THE JOURNAL. Bl 4 UuaUbjt, at t jtJ- lnos Ko. 8. CHARLC5 L STEVEN3, oaron a rworaisro. BCBSCRIPTIOS RATES, 4 J ear, laaovanoe. Mooter, by earner to tae city Aivertieieg Rates fttrakaed oa sfctt anion. - Entered at Um Port Office, Ntw Ban. N. C. aa second lass ssattea. Olelal Psner of Hew sUr anl Craven Cennly. New Bera. . C Oct. 1, ! pKITKOOTm TO POLITIOlIi LIBCBTT." The recent srtlcls la tbe Aabvill Gazette, of 24lh nil., of Mr. IUchraokd Petrson't uackln the propoaed tuff rtge amtndmet t to the State Conslllutlou.baa provoked lie Wathlogten Poat of lot jflili ult.tobolu aeeoad Mr. Pearson's article anil add a postscript of Its owe against the snieadmest. After reviewing tereral of Mr. Pesr son's oppositions to tha amendment, tba ivi has tbe following oa tha propoaed machinery of elections ia North Caro. lina: Ami it i only too evident- that tba operation of such a law will be detrac tive of political liberty in North Caro Una. We recognlie In tbli a fatal blow is free governmentjand popular Jnttitu tioui. It propose the ruiblesa and per petual domination of the party In power ami the effectual extinction of public tenllioafcj, throughout the State. W do not ihare Ur. Pearson' aulicllude for the "poor wl iie Illiterate,-' whether of hi or any other district in tha Slate. If, after centuries of freedom and oppor tunity , they are (till in a condition to be disqualified by an educational tet,North Carolina will be better off wlthont their participation in It government. But Mr. Pearson U right, and ha ha all our sympathy when he protest agaiait a uffrige law which enable the party In control at the moment to extinguish for ever the voting aireoglh of the other. That men,not popular governmental the tyrannical and oppressive domination of a class." The Journal presumes that the Post' objection is largely based upon Its posi tion hitherto referred to in these col umns, namely, , that the rule of the ignorant negro 1 preferable to tbe rule of tbe illiterate while, and that tha In fluence of the former In governing, is better than that of the latter, therefore the new election law' destructlveness In eliminating the Post's "conservative," bat ignorant negro, while It givea full elective power to the Post's "Illiterate white." .:" With due respect for Mr. Pearson ant? the Post, their opinion that thia election law will "extinguish forever ithe Toting strength of tbe other" (party), may do for sentiment and political effect, bnt it has no basis to warrant Its occurlng "for ever." . .. - '- A glance backward for a few years will reveal bow tbe "machine rule" in North -Carolina became so unbearable, that white men voted against the Demo cratic ticket, even with the negro flung full and hard In their face, tbe result being the doing away with one evil and the taking up of another, with the negro holding most of tbe local offices. - The Post's conception of "pipular government" with negroes holding the majority of local office I not the North Carolina idea, either of prominent white Republicans, Democrat ar leading edu cated and intelligent white citizens of the State. ':.;;?. ' .'--7, The extinguishing of "popular gov ernment" In North Carolina baa been done by the voter In Mr. Pearson's party, and that his. own while Republi can leaders in this State, Purnell, Settle . and Cowlcs, favor ' the amendment, make Mr. Pearson's cry a lonesome one. . ... " -. North Carolinian declared for White ; Supremacy last November, and the con stitutional amendment to be voted npon next August is bat the final and logical conclusion of last November declare- tion. ' ' The amendment to be voted upon meant the enfranchisement of the white . citizen In North Carolina. " Belief in Six Hears, - . Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis' ease relieved in tlx hour by "New Great South American Kidney Core." It it great surprise on account of It exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, in male or female Relieves retention of water almost im- - mediately. If you want quick relief and uure tbe remedy.- Bold by 0 D Uradham, druggist, Sen Bern, a. C. . When in Bayb atop at the Luptoa Bouse for good s moilatlons. ' A girl I bbv ka Letroibel ta yeoag eOrer ta taw navy, aed aa hia birthday at Mr at na.o4 aba kaa bwMttii a prrtxj ktrJe tUk) Us ta U nr ta give la blot, trot as la sM ft to cue H is ttlaa. atar aa - -liaafbUK," aer ULber aald ta her. tf res wlaa that gn saaa Walt, ever aire alia a stamp boa. Tew imUs'I fire Mat aartlUog aaara daa- ooa. a tnaa wouM better carry dynamite than etaaipa." One of tba Wane officea It) the ttavy ftaa bean far SO yearn paying IBs peoaKy of tale fully In carry In- Mtnpa Er err body knows tbt a la. Tears sge he re ceived aa enter free tba dVpartsteat wbfca dtayliaie ftlsa wry moon. Ua kurw ta waosa k ow4 M. aad be ami fslmaair dow that aaaaa a'.fttf aad ex press htBMrtf rraakly aa paper to Ua aaaa b Massed for tha aaeaxtoue or der. Be bad atamp, a ad aa be Brat Um Irttcr off ta that la-bt'a taaH If be badat had atamp. be weald not bav saaliad lb trtter UU aaoralac, and If be bad kept R UO aaorttlaf be d av er have erat It at all aad bo woald not bare paid tba poaalty of "aaaalna' tbe orpartnteet. Doa't arnd tM yotwg nua a atamp box. Tbt ofUcar I've bora tattling yoa about aaya thai bla axpa rlaaot taogbt blot never to carry atampa. bat tb trouble about tbo wledvaa xporlaact brings Is thai It aaually comaa too lata to be of any oaa. Don't oDcoarago tbe youui mat) to carry etampe. It ant aafa." Waablngtoa roat. A Xaval Captain WcB , canny Scot, waa oner la routmand of a troonablp rt- turnlnr frwu India. Oa board be bad aa panernxera tbrve hdloa, all wires of officera la ber snajcaty'i aervlca. Now. It fall out that the cable al lotted ta thoat was flrred op to aceoat siodata roar, and eouooqaantty It con tained four vaab baalna, aaa of which waa far larger l baa tbe other three, v For tba right ta aaa tiila atpectal basin each lady pat forth bar claim, citing ber buaband'a poaltloo la tba army. Bat tba husbands, tm fortunate ly, all proved ta be of equal rank, to lo clinch tbo matter tba trio bearded tbt captain la bla cabin, -We will leave it entirely to yoa. captain," they aald, "and abide by yoor decision. -;--. -, Captala aicB cogitated dory' and then declared aolemnly. with tbe faint eat twinkle In bla gray eyea: "Leddlea, at It la no' a matter o rank, think It ull be tUaUtbe oideat auiauf ye aald bare tbo beegeat bowl" With mannurod tbanka tbey Sled oat again, but that basin waa aever oaad daring tbe voyage. Spare aiooieota. KOftXtrs UTJaOB! SUZOT. BagaUtea tbo Livar, tataaca, owela aad Siaaova, . ' For billoasneee. contttpalioa and aa larla. For Indirestlon, tick aad aervout headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills. deblHtv and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and tboroaga or ganic regulation, take Lemon Kliiir. ouc ana at Doiuea at araggitta. . Prepared only by Dr. H. Motley. At lanta, Oa. . , .",..., '.i.'i ; , ' A Pramiaaat Hiaiatar Writea. After tea years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and conttipatlon, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley't Lemon JCllxIr, and am now a well man. - Rav. C. 0, Btvia, Eld. M. . Church Booth, No. 8 Tatnall bt., Atlanta, ua. ITeaUuatBBoapBiaa Vtttor . Dr. II. ' Moilxv. Atlanta: Having been a great sufferer for three years from Indigestion, and been treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief. Continuing to grow worse my nrotner aavisea me to try ut, siox ley't Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had used for several years. I commenced its use, end must say your Lemon Ellxer is tbe greatest medicine oa earth. I have never suffered a day tinea I commenced using Lemon Elixir. , It. ti. Rocoo, SOU Hernando St., Memphis, Tenn. , '" :.; a oar. Thlt it to certify that I uted Dr. Mot ley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the bead aad eyea with the most marked benefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid 900 for tbe relief U hat givea me at a cost of two er three dollars. II. A. Biai.l, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Oa. racing Beth Ways. A Democratic club ia Brooklyn lately puses resolution fiercely denouncing the administration's Philtpplae policy and declaring for loyal support for tha a -my in Its task for restoring peace and order. Demagogues of .thia stripe are unable to see bow absurdly oaa of these declarations eoatradicta tha other,. The army cannot be loyally tap ported by an abuse and exaggeralloa which strike at the very root of tbe loyalty urged. The supremacy of the United Slate It abto lutely necessary, aad that supremacy Is not to be maintained by throwing ttonet at It and calling names. . "-:' "When onr boys were almost dtid from whooping cough, oar doctor gave One Minute Cougb Cure. Tbey recovered rapidly," writes P. B. Belles, Argyla, Pa. It cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat aad. long troubles. F. 8, Duffy. j- -L; .; : ; Ta Alt in Diverse. ' ' In Lilbuania, a province of Russia, It it cailomary that the bride's ears should be boxed before the marriage ceremony. The reason for it Is to protect tbe bride should her marriage prove aa unhappy one. In that cast the will tue for a divorce, and ber plea will be that the was forced into the marriage against ber will, and on that score the verdict of tbe judge will be in ber fsvor. A frightful Blaaa.r. Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cat or Bruise. - Bucklen't Arnica Salve, the beat in tbe world, will kill tbe pain tnd promptly heal iL Caret old Sores, Fever Bores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile curs on earth. Only 25 eta, a box. Cure guaranteed.' Sold by F, 8. Duffy 4 Co. Druggistf. r r , , - fa ,nr au:4 ft druU tuo irUIJ, Ut (r U OMtliAiAjA. iftS IIqcU'g Pills SotS mryvtMraw xs ou A aaa ef lajary It's the acaae of laeootisttaey I" at - ctaiaaad tbe saeatciea aa be triad Ibe sys of kU eoiast. -What's the IroaWar .''Tory say thai aotbiag la too good for a roturaiag hero." Tata why do 4ay taake tea eat oat tba erlretioa from Die Vt'alkare which we bad pre pared aad play "A Hot Time la (be Old Town.' Why He lby give hba Ibe teat aeaqaets sad tas boat eealptare aad tbo best speeches tbey caa lad aad iasial oa tba wont at- war orOiatxeoaU ibe Oatarrb That Coatata nfUrsary , at mercery will surely destroy lbs tense ef sstell tad completely derange Ibe aibols ayaiets abea enteilag It tbroagb tbe ttueoat surfaces. Bach snides should asvsr bs nstd except oa pre scriptions frost reputable physicians, aa Ibe damage tbey will do it lea fold to tbe good you caa possibly derive from tbea. U all's Catarrh Cure, manafac iwred by F. J. Caeaey k Co .Toledo, O , eoatalat no axreary, aad ia lakta Inter- atlly, acting directly apoa tbe blood aad mucous surfaces of tbe eytlea. In Buy lag li all's Catarrh' Curs be sura yoa get the geaulae. It Is lakea Interaaily. aad made ia Toledo, Ohio, by F. i Obeaey A Uo. Testimonials free. Sold by Drugglata, prloa 73c per but I.--'.- 3 Halls Family Ptlli are tbe beat. Tba rraakaat afHU BJae. Bunker Are joa fond of golf f Footle I am fond of being thought taJ befoadofit . . :- - v H 'I wish to express my Ibaaks lo ILa manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for hav ing put on tbe market tuch a wonderful medicine,'' tayt W. W. Maailnglll. of Beaumont, Texas, There are . msoy thousands of mothers whose children bsve beta saved fiom attacks of dyseu tery aad cholera infantum who moat also foal thankful. It ia for sale by F. 8. Duffy A Co. .. , . , Tba Eceaeatieal Kaa. - "fleary," tbe ' said, dlscontolately, "you didn't give me a birthday gift. ' "By Jove, tbal't to," aald Henry; "but. yoa tee, yoa tlwajt took to young that I caa'l realize you ever bad birth- daya." . . ' . Thea the was happy, and be smiled the mean, subtle smile of a man who hae ssved money : 100..- ' , Dr. B. Betchtea'a Aatt Piaretie. Mty be worth to you more than $100 li you bare a rhild who soils bedding from iucontence of water during sleep Cares old and young alike. It arrests tbe trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. D Bradham, druggist. New Bern, N. C. "'AUaeleas Praeantattea.'. . ' At tbe meeting of a board of guardians it was proposed that an honorarium be presented to tbe clerk -who bed been very energetic in ibe interest of tbe board. -. . . 1 J : A well-meaning but somewhat unedu cated member arose aad startled hit hearert by remarking: ; " . "Qentlemen, oar worthy clerk don't want nothing of the sort. If we give him a honorarium he wouldn't have time ta play it. A turn of . money would be of much more service to him.'' Daring the winter of 1897 Mr. Jsmes Reed, one of tha leading, citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay fcoV W. Va , struck hit leg against a cake of Ice in such a meaner as to bruits it severely. It became very much twollen and paiaed him to badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches.-He waa treated by phytlcani, also uted several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky la bathing It, but Botbing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain's Psia Balm. Thit brought almost a complete care ia a hweek't time and be believes that htd he net ated tbit remedy hit leg woald htve had to be amputated. Pain Balm it nn equaled for tpralnt, braises and rheuma tism. For tale by F. S. Daffy 4 Co. 7 : The riaal Teach. - Ready for all that might befall, the fe male detective prepared to venture forth on the track of the desperate criminal, At Ibe threshold the paused and cast one more look back. '"-'rV- li my disguise on straight?, the asked. .President King, Farmers Bank, Brook lyn, -Mich., has used - DeWltt's Little Early Risers In hi family for yesr. Bay they are the best. Those Jamou little pills cure constlpstion, biliousness and all liver and bowel troubles." F. 8. Duffy. ;;..;Vr -. v-'' - : . aids-Show PeUUcs. - " Th Tattooed Man So yoq and. the an who break the chain by inflating his chest can't agree political!)? . ; The Sword Swallower Ko. I have no patience with expansionists. ' ' Why experiment oa yourself with remedies; of doubtful utility when yon 0n get Chamberlain's Cough Reraed ) Wblch bat ttood the test of time? Twen ly Ive years' tale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt and certain core for coldt. It will cure a cold In a day if taksn as soon as tbe cold has beon contracted and before It has bps tied ia tbe i;tem. Bold by F. S. V "y Co. A mnr tW aud lhl aartaing Out tuiM U c9rrd MlJ bt auid ta Ik atnet. tkaiM (Una all bMtw tlaaa otbna, aad U aoaM tbe dwaod la tours eoouaooao tbaa IW oeawa, bat Layers oaa bs fuaad tut anytbtaa if tee rtKle it broogbt to Umst attnuesL A knowlera of this -tact Moaapta tbe ctTenag araartiasoa of oariooa tbtagt or tbiors that at Bret tbocgbt eaam enrt- l that osm would aut eipaot to tea ofleitd in thia way. Bat tba tact will to rwallcd, if uo dwalle Jot a tn nasal apna tbtt entict, tbat tbare ar always people to be aaea atandtag aroaod iook tcg at tbaaa aovei offaritis, Tbair Bov- elry attracts ectaa attetiuom, aad tbaa tbcre art atora ar kaa people waa waat tbsUtloaa. tier waa a tnaa, for laps snot, asllioa Alee, Dot nine: whatever bat tUea. of which be bod a paab eart fail. Tbara re Blea of varices si an aad of all kinds flat flies, kalf toaad. aaaara, tbrae exawered and rafatl all at tba Bailor as prioa of a oaau aack or els for a q oarter. And there waa a fair trade do ing in these flJea, Taexaany people who la tba eourae of tbe day alone a bosy street have manifold wants. Boom amoug tbem waat Alee. Files cannot be eold : etoadfly by at reel venders, aa many other, things i tbers to a limit lo tba ouantitv that Ibis market will absorb- bat tbme is tome aal for files ta tba atiwH, aa tbare it for pretty maca everything tbat Is offered. New York Bun. Mtfbt aad Day. "Anyway," aba retorted warmly, yea don't find wotaen'a clubs taming night iutodty with tbeir org lea." KoY" be ntaaed, "woxoea woalda'l tors eight iato day. Tbey have too anueVregatd for tbeir complex ions." at it ia a fact well knows to aciesoa Uias. artificial light will abiae over toi- craUy fair womea wbera daylight waoldn't do a thing to tbem. Detroit Journal ? An ai rM'riitM-ntal rw-a m nwMwttlw -r M zoade in a F reach offlca bet wees a aktll- Llol typewritu and an expert rTf an. UM test being tbe cumber of times a phrase of eight words could be repro duced lu live minutes. Tbe typewriter scored 87 laid lb penman Si. . Ilnm N'Gbl, ax-king of Anam, wbom tbe French are keeping as a tnisoaer of state at Algiers, occupies bit leisure with painting and lutcnd to send soma of bit pictures before long to tba talon. He it alto n musician and regrets tbat tie it unablo to appreciate Wagner. , When Heine was In lore, be was bo jealous tbat be poisoned a parrot be long! ug to bis mistress for fear It would claim too much of bar affection. . Bobbed the Orara. A Starting incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, waa ibe t object, it narrated by him as follows "I waa In a mott dreadful condition. . My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain . continually in back and tides, no appetite gradually - growing weaker day by day. Throe phytlolan nad given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improvement, I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved mv life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one thould fail to try them. Only &0 eta. per bottle at F. & Duffy't urug more. , , As They Uea at Parting. , Dorothy Sha's my chaperoa, - Some people say tba Is too good looking for that office. . -. - ... Amanda Oh, I don't know. Tears mast bs a contrast between the chaperon aad ber charge, yoa know. Ton assume no risk when yoa buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemedy. F. 8. Duffy A Cou will refund your money if yoa are not satis fied sfter using it. - It i everywhere ad mitted to be the mott loccessful remedy in use for bowel complalnta and tbe only one that never fall It It pleasant, safe and reliable. -:; -,v,"::-:-r s Be Bad Been It Bsfbre. ' The cleverest dsughter recently mtds a beautiful thade far the piano lamp from a pink evening dress, and trimmed it with races from ber last tummer't hst That evening a young man called on her and to low toned mutlo tbsy chatted. "How do yoa like oar new lamp shader the asked, damn rely. ' - He studied it for a moment "Tbe last time I ttw It," he replied, "I was danc ing with it." - i ; f ,; A Thoaeaad Toagwes : Could not express the rapture of An nie E. Springer of 1128 Howard it, Phil adelpbla, Pa., when she found tbat Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured her of a backing cough that for many year bad made life a burden. All other remedies and doc- tort could give ber no help, but she tsyt of tills lioyal Cure "II toon removed tbe pain In my cheat and I can now tleep soundly, tomethipg I can scarcely re member doing before. ; I feet like sound ing its praises throughout the Universe" So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for auy troubls of the Throat, Cheat or Longs.- Price BOo and $1 00.. Trial bottles f res at F 8 Duffy't drug ttore; every bottle guaranteed. .A Cheat Bible Itadsat " "Johnnie's a great Bible ttadent" '- "Is he" -; - ; . "Yes; he gelt a nickel for every verse be learnt tnd a dollar for every book be readt, and when he baa read twenty bo iks his grandmother la going lo give him a new bicycle."- "' - That Throbbing tlsadacae. Would quickly leave you, ifyOaused Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousandi of sufferers have proved their matchless mfsrit for.Sick tnd Nervout Headaches. They niake pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. I "y to take. Try them. Only cents, Money back If not cure 1. tr ' 1 I y F.S. Duy 4 Co. NOT MUCH OF AN EATtft. Teetw Be Bald. Tee Larsta ta BMSatr Uim. Captaia B. W. Uorfaa, erary barn a Wrtahaaaa blaaalf, likes ta teO tan) story when tbare to aexber Wtkbmaa la beartag: He treat boss to dlaswr on day and found a paper aaagrr at arork la tbe booaa. le aaked tbe Uaae, aad Ceatala atergaa tokl kiaa at was "I gnaaa I'll knock eT aad go beats to dinner tbea," Ibe paper baager re mark!. , "Stay and eat with aa," tbe captain aajd. and tbe invitation waa arret Med. Captala Morgaa was MtestUvo to bat guest daring tbe tueal. U bad a prodlgioas appetite. Tbe captala heia- ad falsi to ewat beat aevarai times, an al at kaat be bad eoaao ewrtoalty ta tee just bow taacb tbe fellow would eat srttboat crying enough. Tbe game eras growing qulto Interesting wbea tbe fat lew began to ebew algae of quitting. Will yoa bare some 'of tbo plats podding r tbo captala asked alia to re vive bla falling appetite. No, tbaaka." be replied. "I've bad enough. 1 think." "Oh, take a email piece of tba pod ding!" tbtrcaptala aired, "it's geae tea English plum pudding aad boms made at tbat" "WelL 1 don't salad trying It" be aald. Tba captala helped him to a eertloa of tbe podding weighing about a pound, and be ate it with much raUaa. Tbaa be shoved bis chair away from tba table and leaned back for aa after dinner chat I'm not much of aa eater," be said. not noticing tbe smile on tbo captain's race. "It takes very little to satisfy me. Say, yoa ought to see tba Welsh eat" Are tbey hearty caterer asked tba captain. 'Hearty caterer repeated tbe fel low. "Say, tbey eat like riot of bogs." Pittsburg News. IT WAS GENUINE. Tbe lla-Mtare or WUllaaa Bashes aeaea That Adiaivar Laee Haa. At tbe time of tbe New Orleans ex position. In the winter of lUtM-ft, Ad miral Luce was In command of tha north Atlantic squadron and was sent down -there to add to tbo gayvty of nations, wblcb no other old aeadog could do better than be. Upon bla re turn tbe flagship was anchored In Mew York bay, where It waa visited by many people. One day n party came aboard wblcb Included among others a very pretty girl and a very dignified and learned Englishman.- Aa Admiral Loos waa entertaining tbem In bla cabin be aaked tbe pretty girl If aha would like to see an original autograph of William Shakespeare. At thia tbe dignified and teamed Engllahman pricked up bla care aad remarked that be bad made a study of the autograpba of 8bnkespeare and was positive there was no authentic example In America. Admiral Lace re plied that he was very positive his was authentic and tbat Its genuineness hsd never been questioned. This made the Britiaber quite mad, and be delivered a lecture on tbo fraudulent autographs and manuscripts that were brought over to America and exhibited as orig inals. "Well," replied the admiral, "I am convinced that my autograph of Wil liam Shakespeare is genuine, and 1 am going to have the pleasure of show ing it to thia young lady." Whereup on be went to bis desk, took out hit visitor's book, turned back a few pages and then pointed out the signature, "William Shakespeare, mayor of New Orleans, Jan. IX 18S5." - Tbe English man gave a painful gasp and retired. Culcago Record. Tbe Clever Ktesaaaa. It seems quite surprising that tbo an cient tlomsus did uot acquire tbe art of printing with movable types, inasmuch tt they come so very near to It. Tbey bad wooden blocks carved with words In reverse, by means of wblcb tbey stamped those words on pottery, while tbe hitter was a yet unbaked and soft Incidentally It may be mentioned that truly knew tbe - modern method of mending broken pots by means of riv ets, and many pieces of pottery thus restored have been dug up. In ancient Rome there waa one daily newspaper, which was written entirely by hand. Furthermore the Roman sen ate had a publication wblcb corre sponds to Tbe Congressional Record, being a report of the dally proceedings of that Important legislative body. It likewise was written by band. Speak ing of baked clay, one might -mention tbe fact tbat the little boys of Rome 2,000 years and more ago were accus tomed to play knuckle down with mar bles of that material Just aa children do now. : . -- .w ; . r, - Oeaa Milk. ' Modern . Hedlcina says tbat goaf a milk, contrary to trie general Impres sions, differs from cow's milk not In being more digestible, but In being less digestible b5U less nutritious, a! tbougji It contains a larger amount of solid -matter than cow's milk.- It Is indeed the most Indigestible of all milk. ' - .--.-., - .... -. ''; Goaf s milk bat a peculiar and un pleasant odor and flavor, due to hlrclc acid or blrclue. it contains an excess of fat and Is therefor altogether too rich for an Infant's diet ; : . ' Derided. .' ' ' An Aottln colored waiter told a Bos ton man at a hotel that in eastern Texas a white man bad married a ne gro woman. -. ; : "Was be not derided J" asked the Boston lan In the classic speech of tbe "Hub of Culture." -. "lie was. sab," beamed' tbe negro. "Dey rlded him out ob town on a rail" Ilousvbold Words. On ths 10th of December 1897, Rtv. 9 A. Donshoe, putor It. 1. Church, South, Ft. Pleasant, W. Va,, contracted a severe cold which wal attended f rest the beginning by violent coughing. Da ttyt: "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specifics,' usually ktpt In the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bot tle of Chumberlain's Cough Remedy, wb'i h aete 1 like a charm I most cheer ' "' i- i . 1 it to tba pui.-"c" For o r ' o Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It am nctally digests the food aad aids ftature In strengthening and racoav trucung lb exhausted digestive or rajs, lut U Undiscovered digest, aiilrnd looto. Soother pre para Uoa caa bpproacn It In efficiency. It ln i Lao U jr relieves and permanently cams I'rtpeijaia, Indigestion, UeaAburn, rlatuteoca. Sour Sloeanch. Nausea, Bick Hela-he,Oastraiia,(ampa,Bad uuutrnNiisa imrMCTeaaigMUcav, r a-, MMace.Cbtowa. Step Ladders, Step Ladders, Step Ladders. A 4tMit IsiMttler For 48c. A 5-Foot Judder For eoc. A 6-Foot Ladder For 72c. The incest yott ever saw. Now (lout wait until tbev are all gone, Lut come at once and supply yourself. You can't afford to borrow one alien they can be had at these Low lVices. x Eferj body NmI a Nlrp Ladder. Ho Vome Along And Get One. J. C. Whitty to PROFESSIONAL. F. M. SlaiBieBs, J. H. fen. A. D. tTard E. W. Fan. SIMflONS, POU WARD, ATTORNEYS aad COUNSELORS at LAW. aw tenia, . c. hOmcs U Bo, Front Street, nearly oppo- . tiM Hotel UhatUwka, (Offices also at Kalelrh and Smithfleld.) Pmotloe In th eoantiat of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Uaslow, Carteret Famlloo, Waka, onnston, uarneit ana wiison; ib u aa p ! bbS federal Courts, and whsravat asrvicas srauesino. P. II. Felletler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blddls Street, Lawyers BrUk BalHiag. - Will araettoa la tk Coaattsa of Craves Uarterst, Joa.s, Oaslow aaa I'aaaUeo. D. uoun as a1 w Barns aad Sup rema Court ks State. R0MULU3 A. NUiNN, ATTOwra-r . at . xjb. Ilf BCBNB, . a. o. Office: Opp. Hotel Chattawka. South Front Street Practice it) North Carolina ' FINANCIAL. T. A. th is, rraa, B.H. slssdows, Ties rrat B.M.anovas,Oaaalar. CITIZEN'S BANK 03T MMW WtrmrffJS, Jf, o. . DO 1 0EXHUI. IIAXKlSa BOBIMJ Tha Aeeoaata ot Banks, Baakart, Corpor BUObs, Farmers, aaeronanu aaa ouun r solved oe tavorabl tenas. rreaipt Mil ear. rlatwaUonrtvMitouietniiesioi oaraa tossara. uoucsuoat a apeeiaiv. OABSoraiaaoToat. v. rardlBaad Vlrtah J. A. Meadows. C H. ataadows, J ha. Dufly, Jr. fcmM ReamoBd,' kUy.r Hatxn J Thomas a..fartaa, C.B.rov. W.r.Craokatt. ' I Baaael W. I pock. tau.B.nwwr, t. W. eralnrw, . K. W. Smallwuod, (lea. K. Ives. F. & LI. BANK, - HAT lit, 189S. Capital Stock,.. ........ ..$7,0OO.M Sarplat,.. ....... ........ . 800,00 Cadlvldtd Frsuts,. 4,0Sa.0w OFFICERS. . L. H. OdTlxB President. . W. 8. CaADWict:,;Vice Pres. ;-' T. W. Dswit, Cashier, J. Vf. Biddls, 'Seller, i F. F. aUTTMW8. Collector. - - . DIRECTORS: Wm! B. Blades, M. M. Murks, O. D. Bradham, S - P. II. Pelletier, L. H. Cutler, . Jno. Suter, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Stewart, T. W.Dewey. We waat your butinesa and feel tbat we can ofl ar yorf as much in return at any oibitr bank in the city. - It it our ei. . r to Diiike butinms relations arat u f i i. -tit and proittabls to our 1 LEvAL HOT ICES. . lDMIHSTRlTOR'S lOTKl HbvIp qoauaed oa edstialetiaior ei Juaa W UUsaa, SirimS. tu of It sea roaaty, M. C-, U la to aetlfy all peteoae aaviag ctsisas sgaiaat ue estate of the eald ducaasid to atbltst tbaa to Ike aa asrslgsed ea or beforo the Mia. day of AsiuM. IK, ar this amlre olH tajlrd ed ta bar of ihetr Hcewety. All pnanes lodeMea lo tbe saM eataie will please make latatsdiate sopwai. lllUi, W. Stl.UKTIIY, R. W, WiUwtssua. Adaslabtrator. AttorMy. Thia MKb day of Augaet, IttW. IUMM810)CK'o MLt Monk Car. Uoa. - I 8rrvr Cour. Craves Co Pali Teraa, lt7. - Juorph L Hah a, va. Wattrfatgtoa BladA Haa oak Blade. I areaaet to a tad (Bant iradored at tbe Fall Tent IWi a Crsrea coaoty 8a penor foart la tne aoove eouued acttoa. a whtck eald ludctaeat tbe aoderaicacd ere duly appuiuird eoaamlasioaers for the aale of late property aereiaaitor de scribed. Mow therefore la accordance with eald Judgment aad by request of pisiailS we wtu oner lor aale aad sail to lbs highest bidder lor cask at pobtioauctioa at lb omul house door in New Bora oa aioa -day ths 6th dsy of November 18W at It o'clock Bt, tba follow log real property, lowits la tbe county of Craves aad State ot North Carolina oa Pembroke road and adjoining Ibe lands of Pbilhp J Lee on tbe eorlb; lbs lands knows aa tba 11 ray plars on the south; the land of H U rdoselry oa tbe west sod bounded oa the east by Pembroke road. Being ut tame laoa purcnaaed ty waaklnatoa blade from tbe heirs of Jeaae t lay pool oy ored executtd by Kmeilne Vlaypoole, Kxocatiix lo which aald deed reference is hereby tnsds for a full sad more defi nite deactlptlon Inereof, (except tea aorre thereof heretofore, conveyed ta rnlllp i Vtrt. Tne above described property being lbs Bam upon which tbe dwelling house of tbo aaia Washington til ads and Uaanah Blade is located and whereon tbey now reside. Thia Istb day or September 18W. J. E. A R. O'HAHA, Commissioners. lOH MISS 10 NIK'S SALE. North Carolina, I Superior Court, Craven Co. May Term, 1809 John ) Garrett, va. Henry J Long and C 0 Roach. Purtuaul to a Judgment of the Supe - rlor Court of Craven couuty rendered at tbe alay term 18M in tbe above eutitled action, the uudertigned aa commissioner will offer for sals and sell to ths behest bidder for cash at public vend je at the court bouse door iu New Bern, N C, on Monday, tba 8th day ot November IbW at 18 o'clock m, tbe following described Iota of land situate in the city of New Bern, county or t. raven, and Mate or North Carolius. Bring lots 164 and 163 wilh all improvemeula th- rt-on situated on the northeast corner of Main and Muiry street in Farmville In the city of New Bern, adjoining Ihe loll of John Dawson and others and bounded ss fol lows: On Ibe north by Main street and on the east by Murry street, on tbe south by ths bind of John Dawson snd on tbe west by Abism Dudley's lot, Bring 1UU reel on Main street, lot teet on Murry street being a part of a tract of land left Isaac W Eubanks by will of Allen U Kubanka, deceased, and tbn same lots conveyed to the said Henry J Long by deed from E M Pavie trustee of Isaac W Eubanks .and recorded in book 88 on pages 485 and 426 In the office of tbe Register of Deedt af Craven county to which reference it hid, ex cepting thirty feet which hat been con veyed to w m Btartey uy area. Thit IStn osy 01 nepteinDer ihh. K. W. WILLIAMSON, J. E. O'HARA, Commlssionera. Notice of Sale ot Land For Partition. North Carolina, I In,the Superior Court, Craven Co. ( Defore the Clerk. J I. Harufield, va. MrtSarahA Taylor, 1st C .Taylor, Dr I M Taylor, Dr Geo Allmore, Dr H S Primrose, W H Oliver, Geo A Oliv r, alary T Oliver, Thomas Constable and Martha Constable bit wire, Benj R Uatke and Hannah Huska his wife, Mar tin 8 WiUard aud Elisabeth Q Willard hit wife, Rebecca O Attmore, Dr J D Clark, Hannah T Clark, The Trustees of Davidson College, North Carolina, Bet tie i Claik, and Chas 8 Hsllitter, execu tor of Frances Taylor, deceased. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Craven cojniy in the above entitled proceeding for aal of land for partition rendered by the Clerk of said Superior Court on tba 7th day of Sep tember, 188. . Tbe undersigned as commissioner will offer for tsle snd sell at public auction for cash to tbe highest bidder, st the Court House door of Craven county on Tuesday the 10th day of October 18U9 at ths hour of 13 o'clock noon all the fol lowing described real estate towit: A tract of land con tain ing 6400 acres, lying snd being in the county of Craven and partly in Pamlico county, on the north aide of Neuae river between tbe beada of tbe northeast prong of Little Swift Creek and Bay river, beginning nt Wright C Stanly's butt corner being four hundred and ninety pole from said Stanly's beginning at a black gam and on a eourae (outh fifty three east and run the reverie of hie line south seven degrees west one thousand A forty polea to bia corner tben along another of aald Stanly's linet south forty five degrees estt fourteen hundred and fifty poles to bit corner then south forty gee .degrees east seven hundred and Ave polea then north forty five degrees east two hun dred and seventy two poles then north eleven hundred and seventy poles ta -a gum at Bay river bridge then north fifty three degrees west three hundred and twenty poles thea south forty degrees west seven hundred and fifty poles then north forty Ave degrees west eleven hun dred and twenty poles north seven de crees east six hundred and eighty pok t tben north fifty three degrees west two hundred poles lo tbe Ant station; also a certain piece or parcel of laad, situate, lying and being in the county of Craven on the north tide of Ellis' lake and west of Black lake, 'beginning at a cy press on Ellis' lake tbe one mile tree westward from CI landing running north two, hundred and t dirty three pole, then south eighty two degrees east two hundred snd eighty poks to the Black lake, then along the lake south thirteen degrees east one hundred aad ten poles to Jsmes Psrrott' second oor der, tbence with bis line sooth thirty pegree west one hundred snd twenty notes to a cypress bis besinuinic corner on Ellis' lake eighty poles above tbe landing and thence with the variout meanders of ths lske to the first station, containing three hundred and ninety acres. - -: - Th:t September 7, 1899. . h. D. WAKD, - W. 11 OMVER. R011LXU3 a. NUNS, ' Commutioaert. - LftjAL tTlCKS.. IUTUE Or SILK OF LAID rua riKTiTioi. Nuslh CanJi. a. .ri.vra loerl. I la II ttaprra Ceuit, Lefote Ueik. II F IkBkiea, Jba l Dtakloa. Edward A-Irtukiaa. Juha U llarv.y, htrpeea llarila and lUlea llauip, aa icfaet fly tr arsl fnraevH fr Dibkwa, I'ttllireeia. farteanl to a ilrrie- i f ike rtorwrior Cowit ut t raves ouitiiy in tSe above ee tilled pnordu gt loi Ml of Uad for paniitfli r. . r-d I. j lb. clerk of eaid Mupeiior et-art Ik ud day ei tep trsnlcr, IMW. Tbr unile, signed aa roam Weionereill i ffrr lor ul and sell at public aarlK-o fur ca-la la Ike bbibeat bid ilef at Ibe rnoil bouse dor ot Craeea coaaty rm Wrdiie-Uay ll 4ik day of Oe lobrr, lmru. at Hie l.'i.ur .i II o'clock aooa. all lb lolioeiag dracribed real real letal toeii: rJHneMli Uuii allot, d la Edward Horll fn I he f ih lands of alra fr'rancrs HoiU, ilmbvl, aud kaowa aa lot No 4 in aald division, adjoining tho Isodsof Johs klcltny, lUiaiuud Dtnkiaa, aod others, beginning at the corner of lot number I in aald division and rant north M west lM poire; thence north ftl east 124 poles; tueace north H8 west (1 , poles; Uience uorth 53 west 2x1 poles; ' Ibence south IS west M poles In ths other comer of lot number 8; tbeacs wiib the line if lot number 8, which It the Uoall Iid lo the beginning; ena lalning 141 actea more or; it being lbs tarn, land cm vexed liv Alpbooso Horll to Edmund, B F", O W snd John D Dlnkfns. ky dent dau-d Irceoiber 19, 1870, snd recorded In tbe office of lbs Register of Deads, Craven county, la book 92. page 10v. Thit September 2nd, lMa. ROMULUS A NUNN, Commissioner. I'OMyiSSIOMK'S SALI ! North Carolina, ) Superior Court, Craven County. 1 Mav Term, 18S9 JOHN HUTUUNSON, JR. vs. JOHN HUTCHINSON. Pursuant to th Judgment of Ibe Su pt rlor Coot t of Craven county rendered at ibe Spring Term 1899, in favor of John Hmi-hiuaon, Jr., and againat . oba Hulchlnson, as commissioner in said judgment appointed, 1 will rxpoae to aale and sell to the biKhrst bidder for cash at t.i Court House door of Craven county, on Monday the &1 day of Octo ber lb99, at the liour of 13 o't lock M, the following lot of laud lying and being In tbe city of New llrrn, Uen rilied ai fol lows towit: All that certiiin tract i f land pur chased by John HutrUinms of 1 W Hughes by deed dated Jin Uih 1858, and fully dotcribed in the inoitgage deed upon which Ibe above entitled notion ia brought, duly recorded in the (Dice of Ibe Kegiater of Deeds ol t'rnvi n county in book 64, page 2IB ai.d 217. Tbe same being a part ol the lot in I lie town ot New Bern, known and distinguished In the plan of sMil Tnwn by the uunilw r 86, and emending from tbe iSoulhrast corner of Broad and Hancock streets. 1-8 ftet, 3 inches on ltrn:.i ttiee', lo Hie Northwest corner i f Whicbioats Whites and on llai cixk tlriet southwardly 157 feet, 6 inches; hniim'ed on the north by Broad street, on ihr toulb by AUxsmler Mil ler's line, i n tie ivxt by Whichcnata Whites linn on the wist by Hancock street. September M, 1899. F. '. liOBERTls. 'omniiwinner. PUBLICATION UK M'MMUNV'. North Carolina, ) Pnpriinr Court. Cravcu Co. )' IVIom- the C'loik B F Dinkins, Admr of Artu Dinkins, de- ceaei d, vs. John D I iuMnp, It F Dmkinn, Helen Hun is, Edu uril iiinkln, Caroline Kice an l A v To Edward I inkins. F: It appearing to tin- suimlarlion of the Court by allldavit that Kdward Dinkins is a non resident of t be Stato of North Carolina, you art- hereby notillcil. it at a stinrnioiis end petition for sa'e i f real estate for ssset has been duly fill d in the clerk's office of Craven ci.unty. N C, lo the above entitled action by R F Din kins, aiministratnr, ynu are beiehy no tified to appear before said clerk at bis office lu New Bern. Crnvrn coiintv, N C, on "sturday, October 28ik KM, st 13 o'clock ni. and answer or demur to said petition as you may di-em bet-t, other wise tbe iraor of the peti'ioner will lie granted. Ii ia order that Ibis notice be published nnre a week for 6 weeka in New Hern JmmiHl Dated at New Bern. N r.. Sept. r, 99. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. ALL HANDS 'ROUND - And join u in praMng Ibe beauti ful Line ol Heating Stoves, now In i took and on aale by the L. II Cutler Hard ware Company. They ha r tbem large and small, handsome and plain. To look at them Is to biy them, b caul i of the remarkably low price. Alio don't forget we always have on hand a large itock of w holesale aud re tail Hard ware of all kind. Saab, Dotrt, and Blindi a specialty. Call and exam ine, ; t'.. - - - , , ... L H. CUTLER H'DW'E CO: School Books F 7 All Kinds . , At Baxter' Jewelry Store, next to the Journal, New Bern, N. C. School Book at Low Prices by mall, post paid. .Writs n for price littt snd terms. J. M. & 5. B, REEL, ; " EEEUBORO, K. C ' t- awiwrt -wi,fM anvthlnr you invent or imriroTO I al r't Cvf hi.Tr0E-MRK. COPYRIGHT or btSii.N PROTECTION. 8nd model, sketch, or poto. for free xamlnatioa and advico. Ennf Tvi DUTfaTC FREB. KoAtrr-s wvA t.l rill Lit 10 fee before poieut. to 1lMft ..UtyUU. I Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. aj