CctU avSfrUt kttet 4VT Mha'T la tUfm iikiMiili Ik mm Ul a4 MWiftt tYJw HI d t duMbf 148 TJ lt. m iMf rtumi, if h ' if. Vi M - t-t rf.n, u at i r ' r i haary w woatd be m ajafeaed that l 8r:U tLir Barda"! he aa-rarte4. CoM Daat (Iras t mil MM M MM. UN to Ttau. aaa to n aad riaae to era. Ii Is mmck twite 4 cheaper lhaa soap few THE N. K. WILMINOTON WELDON R. R. AM Birch, ' - 4 AUaalie Caaat Um Railroad IX el Sooth Carollee. ' ' ' ' TRAINS OOINO SOUTH. a. DATED j. 2 go - . K July 81, n 9 , . ' riS ao " . aTm" fit pir nr pTm! L. Webloo II to 43 ..... ..... ..... Ar. B. All.. I U MiM L. Tarboru 1 SI ..... (00 ......... Lv. R. Ml.. I i 10 M 4S S 40 19 69 Lv. Wileoa I 6a II 14 7 10 80 I 4U Lv. Mm. I to II 67 Lv.Ffcy'vuh 4 80 I 10 li.rhnm 7 fa I 15 P.M. A.M. Ar. Ooid. T 60 Lv, Gold. 1 01 II Lv. Mae'lla... 8MB 4 at ArWilm'loo 9 41 6 60 P.M. M. P.M. TRAINS OOINO NORTH. , III ij-' ii, S l?K s --4 3 J i J dj 'O . I AO AO AS .JJ i - AM P. M Lv.Fluiwior 4i t 4 . . . . Lv.faf'rilk U u ... . V 46 L.tMiM.. 1 &0 10 64 Ar. WUmmi I ... II II A.M. P. M A.M. LfWilmtaa 7 00 tM L. AUs'Ihi S 84 II IW Lv.Oukli 6 16 .... IM P. M A.M. P. II P. II I L7 WIUoo ISO 6 4.111 81 10 iW ill' I Ho I lii U 07 II 86 I 61 Ar.Trbun 7 W .... ......... Lv.Ttrtwn. II Ii U.K. Ml., t 80 7!Z. I 00 .......... Ar. Wckloo 481 100 P.M a.m. Wllmiuctoa and Weldoo Bailrod, Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train laavv Wilmington V 00 a m, ar rive Faytitoville II 16 u u, loavea fay- Mlalilla t IMS u m rriv HanTorit I AX . . : 1 1 r ... i ui.,.. i I viLc.nif) iw pm, aiiivm tt uu.idkuhi 60 pin. w--- '. : . Wilwinxtoa and Weldoo Hailroad, RmiimUmvIIIm Rr.nch Train. Imm BeooeiUUlo 8 16 am, Maxurn 9 20 a m, Had ppriug. 9 63 a m, Hope Mill 10 48 ' a ui, arrive Puyt llevllle 10 60. Iteturn. lag leavva Fayrttville 4 40 p m, Uope Milii 4 66 fa, lied Hprioga 6 8S p m, Maxtuo 6 16 p n, arrive Uenmiuville 1 19 p to. -r . - Oouaectlon at FayeUevttla villi train No. 78. - at Ataatoo with Uie Uarolioa Central Railroad, at Red Hprinc with um oni Diriu ami ouwwn raiiroau, MrJanford wilU Ike Healwird Air Lia! and tloutbern Railway. atOuff with' the1 Ik...n 1 f M I. ... fcuE 1 'U1UMHMU UIHHMW .Hilltlfltll. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Weldoa 8 85 p in, Halifax 4 15 p m. arrive rJoutlnad- Nick at 6 08 p m, tireenville 0 67 pa, Kliiaton 7 65 j ra. Returning leave Kimton 7 50 a m Urernvilleli 61 a m, arriviug Halifax at 11 18 am, Weldoa 1183a m, daily ei oept bunday. . Train on Washington D ranch leave Waablngtoa 8 10 a m and 9 30 p m, ar rive Parniele 9 10 a in, aud 4 00 p ni. re-, turning leave Parmele 9 35 a m and 0 SO p m arrive Waaliingtou 11 00 a in and 7 10 p ai, daily xeeit Hunday. Train leave Tarlxtni, N 0, daily except Dunuay a w p m, ouuuay, t ia p in, ar rive Plymouth 7 40 p m, 10 p ru. Re turning, Irave 11yuxaib daily except tluoday, 7 60a m, and Monday V 00 a ut, rrivea Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a ru . 'I'rain on Midland; N U Uraucb leave Goldaboro daily, exuetil Bunday, 7 06 a, n, arriving ttwilhlield 8 10 a m. Return ing, leave Hmllblleld 9 00 a m; arrive atUoldaboro 10 95 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 9 30 a m, 3:4(1 p m, arrive Naabvill 10 10 a m, 4 08 p an, Hpring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 15 p m.Returning leave npring nop iiuua m,4oopm, nan- vllle 11 91 a m, - arrive at Rocky Mount 11 45 a m. 0 00 p m. daily exorDt Sunday.. Train on Clinton Branch leavea War-i ict. nar.wui leave ou aiuuuav. ueuukouajl, nton daily axcept Sunday, ,ni pridap at 6 p. m. lharp, mak- '(i"Sd 10 Wp mTi ln Undi"g l M 0 73 make cloee connection at nd lionookff- yod. j J o io a m ana Clinton at 7 00 Tialu No 73 weiuonfor all poinu North-dally all a4MI TS81 ru"umou Ii u vutfoanv nln n . . J R KKNLY, Ueu'l Manner. .iiwn cu i a . a..ui. r...,a . . . . . T U KMKIiSON, Trafflo Manager, " .- ., . ,v . IF YOU V AHTl ' Fin Shade Trees'.". Fin Fruit Tree, ' Fin Ornamental Tree, ; Fio Rosea or " - Fine Shrubbery ; PUc your order with R. it. HILL, ; " New Bern, N. C. Order now being taken for Fall Plant ing. - -,. .-. -i i'.1, ; - i J. t . Russell I louse. Wblle In Bcaafort be tare and atop at the Ruaetl IJouu. Firat-Claa Hoard. A boat for traveller people, Flabtng and buating nnexcelled. Term 1J!5 a tiny or 8J.O0 per week. : ? ' t -- s t . - 0. A. RtssELL Prop. 1 AT I - 1 . A m . a FA1RBANK COMPANY mm wi AA'N,'d n. ii. 1 TlKt TAL8 0.' I ' 10 Tako Effect Miwday. Jom M, IWt , ) '-' M8.80 P.M. I i 1 OoiaEaa HcutaciA Oflkif W4 No. hiMi TraiM ha. 4 -t arariOMk i I Ar. I ..,..".. 1.. OolaAoro .v-...ll 06 08. . .". . . . .'. . IftUnuirV. ........WO 11 .Klaatoa 1011 4 40 Ar. Np Uotm. L. 1 00 4C0.,..L. .Ar.. 8T 1 1I.... An AUrcAtaJ oU t...... T0 No,l. 1 f No., xt rX ud TTtol: I Mxt IWTa. Pm. Tm. Ar. p I ' 8l4WtUM8V8Wayjitl f 7 48". .... i ... . .T. Bert'i . ... .7. 7 81 fe 08m ...... .. LMrwage.'.-.J, 103 8 M , .Palllug oreek.. S 88 814... Kinaioa...,. ... .818 ...;.... i A.caaell.,...l..r 18 940,.....Ar, Dorar, Xt..,.,8 0 1016 L. , ". Ar , 4 80 10 40.. ...Oora Creek.. .V.:.'..'. 400 II ia.........;Taearora........ 8 88 1181.... olark'i 8 80 18 06 Ar. Naw Borne, Lr..... 8 60 J JO tT. , , ., Ar....,.10 47 1 19. i TUTenlalo . .V. ..10 10 80. ; r. . A oroatad . . .'. .. . .'. .". 10 00 143 ; IlaTclock 8 40 8 19..., ...... Newport, L. ....... 908 15 ....... ..WIMwood 847 8 81 ....i. ... .AtlanUe. 8 88 846 ...Ar.Morebrwlcltjr.U..... 8 80 101.,. .Ar. U, CUJ Dap, U 7 W .. - A. M. " 'MoixUy. WmIhomI; and Friday. ' TiM4Jay, Tlmiatlay and Saturday, 8. L DILL, . Superinti- ideal. Atliintl CritMt laine. WILMINOTON A NlW BlENB R. B. TWRTABLI NO. 5, UKlfect Wedueaday, Aug. 7, 1896,;Oally - , Eioept 8unday, Uoing 8uth bcuboule: Going North No. 61, . PasHRnger Train Ho. 60, i-t. a m, 1 is - otatiom; & , Ar. p a, 900 New Hern 840 9 30 Pollockiville 8 04 961 ....Mayiville .4 49 1009.. Jacksonville... 418 Union lSspot tm . Nil ...Ar., Wilmington Lv.-... 985 No. 8, J Pabsbhor ft FanonT, ' No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednee day and Friday. Leave New Borne Tues day, Thuraday and Saturday, ' 5 b ,S If Ar. m 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 8 40. v...8cotf Hill 56 9 80. .-, . Woodside. .19 16 I006.. i.i.r. .UollyrMg S.7i.-;..U 48 loot .Uixon 10 61 ij JT' Verona, a. j.. ...10 90 Jacksonville. ;. .... 9 45 .Nortlieart. 8 65 .Wbiterak 8 80 . Maysvllle.... .... 805 Pollockiville.,.. .... 7 90 1 F. I65.... 130...., SIS 8 60 8 40. . Debnihri... ...... 8 35 .Ar. NewHerBC,Lv... 600 . . , i I, -t Daily KxceptBuiilav, v JJ(lj; it kenly, ; t : .. Ueneral Manarer. Mil F K, "". r: V lot.iTraDarorta'Jnn., :, v '. -STEAMERS-' Carolina Dispatch " line, For All loInt Worth. The Steamer NETJSE will leave On Aloodayi, Wednt.Jail. y Freight received not later than one hour previooi to aailine, n ..... , , , Va. Fn.lhail infMtm.lU. .nmls .a GEO. BENDKBSON, Agt, I M. K. Kino, Gen. Mgr., H.O. UDDOiira,Geri.Frt.4 Paaa-Agt, Br"e' N -May 30th, 1898 .DEALER IN --. i :--.," . . i.. . . .-.: '-i Hardware and Fire Arms i Saab, Door and Blind, Painta, ' ' una, uement, Lime, Etc. Agent for Garland Stovei&i Eangei and Ufvoe'i, and Benj Moorei' READY M!XD PAINTS. Under Motel ChatUwka, ii nw umiTi, - n. c AND v , . ,. . . ii.: ' iVil 'Ua J - Old Doffiinioflleamship Co ftttlbnT t PASSENGER, A mim Mary it t,.u&a4 Aa 4 twi wm 'rr la (Ual -tit a rwrtais Mi. IL bj4 o C:k.ij rooan a ai .t-l L a waa bttfd..r4 :ia a fri a. . J ij aaow. uj mm row! a u- a Bow tboYat I tI tip la ruii ft He ateed II eat. ad lAr it eotnrT4 ta aaa tk4 aw tnU iitfa aw aana a tar Ala aul whoa atama aaeaa kay akla by with hi eva. the rauataa f taw iw botaav bcUkf aba. TUa laiuala of tba atrat bona m worthy wrwvrw. waoaa air. K. bad awv r aa. bwt arttb whoa at wire vaA oaeaJMag twain, air. Iw prmiltl te Hkj frwat wak a eaaid, aa aw abeval C tb aaww. k ad a rala eta and ant aa taw aay- IL(bt. Craab! eat taw xaaa. aad Awwa UiToacb the a pert are wwat Mr. K. It ebaarad thai ba art! door awtgh- bor raa yaa at tb( ttaw a Oag awr dinawr. Mr. K. budwd In a alttlax aoa- hire an taw aaaaoaa bar tabatv rhlai eaaaaad auvbwa ef food. aad eH atanf ally braadlablaer Ala anew abovwL Tb above! told thw alary a taw wid ow. ' Altbongh eomewbal dlacoararud. aba qalchly reralned bwr cwapoawr. mwaiaw4 law awtebbor wfeoe aha bad aeea paaa her door, aad exclaimed, aw- Ob, Air. K, I am vary C-ad ywe bar caUedl Vy aftwa award air. K. apeak of ywar. w Laaaak Waaatt wa tkw kww. It te aald that rrofaaaor Bate Ale ar te told tkla aaerdota oa aiaaaaat' Thi awakd aid prorVaaor awed a forai a vary ptctarwaque yVatur a rawdta- bnrg b atreeta. Ha M a wtrywU aa trtarcb. with aaadwxBW featuraa aud hair railing ta rt&alrta abowt a la abeot- derm. ' Na an arkw bad aaea bun eou. poaalbly Hwavt alia. Oaw day aw aevowted by a vary dirty little boetbla with bl -"bin roar boot, alrf Iba profeaaor wa laiprewaed by taa.tUUaV aeea ac the bey'i facw. a. - "I don't want a tbiaa, my lad." aakt be. But If yoa'I aad waab yowy face ra ctv yen atxueno." ' "A" rtcbl atr." wa tb lad' reply. The, be went over to a eetebbortug fountain and mad bia 14ntaMi turning, b baU eat hi band for tb oaoner. . s "WelL my lad. aakl tb profeaaor, "joa bar aamed your alxpanc. Her It la." ' ' "I dlnaa want It," retorned the boy, with a lordly air. -Te eaa keep K aad get yer hair eot ...,, - A Tna at Cwaaialtvi Forty- yean ago tb lababuaata of ties too. Fraaea, and aelghborkoaal were a healthy, happy race at aplendld pbyalpjue, to whom coaauinptloa waa abaolutely ankaowa. ). l i - The) Mentoa becaw the Jdacea of the conauwptlra. Tow pcaaaata left their faraaa aad their healthy Uvea to wart on the wealthy lavaUda. Farm ers wire aad dangbtera bee aw araak erwomen. conatantly handling dothlag Imprrgnateil with tb germa a eoa- aumptlon. Thooaaa4a of cooaawpttt died there, .Impregnatiug tit aotl aad the water with fba gvnua of their dia eaae. " Aa a reaolt, th earth, air aad water of Mentone are Infeated with tb tuber cle bactllua, and the one healthy pea antry Br eooaumptlva almoat to man aad a woman.. No mora complete or atartllng proof of the truth of the once derided germ theory of fllaeaa could well be Imagined than thla. .-at i - - - i . '' A Cwrlaaw Baav 1 ' The catflab naea bialuuxa aa aa organ of hearing. Tb need lee lung become a cloaed aac filled with air and eom monly known a the wlm Madder.- In the ratflah, a In' thw aackera, chub and moat brook flab, th air bladder 1 largo and I connected by a Blender tnba. tb remain of tbe traefcea. to ta oesophagus. At Its front it Ota closely to tbe vertebral column. Tb anterior vertebrae are ranch enlarged, twisted together,' ind through them pease a chain of bone, which connect with the hidden cavity of. tbe air. Tb bUddet therefore aaalata the ear of th eatflah aa the tympanum and Ha bona aaelat tbe ear of tbe higher aalmakv Aa ear of thla aort caa carry little rang f variety la sound. v It probably give only the Imprenloa of jar or dlatorb- ancea In tbe water. Popular acioac Monthly. . - tlla llaasew -'raw nvaisvae. t j Dr. f Outtdtext Yon say, my friend. that you killed a man In a doelt . t Uoonsblne Jim Tea, air; he vrna my rival fer tbe hand o' tbe ole wot I married. " Dr. Poundtext-Tbat. waa a' terrible deed, sir, I hope yon are sorry for It afoonaaine Jim worryl ion Dev. your life I'm aorry. parson. If t hedat kill ed him, net to he'd 'a. married tha ote 'ooinan. Kanaa City lodepeudent. Her Dr rrtead. . - Emma-Charley asked me to marry him hut evening, aad 1 had te refuse him, tbe dear fellow. - Ella-How did it happen! ..., : Em in a Of course I like Charley, bat aa to aiarrying him -, , Ella I mean bow did It happen that he asked you ? Boston Transcript I " . - f AHeraatl. .f ' '-, Prison' Visitor-Wasn't It rather a cold blooded thing to do-shooting the man uowa while ho wa praying f '' Mountaineer I bad te do It; podoer. If I'd let 'lui pray a little wblle longer, be mougbt o' won the Lord over to hi aide. An then wbar would I of benT Indianapolle Journal. ' tf : ' Penduluma are aftuctcd by varlatkma of density of the air, as wall aa by changing temperature. - A man can borrow trouble without potting op any security. New Orleans Picayune. V ' 4 ' ' ' Pistreaaiae Btamach atiaaaae Permaaantly cured by tbe mwterly bow er of South Amcrteaa Narvla Toslc. Invalids need luger bo lotinr, becaua thi remedy can ear tbeaVl. It la a care for tb who? world c' torn act weakneu and Ig V -ot!oa. T.. cor beglni with tls first ilur. Ti re lief It brings it aiarvsluai and sur. - ng. It makes no failars; atvsr i ' ? points. Ko Bmiter bs ler t.(e suffered, voi-r ( ne ( c- 'i ne of IL, e i I , ; i Fieaiant and aiwavs . J, E.aunam, drurj'ji, i.ew -. a, it. C. T C iJ CiakavK aiaa,aiass a l4awri, Itmu aaa ll'.l 4vluw awtt, ts d la be U a awatiiua la fa aiaA taraaud UsUm n,jbs tafur aikia, -t Uat lAw wars of Baas aaliaU tor UdaatrUJ slaats, aa nUk tbaaa a HHr itua of local Win, nival ef profieny, prkw, sttv, ad If as dt.jKd, w a later laaactal aw wbav lanlaoaw tkwy Buy navk la afar for lb luroUoe of ax A plaals aa tbaar Btaniaa , Tbe aoaaailuaw aiaw wish taw stun of etaadUg bard wood tlaOaw, ak.aah, aa, ta Ai auk tbeai anise. a a af ajaaallllaa taey bar, tb aaaraaa t New Bare, coaaaiUlrty, tarma a pus Wktrh at may bs aacarad, aad sack otast mformaUoa a stay be garataae tawrata L AO parsoBS aartag kaenladga af mat- lar pertalatag t ear ladaatrtal aoval- afansl, aw wb pnasial larormalloa lUaly ya U f baa at to la commlua are aakad to eoauaaalcala k la wrfUag to P. H. PaDeller, IVaa, saalrataa af tbe aommltt, ar to aim peraoaally, or kb) aaaorialaa, ttaasr Oao. Ora or Jao. B. HaaU. ' Tbaa are Batter la wktch aU ahoold faat, aad la a far aa taat eaa, show aa active la Israel, a the bo pad for advance meal of New Bora eaa aaly be aooom pHshed by the ooecerud acUoa af ail SCIOMU A MB) MUJWEa. Academy aad College, for Qlrle aad Teoag Womaa. Beat heme ear, toewtk. or with fall Collar lastraetloa. Special- leu la Maatc. A it, XlocalWa. Laaeaaraa. Oammerclal aad Iadaatrlal Btadlee. Ia atitaliaa foaad la 1801 Tb Rarlatar shows SIS last year. New term beguu waoaesday, Beptomber 8. 1898. Bead for Uatatogm u RIY. J. a CLXWILL, Priaelpal NoM Carollaa. Oak Ridffe Institute , The largasi and beat equipped prepar atory achool la th Boutk. 880 aladaai ffom several Bute last year. 8W,000 00 la bulldiag sad equipoMBU Loral loa northwest of Oreraaboro la Piedmont region, 1,0C0 feat above sea level, aoted for baaolT aad heallhfulnei. EatablUbad la 1S5. Qbampioasblp la BaaeUlL Football aad Track Axhletlca for many year among preparatory schools aad axsoag ooHegea, exeepUaj University. Highly eadorwd by cnlleg me. Oym aaslam as good a the bast and cheap eeaelderlBg. advaatagee offered. Fall coarse la Book Keeplag, Shorthand aad Tyaewrluag. aad Telegraphy, Fer beautiful illustrated tauAlogue giving fall psrtlcalars, address. J. A, M. H. HOLT. Oak Ridge. N.C ' - THE STATE KaiXml r act ktrial Colleie, . .. 01 f4rta CarvliAt. OaTara la taiaa aaaiM IhAMuik llt. ary, eJaeelcaJ.. scientific, aad Industrial edacatioa aad apwoial pedaroeioal train lag. AaBnal Kx pease V0 to $180, for Boa-raaidenU of tbe Hula I1M. Wu,u)t af BO Biaaalwia Man Uui afat ,,U. atudaots. Has avarticuiatsd abowt l.TOO awoania, rapn wan ling every eeuaty In the Bute except one. Practice and Ob servation School of about 950 popila. To secure hoard la darmitnrlaa all Im. tuition eppltcalione should be made oaiore Aaguat let. Cotraaoondenoe laviiaa irom inoae ocstrlog oompstent trained teacher. . For catalog tie and Ankara In fi is sss I is - A 1 . ,4 PRE810SNT MoIVCR. ,,. if -'' .yt Oreeasboro, N. C Trinity Park Jiigh aSchbbl, DURHAM. R. C ' Prepare boy and yonog nxa for Col leg. Thorough eoorae Is Latin, Oreek, English, Matawaialio, History, Physios. aadFreach. On of the best equipped high schools la tbe south. New and elegant buildings, beaotlru! aud healthy looatloa; College advaa tagee; gymaaeiuas, furulahad with all the asodera eqaipmeau, hot and cold water hatha, (wimaiing pool, bowling alley, etc Expense 1136 ta 8175 Dr rear. For UMalogne, address ' . . 4. r. hi vina, Meadmatter. Peace Institute; .v . RALEian, n. tv Owe ef the beet female boola In tha South, aad tbe cheapest for edvaatege givaa. oena lor cauuogua. ; JAS. DINfMDDIE, JU A, SEE HERE 1 We " aow furiiah you Stove Wood ready eut and delivered to your door. AJwayt kept under large Ibeda, never geu wet la rainy weather Nice Brick and Laibae. ' FlaUtoLet V . ; '- .-- ' A largo atock of No: 1 Hand Had Heart Bbingle Just arrived. " ,-" Tar and time. . " 1 ; a ' A r- Var Tobacco - Warehouse ! . MTEUkJF TOBACCO. . a. i a : ... S i ... ) "w.W ; at t DIL JT. II. HTI1EET, v . Owner and Proprietor. W. K. fiTYIXOX, ' Book Keeper and Brcratary. Jsuatilnnul M J A Good Friend will tell yoo without flstUrv that a suit of clothing with our perfect workman- anip, artistie naua, isultless Ot and ale- Pinoe of styl makes you look Ilk a rlae la lu exquiaiu toot nsbublu. Our fabric ar eicluaiv and the hand somest patterns and colore of I be season. W will 91 and make you a suit at a reasonable col. ; F. 31. Claadwlclc, aUddleetreot. NEW BERN. N. O Take Care of the Dimes The Dollars Will Take C5are r ;, TfaemnelTM.! GranlU Sauce Pan 90c aad 95c, ' ' Tin Banco Pan 10c and 15c OranlU Coffee Pot 9 ql SOc, 8 qt 85e. Oraatu Foot Tab at (Or. , . ... Qraaite Preserving Kettle at 40c. , Large Granite Dippers at 15c. ' (l quart Tin Dippers at 10c" ' " A Wire boaster for 6c A Wire Broiler (large) for 15c ' A 17 quart Oranito Dish Pan for BSe. .A 'Decorated Japanese Crumb Tray aad Bra tor, Sic, r. ,: A Puddiag Mold for 40c ,.; ;A New Bread Box for 40a A Tin Trunk for 80o. ; AHutcher Knife for 15c" , "' A t hair Bottom for lOc .Oallooasfor-,6 s SIstMu Fruit, elarau Jar Rubber, Jell Qlaaaat. Ac. . Our price are right. f -(: ;., . A bottle of Glue, nice- for Branding broken glass or crockery war at 5c. A can Furniture Yariitsh and Brush for 96c '-' ' ' - f - Ready Mixed Paint at 75c id $1 25 gall. One pound cana paint at 10c '. " Tanglefoot Fly Paper 45o packaged . Buggy Whips In great yarwty. ... W have two Iawb Mower left per- baas you n4 oae. -' Tobaooo 'Twine and 'Tobacco ' Ther- mometor a Specialty. ' : - ; We have Just receive! a fresh supply of Loaded Bbella. . A package of Gold Bronx for 60c A Cleaver for 75c. ' '"' . .'J '. " Vi ... We have only , a few .Freexei left which we will continue to sell at tbe same low prices as long as they last. , If you need a freeser now is your time to buy. . W bv a nice cheap tine of Msrkel Baskets to which w call your attention. Don't fail to call oa u for anything In our Line. . v- ' '4 Tour Trulyf ....... 4 - FOR THB SALE OF ... I ' I I I ! f, Henry's Pharmacy 197 Middle Street. NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. Tbe best kuowa Hkiu sad Blood Rem edy, for the care of Pimples, Postuka, TstUr i-r Salt Khtura, Bluicnes,TuHra. Boils, Itinit Worm, Khcuniaiuoi, Ac, Is HENRY'S COnHOUND EX1RACT OF 5AR5APARILLA WITH IODIDE5. A powerful purifier of the blond, act Ins; through tba natural aeurelary and exoreUry organ removing I boa matters which disturb iU purilv. Usu ry' Baraaparilla ia put up to meet tha Kpuiar need lor such a remedy, without log related to the many secret nos trum and quack medicine of the day of unknown composition. It eonuln lust what the formula calls for aa printed in on the label of each bottle and sails for oas bail the price charged for unknown compositions. For Sale at Henry's Pharmacy, where you will Bnd Combs, Tooth brushes, Toilet At tic Is. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. REALESTATEAGENCY Houses and LoU For Sale at Lowest Possible Figure. Desirable Home and TeaemeaU that will prove a lae invest aunt ..':.': Collection af Reato a Specialty. OOce at raldeuce,17 Johnson stmt Fa. Fa. HARPER. MllaMlaWMIilsisiav A FREE PATTERN 2(yar 1- (vaar ewa satoeuaa) as aiary sa ' as sasis a rase - A UWES' MAfiAONE. ; o...M Si...; actoa. mm Gi era. f-mmr. Mix) V. for IUM com. 1-4 Mr atvltah, KaUakla, BlaiBta, U4s lata. Kro-OMkal aa4 Iswlasnj Parlaa-rinta Iapar Pattarar. (lAZalt, 1 uiiitiiiajvl i OrJv ra M cr. wl ' MiW. A hr OMav SoM la aaartf ararr aw 1 THB McCALL Ca. IIB-l4Wt 1 4 Hi L. aYara. Notice of Sale of Laid - , ' For rartitloi SUt of North Carolina. I Before the . County of Craven. j .. Olerk. JL Hsrufleld vs. R P WUllams, Mrs Nancy Willis, Henry Feare and elbera. . Pursuant to a decree of. the Superior Court of Craven county in tbe above en titled proreediuga for sal of land tor partition rendered by the clerk of aald Superior Court oa tie 95th day ot July IWHt, . . . . - - .T - Tbe undersigned at commissioner will oner for sale and sell at puono auctioa for cash to the highest bidder, at the Court House door of Craven county oa Monday the 28lh day of August lov, at the Hour 01 i ociocx. noon an in loi lowlnr described real esuts to wit: Lyme and being la tbe state or Mortk Carolina, Craven county, and fully de scribed in those certain deeds dated Octolvr 98th 1878, executed by O Hubbs Sheriff to Amos Wade and recorded la tbe Office of the Reeislsr of Deeds of Crsven county ia book 79 page 488,' out oi the barron and Burton uranta. Aad on May SUt, 18H1 conveyfd to Jane K Meadows and Others by deed duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds in cook 4 page 03, etc.. to which reference is man for lull and particular description of said lands. ' Thi July 86th. 19. t OWES H. GCION,- ConiruissioOsT. 4' -t J ' t Fair Dealing. . Highest Prias. Beit Average!. Prompt Retarni. aJ. L. JIOnOAW, '- Maaagar aad Salmman, ai. E. rOTVELL. Floor Mogr. aad Supt Uradlag Dept. LEGAL NOTICES. Adaulnlatralor Male ! By virtue of aa order obtained la a special proceedings la tbe Superior court of Craven county entitled John 8. Oarslt administrator of Annie Outlaw, deceased, sgsinsl Jsmes t'bass snd oth srt, I will, on tbe Irsl Mnalay in August 1MW, beiag the 7th day of said month, at lb court house door of C'rsvea comity, si II o'clock m , sell al public auction lit tbe highest bidder for cash lbs following dasciibed land la that part of tbe city of New Bera commonly known as Psvie lown: Known as lot No. 914 In tbe plan or Pavlelown or Fsrmvllle in the city of Nsw Bern on tbe weet side of Ureen street and more fully described In a deed from.Locloda Uolt to Annie Outlaw, re corded in book No. 100, page WW, In the ode of register of deeds f Crsven county. JOHN S. GAKKTT, Admlnlstrstor. Jun tbe 9mh, 1899. Faxeeutrlx Notice! Hsvtug duly qualified as executrix of IbeesUte of Ella U Anderson, deceased on the aid day of December im, all person owing said estate are hereby no tified to make prompt payment All persona holding claims against aald satate are notlned to present tbe same duly veriBed to lb undersigned executrix on or before June 83d, A. D. 1900, or thh not to will be plead in bar of their recovery. June 93d. A D, 1899. MARTHA M. ANDERSON, Executrix of S H Anderson, deed. Executors Notice. The undersigned having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testa rasnt of Furnevfold Mercer of . ones county, N. C, hereby notiBes sll persons haying claims against said esUte to pre sent toe same duly vert tied to said exeo utor on or before the 1 lib day of July, 1900. or thi nolle wUl bs nlead in bar of their recovery. All persons indsbted to the aald estate are required to make prompt payasent . This llth day of July 1899. WM K. CLARKE, Executor, Furneyfold Mercer, deceased. NOTICE I W tb undersigned will offer for ssl for cssh ou Thuraday, August 8rd. 1899. at the Court House door in the city of ! New Bera, at 10 o'clock a m, two hun dred seres of land more or less, well timbered with pioe, cypress, poplar, ash snd oak, said land Join tb land of Ful cnarand others, and (a known as tbe I Mary Kmnl place. For further infor I nialiou. apply to any of tbe undersiened. I J A Askin. Aa-ent: Bidnev Q E Aill.ur Alfred Gaakln, George B Wlvglna, William H Price. Apply Ask ins or Emul Poatoffloa. - Executor's Notice. The undersigned having duly qualified at executor of tbe last will and: testament ef Jeremiah Abbott, here notifies all person having claim against said es tate to present the same duly verified to said executor on or before the 28th day of July, 1900, or Ui notice will bs plead ia bai of their recovery. All person indebted to tbe mid estate ar required to make prompt payment This 8th day of July, 1S99. ROBERT HANCOCK, Executor. . ; Jeremiah Abbott, deceased PUBLICATION OF SIMMONS. North Carollaa, LBopsrior Court Cravta Co. I Before th Clerk. J t Hartefleld, J A Bryaa and Other y ' U a rearer, ximena t Brigga and Other. To' Lula Claiboru Pare, Byrd Page, AUtoa Page and Weldoa Page and ' the heirs of Thomas 8 Singleton, de ' ceased. Take Notice. That a special aroceedlgg ha been iaetituted ia tbe Buperiwr Court of Cra- vea county by the pel it loners above. named and others to make sale of a car- . Uib tract or parcel of land to which in said petition It is alleged that you have hold an interest, twin proceeding are rommsBced lor . the nurnoaM or dividing tbe proceeds of tsid land to the end that the asm may be held in sever alty. . . . - ' .. . And you win lurtaer ease aoiice mat oa era required to appear at tbe olttce of Ibe Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county u tbe 8th day of Sep tember 1899, and answer or demur to the petition which will be filed ia eaid proceeuiDrs or the petitioners will apply to lbs t ourt for tb relief deaandd in id peiuiua. This July 97tb. 1899. '.-Tv W. M. WAWON, a S C, Craven County. " .