TUG 'JOURNAL. ,4 , M M kil r-s r. l CIIAKLE5 U STEVEN 5, ciwroa n roriTO. .fee )mt, ks eoveara, ..04 W W year. A advaaoe. I M Moatalv, ay earns kt Ute AdvvrUstag Ral twalsaad aa Kaiared si Ik ftist OrBea, Hw Bara, M. C m seooad otass saaltav. OBrlal TtfT Hw Mora m4 Cravea Coaat. New Hera. K. C L t, IIW.' wmat or Trfa raiA oiiTmi Tha Bheri la of September eaaaot fall to Basks Uaportsal caeagte la social Bad BMreaaliae circlet. The Haaw Its psseed, tad aow tkoss ko have for tat past eltly or alactj dsys duply loaagsd stoat, without car leapt fur laalr ladlvkdaal cnasfovt, matt aow com lack lata Ik world and Uka ap laalr berdeat aad Jola those who hsvs to work aador taa Bamaaor'i k wl sad the WIbIm' oW,aoea banks ara laUrailaaUa aad aad ualy whb laa grave. - Aad la rellgtoae circles, also, there la taa work la ba takaa ap, tba re pairs of consciences to ba aaaa to, which a hot aad wearylag aastater bara laft eadly la aaad of staadlag, aot to ssea tloa tba damages suffered trOm laa Bam mer's oatlag whara Mllthaaai la .tba predominating ebaraeUrlatio of thoaa away from hoaM. . , Tfaaa there art tba social aad bona affair deaaauleg attaalloa, which eaa aot ba loogeraaglaoted aad aiuat racalrt special eara aow that Fall baa mom. Aad la baitDMt Unaa tbara ara tba saw good to ba placed befora tba pub Iks, and tba altraollra advertlslag to ba given ta tba aearspaper la ordar that tba public may kaow whara to bay, aad whara tba good waatad ara to ba found And thai begini tha mending of tba ways, tha tightening ap of body and plrit to meat tha dut lea, which tba cbanga of Mason bring to all. How ara Hew pera and id poopla going to maet tha Fall month? ' No longer can itkere ba tba teasoa's icuaa for derellotlon la todal tffalrr, tha merchant mntt aow tall bit goods. anj oat every h onset effort by advertla Ing to get customer to tot and boy kit lock, for any delay aow meant aertout loti to htm; the charcbee matt gather la the tammer wanderert, tba pattort matt preach tltrrlng sermon, for the time and teatoa are here for work. ' And will the business men of New Bera any longer postpone actloa la the way of securing aew ladattrie for their There bat been, and it aow ao reel la thlt Industrial morement alatwbera. Ftctorlet and mill of all kind ara build ing throughout North Carolina, while ihliciiy, with lu too favorable advan- taget remain nndlitarbed by the indot- trial rath going on til about It, What of tha Fall month? Ara they going to wltnett indattrial actloa la New Bain, or not? -,..-' Thlt 1 a vital question to every man, woman aad child, aad demand aa aa twer. -' ' " " ' .... Stat or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, I - LUOAl COCKTY. , , J Fbau.c J. Cbkhit makee oath that be It the aenlor partner of the Rrm of F. J Cbkxbt A Co., doing builaeaa la the City of Toledo, County and State afore, laid, and that ttld Ann will pay the tun) or ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every cae of Catarrh thai cannot be rared by the ate of Ball' Catabkh Cbkb. Foamk J.Chbkbt, Sworn to before me, and lubacrlbed la my pretence, thlt 6th day of December, A. D. 1888. A. W. OLEASON, Notary Public Ball't CaUrrh Care I takea lalernally and acta directly on the blood and mu cout tnrfacet of the system. Send for tesllmonlala, free. ' F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. " Sold by Druggists, 76a. HaU't Family Pill are tht btft. Begalatuc St Ruttla It paltlnf t ac-w on tln- denta. Ia future alUtnente who ere- ate or lotlgU dlK-iIer, (rhe'her lo aolverttty or oat, will be nt into. army to terve from one ta. 4hra veart. The rtgulatioa tpR'.ir tUoto llto who penlttantly rerute, to continue tb sir ttudlea. Another rr v a c-' - removal from tbellj of 'l p J dentt, a Improvident o - caue of pauperlim. the At uually treated a iprain will disabl the injured peraon for three ar four w ekt, but If Cham!jer!!n' l'a'n Ealm It freely tpplkd t complete cure may be effected in a very few day. r'a ta lo cure rbeumathm, cut, bruiitet aud burnt. For tale by F. S. Duffy A Co, la, , C-i. r t J !t rr. 0 I '.o- d L ui ihit t arjbt 19 tl Uilnf 8 Bsi k'm aaal to." L Rontri uaon klixik. aUgaiatM U tint, ttwaath, Bwl aa4 liimtj. far Ultogtee, coati'itux aad - lHa. to larilt-atUoa, tkk tad . tervea aa. fur iKrpimiwi, aarvoutont aad mri falmra. t'irlni). cblUa. dfWlllv and kWUrT Imm, Uk Leace l.Uiir. Late. lev aaiuraiaaii Iboroeta er puk rMoUtloa, late Lrawa rJlnr. auraaa i mm ai orugi. fnwM oalv by Dr IL Moxley, At- Uava, (ia. A riettlatat twlaiatw WriWa A fur taa yean of great tnfferiag from ladlt-rtuoe, with rrral aervout pniatra tloa. Wlloaaaeea, diaonlered kklo aad eoaailpatioa, 1 have beea cared by lr. atoaleyt 1emoa lunr, anu am aow a eli maa. Hav. U O. Davit, Lid. M. K. Cbarch Sooth, Mo. Ss Talaall BC Allaata,a. i rtoealaaat Blawpilia Writea. Dr. It- MoufT, AUantt: Having a great tafferar for three roars from ladigaalloa, aad beea treated by auay phvsiciaaa, who failed to giva ate any rtllvf. CooUnalnt: to grow worse Bf braUaer anviien ate to try nr. wnx Iry't Leasoa Kllvlr, whkA reenedy be had mini lor aavaral yaara I eNUBMitoed lu aaa, aad most say your Leoxio Ell ser is the g rested medk'lae oa earth. 1 have aevar suffered a dif tiara 1 commenced asiag Ltmoa Elltlr. ' 1 It. It. IIOOOO, ffaraaado St , Memphis, Ten a. A Car. r. . " f his Is to rertlfv that I aseil J)r. Mnt- l7's Lemoa Kllilr for neu-all of the been aaoi ayeo villi laa must aiaraea heaeSt to mv reaeral health 1 would alsdly have paid t-tuO for the relief it kas given me at a eoet oi two or toree dollars. , - II. A. Bkai.i, tsrk Superior Court Randolph Co tOa lUeacJaga Tslaala Barher kYoar hair It getting thin, air," tald the local barber to a cnilonier yesterday afieraoon, ( "A'as," replied the gentleman addreat- ed, "I've beea treating It with antl fat. 1 ever liked ttout htlr." "But you really thould pat something oa It," persisted the lonsorlsl trtist, la a most earnest manner. - ' "I do every morning," relumed the customer. May I ask wbatT Inquired the barber. My hat," said the patron. Thereafter wat tlleace. " ' , , That T breaking Bead Would quickly leave you, i( you osoJ Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferer hive proved their matcblett merit for tick and nervou headache. They make pure blood andttrong nerve aad build up your health. Eay to take. Try tbem. Only 25 cents. Money haek If ao) cared. Sold by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co., drugjltn. . r Mideaeard Bepartoe. ' Too are looking tour," ttld the Hack' berry jam. : '', "Naver," retorted the brandled peach es, "oa the contrary, I am In the best of splrlta." The great success of Chamberlain' Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In the treatment, of bo well complalnu has made It itandard over the greater part of the civilized world.' For tale by F. 8. Duffy A Co. . . ... , Teat. , What do you understand by the saying that Ore It the tett of gold? Well, you know, we don't believe a man bat money unlet we tee hint burn ing It., ' Belief it) Bis IXeura, ' Dlttiettlng Kidney and Bladder Dlt ite relieved in tlx hours by "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." It is great surprise on accoantof It exceed-1 Ing promptness in relieving pain iu blad der, kidneys and back, lo male or lemale Relieves retention of water almost Im mediately, If yon want quick relief and our thlt It the remedy. Sold by C, " D Bradham, druggist, New Bern, N. C. -'"'V'"V Beyoa the BUI. - Every road whioh lures man onward, Though with Joy he take lit track, : Endt at last in tome ftr desert, Whence he'd gladly hasten back. y. Spaia't Qreatett Need. Mr R P Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winter at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerve had caused severe paint in the back of hit bead , . On using Electric Bitten, America's greatest Blood and Narve Remedy, all pain toon left blni He tayt this grand medicine I what bis country needs. , All America knows that It cures liver and kidney trouble, purities the blood,, tones up the stomach trongthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need It. . Every bottle guaranteed, only 60 cents. ' Sold by F d Duffy.' . . J.--- . Ta Summer Vacuum. ' "Awfully stupid lot of men at thlt re tort." . "Don'l deceive yourself. Smtrt peo ple don't try to be entertaining whe they takt a vacation." PeWllt't Little Early Risers did me r- re r od than all blood medicines and other pltls," write Geo. II. Jacobs, of Thompson; Conn. Prompt, plcasmit, never gripe, tbey cure constipation, arouse the torpid liver to aclion aud g've you clean blood, steady nerves, a ckar brain and a healthy appetite. F. S. Duffy, Bf CraKav. H (a su!ur) G air. ir. riant kTt tr Wa anm tere of lb preper dl- tc;!ua betweet "I ihs.r tod "I w!U. A la my a, lad there is ao dlKcahy. She I tloo't e,!u kaow U dlttlae- lot myself. lie (taiuk'.eg h tees his opponsollj ) Well, Uks the queitlua " WIU you mar ry ox" Bapposlsg 1 ail jos year rvp'y oll be aot "I "111," bill Ho (aiphatU-ally I woat ! A WOwBBBrtJL O0BB OF BUBKBOBA. A rKOatlHEMr TllQlRU KtTO Bad Almeat Oivea Vp, bat Vas Bret;et Back U rerfect Bsalth hr ChamaarUla't CeOls, Ckatov aad Dianrbaea Beaaady. BBASBU BOIT01IAX. From the Times, UiU.llll, Va. I tuffied with diarrhoea tot a loag llmt aad thought I wat past being cared. had prat much time aad money and ufferad to muck misery that I bad )- bkmI decided to give ap all hope of recovery aad await laa result, but aotio Ing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also tome teitlmoaiaU Mating bow tome wonderful cures had beea wrought by this remedy, T decided lo try It. After Uklug a few uoset I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wleh lo aay further lo my readers and fellow-sufferer that I am a hale and hearty man today and far! at well. a I ever did la my life.). It, klooaa. Hold by F. 8. Duffy Co. Jadkieaa Old taglaad. Warwick Ever sluce Dewey't victory ha Engllf h have been aaxloua to try heir band at lighting again. They, duel know aht to leckle-KuetU or the Trans vaal Republic. - V.lckwlre-Whlchwlllllotf . Warwick Well, their newspapers hare bad tome fiery t nicies about Rue- sla, but they've been preparing troops for tht Transvaal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly dl geu food without aid from the stomach and at the same tine beeli and restores the diseased digestive organs. It la the only remedy that does both of these things aad can be relied upon lo permtn rmly cure dyspepsia. F 8 Duffy. . Ttry t iatiar. Reporter What is tha aentttioa of being fall by a cyclone? Vlcltm-Why, lu jlst like getting married! Ter den't really realise wot't happenlug till It't til over mnfl yer come ter jer senteil Dr. B. BetchUa't Aatt Biatetie,' May be worth lo you more tbaa $100 it you have a child who soils bedding from Incontence of utter doling sleep Caret old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. . $1. Sold by C. D Bradham, druggist, New BernN. CL Oat al tha Orsinarr. Brigg What do you think of Jeffries lu pugilist? Dlggs I don't believe bo's the retl thing) Bigge-Why not? Dlggs He ssyt he Isn't going to try to elevate 1W stage. .' A Frightful Blander ' Will often cause horrible bum, scald, cut or brulee. ilucklen't Arnica Salve, the beat In Ilia world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old tores, fever tores, ulcers, boils, felons, corn, all skin eruptions. - Bet! pile cure on earth. Only !6o a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by F. 8. Duffy & Co., drug' gist. ... Appropriate Praise. - "That dessert is heavenly," tald Mr, Otswell, aa be sent hit plate for another helping. . . ., .: ! , "That It appropriate praise",'" replhd Mrs. Caswelh. "it is angel food." - You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. F. S. Duffy & Co., will refund your money If you are not sal It- tied after using it. It Is everywhere ad milled lo be the moat successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails It it pleasaut, safe aud reliable. ; : - - A Bloadlett Taraip. Teacher Johnny, what it a thief? Johnny Bardup Dunno. . Teacher Oh, yes yon do. Now, what would I be if I took money out of your pocket? ' , Johuoy Ilardup Why, yvuse ud be peach. . - " : An Enterprising Firm. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than F 8 Duffy& Co.who spare no pains to secure the best of every thing In their line for their many custo mers. They now have the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery, which. cures consumption, coughs and colds. Thin la the wonderful remedy that is now pro ducing so much excitement all over the country, by Its many bturlling cures. It absolutely cup's asthma, bronchitis, nan sea, and ail RlTw tions of the llirouf, cheat and lungs. You can lest It befor buying, by calling at iho above dn store aud get a trial bottle free, or r lr size for file and $10 ). Gnu t to cure, or price refunded. When lu Eaylioro sn Hruae for goiKl tccon I m:i;::i; A i j f. TO t- l,aA !, t All Hmm m tT trttlti e ll I III M IMlM lallf VMmi HI rxtr, u VkM rttkoo Jte Ilaaktn wtt a&eut lb Ui'U,t ma a lUr Lord errr Uri ttv,- lid I a-W Hrm ae be taedltattvelr b.tt.-d ti knife upoo Ms boot lre I've knod stiamers lo tolirr that man around fo a Ua:f hoar twt te ctt suotbrr luLk at hit fare aa the ao Ibt oS an uke a drink e llrker. rrened to kind a' give 'em a rettab fur If. I' koowed foul women to acva Ibetr children lata epeataa by Utreaera- la to give 'mb to Jabe, aa tbey do aay he's breo toe caoee aiore taaa owe runaway. Us wat yt plsra agif. mm lhat't til they wtt to it ' It wat a dura pity, loo, because be wat a mighty aire man If f oa happened to meet blm la the dark, aa be bad money ta tba bank at Ala pie Rua aa at) acrua o aa lue bottom land aa ever fell a plow. Well, to spite e' bim beta ao blame booiely that be daaaent look rwesiu lo the face, thla yora cuat waa always wanttn to glt oiarried. but, o eooreo, they waa't Do way to get at It. Ba adverUaed noma la the city pater aa B.-rtt tetters lo lola o women that way. but be waa boo eat te the core, aa trbea the thing got aloof fur enough ao'a tbey might anything come o It bo al ay,aeu, bit rbotoraph, aa that and- ed it. -Oaert tbey wat a mighty likely aidow from way back coat that got to Ukla Jabe party weU through bks hit ter wrltia. aa I mast say bo waa a good band at that, before ba eeat Ma plckabur. After etodyla over hla Une- menta for couple a mootba aba aaaoo up her mind to coma oa anyhow, but when aba ackshuUy saw Jabe In the fieab abo-backed out an married 84 Pa ter, ao alio made him a mighty line wife, barrio tbe fact that aba bad 4 20-yenr-okl eon that -bobbed ap after the ceremony an turned out to be aa tbiftleaa aa It'a possible fur A man to glt an llvOj Toeu jabe cits oetpent, an no up aa offers hundred dollars reward to aay- Iwdy aa will glt blm m pardner. But that didn't amount to much. - Ola Dad Hnrrlt 'lowed bo d make bla oldest girl. Mlraudy. 1110,000 that bad tbe harelip, jlne blin. 'at Jabe, k 00 win hit own abortcomln'a, wait aatiafled to alt anybody most, but Allrtudy took epileptic fits no died before tbe weddln couie off. au folks all aroun said It waa a judgment on Dud. -Then Jim Damm brung aroun bit half nltted girl, an Jabe studied lone while over It. tblnkla aiebby that if they waa koIu to be ehlklren come with bit ORllueaa they'd better be fool. too, ao'a tbey wouldn't reullae L The rlri aeemed to take a fancy to Jabe right away an wanted lo kite blm. fm he changed bla mind right off. properly decldln that be couldn't atand anybody that was at big a foul at that. - "Things wot thlt-a-way when there waa hypnotlaer come through Maple Run an give a abow. an be asked for people to come up on tbe platform on be brDnotlzeit Everybody moat waa afraid to go till Jnbe made tbe break. sarin It didn't mutter-much what be come o' blm nohow, an then Ave mora went np like tbey alius do. "Well, the rulult tblt here hypnotist took hold o' Jabe'i bead an tilted It back to sit a cood look in hla ejee be give a funny tittle jump au says: " 'I can't do notliln with you. by; man, you may not know It, but yoa got more power tbnn I hare. If yoa tlx them fine blue eyes o' yourB oa nyliody.'tbey Just naebeily bare to do what yoo any.' "Then he let Jabe go an made W ash DlftlDt fight bumblebees au preten' be wot a dog an do the most outlandish thluga you ever beard of. I gosh. It was funny, an be made tome or tne others act up. too, but none to much at Die Wash, an the uext day be went away. -: ." " But he made mighty big change in Jabe'a life. Y'aeo up to thlt time Jabe tllut drop;iedr bit eyes every time ha see a woman eoinlu.au the woman allot looked the other wny. Hut now Jab made up his mind to try It. an so be looked, an all tbe women knowed about It, so they looked, nn they found out that them eyes wat mighty line If you looked at 'era ao keen yon couldn't see the rest o bia fuce. Tbey waa mostly seared, too. since tbey beard as bow Jabe was a hypnotise If be only wanted to be thtt-a-way; but, o course, that only made 'em look all the mora. . -' . - ' -s "First off. Jabe didn't have the tend to look at tbe best lookln girls, but only the homely ones, an It wasn't two weeka All lie could o' had bla choice o a dozen atria. Ton tee. tbey got to talkln to blm an study lu tbem eye o hlst'n. an fust thing they knowed tbey waa hankertn after 'em. But Jabe got paitlc'lnj. Tbey km a time when he'd been tickled to death to have any girl that wore dresses keep comp'ny with him, but be Ixp' raisin his Ideea every day till fin'ly be sot bit mind on wlnnin Hetty Allen, that was the blamedeat purtlest girl in the whole country aa had a doeen- fine lookln fellers with rood horses an buggies an some bind tryln to court her, an blame If bo didn't git her. An tbe funniest part of It all Is that there ain't no purtier young una anywhere than them seven chil dren o' Jabe'a. An they all got blue eyes, every ono of 'em, an the rest la like their mother." - The la Bla. Trofrssor 8. P. Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian institution, says: "If we could rise above the earth'i atmosphere, to view It, the aun must have a decidedly bluish tint to the nak ed eye. The proper color of the sun It blue-not merely bluish, but positively and distinctly blue." A Word Te f 'others. Votbcrs of children affected with croup or s severe cold need not hesitsts to aduituiater Cliamberlaiu'a Coujb. Hi n "y It ci i ' s no 1 ' 'e s r nareoiic tn any forsn ami n.'--y be vc :'y to tiie l-. e in to en T I ti-e ia t. i . it 1 1 9 tl 1 1 1 W-lit ()f C(, 1 i 1 V.d t t 1 !. 7 ir? W 41 Ui At -AND Oil Cwa-LAwJlu f EC1SBT k .'ASSlSC lit. rr All I-cInU rtli. rhe Steamer NEUSE jrill ! oa UetHlaj'a, Wodoaadayt, and fildapa si 0 m. tbarp, ssak ln( Uadicr at Orianlal, Ocraookt and Ilanokt LsIaaJ. 3f Freight raooivad aot Ulor tbaa one boar previoas to aailing. lot fart bar I u lorensXioa apply to GEO. BNDK30N, Aft. U. K. Klio, Oon.. Mgr., Q.a UoMiiB.Oon.rrt Fas. Aft Norfolk. Va. New Bema. N. 0., Ma; SOU, 18S Lodfr;e Directory. VICTORY COUNCIL NO. 11. JUNIOR O U A Mi Mast every Wednesday sight ta noaairat Ball. Jaa U tmsssar, V. C P Banltag.lt A. MEW BERN LODGE No. I. F H A O J C Scales, Prssl; 1 U Malta, Heeordlag iw r: a, a, uaMiey, nasaelal Dee v Mesttla Ike AslihuoT Uarssoa Hall every 1st aad rd Moodty aigbu ia sack BMMiia. EUREKA LODGE MO. 7. I. O. O. F. OnVer T. U. Salioa. N. O ; W. T. Hill, V. a 1 Use. Greet. Hec'd'r Bsctr. J. R Parker; Jr, Treat. Regular steetlags very atoaoay atgat at t,w o'eioca. CRAVEN LODGE No. t. XNIQI1T8 OF HAKJsONy 1 Meets lad aad 4th Thursday alghta la aacb ttoatb la Koualret't Hall, follock ttrott, al rt)0 o'clock. S. K. Ball, Prmideat, Jaasea IL ssailh, 6Wy, K. R. U1U, F. Ssc'y. KN1CHTS OF HONOR-Oacsrs; K R Joaet, Diotaior; O L Vlasoa, Reporter; W r Kouatret,. riaanclal Jteportnr new Herae IM no. 44 sseeu the lad aad 4tb Friday alt hla at 7:80 o'clock la Kotatree t Hall, rollooa strest. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4, I. U. O. r. UmcerK r K Hymaa, U f; N C Ilugbea, KFtll Hlbbsrd, 8 W; J L Mood v.J WtOH liall. Scribe: E Oerock, Treasurar. Itegnlar Eaeamp. moat, 1st, Ird, and ftth (tr any) Thursday Blgua la tact stoat at 7:9U o'clock. VA NTOB OLUirfOMT IO.IMCI.OlO.1 OtJeara. a tlovar, CapUla) t. . Uj aiui, tkwt-l P.M. MMI, Sto;W. J rnu. Clerk : Ed. Ueroet. AorouBUnt. In alar Caalenaimtt, td and tk Thorsday aiaaw ia eaoa aMHiw at e-awaa- TRUrE8SI0NAU P. M. Slmmeaa. A. M.Ward I. H. Pati, E. W. Pea. SIMTtONS. POU WARD. ATTORNETt aad COUNSELORS'! .. LAW. Offlcj tt Bo, Front Btraet, nearly, oppo- ttl Hotel uuattawta. (Offlosa alto at Ralelcb aad Bmltbfiold.) rraetlee fa the soeatMe of Oravaa. Dupila, Joase, uaaiow, wum raieuoo, era Juhnttan. HaniMt aad Wllaon: 1 lae nta aaa SManu una, ana w travel tsrvwes mm uwiw. ..... P. XI. Pelletlctv -i ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ml 44 la. Street, Uwjtn Brltk Balldlaf. Will raUo la tbe Coaatl of Crave wwrw. joaaa, umw. mmu riaun. v. OmrtMKaw araaj4 BUBrnia ttmrt o : R0MULU5 A. NUNN, rroauwarr . ,vt . '' ' - HxwatajiB, - .a Office: Opp. Hotel CbatUwka. South Froat Street, Practio la North Carolina ., riNANCIAU f.A.msa.Ita, MM. Meadows. Visa Pros . M.M QaovBa.Csshlet. r. CITIZEN'S BiiNK OJr irtrw'Minura.Jl.a : DO A flSKKRAI. ltASKOia VU " Tht Aooomal.ol luki, lulin, Oerpee- atloas, raniurs. Mercuaav. aau vuara ra eelvadoalavorabletarau. rYoapiaadean tal UMaUoii il. to ta tatirne oartaa leaurs. veiiieuoas a siweiaiir. BOABaot-MaaoToaa. rtrdtBaad Vlrlsfe St. H. Meadows, Cba. Duitv, Jr. lanos admoad. X.r.r Halm .4 1. A. Meadow. Samual W.Ipoek, W. Oratmrar, B. W.tmailwuoa. IM. K.lTM. TMul. Wreea. V.B.iev. ar.r.Crookstt. F. d BACIK, NAT lit, tSM. CaalUI Stock, tJMOO.OO Sarplat,..,... S,w0,00 Uadlvlded Praltt........ 4,025.00 OFFICERS.. L. H. CcTLlt President. W. 8. Cbaowicc, Vice Pres. T. W. DswtT, Cashier. J. W. Biddlb, Teller. F. F. M ATTHtwa. Colltotor. I DIRECTORS: Wm. B. Eladet,' M. M. Mark O. I). I raiiham, P. H. PelleUer, L. H. Cutler, Jno. 8uter, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. 8Uwart, T. W.! Dewey. Wt want your business and feel that we can Otitsr yon as much in return aa snv other bauk in the city. It is our eriiicavnr to Dinks b(iiiieoreistioDsmut' ut v r . tad prouiauie to our f ran. t G. A.. A... Ait UUNUT0N WLUX)N R. B. Aad brsochas, Aad AUoalM Coast Ltaa liMnm Cm. mi tomtk CaiwAea. THAIXt IXJ10 BOLTU. Jtsi H .i U Va m xa i a x.A I AM iP. M P.M. A.M rM. Lt. Wssdoa ll toi as Ar. R. Ml.. II U l ..... LT.TsrtorwlJ l got U. R Ml.. l l Bt 49 t ' iTftt Le. Wuseo I tx it 14 1 lu XO I t Lv. fMM.. I kA ll M L Fty'vust 4 st I 10 Ar.rWreeKx mill P. M. A. M. at. ood TT7. TeT "!7T? Le. OuMs. Ill I tl Lv. Mac'U..... tON 4H ArWUst-ksa to IP. M A M. P.M. TRAIN 8 OOINQ NORTH. ft Pk si tfi. k it is r. i 2 2 2 am! pTm ' Lv.Ftoraocr U Tit Lt Fay'vilk- It to ... . 46 Le.eWoaa.. 1 Ml 10 M Ar. WUsoa I 6 .... It 11 A.M. P. M A.M. LvWllsatoa 7 00 40 Lv. Mac'lss I M II II Lv. Uolda 6 IS I 4n la pTm"" lm! p.m pTm" Lv. Wilton t o S 48 11 II 10 as I It Ar.R. Ml.. ti 15 It 07 II U IU Ar.Tarboro .... 7 Lv.Tarbnrvll II Lv. ILMl.. 1 aui..... II Owl Ar. Wekh 4 a .... 1 00 P.M A,M. Wllmii.cl and Weldoa RaUroad. Atlantic ai.d Yatlkin DtThrtoa Main Lb s Tiaia loav s Wilwingtoa U a m, ar rive ray llrville 11 Id p as, leave Fay etlavuie It U a . arrlvea Hanford I 4S p at. Ib-luriiii'f leave rauiord I sv p m arrive Fayriirvilla 1 43 a tt, leave Kst ettevllle I 60 p st, arrives Wila.ingtua up sa. wustlnauw and Wehlon lUUaoad, Beanautville Brauch Train Iraves BennelUville tl lo a m, Malum 0 10 a m, Red Nriaa 68 a m. Uopa Mills 10 41 sai. arrlte Fayitlevillo 10 SO. Rrtura lag leave Fayttlevllle 4 40 p sn, 4lops Mills M pm, Ketl ppnngt aw pm, Maxtoa 4 IA p at, arrlvea jbVaai tuville I IS p at. (Jounecltoua at rayatlevllla with train No. 78, at Msxiou with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Bpilngs with toe Ked Hprlogs sod tsowmora railroad, at Hanford with lbs Beabowd Air Line tod Houtbern Railway, at Guff with the IMrliam and t'barmtle rtallroad. Train on the Boutlaod Neck Branch Koad leave Weldoa ttS pm, Halifax I IS p te. arrivet Hrotlaad Nrck at S 08 m. Ureaoville 1(7 im, Klostoo 7 M P au Retuinwg leaves Kiastoa 7 50 a Greenville o & a ai. arriving Halifax al 11 IB a ni, weldoa 11 KB a m, dally ex cept Sunday. r Trains oa wttnington Branca leave Washington 1 10 am and 1 10 p m. ar rive Parioel 1 10t iu, and 4 00 p ni, re turning leave Paruiele 88 am and 80 p arrive Waslilnalon 11 Uu a m aad 1 U p m, daily asorpt Sunday. - train leaves larooro, a ; uany except jh.j. a no m a....A- j ia .. m. rivet Plymouth 7 40 o m. 10 d m. Re- lurnlnc, b-avea riymouta dally except Sunday, 7 60a at, and Sunday 0 00 a tn, arrlvee Tarboro 10 06 a , II 00 a o TraiB 00 MHlland: a U Branch leave Ooldsboro daily, except Bunday, 7 08 a. ca, amviag Bmunnehi siuia, iteturu ing leavea Smlihfield 0 00 a m; arrives st Ooldsboro 105 am. v. Traiua .00 Nashville Branch kwvet Rocky Mount it 0 at) a m, lk4M p in, arrive Nashville 1010 a' m, 40Spm, Hprint Mope 10 40 a m, 4o p m.Ret urulug leave spring nope 11 uu a m, 4 00 p m, Nusb vill 11 81 a m. arrive at Rocky Mount 1145am, tOOpm, daily except Sunday, Train oa Clinton Branch leaves War- taw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 1 10 a m and 4 15 p m, lteturulng eaves Uinton at 7 00 a m aud 10 60 p m. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all poinlt North daily all rail via Richmond.,' H M EMERSON, Genl Paas Agent. I K K.KNI1T, uen'l Manager, r M EMERSON, Traiflo Manager. 'iMvMj f i Hlltn Mrtjooi o( a turt'fjaiiicai or lnvtuiLlva mind AfWrlM trlf to tb Pauria Kt:piatit wlttl fiN tjaviMrr autu ripmirt P'Si. iittmiu wriiu ! iAlMtJI KCOmCI IiAUUaTJw8r. SEE HERE ' Wa now furjlsh jou Siov Wood ready nil and dell vend to your door, Always k'pl aodar large abeda, never rals act In rluy weather N lot Brkk and Lttbea. - FlaU roLet. A large stock of No. 1 Head Made Heart Shingles Just arrived. Tar and Lime. EI5 HILL, Tin Siile Hai. FOR SALE! ONE STEAM PROPELLER In good working condition, newly painted, length 70 feet, beam 14 feet, draft loaded 8 feet 0 luches, carries 1,400 bushels of corn, or 80,000 feet of lumber, Apply to E.8. WILLEY, Elizabeth City, N. C. School Books I AH Kills At Enter's Jewelry f tore, next to the Journal, I'ew Bern, N. C. School ! ok at Low i'ricei by mail, pott paid V.'rise u for price list and term. J. II. -.4 J.'B. REEL, KrrLEBORO,' N, c a. x. r. it. n till TAIL! BO. Take EJret Taeaday. Aag. a, IK at A A. M. 0a East BctissciA Ooiag Witt Ho. I fianiw Traiaa ha. 4 Le. f at rranoatt Ar. a at 4 OuJ.,nta o UOraoga. MM I Elnatoa.. If tt Ar. New lirvwa, U 100 U. - At. 17 1 1I... Ar. Moveheod oily L 1 C4 Ho. , I I I Na. . t i d PI A I OTanotH Mi d H s4 Peat Ta. I I tmm Ta. LV. A. tl. A. . M. 7 II Coidboro IU TU Best'e I It tOt LaUraage U IM Palliog Crnrk I 11 114 Klaetos lift tO tlotweU IIW It !.. Dptar 1140 1040 Cora Crark 10 40 11 IS Taacarora. 10 II II tl Clarks 1000 UN N.w Bon Ik) r. a. a. m. I Moaday. Wadaasday, Friday. I Tuaaday, Thursday Bateiday. No. 1. 4 I 1 Nn t "Mx'd Ft. aad arariosm: Mx't X aad tWTa. I I Pass.Ta. Lv. a ta Ar, Ptt 7 10 ..Uuldsboro 8 It Beet's 7 IS .... LeUraage 7 bt ..Falling Crock......... t S3 Kinatoa I IS Caswell 6 Id ..Ar. Dover, Lv 6 00 ..Lv. " Ar 4 00 ....Our creek 400 .... Tuiewura t 88 IU... 608... 14... 014... 08... 0 40... 10 IS... 10 40... 11 IS... 11 11 dark's 8 SO II OS .. 100... lit... 180... 143... 111... 185... IU... 148... 401... ..Ar. New Berne, Lv 160 ..Lv. - At 10 47 Rivordale 10 10 croatao 10 00 Ilavcluck 0 40 ...... Nowport, Lv 0 06 Wildwood 8 47 Atlantic... 8 $8 Ar. Morohead city, Lv 8 10 Ar. M. City Depot. Lv 7 60 M. a. M. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, BuprrinU .dent. Allmitlc Con.Ht Ijii4. WllMlNOTliH 4 Nsw Urknk IV R. TIMK TABLR MO. 6, InElfecl Wcducsduy, Aug. 7, 18K8, Dally F.n-ept Sunday. Going B011II1 I hcukuulk: Going North No. f.l I'aa j-ngor Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, btations: . . . Now Borne . ...Pollocksville Msysville. . ...Jacksonville. I Wilmington, ) Union Depot Ar. p m, .... 540 604 .... 4 40 000 0 80 061 .... 1008..... 4 13 1108. I.. 132 815 r m No. A I81S ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. rt x - No. 8, Pamsknqkb ft FaeiaiiT, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day aud Friday. Leave Now Borne Tuco lay, Thursday and Saturduy. Lv, AM Ar. rv L 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott's Hill 13 55 0 80 Woodside 18 15 10 05 Uollyridge . ..r... 11 40 10 61 Dixon....' 10 61 1100 Verona .10 20 1105 Jacksonville 0 45 18 30 Northeast..; 8 65- t 65 White ah 8 80 180 Maysville 8 06. SIS Pollocksville .7 80 S 55 .... .... Debruhl's 8 S& 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv. . . . . . 6 00) , 'Daily Except Huuduy. IJ.'R. KENLY, General Manager. 1 1 1 EN, -upi. 1 ruk ona Kn E.W. Smallwood, DEALER IN Hardware and Fiic ta . Saab, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc. Armi for Garland Stoves & Tsngra and Uevne'8, and BpdJ' Mooret' k READY MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel ChatUwka. I II ATK A FEW GOOD THINGS TIIAT I 51UST TEL.I YOU ABOUT.. Wlieoyoii ant drii.k of genuine Old English Bass Burton. Ale, The Palace Saloon Is the Place To Get It. The Finrel Whiakey on tbe marl et U Sliawn'a Malt. ' . I am making a few dd'ftlilful new ' drink 1 hut make I lie wi a k ultninr ami the aick feel Utter and 1 1 e low prii e of 60 cents for 8 dozrii puis it -in ivnt h f mobt vrry tod) : Afri t'uls, Imuod Sour, Cherry FhiwpliHlo i.nd limn Stida. Tbe prime 1 f Si.ino.tr I'liala. . Try them JMllZti F.TAYI,0r,