'67 ...a- ... : ! V.l Jul. -j - '"i 'U " V l'-' V".. i" r. H v hi i. 1 . yi.; ...v.- J i i 1 1 i ""r"T-?::r mn !-. VOL XTI1-X0. 107. ItT IUI, I. C, TUUUD1I MORIUU, 1 Li 1ST I, 1131. tSTHLlSHtP ItJ! - T-t- r L THE tClllEU;1 1 BARGAINS? . ' "a . - VI r f T I ArfaTtre" if J.L.ncDaniel's, 71 Broad St.fi 118 DilTsrj MejEtfjrl U Vllhkf 5 Is the Place to Buy Your 1 K.&sl. - UdLt the food snore 6tfkio& mdvtttoletoam fib " - - r,t hi v 2- VI o o 6 -VI what? .7, Toilav we bar marked down line of Miner and Chil V dDi Tie. and 81ij.prr frxMU Wc, $1 00 ii.d $15 to i J t 49c per pair.; AW me lieejy to'Thi Tor I fc Some Pretty Figured OrgauJiei, former price Sic, no 15c. ffS Boat rgant $ 1 00 FUr Bour pncU too, msy be had vD A 'kiriDr lbeutfewdyioc60a Mil I VI j Only a pattern or two of that Hair cord 60c Mohair for 25c w P"janL MJ A few pieces of Wool Challie for 5c jrard aud H5c aid 35c W Linen BatitUe for 10c. . - - -.,..., Several Beauties in White Satin Stripe, Polka, Kainaook, W marked down from 25e to 15c. il 1 ft lit AS IN a (ts as in Only Call and H For YonmelvM. Hackbiipni '., , Ill Received fill PITS I Fiuest of the leason, Fresh (Jorned nJ as jon like thorn, . 1 1 LfARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL. i Oar Trkts as Ixiw All our Groceries are Fresh and First Quality, at the Lowetr. . . ' . "Best KIoht, 3io lb. ; And bj the Barrel, we cau aave you nioDejrl Large Pickles 10c dor.en. Oata 10c package, , Fancy Butter, 25c Just in. ' ' ' ' ' ' Smoken of Good Cigara will flud onra one of theoi. JTry iii i Chewers of Good Tobacco will find ours it. a t . t list GASKILL & MITC ; . 61 IIUO 1I STREET. I A TTT SEVEN' SPRINSSli - - mi$$s y Tbe Finest of all Mineral Waters. A Positive Cure for Indigestion. Dyspeptia, Insomnia, Nervous Prostration and all Kidney and ' Eaea Hprlng lias its peculiarities All seven are innrvf 1our. j I ' TitinTrn-nn i a m-na mt TiiTrTJnint! HACKS TO MEET EVERY TRAIN. ; Telephone Line Waterworkt Hot or Cold From LaOranee In Hotel.1 ' - ; 'Water Bath to Seven 5prln;f. . . Free To Guests. Wa'er Free to GuraU. Bovdera at other hotels or boarding ho ises nsln Seven Hprinxs water are CtUKUEU i00 PKR WEEK FOR : WATKU I'HIVILEUE. . ; . FOR TERMS APDREdS G. F. SMITH, Proprietor, $ ll Lira SALE Will Commence at S; Coplon's, Thursday, July 20th, and continue through Friday, Saturday arid flon day. I am Going: to Leave in a Short Time? and my Stock of i. si - Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes; Cic Must be Sold. (Secure Ydiir 'Bargains1 at once- - ' ........... 28 Uiddie Street. . " . Big Sign in front of door.. - BINGHAM SCHOOL, THE. Oraage roaaty, Near Mebaae N 0 Offers Eaitein Curolio Boyt'a hesltbrul and beautiful home in Piedmoiil N. C. D t nf .1 j ....! n..Hfu..JfH.k.i. 1 . .1 .1 k. teachers. Fine Hilile, claaaicnl, scienllflc and bunint bs courses.' Gymnasium aud IT PhTftinal nintotiir. : All oiltJimr anirt4 MtipnnrmrfMi. Hrluil.rah1nH. nrlxe. ftnrl tnetl IV S Is. Literary bocieites. For new handsomely illustrated cataloue. address, PRESTON LEWIS GRAY, U. L , Principal Uinglmm iSc'iool, Mebane, N. H. Use CoaUat at taa A. K. Irw 0Bm. A settle af Pell Tax. Celiac Ur Vaaaaa OaaU Baas.. ,. erata. The WaUrBaa- a Pestsiastsr - i . -.. caa4aoar. -" Rauioa.' Aafast t The Careeeakif trasleea saet at aoea Tassday, Oeseiaae Ktawll prMidlsf. Jadf Baepaerd dW- ellead Ue profsasonatp law, wktck as affered biai aoeae at sail he afo. Hie oecllitUoa la bassd spoa kit laabllfty to trrisge cenala wattera Marlag apoa J(MSlle affairs, aad ala asast el daly la that dhweiloa aaa ladaeed kit aettoa). The trasUMs et preaatd tkelr (raat legret sstbe deeltnatloa aad aosM et these sde reaaarkt la well dsasrvsrl ealef y orjudge Shapkerd. ' - .-' The ;publl akarea Ue rag ret af ike trusleer. The txscauva eossailltae area siiractad to look ever tke Md aa to avallahle asaa aad report It) Ike ll attest. aha will ateet ketweaa aow aad Sep tember ltL EX'Jadgta Coaaor aad Bar- well decline tke peatUeaw A stroor asaa will ba fottad aad taa law departateat will. be. Made a stroag featare bf law University. The work will be kroadeaed ind two profstaort will - be Thomaa Wilt a was elected professor of .Leila aad.Ortek: K. K. firabam, of Chtrlotle, librarian. ' The trasteea of Ike- Wake Forest Col lege met bere aad alar, led Jama L. Lake professor of physlca. Ua Is a native of Virginia aad a gradaater af Joke Hop kins snd Chinese Uslvertlties. Tea ee- leciton, ef a professor of ebsmiatry si left to the eietutlve committee of taa trasteea n , i n ,a The trustees of the Agricultural aad Merhaalcal College bad a loag and lively session. There was a two hoara' flghl over Oiling One bfflca. Flaslly,' J. M Jobnttoa w traasferred from tke poal tloa of assistant la agriculture aad ei- perimantal Held crops to the chair of animal Industry and aalmal biology at a alary of $1,000. Taa faaioa members of tke board bad slated Frank 1. Imery for this place and It It alleged that tblt wat pursuant to a purpeaa to carry out tome kind of a deal. B. L Ivsy elected Instructor ot textile art aad Oblneryl The aext matter takea up wae the filling of the chair of agriculture There were It applicants, but at only four bad recommendations of valne, oaly those four were considered. They were Ktlger, of New Mexico, who wet reooav mtaded by the oommluea of reorganisa tion of the collegs. Irby, Emery aad Prof. Connor, of South Carolina. Oa the slxteentk ballot Benjamin Irby tu elected professor of agriculture, re ceiving tea voles; Conner, of Clemsoa College, 8. C receiving eight, and Emery one Irby wit professor ot agriculture ve years aad wss succeeded by Saury. Tht f usloatsu ousted Irby, though there were no charges or complaints ageJost him." Loge Harris made very frank ac knowledgement of tblt fact to the board. , Theetockaoldenol the Raleigh: and Gsstoa RalTroad meet here September Ilk to consider the great question of 'be consolidation into one harmonious whole of the various divisions ot the Seaboard Air Llaa. -- - -" John C. Drewry, grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Masons, wellkaowa In Iniurauce circlet and chairmaa of the street committee of Ralelgh't board of tldermea, abaadoat the Idea of making Richmond hit borne aad will coatlane to reside hero. The corporaUoa oommlssloa and H, C. BrOW will tttead the"anaal ;a lug of, the railroad commlsiton M ,Dea; ver, leaving at tue ena or init wees. The Stats Treasorer bat 'reoelvtd in quiry irom a register of deeds whether a mteaot naturalized but long a resident was liable to the poll lax. Tee Treasurer replied that liability to the poll tax not dependent ' spoa ehltanehlp aad that tblt man mutt, therefore, pay It. Revenue Collector Duncan la much pleased at the fact that daring tha past twelve-month hie deputies have seized something over too illicit dlslilleriee la this district. . The collector hu sent la the aamos of 100 Republicans for. positions aa store keepers and gauges .to.' replace , Deme crata, ,A batch of about sweaty of hit "aomlneet came back - accepted . The others' will HO doubt be quickly acted on. -. . There is quite a hitch between the wtter company and the city." It Itbws out of the refusal of the city to pay- for the vile-tasting water ' fast tprlnf, Tbet-t'r pi , i hydra natal. The water, company p ye city taxes, clUmlng as sn equivalent I wtter it f'trn' f or '-t r ' klii Its '.taxes would be i J" One or the Wster comm.. ..r- msn figures Utat the water iut shrink- jllng could N boiigbt for fTB. . t Btste 1 ret'urer orth It quite put fled because the pnlient!..-y d -M bonds have never beea rece' J fn' n tue Amer lean Bsr'; ?" r se.- telegrapked, asklag the eeaaa of Ike greet daisy. .Alike Adjalaat OeaeraTs oOos to day k wae Isoraed that after all, tke First Ragtmaat wlU have tu practice march, probably aext moatk. It will be given what It prctsiogly aeods la Ike wey of equlpmeat. Ills said among Rapabllcaae la the ear circle that the treabM betweea Oovoraor Rasaalt sad Poslmaater Ckad- koarn, of Wllmlngtoa, la of longer staad tag ikaa a yean last It aatedatea Cuad boara 's lettat to Beaalor Prltcaard aad grew oat of a peraeaal matter. It Is the meal of Beta buhl total hare that Caadboara oaghl to say w hatha r be has restgacd or aot, and also that he ceald aotbeoosted for wrltlag tatters oa a public question; that Is, a aaan'a being atmaster takes away Bene of kit rights. Irritating atlaga, biles, scratches, wounds aad onte soothed aad keeled by DeWIU's WItck Basel Halve,-a tare aad safe applloatioa for tortared Beth. Beware of counterfeits. T. 8. Duffy. laxtvow ravaa aratataita. CoLBuais, 8. C, Aagaet I nooks of tabscrlpUea to tko oapual stack of the Olytapla MJJIa, to be tke largett cot tea factory la 1 be froth, were opened thie a lag. , By evsaWag tke entire mlllloa aad a kali capital bad keen eabenribed All oOotrs aad dlreetortare Colam- W. B. Baallk WbaUey. one of i who parnkaeed the Columbia Caaal, It praaldent. The charter wlU be gotten aad g roe ad broken tomorrow. , Kixlol DytpepeU Owiwewretdyepepsia because I la Ingredlowts are euoh that It caa't kelp doing so. "The pa bite rely apoa ll as a nutter remedy tot all disorders arising from imperfect dlget- tloa.VJsmes M. .Thomas, af. D., la Amerlcaa Journal of Health, N. T. F.g. Daffy. . .. Thrsa Cases la Misa. Ota Haw Vaeee " Aad Oaa Oeah. Nxwroat Nswas Ts., Aagaet 1 Six aew caeet of yellow fever, lares of wklck appeared la Phi bus, outside of the BokHert' Home, sad die death from disease wltkla tke llmlU of the This, la brief, la the eltuatioa at Hampton today. Oae ot the Phosbat palleau It Policeman Martin; the other two are veterans who live Jaat outside Home. - The appearance of the disease outtldt of the Institution, where It first made Its appearaaos, Is regarded as Iba most teri oas development yet acted In tha situs ilea. The manner la which it was trans mitted le Phoebus Is no secret. At late ss Moaday morning pensioners wbe live oatslde of tke Home, wllk their wives, Were permitted to enter the grounds and get their breakfast and thea return to their homes. Phabui It now effectually cat off from the rest ef the world, Hamp ton today putting out a line of picket! at tha bridge which eooneeta the, two towns. The exodas from the handaoms sum mer hotels at Old Point is now about complete. A special train took out the Inlng gnealt last night, and today the management of the magnificent hot telriet discharged their cooks aad wait ers sad have practically suspended bail' nest for the time being. . ' The garrison at Old Point will leave some time tonight oa a transport for Battery Point, at the mouth of the Dela ware river. About 10 men and I officers, all ?ever Immunol, will be left la charge of the fortifications. All the outgoing trains are carving targe crowds of panic-stricken residents of this city. A coal famine la threatened la Hamptoa, aad today the officers of the Newport News aad Old Point Railroad Company aaaoonced that tko company would he forced to suspend Its service aatll another supply of fuel has been re ceived. Provisions are also said to be scarce la the Infected districts, aad It by no means nallkely that an appeal for outside assistance la the matter of feed lag tke unfortuaatet who are penned up witheat the facilities for earning their daily bread stay be aecessary. - . WissniiaToa, Aug. 1. Officials of the Mare Hospital Service" and the medical department of the army regard the yel low fever sltuatloa aj Hampton, Vs. eaooarsglag. Moat of tke nearby towns except Phcebas has reported tko appear- aace of Infection or suspicious cases. The people for miles around the Soldiers Heme era very much; alarmed, but are quisU Ho restriction! have beea placed oa the departure of the several "hundred visitors at Old Point Comfort, bat Dr. Pettus, wko bss absolute charge ef at' fairs there, will exercise careful super vision of those who may leave, so ss to svoid danger of their commaalcattBg the aisssae. - - - .. i ( Kudo Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di geeta food without aid front the stomach aad at tha same time heals aad restores the diseased digestive organa. It It the only remedy that does both of these things sad can be relied upon to peraaaa- ently curs dyspepsia.. F S Duffy. : - " . VXCLB BASTS tip BATHS. i VlaSBeethera TniasTB, t Aagaet 1 The Cruiser Olympla started for Maples at 4 o'clock this evening. "Our baby wat tick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal (ever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse until we used One Minute Congk Cure, It relieved at Obce snd cured her In a few days." B. L. Nance, Pria. High School, Bluffdale, Teiss. F 8 Duffy. Cocoaauli front S to S cents each at McBorley'a.,, I HAVE A FEW GOOD THINGS THAT I 'MUST TEL.L, YOU ADOUT. Wbea yoa want a drink of genuine Old English Bass Burton Ale The Palace Saloon Is. the Place To Get It. The Finest Wktiker on the market Sbnwn'e Malt.4 ... , r. - , I am maklnc a few delightful new drinks that make Iba weak strong and the sick feel belter and the low price of M cents for t dosen puts it in reach of most ovary ooayt - a.n uota,- ijemou Sour, Cherry Pboapuata and Cream Soda. The prince of Summer Drinks. Try them. elAHES V. TAYLOR. Fresh lot Fancy Elf ia Batter just from dairy only 25c Genuine Mocha sod Java Boasted Coffee, excelleot quality only S&c lb. Oronnd to order. Big Htaus Jo cat, Irst qualitr. Very beat Floor, oaly 8 14c 'lb. Fresh lot of Byrap in cans. Portamooth Corned hf el lets and genuine t'odflih. Freeh Canned Goods of of all kinds. Give me a share of your patrooag-e. Satitf action guar anteed or money refunded. a Wholctmle Jt DcUll Grtveer, 'Phonei 01. 71 Brvni Hi. SUMIiIER DAINTIES Tbst era tempting and nour Ishlug on a warm day can be mode front our Gelatine. We have many dVlioious hot wea.hrr foods ia Potted and Devilled Meats, Canned Lobetar aad tht sweetest aud finest Oliva Oil to prepare your salads with. If you cannot find ao appetising meal from car Stork of Fancy Groceries you thould consult a doctor. Portsmouth Corned Mullets just received. Bk 1 3 swmA,'jill(Tja"TI C. E. PALHER, "ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Will practice la Ue Bute Courts and before the Bureaus of the Interior De partment at Waabinrton. D. C . - Prompt attention given to the collec tion of claims. Loans negotiated. Coa- veyanciBf a specialty. umce, M xtroao; ol( pew pern, n. u TUE CAItOMNA, Morebead City, N. 0, T. U Hal), Prop ' Ui4 Torana Satisfactory. - .i -'BOUSB FRONTS THE OCEAN. " ft a. .u. r 'tS XTx ' i ! I 6: H. Ennett. i Ton will find Btationary "of 'tue finest klad. :..,',',',-.: : Irish Llaea '' Royal Velvet ,. j-,.' ,.i v. Court Empire - : ... ? Dreedeo Plate VeeetianBand Grecian Bond. -,r Royal Belfast Unen : v tf 't , urlburt'tOld DorchesUr ; aad "Others" , . . ,.' XLslfartsfield REAL ESTATE-AGENT, J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone 69. ;77 Broad Street. ? S20SI5SS VE ARE PUSHING THE SELLING. lfa55555aCTa?aiwwsu rur7 uln There will be no lapse in your interest in this store We keep it alert by active 3 throughout the Summer months. We keep it alert by prices, by special offering ot reliable bummer r urnuure anu House Furnuiungs. 'A Downward Dip to the prices, and yet the same goods in the factory's hands are rapidly advancing. But we wish to push the July bales to the limit, and to swing into August with stock lightened, ready for the Fall arrivals. We want to make July a record breaker in sales and to that end we offer this week. Golden Oak Sideboards, were $30 00, now $25 00 - " Cheffoniera, .15 00, " 10 00 - Hall Backs, 15 00, " 1 60 . a ,. . u 00, u 10 00 Extension Tables, big reduction in these. All our suits 'reduced from (5 00 to $10 00 a suit A glance at our stock and prices will convince you that we mean just what we say. FRANG, H. JONES R G.0.. 87 llIDDItE BT1IEET. SJIfflTf TMtif tit IffTOW Tif mWWWftff Iff Wltf WWlTf TO 1 - & tV A VI C7LJ VV twU 3 e i 13 Special attention gtvea to Collections Of Rcala.' -';' : ''' - . - School Books I All Kinds' 1 The Met 8rtas af Aiaav ' f ;.: .- ;; Baltoajr. Will eradicate from your system the lingering effects of grip and Other ail ments caused by tbt severe winter, and a.l.rta. rbeumatlian. aenrmlffia catarrh. . 1 1 1 , H j 1 t svomacn, a.un.y, ... anu . . M , offio QT,r R a mllwv .tore, with S ordersL paralysis, blood and skin dls-, it a : ' eases, and chronic and functional de- 1 Wotfondea. , f . - ! ' Tf raagementa. Tbt mountain climate or Hot Springs is cool and delightful In summer. 100 Hotels open the year round. For Ulubtrated literature, containing ... . . vt , i . . l MenAi..UH We bougnt our unaerwear uirect iroiu iue luauuimiuin. this season and are now giving our patrons the benefitof our 2 i will be surprised at the quality at such a 2 You 1 close buying. price. , . . . :.; ; ' " 20 Cents a Garment 1 3 ll Information, tddreM C. Fa Cooley, 'TT ' ""VJocaitil, New Bern, N. 'C. 3chool ll. 1 t.r )""-r i. "ia jure a"-i healthy condition ly t..i.ing 1).mI's Sareaparilla and you will beWlLL. At Baxter Jewelry Store, aext to the i Xi nnk a . T na P-taM K -n.tl n..l ' I Va. MithKMt iTinralrt. tfokitf. .nit n.F. . . v , 7 " . , , , Write ut for price liiU and terma. ; ticalsrs of lbs trip, tee local agsnt or, ,, ' ' 'i... W A Turk flen'l Piu AI O. Jtt. J. I. liCr.U, ' Southern Ry., Wsalilngton, D. C. ' REEL6B0R0, K. C ' . Almost Starvation Prices, but we have to mate room for Fall Stock so we are closing our Underwear at Cost. -!' We have all sizes from 34 to 44 in Shirts and from 80 to 44 in drawers. Call and get your choice of colors and sizes. s Remember the price 20 centa a garment. A whole suit of Un- derwesr for ONLY. FORTY CENTS., . m &m aaW W sJLN aaVN ; ;i OU WW.,, 57 POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERN, N. O, 3 I PI i I'l I'l IM I'l III I'l I'U'l I'l I'l I'll'l I'll'l ll i in i'i pi I'n"

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