at Cost. '' """"" - We have all sizes from 84 to 44 in Shirts and from 30 to '-. 44 in drawers. Call and get your choice of colors , and sires, rj Remember the price 20 cents a garment . A..whol suit, of Uni J i derwearfor ONLY FORTY CENTS. a .w! - rj j - 67 PCLLOCS STEEET, HIW BERN, N. O. r ., in i i i i i ri i'i pi I'l I'M'i i 'l I'l PI Ml I'l I't I't IM IM I'l !i

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