1J hii i f :i TXT n ..:- v. IIW IIIX,'!. C. THIKSDAI 0kIlU, UfcUfT !t, ::uV - VOL 1TII-K0. rsTiiusniP ittt l(IMMIMllilMMIUIIIIlllllllll,IIIMIIlf . ft ts ft ft ft ft ft ft It a T3;;ir" w, 1- I. ..:.. .U.I .W- .1, IM lf-UM ta 1W 01 1 few days we shall sell line of Children mid Miftar-e Tin yjy and Black Jow shore, siit ranging from 61 to 13J, for, LisUn. 29c Per Pair. Very many y Ladies Pit. Leather Slipper! for Cre iwir. i good thing in Lad it Ixw bbues. Some of the Dow I'miie BWle v f l95- Jost a few piecw left of thoaw luc uttignarns wr 7e. pieces of Koinan Stripe and Polka Dot Piutie for lltlo, former J' ft price 18c Figured bucks in navy and white, and Hack for 8c. w t Our beat 86 inch Punjab Percale for 10c Horn dainty Marina V Blue Kdin Diuilice, eo elegant aud nsef ul for fall wear, only 10c aud the Madra in plaids for dresses or waiaU deserve a glance. il . i A good Summer Corset for tSo. yjy In fart the knife baa bwu plunged into ur entire f took of Y' ft Summer (Joods and when we say this we mean to give jou W ft . - ' ' CarJiu Yetj Oral ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Real Bargains. Hack bum VI si vt Hi. LTOflfflL In addition to their Grocery Business lmvo pnrchim the Hardware stock from Mr. George Slover and will carry a -.... i' ti Ful! Line of General Hardware, Varnish, Paints, Oil, Sash, Doors; Blinds, '" ! Lime, Cement, Plaster, And ANYTHING TO BE FOUND in the 1IARDWA1LE LINK SPECIALTY. ... : - . 'We Will be glad to hare our friends call and see us when in heed of aujthing in our line. - " - We have a ( hoice lot of N. C. Hams and Fancy Cakes. Expecting Fresh Lot Portsmouth Mallets on next boat. GASKI L L & MITCHELL, HARDWARE:" 73 MIDDLE, STUEET. GROCERIES: : ! ci uROAi) street;,: SEVEN SPRINCiS. W 6 The Finet irf all Mineral Water. A Poniltrc Cure for IndiKcatlon, lyipnU, lusomnia, Ncrvoim rrontrailoo and nil Kidney ana ' Liver Trouble. Its genrntl restorative properties ate woudorful. ' Each Hpring li, iu peculiarities All seven are innrveloua. ' ; REDUCED BATES ON RAILR0ADS HACKS TO MEET EVERY TRAIN. Telephone Line x Walerwork. Hot or Cold' From LaOranse , In Motel. . - Water Baths' io Seven Springs. ' V, . ... , Free To Guests. u i ! ; Wa'er Free to UilesU. II iarlf r at oilier liolel or htardlnfr Iio ibos . asiw KeffB Hprin,r water am CHAUOKI) JU0 l'KIt WKEK FOft' j " . .... . u. vj u : - .- - - ' FOR TERM3 AUDUEHS 1, ''.m : ;(G. F. SMITH, Proprlfer! th&.; ' ! ;jH3H 33 DiKinu a (vj enunni orange (Wr, UIIIVJII miVLUUnUUL, Near JHebane N C Otters Eastern UArolina Uoyt a iMslthful ml beautiful lioino in Piedmont N. C. flentr of wholesome rood, pure water and fresh air. Faculty of seven thorough teachers. Fine ruble, classical, sclriillllu and business course. - Gymnasium and riiysicai uirecior. u oui-ioor iru eucouracei. ooiiourmilps, nrtzee and med -I. I ! kn.tnlU L' V.-n.1 I.. Ill . . 1 . . I 1 . w. uii , mi w ,tiu,iBi.iuij iiiuHiraiau uaiHiociie. anqress. i FRBStHjN LEWIS GRAY, B. L, Principal. Uingham School, Mebanc.N.n!., iiA3 noil If I a I desire to inform the public that be iound at 99 Middle Street with and Seasonable Stockof T Dry Goods; Shoes, f lotions, Hat may Fine Aa Fair laa Te Arrest. Tie Taaea Sistaa. Blf lastlat InUii. Aaerleaa Bar Asaaetatien. '1 'JlsJ. vTilaaa Aalata4 Kearaltlav Fer rklt ' ' laalaeaSatlsfacUry. " Rfciaiaa, Au(. M.-Froa 1800 to 18M Nena Carollaa's popalatloa baa la erasMd JFTOO. la Ula Ua(th of Uast lbs laeraaM la tba aaasbar of baaaala of eora rabwd U 1.000,000 bosbala, walla la oaia it U a,0Oa.0OQ, aad la wbsat 1,000,- ooo. ...... - - la the asaaafactoriag Ilea Hortt Caro lina aa4 asade a coai adsUe advaaea. Tba laeraaM la Ike issakar of aaaaafae- tartaf atarprisoa Is M87; capital la- veatad, $31,000,000; aaasbar of aaaployaa, 3414; waaaa paid, 7,0M,000; raw saa- lerlal eoasaaaad 2t.00O.000; aaUbed product 40.000,000. Tea thoaaaad people are atUadla tba old Bapllai Aaaoelatioa, whleb vaasd Satarda aaoralaf at Wolf Islaad eharcb, oh aad oae half miles fro ReldsvUle. A aambar of tba bast kaowa ItaptUt praachata la tbe Bute are present. - There waa ratbsr a straace arrest mule bera. A saaa by the nam of Joba C tnpuall eaate bera, aad went into tbe jail to see bis brother, wbo was arcs led bere about a weak f o. . After . tbe sua iu Inside tbe ffleera reoofnisad kiss as a saaa for wboaa tfaey bad a eapiaa. Tbe doors ware quietly locked, aad tba visi tor became a prisoner. - ' Tbe linproveneata - that are balag made at tbe blind asylum bere will be completed by tbe middle of September. The school will opea with a good atlea- dance. The Standard Gas and Electric Com paay will pnt la a tea Inch mala la ten of the streets bere. . ' Tbe Bute Library has been closed for a week or so, so ,hat Mr, vTyche, wbo Is classifying the books, eaa do so without an InlerruDtloos. kfr. tr J, Illloolt, tbe artist who. se cured tbe contract for the Vanee statue, has filed with Mr. Joseph G. Brown, president of tbe Clilaeas' National Beak hts bond for $700, as a guarantee for the faithful and satisfactory execution of tbe coutraoL . ", - The Ameiloas Bar Association meets at Buffalo Lfthta Bprlnga next week. North Carolina, and Raleigh especially, will be well represented.- A braksmaa on the Southern Railroad has sued that road for -$60,000 damages on account of a broken lea? that had to oe ampuuuea at w aip joini.- u ae sun is brought In (Smith Held Joh at oa ooanty. A telegram waa reoeived bere saylag that tbe investigating i committee will meet, at tbe Northampton panltealiary farm tomorrow.'' SummeralL . .kgainst whom are so many charges of cruelty, was the superintendent of this farm. Tbe report that Judge ForneU has . re quested the resignatioa of Clerk Foua tain and will appoint If r. Geo. Oteen, of New Bern, his successor, le said by Re publicans here to be true. The reason that Fountain Is to be bounced b because his creditors have made complaint. One, of the Federal prisoners, Wright, sentenced to the . Raleigh penitentiary for Ova years, has been caught, tie bid under a boiler Inside the prison and fail edtogetout. ,t , Capu R. B. Glenn it In Asheville to represent; Key- ft R04 of Btatesville, whose whiskey establishment wal seised by revenue officers a few days ago He will also visit Washington and , see the Commissioner of Revenue In the Interest of the firm.'-', i.. .. ... Mr. S. Tf. V. Connor, sod of Jailire Connor, of Wilson, hsa beea elected teacher of the eighth grade of the West Winston graded school. He will accept Be was graduated from tbe University with high honors last year. ' ..The Salem Iron -Works and other manufacturing enterprises will make exhibits at tbe Philadelphia Industrial Erposittbi.i a n i O MaJqT ft Wilson, of .Winston; has been appointed paymaster general by Major General J. 8. Can, for tbe North Carolina Division of Confederate Veter ans. 'Major Wilson still wears the grey uniform. ' . . ', ' Lieutenant Settle thinks that the dls patch from Washington suggesting that there was an unwillingness among Car olinian, to enlist in Uie Philippine war was without tbe sanction of tbe War Department. He believes that tbe recruit lng officers in Ibis State have Bent more laan itona varonna s quois 01 soiuiers rui, stafcjae a ate SrM WMk taiw Bairnu.' Aug. W.-Tbe FUlpIno la sargeats appear to retain' much more of gbllng spirit than might be eipacted after tbatr reoaot Saa Feraaado expert- aad Oeaaral Lawtoa's drebbiaga la tbe toatb. a Aflat giving up Saa Fernanda with a feeble struggle, tbey eatreaebed lbem- selves at Angelea, working for several days aad impress) ag non-combatants nto the work, that saving tbe armed ea for the fighting. They engaged' LiaatewaM Colonel Smith's fegtsaeot and Ike artillery warm' far foar boors, making one of tbe moat stubborn resistances of the cam- la tbe province of Cavlte, where it was supposed Ins rebels bail Ixei .scattered aod dasnorallaed beyoad recuperation they bare assembled aa army of several thoaaaad mea distributed among tbe Ira portent tows from the lake to the bsy After the Saa Fernando engagements the rebels attempted .to deter lbs Ameri cans from a further advaace north wird by menacing tbe railroad commaalea- tloas. ' K v), Gent's Furnishing Goods, jtfc.ror j Hamilton Clark, of Channcey, ' 0 says he suffered with Itching piles twenty years before trying De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, awo boxes of which com pletely eured him. Ueware of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. F. 8. DulTy Pewey In Fran re, VlLT FPRA . S, F , ' TheUn tl An-tAiKifiO". tloLes the food nore delkJous and Hfjolesorao aw 2? ; PORTSMOUTH . 1 1 CORNED MULLETS! ' t 1 STSSMBTtJIO) Mla OR. . 1 Mas Ma rp wfc. Qaaaoaa, August I J The llamberx- iabe eorravpoadeat discussing the easer- ilea that Oenaaay should pabllsb cer tela d oca menu proving tbe loaoceaoe of Oreyfes, say,: - ' Tbe answer to this h that documents of this astute cannot bar produced for tba simple reason that Germany never bad anything to do with Captain Drey fus." ' Graded Scksol Nolloa. 1 The City Graded School for colored people will open on .Monday, Sept. ib. lew, oa West street. ; ) . 1 eithm free to children of bona fide eltlxens of New Bern of the school age. Tuition charges for those required to pay will be one, two and three dollars per month. . .. t All pupils before entering most obtain a card of admission from' 'the secretary. . 1 .-..; W. M. WaTsony - -' f" - Bec'y aud Treasurer, Aawsyt Croup.Syrup Is the only reme dy manufactured excluaively for child less coeghs and colds. While nsed almost bp every family In Craven county for croup, It Is a remedy of equal virtue fa ordinary coughs and colds. Price IS cents. Brsdhams Pharmacy ' " Jordan's Liver Pills are highly spoken of by thoss who nse them, and their sale constantly Increases.. , They are made and la sold New Bern only by. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. .. Ul f itura.l . T Remaining la . the .Post Office at New Bern,. Craven county, N.C, Aug. 14th 1899: .. , . .. i:,. ,- . . . mbm's lists,' B Sam Barr, Windsor Blount, Jerry Bryant. ; v . ... " : , . O J B Cockrom. ' D CO Daniels. F Primus Foy. Qi P Grady, ' ' ' H Vest Ulnea, George looker, Arils Hufflnee, Doeler Herman.' N-JRNIckols. P-JK Parker. - Q Lewis Quinn, lt Dave Russell. im 8 Owsn Smaw, David Stanly - W-Uandy Wright. . t ps'l' ' WOMnn'S HBT. A Susan Anderson. : ' ' ' " B Lizzie Blaago, Ann Wiggtai Bee- ton, Emily Brown 2, Harriet Burden Lula Bryan. C Kosa Caldwell, Henrietta Cuberlh F-Sabra Fater, Beattuss FiphSr. Q Mary f Garrett, Francis Glbbs, A Glbbs, Hannah Gorham, Annls Grten Annie Lucretlafftttnr, J C Uow ard, Henrletu IIuasey.. i' - J -Ronaaua Jones, Martha Jones. ' ,h Ftnaie Latham, Jnlia Leaker.-1" -: M Katie S I Milled , -R Elizabeth Reynolds.' "b Dslsey ltlny Simpson,' BiUler Smith erLCCotUini 1-'S - W-Lsura Wbiltord, D L Williams, Perou calling for the above letters will Ic.isc say advertisel.aailgive date of Tbe regulations now tccjuire that one (1) , H cent sluill lie collected on the delivery jot each advcrtiaeii letter. " , j i ; : " i;s. w:hanxock, i': m u -5 Irritating stings, bites, scratches wounds aad eule soothed aad healed b) uewure witoa tiaaet Baive, ser and afe applioalion for tonered flesh Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. Violet Soap, U cents a box of three eakee la a bargaia, -Tbe eaase soap Heliotrope or Lily of the Valley, price, i At Bradbam's.' Lemons IS cents dots a at McSortey "a. Have your prescriptions filled at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy.- Petrol! ne Pomade, a perfumed pomade especially prepared for 'he hair from purest albolene. Keeps ths hair smooth and glossy sad prevents It from falling out. Price 18 cents at Bradbam's Phar macy. That Violet, Heliotrope; Lily of the Valley, I cakes for 23 cents, are exceed ingly popular and good sellers. Every odor Is true to name, equalling the best Imported goods In appearance. Send and get a box, if yoa are not pleased. return It and get your money beck Bradham. J. J. Baxter Is showing In bis wlodows this week the cheapest line of neck lies ever offered in the city, your choice of 23 cent goods at U cents. . Anwsys Croup Syrup lathe best reme dy foy whooping cough on tbe market We have numerous testimonials of Its efficiency In whooping cough, every one of thorn given by some grateful father or mother. We guaiantee every bottle every dose; lf .lt does not relieves Croup, Whooping Cough or any form of chlld- reus cough, wo will refund the money paid. Sold only at Bradham's Pearmacy. t J.- J. Baxter is closing out his summer clothing, shoes, dress goods, Sec, ' very low. " ; the typo-written label on all the pre scrtptionS sent put of our pharmacy Is revolution in neatness snd legibility- one appreciated by physician and pa tient. We strive at all times to give the host service, best goods and best prices to "be had. New Bern may net be aa large aa some cities, but the old town is up to date in Fire Engines, Drug Stores and some other things. We keep abreast of the times, keep the best of everything and keep it going, -'Your prescriptions will be filled with skill, reliability and prompthess, and delivered at your resi dence, if left at Bradbam's Pharmacy. 'At I 5 given all mail orders. ' r S J!Book Store School Teachers and School J'""' Children AUenilon!, . . I ."' . - - : ;. We have just received a full and complete supply of new school books and school supplies recently adopted for all Public, Private and Graded Schools ' ' ;,, ' Personal and prompt attention given all mail orders. ' l - I G; N Ennctt. Quickly cure consltpaUoaand rebuild and Invigorate the entire jy&tcnvr:never gripe or nauseate De Witt's Lit tie Early Ktsers, r. d. juuiry. , . . ,. To ltiV CotUta atllta. FallUivkr, Mass.,, August S2 The . Fine ' Tobacco, .Truck j and General ! ; j Farming' 'TJandb '." j ' '. . For Sale. "One tract of 80 acres in one fourth mllttof citv of New Bern. " ' Oae tract of 27 acres ia leas than one miletof city of New Bern. , ,, . Oae tract of 850 acres In about one mile of city of New Ben. . Que tract of 00 acres in two miles of citv of New Bern. m One tract of 90 acres In two and one half miles of City of New BerrJ. " One tract of 800 acres In tnres and one with beads od and UcVbooe in, but nice and Jast Beeeived at fst, J. L. McDANIEL'S. Also a fresh lot HeiDi Sweet Mixed ricklea, Sweet Ca c timber Piotlee lOo dosea and Urge Extra Spiced Pickles, only lOo dosea. . Freeh' Fancy Elgin and Clover Bill Print Butler. Tbe best selected stock of Staple aud Fancy Groceries iu tbe city. I bare a genuine Havana Cheroot, gtajranteed to be made of pare Havana Tobacco S for B eeut. Try them, tbey are fine- J. L. McDIIEL, 5 'Phone 01. 71 HhoIls3 a& Retail Grocer, nrv,M Hi. a SJ gajA 4)dka SBBBBBS assBBBS aVAba aaaasl aaaaaa ssssat BBaaaVaaaasa eaaVOt aVsaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa saaaaa SaaVsa ssaaaa SaaVss SVaaaa SaaVaa aasasaaasaaab' aaa TTfTTfTTriTTiTTTTfTTTTTfTTntTTTfTTTW 3 15 B a 1 15 aS 1 ew We have jast received the Newest and have P Patterns of Neckwear, 3 3 Tie to Suit Everjoue. The New Kerch I el Tie, Just out, The Rgnlar Imperial, The new colons In regular four-In-hantU. We have a full supply of Teek Ties for older men and can suit any taste. Black and white Satin and Silk Club Ties just in. White Lawn Club Ties in nice quality. Our entire stock is brand new and yon can get no better selection anywhere in the city. J- Or. JDTJ2T2sr dZ CO., B7 POI.IK11T RTHKHT. NEW RRRN. K. O. iUiliiUla4iUJUiUIUU4aUt44iUi44 3 IMlillSllijlSstiiMliiilililSiiiiiiiliM mm This is the kind of weather yon need them and we have a few left that we are going to dispose of at less ' than cost They aae the world renowned Gurney'e aud we guarantee that they are not excelled by any. MOSQUITO CANOPIES. We have them, and wall attachment. can furnish with bedstead or 90 x 9 Size, 100 x 10 Size, $125. ' '.A 60..,., treasurers of aU the cotton cloth mills 11,?"er,?!" , 01 y 0 . ,', . ... , . , . A1K of the above tract are well loca- today received ietlera signed by Nolson (cd toln on the f arae Bi(1e of tUe rlveri , .. n . M I .. .... t . ,y urean. 01 new iora,masinga iormai Hint .ew lKm u. " o"erforthepnrcha-ieof the properties,.!. They ure,ln Kod state of '. eultlvalion oltLer. ft ,r.abr,r nart cash and oart ,' iunuBiimtra.M stock In a new corporation to- include all of the mills . pan lei the offer. Ho price list acco in- fi MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERN, N. C rived h o hi usual ft .iiitrs i ' Admlnl I CclleBt !-. l. wef-k f y ' tioD as po -S 1 . . .5 t: e c 1 TVOUS tfouljlcn a ro i-MHtl by . IhmkI's Srii-sjijiiiriila, whU-li c;i 1 -i aiul piu ilii s tiio lilnod. Ilitho tt ductile for i.. rv us PEOPLE. For prices, o.c, apply to J.J. WOLFCNDEN, New Born.N.O. I picked up Sunday, August 20th, be-1 ; tween Cednr and Brant ItJumls), Pamlico , These are August values and will give you a good - idea of the way we propose to push' business, through out the last summer month. . a .'- '- : Just as good valnt eTerywnere in our store, but don't take our word for it, come and be convinced. ' FRAN&. H. J0NES & GO.. Jtir"iPL1r'tir"ir"r"tr"-r"-' " " ------- TWO SOlJUi WITH BUT A SIlfGXiS THOUGHT ; I And that Is, "bow perfectly delicious our relishes and all kind, of food preparations are, for Sum mer luncheon, or for picnics, crops, or at home." Our exten sive lines of plain aod fancy , Gro- jperies, canned soups, jams, jellies, potted and tinned meats are the choicest that that are put up.. Our prices are always lower than any. others. Try a can of our macaroni and cheese, 10c pound can. ' J. R. PARKER, JR.v GROCER Tbone CD. ;77 Ere units from 8 to 5 l) s. Ron ml, a di-ad rife nkiif, alKiut 20 fiet in j icnym uwiirr cull -'i.Bitino inmi i.uut-s f. cents each -at. lumbf-r Coi'-inny, INew tern, N.-C, by ,i -- provirg property and pnymg costs. j S. -a, ' ''- v s w" . . .. . j .... d Ctrcct. ' ' a 1