THE JOURNAL! rbtee4 vmt I Bus . i. CMAR1X3 L lTEVEf5 .rroa a raoraiBioa. ... uoeiiiiirffii! rami t. IMT, ta ! UM)tf. boeiaiv. By au. AdvarfeUg kerne anrefehed A Entered St tk fa DAVa, Haw I H. tt a eseoaa Mul tj . f . . f OleUi rtH' ra CravM Ceaaty. m4 aw Mem. M. C, A if Ml ft. !. . WHAT 111 AOTWAU.T SAlaV TIm Ureal (una of so-called Joaraal ism, promoted aad eeeraasfally carried oa by the yell Joeraale, ssetf aol Ik egllleMteaewe,tbetwkkabyaU right belong o tit reporter aad hla aewpe par, sad which tbtreedleg peUl hv tlx right to haw, bV Ath Dm yet low tlriv la 'met Ml d betray lb ladlvtdaal, slg ,U , gala privet Menu for morbid raadlsg eoastllsaa ct. from lb rambly aad discordant lUiriMM of the sleep talker,' tb Jrak aid, Ik asarpklnt ter aad Ike oocela find. When thee are avail abas, tb met dropping embed It perseed, Ik jrat at the club U made Into lb Diivata eoaBdeno U betrayed by Ik publication of penoael eoeadeecat, g I Csot. Coghlaa of lb Crult Raleigh, wu food for to Tellows, aad bow Ad mlral Dwy It ellkr wrongfutly eradll d or ku bad bAeonASWac betrayed by tbe teateace Impaled to htm. "Oar. next war will ba whk Oarmaay. i . - , It U thl yallow oraaliti method af today, whlck stakes of uuestloaaDU var us tuck pnblloalloa. , ; They ara read for Ihalr tnilloas, lb lmprotblenu of tkalr auUUr gl tbelr reader Iba mental eicllaaeat ought, wall far tk atelier af wbat wa actually aald Of haw laid Is of ao oaae- . ;. 91 Baward, flN. Tba reader of Uit paper will b plea ad to leant tba Ibar i at lead oa dreaded dlaeaaa that aden able to car la all It stage, and tbat la Catarrh Hall'a Catarrh Cava ta tba oaly positive cur know to lb medical fra ternity. Catarrh bring ooBstltutloaal treatment. H all' Catarrh Cure la lahem Internally, acting directly apoa : lb blood and muoon surfaces of tb iyta tbereby destroying tb foundation of tk diieua, and giving tb patient strength by building np tb oonitltutloa and e- slating aatnr la dolag It work. Tb proprietor bar o much faith la it car atlr power, tbat they offer Oa Hun dred Dollar for any cat that It fall to cur. Bead for testimonial. . Add re, F. J. CHINK! CO., Sold by Druggist, 75c. Totedo, O. HU' Family BI1U ara tba PriaUtiv Blaaifomtiaab "Do toa employ alaetrhdty In iba xa cutloa of criminal Ml wt?" atkad tb eaitern touritt. ' ' Sure," replied Judge Lynch of Ail ton. "We bare ated telegraph pole erer tinea I caa remamber." ; : atraTa Haa FaU Victim to stomach, liver and hldeey trouble a well aa womea,ad all fcl the result In loss of appetite, poison la tb blood, backacb, aerv outness, head- sch and tired, listless, ruadowa feeling. But there' no need -to fel Ilk that. Listen to J W Gardner, IdavllW, lad. He ssys: "Electric Bluer ara Jt lb thing for a msa wbh ha m all aaadawa and don't car whether ba live or die. It did more to glvm new strength sad good appetite than aaythlng 1 could take. I caa now est anything and bar a new leas on life.'' Only SO cents, at 0 D Bradham' drag (lore. Every hot - .' -' ' DUat taeaeed. ' Hotel Proprietor Why didn't you ring ap the office if yon wanted .money! Gutst Well, I touched. Jb ' bellboy, bat without ucces. jt ,'' ; Br. M. BstchtM' Aatt aHaralia. May ba worth to yon mora than $100 ' If yon have a child who solls.jwddlag from lacontcnca of water during ileap Care old And youag alike.- It arretta the tronbla at one. $1. Sold by C. D Bradbam, druggist, Nw Bra, N. C. . Balriealry. He Isn't even friendly with th girl he wu engaged to, I he? No. When sb tent the flag hack: the labeled tb box "Glsts-wlth care." Bad Ht rrem the Oaa ' Wu the ball that bit G B Steedmaa of Newark. Mkh, la tb CIval War. It cauteil horrible nicer that no treatment helped for 10 year. Thca Bucklan' Arnlc Salve cured him. Car cot, bruise, born, boils, felont, cornt, shla eruptions. Best pill cur oa" earth.. i cents a box; Cure guaranteed Sold by C D Bradham, druggist ' A im, iibiltft Mmm. 4 gim-4 naj tt its t M.f r ?; Din) il t: I 'it' ii ui frajrtv , .4 Wl ' tt o t Jit ocrurmi ia H 1 -m eft .r I ru ruau. A V. tucLumf w4 t-mUri.4a aa IttU ft a brnrk bMKia a purtiy, well .a U Md a baby la tu Tba tw r ta miw iWm by tk M gtWaa rraMrktac "lit wril, Ik bbr tirUr. f tb link UOng kiy a4 aU(4 BMcvfullj wrapp la aa- Ua. - fraiiiay tM amaiaa aaad k wwa going r t Foarth tmom ta bay A bctM U aillk and wtMae4 lb elg la buU tk Ukr. r eiUt ty aaid ha. Tt Wa A farbOT and grtadfitfcrr aa ao auuiy (bat I kaew kow ta bandW tbna.T . Tba arat Awajr and AUat aca latrk. Tb Mbetsaa braia aerrooa. bat a law baby atUI alrpt aa paavrully b araitad anttl loag paat hla own bed ttma fat tb aaotbcr to rwwrm. , it aartr Biking Ut arbea a walked Into tt poilc atatte) and baa trt rer Iba baaxlla. Tbra b bare ly aaraped arreat for trytnA to hoax tb aarfvant wbea tba wrappta- war thrown aatda Aad there wma dtaeloaed A -aapie aaaoh doU. ao f tboa Jointed tbtefa from Parta which Ad- Mlrabty reprodafa aa appearance f Ufa. Kw Tort New.' AT to nia KaU. Oa the afternoon of Ian I. ISTt AA palMer aamed Wlinam kfeCnb toOAh wbO paloUng tb brtdfl a bore tb fall bttweea tb tret mad eacoad tutor talanda fell Into tba rapid. Ia- ataAtly a waa awapt fueloaaly toward th cataract, bat whirled Into km war aa tbat k atmck (ujalnat And Balaed A Tor Bot far abort tba brfcik. Haadredt : qtilckty . gatberea on tb Boot and wtotu-d. all eaxer to ban. bat Ignorant wrbat to da . Among (beta waa Tbomaa Cooroy. who aecwred A roll of rope, faateacd one rod to a tree a abora and With the other end ta hi hand waded owt aa far aa ba eoold aad ccaatonfiy awam.' tba" water betag frota IS lucbea to all feet deep. , He ataaed far np atreaat allow for tba power of tb rorrent and at kat artth graat dlnVulty reached tb oaf or. tunat painter and bound blm to him arlf with the rone. Tory were awept off their fet aererat time an the way back ta a) tore, hot the roo iiad Men final metoned. And they Anally landed aafeiy. When they reached abore. It waa foand tbat McCuUoocb atlll cratch. rd hla patty knife truly In hla band, having held It during tbe tbre bourt ha had been on tb brink of tb fall. r. A. Acland la "Adrenturea At Niag ara," la Youth' Companion. . UHORI as atssiows. Tby reralata the Liver, Stomach, Bowel, Kidney and Blood aa prepared by Dr. D. Moxley, In hi Lemon Ellilr, a plaant lemon di Ink: It cure biliou- aea, eoatiption, inaigeiioa,naaiiB, auuana, kidney due, levers, cbiut, heart failure, narvou orottratloa. and all Atberdl cauied by a torpid or iueaa liver ana tiuney. it t ei Bhllibed fact that Itmona. when com bleed properly with other liver toalea, Droduoa in moat aeiirtwa reauiu apoa tha alomaah, liver, bowel, kUaey aad , bleod. i Bold by oruggKt. oOe aad i bottle. ' Malr'tmeaBUxii. Cared ma of lick and aervon betdaok 1 had beta aatrject to ill my Ufa. - M. fl. A, MCKMTIM. fprlng Placa, Oa. .(ti ll Meaiy'A laa BUslr. CartAl ma of ladirettloa and aervoni mtratioa. I cot mora relief, and one. T eoa Lemon XUilr than all other BMdfchMB. . - -. J.C. PrEtaar. ladi.; . , . , I Maaly JUmw BUate J f Cured ma of a long ittudlng cat of ebilli and fever, by ntlng two bottle. . J. U. HTAKLKT. Kngiaaar S T Va Gt K R. t v jr, a aaeaaay a immu auuw . Cared m of a caa of heart dlaeaaa aad ladlgeitloa of four year1 ataadlng. 1 tried a doaen different medicine. Kon but Lmo Ellilr dona ma any good. TULKD U1IB I, Cor. Hfcbenham and St. Thomaa U. Savannah, Ga - --.- v - . MsaUy'a Uawa Bliztr v I fully endort ft for aervon protlrs- lion, besdacu,. indigestion nnd conttl patloa. having need It with most tatl atloa, having need It with most tatl factory results, after all other remedies baa fallen. i . J, W. Roiw, Weal End, Atlanta, Gs. ; fcTisewarsalt Tba Benedict When I am away from home my wlf wrltet to m every dty. The Bachelor Well, It' yonr own faulty Whydont yod leave her aaoagh BMney to hat A few -days? D Wttf Little Early Risers did me sore good than all blood medicine and Other plllt," writ Geo. n. Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. ' Prompt, plcattnt, avr grip. they cura contttpstlon, aroas tba torpid liver to actio and give you clean blood, stesdy nervs, a clear brain and a healthy appetite. F. 8. Daffy. - 1 . t'i. A & w Bt KUmeriaab : i Toaay Msmma, why have you got p ip'a hair In a locketf ' . HI Mother To remind, me that he once had torn, Tommy. Rv. J. L 'Ylnrllag, psitor of th Btdford Street .Jselhoditt church at Cumberland, Md., ssyt: "It affonltroe mack pwasore to recomaead Chamber lain' Colic, Cholera aad Ditrrbnt Katedy. I have aard It and know other who htv done to. I bare never known i to fall. It I a aura cure when taken In tlmaT For tale by Ft) Duffy dc Co. I Tke tittle Flirt. "ThrI I saw you wink at Mr. Swlc- bara, and yoa Call yourwlf engaged ta Cnarlla" . . . . -Weil, li t ail ngnl. Ubarlle toot aa with hi y open. ' "Tes, but not with on of your shut.' t . . - . . Quickly cure contttpstlon and rebuild and, InrlgoTsl tha tntlr system never grip or nsuteste DeWitt' Little Esrly Riser, F. B. Duffy, s ( ..... V W j f yam iixf A prr im cmmjt fvrt jA f . I- -W a fV Mb f ax bb wwk. ma W at lwi m ' 3Cr i rrMt4liU. Mr Kid,fU-Wky, cklldraa, what! all Ub aoit aM? Lhtbiaaila-W kad graa-p aad racU Hr locked ap ta tk capbaard lor aa boar, a haa.lhy gat aagriar, I'm goiag la play "gtag Uu U llaaa'aa Probably a oa thlag ha caaaal each gaaaral revival af I ma at O D Br aam drag mora a ihlr giving away lo tkair ataay aatnairi af aa aay fra trial battb of Dr Kwgl Bw Mara ry for Coaamptla. Their Irado a Imply aarma fca tha vary vahraU raaaady, from tb fact that It ' Always area aad a ever dieeppolata. Caagaa, aoM. eatbaw, hroaehhm, aroap, aad all threat aad hiag dtumi ara ,alrkly eared. ' Tea aaa Mat k bafoe hoylag by gMtlsg a trial battle fre, htrg ataa AOc, and f 1.00. Avery halla amiaatad. JaaaM-Harbla, U my hare aaotbor actogaaarlaa' dial, Waata aa eeta- geaariaar r UrblaW!l, 1 deal kaaw Jeet what they are, bat tby maat U awfaHy alck. ly areata res. Yoa never bear of em' bet they are dying. - -- UtmeBeagatortliaV ' I am tb mother of eight chlhfrea aad have bad t great deal of ipcrwaca with medicine. Last samawf my IlttUdaagh tar bad tb dyaealery la lu worm form We tboeght she would die. I tried every. thlag I eoa Id think of, but aelhlng teamed to do her aay good. I aaw by aa edvertlaeaeat In oar paper thai Cksm- herhnn'l Colic, Cholera aad Dlarrbma Bemedy wa atghly racommeadad aeat aad got a bottl at Oace. It proved t be one one of the very bsat mdldas we vry had la tba bout. It eared my Utile daagktar'a Ufa. 1 am aailoa for every asotker ta kaow wkal . aa excel- tent medicine K la. Had I kaowaltal tni It would have tavad ma a great deal of anxiety aad my II tit deaghler mack suffering. Tour Irnly, Mas. Qaeasa F, Bodice, Liberty,' R. L For sale by F S DnffyCa.J1 ,. ;Ssi f c . . aaby Way todefck, I am writing aa article, he aald, aa "Tba Way ta Haaage a W oaten." I r I suppose It will be a long one, ahe r piled in a tUghlly acoraf al kaaa M i No, h aoiwaredi It will be qnlta abort la fact, It tt mill coaaUt af aal Iw woada "Don't try r, , . . t Thsa tbe knew kirn tab Asaaf Mas ssdtxpsrleaca la tpit of hi ap parent youth. . I i '-. t . Wsrklag Might aad Bay ' The baalMt aad mightiest little thlag that ever waa mad I Dr King' New Life Pill. Every pill I a sugar coaled globule of health, thai change weekaeae lata atraagtbi Itstliuam la to awergy, hrsla fag lalo mental power. They're wonderful la building ap the health. Oary Kc par bo. jScAd by 0 D Brad- baa). U 1 taBa.Ua. V-I He- A.hf The egg are Jutt a I like them. ' ' 8be I thought they would please yoa Browsing, dear.: t here bad the water at Sit dagmee Fahrenheit tor two and oae half arinutea. . ' . V BtttoTIa BtiaUara. ' Distressf.g KMawyand Bladdtr Dn eaaa rtllered la six aoam by "New Greet South American KklaayCur." It Is a great larpris a aocoaatof tb exceed ing prom pines la raUarlag pata la blad dor, kidneys aad hack, la awle or female Relieve relealioa at water .almost tav mediately. If yoa waal quick relief aad cure this hi the remedy. Bold by C. D Bradham, druggist. New Barn, H. C.', , i i ' . Hakiag a ffktltt Wkleh do yon prefarf asked her ladnU gent father. - It la ao hard to decide, th anawered, bat at tbe p rice q noted I think the duke It a better bergala than th count. I guess yoa may bay ma tbe dahe. ' - - 4.; . . Oaring the elvil war, at wall aa la our let war with Spain, diarrhoea aaa oa of the most Iroubletom diseases th army had to eoatand with. J la many la stance It became chronic and the old soldiers still suffr from it. Mr. Dsvtd Taylor of Wlud Ridg. Qra Co., F , I on of these. H a Ckamberlala' Colic, Cbolera and Diarrhoea Remedy aad ay kavr foand earthing that would giv him tucb qnlck rlif. Ilto for ssle by F. 8. Duffy Co. ? :n f : I ' AyyraciataA. '. i. Wif CJohn, let as toll yoa that ss iuTrly ss you keep on la yonr present career, Juil to suialy will yoa pay for your ladslgenra. . - HusMad(tibalrof prid)-Thank. dear, for tbat leader tilbute to my tnan. cial proWty." The soothing and healing properties of Chsmberlaia' Cough Remedy, its pleasant tatl and prompt and perma- aent curet, hav mad it a graat favor It wltk lb peopl everywhere. Forssl by T. 8. Duffy 4 Co. Ocm.-. ito of TV aiaoi Mcmr.t ax 4 by 1. ' sl&rt I t i.i -Lit " 'kfor'V t ut la JvjM M swa j ai(ki, nji. a note lu Uu I 'W . t &ry, "ill they war Imtc a4 as I t wa w kaaa axvd be IduAotI aa wtkl luat tb arrTSnt wba arnad tb dour Mdd not let hiat la, tkiaAtag h aaa A burlar." alurru.had A tasapac. aiaaT i aal toeta. Oar, at a furr, k btt a aBrer tabU fork ad ut af abap. Oa aawlh- rary fuUe at a woramaa. Tba book waat threack tha workaboa Anea. Ja hie te af r - sfnrra wou4 (U.xfcia i anu. t A U a biw oWp taw tb a Juki traata. hioma was boneatlg a aorUust. V ara hla worasbop aad tbeir coo lias atera warta f I5.0UO, ba ssnisilmd all prof it aad took fonataa'a wacea, tbaa aa- aa to . pay LAw par week better warea to each aad Armrailoo by acrfcleat. betaasa ' r twaWT tod any at to bay." Nor did aa aaa b) dealgalng. except at tnt. Once b abowed a rich bright tlsmmarsnilth earpeta. - - 'Ara taes elir wakd tha barer. "Bat I BheugM year taiare vara aab- dasdr : . ... . . - ' "U yoa waat dtit," aald alorrta, yoa caa tad tea! la tbe etraet." .. Aad ta tha atravt the customer want. Umm 1F Baved Cabto ToAia. Xvary American traveling abroad raow that be la able to notify hU Meade la Aassrka of hla safe antral m ram by lagiatartag hla aam at ana of .the newspaper edkraa. The aaatea Are eajblad ever every day and appear oa tha following morning la the New , fork edition. Tola custom strock two (mart baal- nea aoca a being open to large poaai bladea. On of them gore to rarta every aartag apsa baarora. aad, ha Aer that the eaa waa eaasalna hi New Tort eboaid be kept posted a to what partner a doing, a large aaMaat af cabling to aeceasary , . la order to ecoaomlae la this matter, It la aakl that the two partners ar ranged a cipher, made op of family and ChrUtlan name. 'Every day tbat the partner to rarte transacted sou aaalnee be walked Into the newspaper oaVa and regtitered there under soto aam And addms that conrryed to hi soUaagu In New York aa exact ktoa af tbe proaree be waa making. : . - Tbe as ate. Initial nud place of real- deace reitered Bspreaeotvd aome Item of InforuiatkMi which lu lartaer In New Tork kamed next day upon read ing tb ncwspnper'a list of arrlvAla la rart.-fltray Btortes. Tk Osataaaiv Masd M. Oa on of tba trolley line leading to a wcU: known amuacincut para taey have A aystem whereby the cars are atopped at certain poinu to allow nnf fonued Inapt vt or to count th pa. eagera, presumably aa a check oa tbe conductor.' Among Cue passenger on tba ear wa a well dreaanl yoaua; fel low .with a penchant t for evacklag tone at ether people's expense. W b tbe car atopped for tbe count ap. lie had a lot of fun throating Jlbca At tb Inspector, the conductor and tbe trol ley company people la geoenL Final' ly. jaet aa the car wa about to re sume It Journey, he railed oat: "Say. Alwter Inspector, yoa mlaara no." Tb laapeetor tarned aad looked the yoaag fellow over very carefully. "Humph!" be retorted. "I gueaa tbe company can stand It. I didn't mis much." ' Then everybody htoglied. the young fellow got red In the face, the rnotor- i turned oa the eamat, and Oie aoed onward. Philadelphia ta- aiilier. - -. Aa Awfal Blaa. At a RoaMthal recital l Seattle- a young plAnlst el conaiaeraDie aormi raoslMoee sst In a atage box aaa tat- wed the performance by mean of the score of the- aeveral uiorceaux whicb composed the proirranime. She waa evidently deeply Intereated. and topped At Intervals to exchane notes with a eompanloa wno aat tieuina aer. went beautifully natll the artist came to th last piece, a tremendously heavy Uast. . In the midst af an Intri cate Dasaaxa. tbe htdy, uiucn excuea. rose bt ber box, boluing out tne rou or mualc toward the atage. "That' wrona! ' That' vrronxr ahe cried; "Ton ahoold have croasea your bands thefer" Saa Francisco Wave. " . Wbato Taath Cata.4 "Vhalea teeth furm tb eoiaaga af the Fill Wanda.: They are ualuteq whit and red,', the red Ueth being worth aboat 20 timee a much a the wbite. The nafive earrlet hi wealth round hi neck.' tbe red and whit of hla coinage forming A brilliant contrast to hie black skin. ' A coaiaMa and cart on sight In tbe MJi lidanda la a newly married wif preMotbtg ber- buanaaa with-A dowry of wuak' teeth... ''-' ..." ' ajBtae iw "I firmly believe." he aald, "that woman ahoukl have the right to pro pose. ..... . :. bt' "Of course, - g woman proposes. reoUed. "aba would Aire aa meat ring and other presents, Instead of receiving; them." "On second thought." Abe antwereo. erbapa M would be better not to change existing cozdltloa."Clilc(re Pot. .-ii5' i --:H .-. ''" Waalejr it Vreelarlaa. John Wesley, the founder of Uetho, dlm. secmt to have' been not oaly ploucer of the teiitpevaae movement. but alao aa aiiostla or .veavtariaiHam. fie atatea IB one of his sermons that for Severn I years he subsisted on pot oes and found that doifig ko conduced binjely to, promote that ajileudld health a bk-b be enjoyed. , - , , .r Von assua no risk hta you Xmf Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Msr- rhoea Remedy, F. S. Duffy A Co, will refusd your money if yoa are not tsl It fled after ntlng It. It Is everywhere ad mitted to b th mast succeuful remedy la asa for bowel compUlatt and the only one tbat sever falls. It it pleasant, ssfe tad rellsbl. When Is Bajboro stop at th Lupton Cons for good accomuoda'.toa. ' J Bo PrcpnrcJ! Tba ba r H f . i . k.d - - MA a my f I . rua o mm to V j UuuaiS , ' C B prepare. U I "' aWal y t SjL tha naAats - U J I ry sanihirig aad I fvlaaiag Tt a b IJ assat. b lank- , , . , rally easd AW- M l j 4 m tha penal J I . j ; , J I areraaacv. 1 Mraia- ii.Iimi a tha critical boar will ba ra- km4 at mash pata, aad labor wiB be brW. Kantparatiea anil be rapst, aad ad aAm-daagara wtll ba aaaarlsd. ' . bH tn Aaaarmj 1 Lodjce Directory. VICTUBX COUNCIL Ma 11, JCMIOB O U A hi: Mm Trry Wedaeeday algbt a noaaam aaa. jea w tMtav U. CrBanUag.Ka. t . . , ItW BERN ItODGB Na. 1. T C J C HcaW Pratt; 4 U Balth, Rwordlag Sae'yt E E QuUUy, riaaaclal Bae'y Beau la the A eight af llarmoay vary 1st aad trd Moaday algkis la ECREEA LODGE WO. T. I. a O. F. OaVerat J. U Moady, M. t T. H. aawoa, V. Q : W. T. Hill. Rae'd'g Bertr. H. Farker: Jr. Treaa. Regular aseatian every aoaaay aigat at ;v orewca. CRAVEN LODGE Me, I. ENWHTt OF HARMONT i Meat tad aad 4th Thursday airhM la each atoath I Roaatra' Hsll. Pollock street, at tOO o'etooh. 8. R. Ball. PrevkMot, J sates H. Bath a, Bee'y, R. R. Hill, F. Bac'y. KRICHTS OF HONOR-Offlcers: E R Joe, Dtrtator; G L Via a. Reporter; F Neaaarae, Flaaaclal Kepertar New Beraaldge ha. 41 ataauibelad aad 4ik Friday alrkts al TM o'clock la Roanire' Hall. Pollock ureal. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, MO. 4, O. O. F. tMer F R Hvmaa. C P: N C Ilugbas, HFjll Hibbard. W: t, aoody, t w; j it nail, ncnne; c Groek, Trass rsr. Ragalar Eaoamn- U let, trd. aad Alb (If aay) Theraday ighu la each moalh al TM o'clock. tiAHVon CLkAiioxT o. a, r. axi. am acara. 400. aionar, I'spiaiat T. . Hi iaa.Uaat.i P. A. rallaUer. atla: a. J ruia, Ctarki A, ataratk; Artaawtaas. IM star Caaloaawaia, M aa 4ia Tkartaay alk ta aaea BHjaU ata alaas FRVf E8S1VEAL. r. B. Blameat, M. Pea, A. B. Ward E. W. ra. 5IMHONS, POO WARD, ATTOEXITI ad COUNSELOR! l uw. . . tkil,l.c. Onto tt 80. Front Street, nearly oppa Mi uotM unattawaa. (OBoee alao at Rshdca and SmlUlsld.) I"iaatla la tka aoaatiaa of Uravaa. DuDtta. Joaaa, Oaalow, uartarat raaxtce, Waaa, oaaatoa, tiarnaw aaa niww, is use s ptmm as rsatiml umrta, aa wears rat tames an aaartih P. XI. Pelletlcr, ' ATT0BNET AT LAW. Ildile Stmt, Uwjtr Bria Billdlag. Wtll atartte ta tk C3oaatls f Cravaa tartarat, Joaas, Oaalow aa Paailico. U. a Cuart at Maw Aaraa, aad aapraa Ceart e bsatata. . R0MULU5 A. NUNN, A.XTomrxr a . xa. mf nut, 1. o. Office: ' Opp. Holel Chattawka. ' Boulb Frost Street. Practice la North Garoliaa FINANCIAL. - t. A. btras, frat, B.H. MasAows, m Prat U. M.aaeva.Caabler. CITIZEN'S BAK oat DO A wAMAaAL Bsaauta buaim Tb aaaoaatt af Baa, aaakers. Oorpor salved oa taorabl taraia. rroiaBt aad aav raraasrs, araaaacsaaa ataars r BM auaauoa sivaa 10 im uw ma ear apt attars 1 vmii awn eaastiaii. Dlrlak K. M. btaaaew, t)kaa.Day,Jr. " , Jaaiit Bailan a. I. a. Maadowa, Aaaiaal W. iaaeh. Caaa. B. Vowiar, warar aaaaja j. w. ateaiaiar, ., C.B.rav. W. t. Croekatt. a. a. iTaa. F.-& f.l. BANK, '"i hi' AfJttrlWa.'.--i'. Capital atcckw.. ........$ UM. tarpla,.......... . Uadivlded Fralta,......k .M.aa ; ( ; OFFIOERS. s . . L H. Cimaa Preskleat, . 1.- ,. W. 8. Cbadwice, Vic Pre. . ' T. W. Dawsr, Cashier. r J. W. BiDDLa, Taller. 1 ' ' i F. F. M km wa. Collactor. " ; ! . DIRECTORS: Wm. B. Blades,' M. aT. Mirke, 0. a Bradbam, - P. U. Palletler, L U. Caller, , Jso. Suur, W. 8. Caadwick, J. W. Stewart, j ' - ' T. W.tDwy.' W waat your basis aad feat that we caa oCr yea a maoh bt return a ssv other beak la the. oitv. , It ie oar endeavor to make basinass ralatlnaa mat sally pUaaaat aad profitable to oar patrons. f "' Aa. . . 1 (. thara tlU ba btlie BLUE SERGE SUITS, i - BLUE SERGE SINGLE COATS. Fin Line ot Bilk Cwlred. Full Line ot SHOES Children. Price to eult buyers. ' Tt MIDDLE STEEET, . a laceryaraUa Msftk 3d, v 1897. THE NEW BERN FIRE INSURANCE CO., OP NEW BERN, N. C tT"POE8 A OENERAL FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS. a A eafa, ueeg sad reliable Hoes Compaay that abarea lu profltt with the miarad, thereby dtrrtstiag the c nt of lasuraace. It gives yoa Full Protortloa and Pismplly Pays all It Loaae. T. a. GREEN, PraauUal, W. & BLADES, I vuPnst GEORGE GREEN, aaoretary. JOhN DUNN, I O. H. GDION, General Counirl. M. L H0LL0WILL, Cei'l irtil. nTTTI DR. COFFETTS u ui lf?liIfc? PP-rillr.1 11 Ma I Mill jr: u u uuu wtN ana wumtii. Oar siiaaaw si liaiiT aaa poualUi (Ma,taoaH fim, OoawTlim. Wt. SatmaiiirrSM, V.rimMkv immcis Lt Miao4,BW iwalll C.ti ImiU- iXlia. mur " worry, .wimia, ate. aa la lMaa af voBoa.suck aa Ttim, BmmiiI.i, iMMrrtM, Wm TViiitli, ftaalt Wmtmrnt, MtrVUf, l m-si 1 a 1 ' A J'rrLT N9VE THIS IT OIDERINO A TRIAL TREATMENT. Z VW aaa Aa Aaa wa aaaA SraaSHaaS aat advlaa rail aa yr.ay tawi.Mi.SH.MMtnMM, aacaatas'III.toUllas.nToaniaakoat' iViiKiwiMaiu. CAkaKbraauBSCB stbictlv "- j, " r r il" iTirjir'll"j' " ' t1-"' be at aawSlwaya. rMaiar ta EiXfaaB, aVsS7(3 LaaoaMar.Okto. aT C: TRY FIRST-BUY AFTERWARDS. tfnauiiuiuiaaiiauuiuuiuuuuiuuiuiy CLOVER HILL" BUTTER! 11 - FAhOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ONE IB. FniMTS ONIsY 25 C1LTN. JMQ. DUNN'S Per fret Butler In a PeriVet P?kage. II MXaikeM Friend mm wl I s outhern ailway. The Standard Raljway ot the 80CTI1 The Dliecl Line i all Potato, TEXAS, :-;i.V CAUFORNIA, : FLORIDA, CUBA AND ioi:to niOa ' Btrictly First -Clstt Equipment on all Through or Local Traiot; Pullman Pel ace Sleeping Oar oa all Night Trains: (sat and Safe Schedule, v Travel by lb Hontbera and you area urd a Safe, Comfortable And Espdi ttou Journey. - ji.i Apply to Ticket Agent for Tim Ta hies. Rate aad Oa natal lufuriuatlon. 01 add ret F. R. DARBY, R. L. VERNON, : . O. r. AT. A, t.r. ' Aaheailla, .T Charlotte, ifcG . - - Fbsik a.OiSso, J. M. Cdlp td V P A Qra Man. Traf..Msi W. A. TnsX, Q P A. y WASHINGTON. - - - D. C. Bhirts for Hen just re. for Men, Hlaies and r-r. NEW r.ERN. N o Capital S50.000. MUTUAL Oleru HYKIM'ITIZKNS RINK ivanattoot, RegnlAta Us ktA aelkni fk BciaTrtOhka QOdra tt iiy iff. Oomm Oalr BS Oases. . Va - ADV,CEi wmoarrarir talis. tba wmsoI araaataaalTaly Ssaaraaalrklr baraUlU aizaaaa. Everywhere." OR HOME USE IGB Cl. ao. pure wliol sorne. gus'Knt.-cd t-j- ba cbrmtcauy at sale iomu uiwii-ru " ; nnd trt-e inm iuipnriii-e. HHCiiilly lii t.ndeil sud pri-pared; lor lii.mau Cub . unipiinn. .- - - t ! . ' .ill lua ib-livered dally (except Sundsy t m tut p m. .,. hundajs (rolail only) T a m lo It noou. ' For pi icra and other tufoimstiuu, . Address, ; .,')'' New' Berne Ice' Co., B. 8.XSl'10N, Makaoir. 11. w.4 nimpnon; Architect Sbpermtendeiit G8 Broad Ntreet. A Good Telephone . SERVICE IS A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM- B1HED lYeeeMHl iiijviid . t'iiVfiilfue', . Iuxitr ! Order Your Pb ne at Once ,:i .4 11

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