TT s J J-Vi; j i' L U .! I'M . KIW E CUV, I. C, Sl'SDiT MOISISC, OiriOJIR I, US3. YOL, IT1I-K0. US. ESTABLISHED 188! e WILLF1CK CLEi:L- I 23 i -t v I Indeed You Would Laugh ! If only jou knew how very comfortable and El-nt LEWIS' SHOES ARE. If not, letter waste po tin in w s fa fa fa M IUtb you tried them f CI so doing, IV . i ! t:iL-..j Dl-.t.. T..i; tl (Wl RHnM are ao fa mucE better and moro stylish than ever before and the ft 100 W fa and 13 00 Grade defy competition for the money. Do not for- V iti nt that Ton can find the Abetot Soles at onr jiW. They are itj excellent for Iiheumatismwd Cold Feet. . . y j fa o o o S Oh, we hare such a syerb line of SILK WAIST PAT fa TERNS in Parisian Corda, Shadow Stripe or Taffeta. ' 1 he Venetian C loth, 38 inchea for SOo it a beanty. The Triomphe Kid ia a perfect m, only 85c. 1 he new w Neva Lining ii pleaaiog all wno hate tried it '. f What abont handsome Portierei? , ir, We know that we can rratiff the incut fastidious taste in W Embroideries and Val. laces. Vjf fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa Only give me a call. - . j' Puinta, Lead, Oil, Zink and Varnish of all kind Sash, Doors and Minds. Wheel niateriul linos, Spoke and Rims of all kinds. Ltigjry Wheels, tirod ready for nse. . We make Heating and Cook STOVES A SgECIALTX l An Elegant Li ue just received. -We carry a full lino of GUNS and Loaded Shells. ' , ' .J . In our Grocery Department you will find a lresh lot ot Corned Portsmoutn Mullets. GASKILL & MITCHELL, HARDWARE: ; GROCERIES: : 73 MIDDLE STREET. 'Phone 147. 61 3 BO AH. STREET. One-Third of Your Life Is spent in bed, so why not be comfortable. One of onr Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses is just the thing that will .add most to your comfort. . V ' . . We sell them under a positive guarantee thaiif after 30 nighta use you are not satisfied that it js the equal of Any Mat tress you ever slept on we Will refund your money. Yon will never know what lusury in sleeping is, until you try one. ' t ... FRANC. R J0NES & &0., .87 MIDBMS STREET. I. Iml rUin u U1I ay Cell:- Is Mel , la Ummmt mt amtoml titmf lrmf. V New Toil, &ptnber 80Tk (rMl , IW-Ini fj (Jpa J T TT' p Uad parade la aoaor of Adailral Dewey ! L-.wi iU II Ih 4U ikil b eMilJd laa fioael Kew Tork baa .... ..... . . T I erar tad. ii aaowi iinon arctaaav Taa IteaJ f Ibe paraJ el nad oa ike RlrenlJe DrWe at ll.t oVIock aad reached tke Dewey arra at Weafaln(toe) Bqaare at t o'clock. There were vtlny- tretboaaaad f la line and (lie eailca ted a at I bare were three nlllloa and a half apecutora. Tbey eiteaded la an et brokea Use elfhl aaltea long. Tbeaoataera troops alu acted greet atuotloa. A brigade ot L alted Biatee troops were la Ilea sod there were aevea battalioas of the aaval brigade. Admiral Deey was ataoply ever w belated by the tremaadooa cheers that greeted him. The sailors from bis flag- ihlp Olympta led ai d were received with hearty applanse. It was a beanllfol day. Ia the morolog, at 9:S0 o'clock, Dewey was presented la treat of the City Hall by Mayor Vaa Wyck wltb Ike loving enp glvea by the dly. s " OF OCB ' Fine Uneeda JiDjerWayfers, They arj lie b.s y H v r ate, crisp, of f ne favor, ropting and always taste "moretsh." We han dle nothing bi t tl.e best la all lines of foo ', tui, holctcme and nourishing, and s II them ai 1. ss ' thaa jou piy lor ordin rya d In ferior trdi e'sewh r -, and we . are receiving fresh stock by ev ry ! boat. Tuesday's steamer will bring is a 11 j shipment of jfink rnuiT. " Large and Lutcious Bananas, Beautiful King pplec. Juicy Oranges ' and Lemons, A Fine Assortment Grape i, tn I mi re of thn BplendM t'al Uornia Fruit , Come to see' us and you ill be sure to take some borne with you. ' '. Seater ef BeUlert If ike Spaalsk War. Plsr Fljlag Per Dewey. TkeSeatkpert tallresd. Cel. . lege Debate. Deelsiea ; Fader Craig Law.- . RaLbioi, Brpleesber W Peeiteatlary officlala have seat froos here to the Cale donia fa rat, which the Bute purchased this asoata, thirty eoavicts to pick cot ton. Tbla brings the aamber of ptok- ers ep to 600 eoavicts. There are also 150 hired pickers. The offlclsls say that this aeasoa they wtll gather all the cot- tea. Laat year nock was lost, owing to carelessaees ot the fuslonlsts. The pres ent crop Is variously estimated at .'rocs 1,500 to 8,500 bales. - . ' Four eoavicts from Perquimans coun ty arrived atlhe Penitentiary today. Wild dogs from a large forest two miles from Raleigh wiade a raid night before last and killed and partially ale nearly Bfty turkeys. As yet the roster of the North Caro lina troops In the 8panlsb-merlcaa war has not been completed. Work was begun a few months sgo, but only a few et the 1,000 names have beea transcribed from the voluminous muster rolls. National and State Bags were displayed oa the capltol today la honor of Dewey The Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth and Fortieth regiments are bow full and to ay Lieutenant Daniel Johnson, who ha lieen recruiting, was ordered to rejoin bis regiment. Then Is much Intereit felt la the pro posed road to be built from Danville, Va. to Soalport, N. C.'at the month of the Cspe Fear- This plaa Is being pushed by the Incorporators of the Black Diamond road, and Is in the hands of Albert E. Boone, of Zanesville, O. He wauls to build a road from the Immense coal fields of Kentucky, Virginia and Teunesee to tidewater, rtonlhport, with lis magnill cent harbor, which will be the deep-water terminus, ' - V i - The new machinery recently purchased for work at the rock quarry Is being carried through the city, and is ot much Interest to the "small boy" especially. The Immense steam road roller Is the power which carries this machinery to thequarry. Wake County Superior Court has fin ished Its work. The Federal Court here meets in De cember, The docket ': will be a . large one.-,; r-- ; , :.; The collegiate debate between Wake Forest and Trinity Colleges has been ar ranged by committees from the two in stltntlons, to be held In Ualelgb on Thanksgiving day. :!"?"- There was a notably large ex-Con fed erate reunion at Lenoir, Caldwell coun ty, at which Julian 8. Carr, of Durham, the new major-general of ' the North Carolina division of the United Confed erate Veterans, : was one ot the1 chief speakers.. Be was given an ovation. Judge Moore, in the important case of the Mutual Reserve -Fund Life Associa tion against the Secretary, of 8 late, in volving the question whetner that com pany, which was domesticated under the Craig law by an agent against Its wishes, can withdraw decided: . "' First, that in orderto bind the com pany under the Craig act it Is necessary that the company should authorize the filing of Us charter and by-laws, V Second, that the company's general counsel did not have the power to file or direct the filing of the charter with the Secretary of State, v Third, that the filing was without the knowledge and consent of the company directors. - ' ' ' : Fourth, that the Incorporation by or under the direction of the general coun sel, under the conditions in this else agreed, was not efficacious in const tin ting the company a corporation in North Carolina. ' ' It is therefore adjudged that thefillog of the said charter and by laws was : nu gatory, and the company is not a domes tic corporation; that the alieged Incor poration be vacated and annulled; that idpof this Order be filed with the Sec retary ot Staid, with the company charter and by-law: that the defendant shall psy for the costs la this proceed ing.. -, - . - ... , Jt' will be noticed tliet the judge does not pass upon the other question whether the Insurauce law repealed the Craig law so far as insurance compulses are concerned. i ' . '-- ' Boers kmti kii Oa Tie Mm. It yoa scour the world yon will aever tad a remedy equal to One Miaute Coach Cure." sera Editor Fackler, ot the Mtcaoopy, Fla., "Hustler." It cored bis family of Xs Grippe and saves thoua- knds from pneumonia, bronchitis, eroup and all throat and lung troubles. F 8 Duffy. - - SENT KN Cat RTAKIia. - The PrMldMl Has Appmed the riadle ef the CoaH Martial AfeJeat Cap. Car- Ur. : Special to Journal. . ' Washington, September 80. The President has approusd the sentence by court martial of Captain Carter to fire years Imprisonment and a fine of $5,000 1 he dismissal from the army was ap proved yesterday. The Adjutant General today promulgated the sentence and It will be published in the State whenoe Carter came or where he actually resides. Carter was arretted at the Athletic club In New York today and sent to Gov eruor's Island where he will be held until sent to the military prison at Fort Leav enworth. V The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J, Klrkmsn, Belle Hirer, 111., says, "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Mln ute Cough Cure. It is all that is claimed for it and more." ll cures, coughs, colds, grippe and all throat aud lung troubles. F. 8. Duffy v , - NATIONAL LKAGUK OAMJCS, Reralta of Saturday's Haaeball Games. Special to Journal, " Baltimore, September SO Baltimore 0, Brooklyn 4. Pittsburg, September 80-Pltleborg 8, Cincinnati 8-called 10th Inning. Boston, September 80-Boston 5, Wash ington 4. - Philadelphia, September 80 Philadel phia 8, New York 4. Chicago, September 80 Louisville 18, Chicago 8. St. Louis, September 80 St. Louis 10, Cleveland 8. : Standing ef the Clutta. .. . "fAn,-"'5 - 'XT Makes the food more delicious and vvtsoletocne i FULTON MARKET CORNED BEEF! Ii'IR IK IffilCl - WtaSar at Kerry. Special to Journal. Jambmtowb, N. T. Beptaesber 10. Three laches of saow fell here today. Such a fail of ssow la September b an- precedeated. Clubs, - W.- L. P.Ct Brooklyn, ... . ' 98 - 43 , .884 Philadelphia,.. 89 04 .624 Boston,.. 87 i 68 ' .621 Baltimore,,.,.. 88 68 . '. . .897 St. Louis....... 81 . 63 .566 Cinoinnati,.. 1 78 . 64 .818 Chicago,, ..... 71 69 .607 Pittsburg, 70 78 .493 Louisville,. ... 70 78 .490 Nw York, ... 57 ; 81 .414 Washington, .. 49 . 93 . .348 Cleveland....... 80 - 127 - .186 GOOD NEWS comes from those who titUo Hood's Sarsnporilla for scrofula, dyspepsia and rheumatism. Ucportsagrootliut HOOD'S CURES Straggle Xay Becla Aay Meaeat. Ke Reply Made Te EaglaM's Last Net. Irager Sayi Peace Is I pets) ale. ,4 Special to Journal; . ' , PsiToaiA. Sept 80 The wildest ex- cltaeseat prevails la the TraaavaaX Vice- President and commandant Qeaeral Joabet go to Votkseadt oa the border lo- dsy. Twenty-six ammunltloa tralas have started for that point. - -' It is believed that alt the tioveremenl High Courts of Justice will close at once and martial law be proclaimed. Notice Is Issued that the mines may continue work, reasoaable protection to bo af forded, all gold mined to be deposited with the government out of which the expense ot the war will be paid, aay balance to be returned after the war Is over. - The women and children are being sent awsy from Blomfonleia. Artillery is being loaded for the front and great activity is displayed at all poluU. Jokamssbobo, September 80. Both sides are concentrating forces at Lslng's Neck. Breast works are being thrown up and the strategic points In the neigh borhood have beia occupied. Losooa, September 80. No reply ot the Traasvaal g rveraosent to the latt despatch of Colonial Secretary Chaia- berlatn has been received. One reason anlgned Is that there has beea a break down lathe wlrjs of part of the SoJth African land aerWee. Blr R. Buller, who will commind the British forces In Africa la case of war leaves for the Cape on October 14th, Losdon, September 29 The Cabinet adjourned at 8:18 p. m. The ministers were heartily cheered by the waiting crowd. It Is said from Boer sou ices that Mr. Chamberlain's proposala submitted to the Cabinet included an indemnity for the cost of sending out troops, the disar mament of the Transvaal torts, judica tive and legislative independence for the judges, the equality of the English and Dutch languages, and full and complete admission of the supremacy of British interests throughout South Africa. A dispatch to The Times from Pretoria says: "It la generally expected that a state ot war will be proclaimed at any moment. - President If ruger granted an Interview today and declares he had done all possible for the sake of peace. He had accepted AI. Chamberlain's own offer of a common Inquiry, but Mr. Chamberlain J deliberately broke the thread of nego- tatlons. Troops were massed on all sides and war was toreed upon him. It was impossible te accede to the dispatch of the 12th." ;:. -- - ' The Brillh colonists ot Rhodesia are organizing a . volunteer corps, have formed a cycle detachment and have con structed an armored train with an engine plated with steel rails. r i .;..-:. A telegram received today : eays two batteries ot field artillery and five hun dred Burgher have started tor Volkea- rust and that another 500 men go there today. . " Celery Headache Powders will cure your headache. Made and sold at Davis1 Prescription Pharmacy. . Commissioner's Bale. North Carolina I Craven County Thomas F. McCarthy Administrator, of Mary u. uewey ueeeased, va. . C. H. Wiggins and Other. Pnrsnaat to that cartels jndrateat rendered at the Mar tens ltM of CraTsa Superior Court la the above entitled ac tio a, under which she aaderalgned was duly appointed a Commissioner to sell the aerelaarier described tract of land; The anderalrned as Commissioner will irooeod to offer for sale aad sell oa the at Moaday la November 18D9. rt belnt the sixth day of said snualh; at the hour of 13 o'clock m. to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door la Craven countt r All that certaia tract or lead attuated ia Cravea county oa the north side of Reuse river adjoining toe tends el Nancy Adams and others, kaown as the Dudler Dlanlatlo t oontaininf about two thousand six hundred acres: Except so mucn er said land as is bounded aad de scribed as follows: To wlk Begionlni at cy press on Nenee river below Mm Seine Beach running north with the Dower line to Clevea line tbenee west with Beaa Pole swamp to Henrahans line, then south with said line to Nancy Adams line thence with the river to the beiinning. oetnc tne same land conveyed to Alexander Mitchell by E. W. Carpenter Uommlsaiooer by deed dated February 23rd 1881 recorded In the office of the Reliefer of Deeds ot Craven county book 88, page 190-191, . and the same conveyed by Rountree and Carmer Kxeculor or Alexander Mitchell dec by deed dated September 15tb 1889 re corded ia aald records, book 89, page 438 etc This HepiemnerxBiB lew. thohasf McCarthy, Commissioner, i lliSLBook Store Tne Latent, t White Ink. , ''It did me more good than anything I ever used. Mj dyspepsia waa of months' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I am well," wrtlea 8. B..Keener, HoisIngtoo,-ICas., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. , F. S. 7T Oa. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Core will digest what you eat. It cures all fornu of dyspepl'a aud stomach trouble. E. ii, Qamble, Vernon, Tex., tf s, "It relieved me from the start aud cured me. It is now my everlasting friend." F 8 Duffy. - The quantity of Vlcby sold at Davis Soda Fountulu is a proof of its excel lence - - " " V ' ' One' dor-e of Anwaj's Croup 8yrup given at beginning altack of croup will relievo the child immediately. That pecu liar respiratory sound, heralding an at tack of this dread disease, is an indica tion for administration of some remedy Mothers wlil tind Anway's a certain aud safe one. 23c at Dradbam's Pharmacy. to For cold in the head, use Dime CUanh Snuff. Cleanses the Nasal Passages nxd opens the stopped-up head, ilanufao tured and guaranteed by O. D. Bradham, Druggist, Mr. W. K. Baxter says: Dime Catarrh Snuff cured me of a severe head cold In one night. It relieved me almost Instantly. Mr.Jt.A. Richardson adJ: Diaie Catarrh Suofl is somcukt wonderful. I ud it or.v m.l e (:'',- ii j n'siiairj I t u!'. I: v.'J f"f n-y c'- ' ili-ll. A vest pocket friend. Nearly every body M troubled wiih catarrh or cold lu tu the head, more or less. The most con venientand iflk-ien, remedy U Dime Catarrh Snuff yon cau carry it In your vest pocket and an occasional applica tion enulTcd up the nose, nnitops the bead and cleanses the mucous mem brane. 10c at Bradhain's Fharmacj. Prescriptions a specially at Prescription Pharmacy. Send t!.- :e to le filled. TL y will C.l 1 i :1 H ; 11 " 1 1 - 1 ly. - t ' 1 r- f : r. 1 1 .Davis' your Another 1 it of School Supplies and School Books just receive J. : Your orders solicited and prompt attention guaranteed. 6. N. Ennctti CABDiGE SEEI ! Best strains of Jersey Wakefield Cab bage Seed for Fall planting. For Bale by o: JAMES F. CLARK1 Brick Store near Mat kt Dock. , Fancy ' A New Barrel Just Eeceived ! Fresh Lot of Clow Hill Print Butter and Elgin Batter. Vary fin eat Cream Cheeee. Fresh Oetflakee, lone and In package. Fresh Grits and Bif Hominy. Fresh Boasted Coffee and Finest Tan, Heins's Sweet Mind and Plain Cucumber I'ick'ef. Another lot Small Smithfield Hams, also .Small Super Cured Hams and Bit; Hams tet cut. Fresh Prune and Dried Apple. All kinds rreah Canned Oood. The Very Best Floor, all yon want; 2c lb. New Orleana Molasses, Snest quality, 10c qt. A full stock of tbe Best Groceries to be had. I so licit sharw ot your patronage. Goods delivered uny wbere in the city free'. Wholesale IKelail Grocer, i.T . MMWV U. U. IMUUULUU, Grocer, I WE INVITE YOU TO OUR 5 ? GRAND OPENING OF 7 Collars and Cuffs. We carry the celebrated Monarch Shirt, in all colors with latest stripes. Our line of Collars consisting oi the following brands are the best made : EARL & WILSON, Arrow, Double Triangle, Gem, and Ivy. Every department is last filling up with the latests creations oi lashion. Shine-Free. R. H. BAXTER. Shines Free. For Bent or Sale ! My residence on National Avenue. large rooms and aa a tic Bath room, Wkter oloset and sewerage. For terms, address, T.- W. DEWEY or myself. - KATIE B. BOYD. NEW BEIMT GRISTM.1ILL8. New Hills, Boiling Client, Elevators and Corn Clean era, Of the Latest Improved and Up . - te-DaU mil Machinery. V at Autumn Leaves Are Fallinir Thick ai those of Vail imbrosa, and It Is high time that you thought of pro curing a llUt or medium weight Top Coat or Fall Suit, If you haven't done so before fi s lime. Complete line ef nov- el tit a n co rset w olcns nru open for our patrons ex.imiuation. and perfect fit, quisite style and highest grade taibr work is uaranted. CI:":IiTltl, , I KEW I T.P.N', N. O YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED. OT SPECIAL PAINS taken In lean ing and polishing grain before) going through tbe mills, which insure pnre meal. . " ; " Corn, Ilominy, Oat and Mixed Feed. GEORGE BISHOP. New Bern, N. O. - - - Middleetreol. ; r a s ,1 i : Ar zive ! 2,0 0 rolls cotton I" ;i dies cotton lit ; Heavy sa l'.-li 3 tow as any; I b; quantity and fvt f: '.M 1 . r - - T f '.. . !;;; 2.500 bun ks, twine, eta. Hie contract KINSTON STEAM LAUNDRY. I havn tuken the ngiiicy for the above named laundry and solicit the patronage of the people of this city. ' '. .- - Our work ia guaranteed to be First-(!las8 and Up-to-date. -Give us a trial. Shipments HaJ Wednesday and return? 1 TrlJay. 5 S S IS m m is iii JU lu iU iU iU in ai iu Hi Hi iU 3 Wt tre receiving daily new Fall Goods and can show in ill onr Stock, tbe most np to-date line in the city, 3 v Onr Colored Shirts are the newest colors and patterns, i Price l 00 and $1 50. - Shoes change in shape each season, We have the new- 3 shapes In black, tan and patent leather. Every pair guar anteed. V : . V Our Clothing and Hats are made by the leading manu facturer! In the country and we can show prices which on nan can beat. We also hare a first-class hue of Boys and Youth's Suits Shoes and Underwear. 3- S - A call will convince you that our Styles and Qualities cannot be equalled In the cit, and that no one can undersell us. Every tale guaranteed as represented. r. Or. 1DTJ35sT CO., 1 . 67 POLLOCK 8TKEET. NEW BERN, N. O. 3 lumiUaUiiUiiimm OtW(llW!tWhyV(aWV LVLsfVlatOlawVO JUST RECEIVED I A Fre.h Lot of the Following Ooodh ,. 3 lb can'Mince Meat, lOo can. ' 8 lb Apple fJutic HHj can.. .-800PH- Chicken, IViii.ato- Veg- etablr,&s, IOocnu. - , . lib Jar Jams, any flivor, lOo and loo Jar ' t 1 lb can Cheese and Msraroni 10c oao. ' .': ' : . Fresh Drii d Apples, Uneeda Biscuit, Heine India Relish and Chills Sauce for cjld meats, soups, oysters, eto. Very best Patent Flour, 8Jo. - In fact our stock of Fancy aud heavy Groceries are complete, us a trial and we guarantee to save yod money. Your to please, s J R. PARKER, JR., GROCER, r 'Phone C9. ',77 Broad Street. 1,

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