i SV A I w a a ) .1 . 1 Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels nrANSES THE5YSTEM ..EFFECTUALLY 1 1 UMU " APDkJlKirMTIV PERMANENTLY 6lV TMt SeMVIHt-tA'r p ey (AUf?RNUflGfSYRl?(2. .wj -2S .IffN miwdui THE JOURNAL. Kew Dura. X. C, Oet. 1, 1899. KW ABTIITISMIRTH. G N Ennttl White Ink , T I'axson Tournament. liar. oot Handkerchiefs. llac'iburn Lew it' s'loej. . F M Chadwlck Fall tail. n B Duffy Postponement O Marks Co Tailor made still T F McCarthy Conimistloaer tale. Business Locals. NEW CABINET CYCLOPEDIA Hpoffurd's. The newest edition pub lnilied One set fur tile very cheap .at J.iurnal ndiec Call and exam'ne. t atHii riticiiiii. I AM prepared to do all kinds of First (lass Bicycle Repairing, promptly and at prices consistent with duns of work. I have largest stojk of Tires In eastern Carolina, alt grades and sizes at lowest pri"('K. Culiimtiia and Hartford Bicycles of course. WM. T. 1IILL LOOK AT TUlS-As I have bought N. II. Moore out, 1 would like to inform the public that' t will tke special pains in pleasing his old customers, giving strict nttcntiun to all work sent me. I half-scle s'toes from 25c to $1 00. I put on invisible patches. The shop is next to Scott's stables, Opposite Hotel Albert. I make a specialty of Repairing Ladies' Fine Shoes. ARTHUR WARINQ. WANTED A few more pupils on the 'Yianoand guitar, 'Miss Mollie Wlnfield, No. 45 South Front Street. . B. kwra SUM td.a Lit ( mm le ia. IW T.ir Teawrv ioocla(. Woaday the las' dat of Ucoef,kswktMUrsW4 Schools 111 opa ai t rlt k. TWe truairat cl lb school aid all fit I Ik edoee tloaal oik are levlied le to prrm el tbe opralef. - ' I'rcparailowe fat I Us school op. air Bar toa goteg euedily. Teach have lm saWelaJ aad ltfJ,lk grade have Uxa dcteraalaed, aad for a eeke Ike be'Ulagt as rooms aad feral tare have ba overfeeeWd aad pel la perfect eeaditloe.- The offlre of la 6prlairedeal la la the aula Uiiklleg keowa at the Oraded School baUdlog, the ssooad Boor, the auala part of the library room belag cur talaed off aad th toot esrpW aad the furallare eewly rrged. Prof. T, K. Vowst, Superiateadeat si the Graded Schools, wlU be foaad la tkle room. " The Chapel has aot beta chaaged aad la aval labia far school purpose It c eoBssodatee a early too people aad tt U Ttry desUeble that It be kept for school pnrposce aad It will be reserTad aulll U Is absolutely required for the sealing l popllv There la a good Stela way plaau la the Chapel, There are alt school rooess la the aula building, four oa the Irstloor aad two oa the eeeoad floor. la the Academy buildlug adjoining these are four roosts, two on each floor. la all Iheae rooms tbe desks bare all beea xtadeorer. The tops hsre beta' plsaed dowa so as le remove all the scratches aad eels of de structive boys and revarnUbed tbry .ap pear at good as new. There art also ISO .new chair desks of awdera type. It Is proposed by tbe Superiateadeat to keep tbe school furniture la good order, aad tbe Jochmsl glres hint to tbe boys to look oat for trouble In case of wrong n mm nnl Ia I hal r h mt mm Tk atiiAfiai I have been gone over and tightened aad whitewash spread where Beaded aad all sanitary arrangements are la good order. City water Is la the building so that there Is a dsager from diiukiog water. It Is proposed that the lower grades, composed of ths smaller children, shall occupy the rooms oa tbe lower floor, both for ooavsnleoce and safely.- The rooms are healed by stores but It l hoped that before long furnaces will be installed ia the basements and a system of ventilation arranged. Tbe officers of fie school are at fol lows: Tbe Superintendent Is Prof. T. . Foust, who also superintends the colored Graded school. Tbe principal is Mr. II P. Uanling, of Greenville. Mr. Hardlug Is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and has experience la teaching lie will leach mathematics and Latin in tbe 7lh, Stu and 9th grades. The teachers and the grade which they will have charge over, are as fol lows: - Flrtt Grade Miss Rachel BrookHeld. Second . Grade Mrs. Atphla, Miss Lizzie Hancock. ; Third Grade Miss Mollis Ueatb, Mrs. Jerkin. Fourth Grade Miss Emily Ferrebee, Mr. Williams. : Fifth Grade-Mis Annie Chadwkk. Sixth Grade -Miss Bessie Foy. . Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Grade. Mr. Harding, Latla and Mathematic. Miss Brown, English and History. lailmuuiur. 4 V a i'rt t WilfM Slww Tb ar-t i a. for lh Anrt ca't rap be- a UliiMl aad bUaarurk eiil be s!:ed on Twatif, V lolt 1, aad I be erewillb H aiilrt 10 wlsJeardcr tawward aad mara. Tbe second rare ia set for Balarity, October T. bra Us course will be over sa iuUairei trt as le, 10 miles ta a Ug. Uiber races til fellow ea Tueedere aad riaUirdajri aatfi oae boat has Won lhre llaaea, ail starting sad ialablog at PaaJr Uook ItcltUhip. The eoaditloas agreed utiou (ortoK. spoa follow: Nialai of races Match In be decided oy beat three out of Be nor. . Cowrse o.artlog from Sandy Uoek lightship. Ftmraoa To windward or leeward aad raters, Beoeed race Equilateral trtaagla. Third race Similar to flrst race. Fourth race Similar to eeeoad race Fifth race Similar to flrst race. j The eoeres shall be, es neatly as possi ble, 90 aautlcal miles la length. Ruffleleal time shall be glrea for re pair la case of a serious accident to either yacht before the preparatory sig nal is glrea. If sa aooiilent occurs dur ing a race, time for repairs' shall be glvea before the Injured yacht Is icquir- ed la tall le the next race. Tbe lime f-w the 'start shall be post pened la cast of fog. If the space around lbs start tag ln Is not sufficiently clear la case acoura canaot be laid out hum Saady Hook llgblahlp, the Regatta Com mittee of llie New York Yacht Club may provide tome other sulub'o starling point. . The yachts have two mlanles to eioss lbs line. If neither yacht goes over the course within Ave aad oae halt hours. i vtcb race shall aot count and shall be mailed. . " ' ' Measurement The competing yachts hall be measured with all the weights. dead aad alive oa board which they In lead to carry daring race, but sshall aol have oa b tard more parsons, all told THE finest Beer always on draught, at Jacob's, Middle Street. ; L x. naaaaEaBBBBBBBl A DAT IH TOT CITY. Cotton sold In this market yesterday at o.i a. Continued cool end fair weather 1 the forecast for today. The weather forecast frost for last night, and it felt cold enough for one, The maximum temperature 'yesterday 72 degrees and the minimum S3 degrees. Look st the ads ia this issue of the Journal, and 'get . some seasonable clothes. It may be necessary to wear straw hat, but it is not seasonable. ; Receipts of tobacco in this market last week, show a great Improvement In quality. Tbe receipts for the month of September just ended, are greatly in excess of last year, for the same month. Fiorina Whitley, daughter of Merritt Whitley, a wellknown colored citizen, has passed the examination, and is ac cepted as a trained nurse at the Freed man's Hospital, Washington, D. 0. " Attention is called to the ' advertise ment In another column of the tourna ment and coronation to be held at tbe Fair grounds on 19th Inst. Mf.Paxson promises a good time, so let a crowd turn out. . .- ; . ; Ret. A. H. Harnley of Chadbonrn, N. C, has accepted a call from iae Tab ernacle Bsbtist church of New Bern and arrived in this city last night. He will . ' preach at the church today, morning and evening. s -" A negro by the title of Andrew Jack son was arrested yesterday charged with steeling a sail from a boat at tbe foot of German street belonging to Police Officer 'Smith. He sold the sail to Capt. Geddes , at Hock Spring, and information led to N.the detection and arrest of Jackson, The Christian Science reading rooms, . 87 Craven street, are open daily. Service Snnday 10:19 a m and 5 pm; Wednesday s. 8 pm. Morning service, subject: Are sin, disease and death real? Roman 13-21. Afternoon service is a repetition . . of the morning service. All are wel come. -A . Tenney's Candies in sealed packages at McSorley's. Each Bottle guaranteed to cure Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, etc men: CAPUDESE vv a w-a a ar-n'TT nrm-n , For sals by David R. Davis, C, D. Bradbam, nr J r. b. Duffy Co., Druggists. . Time Look! Blew. At ths Firemen's Tournament, held at Roanoke, Y., just ended, the hose reel race, ISO yards, was woa by the Hagera town, Md company, prize 350, ths time being 80 9-0 second. This Urns looks slow to the New Bern boys. .- ; A Ba way Mad Co w. The good people of the Tnscarora sec tion, s few mile from this ctty, bar been greatly (tired op over a cow which hat been running about, threatening to light everything and everybody. The report says that last Wednesday a mad dog hit this cow, and the cow short ly showed sign of being mad, running wildly about, and attacking J H. Worth tngton, W. a Register, and J. A. Rlngli but these mea succeeded la killing the cow before any damage was done. . New Kallraad ApsolatmaU. Yesterday soma of tbe soxlous ones were made happy by om appointments under the new management ef the A, N. C. railroad. There were (our an polntments made as follows: , ' -: J. Henry Davis of Beaufert, ageat pier Ne. 1, at Morehead City. P. S. R Har per, agent at Klaslon. 8. J. Sutton, Agent at La Grange, and M. L Willis of Morehead, Assistant Auditor la place of G. L. Hardlson who handed la hi resig nation yesterday. "The Great Bomthera Miusrete." One of the best If not lb very best- minstrel organization of the tejion "The Great Southern Minitrel" fetltval, which has been lecelved by perfect ova tions In every city la wblch It has ap peered; and it is only within reason to predict that they win receive a royal welcome when iey appear at the New Bern theatre on Thursday, Oct. 8. The manager. Mi. C. E. Foreman, has gathered together what is .said to be the strongest minstrel orgsnliation ever traveled In this country. That he has succeed in his endeavor to secure tbe best artists to be bad, will be fully denv onstrated when the company makes its appearance here. Such eminent names in the minstrel buslnett as Cool Burgess, Sam Horner, Willie Patton, comedians Westlyn, Ylncent and Wettlyn, musical trio; Hickman P. rot., comedians; Horner Bros., Enocksbouls, Tommy McKenn boy baritone. Holly W. Rottmeyer, cor net virtuoso; Chas.A. Ysn, 8- J. Ben nett, A. L. Comstock, W. L. Fretse sn W. L Munn should be sufticleot to make crowds Sock to see them, but tbete sre only a few of those who make mu 'c an merriment in this greet con i . y. KM tfc nM.uM y.ii. IM MIIWI MarSw Tbe f.J'.olJ Wtlvr frost Mar llaairr aad Teaja, 1'viloa awrataU at Savaaatk. Oa.. daivd Spteaibf tvtk. to J. K. Laiaaa, abow how that eaarkel at a&ecid by Ike frsedaleel eHa Does as Friday: "Liverpool qaaiatloas lease la at the opealag one pelat below yesterday's daft, but soon oootailoet Wgaa poeriag l, freaa ale to Ivalve aad oae half, sUlj-foeriha np aalil the foar o'clock call came, showiaf a total advaaoa, froes lee to foar o'clock la Liverpool of i6hiy-elxbt aad oee half alxty-foenbs. or about tj psr ponad. "shortly atur this eloea, the correct close came la tw point Iowa from yes terday. "Today will be handed dowa la the bit lory of cotton, as the wildest ever ssea. A glgaatlc freed has beea perpe trated, the effects of which It will be I si possible to foretell "At this lime It 1 aot kaewa whether tbe f read was committed by lapplag tbe wires ia this Country or la Europe, , The New Orleans ooltoa exchange after following lb advance ti points. suspended operations aaUl a eoaflrma- tioa of the advaaee could be gotten. Later the actual doting com ta aad the fraud discovered. -rbsdireclorstbea met,rallag lhatll traasacUoas made shoe Id be declared off, and future transaction apeaded until Monday. "Our local market Is simply paralysed and bntlnees suspeadeJ, both bulls aad bear suffering froia the Intent exalte menl of making and losing fortune (oa psper) In two hoars time. "We believe It will take several day for thing to settle dowa aad any quick changes In lh market will be disbe lieved. - - ' ''Based npon Llverpool.offers of 71 aad 8 cent were freely telegraphed the ia terior, and la many case accepted. - "Basinet suspended nnlil eur nsrves get back to a normal condition.'' SriMUrfltatUtt. hisiiy fnar Wartt t. Iae aaft f Tana, Itna.Ua, la k't tier oa loex-r kW street wat rvbtod of lM&, lie ItW ei.lag the aaft ahea the oetbt- aailo waa aot it The case wa glvee to omoae BrtaseA, fce afl rt carafal work yealerday at rMad aad broethl hi ataa befere ayor Faueraoa tor trial. Cffloar B-iatoa foe ad lhal Georg Lswla, a colored maa formally la the em ploy of Mr. Boa dea, bat wbe bed left It jot a few dayt prtvlooa te lh rob bery, watactlag pretty "tpoily aboal tows, harlot; clothe, a pblol. silver watch, shoes aad evea etanlag a beak aeeoaal la owe of the city beak Following np Lewie, still seiUAed of hie mea, omoer Biiasoa took ap the Btgro as Mated above. - Who brooght before Msyor Paitertow, Lewis' gallt we easily prove. AaKtag hi potsettiea wa fooad a aew bike, pistol, silver watch, two anil of elotkea, two pair of shoe, sad a bask book showing ITJoa deposit la beak. From two sources Lewis we mad to give ap $34, addtUoaal, the differaao being about $t00. which Mr. Bowdaa loose Id default of ball, Lewi wa seat to jail Officer Brlnsoa's work waa atoa eredltable, aad showed good jadgmeat ad (kill. . - 1 - - r - inn -i- fir' Mr. during any race than three for every flv ! ' ; Last Call roe tnbtaripUeaa. feet of racing length or friction thereof. Ed. Jodhmau After ; consultation Waste or water tanks, if carried, must be with the otbor members of the Commlt- nuea with water at the lime of measure- tee appointed to solicit subscriptions to meat. . V The restriction of the New York Yacht Club rules at to floors, bulkheads, doors, water tanks lo he waived. ' if either yacht, by alteration of trim or Immersion by dead weight, incresse her load water-line length, or In any way In crease her ipsT measurements, at offi- urement by special appointment before the nxt race.: -'. v If either yacht decrease her measure ments for sailing length In any way In order to profit thereby In time allowance ia any race she must obtain a remeasure- ment by special appointment before such race, " . v , ' The system of measurement time al lowance and racing rule of the New York Yacht Club shall govern the races. tbe cotlon mill, I desire to snnounce to the public that In Wednesday morning' paper a list of the subscribers; and those who at that lime desire to subscribe, (the time and place of meeting to be an nounced with tbe publlcatloa of list ) There sre some in lh city who har xpressed their Intention to subscribe, vlally taken, she must obtain a remeas-Iand the Committee would feel very grateful to them, If aot later than Tues day Noon they will leave their names at Bradbam' Pharmacy, together with the amount of stock they wish to tak. - - P. H. I K&LITIXB. PBUBONAL. Hughe went to Raleigh Dr. F. W, ystterdsy. ' Mr. Nets Manly loft for New York yesterda morning. - a . Col. R. D. Hancock left yesterday for a trip to Philadelphia. Mr. F. F, Matrhews has returned from a business trlp-to Norfolk. Ex-President 0. W. Patrick left yes terday for his home at Snow Hill. Miss Rachel DrookSeld and Miss Mry Brown retugned last night from a visit at Washington, 0. 0. - ; , . Mrs. J. 0. Welkins and Master Cutler Welkins returned last ninht from a few dsy visit at Goldsboro. . . VOIC'S Of THE FIUPLI. Ra Vfaltlag to . i Editor Journali Since King' Solo- mom lodge of New Berne expelled Hon. Iaaac U. Smith, because he did right, In votlug in the Legislature of North Car. olina to erase Jim Young's nsme from corner stone of a school for white child ren, doe It not eem 'that thi lodge would be honorable enough to pas resolution, and have It published in the New Bern Jotjbmal, to tbe effect Jim Young himself be expelled for ninety- nine years for committing one of the blackest crimes known In the catalogue of Infamous crimes, and wa csned for it, on the streets of . Raleigh by his brother-in-law, ' -. : ' A. B. Bakdks. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harritburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved Mrs. 8. W. Hancock and children, re ' from croup by the use of On Minut turned home yesterday from a visit to Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds relatives at Washington, N. O. snd throat and lung trouble. F S Duffy Mr. Harry Harding, principal of the ; . V- New Bern Graded school, arrived In the ' . : Triluita or Roapoai city yesterday from Greenville. Headquarters, Camp New Bern, No. 1169 Mr. Willlt Fletcher, of Providence, R. I., who has been visiting In the city for several weeks left yesterday for Bos ton, Mass., where he will re-enter How srd Medical College, Mr Fletcher com pistes the four year courie in medicine with this session at Harvard. ' . THAT JOYFl'L FEEL1MO With the exhilarating sense of renewed of lhe Free WlU UaPtie' cburcU health and strength and Internal cleanli- net, which follows the tijo of Syrup of Figs.it unknown to the few who hive not progressed beyond tho old time medicines and (he cheap substitutes inmetiiuet offered but never accepted by th) well Informed. Buy tbe genuine.! Manufactured by tbe California Fig- U. U V. , One by one tbe leaves continually fall; and again it has been the sad duly of this camp to attend tbe burial of another member comrade, W. Paul of Company K. 07th, N. C. In fanlry. He was 60 years, of sge and b irn In this city. For a number of years and up to his death he was a preachei This Gamp extends Its sympathies lo the widow and relatives In their bereave ment.' i Comrade reat lu pejee. ;.- Wm. It. IUBHIKOTOS,' Wit. II. Ol.tVKK, J. F. t'LAHK. Syrup Co." . . New Fall Stlki. We are now showing a beautiful of fall stilts in shirt waist length on elusive pallet ns, prices from Ee to : tie yd. .. G. A. BKfo line ex- ! -'. IT. "An Empty Sack Cannot Bland Up right." Keiilier con inr, weak, tb blood nourish srd Buu'n the t 1 y-' k! ystcin. lloo,!' i'..i,-,: ii;''a is tbe Stan' aril puriUer snd Umic for 1'ie b'oud. Flood's n"s do nut gr'i-s. AH dri ft TBiaiTa raoit bsxow deck. Th following vsrae war contributed ta the Manila Time by on of th ordl sry semsa la Dewey' fleet. Th sailor bard, who ha a slyle aot aaworlhy ef a Kipling, entitled bis Verses "Dewey Wr Ills rTame:" H com and raised his Bag aboard tbe bip. A a' mentioned how that Dewey were hi name. He didn't bava no great amount 'o lip, But wol h said h meant it, J 1st lb Three Ring Tournament ! AND CORONATION " HALL. X Will to glvea at th New Bora Fair Grounds, OCTOBER so. 1890, For a Purse of S1 00. First rider IIS 00; lad II00U-, 3rd $3.00; 4th II SO. Eatraac tm i.&a WE WANT RIDERS FROM ALL OYER TUB STATE. Bead la roar bud as br the 10th of October so w caa advertise the list. Money caa be paid before riders start. Hotel Accommodation for Man And Horn at SI SO Per Day. Nw Bern, N. C. n put a thro maneorsree short aad loBg, A a' kep a at sulwcaliber, bet wet ns, Until w com to anchor at Hoogkong An' got oar order for tb Philippine "Then this 'ere Dewey slrack pow'ful gall, : - - An' mentioned bow that somethta bad terdiop; He krp' lb collier wrrkln' sooo n' late. An' every blesse-l Jackie oa tbe hop; An' w en 'e got 'is tmnker chock- block W'y, tbra he np an' filled hi magi - ' line. An' tol' 'em w'en they asked dim wot' o'clock, n 'A Utile gam o' Spanish- Philippines!' '.Soon we went, a-creepln' thro' Ibe night, Not knowing whereabout that we wa at! With every barker stripped la trim for flghW An' every blessed Jscklt standla' pat An' w'ea the mornln' broke, w'y there Lined up, each crew a-standlng to It . gun. - v Right in tbe middle o' Manila toy Old Glory gleamln' pretty la th aa, "There weren't no time ter talk about It then; For Spain cat loos her Iron la a shower, '- An' powder monkeys turned to fightln' men, . , An' flghlln' men to devils, In an hoar. 'Twere just on awful crsshln, tearln' - . roar, : '-. & .. - That seemed like it were bustln' o' yer brain,' Along with shrieks of Yankee shell thet bore : '- . ... -. . A message labeled: , 'Don't forget the Maine r ' "Lor' Uets us, but It were a proper tight.-' - ' Them ship an' fort -splttln' (hot ' an' (hell, An' Dewey, lookln' pleasant an' per- llle, - r Requestin' from the bridge to 'glv'em hell 1" -i An' when we get the order to retire, . An' wait until th smudg hat blowed --. away, - ' Their ships aawssn't siskin' wa sflre, An' Uncle Sam were master of th - by. ' - , , "So, mates, these word I all I've got to I say 'sm u' I mesnt 'em every one; They ain't no other man alive today Would tried to da what Dewey trltd and done; . We know It, ussstwest behlu' hi guns; ; - . They know itr them a writes th scroll of fame, An' w'en they tell o' heroes t eur ion, .: ' W'y, mates, they'll head the list wit Dewey' name." - a . The ant fmcrlptlwa for ChllU aad Fever is a bottle Of Grove' Taste less Chill Tonic. Ijl ls-simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form, fto cur no pay. Price Sec. ' ' ; , Handarelilaf Bats. - We especially call your attention to au advertisement in another column this paper relaitug lo a special 8 ho sale of ladies handkerchief worth from 1J lo 120, choice of 510 at Sc each. ; m U. A. Barfoot Mw Firm--Naw GtMMla. See tbe beautiful line of Studs and CufI Buttons, alio upecialtles lu Waltha and FlginGold tilled and Silver Watches at J. O. Baxter's, Jk., next to Joukkal olice. Polk j"!nern Is the name of a ne c'i 'tr i;jt i tsiiil!y lieeomiiu; popular, It ia oa .,",e al Pavia' rn-s'r:iition I'lm '''Vf '' V J always hip om maho il ciuvltiUav J Thee la no hlnsl f pain tofts, tntwmal er to fesL that raln-Kiiiar ) relieve. will LOoa our roe iMrariow awe su. ITirurts. v acauMic aorrtl mam Th auatf. piaar OAVta ft ton LffllES TMLHli ITS vHtfttoa. ft We are showingr for the first time a nice assortment ot Ladles Tailor Hade Suits and would especially call your at tention to the make and set ot these, garments. They are made by men tail ors and have that certain set to them that every woman Likes to have in hor euit. The making Is the best that is possi ble, and the linings the newest tyie. To give you an idea of how low price we will eell them we say Ladies brown Cheviot Nuits, jacket lined with Bilk serge. $12 60 value for One Night Only! ' THURSDAY, OCTOBER Slh, 1899. Washburn's Great Southern Minstrels! A Ran Treat. A Sumptuous Musical Firl I'aiL. All lis New and Old Songs. lO Funny Comedian. A GsWx) of Vaudeville Aitl.ti. Sea the Magnificent Spectacular I arade. Reserved Seat on Rale at Waters' Book Store. J'rices 25c, 60o and 7.1c. o () () () 11 o n o o () ( 1) u o o o () o o a o a o o o o u o o a o a ( o Q jacket lined with mercerized lining $10.00. - "... ' Cadet blue covert cloth, silk serge lined $15.00. Castor Melton Cloth, a good $25 val ue lor $18.00. V3 ak your coiiftiri trillion of llifne ganufiitN If you woultl be Ml,v!iwhly drewtetl nt mnall vot. o p o n o (j fi o o a o a o o u $10.00. Gray Homespun Cheviot, jacket sat in lined $10.00. Navy blue and black, heavy serge, O a o a O Q a o a & B WM4 NOTICE I CCCOCOOOOOCOOO OGdSOdS&r All iierfni buvirg any woik In be I done on Watches, Clocks or Jewelry, I am prepared to do it reasonable. Clock face repainted. Wnlchea, Clocks and Jewelry for tale. Will take order for any kind of Jewelry if not In stock. Call and see mr. W. T. DUNN. The Jeweler, No. 8 Pasteur St , npp. A. & N. C. depot. "0; iEff EJ All persons wanting STOVES OF ANY KIND KEPA1KED AND PUT UP, Call on- J. W. WOOD, Corner Broad and Middle Streets, (build ing formerly ured as tin. Stanly's book torr) and they will Receive Prompt Attention. Also Tin Work of any - kltd. Owing to a rush of business and an unavoidable delay in get- ting to Market this season, we are nnmnollorl n nno4nnnn nun tToll uuiiipuiiuu iu jjuoijjuiiu uui I an and Winter Opening which we in tended to have Thursday. October 5th, 1899, to Tuesday, October 10, -1099. How About YourSteam Heat? Or your furnace; are they going to work all tight when old Boreas make you a sudden visit? Cold weather will be here toon now, and it 1 well lo hsv your healing apparatus put In order be-1 fore you start your Ores. We will oror haul them or put in new hot water, -steam or hot air furnace and healing apparatus at a reasonable cost. . Hyman Supply Go. Thine 03. V'WCKAVKX BTREET. nn phone 4a ei 4 oXdXiOaiz . st. Tint ee noun mai.i: CF Printingthat LADIES' m HANDKERCHIEFS ! m U the kind we do. ri(U3 ... Letter llesds. Dili Heads, Csnl. Envelopes, Circulars, and all kinds Job Prlmim; at i.uwkst r kic ks. lo not senu vour Dtlntini out of town, we will du plicate any prices you may have and do Ilia wora in r iknt v i.ahs ottlk. TISII1NU I ARDS -Ulest style, printed with imitation steel piste script RUBSCR STAMP5 manufsctured twice a week. Ink, Pstls, 4c In stock. Ksmily Printing Oultils complete with Indelible Ink Kc. i W Caa Bali t.uja laallT, rrlee ..a wratuB.!i. Hu,na n:o!iisT. At Unit ami Ises 'than IIIf-lrIce, TXoiiJay Morning. 8 li 11 O'clock. Wa put o-i Sale FIVE HUNDRED LADIES' FIXE II AN OK KR CFltEFS, assorttt'l a foll-iw: A l liuen in pUtn a.J heitiBticlitd, cant' brie, lawni, tc,,' in ketnstitobed, embroiJere'l, laea edge and plain, al.o a great variety in neat colored borders. These handkerchiefs tell trom 10a to U.Q each, our price (3 hour only) jour ch.ics, FIVE CENTS KAt II. A. Barfoot, OTIC 2 ITU P03TOFFICE.

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