r i . VOL 1VI1-X0. 143. SXW BIliX, 5. C, WlCSrSDAY M0BSI50, SEPTIMBIR 13,. 1109. iSTABLiMitn its: m rf" . -.V AN I To the A A ! IN i i fl IS IS IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN o o o I bar tbia daj oU to Mr. E. 15. Hack horn, th mer cantile busings carried on by n at No. a 47 antf 49 Pollock Street, New Bern, N. U, to bom all debt due to aaid buiintw will -be paid, and bf whom all contract! made by said bueinoa will be filled and all debU due by (aid busmeas will be paid on prosecution. Scptcmbnr 6th, 199. , J. H. HACKBURN. I rospectfirlijr aolicit from tbe general pnblio a coa tiuuanoe of tbe tery liberal patronage bestowed npoa tbe retiring firm. I ho by faithful attoutioo to but-; ineaa, coupled with cloae price aud houeet goods to twrtttame. You ra Very Truly, E. B. HACKBURN. .CALL mm i And get your want inpplied with everything Fresh aud Beet Quality. ' . . W have the very best Hulter and Cheese, and hae just re- ' ceived fresh lot Fancy Cakes and CracVcrs Oruham Wafers, Uneeda Biscuit and Mushrooms. While it is so hot yon will Gild our Soups and Pilot Duscuit nice and handy for a quick meal. Potted Meat, Chip Beef, Fish, Clams aud Oysters, Ileitis Beans, Tomato Soup and Mince Meat. , , -..- Oar Best Patent Flour at 2Jc, none bettor, and all yon want. . ' Our Stock of Groceries is almost complete and carefully kept. GIVE US YOUR ORDER. GASKILL & HARDWARE: 4 73 MIDDLE STREET. ' 'Phone E . ;- O O s We have Jast received oar can promise to suit everyone. 1 ' ; ; 3 Don't fail to see our line or $2 TO, $2.50 ind $3.00 3 B Derby'. . , ' ' 7 1 .'" ' . j i ; We are ajtfDii for Knox's World Renowned Hats and 3 bave Just received tbe new shapes. , 3 : Our line of .Soft Hats is complete in all colon ai well 3 I black. :) - I i We Invite especiaf aiteitlon to oar dove colored, raw 3 edgf, Sort Hat with a wbite band, regular featber weight ,3 For a Nobby hat fur comfort it Don't fall to see oar line iinil rilvlim l!narnlil j. a-. iDTJiNrr dc;!co., 57 POLLOCK STltKiiT,, vuiiiiuiuaiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiijaiiuaiiiiujiiiuiuiiiiiiiuiutw Is receiving: New Goods by everyboat, and adding daily to his complete stock. Every new table delicacy can be lound at his store. A call will be highly appre-. ciated. Prices are very low and satislac- tion guaranteed. . ft. , Public. V M V l ! NV SI M VI VI VI VI VI VS vv V! VI vl Vt VI VI VI ON mm MITCHELL, GROCERIES: 147. 61 BROAD STREET.. aT3r3 i n O new cannot be excelled.' . ' 5 before purchasing. 'Prices KEW BEUN.'n. 0. ' '3 3 fill Sljle Hats and i. EILUSH. Ctrj?al:3 Ctnib ftrccl-ti a:?lti.ftxafia."ir, . Kt te k RerMate4 aa Dewsj' CatUa Kaealata Hetty. IaUrtit la Btata Fair. Xe Tabaeee Tratt. aUaaall- . . aaas Mat I'aeer Caa. traL Ralbioi, 8pt. It Oovaraor RoMall at prateat aipacta to go to Haw lor to atuad lb "Dtwey Day" eehbrailoa. Tb Avdjotaal Quinl uld that at far aa ba kaawa ae troopa (roai tbia &ate would atuad tba oalabralioa. At oo that ba atpraMad tb bop tbat aoaia of tb aaral raasrrai eoald f o la lb Hor Baaakla'ld aotkaow wbetbot aajr talots would ba find bar tbat da. Tba Mormoni aow bare a ebarcb bar It b a amall affair, la tb aootbara part of rUlatKb. John Skelton Willlimi, tba prtwldenl of tba Baaboard Air Line, Utob bare on tba 17lU lnat. If bit stay Is long eaough to permit, a roaptloa will be giTaa at the Capital Club to g It bint aa opportantty to meat Balalgb'a buatnea t. If. Slmnona, of eonnael for tba cor- poralloa comaiiHlon In tba Injunetloa matter, before Judge Hlmonton tomor row," aaid tbat tbe affldartu prepared would tbow tbat railroad property la North Carolina la not aaaeud a high as iedlTldual property. Tbe attorneys fur tbe railroad say they will show an xaolly oontrary stale of faots. ' '' Jaines Lanier. Raleigh's dwarf, 81 inches high, weight 48 pounds, who suf fered concuiiton of the brain two weeks ag by a fall in a Are engine bouve, ' will racorer, la fact, ha it out of danger. Tba bulldlag of the Carthage Railroad Into Qreeniboro will give, the latter plact a much detlrad eonnectloa with the Seaboard Air Line. Tbe Carthage road tape the Seaboard at Htaly, two aiilea thlt tide of Boulbera Pines. ' Tbe local cotton recelptt of the new orop here are aeary. Saturday tney were 100 bales. Cotton la opening rapid ly. .V- . . Good ralni hare fallen and the healed term, the wont la a doaen yean hat ended. " " w The State charters the Tuadarlia Cot ton rallL at lit. : fleaaant, Cabarrut oounty; capital paid bp. 130.000; to be Increased to $100,000. James R. Young, oommiMloner of. In uranee, It tick at Henderson, his home. Commissioner of Agriculture ratter son will be at Tarboro neit Thursday and Friday to hold a farmers' Institute for Edgecombe county. He says It will be a large one Profs, blassey aad John' son, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, will aid him In conducting It, sndW. C HcUackln, Wake county a supervisor of pnblio roads, will deliver a lecture on good roads and bow to build them. ; On Wednesday of the State fair, Octo ber 18th, there will be a Stale, conven tlen pf trackers here. Thecommiuloner of agriculture will call It -', ' Mr. F. tL Simmons saya tbat the sute- ment that Judge Clark furnished aa affidavit In tbe railroad tax Injunction cases was erroneous. ' Mr. Simmons left for Ashevllle this aftornoon. ' - There is much Interest shown In pit' ptrations for' the State Fair.' Nearly $1,000 Is being expended in putting things in shape. The race track will be a beauty and tbe racing fine. Tbe bill ing of tbe Sute for the Fair, October 13d 27th, will begin this week. ; The attempt t "round up" the leaf tobacco warehouses In North Carolina and form a trust has completely failed Even Its promoters bow make this-' ad mission.'-'! :. ,' - The negro Bill Edwards, who killed Policeman Earns at Concord a fortnight ago, waa captured Saturday in South Carolina and was placed In jail at Chat lotte for safe keeping, as feeling against blm in Concord la very high. , : John F. Rowland, ona of the leading Republicans In Rutherford county. out In favor of the constitutional amend ment. Tbe fact is that tbe Republicans cannot hold (heir people in line against the amendment, cannot control them and cannot make . opposition to the amendment a test of party loyalty. At the term or the criminal Court c McDowell county Saturday true bills for perjury were returned against J, M. Justice and 0. M, Blalock in regard to evidence they gave as to the vote at the town of Old Fort last year, their evi dence being In the contested case of Richmond Pearson against W. T. Craw ford, for the seat la Congress from the Ninth district. . . L. G. Helms, of Wilmington, who w. a arrested by United Slates Detective B. F. Perry on suspicion of being a counter feiter, has sued Terry for $10,000 dam-sgei.- . 1 Chester II. IVown, Kalamazoo, Mlcb , sa)'S: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe esse of iti.!"j,.i,tloii; can strongly recommend It to ad dyspeptics" Digests what you eat without aid from the st 1 p - . '5-Duffy. r A Makes the food more defcious end whoiesotne Tbe reporta of crop oomepoadeaia for tbs week eading Monday, September i 1. 189, were aot very satiafsctoiy. Tbe forepart of lb week waa Intensely waraad dry. Mai Imam temperatures occurred a tb Otb breaking all prevl J aas records for blgb temperatoras la' September, reaching over 100 at central points. Although a decided mode ratios eccurred oa Buadsy and Monday, lbs mean for tba week was over C per day above tba normal, Drought prevailed over most of tba counties of the State, but wsa relieved toward tbe close, by freqoeat sbowera, chiefly over western counties. Tba rain on Monday, lllb, seems to bar been quite general and very beneficial, and will enable more rapid progress to be made In fall plow ing, and the seeding of winter wheal. oats, and rye. Sever local storms wltb some Injury to crops occurred oa the 7th In Anson, Burke, Henderson, Gas toa, and a few other oouatles. , Owing to the lateness of the fcaeon tbe rains, however beneficial the fall crops, cannot now materially change tbe yield of the staple crops. Lata corn has not greatly Improved: fodder pulling Is nearly over except In the central west. Cotton, under Influence of the Intense heat early In the week.opened very rapid ly, many of the open bolls being small and immature. In many southern fields all tbe crop Is open; picking is progress' Ing rapidly. 8oms cotton In the east tangled and blown to the ground by the late storm, will be soiled by the rains Caring tobsoeo Is over except In the north to west section, where the work Is being accomplished as rapidly as posal ble. Late tobacco was much damaged by firing from Granville county west to Surry, and cures were not generally sat lsfactory. Large quantitiea of bay were saved. Peas, while making good vines tor hay, will not yield a large crop of seed. Digging and stacking peanula has begun. . Turnips bave generally a poor stand and need rain. Rice Is ripening. Fell plowing progressed more rapidly toward the close of Ibe week, end some winter oats and rye have been seeded. - There's always hope while there's One Minnte Cough Cure." An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad abape and I was near tbe first stages of oon sumption. On - minute Cough Cure completely cured roe," writes Helen Mo Henry, Bismark, N D, GIvea instant ra lief. FS Duffy. - When in Bayboro stop at the Lupton House for good accommodations. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ' NATIONAL BANK, or New BerneN.-C at New Berne, la the State of North Carolina', ' ' at tb close of Buslaess, , Sept. 7,1899. , RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 221,473 CO Overdrafts, secured and un-. secured.. 8,820 78 D. S. Bonds to secure ctrcu Ulion, fours. 10,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand, threes. 10,000 00 Stocks, securities, etc 67,418 00 Kankinir-houaa. furniture. and fixtures... 18,000 00 Other real estate and mort- gages owned 42,870 17 Due from National Banks (net Reserve Agents) 45,870 13 Due from State Banks and - Bankers.. 6,01148 Due from armroved reserve agents... 00.S82 88 Checks end oiuer casn items o,iv to Notes of other National Banks 2,918 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents. ...... 1,450 08 Lawful money ResoTve in Bank, viz: BDecte 28.387 00 Legal tender notes 8,000 00 37 00 Redompt ion fund with U. o. . Tiea'r (5 of circulation). . 1,128 00 . yTotal '" LIABILITIES. $546,824 08 Caoital stock paid in. . $100,000 00 Surplus fund 70,00000 Undivided nrotlts, less ex penses and taxes paid...... ; 18,033 01 National ISank notes out standing .... ........ ... " 18,05000 Due to other jNsuonai Bants y,oro oo Due to Stste Banks and Bunkers - 8,483 88 Individual deposits subject to chock lt0,08 03 Time certificates of deposit..... ... 118,81498 S . Ctertiried checks 10 45 Cashier's checks . outstanding 215 80 837,713 84 ' Total t!48,82103 State of North Carolina, I County of Craven. J I, O. II. Roberts, Canhier of the above named bank, lo solemnly swear that the above Btntement la true to tne best of my knowledge and belitf. Q. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. .Subscribed and sworn to before me this liitu day of Bept, 18t'i). J. R. B. CA1UUWAT, N. P Cokkect Attest: Jamks A. Brtak, Jno. )rNN, J. II. IIackbchw, Directors. rj ' A r- CmmIIh YaaeVrUU. Pil. New Tons, September IS Coraelios Vaadsrbllt died today at bis born la New York. Tb slock market declined aad was aasellled. Cbicaoo, Sept. 11 Tb delegate to lb Coafereaca oa Trails called by Um Civic Federation to eneet la Chicago next Wetnceday ar coming la alowl) tboavL U0 are expected tn take part la tba dtscnssloas. Bom of tba rpreeatative of Ulxir orgaaliatloae that bave arrived allrgt that politics enter largely Into tbe mo Uvea for calling Ike gathering. This I denied by promoters of the conference. DeWlll's Little Early Risen perma nently care chronc constipation, billons aeaa, nervousnees and worn-out feeling: cleanM and regulate the enllr system. Small, pleasant sever gripe or sicken famous Utile pills." F. 8. Duffy. m sracuijsriVB itamatKf. Todsys quoutions furnished by R. B Wilson ft Co., Richmond, Vs., Repre sented by A O. Newberry. Naw Yobk, Sept. 12. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Clu Sugar .. 161 ISlf 140 1501 Am. Tobacco. Reading . 118 . 60, .1 48 .. lit t 181 131i .. 37 ,.04, ,. 001 . M :. us .. 62, 125, 60s 44 Hi 183 181 87, 94i 00, Ml 117 62, 124, 57 43 10i 181) 130, 27 9i . 05t 63 111 61 68 C. T. O... .. 44 Leather..... St. P 101 132J 131 R.8.I 87, O. T. P 03 B. R. T. A. 8. A W. .. 07 64 T. a I 116 3o.R'y Pfd.. 62, COTTON. Open. Hlph. Low, CI 04. January........ 618 6.14 6.10 6.10 OcU Cotton 6.00 5 98 6 04 6.04 CHICAGO MARKETS. Wbb&t Open. High. low. Close December.... 71 71 71 71 OoRMx December.... 28 28, 28 28 INDIGESTION, rcsullinsr from I wakness of tiio stoniacli, is relieved by Hood's Hnrsajuirilla, the jrreat stom ach tooio and cure for DYSPEPSIA' Step Ladders Step Ladders, Step Ladders A. 4-Foot Isatlder Tor 48c. A. 5-Foot Isndtlcr For 60c. A. 6-Foot Xndder For 72c. , The nicest you erer saw. . . Now Uont wait until they are all gone, but come at once and supply yourself. . You can't afford to borrow one when they can be had at these Low Prices. IJvcrj 'body NtH! Mo Come AIoii , Ai:l Get Cue. C I ftwvataktl I I 41 il&mm isaaaaiaaasiaaa a J m ,XttlIlfIIMIIIIIlIIU((fllMMf iKIIflfir. em rJ sis Wl UNEEDA BISCUITS. 1 -11!- 5 . ("it-am Lunch biscuit, Soda Cracker, Ginger Snas m' and Sugar Cake. Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Kuller. Very finest Cream Cheese. Imported aud Domestic aasrvQi. Iieins'i Bakd Btni with Tomato Sauce. (bip l'cef, Cooked f orne.1 IWx f, I'ottAl Hum and Tungne. 8almon, Sardinca, LolisU-r and Kirred 11 r ringa. Fine Syrup and MolaMr. Catsup, Mustard, Sau era, Ac Geuuine Codfish, fresh lot jnst in. I receive nice fresh goods by every freight Give nte a call. J.L. lMton 01. mm. iuvsaftiftiauM SOMETHING DEAR TO THE HEART OF EVERY WOMAN IS A HANDSOME SILK WAIST ! For these est line of Silks you STRIPES AND FIGURES, ALSO almost any thing you - the Silk Line. Ask to see them and we will show you LINE OF Those New Blister Crepons are in too. They are just the correct thing. These only a few "Fall Hints". : ' OY OXJXuOCZZZ ST. I am now the Sole Agent for the o o o CELEBRATED o o A.J.SMITH 89 MIDDLE 8TEBKT, -."j. A Full and Fancy and Heavy Groceries ajyBisT,'' ' - -a-.ri , " J. R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, 'Phone CD. ;77 Eroad Htreet. 3: Wl.o!rafe & Illall Oro??r, 71 Ilrsrv Kl. S we have just the pretti ever saw. all NEW FALL STYLES. PLAIDS, PLAIN AND TWO TONES, in iact may want in the LARGEST SILKS IN THE CITY. 9u r :- NEW PERN. N, C. Complete ltine of Can slwsvs bo found in our stfro : V bare it reoelrnl-a fresh lot of the following gCHMb: ' : -. - . Uneeiis Biscuits, Mararonl , and f Ueee In t lb cans, ltte. (: .,. ,, , , , 8oup, 10c can. N '," : ' Imported and Domestic. Maca roni ....'-' llolas Sweet Vlxed and Cwrnm-: r I'lcks, - ' " ' ImsR llsh, Chiftia; Since, &c. Fr. I., t 1 criplii'ii Tin. .i.ui . r et I :