VOL. XTIl-XQ. 154. 5W IS5, K. l, wtL.USDAI MQSSISG, HPTIMEIS !7, 1199. ISTAlLISHta left y. " ', . -" ' m 4? f r IS I To the Public; rs is IS is is is is is is is is is IS IS its - m is is is is rs rs rs is is 533 . ' o o o . ; . - t . -. a i . ( I have this lj (old to Mr. E. H. nacibttrn, tb tat: cantil business carried on by m tJL No,'s 47 and 49 Pollock Street, New Bern, N. a, to whom all deb due to tiil business will b paid, and by whom U contracts made by said bntinM will b Blted and all ' debts due by laid business will be paid on presentation. , September 6th, 1899. 'Jj .J. ... 1 .. J. H. IIACKBUnii. I respectfully solicit from the general public a con tionanoe of the rery liberal patronage bestowed npo the retiring firm. I hope by faithful attention to bus-' inear, coupled with close prices and honest goods to merit same. Yours Very Truly, , , V .,. .. 7',', E. B. HACKBURir l V V l vv v vv V v v x vv vv vv V V vv vv vv VV vv vv 'It- . Paiuts, Lead, Oil, Zink and Varnish of all lindiy. Sash, Doors and Minds. Wheel material Hubs. Spokes and Rims of all kind. ' Buggy Wheels, tired ready for use. ". , , . We make Heating and Coot . qTOVFC; a SPECIALTY. ..' ' '.- , An Elegant Liue just received. We carry a full line of GUNS and Loaded Shells. - 1 - I III . SI '.' -' ' In our Grocery Department you will find a fresh lot oi Corned Portsmouth Mullets. GASKILL & MITCHELL, :. HARDWARE: QROCERIE& , ,,,',, 73 MIDDLE STREET. 'Phone 147. M. 3 fc0AD STREET,. One-Third of Your Life Is (pent in bed, so why not bf comfortable. One oi, our Royal Elastio Felt Mattresses is just the thing that will "add most to your comfort. . . -ii .i f' ,v . ... '. . We sell .them under a positive guarantee that if after 30 nights use yon are not satisfied that it is the equal of Any . Mat tress you ever slept on we will refund your money, l r,.V. . You will never know what luxury in sleeping is, until you try one. , . m m eta FRAN&. H. JONES &0.; C3 C3 87 MIDDI.E STREET. Hi.! 01 IB CRT KM ii!, ! For WhU People, Will Open ONDAY, 0CT0BER 2nd,f ' IGCO At the Graded School Buildings nnder fie aiispic-s of the feoard of xrustees oi "tne wew Bern Acaaemy." - " TUITION FREE TO CHILDREN OR . WAED8 - OP" BONA FIDE CITIZENS OF NEW BERN. Those residing outside the (ity will be charged tuition at the rate of One, Two aud Three Dollars Per Month according to grade of scholarship, '.'arils of Admission must be obtained. The bupenutenilent or Secretary will furnish them upon ap plication. , '- ." .'vi!iii J-iiT's . . Parents and Guardians residing in sections contiguous to New Bern now have an opportunity never before' offered, of educating their children and wards at a FIRST CLASS SCHOOL AT A VEI.Y LOW RATE OF TUITION and without sending them far from home. The Faculty from Superintendent down Lave Ijen s -Ice ted Wih great care and everything bus been done to make the School Up-to-date iu every particular. The spacious brick buildings have been thoroughly re fitted and furnished with modern improvements iu Healing, Water t'rp. ply and Sewerage, - .. 1 he Academy grounds, always noted for attractiveness, are a.. ; ' : covering nearly au entire city square of beautifully sluiled lawn. Board can be obtained iu tue o;ty on n ..ul,'.e t.-nns. 1 rrMtlatks F14biU Datk af a f frnKsat Tk. Tkst . Is Ul Ua A. M X.Cji IaalfrasU- Arw Is- BALta, Bant. 5. GTtrof BumII aad ptrt left br today for H Tort to attrad tbs Dwty nocpUosu A eoa pBj ot U Third lUgusMt kavtt lo- morrow. A salau of htwImi oas wu flrad at U Ca4ul Aqoarw (4 lundcws tonight la aoaar of Us arrival erf Admi ral Dtwrr at Nw York. Tks Olvmpla, Dtwtf ftfiklp, aa- cbored at 7 48 a. m. laUr la w Tor birbor, two days akaad f laa ipe- ThevaaMl f U TonklBivUla, Btstea Iiland, Bitll Ibnradsy. The rapid opanlaf of the wattoa erap U a subjaot of mica com mailt. The famsrt art, aa a Vols, uaahia W kaap up with It. Taa fact Is that very atldom la lha ooltoa picked , as rapidly at It af ht' to ba. Many faraaars plant aiore eotloa thaa they eaa pick. Thar la aeoaaaarlly Injury to lbs atapl by evtry rata. Ivan Ihl early tbara Uloaa. A farm for lbs fjaa of thw ttegrO Afri- oultural and llacbaoloal eollega at Qreaniboro la to ba purchaaad. Landa are bow being axamlned. Qraaaaboro Is to have a handsome city ball. The alia wu bought Baferday. Thar baa bean froit la lha Fled moot aactlon, bat It waa light and has not In jarad tobacco. Xarly froata la pail jean have dona such damage to growing to" baoeo In soma of ths mountain, eoonttea as to eauta abandonment of the cnltnre of ths crop. This Is notably ths caas In Trsniylvanla. , Mr. Uouaton, of Philadelphia, la nego tiating for ths pnrchaas of lbs Bluff Cot- tan Mill, seven mllea fiom FayettevlUa Lieutenant Stewart, United Blatea Navy, retired, of Maryland,, flnda that his health Is not sufficiently good to per mit him to become military Instructor at the Agricultural and Mechanical Collage here. If poaalble, a retired army or navy officer will ba secured. The thirtieth anniversary of ths pas torate of Rev. Or. William A. Wood at the Presbyterian Church at Stateivllle was celebrated Saturday. All the pas tors In the place participated and also the president of the Hebrew Congrega tion. A gold watch was presented to Dr. Wood.. -,! i )'..?. ' ' , - . Mr. John P. R. Polk died at Charlotte yesterday. He was a cousin ot President James K. Polk and was also a kinsman of Thomas Folk, ot "Mecklenburg Decla ration ot Independence" fame. Mr, Polk waa native ot Delaware, read law with ThomaaF. Bayard and became his law partner. He came to thia 'State about eight j ears age and taw the great water power at the "Narrows1" of the Tadkln river and organised a company to de velop It. Now that company has put up $3,000,000 and work haa begun on a great acala. . J. . . . President Patrick of the Atlantio and North Carolina railway, who retires, wu here. He tayt ha leaves the road In bet ter shape than la years peat Yet ,lt la hardly to be classed as even a second class road. It ought to be out of politics. It Is said that parte of the track are' so rough that fast time cannot be made. There are more tree passes given on this road than on any other in . the country, relatively apeaklng. , President. Patrick admits as much, r , ? . f y t ,;T . Major J. Q. Holllngsworth, of the FayettevlUa Independent Light Infantry which will go to the Dewey celebration la here. He expects his company to leave Wednesday night on a special car on the Atlantio Coast Una. .Z, .1 .J r . . State Immagrattoa Agent Thompson hu returned from his tour in Pennsylva nia, and saya he expects good results that a number of persons will come here and examine lands la various parts of ths state, for the purpose ef settling. , Bain ' It - needed, the farmer say, at the ground is quite bard. Not much plowing Is yet done In this section. Jt Mr, Moncure, division superintendent of the Seaboard Air Line, aayt It la rap idly pushing the work on ltt "ihort.cnt" In South Carolina, The "New York to Tampa" trains will be running by Jan uary, -.i I - .J'.' - . ,. T. A r f ft a f i ' m W m i 'sW LiUl i Ma-s. l'Lcs LSe fod more delicious end wholesome r.V.-.VMViV.ViViViViViV.YiViYW I FULTON MARKET I 1 CORNED BEEF! " - I 'Lomoa, September, 15. A special dispatch from Pretoria aays that the iabers of the Volkaraad. believing that the British wotes are tnuaded le gala lime for the eonoaalratlow of Uoope, urge the government to adjoara the Read Immediately and to send Ureal Britain a note declaring that farther meblllxatloa Will be regarded aa aa aa frlendly acL T reaches, earthworks' and und-bag defences are being erected la all the available approaches to the capital. CaraTown, September S3. Ills re ported from Prwtoris that Oommaadar Oeneral Joubert reckons oa 18,000 Traoavaal troops, 18,000 front the Orange Free Bute, 8,000 from Cap Colony, I, 600 from Natal, and 8,000 Hollanders. Oeraaq and other volunteers. . 1 Persons desiring further inform; There's always hope while there's One Vinnte CougVCuro." An attack of pneumonia lt.'t my lungs in bad shape and I was near the first stages of con sumption. One minute . Cough Cure completely cured me," writes Iiulea Mo Henry, Blsmark, N D, Gives Instant re llof, F S Duffy. . ;- i. - ' WeeaJrCnf) BaUetla. Tha reports of crop correspondents for lb week ending Monday, September S3, 1899, Indicate that more favorable conditions prevailed In many sections of the State In oontequene of beneficial ra'ns on the first three days Ot ths week; bat on the whole the season i f 1899 doe not eloae under entirely satisfactory cir cumstances. The rainfall wu light, Ir regularly distributed, and generally not sufficient to place the aoll la good con dition for fall plowing; drought remains practically unbroken over a majority ot counties In the State, and It is this fu ture, now repeated four successive sea sons, which hu again dimmed the out look so bright at mid-seaaeo. The tem peratcrre , wu below lbs normal, with dally deflolenc i of only about 8 de gree, but the nights were very oeol and touches of light frost wer reported In low place In soma central-weat counties on the 28dandi3d without injury to vegetal! n. The week wu very favor able for out-door work of every kind. The housing of crops bu proceeded rapidly under favorable weather condl llona. Many crop corietpodenta report that cotton It "about all open;" only on heavily fertilised fields it there any prospect for a top crop. The lint hu been uved nnder fine conditions, aad picking will probably be completed ear lier thaa usual. TheyieHof cotton In North Carolina will undoubtedly be short. Corn is only fair; upland crops are generally poor in the west, bat bottom-land corn la due, not having been Injured by freshets at any time daring the season. Saving fodder Is nearly over and gathering corn Is underway. The special- feature with regard to tebaoco wu the large and aatitfaotory yield ob tained hi eastern counties, where unusual attention wu paid to the crop this year. Owing to late transplanting under un favorable conditions In spring, tbs re sults With tobacco were not so good ht the north-cent ral-weat portions. Small quantities of tobacco still remain to be cut in the west All minor crops suffered considerably from drought this falL . Where sbowers occurred this week peanuts, sweet potatoes, late cabbage, and turnips revived; but they are still suffering for moisture. Digging peanuts it progressing with prospects for a good yield. Harvesting tic hu begun. Pre paration for nest season's truck crops Is active In the east.' Fall plowing Is still much delayed and ths bulk tot the winter grains will be seeded next month. DeWttt'a Little Early Risers perma nently enre chronjc constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling: cleanse and regulate the entire system. Small, pleasant never gripe or sicken -famoua little pill.'1 F. 8. Dully. ' TUK SPKCULAXIVK MARKETS. Py Si e Aymlm. Naw Toaa, September t The cruiser Olympls arrived Ihl mornlog. two daya ahead of schedule time. The Olympla wu sighted southeast of Saad; Hook llghtahlp at 8.48 aad steamed alow ty peat Bandy Hook at 715 aad dropped anchor la lb lower bey. t ... SLmmI fc Dmh Im. WaanaToa, Sept. 10 Two Impor tant diapatcbe from Oeseral Oils, at Manila, were made public by the War Department today, Ths first Indicates that the Uaargants oa thNalaad of Negro ar about to rocogaU the au thority of lha United Statu. The second dispatch says lb Aenerloaa fUg-vlU be raised la Bulu Island. Majula, Sept. 84 It is reported that tbs Insurgents hart captured the United 8tato gunboat Urdaaeta la the Oraal river, oa ths northwest aid of Manila Bay, wher ah wu petrolling. One officer aad nine of her crew ar talaalaa. BE SURE tl.nt your blood is rich and mire. Tlhni.hlnoltirin.. euriclier and vlUllser is Hood's 8an paruia. U sure to GET HOOD'S. "Polk Miller" I th nam of a na cigar that is rapidly becoming popular. It is oa sal at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. Celery Headache Powder' will enre your headache. Made and sold at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. . , . NOTICE I All persons wsntlng BTOVE8 OF ANY KIND REPAIRED AND PUT UP, Call on J. W. WOOD, Corner Broad and Middle Streets, (build ing formerly used as Mrs, Stanly's book store) and they will Receive Prompt Attention. Also Tia Work of any kind. CAB II AGE 8EEI! Best'stralns of Jersey Wskefleld Cab bage Seed for Fall planting. For Bale by . JAMES F. CLARK' Orlok Store near Market Dock. i) AtuBook Store 5 S Bring your old school books 1 and we will allow you a fair ei- S change price, for the latett.adop- 'tlfu.. ... 'tionn. Lowest priors and prompt at- k . - . 1 1 , .. i teaiKiB lo au nsu nruura guarau teed., . 6. N. En n Pitt. I i WorlTsHs'.'sKa' ' v Mothers of chili! ren alTected with croup or a evere c'. 1 vt - l not hesitate to admhiis'fr C! .,..u',,u'a's Conch no r: ' .'a cor X ii... 1 3 f ; il ' " a !-!!.:: i:t. Eeme;'y. It c narco.ic In 8' y f,. as con8.l. i.'.'y -t ' Tke g'eat S'i-.-c " i t f t I v i r r it !' ' Today's quotations furnished by R. B. Wilson 4 Co., Richmond, Vs., Repre sented by A. O. Newberry. . Xt,w Yous, Sept, i8. : ' ' STOCKS. - Open. High. Low, Close Sugar....... Hit 142 141 Uii Am. Tobttcca. .. 117 USf U 117 Reading. . 67f 6TJ 5 67i 57J 0. T. O. . . . ,st '41 -.42 41 - - 43 ! Uathor . ... ... 144 "t 13 . 13 a B. 4(i. 139 129 129 129 St. P ...... .... 120 120 120 126f R. 8.1 ....... ... 27 , 27 87 27 jC.T. P ........ 03 93 92 93 ;B. R.T ... 87 69 87 88 , A. S. & V7 4 50 49 50 T. C. I.. ....... 115 115 114 114 Wab. rfd, 21 21 21 21 ; ' COTTON. - Open. 13 ifrh. Low, Close Janusry ... C 68. 0.69 663 0 G2 Oct. CkUou... V 6.40 0.49 8.40' 640 CHICAGO MARKETS. Whkat Open. BikU. Ixw. Close D.-ccmber.... 7o 73 73 73 Co hn December. ... S 3 80 SO 80b ALL HANDS 'ROUND And join us in praisinz the beauti ful Line ol Beating Stoves, now in stock and on sale by the u a. uutier Bam. war Company. They have them large and small, handsome and plain. To look at tbem Is to buy them, because of the remarkably low price. Also don't forget we always have on hand a large etock of wholesale and re tail Hardware of all kinds. Suh. Doors, and Blinds a specialty. Ot.ll and exam ine. - I. II. CuTLtn 0X7 E 10; I . , A. New Barrel -r Jiut Eeceiyedl" Fren Lot of Clow II ill Priot Butter and. Fancy Elgin Bottor. j . -, Verj flout Cream Cbeee. ' "' .-.. Freeh Oaiflaksa, loow and la paokagea. Frwaa Orita and Bif Hominy. Freeh Boasted Doffea aad .Fioewt Tea. ' Hains's 8weet Mixed aad Plata CucaaiUr Pickle. Another lot Sesall Smith Sold Dams, al4 Sssall 8orar Cured Uarns and Big Haass to cut " - . - Frrb Prunes and Dried Apples. -r - All kinds rrtwh Canned Ooods. Tb Vary Best Fbar, alt yon want, tjo lb. Naw Orleans Molaases, finest quality, lOo qt - -. A full stock of th But Groceries to b had. I so licit a shar of your patronage. Uoods delivered any- , woer in iu city ire. . Wholesale A BcUll wuon iu J.L MeDA vriioue OL 71 IXrtvl HL OLD HENRY ; v WHISKEY v ' ' Ii purer, milder, mellower tnd of finer, quality thaa' any other WbUkej told at thi nme price. It' is "THf WHISKEY" for family ani cist me, beiig ALWAYS THI SAMI aid ef . itandira quality. Dont be Ijflueaced te take a substitute; if your dealer attempts to give you ; something- else that he say i is "Just as good" he Is after larger profits and you get ',. Inferior quality, s Our bottle goods hare seal over corks and nsme blowa jn bottles; watch for thete protective festures and get the best , that money cai buy. . For Sale in New Bern by Jas. F. Taylor, J. 8. Garrett, M. Disoswsy, T. Burke, L. B. Habicht, L. J. Taylor and J. D. Dinkins. ' Straus Qunst &. Co., Proprietors, RICHMOND, YA. , OF OCR ; Fine Uneeda Jinjer Wayfers, They are the brt yon eyer ate, crisp, of fine flavor, tempting and always tsste "morelsh." Wehan. die nothing but th best in all lines of food, pure, wholesome sod nourishing, and sell them at less than you pay for ordinary and In-; ferior grades elsewhere, and we are receiving fresh stock by svery boss. ;: - 1 Tuesdsy's steamer will bring us a big shipment of ' " ' , ' s, ,. : . flUE FIIUITS.. . .... . , - Large and Luscious Bananas, Beautiful King Apples, Jalcy Orange and Lemons, A Fine Assortment (Jrape. aad more of the Splendid. Cal ifornia Fruits. : Com to see us and you will be sure to tako some home with you. ' i ..1 ... , .' JF 33LO- iOiiiiii, WSMM I JEW TAILOR IN TOWN ! i Is E. E. Turner, Cm cu' ! of j " 1 v I . f ii :. r KINSTON LAUNDRY. . I hare takou the agency for the above named laundry und. golicit the patnrt-.'.ge of the people of this city.. O.ir work is guaranteed to he I'irf,t-C!. s and Up-to-date. ( ' :? rs a tr'ul. g We are bow prepared r to furnish the centlemen of If New Bern with firstclass; OH N ! - up-to-date Tailor Made Suits. J - '-' iz We have Just secured j i ) v 5 the services of a CutterXromm, . a If Baltimore who has eome to n . . . I J i us with splendid recommen- w;.1 ' f dations. . . '. i We guarantee perfect satlsfactioa la every particular, : and invite your attention to our work. ;.:,'f ' Call nl exai'ne our styles, patterns and - pilces. - So : reed to go est cf town far an up-to-date suit. - , ' '--- " ""K" -'" f-" : t7rc:.T.:;-:T:r:T. ir.sx rrr.N, n.'o. . , . , , , - , , , - -, . ' i . i i r i i i t ( i m ! i ' I I ' i r i IM I' l t ' 3 S3 ti a a - rt mm 9 T 9 r : i r 5 r X