TUB JOURNAL. 4 It was. e Biree.. ! Ma. A. ChAblXS L. STEVCN5, wwro sse norwrro. HUBaL-Mtrnou rates; J ,0 , t ad.... im ei i eJ, fro-vU, hy vmmt la lb cllj, W Advwrtlalaf KU hnhW aa KalaraJ at tb NM OnV, Hew IWa, m. U aa aro OBeUI rtr at Haw Wrn Craves Ceeaty. u4 yw r. k. e, it . im. TO r usaa show. The aaatoa el circa, which laa aaaal atoalk of BapUaibar Buy t caJlad, RobtaMB aad Waaea 6 boat Ill log a aambar of aagaffaau al 4Uaraat paiaU la lab Hlala. praaaaM a bar ofpbaaea. n'.'l A faalara of atrlkkag totUaoa o taa drcu paopla U UaNkl klok tba karahadWpayU MorU Carallaa la order to ;xhlblt,i4bb) tat amUbljr avaraflaff orar Ira kaadrad aWUrt aa arery day tkay axaTUlad. "'A , Thla Ux was a atrar oaa, oaa hlcL wit axorbltaal aad Ukaly to ktcp oat of Iba Slat vallate fata, aay raaUy fiiat ciata areika, Thla tak lu alao proaaked Aba cbraa paopla, If raporu ara U U atadhad, k)M working ' varioai achemaa la order to aka extra maaey oat of tbota wao aW Uadad Iba eihtUlloat jjju The droai offer many opporianlilea of golllog" a too anactptlbl pabllo, fact maoy proa woold aol tklnk clrcu real aaoogk aalaa tbey were faked la bobm way. Aoothar thing about drca day. la the fact' that 1 eeem aa eocadoa, wllk too many peraona, to eelabrat la a manner which makaa tham eay rlctlm to any aa I all klad of acbamea, aad th arerag man with a few drink ladde of Um feel that not only the world In hla, bat alao that ha kaow Mreial thing - . , la thla way It coma about that dicu day la too liberally celebrated, and there uiually next y, bat it Ja too lata to ara money or remedy the 'aching head and eon bone,'.,' . . A pleaaaater aide of all thla-iHaekag Bbow I th joy it briag aad glre . to tboaa who accept the drca aa a recree- tlon. Ta anah thpa la mmuIiib asIak ment and beneflt In attending the clrcot, and the memorr Is one which ooatlnue until th next airoaa day arrir tr . v On the batlneaa tide, there I the In creased trade to merchaaai which coma with droa day. Oenstry ttollor all hare purohaae to make, and fsry many dollar, are put Into general drenlalioa ob circus day that would not be brought out except for thl peclalccaaleB. Taking how every tide the Pamlng Bbow, a seen la the drca, I oat which giro beaeflta. It ha iu bad feature, but the good predominate, sad while th majority rale in th good let the people hare drca aad the enjoy, menl they bring.' Btatb or Onto, Citt or Tolboo, ) liUOAS CODBTT, , . . f " - F&akc J. Cbbnbt make oath that he the senior partner of the firm of F. J, CBBKBirJkCou, doing butlaaas la the City of Toledo, County and But afore aald, and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be (ured by th use of Hall' Catabbb Cubb. V . Fbabk J. Cbbbbt. Swom to before me, and aabsctiaed la my preseaoe, this 6th day of December, A. 1). laoQ. A. W. GLKASON, .,,. Kotary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken internally . ana ecu directly ob the blood and mu cons surface of the ayatcra. Send tor testimonials, free. - F. J, CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DruggUl. 78 s. , , . Hair Family Pills are the beat raabiea. . -Fahton,n quoth the womanly woman, "demands of a person tbat she her ao . heartP . . . . , The other woman I'jjhed wearily.' "Ah, If tbat were only alirsh ex- ciaiiuou, wiui uinernets. "Way, some aeasona fuUlon demand tbat a person nave no nip, evenr And that, foraooth were a thing not always easily Bined. ' : . ' r BeUef U tlx Eenrs.' Dlttrestlng Kidney snd Bladder DIs ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It Is a great surprise on account of Iu exclud ing promptness la r. ' r - 'n In I' i der, kidney and back, in male orf. ;a'e Rellevfls retention of a s - 1 . medli; 'y. If you want qnkk re. . f i cure Uifs Is the rns.'y.; f ':3 ! v C. D Bradkam, drut-;t, Kew torn, .,. C. ft r , i p4tiC tU-- tjTK- fc Utn!l to the CTtlia o!(;er II , 1 l, f mi U I 'te tii- i , . a.--! a 1 L t'.waja ik! prrfTa iary dutl on a BaoJ Of Ibf fu.rruur of ll Jilrl.- la UH-t iltr lira, la mun for whkn mki lty an reltered frum taia ttoa t r-r-iiilo extant. Tbelr ros ttitte rr pi et art-aqua, a t1 llir f fear wortdwWe routk for lb alrrl trace nod oaring pt tbrtr herwemaa eblp. , tlMtr CBaril. Scan oa look Ctiarll p and akd him If be u papa' boy. He ao- nni -Tra." ( "And tours oimni'i bo toe?" -Tea." replied Charlie. ViL bow caa job be papa'i boy $ ad nauaia boy at tb earn tl mat -Oh." replied Charlie qnlta lDdlrTar ll. "caa't a . wagoa have twa aaratar ' ra at Last, Prapriear-I'n lookinf far a maa I raa treat. . . Applicant We'll get aloof than. For tea year fv done nothing bat look for aa that woo Id trust m. De troit Free naaa, - Bfotxara umoM buztjl eg aUta the Urar, (taaiaca, Sawala aad Kldaera, . For blllouaaea, eonstipallon aad ma laria.- ,.. ' For Indltrestloa, itck sad aenroui headache. For sleepleaanees, nerToasnesa and hears mOur. ' ," " For levar. ddlU, debility aad kldner dlaaaaea, tak Leuea KUxIr. Ladle, lor aatnrai aid inorooan or ganic regulatioa, taAa Lemon kJIxir. uc ana si ootiiee ai uroggmn. Prepared oaly .by Dr. H. Motley ,' At lanta, Oa. u'A taalaiatar Writaa.- After lea years of great suffering from isdif eatioa, with grsat aervou proat ra tion, blllonaneaa, disordered kidney and constipation. I nave been cured by it. Motley' iiemon jkuxir, ana sra now a wall man. kbv. v. u. uavia. Eld. H. K. Charch Booth, No. 38 Tataall BL. Atlanta, US. v , . H ' TV L& rteaUnaat MaspalaB Write. Dr. II. Mor.LBT, Atlanta.- Having baea a great sufferer for three year, from Indlgestioa,' and been treated by Biaay Bhyilclaaa, who failed to glia me any relief. Uontlnolng to grow worse my brother sdviaea me to try ur, iox ley'l Lemon Elixir, which remedy be bad need for several years. , I commenced Its uae, and must say your Lemon Ellxer I the graateat medicine on earth. - 1 have never suncrea a day since i commencea a4Dg Lemoa KUxIr. i r 1 R. L. Rocco... H Hernaado 8t-, Memphis, Tenn. m oar. ; Thla la to rartlfv that I nted Dr. Moz- leya uemoa Allxlr lor neurtigia oi tue bead and eye with th moat marked beneflt to mv general health. I - would lsdlv have paid 9)000 for the relief It has given me at a coat of two or three dollar.. .- - u. A. be a ix. Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Oa. f ! ; iaai ill !.V- Bar Limit, . Bha hesitated. Dying was out of tie Question, bat under the drcumstances she might throw a counterfeiting faint. In other word, though she could not kick the bucket, the might turn a little pail . )i " -..' ' . A Theaaaai Tengnea Conld not express the rapture of An nie I. Springer of 1123 Howard St., Phil adelphls, Pa., when she found thai Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cared her ot a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doe ton coald give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "Is toon removed (be pala in my cheat and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely . re member doing before.', 1 feel like sound. Ing its pralset throughout the Unl versa" So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for, any trouble of. the Throat, Chest or Lungs, Price 60c and $1 00.. Trial bottles free at F 8 Duffy's drug atore; every bottle guaranteed. A tare Methed. . lira. Youngwed-r-John, I with you would give that cook a good blowing up. ' ' - Mr ' Toungwed -All right, my-dear, HI buy her a gasoline store. , As usually treated s sprain will disable th Injured person for three or four weeks, but If Chamberlsln'S Pain Halm is freely applied a complete cure may be effected In a very few days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, cuts, bruise and bums. For sal by F. S. Duffy Co: ' Waddair Dream, .i'." " tloax--I don't see why Henpeck cant get along with bis wife. I saw her todsy and she's a perfect dream. Joax Oh, well; dreams always go by contraries, you know. " Tha great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy In the treatment of bowell complaints ha made It stsndard over the greater part of the civilized woild, For sale by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co. . '"" V - I Ilopdess. " - .'Snence Is golden," quoted Mrs Bick ers. "You'll never be rich," sdded ber ami able husband. . Babbed the Grave. A Starting incident of wblch Mr. Job Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three .Siysieian nad given me up. Fortunately, a fi ieu sdvl.ed trying 'Electric Eittera, and to my gr;U jny snd surpnfe, the first boi t'e ni. s a u. i luipmven it, l con tnuf:l the'r u.se for three wi ' s, a" l r""v a weil nan. I know r v u. t n l . a 1 ro i i , i , Vnn in." J,00I18 Bhollul tail to I- v I v t. iirj hup r-V" "V L, AT tyxtuet pa-wa iiuto 1 toa rva sna row. and tSm prvmcttt pood UjJ. S, -WA J Kt'.p yom "krrp yrv pttcm." i ! ft Ati i-A-i' - Cooatataai. I have ao (xmpaiky vld a atrika,'' aid Meandering Mike. "Bat yoe don't blaate folk fur not working," proteatad Plodding Pate. "Ye caa't strike onlaa ra're let a lob. kla,ytT' was the withering rejolader. A WOHOBKTTL COBB ' or biabxboba. " a rBOBUMEirr tiboibtia kmtob Bad Alaseet Oirea Ca sat Waa Breagkt Bach te FerBtct Haaltk br Caambeaiaia'a Oetia, Oaalara aa4 , XHarrbeaa Baaaady. ' BJBAO Bit KSITOBIAX. . From the Tim, HlUstUle, Va. I suffered with diarrhoea for a kg lira and thoaght I was past being oared. had spcat mach tiaaa aad asoaey and suffered ao mack mlae-v that I had al most dedded to give Bp all hopeeof recovery aad swalt th retail, bat nollo Ing the advertisement of Chamber Uia'i Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy sad also some testimonial Mating how some wonderful cure hsd been wrought by lb la remedy, I decided to try IL After taking a few ioees I iu entirely well of that trouble, aad I wlah to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that I am a bale and hearty maa today and fed as wdl as I ever did la my llfa.-0. It, Moo RK. Bold by F. 8. Duffy Co. : , 1 ' NeraUrerCeaL ' How comes the aaddest time of all la man's unhappy lot. The autumn leave will surely fall . The price of coal will sot. Jr. B. Datatyaw's Aatt Blaretlc. May be worth to yon mora than $100 If yon have a r-Mld who soils bedding from locontene of water during sleep Cure old and yoang alike. It arrest the trouble at once. 1. Bold by C. D Bradham, druggist. New Bern, N. C - Beats aad The difference between a ms ileal di rector and a tramp la tbat the former ouly beau time while the latter kills It, Kodol Dyspepda Cur Is a scientific compound having the endorsement of eminent physicisn and tha medical prat. It "digests what you eat" and positively cure . dyspsptla. M. A. Ketron, Bloomlngdale, Tenn., ssys It cured him of Indigestion of ten years' steading. F 8 Duffy. -J . Oiat Pbia. . J. The man who drinks gin can generally be recognized by his pbia. :. - AFTightrnlBlaadai; Will often causa a horrible Barn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. . Bucklen't Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain, and promptly Deal it. Vote old Sores, Fever Bore, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, Coras, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only iS els. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F, 8. Duffy 4 Co. Druggists. :. -1 ' . . Mot His Weather. ' Husky Individual Please, lady, help poor fallow wet' prevented from workln' at hi trad be da weather. Charitable female Here' - a dime. How doe th . weather Interfere with youf ;" .)';'.-. ;. Husky Individual Why, yr tea, I'm a pickpocket, lady, an' dese cool day everybody puts delr hands In delr own pocksts. -' L t f V.'-v?' For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases and all Irritating eruptions, nothing to soothing and healing a De- WltVt Witch Hszel Salve. Mrs. Emma Bdles, Atatroa Esglewood Nursery, Chlcsgo, says of It: "When dl else fdls In heding our babies, It will cure, F 8 Duffy. ..... .... - -, : The Caaaa of Btaa'sOreed. , Bunday-School Teacher-No w, Tommy, can you tell me what 11 is that make men hunt for pearl aad diamonds f Tommy I guesa It's g'.rls. " . r '' That Throbbing- Eeasacha. . Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick snd Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood snd strong nerves snd build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold by F. 8. Duffy Co. Druggists. Bastes and St. Lenis. ' " Bostoa Maid I would be glad to have you accompany me to the meeting of our literary society. Bt. Louis Girl Ob, such things make me weary. Iloiton Maid But we sre to bsve aa evening with Emeison. St. Louis Girl-Indeed 1 Why, I thought Emerson was dead. - . You a Giambi r' I r " 1 y uit.e no r k when .iu's C.-'-.i, C!i -a you buy ' I . A ( i , '.- r. i? : v.. 1 r n ' y if t ,1 6 , r li i ; ; to 1 . f r 1 1 ' I ! i It ie e r i I Am Aa.Kaalla EJ t a t--'ai S to t:.a t L.'.ajka eta L trl It carfkra la fc:a aar, but It f- tut aa atWr-.TlLf 10- iri,t',! of Tba Hi-cord to oVaroTar til wbo tied Its tuft tube et kla ar fur a evitoo wad. r6.u-ra oa a tr car ta the Quale City Ue otbar day vretw a irartod le a woU dxwaaad maa af mid di Sf beraua of eomelhlns peculiar bey ootkvd ahoot bt rlfM ear. It eemed to Iboav w bo lookod that th ear was niluua a lotw. ?1daly tbor waa a lop, and the kuleraeted paav seiigna I two aotlced tbat the ear waa sU rthc with Iba feu la tb place wurrc R ougbt te be. By the Um tb passengers bad go asto wonder war ttt strans-e eight the Bias raised bt band and puabed tb lobe Into tb opening of tb ear. piarlng tb ear ta tb eoodlUoa It waa before the flop. Not king tbat the maa who sat next lo him stared la aa I ik airing way al hlro, tb maa with tb Bsgtc ear said tbat tb lobe was bbj earache core. II waa a great safferer from tb acbe. be said, and formorty used cotton lo abut tb wind out of hi ear. On day be waa without cotton and foaod tbat be could abovo tb lube tato ttto opening. It did not only keep the rind out. bat toe pain disappeared nicker, and store then be has alwaya put tb lower part of bis ear Into bob wbea tb earache has com on. Weadalt Phltllaa mm Blata. Wbea Wendell Ptillllpe waa hut ta Washington, be waa for a few mlnotaw oa tb Boor of the United Stated Bea st, aurrounded by a group of aeuatora, ansoog whom was Senator James O. Blaine, dwaya a favorite with Mr. PhllUpa. It ao happened tbat a few weeke before tbla time Mr. Blaine, In presuming to coogreaa tb atato of Governor King, flrat governor of Maine, to be placed In the rotunda of I be. capltoL, bad commented averJy oa the loyalty of MaaaacbuaettB, and especially tbe Federalist party, during tb war with Great Britain In 1811 Of thla party tbe father of Wendell Pbllllpe, John Phillip, waa a coa- aptcuoua member.. Wbea Blaine' speech waa made Dawea and Hoar were senator from Massachusetts, aad tbey both eesayvd aome aort of aa Impromptu reply thereto, but did them selves llttW crvdlt in parrying the thrusts of Blalne'a glittering rapier. So. worn Weudoll PblUlpa met Blaine on this occasion, he said to him laughingly. -I wish I had been a mem ber of tbla body for about aa hour lb other dny when you mad tbat epeecb attacking tb Massacbueetts Federallata." "Ah." said ' Mr. - Blaine with tbat ready wit which never deaerted him, "If yon bad been bore I shouldn't have nude tbat speech T Uarper't Maga- atna. - A Word To Bf ether. Mothers of children affected with croup or a sever cold need not besltale to administer Cbsmberlsin's Cough Remedy. It contains n opiate nor narcotic In any form and may be given as confidently to the babe as to aa adult. Tha great success that hat attended Its use la th treatment of colds and croup haa won for it tha approvd and praise It bss received throughout the Untied States and In many foreign lands. For ssle by F. 8. Duffy ft Co, When la Bayboro stop at tha Luptoa Hons for good accommodations. n I EUHYROYAL PILLS I -aw A .-a-N ..... tl.r. riM kA.it. S) !.lk.R 'I-1 "ltTT. aamwiunnw. CITY TAXES NOW DUE. I have tbe City Tax last for 1809 aow in hand, am ready and anxious to write you, a receipt. Tbe . city Treasury empty and seed your help very much. Call and pay your taxes now, it will t very much appreciated, ' Ob, have you pdd tha tax on your dog yet. i Hale dog, 60o; female, $1 00. Cost added will be more. i J. i. TOtSON, 7 V-- City Tax Collector. To flerchants 1 Office : Register of Deeds. - Craven County.- ' New Bern, September 9, You sre required by law to deliver or return to me, within ten days after th first day of October, a sworn statement of the amount of capitd employed by you In " your business as a merchant, meicsntlle firm or associstlon for the year (twelve months) preceding the first day of October, 1809, As a desler In cigars, cheroots, cigar ette and manufsctured tobacco, you are required by law to deliver or return to me within ten days after the first dsy of Gctobrr, s sworn ststement of the number ot cigars, cheroots, cigarettes, and the number of pounds of manufac tured smoking and chewing tobacco purchased by you for the year (twelve months) proceeding the first day of Oc tober, 1899.- You sre required by law to deliver or return to me, within ten days sfter tbe first dsy of October, a sworn ststement of the sinount of your commission mer chant, broksr or dealer, buying and sell ing, for Hie year (twelve months) prece dir.? the first dny of October, 1-'i). I'rompl compliance with the law is c-.r'. 'y rrqticsltd, snd for failure to do t y t f i c a r nl be reiju! J of Co t J to o ! 1. eft' Oy:p:poia Curo Digests what you eat. It sniSrialW d S'a'.a th tmA mil . alur lo sireB,-ualn aad ratna atrucung tbeibautd difratlv or gans. IlisllU''ldtaoovmddlrl. acliDdlonla o other prrparauoa can apprrrh It In fflcJeiK-y. It ln staoLiy relieve and permanently cure I'yipepeia, .IodlgmUon, Heartbura, Ustuieooe. Sour Slnmarh, Nausea, Elck HeadacbeGatrsJgla.CmpTaoi .louwrirsuiiaoi lOTTMTrrxaifreaUoav 7 a-v tT rsns Step Ladders, Step Ladders, Step Ladders. A 4-Foot Iifttldrr For 48c. A 5-Foot LuMitler For 60c. A G-Foot Isadder For 72c. The nicest yon ever taw. Now dont wait until tbey are all gone, but come at one aud tupplj yourself. You can't afford to borrow one when they can be had at these Low Prices. Everybody NeetlMt Step Isaddtuj, 'leaj So Come Along , And Get One. J. C. Vhitty to. fBOFESSIONAL. P. M. Slmmeaa, i. H. fta. A. 1). IT art E. W. faa. 5IMH0NS, POU ft WARD, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS al LAW. '-. '. bbw nail, at. c Office 18 So. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Chat taw ka. ' (Offloea also at Raleich and Smitbfleld.) Prastlee la the eoant.es ol Uraven, Dublin, Jousa, Oaalow, Carterat Pamlioo, waka, Johnston, Harnett and Wtteon; la Ln sa praaia and Federal Uourta, aad wharevar sarrka are daalnd. P. II. PeUetler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Hlddla Street, Lawyeri Krltk taiUlag. . Will praetlo la tha Coanttea M Cravea Ifertarat, Joaas, Oaalow aaa 1'aMllco. 0. 8 uourc at ai aw Barn aad Baprama Court e h8tat. R0MULU3 A. NU.NN, MEwaiaNk, m. o. Office: Opp. Hotel Chattawaa. South FroatStraet. Praotlos In North Carolina FINANCIAL. T. A. Wraea, Praa, l.H. Meadows, trtoe Pr - B. st.8BOVas,0sablr. CITIZEN S BANK oar ararpv gaxevN m, jr. o. DO A SBKIBAL BAXKIXa BTjaiNItU ThaAeeodataotBaBK,Baakr, Corpor arJoaa, Faratars, llareliants aad othara re eeirad oa taTorabl terma. Prompt and earn nil atuatloa (iven to tb lnlst at at oar aa toar. CoU.eUoas aftpaelaltr. , aosBD of Biaaoroas. rerdtnaad Ulrioh . H. ateadowa, J. a. ktAadowa, ' Cha. Dufly.Jr. Baauel W.I pork, Jamfa Bedmoad, - Can. H . Fow.ar, Slayer Halinjaj . W. Gratngar, Thomas A.airaaa, . W. 8 ia all wood, " C.B.Fot. MO. B.lTaa. , W. F. Craekett. F. d . BAiJK, MAT 1st, 188?. Capital Stock,.... ..$75,008.00 Sarptat, 8,500,00 Uadlvlded Profits, 4,025.00 OFFICERS. U H. CdTlsb President. W. 8. Chadwicb, Vice Pres. T. W. Iiswsy, Caaliier. , J. W. liiDDi.s, Teller. r F. F. Mattusws. Collector. DIRECTORS: - - ' Wm. B. E'mles, - M.U.Marks, 0. D. Freilnam, P. II. Pelletier, fi. it. t iitir-r, Jno. Buter,. i. a. CLa.iwH'k, J. W. biewart, T. Vr.i Dewey. e w"t yur busineis snd feel tliat v.i it r v:tu bs nuich in r.n.rn as i .ii t rev. H is our f J l ? I ft i )f HHHlt- t v j. . I l' i i r. lo our LEU1L KOTICrt. lCMISlSTKiTOE'S lUTK'l Bair qsaltfted M aJaiiatairaiae el Juts V n.iaa, Siriaaait. taaa a( Inm rouaiy, h. C, taa at to aouly ail (i n nil aTii( cUit ag-alMl la tate el ta aald SirmiS w aik.Ul ibaaa to laa aa dersiga4 oa at a4or lb Xuik, day of tiiiut, iw.10. or Uila aMire will eeUrad M i bar M Utmtr iwowiy, Au p ladeau4 to the eaaa eat will aak lasmadiait papwent. ItiUA r. BtrCAKTIir. B. W, WlBiamaoa. AdmlakOraaor, Tbi tOib day of Aageal, ISM. North Can dloa, I Bnprrtor Cor. Cra Co J , FaU Teraa, e7. Joseph L Haba, va. Washington Blade, Haaaah tied. I araani lo a jadratrat raodarrd al tbe Kail Tares 18B7 ol Crarea coaaty Ba petior Court la the above eaillled actios. La which aald jodrmeat tb aadrrairaed r duly poUiird cornea laatoaora for taa saw ui ta property avemaaller acriuee. Now therefore la aceordaace with aald jnilgmaat aad by request of plaintiff w win oner for aale aad wu lo ta hlxbeai bidder lor eaah at do bile aootloa at lb ooui I house duor la New Bera oa Mon day lb Ui day of Noveaibt 18M al II clock at, tb following real property, tow it: la tb county of Cravea aad Stale of North Carolina oa Pembroke road and adjoining tb made of Phillip J Lea oa the Bolll.) tbe lands kaow a as lbs Bray plare oa tbe tooth ; tbe land ot KU auarirf oa In west aad bounded aa tbe M by Pembroke road. Beig the earn land pare baaed by Washlactoa blade froaa th heirs of Jea ( laypbol bv deed executed by Emetine Clavnoole. Xxeeatrix to which said deed refereoee at hereby eiade for a full aad mora dell alia deacttptioa thereof, (except tea aoree tbereof heretofore, coo re red ta t-hilip 1 Leei. The above described propert leioi tb same apoa which th dwelling house of Ike aald Wsshlogtoa blade and Usnnsh clade la located and whereon tbey now reside. Tbie 13th dsy of September 1800. J. E A a O'ilAKA. ( Lmmiuioners. COyMlSSIOStR'S SALI. North Carolina, Superior Court, Craven Co. ( slay Term, 1808 Joan B uarrelt, vs. Deary 1 Long aad C 0 Roach. Parsuaut to a judiruient of tbe Hnpe rlortMirl of ( rsvau onuoty rendered at the Hav term ltV8 in tbe above eutiilrd action, the undersigned aa commissioner will offer rur sale and sell to tbe niKbeol bi ider for cash at public vend j at the court boose door in New Bern, N I', on Monday, tbe etb usy or November low at 18 o'clock m, the following described Mof laod situsts In the rily of New Bern, coonty of i raven, aud Mate of North Carolina. Being loU 183 and 108 witn all improvements in- reoo situated on tbe northeast corner of Main and Muiry streets in Fartnville in the city of New tsrrn, adjoining me lots ot jotin Dawson and others and bounded as rot lows: On the north by slain street aad on the esst by slurry street, on tbe south by ab lsnd of Joha Dawson and on the west by Autam Dudley's lot b. Imr 108 feet on Main street. 104 feet on Murry street bring s psrt of a tract of land left Isaac W Eubanks by will or Allen U Jtuuanks, deceased, snd the same lots conveyed lo the said Henry Long by deed from K M Psvie trus'ee of Isaac W Ku banks and recorded in book 83 on panes 425 and 420 in tbe oilice of Iba Register of Deeds of Craven county to which reference is hsd, ex orptiog thirty feet which has been con. vey-d lo w m maraey oy deed. This 13th dsy of Heptwmber 1899. - K. W. WILLIAMSON, J. B. O'HAKA, Commissioners. Notice of Sale ot Land For Partition. North Carolina, I In the Superior Court, uraven la. oeiore me uera. JL rJarUfield, vs. Mrs Sarah A Taylor, 1st C .Taylor, Dr 1 M 1 sylor, ur ueo Aumore, ur u Primrow. W u Oliver. Ueo A Ollv.r, Uary T Oliver, Thomas Constable and Martha Constable his wife, Benj B Huske and Hannah Buske his wife, star tin 8 Willard aud Elisabeth O Willard his wife, Itebecca 0 Alltnore, Dr J D Clark, Hannah T Clark, The Trustees of Davidson Utdlege, north Carolina, Uet. tie J t'la. k, aud Ohas S liollUter, execu tor ot Frances Taylor, deceased. Pursuant to s dtctvu of the Superior Court of Craven oointy to the above entitled proceedings for sale of land for nartiiinn rendered bv the Ulerk of aald Superior Couit dn the 7lb dsy of Sep tsmber, isvu. . The undersigned ss commissioner will offer for ssle and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at tbe Court House door ot Craven' county on Tuetday tbe 10th dsy of October 18t at tne nour oi 12 0 ciock noon au tne 101- lowina described real estate towif: tract of land containing 8400 acres, lying and being in the county of uraven and partly in Pamlico county, on tbe north side of Neuse river between tbe heads of tbe northeast prong of Little Swift Creek and Bay river, - beuinninir at Wright C Stanly's last corner being four hundred and ninety jxie irom aaio Stanly's beginning at a black gum and on a course south fifty three east and runs the reverse of his line south seven (leg re. s west one thousand & forty poles to bis corner then slong another of said Stanly's lines ssutb forty five degrees esst fourteen hundred and fifty poles to bis corner then south forty live degrees east seven hundred and five poles then north folly nw degrees east two bun dn d and seventy two poles then north eleven hundred snd seventy poles lo a gum at Bay river bridge then north fifty three degree west three hundred and twenty poles then south forty degree west seven hundred and fifty poles then north forty five degrees weil eleven hun dred and twenty poles north seven de crees east six huudnd and eighty pokt then north fifty three degrees west two hundred poles to the first station; also a certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tbe county of Craven on the north side of Ellis' lake and west s do of Black rake, bfpinuing at. a cy press on Ell ia' lake the one mile tree westward from ; bis lsnding running north two hundred and thirty three poles, then south eighty two degrees east two hundred and eighty poles to the Black lake, then along the lake south thirteen degrees eixt ( no hundred and len poles to James Psrrolt second cor nel, ibence with b!a Hue south thirty prgrees west one hundred and twenty notes to a cypress his beginning corner on Ellis' lake eighty pol.e above the landing and thence with the various meanders of the lake lo the first station, containing three hundred and ninety acres. This September 7, 1809. A. I). WARD, W. II OUVLH. ROMULUS A. NUNN, -Commissioners. LrtiiL SOTICES. Bonn or sili or liid roa riuTiTiui. Kurtb Carartba. uttra Caort. I la tbe PprK V-otft, M.nltnk. B t UaStaa, Juba l laaklaa. Edward Ulakiaa. Jota U liarvr. tUrobeo llarrt aad llrlr llant, aa lataal a? brr aest rnrod. H I LHaaina, rVuiauoera. rarsnsBl ta a win rf law Hatwcww Court uf ttt'ii euomy la tSe above raw uiim ptocrroiafs lor sale ot lead l panUlna tawdrttd by tb clerk rf aald Ha per lor earl on lb Bad day af tv lamhar, I8IM. Tae aadaralgaed aa roav- iloaer will vBmr for al aad sail at KUiiaaactloa fur cash lo lb htgb ldr at lb eoart boa door of Cravea eoaatv oa Wednday I ha 4ih day of Oe lobar, ltW9. at the hour II (clock boob. U lb fuUoaiag deacribed real real eaiala. towlii tMne tb bud allo'Ud ta Kdwsni : Hoetl la the dWiaioa of th lands of Mrs Fiaaora Uo II. rtera ate.!, ai.d aanwa aa lot No 4 la said divajiu. adjoining tbe laade of Joba Mcltny, Kdmaad LNnkiaa, aad otbers, Ugianing at lb enraer of lot nam bar 1 in aald di.laioa aad runs BOtlb M waat 1x4 pole: tbeaca aorlh Al east 134 note; tbeao north 86 west at pot; tbene nortk SI west til pules; ihcnce south la west Dolr n iha other owner ol lot nam brr 8; Iheoc wlib the line ,f lot number t, which Is the lleell ln lo lb beg innlos; ena talaiaa; 141 aeiee more or I. ; it being asme laad cosveved l.v Alpbonao Kuril to Edmund. B K, O VV ami John D IHbklaa. by ded dated I VorniWr 18, I trie, aad recorded in tbe orni-e ol I he Hrsislerof Deeds. Craven count v. in bosk 3. page 16s. Ibis beplemtwr Xnd, 19. ROMULUd A. NUNN, Coaimiaeloner. COMMISSIONItt'S SALE! North Carol ins, I Superior Court, Cravea County. ( Hey Term, 1888 JOHN HUTCHINSON, Jit. vs. JOHN HUTCHINSON. Pursuant to the iudsment of tbe Su perior Court of Crsven county rendered st the Spring Term 188V, in favouaUobii uuicnioeoB, jr and against .oba Hutchinson, as commissioner in ssid judgment sppoiutsd, 1 will expose to aale and sell to the highest bidder for cash al IjO Court House door of Craven county, on Monday lbs Id day of Octo ber lew, at the hour of 18 o'clock U, the following lot or land lying and being In the city of New Bern, detcribed a) fol lows towif. All that certain tract cf laud pur chased by Joba Hutchinson .f 1 W llugl.es by aeed dated J u Ulk 1 S, and fully described in the mot t (rune deed upon which lb above entitled action 1 brought, duly recorded in tbe dllc of the tiegister of Deeds ot Crnvt 11 county In book M, pages HO aud 817. The same being apart of Ihe lot in tbe town of new Bern, known sud distinguished In the plan of stiid lawn by the nunrbt r 80, snd extending from lbs Southeast comer of Broad and Haucock streets, ' fiet, 8 inches on Hrosd sties', In (he Northwest corner i f Wbichcosts Whites and on Hancock street snuihwsnlly 157 feel, 8 inches; hounded nn th north by Broad street, on the south by Alrxander Mil ler's line, i.ii 1I1 ent by Whicbcnats Whites line aid cn lire west by Hancock street. September let, 1899. . F. n. ROBERT Comniisf inner. PUBLICATION OF SIMMONS North Carolins, ) Superior Court. Craven Co. ( Before the Cleik BFDinkins, Admrof Ada Diukina, de ceased, v. John D Liallnp, B F Dinklus, Helen Usrils, Kdwsrd l'iukinj, Caroline - Bice an I A V Hire. To E iward f iukin. Etq: It appealing tu the sal iataction ef tha Court by affidavit that Edward Dinkins it a nnn resident of the Stale of North Carolina, you are hereby notified, that a suirnons sad petition for ssle of real estate rer snels bss been duly filed in the clerk's office ef Crsven rt.unty, N C, In the above entitled action by B F Din kins, al minis trstcr, you are hereby no tified to appear before ssid clerk tt his office in New Bern, Crsven county, N 0, os Saturday, October J8ih 1889, st 13 o'clock n, and answr or demur to said petition aa you msy deem best, other wise the prayer of the petitioner will be grsnted. It is ordsr that this notice be Enblished once a week for 6 weeks in lew Barn Journal Dated at New Bern. N O. Sept. 1?, 99. W. H. WATSON, Clsrk Superior Court. ALL HANDS 'ROUND And join us in praulng the beauti ful Line ot Heating Stoves, now in Hock snd on sale by the L. II. Cutler Hard wait Company. They bate them large and small, handsome and plain. To look at them is to buy them, because of the remarksbly low price, ;.-.;. Also don't forget we always bsve on hi nd a large stock of w holesale and le ts l Hardware of all kiuds. Hash, Dois. and Blinds a specialty. ; 0t.ll and examine.- f j ; - : W ' " '?'''." L. H. CUTLER H'DW'E CO. School Books I All Kindt Xt Baxter's Jewelry Store, next to the Journal, New Horn, N. 0. School Books at Low Prices by mall, po:-t paid; ' Write us for price litis and terms. - J. M. & J. 11. REKU . RREIXDOKO, N. CV A.,- ,,-, ,nji nvpit orirTv-oveJ S'-o vt - - ., C "PTn-Tori 4 r v;t-. '.. hem. mcKiel, sketch, or puoiu. for fr etaminatmn and nnoo. r ' f ! f 1 1 ; v 0 1 Rt e. No ant's 1 i 1 1 I M i . i d leo bolbre paUiitt. to k.a Patent Lairyers. WASHINGTON, D.C.

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