l!!lilllllilllltHlllllUllHill.iHiill ... -i r.:rn end v; 4 . wm, w "-'fc iBrw.-..'j j, I . ., k -aa mm, ummm k&nMfwl .... tt:,t r:;z it eiaSEKja ww si iHltl w - tMJvnt a yitll mm pfif ? " ,.. sr pMn, ItKUiril Ll.tl.-,i H - 7" " U tMu, rm$ ft nr.-., u . I f ' 1 .' ' f ; r. -:. aWr" s v ie.if .v-i mv. 4 U At ft ",Mtl t If! M KirilV l ft ft. ,mt e ' I UL. If y-m .-- t m m NfN1 fc-a ft4 4ii j IMi f.mmmj. -r i " f irw fci v. i u . n - - ' , g . TRY FIRST BUY AFTERWARDS. ! Ui!!ll!lll!l!illltailllUaillllllllllll!lllliv 1m I'n III! I desire to inform the public that I may helound at 99 Middle Street with' a Fine and Seasonable Stock of ' i Dry Goods. Shoes, Notions- Hats, . Gent's Furnishing Ooods&c !. f M M1D0LK STREET, m Incorporated March 3d, 1897. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL ? FIRE INSURANCE CO., - 'op new born, n. c. . V'r . WnOES A GENEKAli PIRK INSURA.NOK HUHINRK-', ... ... A turp, U eg t1 reli tllo Horn i rHiiii.aiyllit slmwi iu pnAu with' the insure.!, tbcreliy ilecrowuiK Hie cut of InBU-annn. . It giroa you Full Protoclina unit I'romplly Puyn nil lta Lorkw. , T. A ORSBK, PJulnnt. (BKOUUK OKKEN, SocreUry. . O. II. OUION, M L 110LLUWCLL, Gen'Msenl. y i ' I "CLOVER HILL" BUTTER ! I I . FAHOUS THROUGHOUT ONI I'll. P1UNTN JNO. DIINN'S l'Wftt Ilutfcr In a JVrlVct Package. a I USK 1 F - i vssl t-J TEETUlflS tfi-Jt I E S I C TTTTTTTTTTTirO'TC 0 H C D . -The North Carolina College b Affiicuiiural and Mwoirm- i Term Btgtna Wednesday, September 7.li- 3 Gives an exlranrilinnry course of instruction at an extraordinary low j rol In I be Mmlent. . - ' It not mily eilucato hut prrparea lln slmlpnta to Urcome intolllsrpnt 3 .llrunlil. r.t m n 1 1 . I t.t,A t..At ! " 5 There aro cnnipleie spccful ami short courses in Jbo various Agricultural 1 mill trinl. tlerlianicul. Textile and Civin Arts ' Studeuts will lie allowed to eunil 3 cniinty-Baitt of tliBcounties in which ' Kiiiram-e examinations will lie hcM fAlirt tinilun linfl.r Ihn aunnrtuL n tf . in iuiiiici in mi inni iihi, i ai nmjxMir, en; , (i(iy w riJESIJKST GEO. T. .AVIXSTOX " . WEST RALEIGH, N. C. 3. 1 a ttjal TEtircuT, - 1 V.'V AV' I i'v; - L-iL-r rig , NEW BERK. N, 6, Capltnl jsp.OOa -i . ' W. V. BUOa-i, I v p " . JObN DUNK, I Oi-nrrHi Cnunrcl. OScrs: OYEtt CITIZENS BANK ., THE WORLD.: . M . Hi ONLY 25 'CENTS. : -M 1 i IUt lUiOKflm ' V Regulates the Bowels, ",' gtkes ToetMng Easy. ' Bowel Troubles of l Wm of Any fta. - PSIVDEES Oenta fgrifb the tnininoo examination at tlie they rcRido, thus saving the ex- on the 19Trf of Ai'otst. in the f 'i.ni.. U..nJi 1..-. ' r t H Mi fc' - a . I I is - s.t. it:-"1 4 tt, I .1. wrtV" 1. MM r.l i 4 , mi ,4 t pi .life um. awj I 4 tt. .-j An m. m fMM. tad m fcc r1 M 9 MHt I 4 mm r ' m. An. gimitiiir. t M 1 na IV.- , AM K m JJ a M mm ' i ii i .in am. IM mm r -; ; ?M yoOT M. I,. til I IMI, ? Tu wmn -uJ im, w. m tt m.acV ' iai .aw to Mmw Mia, A WOMAN'S VETO... i rrt.ta RaTal irtfnl Ao turldi-ut irbk-k occuitmI durtcf tb Crut CleTt'taod adutintatratlun U Initrsfe tit. good feellnc exJaUnx b (TMit the rWilrT men and tb cbhf yf th btira.0 of caral eotistnjc tton. A certain enrrespondect, who m M particularly lntlruat. term, with ti. chief, cmiled At bit offlc aid waa raoelTwl with onuaual-curdlaUtj, . t'.llltif the torrmpooduot by hi. first Da roe, ; thm chk-f Mid: ."Louk here, Blank, 1 want yoa to d. eomethiua for me. Ur. ' appointment to A plac la thlt department, after belnff fought through two eon re. prevailed, has been ilgned by Secretary Whitney and .rily walla the signature of the prealdeot Too. of all men lo Wash ington, can Bod oot what action the pretUdeot will take, and I think yoa' know a way to prevent the document being algned." Thi rorreapoDdent replied, "t think I know a way." He left the tralldlng and went for Ulaa , who was at that time doing Washington society for the Associated Preaa. To her be told the . atory and explained whaC be wanted done. , . .. . s all - - obtained an audience with iTrav Cleveland and told what ahe ram. for. Ura. Cleveland went to the president's desk and singled out a paper with the remark, "There, I gttesa that la the one yoa mean." She then turned corner of the document down and left It . -. - ' In the coarse of his work the presl. dent came to the paper and then, In a surprised tone, said to Secretary La mont,T"ran, do yoa know anything about this appointment?" Mr, Ijtmont did not know anything about It. .'.n i - "Well.'' said the president. "Prances has evidently turned this down for a purpose. I guess It's all right" And the official signature was not attached. Philadelphia Tost .. , , . , . .i '. .. Beeeatrl. Balaaa. A correspondent of literature sends an Interesting anecdote of Bnlznc to that Journal: Leon Goxlan ttsed to re late bow be met Bausae one day on the Boulcvnrd dee Capuclnes "dying with hunger." The novelist Insisted on tak ing G oe tan to a confectioner who sold macaroni pat tie a Forgetting his hun ger, Bnleac plunged Into an apprecia tion of Cooper's "Lake Ontario" (new ly appeared). Goilan noticed that the shop attendant, an English girl, had heard him address Balzac by name and was gazing at the author as though fascinated. Sha was astounded pres ently by the appetite of genius for macaroni piJCtles, which disappeared by couples. '-' "How much do I owe you?" asked Balzac, : ." irr. rf - ."Nothing, M. Balzac," said the Eng. Ilsh girl firmly. l. , , Balzlc was nonplused for a moment, then he pushed his precious copy of "Lake Ontario" Into the girls bands, saying, "I can never sufficiently regret, matin raoleelle, that I did not write that book." . . ,. , Hot Bis Klad. j Two 'members of a well established Arm that does business In the whole sale district Indulged In the following dialogue the other afternoon: - " Junior Partner Why didn't yoa give that man a chance? W need another clerk here, and I rather like his looks. SAior Partner I liked his looks, too. but he's no goodTv . . Junior Partner How do you know that? . ; -0- . Senior Partner When a man who Is looking for a Job comes to me and Bays, "I, suppose. you don't want to hire any one today, do you?"1 that's enough. If be had anything In lilm, he'd come right out aud sny whut he meant. If he supposed we didn't want to hire any one, why did he waste our (lme and his by coming la to bother ub? Chicago Times-Herald. ..:.. -.!; t. Trlasapluiat. . . " ,t . "When yon get m a crowd, my dear," said Mr. Winkles to his wife, "always look out for pickpockets." "I'm not afraid of them, dearest;" answered Mrs. Winkles. "They can't pick my pockej." ., . "That's Just like you women," said Mr. Winkles, "nlvrays so sure. Pray tell me why yoa couldn't hare your J nnnt.n.a itlnbl M C ' ' " ' , ita.uw linnet,. "Because I haven't got any," answer ed Mrs. Winkles proudly. Harper's Bnzar. ; ' ' StrctaalKa- to Bnt. ' When a man is tired, he stretches bis arms and legs and yawns. Birds and anl mala, so far as possible, follow his ex nni pie. Birds Spread their feathers and also yawn; they open their mouths slowly till they are round, the bones ot the head seem to loosen and the gills open. 1 ." n '-": " Some musicians get along on their chock, but the cornlst depends on his lips. Philadelphia Bulletin. , .. ..j The overage walking pace of :a hcnltliy. mnn or woman is said to be T5 steps a uiluute. Ci.tretning Et.ssach disease Permammlly cured by the masterly pow er of South "American Nervine Tonic. Invalid nerj supT no loni-er, l.ec!ie this rt- .!y ran cure tlir:a a!l. It 1 a cure fjr t'ne w!i. "e 1 of sto'i'o 'ii ' n'8 and in ' . " s co at 'is a lib fie fi'st d t. 1 '..a re !h fitt-- ' is n nrvrlous an.l -if". I im t; i "r i i P ' " ' ..4 k til V rimples Turn to Cancer. fiwr o'!n rcir'.ui imra aa to. f - sT in li. a t . .-1. InhentJ-d fnua f . ;; tia--A, iew pm. Afe l f r-1 InHO fc.nw Uir I tn It tlucid, 4 it is imiii-se Ut toil ahfB It wtti : r ak "it m t ie (.rrm cf drwidwl Can rer. Wna hm apjieaird to be A mere pimpla or arr.u-h hn developed tato the mutt oia:gint Canccar. "1 b4 a rM Owr htrh t. At A OAlf Aw t.i.u, t at l I nit. ,M ,uuid tfimrUknt. tut t. tt u:r .A.II4 Lb. Ua r , ifd .ui mf diti.i. i immi... mil.it ! '.1 B f .It Ml 111. I J U. i m.i I .nit irmwtnif i.(lur war... i d - aidad la It A , ttn wot aa am a a a. WTOniri. tminrti. lftBrl t v biiiu ymxtwid a. Im- XI t IM awdlrtM, ABd la I f U Inar smth. laa toat Trim, km iIitmL aad at a ate oi laa limn ha. nniwi." a. r. iu4a. "' - bUUba.-a.Mtaa. It If dsnRemoa to experiment with Cancer. Titedimae Is beyond the skill of physicians. 8. 8. B. is the only cure, because it is the only remedy which goes -deep enough to reach Caooex. S.S.S&Blood (Swift's Specific) Is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash And mer cury, the moat dangerous of minerals. Books on Cancer ami blood disease, nailed tree by Jjwilt gpecillo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.' - In Shoe Buying get the oorrect shape for jour particular type of foot. ' "Queen Quality" Shoes are made in special shap-a to fit the several types of feet. They are beautiful to look at, delightful to wear. The price it not the only thing that has made "QUEEN QUALITY" SHOES famous. D. F. JARVIS 4 CD POLLOCK STKEET. NEW GRIST - LULLS. New Mills, . . llolilng CIieNt, ' ' Elevator! ami Corn Ueantrw, Of the Latest Improved and Up-to-Date Hill Machinery. YOUR TUADlTis'sOLlCITED. t':. SPECIAL PAIN3 taken In clean ins; and polishing gram before going; tiirougb the mills, which insures pure tneal. , Corn, Hominy, Oats and Mixed Feed. GEORGE BISHOP. ..New Bern, N. 0. ' - Iditst or Jflisflaid. Craven county Hond, No. 23, fbr $500. Thiajtond has been called by the Board of Conuufoaioners, and proper applica tion forTue . payment theroof wiU be made. All persons are warned againat trading for the same. , . . . i At gust 1 lib, lk09.! v v : - M. l)eW.. STEVENSON, ,', ., ' . , . Attorney. i"0E HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water and free from itiipuritits. Specially -tended and prepared for human con sumption. . Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) S a ra to 0 p m. . Hundavs (retail only) 7am to 19 noon. : For prices and other information, Address, ' ITeiT Ecrno Ico'Co.,'; a 8. fJUION, Manaoiu. I f T. ...... ' 1 fti -Aft k i. :. . ,r A .. . , ., J 1 ! 'o iicnry'sPharmacy UJ M.i.t he rimt, MW trii. h.CTU CHO.IN.C Ttt tat ti.a Ml aJ $Um4 lUan. Jjr, Ii lha run of Plr.Lc, i'uika, TwrnIS.r htwvtt., htr tii, 1 u.o. hot1. Il'r.r , iibmaaltu, Ac , m IlLNRY'S COHHOLNO , LX IRACT OH 5H5APARILLA WIIHIOWDCS. A powerful pariaW of lU. Muod, Act ing lanMgli la ualurst amrrtary And eicmary org" rt-movieg thna. la.llera bkb dial orb lis ptuwy. tleav ry's rkraa parti la bt Hlt ap tu awet tk. popular need lor saea a reatedy, without being reload to Ui an .ay arrrei ana trnma aid quack zoadiclce. ot tha daf uf uokanws eucnprallkm. ll omlaloa Inat a-aattie lurniula call, f.ir aa printed in an tb. lahrl of rm k taaitti aa.1 w it. fiir dm half Um pttr. charifrU for onkaowa oouipoaitlooA Fur bals at lli-ary's Pbamaoy, where yoa will fiotl Combo, Tooth Uruabea, Tuilet Altk lrA. PtiTtUos PreacripUous Carefully Cucb pounded. Important Notice. I. C. D. fix 0. D. LIN I. ConmeuciDg Moo day S8th, Instant, a ileaiuer will leave Hew Bera on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at p. ., tU piog at Oriental and Roanoke lalaad trip. GEO, HSNDKBSOtl, Agent August Mth, 1889. . IF YOU WANT Fine Shade Trees, Fine Fruit Trees, - Fine Ornamental Trees, Fine Roses or . Fine Shrubbery Place your orders with It. it BILL, . New Bern, K. C. Orders bow being taken for Fall Plant ing. Take Care of the Dimes The Dollar Will Take Care of -TiiemKelves. Granite Sauce Pans 20o and Sfir, . Tin Sauce Pans 10c and 15c Granite Coffee Pots i qt tOo, S ut SSc, Granite Font Tubs at 60c Granite Preserving Kettles at 40c. Large Granite Dippers at 15c S quart Tin Dippers at IOj. A Wire Toaster for 5c A Wire Broiler (large) for 15c A IT quart Granite Dish Pan for 85c A Decorated Japanese Crumb Tray and Brush lor SSc A Pudding Hold for 40c A New Bread Box for 40c A Tin.Trunk for 80c. A Butcher Knife for 16c A Chair Bottom for 10c . Oall on us for Masou'd Fruit Jar. Jar Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, &c. Our prices ate right " A bottle of Glue, nice for irendiug broken glass or o rockery ware at Be. A can Furniture Varnish and Brush (or 85c ' . , - Ready Mixed Paint at 75c to $1 25 gall. One pound cans paint at 10c Tanglefoot Fly Paper 45c package. Buggy Whips in greet variety. We have two Lawm Mowers left per haps you need one. ' Tobacco Twlne and Tobacco Ther mometers a Specialty." - g We have just received a fresh supply of Loaded Shells. A package of Gold Bronze for 80c. A Cleaver for ?5c W have only a! few Freezers left which we will continue to sell At the same low prioes as long as they last. . If you need a freezer now is your time to buy, : . We have a nice cheap line of Market Baskets to which we call your attention. Don't fail to call on us for anything In our Line : ' YoursTruly, J. C. IVIiilty eS CO. R E A L E STAT E AG EN CY Eousea and Ixta For Sale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and Tenements that will prove a fine invest ment. Ci ?Vci:tiB of rents a Specialty. (' e at r. ' 'i m 17 Johnson street nioni.e. akb roit rtr. Peace Institute. RALKIOM. N. C. On of tb. frawl a-bo U la l- NiLfc, A 4 llwi i br.1 I, AJ.aktac. glvea KrtMl lur rsluar. J lV VIK H IttblC A. Fine Tobacco. Truck . and Geueral Farming Lands . , For Sale. Oa. trart of SO aerr. la OB. fuarUi ail. of city of Nw let a. Una trart of S7 arr. I. Ins thaa oa il of city of Mr Bete. Do. tract of 0 acres lo abuet nr. II of city of Nrw rV-a. Oo. tract of tt Acres la two mile, of city ot haw Bern. Un. trao of to acre ie two aad oa. half lai.aa of Citf of New Bern. . Oo. tract of M act, la thro, and oae quarter mile, of city of Maw ben, A II of lit. above tracts an well looa lul, being on tlx aaaa. aid. of tb. rivers that Nw Bera ah They ar. la rood state of .tilth alios) and w. bold thorn at a moderal. pike. t nr prioea, .ie., apply to J J. WOLFENDEN, New Bern.N.C. Dog Tax Notice ! NO. 2. Tim Is bow out and the lai aauat b. paid before Sept 1st, IBM. It But paid by Kept 1st, will piooeod to collect by distress. Section 48. Any person haviog or owning a dog who shall fall to pay tL. tax, shall be gailty of a ailtdemeanor, And oa coavicUon Sued not xoeeding Bve dollars or Imprisoned not to exceed ten days and such dogs may be treated as a nuisance aad destroyed. Tax-MaIbSOc Female 1 00 J. J. TOISON, City Tax Collector. , School IVotl3e ! My school will be reopened Monday, October. 2d. There will be vacancies created In my Hat. of pupils by those who have eon. to Boarding ttcliool. I can accommodate a limited number nf new cholera both ia the Advanced and pri mary classes. F. B. BMALLWOOD. Returning from their Vacation many of our patrons arenow,and they should call as soon as "possible and look at the many new snd handsome styles in cboic. fabrics that we have just re ceived from the bet Importers In the country. Uur nne diagonals, cassimeres, cheviots and serges are rich and elegant, and we will make vou a suit from them that will be swell and perfect in .style and Ut F. 31. Chadwik, Middle street NEW BERN, N. 0 Public Auction Wrecked Cargo ! There will be sold at public auction at Batteras, North Carolina, on Tuesday, September the 19th, 1899, about 230 bales of Cotton and alwut 200,000 oak staves, being a portion of the cargo of an un known ship which was wrecked off Hatteras Beach, on August 17th, 1899. B. F. WUEDBEE, Wreck Commissioner, 6th District Dare county, N. C. Batteras, N. C , Angust2th 1899. P. TRENWITH, . Blacksmith, ; and .-"Wh'eelrlelit. Manufacturer of Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Ac All kinds of Repairing In my line done with neatness and dispatch. - Two sew Carts and two new Drays on hand, also Spring Wagons and Buggies newly repaired, For Sale at a Reasonable Prioc QfShip work a Specialty. Shop 8outK side of South Front Street between Middle and Hancock, New Bern. N. 0. HOW IS THIS That the Gaskins Cvcle Co.. can sell B'cycles and Sundries and do Repair Woik " Cheap? Because they buy in large quantities and sell T cash and nave best worKuien emplovri... They now have five experi enced workmen and are turning, out nic er work thaB ever , They are also doing a wholesale busi ness iu Bicycles and Sundries and would like to have agents in every town and village. Those interested will please write or call on CASEINS1' CYCIE COMPANY Planter Building. 1 I r IAi.lL XOTUre. , turn M.'Jk tTli k'k SOT IM! . II.V I $ A..I . A4nini'lal'W of tar 4mU . I t .mti il, .H arf.ua. t a tng ria . Iflint M.UI UI r. mdift. 4 etil Mm, ali,r tt. lit In aw, . i mi i.ii i, l , Wan'. Inr f4t wi.l I ad iha mtt aUy J Anga. I , Ilia, nuirv H Im 4ra4 ia liae ,4 retiMi ty. All hvitrl to .U1 t-at.l are hquialrtt M DMA. lmov.li.le M-Bt. - u. r w uti runt). AoguM 90, it. AdoilakHiat.. Executors Notice. " Tbe Ubdtaitur4 having duly qualtflrd a. eseCNti M It tart a ill ami leal. at of d.ia i Hill of Have eoauly, N C. htl) nottfles all puruas BaviaK rUinat aaanal aald eatatr I" pre rot I ha (an, duly vrrlilrd to ,.ld t-trc-ator on v U luia the 8rJ day nf Aug IMM.nr ll.Ui oilo. till la filial ha bar of their rocovtry. All pera. inih Wed Ui IW aaid rut at. viqaiml la aiaka prompt pay meat J i K., 1 lM si day of A sr. 1899. CUAU t. HILL. tCxrcutor, Ed aria U. 11 ill. deoeaaed. Alit.lNISTR.TOIt'3 KOI It'll Having qualified as adminlatraUar of John WilUama, drccaaed. late nf t r.rea eouaty, N. C, hk Is to notify all perrons BAving i iuiina agatiial in. laiale .of the said ilnenM-d tu sxbiliit them to the an lersigned on or befor. tb. SUth. day of August, lUOO.or this notice will be plead ad In bar tat their renovary. All peraoas iDdelatrd to tb. Mid ektaie will jilea). make Immediate papmeot. I UU9, r. MOVAKTUT. R. W. WiuJaItron, s Admtaitlralor. Altoraey. it' This 20th day of August 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S HOTICI I Uavine auallfied as admlnlatralur nf Julius F. Con edon. deoeaaed. late of Craven county N. C, this Is lo notify an parson. Having claims agAlnat the estAta of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 9th day of August 1900, or mis none, win oa pieaued lo uat of tL.ir recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate pay men a JUHKril B, CONGDON, Admlnutrator, August 9th, 1899. , Notice to Debtors and Creditor;. The Subscriber bavin t auallfied as Ex ecutor of the Last Will and Testament of W. 0. Whitford, drcvaaed, heieby noun . aii persons naving claims againat the estate to present them to U C. Clark In Nw Bern, or the subscriber at George town, 8. O , oo or before the Oil) day of August A. D . 19C0 or this notice wilt be pleaded in bar of reenvety. Persons Indebted to the estato will make Imme diate payment REID WUITFORD, Executor. Executor's Notice. The undersigned having duty qualified aa extcutor of the last will and testament of Jeremiah Abbott here nolilira all persons having clalgis against said es tate to present the same duly verified to said executor on or before the 28th day of July, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bai of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estato are required to make prompt payment Thie 28th day of July, 1899. ROBERT HANCOCK, Executor, . Jeremiah Abbott, deceased ' COMMISSION tR'S SALE 1 North Carolina, ) Superior Court, Craven County. J May Term, 1889. JOHN HUTCHINSON, JR. JOHN HUTCHINSON. Pursuant to the judgment ot the Su perior Court of Craven county rendered at the Spring Term 1899, in favor of Johu Hutchinson, Jr., and against . olin Hutchinson, as commissioner in said judgment appointed, I will expose to sale And sell to the highest bidder for cash At tie Court House door of Craven county, on Monday the 2d day ot Octo ber 1899, at the hour of 13 o'clock M, the following lot of laud lying and being in the city of New Bern, described ai fol lows towit: " All that certain tract of land pur chased by John Hutchinon of I W Hughes by deed dated J .n 9lh 1858, and fully described iu the mortgage deed upon which the above entitled action is brought duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ol Craven county in book 64, pages 216 and 217. The same being a part of the lot In the town ot New Bern,' known and distinguished in the plan of said Town by the number 86, and extending from the Southeast corner of Broad and Hancock streets, 68 feet, 8 inches on Broad street, W the Northwest corner of Wbichcoata Whites and on Hancock street southwardly 157- feet, 6 inches; bounded on the north by Broad street, on the south by Alexander Mil ler's line, oa the east by Whichcoats Whites line and on the west by Hancock street -September 1st, 1899. r.fl ROBERTb. :- , . Conituissioner.. PUBLICATION OF "SUMMONS. North Carolina, I Superior Court Oaven Cn t - Hefnie. the Clerk ' I L Hartsdeld, J A Bryan and Others y . . II B Pearce, Xiniena B Briggs and Others. To Lula Claiborne Pace, Byrd Page, . Alston Page and Weldon Pago and ' , the heirs of Thomas S Singleton, de ceased, Take Notice. That a special proceedings has been Instituted in the Superior Court of Cra ven county by the petitioners above named and others to make sale of a cer tain tract or parcel of land to which in said petition it is alleged that you have and hold an interest Haid proceedings are commenced for the purposes of dividing the proceeds of said land to the end that the same may be held tn sever alty. ; And you will further take notice that ou aie required to appear at. the offioe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of . Craven county on the 8lh day of Srp-.' tember 1899, and answer or demur to the petition which will be filed In said proceedings or Iho petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief demandel in sstd petition. ..... ;; , .: This July 27th.'l8!r ' " W. M. WATSON, a 8. 0., ' Craven County. . . XT TT " 'fTTT f . ' a.,l ...' W i.VLjlLl .1 r:trcct. I J. J

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