i t i V aWt.-sV va. I - J .......... r ' . E T S ETC ' WltMl 1 r. ..-) eaVt wom? j , aa a aa. i '---"v f -w ra if. h t t, . . ... ;. ' t e. . I i 1 . t - 141, !' ,.-. . - ... . THY nriGT-IIUY AFTCVAnC2. : j:!!l!!l!!U!l!!!!ll!!Ul!l!l!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lv Incorporated March 3d, 1897. THE NEW BERil MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OP NEW BERN, N. C tft-DOES A GENERAL HUE IN8CRANCX BU8INE8P, A mlt, atr.ar aid rvllabla Home Company that ahvtelta pr Bs with the Insured, iberthy decreasing tha out of lnaunutee. It gives 70a Full Prttectloa and Promptly Pays all I -a Lnwe, T. A QRKEN. President, QEORUE GREEN, Haoretary. O. n. QUION, Giaeral Counsel. M L HOLLO WILL, Cfi'l AffDU In i t EH. r.CFFElTS " fT F$ditatlBwe "Vav Mi Ml mrnmm I K't TnBfh'n fan r "CLOVER HILL" BUTTER ! FAHOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ONE Lit. Pit I NTS ONLY 25 CENTN. JNO. DUNN'S Perfect Butter in n Perfect Package. '"Makes Friends M am 3)$)M o o o rrnrrnnnr rinnnnnrconoo o The North Carolina College g io I 1 i n funi nil iTiinri i inn c Miiumiuiiu dim Term Btsina Wednesday, September 7th, '. OItm an extraordinary course of 4 coat to toe at mien l. : ' e f It not only educalet but preparea ita itudcnta 10 bec me intelligent f illrectora of agricultural and mecu'inical enterpiiat-a. " ,-- 0 There are complete apecial and abort rouima la the varloui Agricultural, Indualrial, Mechanical, Textile and Civic Arte. - " . ) bturteouwlll be allowed to stand the mtrance exatnlnntion at tbe 01 U. couaty-aeata of the counliea In which tbey resi le, thus laving the ex- c Kense of a trip lo Ralt-lich. ' Entrance eiamlnallona will be held on the 10th or AuorjsT, In the exiurt honre, under tbe aupervialon ol County 8upeilntend nt. Z For further information, catalogue, etc , opply to i i iJK'STnKVT nvn t wins ' O . . W aafiaaftaw JLA,..flfia,.! I'-T Xt LEX1K0I0H, IT. I aaaaf 1 . ."V . M OlaMayif vajl I 4C?kmjrt and fW CW." c ...ie:Lii:ECFKT.L':::'.r.iTY It-Ik., t. INMirfi at fiwMfl miNM. Cm 1. wsp1" AtKlnm W ml.Milll,Uii.ii?, M w fT t la!."i t -r- c: : " ii l U- -..ft., While In Ri-nufirl hn tore and -.-n at the Husoll lloupe hi.i ( ; 1 i. A bnie for trave:!nif pe'ie. 1 ' and hunting ULiesci.rU. 'ltrii.s i.. i a t r.y or t .tu i.r vwii. Q. A. 1 !Y; I I L I : ;. 1 T 'L T-'!T .f. w i r-a ft -. 1, w t- an a v -i & a,. ' ' aw" r . ( . j- ' k ' 1 ' " ' - J . ,. ft i In., wi mlU M CaplUl J 50,000. W. B. BLADE. 1 V-.TW. JOhN DUNN, r1" JOHN DUNN, Ofeesi OVER CITIZENS tANE JT5BH Everywhere.'' If 1 1 J ol nnnnnin mn mum m to. instruction at an extrnordina-y low n WI BT RALEIGH, N.' C. C W W O IF YOU WAin Fine Shade Trees, Fine Fruit Trees, Fine Ornamental Trees, Fine Roses or Fine Shrubbery Place your orders with R. it. niLL, New Bjrn, K. r. O 'lura now lx ;n ; taken for t'uil P. n' in?. . I 1 I . 1 a. t . t rr ji 1, p.. i .ii ; j . ,. : I l it on! ll'! it t rl nrn ilb rt l la li rtx :'h trr, Vh rpet4 H. f-nr.I i . r ir iU'Cl n ..! i,f il T r taiuvc.l ouf il b f tiki btil m tin( fur. la tn-i.'t.-f nv :im-M lh lhl4 tl f (I U M limJ ui tit tr":h m 0'-r-4 k f a Urg rlrr to Itx h.t of a atrial kat if'r vki of i:x U. Ii f4 it ). ccoid nulla ttk ip bef micd to about blni t'a "Tbfll th aa!nd wl rrleaard tai 1m tx-iKbhora, Kim milrt ivit. caUd la. Word u fDIij lak'B to tb co- cffic cam. l wad tb daad ttalct mnA klmllRail Ktm x tbeir attnrar FiaaraL II It IxA Dliktly." Mr. Craw- lord adiia. ten Bit aaroopiioawaa to Jodga of tba crioilDil court" A IllrataaWaa a"iaaaai It birpid tbal la tba iat oootb of tba rvlira of Cbarlni I a cartala tblp cbaodlrr of Lnodoa vaa fuollak aDoodh to boa? b I mat If ocr a barral of (oa powdar arl(h a lighted caadla la bJa iaad. Ila paid lb prka of bla fully. A park fell into tba foopowdar aod tba pluoa waa blow a Bp. Tha troabla waa that tba man woo did tba mUrblrf waa aot tba only ooa to perlah. FlftJ botiara wera wrackad. and tba Bomber of paopla who wara killed wat not known. In ooa bonaa among tba SO mother bad pat bar baby Into Ita eradla toaleep befora tba aipkjaloa occorrad. What barama of tba toolbar do oso aar knew, bat what became of tba baby waa very widely knowa. Tba next morning there waa foand npoa tha leada of tba Church of AU Ballowi a yonng child In a eradla, baby and eradla being entirely uninjured by tba exploaloa that bad lifted both to each a giddy belgbt. It waa aerer learned who tba child waa, bat aba waa adopted by a gentle man of tba pariah and grew to woman hood. Bba moat eortly all her life bare bad peculiar Inter eat In that chnrch. -Sir Walter Beaant'a London." , I atzatlaalana la tlawria. . A recent Siberian traveler rein tea: At Sadonak In tbe intenaely cold nigbt tbe alienee wat aometlmea broken by a loud report aa of cannon. Tbia waa tbe banting of one of tbe ice bab- blee In tbe river, phenomenon I bad neither heard nor read of before. Tba treama coming down from tba hills were froaen oa tba eorface aome tlx to nine incbea thick. Tba water beneath flowed fatter tbaa it could eecape, and tbe pressure, on tba principal of a hy draulic press, became irrealatlble. First, tba elasticity of tha lea was seen by tbs rising of circular mounds from six to eight feet In diameter and from four to five- feel high. - Tba bursting point came at last with a report like aa explosion. Tha water escaped, bat soon froze a gala I have aeen ecuree of these Ice hillocks in a few verata of tha river." ' ". . A BrMara f CaMaa. - When tbe British forces were inarch ing to Peking In I860, after tbe capture of tbe Takn forts, one of tbe rivers be came so swollen with tbe heavy rains that it was rendered almost impassable. While In this quandsry bright Idea suddenly struck one of our officers. Be ing well aware that tbe Chinese gener ally order tbeir coffins years la advance and keep them on the premisea and also that they are perfectly airtight, be con sulted with bis brother officers, with tho result that orders wera given to search all tbe bouses of.the village and collect every coffin. With tbe aid of a few empty casks the soldiers construct ed a pontoon bridgeot coffins' sufficient ly strong to bear tbe artillery, and the river waa tbaa passed In safety. Warn the TaU Wtat. 1 ' Do you remember the story of Barry's and Ueorge a rabbits how iiarry s rab bit got out of Ita butch and disap peared for a week and at last crept horns without its tail to die and how, when Harry cried bitterly over hia dead tailless rabbit George tried to comfort Mm: ' ' - "Don't cry, Barry, dean don't cry. It's only the body you seel Tba tail basgone to heaven." "Memories and Fancies," by Lady Gordon. - Wearr'a Vrl.ae. Weary Willie and his friend Frowsy, strolling along tbe sesahore, atop before a sign reading: "Notice I Bathing la Dangerous. Quicksands. Weary Willie Dere, Frowsy! dere's true pnblio spirit for yer. Dat man a a true public educator. I don't know Who dat feller Quicksands is. but be's got de right idea nv t'lngs an ain't afraid to say so, an it he waa here I'd take off tne bat to him. Leslie's Weekly N - ; . ' ' Holdlasr His Job. "I think the man who works at that place acrosa tbe street is tbe most faith ful and conucientions workman I ever saw. Be never takes a holiday and al ways labors away till It'a too dark to see any longer. "Faithful workman? Great Scott I Be'a tbe proprietor of tbe shop I" Chi cago Tribune. " . Iaeltslble. . Pilson Are yon going to take part iu thnt guessing contest! Dilson Ob, no; they'd rule me out as a professional . Pilwin Professional! Dilson Yes: you know I am con nected with the weiitbfr bureau. Co- lnmbus (O.) Etnte J mraul. Piatnssiitg Etewaefc liaease Permanently cuietl by t'se masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic, Invalids b". .1 :vr no Jorrr, i)3 Tin e f "i ,,s h f it t -e Hi - a li lt in t a Of I i Cruel Knife! f trri tr.t'-fil m i,i,ttr'rol tn I. m i in.. it .: li t fj, u u in U4 hrm I mri mil n( Uin Ui ivur r'oi I V a-i h4 ft m-M etoharftr,t Otnrav, fr i-w im ix-awn ajsU mm ,4 vaaj Use f IKHV . 1 ra f.fiaif. H- M gar Klf Bsia, ava it WM kt mt f U fi aft.. Um v.aii n4 r -n f.- It Jt-rlr 4 i .! tl4 t mt rmtnrnr4, aw,1 la. W say rmj-lvl.f. htm titavnf 4 1 I T , ! k 1rw of ft "- tr-w ft ft al i bMift a PW1 TV). ftft4 WHJ. ,- Xa, U teucd b.-tt kaj - lTm V ba to lip'vr. Aftar-r twoatf Vlll KaW aw4a . Um Onor iilMkiti.MraMi MitlrviV U4 b WaaaS rd. t tt tit r M ft JTmtfm eav ftrr ft lot aVonwa yr9 mJ.tu4 kaat rr Ma m fttft m um arr4fui dixM fte r 4. m Ml Uxr, AbtolaUlf the on horj) far C&naM S.S.S3L Blood aa It la tba only remedy which goca to tbe very bottom of the blood and forces out every trace of the diaeaae. 8. 8. 8. ta guaxanteed purely vere table, and oontains no potash, mercurr. at Other mineral. Booaa on Cancer will be mailed free to any addma by tha Swift eueein Co., AUanta. Ua, VHCLB Mil HOT BATHS. Tha Ha Bartaga af Arfcaaaaa TU .laiaaa . Bailarar. Will eradicate from your system tba lingering effects of grip and other ail. Bents canted by the severe) winter, and alaria, rheumatism, neuralgia catarrh, stomach, kidney, liver and nervous dis orders, paralysis, blood and skla dla eaaea, aod chronic and functional de rangement. Tha mountain climate of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful la summer. 1U0 Hotels open tbe year round. For Illustrated literature, containing all information, addreae C F. Cooley, Manager Business lien's League, Hot Springe, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of the trip, aee local agent or address W. A. Turk, Oeu'l Pass. AgU, Bouthera Ky., Washington, D. 0. Inforaaattoa a avraV The Chamber of Commerce committee oa Industrial Interests and their develop ment, la order to be la a position to fur bish Interested Inquirers reliable infor mation, ask that the owners of sites sultsbje for indastrial plants, file, with them a description of location, extent of property, price, etc., and if so disposed, whatever financial or other Inducement they may wish to offer for tbe location of such plants oa their propertlos. " The committee also wish tha owners of standing hardwood timber, oak, ash, etc., to file with them statements of the quantities they have, the nearness to New Bern, accessibility, terms upon which It may be secured, and such other Information at may be germane thereto All persons having knowledge of mat ters pertaining to our Industrial devel- opmeat, or who possess information likely to be of benefit to tbe committee are asked to communicate it la writing to l H. Pelleller, Esq chairman of the committee, or to him personally, or bia associates, Messrs Geo. Green or Jno. B. Manlx. These are matters in which all should feel, and in ao far aa tbey can, show an active Interest, at the hoped for advance ment of New Bern can only be accom plished by the concerted action of all clasjea. . Petition For Dlaeharga, Fred T. Rowe, heretofore adjudicated a Bankrupt, has petitioned for his dis charge from all his debts and liabilities provable under the Bankrupt Law of 1898. It is ordered by the Court that a hearing upon the same shall be held In the office of L. J. Moore, in New Bern, N. C, on tbe 24th day of August 1899, at 12 o'clock M. All creditors and other persons In Inter- may appear at said time and place and show cause, If any tbey have why tbe prayer of said petitioner may not be granted. New Bern, N. 0.. Aug. Oth 1899. , ' -L. J. Moorb, Referee. R jturnirig from their Vacstion many of our piilrons are now, ami tliev ouUi fall ns fionn as pfusiMe ami 1 oi; nt t h mlrv new ami hiiiibonie s')li ia i at iimllmt v-o l;ive j-.-t I c I t 1 " I ' t i i-v.-irtetH U :;: lir i i . it h fa ft - . , . ... :-wr; . ... -aw4 fllajlngTIrtie it alaajt aa anilont ons nalfl tbe kaal loa-l la ulaiy la ita lr oroa Ikeataek. Labor aad aaanra are la aavad bv sa'.oc oar p-to-iUie tiupkaa.aia Wa kt. all IW atseat pattpcaa la aenbea, rakaa. foika, ropa, wl, auowlnf mm 'iltua aad bar 1 add art sad nvrvtblng aeailaal for tbe karraattag aaoa. Our piioea are beyond eoaipailtloa. To look at tbeat la lo bay Ibeaa. 1. 1 CUTLER HIM CO. Henry's Pharmacy ' 1J7 Middle Street, NSW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The beat knowa Skin and Blood Ren- ady, for tha ears of Piinplca, Poalulea, 1 at It r or Bait Kneum, bautcbea,TuiBora, Holla, King Worm, KheomeUam, ate la HENRY'S COn POUND EXTRACT OF 5AR5APARILXA WITH IODIDES. . A powerful purifier of tba blood, act ing through tba natural aevretarv aad excretory organs removing those matter wnicn uiaturo ita partly. Hen ry's ttarsaparilla la put up to meet tbe popular seed for such a remedy, without being related to tbe many secret aoav- trume and quack medicines of tbe day of unknowa compoailion. It cuntalna iuat what the formula ealla for aa printed tn on the label of each bottle and eel It for ooa half the piloe charged for unknown compositions. Fur bale at Henry's Phsrmacy, where you will find Combs, Tooth Bruabea, Toilet Articles. l'hraiclana ' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Take Care of the Dimes The Dollar- Will Take dire of Tliemftelven. . Granite Sauce Pans 20c and 25c, ' Tin Sauce Pana 10c and 15c. -Granite Coffee Pots qt 20c, I qt 25c. Granite Foot Tuba at COc Granite Preserving Ketllea at 40c, : Large Graulte Dippers at 15c. S quart Tin Dippers at 10a A Wire Toaster for 5c A Wire Broiler (targe) for 13c A 17 quart Orauite Dish Pan for 85c A Decorated Japanese "Crumb Tray and Brush tor 25c A Pudding Mold for 4.0c . , A New Bread Box for 40c. A Tin Trunk for 80c A Butcher Knife for 15c , A Chair Bottonl for 10c, Call on us for 1 , . : .Mason's Fruit Jars. Jar Rubbers, Jolly Glasses, &e. Our prices ate right.. A bottle of Glue, bloe for trendiug broken glasa or crockery ware at Be. A can Furnitnre Varnish and Brush for 25c - Ready Mixed Paint at 75o to $t 25 gall, One pound cans paint at 10c Tuiglefoot Fly Paper 45o package. . Buggy Wblps in great variety. ' We have two Lawa Mowers left per haps you need one. . Tobacco Twine and Tobacco Ther mometers a Specialty. We bsve just received a fresh supply of Loaded Shells. A package of Gold Bronse for 60c A' Cleaver for ?5c. c We have only a few Freezers left which we will continue to sell at tbe same low prices as long as they Inst. - If you need a freeaer now is your lime to buy, . - , : . We have a nice cheap line of Market Boskets to which we call your attention. Don't fail to cull on- us for anything In ourXine. : , Yours Tru'y, I. C. V.'liitty CO. IIOVMSTIIIS That the (laskins' Cvcle Co, can sell TJ cyelca ami Siimliicsand do Kepuir V oi k to l Iieni ? li cause they l.uy in huee quantities nml f! il 'r e-h ami have l( t work..ien cM-i !"vr.. 't hi-y now Imvu live exueii-e;i- . il unsknien and are turning cut de er w (ii k tljan ever 'I ;-i v are lnii '7 a ah-ih i'e bust- r - i.i i 'luyiies tvn-l in-. ami would i x !'Wt;en.ift in r"fv !"n and '. Vun lite ' I 1 1 !' i llifec Insliloic u aiory m I aJ h, l- B t-l KvlMi fti arvrral bmlm aJ )w. V'.Ova Ca) la but ka-a J aj i i,tu lt ao k.sM J Ciaab ia i'uaa.! . fat mm t kI, tmml (at Waalf aad baall ! E.Ut.l4 la It SI ClMaaaa.4aa.la ta. HeWJl, Fuolbail aad Track AlMrlar kar auu years aaaoag prrparalury atlnaala aad aaaoeg aullriea, aaerpUa.t CbMy, Uixiily tadarard by oJirara aara. Oj b aaaiuta aa good aa the beat et4 cawap exoalilrriag adtaatagca offaed. fM ooaraea la Book Eaeplng. Sbartbaatd aad Typawiltlar. "d Tiljrtphy, For bcaatlful UlatelraUd eaUalcaraa) giving fall pertlcaJar, addiaaa. . A. ft M. H. BOLT, Oak IUdgP. M. U. Peace Institute, RALErQH, N. C On. atf LK. kaaat r.U ImvJ. tm ik. Sooth, and Ike elirapeat tor advaalagrs raw imaiu iot laauuoraa. 11. DIKfflBDIE, . A. J. L, Hartsfleld, REAL ESTATE AGEE Special atuatloa give lo Collections of Rents. . . - Offloe over RaBaxtar'a. atora, with J. J WoltBBdSB, REAL ESTATEAGENGY Eooaea aad Lots For Bala at Lowest Possible Flnres. Desirable Hotwaaaaal TeaemaaU that UI prove a laa lavas aneak Cellectlea af KeaU a Saeelalty. Office at retldenca, 17 Jobasoai atraat E. E. IIARPEII, A Good Telephone 8ERVICI IS A BUSINESS NECESSITT, ' A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED . . . .. . . . . Necessity, Conyenlenee, -aLnxnry I , Order Your Pboosi at Onc tO YEARS XPIRIINCC mm Tauoa MAN . Diawaia 't1, Cawvamwra i Tabb- MAtaxa I Aa. Aaron, aantlfis a ak a t)aUhlr ftftiTtata ftar oiNnkaft lYftft m mm iiiTawiuoii la ftrobaftt ysUayieaftaft. Ooa ItOOS VUiOtlT C3tlttrlUai. US ant frftft. Oldtasl tursMr tar t Pstftota tsAaan t&nmtrh at HL ItaMSoH a f mimlmMim wnmomm-ri mmm $ci:r.:ui: j;z:ri::x Ulaatoaua waaaiy. taraaat aaN ' Manuaa Warui. Tna. SS a itaa-SL Saiaaa J aawaaaara. Southern Railway. The Standard Railway at tha SOUTH The Direct line to all Pointa, TEXAS, FLORIDA, CUBA AND POCTO RICO. Strictly Firat-Glasa Equipment oa all Through or Local Traina; Pullman Pal ace Bleeping Oars oa all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules. :, , Travel by tbe Boulaara tad you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tious Journey. - Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta blea, Kates and General Information, or address . F. B. DARBY, R. L. VERNON, cr.AT.A, T. F. a., Ashevilla, N. 0. : Charlotte, N. C Fkask a;GAjrao, ; J. M. Cou. 8d V P 4;Gen Man. - Traf.Maa W. A.Tcax,GPA. . ; WASHINGTON. - - D. O OR HOSE USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from aialiliea water and free Irom impurities, especially in tended and prepared for human con suiniition. Ice delivered dally (except Suudays) a m to o p m. HcimUvs (retail only) 1 a m lo 13 noon For prices and other information. Address, Ict7 E:rn3 Icd.Co., , B. 8. GU1CN, Makascr. I " ' " " i ( ICE AU'. !U.l.'iTUk'i 1. T I K I (. tJ l at .'!. U Mtrk r f i. IM I ..4... .-.s-miI, an f t i.m a .), M. . tt m I .. s-ty I t-r-. iua . n-,t ii a,l .4 ifce u, . u. i. it ae i at , a 4 l- t. rl mi t iv I ... I t m. ifcan. ,e k t HI I -SV4 l kr n Ila ke OT. wr . A -I . H.r441 u. It a M t-ia't aiH V m aai Mu Ut JOr EI n B, CONCUlK. Adala4ialor. ' AM.r V, 1. Kaflci U tfkton aid frriliars. Tba Rntawtllrv hat Inr qualllh d aa Ex. eeiinralia Lata Wia and Tiatet af W. U Wkufoid. draeted. bmby alS. a all Berat Bs bavlag elalma 'risH4 lbs taia'a lo pmrat Um na In C C Clark la Krw tlrra,orUaabavribrrat(K-org. Iowa, S. (J , oa or bsfore tha tie day c? laav . u-, IMS. or mat aot Ira aar 111 be eiraded la ear of reocvery. Paraotia htaVated to Ibeaalata will aaaka iaaaaav dial payaaeat. HUO WUITFURu, .! ' ' ' Executor. Executors Notice. The aaxVertlraad having dalr aaallBed aa aaeexor o Ua laat will aad teal a BMai of Faraeyfotd Meacet uf t-oaaa eoouly, N. C, hereby notifies all peraoas aaviog alalaas againat aaid eaute to pra ts! thoaaoae duly verlAed lo aaid exeo iee oa aw before tbe I lib day or July, 1100. or thu notioa will be oiead labor at their recovery . All persons Indebted o ua eatu asuta are icqaired to aaaka prompt paysaent. - v la lltnaay or July 18W. WM X. CLARKE, Executor, Furneyfold Mercer, deoeaaed. Executor's Notice. Tba andertirned bavlac duly aualifled as exeoatlor of tbe laat will and testament of Jeremiah Abbott, hers notifies all peraoas baring elalma against aaid es tate to preaeal the eaaae 4ulv verified to Id executor oa or before the 28th day of July, 1900, or this aotice will be plead la bai of tbeir recovery. All persona Indebted lo the said estate are required to aaaks prompt payment This xtuh day or July, ltfim. ROBERT HANCOCK, Executor. Jeremiah Abbott, due eased PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, I Superior Court. uraven lo. I Before tbe Clerk J L HarttAeld, J A Bryan and Others yt U H rearce, Ximena U Briggs and Others. To Lula Claiborne Pate,- Byrd Page, Alston rage ana weiaon rage aod the heirs of Tbomss B Bingleton, de ceased, Take Notice Tbal a apecial proceedings has been Instituted in tbe Superior Court of Cra ven 'county by tba petitioners above named and others to make sale of a cer tain tract or parcel of land to which in said petition it ia alleged that you have and hold aa interest. Said proceedings are commenced for the purposes of dividing ths proceeds of said land to the end that the same may be held in sever alty. Aad rots will farther take notice that ou are reuuired to antiear at the oftlee of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven eounty on tba 8th day of Sep tember 1899, and answer or demur to the petition whioh will be filed in said proceedings or tbe petitioners will apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded la st Id petition. This July 27th. 1899. W. M. WATSON, a B. C, Craven County. Kotfce of Sale of Land . .' For Partition, State of North Carolina, Before the uoanty or. w raven. j uierk. J L Hartsfleld vs. R P Williams, Mrs Mancy i Willis, ilenry rsarce and others. nv; Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Craven county in the above en- uttea proceedings lor sale or land lor partition rendered by the clerk of said Superior Court on te 25th day of July 1899, The undersigned as commissioner will offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at the Court House door of Craven county on Monday tbe 28th day of August 1899, at the honr'of 12 o'clock noon all the fol lowing described real estate to wit: Lying and being in the State of North Carolina, Graven county, and fully de scribed in those certain deeds dated October 28th 1878, executed by O Hubba Sheriff to Amos Wade and recorded in tbe Office of the Register of Deeds of Craven eounty in book 79 page 483, out of the Barron and Burton Grants. Asd oa May Slat, 1881 conveyed to Jane K Meadowa and Others by deed duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds In nook 84 pages 85, etc.. to which reference Is made for a lull and particular description of aaid lands. - - - - This July 2th. 1899. OWEN B. GUION, ''.'"".".-.'""; -. Commissioner. . C. E. PALHER, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice ia the State Courts and before the Bureaus of the Interior De partment at Washington, D. C ' Prompt attention given to tbe ci lltc tioa of claims. Loans negotiated. Con veyancing a specialty. " Office, 64 Broad St., New Bern, N, O. ; II A FREE PATTERN J I (rtatr am e.feetksa) aa nq sea- S vmj su cents a ?aar. a V,-. ft s A UZ.Z2,' AUOASKB. : s A r j aemtlf il ooIovvmI pUttm ; Irlssl fcHjaai; drwasma.lt inf. tcotuiawi ; f jtcw S wniU; SAiatiola1 hint; bctton, ttc. Suft scMa trxiay, or, Hnti jc. lor latest copy, f J v LtMtr WaVatajft. aMMxl UlUM, ! HyH-li, KM) it bla, Rlmpla, tTp-ttv -I flf, tmnomk,! and A tMaolatel - W A It fJa-S 11,,-h-ay, - i vy w a n v Oi.-..- m ..4 ; I I-S-14S V it 14 a S ... Ysefc V i