t f AbiilitiaiiTf. A linkw i! of in Be iirt( WfdBe SM-le War. "Tkrr Ui eU 1)4 JplltQa. - m r t .' ruinvT tessreraiare J Irsth tmmU l-J, IIM Weejbar BJ(e lereteel tu today. NoMlU ITMModtllN th loUm iroarra by ibe Parsae IH Merrtsat Beat of Jlrf Iter iUtl mea fr Carteret aad Oae- ium roeatiee tnni tkroegb beta lot Paaie G-ida, rta.lo eagag I th an. Tel The crowd was tsrgar thlt year lka wul. The utiiIJw eseaa eeaWlaklp M Wwt PWM Will dev. Prat. T. R. PusuC. teperlBteadeal ojtli MW, (ere graded, Mcbavle, W taraed Wet Bight le bold lk eiamlaaUea ferae "Toting me,"fnei rajretlevUle, DepUa csatir, end JvwH eoaety, te at cli J last eight to try lor the .tit ... till! ft ACTS GtNTlY ON THE Kidneys,-Liver and Bowels'" ,.r4NSESTMC System COirlOAJwtP bra OVIRCOMtS IJL m(iuiiimn""' " THE JOURNAL- New Iters. M. O. Aagast I, lit. ' Roytll -Buuu. . W aUon W ter melon, . J. L. McDenlel-Orocerlee. I svls Pharmacy-Vlcby, eta. ' . Business Locals.' ' VOL' will find today at Wataoa'a market Broad street, a floe lot of melon averag- 1d( 4'1 Dm , while Ibe Proprietor of tbb market dont claim to be the Champion watermelon reiser of the soalh, he claims to be the champloa wateraMloa teller of New B;rn. Phone 181. BANANAS cheap at H. K. Royall's Broad Street Fruit Store. WANTED Faithful penona to travel for old home, Straight, bona Bde salary tit) a year and eipenaee. Refereeee. Unclose self addreeeed atamp envelop, A. J. Munson, Secretary, Chicago. THE watermelon klof of the aonth U offering bit fine Cuban Sweet Melon at the Planter Wrhou itore, (or aale very cheap. Don't pnrchaa a melon until you try one of the largest and sweetest melon erer offered la thi city. Chu, W. Bray. HOW to conduct a War ef Iitemlaa tlon use Colombian Iniectlclde Powder, imokele, nolseleae, kill oat all roach es and water bnga Qnaraeteed aa tare as a shotgun. Henry' Pharmacy, 1(7 Middle treet I HAVE a very larg stock of newly made, Hartford and other tire and selling them rery low tor Cask, ftg.00 to 5,00 each. Wm. T. BUI, Phone ISO. TUX finest Beer alwayt on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. "You have the beat Vichy hi town,' remarked a gentleman who know good vichy after drinking a glass at DayU Soda Fountain. . . A fresh case of Buffalo Llthl Water Just received at Oavl' Pratcriptlon Pharmacy. - The extreme care exercised la our prescription department I further In creased by us of typewritten label for all prescription. We claim le be the first pharmacy In the State to depart from the pen written, blurred label. The use of the typewriter hat become so universal, and to essential where legibili ty it required, we have adopted It In writing our prescription label, preclud ing the possibility of patient reading the doctor direction Incorrectly.'1' We at every mean to give our customer the best service JJradham Pharmacy. k earloaa aa well a palatal eocideal occurred late yesterday afternoon to a aer for Clark O. a. T. eotlea aero tlaeta. la eHUaf dowa la a chair by O. Marks Costbre, Ue ekair g way aad the hack of bead (track the brick wall, eaitlag aloag aad palatal gash. The atteatioa at a doctor rwjalrtd. The Last Legltlatare laertaaed the tax oa laaadriea and Sam Lee oa Middle foaad It "to macaee. "Por way that tr dark Ibe Beatkea Chlaee la liar." aad Sam Lee hat eoeeullJeled bit eauUUhsaeat with Up Wah wha ha the laundry ' oe Middle atieet, Oae waahee wteaea aaa taxee aad everythlag It quiet agala. tit I "- Prof. T. It Fuust retaraed from Uia htm last eight. - 'Mr.'AHIeCoukcame home yesterday from Newport Newt, MIm Llxxio Hancock . left yesterday amralng to visit frlcadt at Wilson Mrs-T.J. Mliehelltod children have f oae to Salltbury to visit relative. Mr. Romulu A. Nuua left for Blark Mountain yesterday to tpend a few weeks. Mr. N. T. Eaaelt, who hat beta la the city for several dtyi. left yesterday morning, Mr. Thomas Daaltl returned yeelef day from a trip to Brooklyn, and other northern cltlea. Mitt Anna Pierce and Miss Llzette Hanff went to Klnston yesterday to visit Mrs. Henry Puna. Judge aad Mr. Htnry K. Bryan aad MIm Marion Broedfoot retaraed oa Ue Neuse yesterday from Ucracoke. Mr. D. P. ileary of Brooklyn, arrived ea the Neuse yesterday to visit hi par- enla, Mr. and Mr. T. A. Henry, Miss MacKethaa of Fajettevllle, who ha beta vlattlag MIm Mary Moore on Cravea street, left yesterday moralng MIm C. Louis Bcbollenuerger, cam in on the Men yesterday morning, aad left oa the afternoon train for her home at Havelock. Meter. W. B. Brown and A. J. Lane of Tanceboro, T. It Mallltoa of Craetaa and Joha 0. Parker of Jonrt county, were In the city yesterday. Chief A. K. Ulbbard of the New Bern Fire Oepartmet, aad Editor C. L Steven of the Jonaaix, went toQreent boro yesterday to attend the Tourna ment. ... H..kl.a H..I.. ' For the accommodation ot the farmers who have tobacco to tell and for the convenience of the business public gen erally Ue Farmer and MerehaaU Bank will during the tobacco temoa adopt the following: saaklng hoars: Via: From 10 a, m, to 1 o'clock p. m. id from I to 4 o'clock p. as. closing front 1 to I p. for dinner.' Thi arrangement goes Into Sett today and oentinae at the- option of the pabllc.' t i j f V-t nr w. Oemsioerately Toarl,": I T. W.Dawav, Cashier, j: V I astea Wlas Leag Ustoaa. A Big Crewd aad Flee Street . . , & ) fareae4 liaata t ) Tay. Oreeasbofa, Aagaat 1 (dptrtal to Joaraal) The weather today wee fair a4 phaaaat. The apealag treat wse taetrig urtet parade. The procitsloa lerledtd beads, haadeotae floats; aagaee, bote wagoaa,tela. trarka, aad eltlasai aadgaaeUsBoaossgaa, ll lha, la- set parade tvar sera la the wet tally twa miles la teaglh. 1 here were foar ealrlea to Ue natch ateamlag eoatett. iTke New Beta eagtae woo la mla. M see. Wtattoa eeoead la I ml a. M aee. Ooldekora laisw la 4 la. 1 sec aad Oreeasbera f eerlb ia 4 mla. I ate. The "Seuoa eagtae opeaed ap oa thirty Ave poeade woa Ue eoatett easily. The p raits re at the hydraat, fatty foar peeeda. The rat prlxa lor quick ateamlag, start to alaa, waa M, and the second prise The loag dlttaace water Urowlag teat was woa by Wlattoa, dltitate M feet lacaea. Ooldabere secead with dlslaaceafBUfeat. The city la tiled with eaUathvuk- people. New Bera la well repreaeated. Ui. Tailor, Bl at lal Irian, made a la report kefora Ue Aesoctalwa aad It has highly aommeaded a glvea at a meetiag of the BATi Ftra- roM e .-. $r-. The New Bera reel team made a an bar of practice raa today. The boyt are la good thane! lor Ike eoa tests to- atorrow. The track M' very feat. These la ao bettiag oa the retail bat Golds onto oBerlag tame on their team. ': All the hot coa tests will be raa to morrow. .' s The North Carolina State Flremea Associatlea decided to hold Ita taeetlag aad have It tournament la Wilmington next year. Chaikttte aad Wilmington were Ue only bidders. The rote waa 44 for Wilmington aad II for Charlotte. The following were elected a officers ot the Aaaoclailoa for Ike eoatlag jeer: Jas. D. McNeil of FeyettevUle, Preal Dr. J. W. Grlfflik of Greeasboro, Secretary; T. jV. Greea ot New Bera, rreasnrer. Teday at Oreeasbera. I o'clock a m Hand hoe reel contest l&Oyardt by the flreavsa oa Summit Aveaae. First Priie...... 185 00 BetoadPrlx 73 10 11 o'clock a m-Grab Hote Reel Race '100 Tard. First Prix 910000 Second Prlxe (g' T Phoenix AAlken, Grocers) MOO I o'clock p m-Horte Hook aad Ladder Race 800 Tard. First Prix (sivea by Cone Ex. V? port and CommlMlon Co). ... . 113 00 Seoond Prise 74 00 t o'clock p m -Junior lfaad Hose Reel 1 ! j Race-100 Tarda. U First Prix (glvea by J. M. Hea- drix, dry goods) 13 00 Second Prfxe (glvea byJokaB. Farlsa. dranlati , 1000 4:80 o'clock p m Hand Hook and Lad der Race 100 Tarda. , .ttt ' Firat Prix (given by Jokn Be Farms druggist) ., MOO rtskt-v aare raot sauite. At latj rtsetdeat Me5efU rTW4 the Ml lag re araer ead tMrtae bkeetag selavokadby lUv.'T. K. ftif. af CnMary ckerrk, la the moot sf pr- prtaie aad braatlfal worda. Aaoiaer telecttoa Wte reads red by Ike I Oesa Vlty Bead, aad the Mayo af gieeaebete, f. Y. Tartar, wse mtsedae-1 ed by Preasdeal MtHefl, aad rotiwe tsrstaxasv SjMMMBHb ' ' Second Prlxe.. .Special "ClrcunttlaBcet Alter Cases." Ia cases of dyspepsia, aervouanesa, caUrrh, raea- matism, eraptloa, tto,, the clrcamataace may be altered by purifying and enrich ing the blood with Hood' Sarasparilla, Try It. Pills cure biliousness, sick J. J. Bsxter Is closing out his summer clothing, shoes, dress goods, Ac very I low. -. " ": - - ' -f-iym.,! Oranges SO cents doxen at McSorley's. Roysters Candy In sealed packages si McSorley's. : , .,.,,, Pineapple Snow ban been a general favorite, Ifyoahav not tried It yon have missed the best specialty at our fountain.' Come If 'yon ) with td be .-pleased. Bradbaoi't Fountain..- . Mothers, remember that Aaways Croup Syrup Is Just as effective la case of severe summer coughs as ' la croup, Have a bottle on hand la ease of croup, coughs or whooping cough, 'If It does not relieve your child, w will refund your money. Bradham's Pharmacy. Violet Soap. 13 cents a box of three cakes I a bargain, The. tamt soap, Heliotrope or Lily of the Valley, - price. At Bradham's. "Thelma," a new and delightful per fume for sale by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co. Each Bottle) ruaranteed to curt Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Mck neadacha, etc . -. - iiicii: capudihe head ache cunc For aale by David R. DavU and CD. Brad ham, Druggist.' ' A ata.ee Meyele Olvea Away Dally, The publishers ot The New Tork Star, the haadaomely illustrated Sunday news paper, are giving a Biob Gbadb Bicvclb each day for the largest list of word mtd by using the letter contained la "TJI-I N-K-W T-O-B-il S-T-A-B" no more times in any one. word tbaa It I foand to The New York Star - Web- stsr's Dictionary to be considered authority.'. Two Good Watchss (first olsss time-keepers) will be given daily for second and third best list, and many other faluabla reward.. Including Din ner Set. Tea Sets, China, Sterling Sil verware, etc., etc , In order of merit. Thi educational contest Is being given to advertise and Introduce this success ful weekly Into new tomes, and all prizes will be awarded promptly with out partiality. Twelve i cent stamps mast be Inclosed for thirteen weeks trial subscription with full particular aad list of over 800 valuable rewards. Contest opens sad awards commence Mondsy, June SSth, and closes Monday, August list, 1890. Tour list can reach us any day between these dates, and will receive tbe sward to which It may be entitled tot that day, and jour name will be printed in the following Issue ot The New Tork Star. Only on list can be entered by the same person. Trlzee are oa exhibition at tbe The Star's business offices. Persons securing bicycles msy nave choice or indies', uentiemen's or Juveniles' 1890 model, color or tlxe de sired. Call or address Dept. "E," The New York Star, 284 W. SOlh street, New Tork City. Hood's headache. The election yesterday oa latnlag i3,- 000 ot bond for public ImprovemeaU la Klnstoa resulted: Approved 838, not approved 18. Tbe registered vote was 878, making a clear majority of 48 oyer Ue registered vote. There being no other election than that on bonds id dtaw oat a Urge vote, and tbe sllstrne- tloa of big tobacco sale being coasluer- ed. Us fete was remarkably good u V We feel sure that the future will prove tbe wisdom of voting the boada, and that la two or three more year Klnston will be ready to vota boada to establish water work. Klnston Free Press. , - The etyrtitrlHftr CMlle aad Fever la a bottle ot Grave' Taste lees t'blll Toalc. It I (Imply Iron aad quinine la a tasteless form. No c ura te pay. Price 50c. . - ' TlulUrMWMW. Surpassing fair tbe waa, aad yet Grim Fate had snared her la tit net A price was oa her bead! And at th walked among the crowd Some smiled, some evea laughed aloud, For Charity was dead. Her cheek did saaatle with dismay , For, faring fourth that summer day r To botj at Fathloa's shrine. 8b found that ea th hat aba wore A printed card thi legend bore: " ' ' ' "Reduced, flAWr " Ex rVsatdeal McNeill said to had aooflea reepoaded htsaserf to addreetees at wte- Ikat he bed darkled le ask rverw teatatfvea af tack depart meat to rteptiad. Mr. B. M. Brlasoa, af New Bera, re- oaAed ea Ue pan of New" Bera Ire depextsMal, la a beaatlfal speech. All of these reepoaded la aeal little peechea, after which President McNeill declared the 11th aaanal coerce! toe ready far be si seat. lie eaaoaaced Ue meettega a opea for everybody tbe ladle eepeclally. Jos. i. Stoa aaaoaaced that la Ue greed jury room there had twee provided cigars, refrrehmeels, etc, which free to all I rente a. Tkls atatesteat waa vodferaaalv aoolaoiled. " . Delegates were asked to head la Uelr ereo allele. The oeasmltlee aa ereJear tlals wae appelated aad asked to aad report tmmedtaWly who compos Ueeoareeiloa.-" ' ' At tbe atoning, or opening session of Ue eoovealloa, eleven 4at aWoartmeaU were re preset lad Ui oae mealloaed la the reepnaeet to the address of welcome. After lee report of the committee oa credentials the coaveuOoa edjotirard aalll I u'clojk p .m. Convention was called to order at 1:10 by Preekleal McNeiU. ... . The secretary railed the roll ot dele gate aa reported by the committee oa eredeatialt . , The mlaulet of th last coavenioe ap for edoplloa. Secretary Griffith reported that during tbe year he fouad. several minor errors. , j Mr. Jo. J. Hlona called atteatioa ehaaga he Is bed made la U rale startlag the horee hook aad ladder truck. This caused eoatlderable - dla cuetloa, tbe Asbevllle, Goldsboro end New Bera companies opposed ll,. and Mr. Stoae withdrew hit propeslttua for a cheng of rule. Oa tbe subject of the collectloa of due, aecietary Griffith reported that all due had beea collected. The report otfreeklent McNalll was ibsustlvt and covered all details. Us announced, among many other Ulaga, that Ue southern aad other railways hsva granted tbe lowest rales aver glvea the eeeeclalloa. Spoke of condemning th Southern Railway oa year ag aad tald that now, instead of words of con demnation, he thought it meet ' that w express our grateful appreclatlea of what the road has don for us this time Next came the report of Secretary Griffith. In which ha named the article which have beea donated by manofac- tarers to be offered as prizes 88 com panies are enrolled oa beneficiary litis. Tbe treasurer, Thos A. Green, of New Bern, mad hia report, which showed Uat all ladebtedntss baa been paid there la a ale balance ia Ue treasury. Both the secretary aad treasurer1 report hewed that th business of tbs assocla tlon la In a healthy condition. Both were referred to the finance committee. Report of the statistician, Mr. L. J Taylor, of New Bern, was msd showing the apparatus, number of firemen I tbe State, aad the domeetlo aad fir pressure of th waterworks In the different towns sad cities la the State. ' ' The suggestion of the President that a committee be appointed to revise the rale governing the races, was, on motioa ot Mr. Daniels, af New Bern adopted. . STBICT tJAStAJtTUIB.i " Deetared kr k Bear ef Health af VTtl- aalaea atslasl Tewee m IwtMted Mf ' "l s fu The Board of Health met yesterday afternoon at i o clock, and declared a rigid quarantine against Tbs National Soldiers' Home aad Hampton, Old Point Comfort, Phoebus and points adjacent In th Infected distrlot as a precautionary re. . No quarantine wae declared against Norfolk from the fact Uat the board has accurate information Uat tbe Old Dominion city" bow ha established aae of the most effective quarantines .la ths history of the country, and that she Is ee proof exalattew' tavasfoaof th ' disease as WUmlugtoa ftaelf., Jher ar those in tbe city, however, who contend that a quarantine" agalaat1 Nbrfolk It a public necessity aad Uat It taoahl to declared at oace, U wamber of people are arriving dally from that city. At the mesllnir esterday afternoon ths qorttrolTrs xhausmlj?Titscussea aad It was decided to put the city Into the best Sanitary" jSondltlon aaiTt main- tela a persistent watch over elMi lag passengers. Every train Is now met by Quarantine Officer Green. Policeman H. 11. Woebs was yesterday afternoon sent to Rocky Mount to look after all Wilmington bound passengers from Jbat . way and Capt. O. A. Wiggins left oa the W. & N. train earlier la the afternoon for New Bern 00 a slmlllar mission., Capt,. Wig gins ha instructions to meet, and in spect Ue passenger boat from Elizabeth City to New Bera la addition to his oth er duties. This' morning Mr. A. J. Hill will be sent to pavaasa station across the river, to look out for suspects on tbe 8. A. L. train wblch arrives dally at 1X:00 p m. Wilmington Star. ( () () () u o a o o 0 o o a o a o g to CLBASWM TBI SYSTEM I () KffeoteaUy yet gently, when asetivw atl Wltaaa. to prrmte telly tverrtmt hikM I a-e aad Nver to a healthy activity, without Irritatlag or weeks ting term, to dktpel headaches, colds, or fevers, aae Byrap af Fig, made by tto California Fig Byrap Co.. Teat peeaeriptieae will have Ue beet atteetloe aad be delivered promptly wtlh I type writlea label If left at bradbam't I Pharmary. f boot 78, . m m m m 0 m 0 0 0 m 0k aa a Rk 0h 0 a 0 ' rf , . 1 ; . t 1 ; 5 The ofatag talsa at Ue Piaster aad New Bera Tetocea" Wans ut see were Vrbl yeaierday. The ameaal af Inaarrt aa Ue Aoors waa larger Uea aspersed of ike setae ef ike precox sg day aad gmaeta wee pkiiml akh Ike iiesal pereaae wha have toea at "wrettt la ether places tald Uat Ike priret eataleed tor were felly at goad ar Better. ' Tto tekeee crop I saatBriag'rapldly and eaeay pUater are tea toey eartag to atop to grade aad briag to market. maaigatwwd la Mealy mum. Prlrat reaged fi tN to 490 aad somewhere stoat I0.B0 poaads was s goad narter for tto to- 1 " - - - - Our first ihowlng: oi tbe new styles in Orepons for separate skirts is on sale. They are the large Blister sort and will make very handsome skirts. 4 14 yards to the pattern and priced at $1 00 and $1 60 per yard. Golf Hats. a Some new ellects in Oolt Hats are on sale in the Millinery Department. Thoy are in black, pearl gray, castor, tan, wine and brown. Theso hats are the early tall style and we are the first to show them in New Bern. They are very stylish and especially intended fur those going away this summer. P O n a ci o o o n o ti o o o o o For a hot day nothing will exhilarate you more than one of Bradham's Oranga of Lemon" Phosphates. Cool breezes from our fsn and a glass of pure, lot cold sods wster will furnish new force forthedtyt work. ' ' Ons Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs aad colds. consider it a mott wonderful medicine, ouick and tare" W. W, Mertoa, Msyhew, Wis. F 8 Duffy. Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Nail Brushes and other st Vtl 'esale prices. F. 8. Duffy A Co. Y- - s Maying Time Is always sa anxious oae an ill the last load Is safety la the nara oroa tne suet. Labor aad annoyance le saved by using oar up-to-date lmplemeata. We have nil tto aeweet palterna la sen be, rakee. forks, rope, twine, mowing marniaee una hey tedders sad everything needed for tbe harveellag season. Our prices are beyond eompelllloa. To look at them l to toy thsm. 1. H.CUTUR HDVECO. R.H. BAXTER'S SHIRT SALE. I Will CLOSE OUT my Stork of Monarch Shirts at 80c Silk Bosoms at 76c Call before they are all sold. R. H. BAXTER, - " No. 03 Middle Street. HOW IS THIS ' That Ue Gaakine Cycle Co , caa ell B evetee aad Suadrieaaad do Repair Work n Cbeapf Because tbey buy ia large quaatltiee aad sell , T cash and have beat work .4m employe Tbey bow have Ove expen enced woikmen and are turning out ale- er work tnaa ever Thev are alao doing a wholesale bast ee ia Bicycles and Sundries aad would like to have ageats ia every Iowa aad village.;. Those inereetea wui H write or can oa ., . - wASKINSV CYCLE 0MrANT. ' . Plaater Bulldlag. P. TRENWITH, , Dlaekauiilli, :VhecIrlebt. Maaufacturer of Bugies, Wagons, Cart, Draj s, -wi a- .c. All kiads of Repairing ia my lias doae with atataess aad dlspatck. " Two aaw Carte aad two M Dray aa head, alao Spring Wageas and Buggies newly repaired. For Bale at a RaaeuaaUe Price. .. . IVShip work a Specialty. Shop-South aide ot South Froet Street, betwerB Middle and Haacoc-k, New Beris.1l. O. . NEW UEUN at ' - k'- ' GRIST vi HILLS. New UlIlM, -.XSmltlng hentt, Torn tliirs Of lb taitst Improved and Up- . te-Date nilMMachinery. daala-SM-JMtJ 4 .am. ---R j.,!-. New Belt and Collar Buckles y Some very pretty Belt and Collar Buckles were received tho past week. In sets and separate and the very now est ideas in the way ot buckles, 25c and 50 Cents. ICCCCCCCCOCCCOOO oocooooo mm mom: advanced jvovei.tiilh in WOOL DRESS GOODS FOB EAUL.Y FALL WEAP, 5o 25c Wool Coverts, 30 iucliet wid. niiml irr.iv. brown, bine and green, worth more than we ask, but we in irk tliem at W still bar lams special values in I.Uok (ren Unoil. A'l wa ask before jou purcli'asH is an opimrtuuiij to sliur jon. Vary Bns Plain Black Brilliant ino, 3G inch wiile. It ia im poasibla to set any niore to sell at this rie With this item we make competition hard. .18 inches wide, very heavy black Rrilliantine, lieautiful In. tre. Thi you canuot duplicate for let than 50o. We priced it -; 3Ho 46 inch aitra heavy black all wool Brilliaotine COo 44 inch all wool Black Brilliautine, vary heavy, a $1 (X) value at ?ou ' Better Grade in Brilliautine and Sicilians at 00c, tl 10 and ti 35 The wholesale prices of these ro-hIs are advancing, but our j prices remain the tame. Let as kn?w your wniils in this lin and wa ar confident we can save you money. mf -mw July 30, 1800 ' Itamllton Clark, ofi'liaucey, Oa.. says kSffTe ei -'!h '!' airpHest years h ore,t L. I Vit'Se . Uszt! Sk e, te l) ' Vh pletel c -! V u.' .' ' Ttii sad dangerous counterfeits, F. & Duify. I ". "' ' ' ta Batte. --- J. J. baiter, ia a lit a i.e ti. Bulu j- a fir 1. " - ' '"ii yt, and men. . v. -, YOUHTIUPK ISMICITKD. rTBPECUt PAINS taken la clean- lag aad polishing gra.a betor goieg through tbe tuille. 'which intuits pure Corn, Homing Oat a Ul'ta rwdl arenas cicnopvr New Bern, K. O. Ribbon - Sale ! , And Continuing Throughout tho Week. We offer oor entire Stock of all Silk, Groa Grains and Tuffela Kibbou including all the new and staple shades. Heretofore priced at 25c t 35c, at tbe Special Price, ' ' . ', ; " 19 Cents Per Yard. i IS.; G-. A. Bar foot, THE ?IEW STORE. . ,