8 h ( ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ! 1 ' 1 wv i ' . M . " . " t -s . k . P ..-, ,-' 1 P - a.rl , .,.. " y. ,.' fa.l aar.I -" Mry, F- - p - i Mta . IM Sanvr lata jj ?. MW aV, 'V- h-r, -9, -rm . . - lP- TU , Wr4j - to A4LkUv J . 4 Umhm,u i t Zl TRY DUY AFTCRVARC3. tfi!!!!!ll!ll!!!!!!!!!!iil!lH!ll!lllll!i!!U!ll!!Iv fcv r 1 Trrni's Bfiure I I am now the Sole AgenHor the o o o CELEBRATEOo o oononrrnrrrnrrrrnnnrYnonoo The North Carolina College -OF- liiciiltiirftl. Dil Ttrm Blnt Wednesday,-September 7th. Gires n xtraordintry course of cost to the student. It not onW educates but Drenarea illrectora of agricultural and anecbanical nlerprbe& .: i- - S , There are complete ipcclal and abort courses la tlx) Tsrions Agricultuml, W' inauttnai, aiecnanicai, lextna ana uivio Arts. 1 Htudenis will be allowed to stand tba entrance examination it the q county-seats o( the counties In wulch tbey reside, Uiua saving the ex- pense 01 a trip 10 using u. Kutranoe axamlnaliona will bo held court nouse, unner ma superviaton or o PEESIDENT - " . oononjuuJuuuuuuuLm OtV(vuiXiXAsywiawVvwvo 3 A Fnll and Comptelcpjiie O ? Fancy and: Heavy -Groceries - J: R. PARKER, JfeiQROCEP, y ; 'Phone 69. .. - n Broad; Street. ;; BliTRENWITH; lllacksniltli, Whcelright. 5 t Manufacturer of "Bagnios, "Curt, Pre , Ac. ' ' " Wsgora, All kinds of Rt pslrlng in my line done with nt atnets and dispatch. ' Two new Cuts and two new Drays on 1 band, also Spring Wsgons and Buggies ' newly repaired, For Sale at a Reasonable Trice. .' ' tyShip wbrk a Specialty. ' ' .' ' V ttonp Sou tli side of South Front Street, ' bet wen Middle and Hancock, New llerii N. O. JOE OR HOXE USE Oli'Hii, pure wliol.fome, guarantee" to bu cliemically made Iroin dmiilled water and five Irom impurities. Specially in truded ao4 prepared for human con " sumption. Ice dcliven d daily (except SundayB) 8 a m to 0 p m Fundayn (retail only) 7 a in to 13 r.oon. 'Fur pi icea and ollu r iiiliii iiiiitiuii, Addrttw, Nev7 Eerua lea Co., Jj. S tiyiCH MANA8LB 1 1 1 i t , . i 1 1 1 i . . . 1 1 . BB... - ''"'" v n;itmT:xT. zzn .. a vl" mmm ww -" roHi.M' 111 l rLm v Kids, en (MMlHMt L a o a i j Instruction at an extraordinary low Its atndtnU to become Intelligent 5 on tba 10TB or'Atlfltrer, "in the county Buperlntendept. GEO. T. W1NST0K,. " WEST EALKIGH. N. C. O . .Can ajirarf b found. In oor fresh lot of tba folio wine coods: . ' Uneeda Biscuits, Macaroni and Cbeese In 1 lb cans, 10c.- "' P ,: ' Uonps, 10c can. :'' ; 1 ' 1 ' ilmnoiledand Domestic Msct ronL . .:. ,.- it,.. V).,; f;r. y . ' Helm Sweet Mixed and Cucom- V berl'icklea. " S Q ltna Bellsb, ChUjl Mt. k, i:ov;,.pue. l have be City Tax List for. ,18!)? pow in hand, arn'ri ady and BXinu to rile vou a' rtcelot Tbecy tWasary-- is empty and neols your help very much, Call and pay your laxos now, it will L veiy much appreciated. 1 i t . Oh, have you paid the tax on your dog yet.' Male dog, 60c; female, $1 00 Cost added will be more.' : ,,, J. J. TOISONv , .. . "City Tax Collector. .. SEE "HERE I We now furjish jou Stove Wood ready cut and delivered 'to your door, AlWHYtkept under laige siieua, never felt wet In ral iy weather. Nice Drick and liatbes. . r Fiats to Let. . ,.: A larze Mock, of Ko 1 Hand Made Heart Shingles Just uriived, ', - Tar and Lime. r "1 eclianic Arts. TA(;::n:i;::TrATAL iT tC''JOHT V.-CTi 1. CTH TO If-E TV 1BMM I. S4 -4 aMr. awM ib rwiiikik at 1 tlu BWa Kmwi I. nrh tlirtn W Xtari.w. "Of all tt oisny UV to wbk-b th atrtl tnt .! heir." aakl an oJ4 ibjlrta who ti a U ri clirnt4 of arturs. "th wonrt Is stage frtIJ- Tbta Is aatblnc leas Ibsa a aperies of beart dlrM, lodixd by tb aerTOoaHrrad that oof's porfonnaoc may not ba aoc rwafuL This nataraDy attarks brglB-Bt-n eaora cfira than aid atagwa. and jn lastaacra are by no means fawiated wbera death has been brvosbt about through It, ertla, area In tba ease of old tlinrra. f whs pa. bowarer. Rm most parnUaT taatanca t ail was that at the vetaraa performer who bad gooa throofh 30 year of atan wort without iDrtc tnf tbla malady. One Blftht, bowerer, ba roandd So fellow piayet that n quite unaccountable DrrrooaDraa had audilraly Ukrn bokl of him and that ba did not think be could crar act again. . . "Hla comrade laughed nt th notion and urged bltn to go on, aa osual. but hta aatonlsbmeot may well ba coo. oelTed when the poor oM pUycr went on tba ataga ami. after making sereral rain efforts to speak. Ml back and ex pired. Tba doctor who made the past mortem examination atated that death was doe to failure of the heart's action, evidently Induced by tiie preeenca of aa stuck of ataga fright. "Dentil la by no means an Infrequent and to the trouble, and mora than one caae In my own practice has ended fa tally. It la not always tba person whose heart la already affected ' who suffers the most, either, for I recall one casa soma years ago where a young, woman whoaa heart I knew to bo perfectly normal made her professional debut In tbla city. While standing In tbe wtngs awaiting ber first cue abe waa Seised with an attack of ataga fright and trembled violently. , "Not till aha beard tba Una spoken which was ber signal for entrance did aba make any effort at recovery, and then, to the surprise of those who were trying to get her In shape, ah braced np and went on the stage as though she bad been on the boards for year. Bbe went through her part mechanically aud without apparent consciousness of her actions, but she played the scene better than abe bad done at rebearsaL ' "At the close of ber scene she came off tbe atage, staggered to ber dressing room and .sank unconscious to tbo ilwor. Bbe never recovered from ber coma, aud an autopsy- developed tbe .fact that abe bad died or beart disease, though i bad examined her shortly before aud could flud no trace of cardiac affection. '."Several atandard nntborttlee quota the case of a young English aspirant who came to tbe theater on the night of. hla debut In a state bordering on nervous prostration. . He was braced np on brandy and given encourage ment by those on tlie stage with him, but no sooner bad be atepped upon the stage tbnn he chipped his hand upon bis bHirt, and foil dead, Tbe excite ment had. nurtured tbe valves of hla heart, and be bad ended bis career as he was about to begin It "One curious case was told me not long ago by one of the physicians at Bloomlngdale. A young man, a mem ber of a college dramatic club, waa brought there for treatment. lie bad been cast for a part In tbe spring production, and this extra study, add' od to the regular studies Imposed by tbe collegiate course, caused some thing to give way. On the occasion of the dress rehearsal It waa found that he could not remember a line of his port, and this so worried blm that he brake down and was brought here, For several weeks bo could not speak an Intelligent sentence, and then auddenly his part came bock to him, and be could go tbrongb It, cues and all, without a break. For another full week he kept going through tbe lines of hla part, and then developed a severe attack of brain - fever, from which he en roe out perfectly rational, but, oddly enough, with absolutely no memory of the lines of tbe play In question.; ' . .' , , ! "The excitement cnased by , stage fright Is a most curious thing, and did the opportunity present, I should llko to write a treatise on tbe subject, for It is a' fascinating one, but I am, kept too busy patching up the troubles tbtit exist to Write of tbe troubles which have existed." New York Telegraph. Whr Womea Plcht acailakaeaa. "Are women more subject to sea sickness than menr? An -- Atlautlc captain replies: "Tea but, on the other band, they stand It better. A woman struggles up to the point of despair against the what might call the Impropriety of the thing, She Is not so much tortured by tbe pangs atf she Is worried by tbe pros pect of becoming disheveled, haggard nnu draggled. She tights against It to the last and keeps np appearances as long as she can hold up ber bead.". What rirok 111. I'p. "What broke blm up In business!" v "Slow collections.' " - . "I thought he sold, goods for 'cash only." . "He did. It waa tbe Arms he cfwed that had the trouble In making tbe cot lections, and tbey closed hlra out" Chicago Tribune. When the snake ' sheds' his skin, which occurs frequently as often aa every four or five weeks the skin of the eye comes oft with tbe rest. Trans lucent iu most parts, the skin over the make' eve Is correctly transparent . Distressing Stomach Biaease Permanently cured by the masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need sugar no longer, because this remedy can cure tlicm all. It is a cure for - the whole world of stomach weakness and iii.V. stion. The cure begins with tlie first c-e. The re lief it brings is marvelous and surpris ing. It nittkes no failure; never 5isp points. Ko matter bow ! ? yon lire su !'rH, ynurtee H r- i in '-r s l)e !' 1 , . till; i 1 ! r l ti- i , "v .. ; : (.'. ii. t: . i, u. ; ., i-.eiv i' . i, . U. Oh, the Pain ol Rheumatism! Lheumit..m of si eaim U munt h Imm ( 'irjl. iiuj bar fi jrn mui'j avHsni relief trn U. d.wi uni Trr Lhuinjit'.ra ubl,"l li.nfk, and Swift's ;Cille is theimly cure, bw m it Is ti. only rmly bch cas reach such dvf-ai'atel 4immt. A low rmf mfa I wm Ul.a laftawma Sory tlMwiw, wafcra tinwwi m t if awt I ra or nrti ts wk)x. I ww V. arrtrat )llnlwnl krs run. aaa uni mw ?. am taithrikllT, kat was . J aaaU. a (M law stlfhs astiriut. labiLaiaa C7 G aiUoa mrmii ta I J, WMa.UMMMl ft. wt Kjrallm kcx! In. Kwrabw to 111 kWoe allawinf sm u It. kw wr sa.rrtlaa, wba wm a l,wll. MU.h or aMrruiT. I frit m aiaok hvtwr aim btllnS Iwe taiUMa. that I aau.w. lb ra, -Ir.ana la lBMMtlu 1 waamrM WMatrvif. Tlx ear. wa. pmiwiil for 1 ha.BtaM d a toark of tbnuiun uiovstt maj jaws '. la daiy and ii1 wMiiirr. luiim M. Tirrsta. BTU rowaltaa Avaaaa, fhlladclplila. Don't suffer longer with Rhearaatlsm. Throw aside your oils and liniments, el they can not reach your trouble. Don't snnerimeat with doctor their potaab and meeoury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy yoar diges Von. Q C OfT WiV.sWs The will eure narfectlr and nermanently. It la guaranteed purely vegetable, and aontains no potash, mercury, or othea mineral. Books mailed tree by Bwifl fcpecitic Oo.. Atlanta, Ua. TO THE TAX PAYERS ! CRAVEN COUNTY. The Tax Lists for the year 1699, are now in my hands tor collection, yon ill please come forward and pay your taxes forthwith. Those owing Schedule B, or License Tax will be reported to the grand Jury it these tax fa are not paid at one. ' Respectfully, " . . J. L. HAHN, Ex Sheriff and Tax Collector. To flerchantsl Office Register of Deeds, - Craven County. . . ' Kxw Berk, September 9. Tog are required by law to deliver or retura to me. within ten days after the first day of October, a sworn statement of the amount of capital employed by you In your business aa a merchant, mercantile firm or association for the year (twelve months) preceding the first day of October, 1899. , . 'As a dealer In cigars, cheroots, cigar ettes and- manufactured tobacco, yon are requited by law lo deliver or return to me within ten days after the first day of October, a swore' statement of tbe number of cigars, cheroots, cigarettes, and the number of pounds of manufac tured smoking and chewing tobacco purchased by yea for the year (twelve months) proceeding the first day of Oc tober, 1899. : . . ". Ton are required by law to deliver or return to me, within ten days after the first day of October, sworn statement of the amount of your commlssloa mer chant, broker or dealer, buying and sell ing, for the year (twelve months) prece ding the first day of October, 1899. - ' . Prompt compliance' with the law is earnestly requested, and for failure to do so you will ba required to coma be fore the Board of County Commission ers. ; The law governing the listing of this tax will be rigidly enforced. -rEUNEST M. GREEN, " Register of Deeds, From the Daintiest Dress Creation To the mist tu is'antinl outlog boot, there is b it one price 83 00. There are manv other shoes st this price. The difference is in the shoi'S. The differ ence has made "(Jl'EEN QUALITY' SHOES WORLD FAMOUS. All Styles For drers, for the house, for the prem'ui d', foronlin; all at one p-lce D. F. J AH VI Wtaai CO TOLLOC ETrrET. I'.m- 1 City, N. 0. T. L. Tern-s n y l' i P. t aalcul r.fl'.cloc 1 T 1 f i I to. I rrlH-raS a V k. VlSif if" ' Li 7 1 11 i v -i r w i nr.. iwi'ira n irm ry. 1 ( . 11017 IS THIS Tbai tar tlaas iu' (.') rV t. , raa aril B c) tr ai ruaritthaa.J du t- (auf W-tk ritrMlf hmijavlhry ly in laraa auaailtira sad ar-ll T rvt aa-t kataw l-rr ew)iite . Ury kx.w aat Aa viawrt nrrt aoikaara ami are taralng out k .'rt Ikaa rrrr Thry a slw4ntac a ahiiiraal tnaw- nraa M ItW-ycra and hitadrtra smm! anaUd l)k in taaia la rvr inaa mm4 lli-rr. Ihraw latrraatad wul 4raa wrtta or rail na Flaatar BaiMlag. Are Ten Ilnnllng For ' Bargains la ap-to-data and haadsoine Cook Btovea, Kaagas or Deal ers with all tlie lateat Isaprovrsnaaui aad oomforta. Wears show lor a aaacnld- eeat slock of Royal Range and Excelsior Cook (Moves, besides Heating Btovea and Furnace la many sew style aad at ni ice that will please the economical. Look at oar floe display of Air Tight Heater sal th prices w have placed oa them. Seeing IB believing aad be. lkviog is bnying. i. h. momo. Henry's Pharmacy I r 137 Middle Street, NSW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. ' The best known Skin and Blood Rem, edy, for the care of Pimple, Pnetulca, Tatter or Salt Rheum. Blotchea, Tumors, Boils, King Worm, Rheumatism, Ac, Is HENRY'S COflPOUND EXTRACT OP 5AR5APARILLA WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of the blood, act- Ing tbrouch tbe natural aeuretary aad excretary organs removing those matter wbfeb disturb its purity. Hen ry's Barssparilia ia put np to meet the popular neea wr sucn a rameay, witnoui being related to the many secret nos trum and quack medicine of tbe day of unknown composition. It contains just what the formula calls for aa printed in on the label of each bottle and sells for one half the price chanted for unknown compositions. For Bale at Henry's I'barmacv, where yon will nod Combs, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Articles. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. DEALER IN Dardware and Fire Arms Bash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc, ' Agent for Garland Stovei & Rangei and Ueroe's, and lienj Moorei' READY MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel ChatUwka, NJEW IXEItX, sr. c. REALESTATEAGENCY Houses and Lota For Bale at Lowest Possible Figures. Desirable nomesand Tenementa that will prove a fine invest ment. "." '"' Collectioa of Rents a Specialty. Office at residence, 17 Johnson street 13. XL HARPER. - School Jfotice I My fchnol will be reopened Mcnday, October 2d. There will be vacancies created lo my list of pupils by those who have none to Beaming ecnooi. i can accommodate a limited number of new scbolers both in the advanced and pri mary classes. - F. B. SMALLWOOU. otice y By unanimous consent of the Guaran tors. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY having gon into voluntary liquidation, and under the 'erms of the liquidation a oontract being made with th? WESTChESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, lo carry the outstanding Insurance of the said New Bern Mutual all Policies now outstanding will be sub stituted by the Westchester as rapidly as policy holders shall surrender their policies for such purpose to u. R. Bryan Jr., Agent at New Eern, N. C.,or Georgo Green, Secretary. ' mv , 1 'p. 1 ?L. "' J &Ti'W' V- Vl The Westchester Insurance Company is one of tlie safest Fire Insurance Com panies in this country, and its financial si z is '"( y is unquestionable, Ur-1 fill!?, . i . :.?. "cr.rrN, f i'-eUry. : r n, m. c, r : t. r.it, 1. 5. WILMINGTON A WCLDON B. R. Ass BrsBthea, Asd Atlaatta t aa4 Uae Kailruad Oa, ' f Nlk tarsaaa. TKAIMS) OOl.NO UOUTIL tfjrJn j s.1 ;f f . , Ji is. lillil a.u p m pTm!a.m p.m. L. Wri.low l fco, t 4X Ar. IC Mt..)lf A,0 L.Tabavr It ..... ( SU j - U. R Ml t ;t g, a 45 i eojii at L. WUsoa I & II 14 1 10 tu it Lv.Rr.ma.. t V. ll Vt Lv Fay'vllk 4 mi 1 la Aj.rVreac tcVIU I P. at. A. M lr. Onida.. 1 CO Lv, Uolda. T 01 a II Lv. Mag'Ua IW 411 ArWiia'tosi , t 40 I ft P.M AM. P.M. THAIN8 OOINQ NORTH. H . ' ?; 85 f; . il a il il il Lv.Floraaoe 40 T 41 ... . ..... Lv.Fay-vUi II 10 ... . 9 4A Lv.Belme.. 1 60 19 4 Ar. Wilson. I 88 ltjl aTsT pTb? A.M. LvWUmtoa 1 00 4a Lv. Mag'lia 4 II 19 Lv. Gold 9 IS 9 to II ' P.kl A.M. P. If . P. M Lv. Wilson t S a 48 11 SI 19 S8 11 Ar. & mi., a ao a is ia or ii as i ta Ar. Tarboro T 04 Lv. Tarboro 11 II Lr. R. Mt. . a ao m7 18 09 ! Ar. WsMoa 4 81 1 00 P.M A.M. Wilmincloa and Weldoa Railroad. Atlantic and Yadkin Division Main Line Train leave Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives r eyeiteville II IS p m, leaves rav etteville 11 18 p m. arrive Ban ford 1 48 pa, Katuraiur man Danrora x ou n as. arrive Favetteville 1 43 n m. leave r av etteville 1(0 pm. arrive Wilmington 0U D ED. Wilmington ana weiaoo naiiroaa. Benneltaville Branch Train leave BennettsvlUe 816 am, Mazton 9 80 a a. Red Springs 68 e m. Hop Mills 10 48 a m. arrive Fayettevill 10 SO. Retura Ing leave JTayetteviil J pa, Hop alius 4 00 p m, tied pprlnga Dw pm, Mazton 10 p m, arrive ttennetuviu i 13 S m. connection at rayettevwe witn train No. 7& at Maxtoa with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs sod Bow mora railroad. atBanford with the Beaboird Air Line and Southern Railway, at Guff with th Durham aad Charlotte Railroad. Traia on the Scotland Neok Branch Road leave Weldon 8 85 D ra. Halifax 415 pm, arrives Scotland Neck at 8 08 a m, Greenville 1 67 p m, Klnaton 1 66 p m. Returning leave Klnatoa T 60 a Greenville 8 61 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a m. Weldoa 11 33 a m. dailv ax- oept eunaay. " Train oa waahington Branch leave Waabington 8 10 a m and 9 80 p m, ar rive Parmele 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave Parmele 9 83 am and SOp m arrive Washington 11 W a m aad 7 8U n m. dally except uundav. Train waves rarnoro, a I'.aaiiy except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 4 IS p as, ai nve fiymoutn 7 u p m, iu p m, xte- turntne. leave nymoutn aalir except uunday, louim, ana Hunaay w a arrive Tarboro 10 OS a m. 11 00 a tu Train on Midland; N 0 Branca leave Uoldsboro dally, except bunday, 7 00 a. m, arriving Bmiinneia bidib, netura ing leavea Bmithfield 900 a m; arrive at Goldsboro 10 IS a m. Train on Nashville - Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 a m, 4 08 p m. Spring Bope 10 40 a m, 4 88 p m.Returalngleve Spring Mope 11 00 a m, 4 56 p m, Nash ville 11 8 em, arrive at Rocky Mount 11 o a m, s uu p m, aaiiy except ounaay, Train on Clinton Branch leavea War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a m and 4 15 p m. Returning eaves Clinton at 1 00 a m and 10 SO p aa. Train No 78 make cloaa connection at Weldon for all points North dally all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Gent Pass Agent t K xiUNiiY, uen'i Manager, -T M EMERSON. Trafflo Manager. , OUR (SHOES Are now In and we will do you good f you will see our stock before baying, Yoa run no rl-ik in buylnf from Every pair guaranteed to give satlif ac tion. Also tbe latest in Htta, Clotklar, Furnishings, Ao. Respectfully, J. J. BAXTER. School Books ! All Kinds At Baxter's Jewelry Store, next to the Jockkal, New Bern, N. 0. 3chool Books at Low Prices by mall, post paid. Write us for price lists and terms. J. M. & J. B. REEL, ; REELS HORO, K. 0' r ' 'rj A'. v - - A. & 7T. . R, R tiha Tatia r . t . IS Take Ltac Taaada, A SC. . I -attaoA.aJ., ' ' Ooiag tea BcaicLav4 sJntaf Waat Ka.1 Pas i aas Traiaa II. 4 L. a ss rvarweak Ac a aa a . OUJaara,..,....ll - UOraaga, t88 88 . .. Kl l.as.....,...19 18 9 Ar. Itrw Baraa, Lv...... 899 89 X. - " - Ax...... 8 87 1 !.... Ax. Manhssl otty La..... 1 08 Ma 8. 1 I -I Ko. 8.1 Msd r k I sraTMsa: I Mill Ft aad PaaaTa, 1 Paas Ta. L. a. m, Ar. r. 1 19 .....Ootaabor 8 a V 41 ) BM(St J IS SOU XaawOnaJJw 1 4M 8 98 Failloc Creek 1 18 914 ....klaatea..; A.ltl8 t 85...-..Oawn.....J...ll 88 18 ll....M..M.Xkwar.v....u...ll 40 1940 Oor Creek.. .....10 40 ll 18 Taaeaiora... 19 18 11 ai.........M.Clarka, 1000 UM..........Nw Ban.. 9 80 ' v l t -r -v - i -i - a-.. Monday, Wadaaaday, Friday. Tuaadaj, TVsraday BalarsUy. NcL I . . t Nat. Mxd Ft, and 1 Manon: I Man Ft. aad Paas-Tn, ,1 , I Paaa, Tb. Lv.asa ' . - Ar. p ss 110 OoUsboro..... 118 1 a... .... ......Bast's 188 90t....... J.LaUraaga 108 88 Falllag creak. 9 88 ai4.......yintoa.... 818 HtSHMasOU0t 18 8 40... .....Ar. Dover, Lr 800 19 IB Lv. Ar 4 90 1040 .oor creek 4 00 HIS Tnacarora. 8 88 11 81 .......dark's 8 80 1106 .....Ar. New Barer, Lv 8 60 l90......Lv. " Ar 1047 111 ..RJverdale 1010 180..,.. oroatan 1000 148 Havelock 840 8 18 Newport, Lv 8 08 8 85 Wild wood 8 47 8 81 ...Atlantic... 8 88 8 .... Ar.Morehead City, Lv 890 4 01. . . . Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 760 r.m. a. at. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, Buperinlajdent Atlantic Co ant Islne. WlLMlHOTOH & NlW BlKNI R. B. TIM I TABLB SO. S, la Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Daily Except Bunday, Going Bouth BCUKDCUt: Doing North No, 51, Passenger Trains Na60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 809 New Berne 6 40 9 88...; Pollocksvllle 504 961 Maysville 4 49 1008 Jacksonville 4 18 108. I Wilmington, Union Depot 888 , 895 r at No. 4. 1I1S ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. . r at Na 8, Pabbknqki A FxxaaBT, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Leav New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv.au Ar. r at 7 80 Lv. Wdmlngtoa, Ar 1 45 840 Scott's Bill 19 65 8 80 Woodaide 10 05 Hollyrldge 1051 Dixon....... ...19 15 ...11 i ...10 61 ...10 80 11 90...... ....Verona 19 05, 18 30, Jacksonville. 9 45 . urvuoawat v vu 1155 Whltecak 8 80 180.......... Maysville 8 OS J15...,...Pollooksvill 7 90 8 55 ..Debruhl's 8 85 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 6 00 Daily Except Sunday. 'J. a KENLY, General Manarer. K lit N, apt Transportation STEAMERS . EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LiNI, AND UIU UOIUMOOMSllip W. ' FEEIGHT & PASSENGER. For All JPolnti North. avast. "ma 8 nrT fl T8 xae sieamer jxxuudxj - ill leave on Mondaja, Wednesdays, and Fridapa at 6 p. ta. sharp, mak ing landings at Oriental, Ocraooke and Koanoke Island. 1 CaT" Freight receiied not later than one hour previous to sailing:. - For further information apply to ' GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Knro, Gen. Mgr., IT n TTTTiuiTwa dan Vrt A Paaa. A t "Norfolk, Ve. 'v'" "- -New Berne, N. 0., Maj 30th, 1898 Fine ' Tobacco, " Truck and General Farming Lands For Sale. One tract of 80 acres. In one fourth mil of city or New Bern. On tract of 17 acre in let than on mile of city of New Bern. , One tract of 850 acres in about one mile of city of New Bern. . One tract of 90 acre in two mile of city of New Bern. -- - One tract of 90 acres in two and one half miles of Citv of New Bern. One tract of SJ0 acre in three and one All of the Mve tracts sre well loca ted, t . " on i .e suui side of tb rivers ti ! I B-rn ia. , -. , . ., . '1 hi y a e in good stiite of eultivatloo and we t 1 i t ,em at a moderate price. Itj "i, etc., arply to J.J. V.'CLT CNCUN, New Bern,N.O

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