Jsl Mil r ili' ! VOL. itii-ko. it. RIW EIRK, N. 1 THl'EiDAY. H0ES15G, SEPTEMBER !S, 1839. ESTAUISHED lltt 1 vv I To; the Public. i r r rv r i i ft ft IN ! ! ft ft v IN ft 1 ft ft vv vv V7 VV V VV vv vV vv w. w vv w vv w w vv vv w , ines, coupled with close price and honest good to W merit same, Yourt Very Truly, ,' , r. ..'. ', VV V vv o o o I have this day told to Mr. R. B. Ilaclbuni, the mer centile business) carried wIi;miI Net's 47 ad Pollock Street, New Bern, N. C, to whom all debti due to uid busioes will be paid, and b? whom all Contracts made by said business will be filled and all debU doe bj said business will be paid on presenUtioo. September 6th, 1899. " -.'J . . J. H. HACKBURN. ' I respectfully solicit from the general publio a con tinuance of the very liberal patronage bestowed npoar the retiring Arm. I bops by faithful attention to bus- E. B. HACKBURN. mm &mm 4iM - . Gnoial HAEDW.iBS Faiuta, Lead, Oil, Zink and Varnish of all kiudfc fashj Doors and Blinds. , Wheel material-r-Hubs, Spokes a id Rims of all kinds. ' ' ' .JJnggy Wheels, tired ready for use. -'.. We make Heating and Cook ' - . STOVES A SPECIALTY: . An Klegant Line jtiBt received. . We carry a frill 'lino of GUNS aud'Loaded Shells. ' ; In our Grocr ry Department you will find a Iresh lot ot Corned Portsmouth Mullets. . !::-. - :4v GASKILL & MITCHELL, HARDWARE: GROCERIES: , " 73 MIDDLE STREET. Thoue 147. 61 BROAD STREET. One-Third of Your Life Is spent in bed, so why not bo comfortable. One of our Royal t Elastio Felt Mattresses is jnst the thing that will jjadd most to yonr comfort- - - ... We sell them under a positive guarantee thatif after 30 j nights use yon are not satisfied that it is the jwjnal of Any Mat tress yon ever slept on we will refund your money.. r , . You will never kuow what lnxury In sleeping is, antil you try one. j '! . '4t 1::: in J ' 1 FRANC. H. J0NE5 & GO.; 87 MIDIT,T: flTKECT. .' II ! I. , :m mm. Ccs rfSinrflj Stock.- Cottea llita Tary Baall, 8sU CBaIslesNCaWlaay bjt , Rala. Tke lea Catsj CasaT tslferms fer tke CaasU. .- ;v . OUer Ksws. , , f lUunaaj &pC Sf-Tke 'other 4y Seeratarj ot 8(u Taoapeoa kad a lat ter froa Rev. Oo. L. DIcklBtoa. ( Waauley, Msm, hi whlca Um Utter atkedaboot tae aamber ot "momuln- n' la thla Btau and lbs extent ot their UlllerMV, aad asked whether ia doetrltl schools were aiaded. Dr. ThoapOB'e replf H I part: 'I jads roo sre ssder the. fanpreolaa (nsl th moaatslBMrs of North Carolina sre M- Ually karbarikna, This Is a veri Mriooi mlstaka. While there are a grett manj Ulltarate people la the moDatslM there are alto a great man odicsted people, aod for stardiaeie of eUxA and eseelleat common won there 'are ae people la this country who sarpsii the meaoUlnttn ef 'Rortk Oarollaa. This section of the Bute his developed very msterUIly la the ptst .18 year la; every way, bat it has always farnUbed men of marked ability aad patriotism for the eervloe of their ooantry. One of rn denators from North Carolina at present is a maa who came ap out of the poverty and Illiteracy of tbeae mountains. Z B- Vance, Ule Senator and es-Oovernor and maa kaowa throughout the country aad the best beloved perhape ef any North Carellanui, camo .out of the heart f this rugged mountain region. I eug- (Mi that you make a trip to Aibevllle and explere the country round about in order that you may kave a correct idea uf the Held which you Qetire to cultl vale." Dr. Thompson goes on to say that there are excellent training schooli for whiles and (blacks In operation In tne Btate. . .. Hardly any cotton Is coming on the market here.. Dealers are astonished. They And that it Is the case elsewhere and that the farmers are holding their crop to an extent heretofore undreamed of. Dealers said today It looked like the farmers had formed a trust. -. A Urge number of studenU for the Baptist , Female University have ar rived. " ' In the Supreme Court the shell fish commlisionere cae Is being argued. UacRae ft Day appeared for the old or fusion beard and Simmons A Pou tor the new or Democratic board., . i The Attorney General lay that his leciiion that a menagerie U taxable en ter section 14, ot tho revenue set, will ring the State quite a lot of money front circuses. .. V . The rata has no doubt dona considers - Ie damage to cotton, so much' of which s open. The wind blew do we a Urge ak In a few yards ot the capital and ts Jimbe nearly touched the auditor's of flee. l,;',:V-j ' ! The Supreme Court yesterday took up tppeals from the first district; It called thecals Involving 120,000 damages to he Ice plant here. This Is the case in which a Wake jury gave the Hygeine Ice Company, of Charleston, $30,000 dama ges for the burning of hi tee factory Sere by spsrks from, a Seaboard Air Line locomotive. The railroad appealed, bat did not perfect the appeal within the time limit. - Then the ice company claimed the money. The railroad, took the case before a judge In the Injunction greceedlngs,,. The judge said bo could not relniute the case. Then the rail read appealed front him to the Supreme Court. This 'court todsy after calling the case, set It for hearing next Satur day. ' - ' ; Lewli Summerlll's libel' suit agalnit two newipapers here does net come up antll March Summerill is the luperviior st the Northampton penitentiary farm. Forty convicts' were' sent " from Ahpoleoa the Atlantic' Coast to the Tillery farm on the Roanoke, to , pick IE CITY G8ADED; SCJOOL For White People. Wll Open r.10 n D A Y, 0 CTO B ER V 2nd,"- ( G09, 'At the Graded 8chool Buildings tinder the auspio s of theJBoard of Trustees of "The New Bern Academy." TUITION FREE TO CHILDREN OR-WARDS, OF BONA FIDE CITIZENS OF NUW BERN. Those residing outside the lity will be charged tuition at the rate of Oue, Two and Three ' Dollars Per Month according to grade of scholarship. jL'ardi of Adinissipn niust be obtained. The Superintendent or Secretary will furnish them upon ap plication. ".."' ,.' i -f'.s'fr Parents and Gnardians xesidiiic: in sections contifeuous to New Bern now have an opportunity never before offered, of educating their children and wards at a FIRST CLASS SCHOOL AT A VERY LOW RATE OF TUITION and without sending them far from home. ! The Faculty from. Superintendent down have been selected with great care, and everything has been done to make the School Up-to-date in every particular. The spacious brick buildings have been thoroughly re fitted and furnished with modern improvements in Heating, "Water Sup, ply and Sewerage, , .. ;r ; , 1 he Academy grounds, always noted Jor attractiveness, are ample; wrerin nearly au entire city square of beautifully ihaded lawn. Board can be obtained in the city on re aeonulile terms. , Persons desiring further information cau audress tLe undersigned Y7 II. Y7ATC0IT, Cscty. end Trcc. -'""An C';:r: Hakes Ue food raore delicious end vvnolesome r Jim uu prwKT. a caw t. ci... r. OtjmfU la rtMBkay. Maw Toak, Sept. ."! he ken? Well, It's like Dewey!" . This was about what the average New Torker said today wbea he beard that the hero of If anils bad arrived la the lower bay. -Jel as he had itoka la on the Spaa- Urda at Manila, the bold Admiral steam ed lato New York waters early la the moralag. aad at 6 a. as. heoaat anchor ear Sandy Hook. The Irst ihoot of weloome wea from the pilots and crew of Pilot Beat No. 7, II miles south of the Hook lightship. It happened to be Pilot John Peterson's torn, and at 5.S0 a. m. be was put aboard the Olympla aad brought her around the Hook aod into ths lower bay. Tho marine observers along the eoest bad sighted the Olympla la the first light ot the morning. ' The shore batteries of Fart Hancock, manned by gunners called from breakfait, let loose 17 guns. Ths fligahlp replied and let go her anchor not far from where the cup challenger Shamrock la moored. The Admiral was la his owa country again, after U monthi absence. "It 1 moat saddem me," he said, "to see what my people ars doing tor me. ' The pride and gratification are lmme ise and I can not exprets the appreciation I feel. I did not know, I did not really perceive until this morning the splendid welcome that my countrymen are giving me. The Governors of many Hale are coming to lee me, and treopi from Florida, Georgia and other far away States are on their way to take part In receiving me." - "I am sorry that I am ahead ' of the schedule. The Olympla has been steam ing at the uniform rate of 10 knots an hour slnee we left Gibraltar. Several days sgo we knew that we would arrive before .Thursday unless we moderated our speed or Went somewhere but of our course." '"But the consideration that really de dlded us to come Into port wss to give Captain Lamberlon a chance to clean up the ship before our voyage up the har bor.. Captain L.mberton and I are proud of the Olympla, and we wanted enough time at oar anchorage to rub her down and make her leok iplck and span." The Olympla looki ai smart now as s yacht.' Her anchors were hardly down before her crtw were washing the ship's white sidei and touching up the stalm with paint. ' - .'..- War la tfca StataaM. Lotoou, Sept M TVs gneral feel I r g ladadlas: that of ths pro-Boars, as Udi- cated by articles U the afleraooa stews- papers today, Ik laatlfao published die patch of the Secretary of Btau for the Colonies, Mr. Chamberlain, to the British High Commlmloaer la Booth Africa, 81 r Alfred M liner, clears tho way for peace If the Boere desire .'. . Ia any event U Is polated out, It affords further delay, whtoh la Ike case of Ore at Britala ia certainly advaalageoas, as It gives time for tho relaforoameat of the garrisons at the Cape. The papers geaerally,kowever,expreas ths hope that President Kroger will now see hla way clear to meet Great Brilala's views. Ia the mea while, the dispatch of troop to Boats. Africa proceed unin terruptedly. Three laid bettertoe ar rived at Birkeahead today sod will em bark for Durban, NataL A cablegram from Cape Towa says: "QuanllUe of stone aad ammunition are Uavlng bar dally. The movement of troops to Natal is merely a precau tlonary measure to secure the coal mines sad b nowise la the nature of a menace. There art no Imperial troops oa the Im mediate, border. Rumors of collisions should be received with caution. "DeWltt's Little Early Risers perma nently core chronic constipation, bilious ness, nervousness and worn-out feeling: cleanse and regulate the entire aystem. Small, pleasant never gripe or sicken -famous Utile pills." -P. S. Dully. cotton; i AH 1 . The making up of uniforms far the cadet corps at the Agricultural aud Me chanical College begins this . week. . By the time Of the State Pair the battalion Will be ready. A drill instructor will be famed In a few days, it Is thought. ' The brief In the railroad tax. Injunc tion cases, which were argued before Judge Slmoaton at Aihevllle, have not yet been filed.; . '.' ' r : . The stockholders of the Raleigh and Gsston Railroad meet here today. Presi dent' John Bkellon Williams is to be present. ;. ' 4 v i , , : .' ,V The Stat Farmers' Alliance will re sume work at its shoe factory at UIlls boro October 1, after a years Idleness of the plant. There's alwsys hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure." An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad sbape and I was near the first stages, of con sumption. One rulnuto Cough Cure completely cured me," write Helen Mo Henry, Bismark, N D, Give Instant re lief. F 8 Duffy. Celery Headache Powders will cure your headache. Hade and sold at DavU' Prescription Pharmacy. Tenney'i Candies In sealed p&cknjcs at lli'Soiley's. Not I. D.wcr'. Liu.. Naw Yohk,. September SO "Neither by Inclination Lor by training am I titled to hold the office of President of the United State. I would be more than human If I were not' gratified and even Oattered by the proipect you hold out to me, but I 'cannot accept your conclu sions. I have lived a sailor and shall die le." ',-;- ',:..',-, Ex-Judge W. W. Brawley, of South Carolina, said tonight that these word were substantially a transcript of part of a letter which he received from Admlrsl Dewey In answer to one which he had written asking him to allow bis friends to make him a candidate for President. Mr. Brawley was reluctant to talk of the correspondence, which be said he re garded as personal. The passage quoted waa repeated by a friend to whom he had shown the orglnal letter. . '' Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich , says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion; can strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics' Digests what you eat without aid from the stomscb. and cures dvspepsls. F. S Duffy. , TIIK SI'BCULAl'l VS MARKET g. 1 !SJ1JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJI1 tuur vuss... ............ ........iim.i.khhhhh FULTON MARKET . i CORNED BEEF ! I v A New Barrel jg Just Received I Fresh Lot of Clover mil Print Batter aod Fancy S Elgin Butter., JJ- Vory finest Cream Choasav JJ- Freeh Oatfiskes, loosw and la packages, Freeh Grits and Big Hominy. Fresh Boasted (Mm and Finest C Tea, Heins'i 8weet Mixed and Plait Cucumber Pickles. 5 Another lot Small 8mithleld Hams, also Small Sugar Cured Hams and Big Haass to coL Fn eh Prunes and Dried Apples. t All kinds rresb Canned Goods. The Very Bast Flmr, alt you want, 2)0 lb. ' New Orleans Mollis us, finest quality, 100 qt A full slock of the Boat Groceries to be had. I so- & licit a share of your pativnajre. Oouds delivered any- j wnere ia tne city iree. . .. . . Wholesiale ft; Retail Today's quotatlons.furntshed by It. B. Wilson & Co., Richmond, Vs., Repre sented by A. O. Newberry. , - , NewYoex, Sept. il. STOCKS. - v . .' Open. High. Low. Close 'SugarA........ 142t HH 143 148 Am. Tobacco... 1181 119, lli C. T. C... ,...t 41,41t 41 Leather..... ... .141 14 13, A. 8. & W. .... 4"J 49 40i "COTTON.. - ' ' Open. Hlph. Low. JanUarv. 6 08 6.8t 8.03 CHICAGO MARKETS. -WhiAT Open. High. Low. Clo9 December,... 73 ?5 73, Cork " 48 1H 49, Close 8 83 E. E Turner, Compton, Mo.. vs cure of piles by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve after sufforlng seventeen years aud trying over twenty remedies. Phy sicians and surgeons endorse It. Be ware of dangerous counterfeits. F 8 Duffy. . HUMORS, bolls, pimple and all eruption are due to impure blood, and by purifying the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla they are CURED. All persons wanting STOVES OF ANY KIND REPAIRED AND PUT UP,. Call on , J. W. WOOD, Corner Broad and Middle Streets, (build ing formerly used as Mrs. Stanly's book store) and they will Receive Prompt Attention. Alio Tin Work of any kind. CAB CAGE SEEI! Beit strains of Jeieey Wakefield Cab- base Seed for Fall planting. For Bale by JAMES F. CLARK? Brick Store near Market Dock. .. i At the Rnnk store I 7 aV Bring your old school books j and wo will allow you a fair ex k change price for the- latest adop- ' ' Lowest price aod prompt at tention to all mailorder guaranteed."'';"- ' G. N. Ennett. ! 1 J I. McMN K . HI mlaIVBBBImUK 'Phone 01. 71 UrvM Ht. 5 OLD HENRY WHISKEY Ii purer, milder, mellower nd ef aaer quality lltfaiy other vYhMej lold at the time price. It Is 'TBI WHISKEY" for family and cUb ate, being ALWAYS THE 8AM I aid of standard quality. Dont be Influenced to take a substitute; if yonr dealer attempts to give yon something else that he says ii "Jast as good" he is after larger profits and yon get inferior quality. Our bottle goodi have seal over corks and name blown in bottles; watch for the protective features and get thl best that money can buy. For Sale in New Bern by Jas. F. Taylor, J. 8. Garrett, M. Disosway, T. Burke, L. B. Habicht, L. J. Taylor and J. D. Dinkins. Straus Qunst & Co., Proprietors, RICHMOND, YA. rV(S ITRY" 03STE i OF OUR Fine TJneeda Jinjer Wayfers, Thc are lbs btat you ever ate, crisp, of One (favor, tempting and always taste "morelsh." . We han dle nothing but the best In all lines of food, pure, wholesome and nourishing, snd sell them at less than you pay for ordinary and in ferior grades elsewhere, and we are receiving fresh stock by every boat. :, ; Tuesday's steamer will bring us a big shipment of FINE FRUITS. Large and Luscious Bananas, Beautiful King Apples, Juicy Oranges snd Lemons, A Fine Assortment Crape, and more of the Splendid Cal ifornia Fruits, Come to see us and you will be sure to take some home with you. , .. . , .. , aJTno- IDunii, s)ti)eiiMtia5iiig)ss ALL HANDS 'ROUND ' And loin ui in nraisintt' the beauti ful Line ol Heating Stoves, now in stock aod on sale by the L. II. Cutler Bard ware Company. They have them large and small, handsome and plain. To look at them ts to buy them, because of the remarkably low price. - -"Also don't forget we always have on hand a large stock of wholesale and re tail Hard ware of all kinds. Saab, Dors, and Blinds a specialty.-. Call and exam ine, - UlLMIFDIttfl. KINSTON i STEAM LAUNDRY. I have taken the agency for the above named laundry and solicit the patronage of the people of this city. Onr work is guaranteed to be First-Class and Up-to-date, Give its a trial. Shipment riaJa Wednesday and tamed FrUay. I NEW TAILOR IN. ;T0VN ! HH Wm rit now nrniared .tv 2 x . - 11 v t v " ' svs I , f to furmsn me genuemcn t ttt,. fV 3 g New Bern with jrst class, P 1 7 S5b 1 1 np-to-date Tatlor"Made Suits. ( 'I (4j 3 tz we nave just sccutcu . ( t. ; 3 t the servicei of a Gutter from I I J, r i 'u S 3 W. Baltimore who has come t 5 H ns with splendid recommen E dations. .:V; "Q" , s J : '"'m 3 We guarantee perfect latisfaction in every particular, M i- t.ifa vnnr attr-niinn In oir work. JJ?.L. - auu tuTitv jv - i fall and examine our styles," patterns ani pilcei. So M need to go out of town for an up-to-date suit. ' , . " ; , r .tl.Utll'lHH'll'ttMI'tt'll'll'lI'llMI'll'lI'llMI'llM'l'lI'll'U'l