Cut glass, or anj kind of glass ware, window panels and mirrors will sparkle if you nse Gold Dust. It does the work your muscle ' has to do when jou use soap. THE UK. FATCBANI C0MP4KT fc.Uak) nM A LITTLE ' DOES MUCH. Boon, Iowa, Da, li Ma to aaa tall what 1 kara adarea: la taa pmmt taa yaara wtia atviaoatkif ica- trfm HIM l.rd.l. nlM. Altar I d ncouM Wi.. f . f I 111 1 Mat fur bout, tad Obi k S J I I'll lit Ik. trat hm I fcs.a la M . f J Ik SUM. OiLACa LAMPHKBS. ' yi' 1 mt ' wine of Cardui do only cures but t acts AT ONCE. Bert a sets ' 0 ten years' landing, and yd ont tint It das madethe sufferer fed better, ' and (topped the pain. Tbt Wait rorJ straight to tht Mat of tot trouble. It act directly upoa the mmMruaTand genital organs, Hi action li not violent, and It dues not force a result. H simply fires Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. A single disorder to the feminine organs spreads many disorders ill over the body, and when the Wine cures the source, a! the other Uls vanish as a matter of course. A , woman can be her own physician and curt herself at home. Local ex UMtr umaiT mmitbiit. pi Vo.ari.4fl. ha 'ill i bsmImI dtrtrttuM, adilrvM, (tvliiK n inptoma. ,.lMr,B'l, n.rMTT.MMMl auucuiUL, Caallaaooaa, Tram. Druggists sell Large 1717 DR. KOFFETTS 11 NuppnVBiBni mwu t-J TEETBIS8 POWSLSS "MM I am now the Sole Agent for the o o o CELEBRATED S o W MIDDLE 8TREET, SPECIAL - TO - Bargains." the American Stock Company . . , .': We have jiut arrived from the Northern Markets with a complete line of CLOTHINO. DRY 00005, SHOES, HAT5, Utiles' and dents' Furnishings which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING : CLOTHING ! We surely have tba largest line of Clothing In town, we have Clothing enough to suit and lit every man, every youth and eveiy Hula boy, for prices at which you will wonder. We are unable to mention prices on Clothing for oar stock is too great Come yourself and be convinced, - , - - - Come early and avoid the rush. The early bird catches the worm and the early customer catches the bargains. Remember this sale will not last very long. The American Stock Company, - ' " HOWARD 4 MACHT, Proprietors. . - .' " ' 50 and 61 Middle Street, . NEW BERN, N. C. r 0 A FREE PATTERN (rear awa election) to arerv aab rj acntnr. Onl &a cents a jur. -s t)s-f V. l A UD1ES' MAQAZJNS. 'f A retni beaut If mI colore plain; trtes C lwns:lrassmakinrcofioiniM; t cj f 5 rrk ; hottseKord dints ; fiction, ate. Sub- acriba lo-day, or, mn4 ic. (or latest copy. T; UsyKtsuwiaiid. SWntifccitvM . !; l BtjMnh, Reliable, Simple. Up-tt date. Economical and Abaoltitelv g Ptvfoct-Fitting Taper Paturaa, r aw at It awte ;; (NowSeaiisa.Aliowaiice iViit.strn.) , S Only k anrl t; eta. tachon hnrh, ; -. A'.tt for them. S"ld in seuiy avesjr - i aW town, or by aaU (rom li THO McCALL CO., ' I'. Ill- MS West t4tk St.. Yw. . A.M'.'ViHii.V. Munbead City, N. 0. T. L. 1Ih.II, Trrp. Terms Satisfactory. H-3USE FRONTS TCS OCEAN. J aminations are surety tnmfsoi tot past the obnoxious Castom It no borer necessary. Wine of Cardui h) the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine nude to-day for tbe cure of "female troubles'. 1 hr- Bottles for $1.00. Ua vsw&t, KikTMtlilnKuj. KiTillXl Mam tttt Boval Iraoldef tf float Oair as I Aak Taat finasaat Swat mi . ;NEW BERN, N 0 THE - PUBLIC ! A Good Telephone SERVICE 13 A BUSINESS -NECESSITY, A , HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM- ; ined , .; . ... y . '"V Wceessfly, rr;1 5 Convenience, .iH Luxury ! . Order Your at Once I IF YOU V.ValT Fine Shade Trees, Fine FruSt Trees, . Fine Ornamental Trees, Fine Roses or Fine Shrtitter Tlace your orders with U. d. HILL, Kew Eeru, N. C. Orders now beiij t,.ken for Fall I'lant' Ml f " a Have Just Begun! cor in.; 1. 1 thai. Th.sJ CE JtsT . jMT FCf TMI NAV.t Na;m.n.ST. As Iul4tl Thr Taara Oataa M Ik termaat W kUk m ! Skaw Haw Suit. After All. Tkla Craal WarS4 ( mn llr ta, Bvvaral yrara are a quirt young rbap sbliiprd as a machinist ta tbe nary aboard tba rarvtrtng ship Tar saont at tba Bruoklya aary yard. II gave Baa Francisco as bis puve of aatlTtty. Be was aaalgncd to a ernlaer about to start for tba China station by the Sues canal rouua. II waa s crack taechsBlc aad vary aooa abowed tba angtnaera that ha knaw bow as aara ale rata aad wajaa. Be never aald aaach about hltnaelf. Be wasn't any thing of what ta called s "man-o'-war chaw," . and, altbough ba bad been np and down tbe world a good deal, he let others do tbe talking. Be waa perhaps tba quietest suae in tbe Amer ican navy at tbe time be nerved. Bis ship got to tbe Asiatic station all tight and erulaed back and fortb there between China and Japan for cloae en to three years. Then aba waa ordered back to tbe United State. 8b bad s lot of "overtime" men aboard of ber by that time, tailor whose time bad expired, but who pre ferred to wait antll tbey reached tbe Halted State be for tbey took tbelr discharge. When tba ablp waa or dered back borne, a lot of overt! m men from other ship on tbe Asiatic station were east to ber to be brought back to tbt country. Tola machinist call him Beau had Just 21 day left of bis three year eo Uataient wbeo tbe ablp left Yokohama for Ban Kranclaoo via the Bawalian Islands. All of the overtime men were talking about tbelr trip around from Ban Fraoelaco to New York by passenger steamer. Tbey bad all ship ped at tbe Brooklyn navy yard, and tbe navy alwaya Bends men to tbe point wbene It take, them when tbey aullat unlea tbey "waive trausporta tton" for tbe puhoe of atopplug off at an Intermediary point . It took tbe ablp It day to "fetch up" Honolulu from Yokohama, and then Beau, tb mach Inlet, bad tire days yet to erv. "Are you going to waive transporta tion and drop off at San Fraoelaco, or are you going around to New York with usT tbe men asked blin when tb tblp pulled Into Honolulu. ... "Don't know yet," tbe machinist re plied. . After coaling at Honolulu which took four days, don leisurely tbe skipper of tbe ship decided to take a bit of a run around the Hawaiian la bind before up aocborlug for Baa Pranclaco. Beall'a tlnw expired on tbe morning that hi ship was headed for Lahalna. on tbe island of Haul, a tit tle aall of about 8 nillo from Hono lulu. Tb chip dropped ber anchor within about 800 yards of tbe Lahalna beach along toward t o'clock In tbe afternoon. y Tb island, of Maul la very beautiful to look upon a veritable gem of tbe ocean. If auch a one wa ever fashion cd by the hand of tbe creator. BeaU, tbe machinist, waa off watch" and standing on tbe to'gallant fo'c'ale, rooking hi pipe, when the ship coat her anchor off Lahalna. Ther era some longing In his quiet gray eye. He knocked tbe asbe out of bis pipe, stretched hi arms and then walked down to tbe mainmast and told tbe of ficer of the deck that be wanted to ee the commandiug officer. The command ing officer cam out of his cabin. "What I It, my manf' be asked the machinist. "My time la out, sir," said tbe ma chinist. "I gueaa I'll take my dls ebarg here.' The commanding officer looked sur prised. - - . . "This Is rather a queer notion," he aald. "You shipped In New York, did you oott I should think you would want to get back to tb United Bute after your three yean on the China station. Or, at any rate, that yon would prefer to wait until we get back to Honolulu. If you want to waive tranaportatlon and take your discbarge down here among the Islands. Why do you want your discharge today and here I" , The machinist smiled as he replied: . "Because this Island here. Maul, Is my borne. At this moment my father and mother and aeven brothers and sisters are on tbl Island. Tbey are at a place not very far from Lahalna, call ed BpreckeUvllle. The, girl that I am going to marry hr also therew I waa born In Frisco, but my father came down to tbl Island as engineer of a sugar plantation wbea I was 2 year old. - Nona of them know that I am within Just a few miles of borne now. I want to give them a little surprise, I waive transportation, and I'll take my discharge now." ' The commanding officer listened to the recital with Interest "Of course we'll give you your dis charge, son," ba aald, "although I'm sorry to lose you, and I had hoped you might ahlp over. Close mouthed men are wanted In the navy. You owe us soma thanks, I think, for starting you off at New York, taking you around the world for three years and then fetching yon op within an hour or so of your home on the very day your time la out To all Intents and pur pose, we have been a yacht for you." It was rather a remarkable happen ing for a fact Tbe machinist packed his things and went over the side, amid the pleasant salutations of the men, about two hours later, with his bag and hammock and a couple of thou sand dollars In gold, his savings dur ing the cruise. A cotiple of hours later he wa with hi people and bla sweet heart In Bpreckelsvllle. It I a small srorld. Washlcgton Btar. "Distressing Stoma ck CUeas Permanently cured by tke masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Inyallils need sugnr no longer, because this remedy can cure them all. It is a cure for the whole world of Stomach weakness and inu' restion. The cure begins wl;h tb r-t dose. Tie re Iter u nrWiS is warv-nous and surpris ing. It nitlies no f..;!are; never d'.tntp pr""l. r .:. rlMwlt"t you ksve 1 ( ' 4 1 t I 1 Out in Kansas lives s bippv wife. Shs writes: ' I bav aaed Mather' Priaad befor tw confinements. Tb last nm I bad twins, and was ia labor only s few eaia iriea. buffered very linla." Ths rsaaoa why Aothcr's Friend doe expectant merher a ssaca good Is because at la an exttraal liniment, lo be spoiled upon tb outside, wber much of the strain cornea. It belpa be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb St, ana It come Into direct contact witn and i absorbed by tb pant iavotred. Morning sickness I quickly baaished, and nervousness is kept completely swsy. The sense of dread and foreboding, is not experienced, evea during labor itself. Confinement Is short snd almost without paia. Recovery is quick snd sure. Best of stl, Methefa Friend benefits tb nbora Just ss much ss the expectant another, and wbea the littles one comes M will be strong, lusty and healthy. JkacaMs aaS Starter's frill tor II a aatMa. 6aa4 far ear fra book a tas sabjaot, aaal? Uliutraua. THE BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. CM. Fine Tobacco," Truck and General . Farming Lands For Sale. One tract of 80 acres In on fourth mil of city of New Bern. Un tract of 17 acres In lets tbaa on lie of city of New Bera. One tract of 830 acre In about oo mile of city of New Bern. . On tract of 90 acre la two mile of city of New Bern, One tract of 80 acres in two and on half mile of City of New Bern. One tract of SCO acre In tbres and one quarter mile of city of New Ben. All of the above tracts are well loca ted, being on the same side of tb rivers that New Bern is. Thev are In good stat of cultivation and we bold them at a moderate price. r or prices, etc.-, apply to ' J.J. WOLFENDEN, New Bera.N.C ICEi . HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to b ebemicaljy made from distilled water and free Irom impurities. Specially in tended and prepared for human con sumption. Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) 8 am to 6 p m. - rJundaya (retail only) 7 a m to IS noon. Tot price and other information, Address, ; ; . New Berne Ice Co., : B. 8. GUIOs. ..ilAMAesB. - - SEE HERE I We now furaish yon Stove Wood ready cut and delivered to your door. Always kept under large sheds, never gets wet in rainy weather. Nice Brick and Lathes, Flat to Let A largo stock of No. t Hand Made Heart Shingle Just arrived, ' Tar and Lime. BIG HILL, Tts itls ta REALESTATEAGENCY ' House and Lota For Sale at Lowest Possible Figure. Desirable Home and Tenements that will prove a fine Invest mens. " ' -. . Collection of Rents a Specialty. Office at residence, 17 Johnson street . School Notice r My school will be reopened Monday, October 2d. Them will be vacancies created lo my llBt of pupils by those who nave fcone -to 'Hoarding school, l can accommodate a limited number of new scbolers both in the advanced and pri mary ciaraes. jr. t. hmaixwouii. -STEAMERS- ; CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, FREIGHT & PASS EN 8 IB. For AU Points Ifortli. Tne Steamer NETJSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays. and Fridaps at 6 p. ni. sharp, tnak ipe landings at Oriental, Ooracoke i d'lioanoke Ijland. . v 13" Freight recoired not later than one boor previous to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. King, Gen. Mgr., n.O. n0DGlN8,Gen.Frt.& Tass-Ait. Norfolk, Va. New Berne, N. C, May 30th, 1833 . - I I ,il V, I. ; AND- Lodgo Directory. CALIMKT i.:CAat!'ME?IT. NO. 4, I. U. O f. (. .r.rert I. . UocJi, C f; 3 U Miair, 11 P, J J ttiut, IK; C II lis.), J W;tia.. Otwa. herisai K ty ruck. Taarf. iWalar EaoaaiB- Sbeal. Ul, ltd, aad I S (:t Tkaivlay la sack Buais al 7.90 u cioc. VICTORY COUNCIL KO. IL JL.tlOR Oil St. Siaet tvery adaaaday sight (a Uouatrva liall. 1 0 llianr. C C 1' lianUog, 11 4 NEW BV.HH LODOB Ma. (.FBI C J V aiaa. 1'rr.l; J li Smith. Kecordlag rw'y; K k QuHiley, riaaaclal Bar'y. atetia la la Salrku of tlanauar liall very 1st aad Srd aloaday aights la sack aaoaia. . el reka lodge no. t. l o. o. r. Officer T.H.ftattoa. H O j W. T. HUU V. O ; tie. Oreea, Hee d g Bacty; i. H, Parkrr it. Treaa. Ueralar aMeUat very Monday algbl at ,J0 o'clock. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1. KN1QIIT8 OF llAKMONYi Meats tad sad 4th Tbarsday alaklt ia each asoatfe la Roaatras's Hall, Pollock at real, at 8 00 o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President, Jamas H. Smith, Sey, B. B, HUL F. Bery. KM1CUT8 OF HONOR Officers: KR Joaaa, Dictator, U L V Into a, KeporUr, W F Rooatrea, Fiaaacial Reporter New Ben Lodg ho. i atwu taatnd and ik Friday a if bts at ?:S0 o'clock la Roentrte's Hall, Pollock street. ueiearp -4aao. Slaver, Captain; T. 8. hr u, Llaat. r. II. rallatMr, Snslfa: Wat. ruta, Otarai B4. klaroaS, Aeeoaabiat. Bag alar CaatouiMaU. VI and tik Tiiaraday aikWlaaadaaaauasswaioaB - HOW IS THIS That la Oaakin' Cvcl Co.. can ell Bicycle aad Buadrktsand do Repair w or a e"i vneapr Because tbev buy ia larg quanllties and sell T caah and hav beat workiea empkyw Tbey now bav Ave sipert eoosd workssen aad are toning out alo r work tbaa ever They are also doing a whole busi ness I Bicycle and Sundries and would us to nave agents la every town ana village. Those interested will pleas writ or oall oa , QASKINS CTCLI 0MPAMT Planter Building. Henry's Pharmacy .' ' 127 Middle Street, NEW BERN, v NORTH CAROLINA. The best kaowa Skin and Blood Ram edy, for the euro of Pimple, Postulea, Tetter or Halt ttneuna, Blotches, Tu mors. Bolls, Kins; Worm, Rheumatism, &o,, is HENRY'S COflPOUND EXTRACT OP -5AR5APARILLA WlTrllODIDE5. ' A nowerful ourifler of the blood, act ing through ths natural secretary and exoretary organs removing those matters wntcb disturb it purity, Hen ry's Sarsaparilla ia put op to meet the ipular need for suob a remedy, without nng related to the many secret nos trums and quack medicines of the day of unknown composition. Il oontsins just what the formula calls for as printed in op the label of each bottle and sells for one half tbe price chartred for unknown compositions. For Sale at Henry' rnannaoy, wnere you wui una uombs, Tooth Hrusbes, Toilet Articles. Physicians PreaoriDtlont Csrefuilv uompounaea. DEALER IN Hardware and Fire An Sash, Doors nod Blinds, Paints, Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc ' Agent for Garland Stoves & Sangei and DeFoe'i, and BenJ Moorei' BEADT MIXED PAINTS. Under Hotel ChatUwka, v ' r- , , NEW BEXMT, IT. C, From the Daintiest Dress Creation To the most substantial outing boot. there Is but one price 13 00. There are many other shces at this price. The difference Is in the shoes. Tbe differ ence bus made (JUEIN ;UALITI S " " " V, ."!.!) FAXOCS. AU E'j'cs For dres, for the house. for the promenade, for outing all at one pr'i'e. i 9 is A at iv - 1 1 I T T r- ----- r - ' -1 I - f- A A X WILMINQTON A WCLOON IL R. Aad bisrwhca, ad AOaaiMi t awt U Ral'road Lav, A fkauih ( anMlaa. TKAiSS OOI5Q bOLTU. j IT li & z.o x" x.& k3 'A. hi P M P.M. A.M P.M. L. WaStloa It S0( t S) Ax. at Mt..ll b,ie Saj Lv.Tarborr.IJ 11 01 .... 77777 Lv. R kit. . i to ta a t swiTat L. Wllsoe 1 M II 14. T 10 0 SOI I 40 Lv. Saima.. t kVll I7 Lv Fay'vul 4 to 1 10 Ar.Floreae 7 14 I 14 P.M. A.M Ar. OoWa.. "7777 T 6C ...: 77777 Lv. Ookla. I 01 I tl Lv. Mag'IU ..... 800 4 t ArWUa'toa 0 40 t SO P. M. A M. P. M. TttAlNS OOINQ NOBTH. li ?i 5 tfK w"k ii &i 1 t2 A St. PJt Lv.Ftoraace t 40 T 45 . ..... L.FayviU It tu ... . t 49 Lv.fMma.. t 60 10 4 At. WUsoa. So ..... u ai a7m7 pTmITm; LvWilaitoai T 00 t 44 Lv. Mag'lia.. 84 tl It Lv. Qokls B 10 0 45 IS 8U P. M. A.M. P. M. P. M Lv. Wilson t 85 t 48 11 81 10 88 in Ar. a Mt.. a ao a in ia 07 ii 86 m Ar. Tarboro 7 04 .... Lv. Tarboro 18 81 LT.RMt..Tao7777ia oo 7777 77777 Ar. Wtldon 488 100 P.M. A.M. WUmtnetoa and Weldoo Railroad. AUanti and Tadkin Division Mala Lin Train leave Wilmington 1 00 a as. ar rives Fsyeuevill is IS p ss, leave Fay. eUevUle 18 10 p m, arrive Sanford 148 D sa. Return int ksav Sanford 8 80 n m. arriv Fsyetteviue 8 45 p m, leave Fay. ettevUI 8 60 p m, arrives Wilmington sou pas. Wilmington and Weld on Railroad, Bennettaville Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8 16 a m, Mazton 0 80 a m, Red Snrinirs 8 68 a m. Hope Mills 1048 a as, arrlv Fayttuvill 10 50. Return. Ing leaves Fayettavill 4 40 p m, Hop nius 4 oo p m, Ha ppringa e ao p m, Maxton 6 15 p m, arrive Bennettaville T 15 d m. uonoeotlona at rsysltavuis wits train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Ueotral Kailroad, at Red Springs with the Bed Spring and Bowmor railroad. at Sanford with the Beabovd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Guff with tb Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 85 p m, Halifax 4 15 p nu arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, ureeaviu 07 p m, aunstoa 7 so n m. Returning leaves Kins ton 7 60 a as Greenville 8 68 a as, arriving Halifax al 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 88 a m, daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Washington Branca leave Washington 8 10 a m and 8 80 d bb. ar rive Psrmele 8 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning loave Parmele 1 85 a m and 8 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m aad 7 80 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 pm, Sunday, 415 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 1 10 p m, Re turning, leave Plymouth dally except 8unday, 7 60 a m, and Sunday 8 00 a m, arrives Tarboro 10 05 a m. 11 00 a m lTain oa Midland; N C Branch leave Ooldsboro daily, except Sunday, 7 OS a. m, arriving omunneia oikid, iteiurn ing leave Smilbfleld 8 00 a m; arrive at Ooldsboro 10 85 a m. Traina on Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount at 8 80 a m, 8:40 p m, arrive Nashville 10 10 a m. 4 08 n m. Snrina Hope 10 40 a m, 4 85 om.Returnint leave Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 58 p m, Nash- vine iiHin, arnv at Hooky Mount 11 45 a m, 8 00 p m, daily except Sunday. Train on Cliatoa Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, except Bunday, 8 10 a m and 4 15 p sn. Returning eaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 10 50 D m. . train no ia maxe close oonneeuon a Weldon for all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Genl Pas Agent i K a.J!.Lii, uea'i Manager, T M EMERSON. Traffio Manager. P. TRENWITH, V BliMkfunltla and Wheelrlght . Manufacturer of Buggies, Wagons, Carta, Drays, Ac All kind of Repairing in my line done with neatness and dispatch. Two new Carts and two new Drays oo hand, also Spring Wagons and Buggies newly repaired, For Sale at a Reaaonabl Price, .r. ;-r ; . lySbip work a Specialty. : Shop South side of South Front Street, 1 between Middle and Hancock, New : Bern, N. O. cur im7. cncTsa Are now in and ws will do you good t you wiU see our stock before buying. Tou run no ri.k in buylnir from us. Every pair guaranteed to girt .satisfac tion Also the latest in Hate, Clothing, FumUUns, &o Ercifu"y, aJ a Ut . mi a, 1 a- a A, X. C, 12, IX ?i!-t a I Ta taat Tuesday, ' Aug. 8, I88t . at () A. M.. bUf last 1 cwSSCtar Oeiag Wast Be.8 raaaiaaar Taalaa k. 4 9 at BTAiaasi Al. aaa 0 OilSstinra Ufa ,. UOraage. 10 88 aa . . Ihsetoa. 1818 . Ar. New Barae. I.... . 8 08 .....Lv. - Ar. 8 SI : It.. ..At. Hank Oity Lv..... 7 08 a.l I , a d in A TavaasH( Mt'd Ptaad Pas Ta. , I - I i-asB Ta. te.A. su Ar. p. at. I ....OoMaboro. .818 7 a a Bast'.... 08 Ladraag.., 84. FalUaaT Creek , 818 . IU . 118 18 68 .1168 1140 .10 40 .1818 10 a . Stu t a 14 '....Elaato... W, a ) DaawaU... 10 I... Lwvar... to SO Cor Creek... u 18 ...Tuscerora 81....... Uarka 11 u 00 ....New Berne.... fc SL . A. at Monday. Wadaeaday, Friday, t Twday, Tbarsday Sateraay. Mo. 1. 4 I I K Mx'4 Ft aad I aranoaa: I Mat Ft aad Paa,Ta. I , I Pas. Ta. Lv. a Ar. a ss 710 ..OoIOaboro 018 7 48 ..Beat's . 788 . 70S . 888 . 818 818 . 800 . 480 . 400 . 888 . 880 . 860 .1047 .1010 .1000 . 840 . 80S . 8 47 . 8 88 , . 880 . 760 a08.M.M....LsAlrang a 88 Falling orae I mm aariaaBwtlOwl.vaa . e aaa ...oawu 840 -Ar. Dovtr, hr..... 10 18 i. Ar W ootwcjtwea....... U 18 Tuaoarora 1181 ...csark's 18 08 Ar.NewBeme.Lv... 100 L. Ar... 8 18 BJverdale a80....,.,,...oroataa Itt Havelock a 18 Newport, Lv.... a 88 Wlldweod a 81 Atlantic 8 46. . . . Ar. Morehead city, Lv. . 4 01. . . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. . . at A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTnasday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L, DILL, Superinlejdsnt Atlantic Coaat EIne. WiutiHQTOir & Niw Bsbms R. B. TIMS TABLI HO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1808, Daily Except Sunday. Uoing South BCUSOOLB: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No, 60, Lv. a mi stations: . New Berne ... . Pollocks ville,. ...Maysville.... Ar. p m, .... 540 604 440 8 00 a as aai .... 10 08 .Jacksonville. Wilmington, Union Depot . 4 18 888 885 r at No. 4. 1808. 1.. IS 19 .Ar. WUmlngton; Lv. P X No. 8, PAatKNOEB A FaXIOBT, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lt. a kt Ar, PM ... 145 ...18 65 ...18 18 ...1140 ...10 61 ...10 80 ... 045 ... 865 ... 880 ... 805 ... 780 ... 885 ... 800 7 80 Lv. Wilmlngtoa, Ar. 8 40 . .Scott's Hill . 8 80 10 05 10 61 11 80 18 05 18 M . Woodside... ...Hollyridge . .... Dixon ...Verona. ... .Jacksonville . ..Northeast.... 81 66. .Whiterak.... 180 MarsviUe , S 15 PoUocksviUe.... 8 65 .... ....Debruhl't 8 40. v . .. Ar. New Berne, Lv. Daily Except Sunday. :j. a KENLT, General Maniurer. HI DIN, ' tups. Transportation Southern v Railway. The Standard Railway t the SOUTH Tbe Direct line to all Point, TEXAS. CAETFOBSriA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND POBTO ItlCO. Strictly Firat-Glass Equipment on all Through or Local Trains; Pullman Pal J ace Sleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Feat and Safe Schedule. Travel by the Southern and yon areas, jored a Safe, Comfortable and Expedl Uous Journey. ' Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta' bies, Rate and General Information, or address F.B. DARBY, a L. VERNON, " a P. AT. A, t. p. A., AthevOle, N. 0, '' r Charlolto,W.a -Fbaik &;Gassos, - J.M.Cclp, 8d: V P A Gen Man. Traf.Maa : W.A.Tdbz,GPA. WASHINGTON. - - D. 0 Russell llouso. While 1 Beaufort be sure and stop at tb Rusell Bouse. Ftrat-Claas Board. ' A bom for traveling people.- Fishing aad buatlBf aaexeelled. Ttrms 1A0 a dsy or per week. . . . G. A. RUSSELL. Prop. 1 ua stsaat avwai hitlmra Kola s A w - . av .