ACTS, GtNTiy ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels atAN5ES the System ' 'EFFECTUALLY, ,UAt MRMANENTlt mi tuc irNuiM iiiHt a Ay ?"mm vr?"Zf -ie I THE JOURNAL. Maw Ben, H. C, Sept SO, lift. . irw muriuum. Washburn's kliat e's. .... ,. Royall Malaga (rape. 7; ,' ' 'Business Locals. MAL VQA GRAPES aad Pears at tba Broad atraet (rult stort today. RoyalL NEW CABINET CTCLOPEDU Spnttoru'a Ths aswest edition pub. linlied. Oaa sot for sals Tory cheap at Journal oOlce. Call and examine. .... WANTED To boy for caah one flnl clan Jersey 6r Alderaey caw, f reih. Address, T. H. Carmine, Oriental, Pam lico, N. C. - ' ' LO J T Sunday, oa Pollock, between Middle and Eaat Front Streets, on old fashioned watch charm. A. liberal re ward for It return to Ralph Gray. ' I AM prepared to do all kind of First Claw Bicycle Repairing, promptly and at prices consistent with claaa of work. I have largaat (took of Tires In eattern Carolina, all grade sod aiaes st loweat pri-ea. Columbia and Hartford Bicycles of eoure. , . WM. T. HILL. LOOK AT THI8-A 1 ha? bought N. U. Moore out, I would Ilka to Inform the public that I will ttke special patna in pleating hi old cttetomers, giving trict attention to all work tent me. half-ole shoe from 86c to $1 00. I put on invisible patches. Th chop I next to Scott' (tables, oppoait Hotel Albert. I make s specialty of Repairing Ladies' FineBhoei. ARTHUR WARING. WANTED A few mora pupil on tha piano and guitar. Ml Mollis Wlnfleld, No. 45 South Front Street. TDK duett Beer always on draught, st Jacob's, Middle Street CHURCH DIRECTORY, r Jtcgular Barrieaa. CBNTCNABT METHODIST CHUBCS", ' Rev. R B John, pastor. Services every Sunday st 11 s m snd 8 pm; Sunday tchool at 4:80 p m, T A Green, Superin tendent. Prayer meeting Thursday at 9 pm. tVtMitO; Pallock Street Chapel Sunday school st 9:30 s m. Prayer meeting Sanday snd Wednesday at 8 p m. t,Jj " : ' ctntiMr encscw, - Corner Pollock and Middle Sts. Rev. T. M. N. George, Rector. Sua day service Ham. Evening service (:1S pm. Holy Communion, lit Sunday In month 11 am, other Sunday 7:45 a Sunday school p nv, Minion .Sunday school st Chapel 9:80 a m. . Week Days-Wednetlsy 9 s 7;'.Frl- days 9 s m and 4 p m; Holy day 10 Thursday st All Saint' chapel 8:88 p m ' MIDDLl STBKSf BAPTIST CHDHC11. Rev. Hight C Moore, pastor. Preach ; ing every Sunday at 11 s ra and 8 p Sanday school st 8 p m every Sunday. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 pm. . , : ST. PACL'S CATnOLIO CIDBCH. Rev. F. George, O. S. B , Rector, Rev, F. Paul, O. 8. B., ssaisUnt. Mas snd sermon, Sunday at 10 a m; Vespers ser mon and Benediction at 8 p m. Mass every day at 7:80 a m. , Thursday at 8 ' m Rosary and Benediotlona. BU Joseph' Catholic church for the colored people. Mas snd sermon Sun day at 9 a m. Sunday school at S p m. All are invited. , V PBB8BTTKWAH CHURCff. Rev G L Leybura, pastor. Services every Sabbath st 11 s a and 8 pm. Com munion 1st Sundays in, January, April, July and Octalr. Sunday school at 4 p in, W P M Bryan, Supt Prayer meeting '- every Thuraday at 8 p m, , Each Bottl guaranteed to cur Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, etc. men CAj?xjBirjs f iT h .J k j fc. - - - D. Drfihani, snj F. 5. L."y i Co., Druji'iti. , , . , tlxtixmcnt. f!r wralfcar led cooler 1 tha iniW h.t for UUy. Olio BuU In lit lucal Mikfl yastrr day frval t JO to St. . tirclpi ot WWoQ yesterday war good aaaltiy, Kalaa .rt a. blfk a The tMtlraaat ta,praUra yesterday ws BMsvgrea sad lk alalotaai wataS df res. L)r. Jab B. Loaf is op la Klsstoa to ecrvpy la place of Krf. htr. Griffith at Rl. Mary' Munot, II aspect lo retera oa lb aild day trala MoBday. A B tirma Ln.dry all! ba pened latalscHjty Mr. J.K.lajUrTy, who lata had cbarf of the New Bam aires Uaadry so clneed. Tha lataat lav prorrd aischlaery will ba pot la by Mr. Day bar ry who la bow la Iba city, a. led lnf lacalloa for his plant. ChrUtlea Chare Protracted relief, .very alibi, Balarday sicepted. Bands? xrtkcai tt a aa, aebject. How to bold Ml Falthta!; 8. a la, Subject, Xicutct. Preaching by tba paator Bar. T. W. Lai- ford, Oood singing. All avanbar ara ra loaded to ba preeeat at Bi orator; Mirlci as awtler of Importaao ara lo b. acted oa, - , Bevealeea of US eraw of the steamer Ctty of JecksoavllkV which wanton the beach sis mile eouth of Portamoalh oa Baptambar IHth, came -up yeatardsy oa the A. AN. C. Railroad and took the Atlantic Coast Line fer Wilmington, where they Will leave for New York. Thar wars four white aad thirteen colored la tha. orew, Tba steamer Is Still oa the beach bat work Is proceed ing lo remove her, and the vassal 1 not yet soasldered s loss. . . ataatadwTaaUa-li. Yesterday afternoon a negro supposed to U "Sing-Nixon, who shot William Tucker la the fight over a crap (am Is 'Brooklyn, was arretted In New Uera by the local authorities there. The an- IbortUes here have bees notified snd It the prisoner Is Mentlfled as Nlaoo be pill be hrougnt here snd lodged In jail to answer lb charge of assault and bat tery with s deadly weapon. Tucker, the wounded negro, 1 doing remarkably well at the Hospital. Wilmington Star The negro arrested answered tha de- acrlplioa of the man wanted la all par ticulars sxoept aa to mustache. The de scription ssld dark snd heavy but on second Inspection the man arrested did not have that kiad.but a small and rather light one. So he was released from cut tody. - ,': ':, , ' rallMOMAU ' Capt. W, W. Carraway returned to Klnitoa yesterday. i Miss Badls Taylor returned to her home In Elizabeth City yesterday. Mb; J.. A. . Crews, representing the Wilmington Messenger, Is In the cityl Mr. Llkte Tolson left yesterdsy to tn ter Baoise Academy, la Harnett county. Mrs. George Allen of Raleigh, arrived last Bight to visit her daughter, Mrs, Cha Lives. IjMr. and Mrs. F.C.Roberts snd Mis Diets Roberts retained yesterday after noon from Chapel HUL Mia taurs Scott returned home from AshevlUe last night, where she has been spending the summer. Mrs.T.P. Ashford of Elnston, came dawn last night on s visit ts her par ents, Mr. snd Mrs. J. T. Hall. Mr. l. A. Jones left for Kansas City, Me, yesterday altera new aupplyot horse snd moles for hi livery (table. Mist Alice Fries of Baltimore, Md., ar. rived on steamer Newborn esterdy snd will tske chsrge of the Millinery Depsrtment of Mr. G. H. Barfool' ttore on Pollock street. Mri. A. 8. Falford snd child, of Beau fort ipeat tha day in the city yesterday, Visiting st Mr. F. M. Chad wick's, aad left on the steamer : last night for Bel haven. , Mr, and Mrs. F., Ulrlch, Miss Btell Roberu, hllsa Eulalte Willie, Mrs, Henry R. Bryan and Mist Isabel Bryaa left for New York last night by steamer New bern. Mi Bryan will visit in Chicago after s short stay In New York. "They are simply perfect," writes Rob't Moore, of La Fayette, Ind., of DeWltt's Little Early Risers, the "Ism on little pill" for constipation snd all liver ailments. Never gripe. F S Duffy, -rois sillier it me name or s new ctgsr that la rapidly becoming popular. It ia on tale st Davis' Prescription Phar macy. One dose of Anway'i Croup Syrup given at beginning attack of eroup will relieve the child immediately. That pecu liar respiratory sound, heralding tn at tack of this dread disease, is an Indies tion for administration of some remedy. Mother will find Anway'i s certain and ssfe one. 25c st Bradbam's Pharmacy. A vest pocket friend. Nearly every body It troubled with catarrh or cold tn In the bead, more or less. The most con venient and efficient remedy is Dime Catarrh Snuff you can carry It tn your vest pocket and an occasional applica tion snuffed up the note, unstops the bead and cleanses the mucous mem brane. 10c st Br'", soi's Pharmacy. j ' rN.w Klrm-N.w Goods. Bee the beautiful line of Studs and Cuff Buttons, also specialties in Waltham snd Elgin Gold filled and Silver Watches st J. O, BkXTKa't, Jb., next to Jouhkal office. . . .. . j The quantity of Vichy sold at Dayi Soda Formula t a proof of Its excel lence, " ' I ' ' : ' . '' 1 . rwMM it. w, rrta a. a C. M. SL Mt(U CiarUaM. J sat UCura tba dam of tka A. N. C atorkkoldm BMrtiag at Morka4 Ctiy, oa TtiortT, lb faltoalag raaoiaUoa u n(Tfd ttjr Mr. Jat. A. Bryaa aad esaataKMwJy aJopud: Kaaulrad, Tkat the thaaka of lb eVtockboidcra I dtte aad are haraby ta- drJ Mr. a W. Patrick for th ralthfaL aiBdeal aad eoarteua maaaar la which he baa eoadactad Ua affair of las At lantic A North Carolina Railroad daring his adalaUlraUaa aa President. Messrs T. A Oraaa, O. I, Foy, Haary Wall! aad ether eeooadad the adoption of lbs resolution la highly coapllaMalary teran of the auaagaaMal of Mr. Pat rick. Mr. Patrick la replying to the reaeln- tlons aad eoBpHnalary speeches, apoka la high terau of tb nalveraal OMrtaalas ahowa htm by New Bars Una, aad the help the Mrchaat aad bffilaeas asea of this eity had beea to kUm la Staking his sdmUlsuatioa s Waakbarat BWaaanla. Tb Bichawad Dispatch of t?lh last had the following eSMBplintaaUry Boiioe of Washbara's MlastraU, which will be aeea at the Theatre, Oct. 6th. A fairly good house, rather top-heavy, greeted Washburn's Minstrels at tha Academy last alght, and enjoyed s eplea- did perform saoa. - A a am oar of new minstrel faces ware tatroduoad to the Richmond pabllo, hot the tetrodaotloB was s pleasant one, aad brought with II a aumber of new Jokes snd well sung sag ' . , '.',, Willis Fatten aad Baas Ueraer ar two new comedians hers, but they have established themselves as good anas, ssd In future will finds hearty welcome. Messrs Qua. Walling sad Harry May- rick were quite pleasing la popular bal lads. : ' - "Tba olio was a long one, hat not lire- seme and some splendid' eooen trio daae Ing was given by Willie Patten, while ths ' genteel" act by the Horner Broth ers, aad ths laughable creatlona by the Hickman trio war mott entertaining. Nicola Garela, lbs eqolllbriit, executed some difficult testa, - ' " . : . ..- . "The show as a whole, wis np to the average, snd much better than some minstrel companies that hare been seen here." ' Fraak Laslla'a Papular Moat hi? Car Oate . b.r, IS9. v ;. Frank Leslie's Popular monthly for October contain! tha first part of a mas terly review, by the Hon. Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of the Treasury, of "The Fiuancet of Our War." In this article, which it elaborately Illustrated from of' flclal sources, Secretary Gag discusses most Interestingly, ssd without resort to dry figurei or statistics, th finances and financiers of ths Revolution, ths Continental paper currency, snd ths Wsr of 1819. The Mexican War, ths Civil War, snd ths lats Spanish-Ameri cas conflict, will be treated la second paper. ' , "Beet on the market for cough snd colds snd sll bronchial trouble; for croup It hu no equal," writes Henry R, Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of Ons Mtnuts Couch Curs. F. 8. Duffy. List of Letters ' ' Remaining In the Post Office st Nsw Bcru, Cravan county, N. C, Sept. 95th, SUN'S LISTS, . B E J Bowen, John Blount. C J 0 Cooper. . D-William A Dlxen, J A DIxen, Aug- ust Dudley. F Loul Frsnks, W J Foye, William Fulbrd. GTE Green. H Benjamin Hill. I George Ireland. J John U Jennetls,!, Job Johnson, William Henry Janes. K Thomas Kennedy, Ralph Kllpst rick. , . , . - L J L Lawrence. M A S Mason, Dsvs Merrell. ' PWT Payne. REnock Robblt. " 8 Joseph Btston, William Thorns Sanders, Ben Simmons.. ' T Taylor & Duncan. WJ A White, Amos William. women's list. -A Susan Anderson. " B Josephine Bell, Mamie Biggs. C-Clara A Cox. D Mary Liza Daniels, Nellie Deris, Ross Davit. F Sadls Fulcher. H Rebecca Hargert er Jana Jones. J Mamie A Johnson, SudI B Jorner. L Edith Lee. , M-Mary J Moor. ' P-Mary Pasture. 8 Mary Stanly, Uarlet Smallwood, Ren Smith, Mary 0 Smith, Nancy 0 Smith. ' T Clarissa Toodls. W Mary EE Washington. Persons calling for the above letters will pleaso say advertised snd give date of list. The regulations now require that one (1) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. 8. W. nAHCOCK, P. M. . "Never Burn a Candle st Both Ends' Don't go on drawing vitality from th blood without doing somethini; to re place IL Hood's Sarsaparllla gives nerve, mental and dlgesiivs strength by en rlchlng and vitalizing th blood. Hood's Pills sre non-Irritating, mild effective. ' mutaeiT Daimrtneat. We are now showing abont IS ttyle In new Golf Hats beautifully trimmed in velfets, silks and r "' ranging in price from 75c to 1" ' . G. A. Barfoot, Tennej's Cu at McSorley't, iealed package voice er Tin ritiPLi. w.uit wi!M ErfT Joi iL Your adltorial oa the acealty of food roada tpproaotilag tha Una and Traat ri.ara was atrigbu The people of the eoaaty have bow a practical kaoltd( of tha graat bawaots oarivwi from Ike balkliag of thaaa bridgaa. Tkty did not gat lb la, aavll thay placed the eoaaty ander a Rapubll eaa admloUlralloa, yoa caa keep a wriUag sad tba people caa keep year paper full of good artklee showing the sally t good roada, but they will sot get them aalll they agala pat the tifalra of the eoaaty la the haada of a RepabUoaa admlaialrailoa. What has beta dose tor tha good sf the people waa doe by that party, RarcBucaa. A Bil.nU A iaS)t. A sad acc ideal occurred ea North East Monday morning about o'clock. Meeers. Bryant Mortoa, Jaa. Eellsm sad about fteea others war out hear hunting whea Mr. Bryant Mortoa wa acctdanuy Shot by Jaa. Ktllum. Th party had sesUared aa la the oaatam la hear hast ing aad Meesr. Mortoa and Kellura had, sskaowa lo each other, ttaliouad theaa eelvee Bear together la a thicket eloae to ths trail. Whea ths bear got helweea thaaa, both fired. Three buck shot took affect la Mr. Mortoa; on la ths left side, one la the knee and th other la the neck. A the shots war Inelaataaa- ous Mr. Eellum did not know that Mr. Mortoa had fired, and at rang to say, Mr. Mortoa did not at first know that he was ahot, but thought hla " fall was dus to the recoil of his gun. They saw that he was wounded snd look him horns. A n was dispatched for Dr. Cos who arrived shout half an hoar before he died. Dr. Cox etamlned the wounds snd found that the shot that alrock tb sack had embedded Itself In tb spinal cord. He pronounced ths cass hopeless, but spared no effort to sava him. Mr. Morton died about 1 o'clock) conscious to ths last. H exonerated Mr. Kellnm of all blame. Mr. Kellnm 1 grief-stricken over th unfortunate occurrence, but It wa pure ly accidental snd no blame whatever can be attached to him. Mr. Morton wa about tlxty year of age snd sn honest snd worthy citizen Hejleavea s wife and tix children, Henry Stephen, Major, Ned, Francia snd Nellie to mourn hla death New River Herald, Jacktonutlle, N. 0. Oatlag NsiuliM FarOetobar. . Ouling for October tells all about the 6hamrock snd Columbia, their designer owner snd crews, for this is s yachting number of the popular magazine of sport, travel snd recreation. Other sports, however, srs not neglected; Out tng never falls In this respect. General athletics, football, golf, tennlt, the horse gun snd rod, kennel, snd every depart meat of sport In which s lady or gentle man can be interested receive the car' ful attention of writers who bare become famous authorities In their chosen field In text snd illustrations ths number Is ons of lbs best that ever left the presses. Th Bast FraserlpUoa Sir Chills sad Fever is s bottle of Grove' Taste leas Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine In s tasteless form. No cure- so pay. Price SOc . KICKERS GETTING! READY. When ths base-ball season's waning And the heroes of the bat Are preparing fer their exit. While the rooter sadly chat, It I then the root-ball kickers. Who from publio view had slid, Reappear and start their drilling For the hauls on the "grid." Crops of bslr they're cultivating So that cranlums won't break; . Combs snd brushea sre discarded, And the barber get th shake. Padded suits are resurrected And the playing shoes snd hose. And there' trying aa of ear-guards And th ugly rubber nose. Every town snd cross-roads village Gels excited o'er the game, Bach Is forming an eleven : With the hope of winning feme. There Is searching for old player. Who sre up toall the tricks, And s grsb for husky fellows Who sre bsudy In s mix. ' They ar practicing th passes, v Rushes, tackles snd the punts, And all other evolutions That are known in toot ball Hunt, Teams sre working on new signal They slone can understand, And they're confident of winning - On the system they hsve plsnned. Yet: the foot-ball seaton't coming, At It plainly now revealed, . . And another das of heroes - Soon will pose upon the field, Hospitals sre gelling ready For the calls o'er telephones, And the surgeon are preparing Ts bind p the broken boues. Pittsbrrg Chronicle Telegraph. TDK LAUIKrt. The pleasant effect and perfect aafety which ladlea may use Syrup of Figs, under all .conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of the package. For tale by all druggists. Special Hoslrrjr Sala. Ws especially call your attention to our advertisement in another column of this paper relating to Fast Black Hose, double knees, toe and heels at 10c pair G. A. Barfoot. Prescriptions a specially at Davis' Prescription riisruascy. Send yours there to he filled. They will receive careful attention and be delivered prompt Ir. K'irht bell at front door. Fuose 50. One light Only! THURSDAY, O-IOBER S.h. 189. Washburn's Great Southern Minstrels I A Pare Tral A Sumptaous Motlral First Part. All the New and Old Soaa. lO Funny ComecIIanN. A Galsxy of Vaudeville Artlsta, SPECIAL.! 8s ths Magnificent Spectacular Parade. Reserved Beats oa Sals at Wale s' Book Btore. Price 95c, 50c and 75c. WANTED! Steam Lost Captain experienced lo hallow river and creek navigation oa stars paaai wuci uoata. Also a pilot fHmillar with route be tween New Bern and Washington. Apply will) rotereunm, stating experl- caco. a A It OIU IX.),, TARBOBO, N. O, NOTICE ! All prra-BS having xny woik to Is dons on Watches, Clock or Jewelry, I am prepared to do it reasonable. , Clock facta repainted. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for sale. Will tnk order for soy kind of Jeaelry if riot in stock. Call and Be me. W. T. DUNN, The Jeweler, No. 8 Psacur 8t , opp. A. & N. C. depot. In Store and to Arrive! 1,000 roll cotton bagging; J.500 bun die cotton lies; Heavy sacks, twine, etc, Prices low as any; I buy the contract quantity snd eel freight by schooner. J. E. LATHAM, THE COTTON BUYER. How About Your Steam Heat? Or your furnace; are' they going to work all tight when old Boreas makes yon a sudden vlsii? Cold weather will be here toon now, and it it well to have your healins; apparatus put in order be fore you atart your fires. We will oyer haul them or put in new hot water, steam or hot air furnace aud heating apparatus at s reasonable cost. . Hyman Supply Co. 'Phone 62. - 49 CHAVES STREET. For Rent or Male ! My residence on National Avenue. 6 large rooms and an attic. Bath room, water closet and sewerage. For terms, address, T. W. DEWEY or myself. ' KAT'K B. BOYD . PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MEN of standing know that it pays well to be well dressed. There is a cut aud ttyle about our fine busincwi and dress suits that only an artist -tailor can giro them, and the elegance, fit and finish of our work U lieyond rivalry. Choose your fabrics from our stock and w will turn you out a .suit that will do Y' proud v. . Middle ttreot. -' NEW BERN, N. 0 Printing that Pleases g the klnd we da- Letter Iletdt, Bill Holds, Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, and all kinds Job Printing at lowest prick. Do not send your printing out of town, we will du plicate any prices you may have and do the work In First Ci.abs Sttlh. ; TISirlNtt rARDS Latest style, printed with Imitation steel plate script RUBBER STAMPS manufactured twice a week. Ink, Pads, &c. In Block. - Family Printing Outfits complete with Indelible Ink SOc. Wa Cam Ball Tan In ttaallir, Prleo unci WorSiunoibls. 0IIL61SO.FRONTST. IcjTiceU- V ffSA , .aswvsltatr CI Arrival of ( u E3 o E3 O D O D n o New Dress iGS-oocLs Our ihowlnf? of the new and stylish Dress Goods for Fail and Winter is now complete and we Invite your attention to a selection as exclusive and stylish as will, be found anywhere.. All the Popular Weaves, as ; Homespun, Cheviots, Coverts, Venetians, Broad Cloths, o o o o D O o o o Satin Burbas, Boucles, f Crepons, 8 Camel's Hair Plaids, Are displayed here, and in every in- stance our prices are as low, and In & many instances lower than prevail else- ? where. We cannot go into detail regarding u our Dress Goods Stock but we extend a q general invitation to all ladies to come q and see as complete stock as was ever q displayed in our city. gj . 0 o o Come While the Assortment 1 n is Best n 1 iff. & Baby New Assortment are here you might as well have the newest things. There are lots of them here and we WILL WAGER THEY ARE A little MORE i FETCHING THAN EVER BEFORE. Golf NEW STYLES NEW Call early 'PHONE 40. Special Hosiery Sale, Half Price. We put on sale this week 600 pairs Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children's Fast Black Hose, double knees, toe and heels, heavy ribbed and usually sold at 20c per par at the special sale price, TEH" CENTS PAIR. Your money back it you can find any imperiections, every pair guaranteed perfect. G. A. arfdot, OPrOSITE PO3T0FFICE. . o p n ci ci Ci u o D o a o o o o o o 8 O a O D 9 n o a o O 0 0 Hats ! NEW SHAPES. PRICES. and examine.

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