J To fkrchanUl ' t hi later af teO. Cunt t-eniy, 5t Baas. 8r,'triljr Toa r rasalrrd bT to '' or r;re le sa. wtibU tea day efir the I il d.y of October, a imh tiiit t l a & xtl of capital plojed by jo ta yoor Uialera a a saetcbant, BMtcaalil ( or eaoociailoa for tha ytu (toalt aaoetba) preceding lb Brat day ( October, IB'.. f As a dealer la ciaia, rberoole, elgar lit a ad taaanftclored tobaora, jma an rrqalird by law ta deliver ar rtlara la ua nhhla Uo days aflar lb 8rtl Cay ofUelobar, twora attttatenl of lb Bumber of cigar, cheroots, cigarette, and tb Bumber of pound of sjaaufee larcd essoklag and chewing tobacco parcbaaed by yoa for tba year (twelve tnnathi) proceeding tba I rat day of Oa lobrr, 180. Too ar required by la la deliver or mars to tee, alibi tea dsy after tba drat day of October, a twora tttletaeat of Uia tnoe.nl of your eomailatluB soer cbaal, brokar or dealer, buying and sail log, forlBye(leIvBlba) pre diag tba Brat day of Octobar, IBS. Prompt coniplltBce with Iba law b aaraaally reqaetltd, and for fallura to do to yoa will ba raqalrad to come b foratb Board of County Comaladon art. -;'.' Tba law goveralog tba lining of Uilt tat will ba rigidly an forced. - ERNEST M. GREEK, RegUlar of Deeds, . rl dh. cffetts n mSS," ?olr A SUHE QClCItlL K1 BUnaeH, T., Daa. at. I km baaa mBerinf from taaiala wk aaa tor foor yaan, aa4 bt takaa maajr BMdieiaaa, bat Win of Ordat aad B ack Draacht kaa aaa awn lor aaa tbaa aa MUi CAROLINI BVAWS. S to t mtstik to tak any and evtry kind of medldnt when you art tick. There is danger in it Most of the so-called cures for 'female weakness" do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before. , ft is , . never wise to take chances. Yon have only one life, and that is dear and . precious, if you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness in the femK, nine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of Cardui. It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and la modules the pains of childbirth) . recovery a rapid ana tuture tteaiin is assured. " The Wine Is purely veg etable, being made Of herbs whose ' medicinal properties act directly upon the organs of womanhood. It is long-tried remedy, and has many vears of success behind it H It sure. Why take a chance medicine when yoa can get a sure medicine? . Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00! 1 Oar aoedioi0 tvr r i i 1 1 U U U h i rjjjjjS': t hmd, Deli m PiUtt Qimorrhtf, UUH, -Lort HmnhaodL, Vu mult oMrty ftuM (TltaMI, fata iXCrMa WDtT, OtWTtCVffc, tU, fti41n dlieail of womB.orh M " FQm. Gmorrkmm, Lnforrha Worn . 9VVUW, Jrma Ir'tafMatl. SttriM. hmrinQ PmtnMt XltHtntal Tnmltu. OHrMaieinMiraitoMtTflr wMA Hvr faall to eiiw tgaslr k ijr aUnaai M k4UTlaXal UTOCtaa. laVaaVN J aUlO DOMDl LB sz: ' pr3ye tk:s by cr.2En:::a a tssal T:r: -.t. : 'WrtaMUt w ad Imaml ana Hd mwr. a a aaityory, yam ara at ma a Jat4.VJt I llyoaoui.Kt. a yoar caatt, tba aaoia tha awar. yoor lr., ocntiTwUon and t 't ai s ti'-mo.atjwt h 4 I number, towa, oounty and itLc follliKMUlum f .il'i.1f (-. a IKnTlAX. If jotianogptUiisofrn'T'm wit) ln nleM butOKI Had taatwiU fe , j - alwsri. Writa to-diy toJaALalioB Jljro. J., Inoutar.oma. . , tn TRY FIRST CUT AFTCnvAnCS. oiaaiiuuaiiimauuuuiiiiiaiiiiimii!! I am now the Sole, Agent for the o o o CELEBRATEDMS'y: 90 MIDDLE STREET SPECIAL - TO - Bargains . tbo AmerKan " Stock Compuny . . . We liare juet arrived from the Northern Markets with a complete line of CLOTHING. DRY Q00D5, SHOES, HATS. Ladies' and hnts' furnishing which will bo sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. CLunnXi)!.. CLOTHING! CLOTIILNG! We tnrely lure the largest line of Clolhinit in town, we lave Clothinff c i 1 1 to suit and tit every mn, tvry jouth and eveiy Utile- Imv, r or prio at Uii v will wonder. Vi e aie iiDahl".M mention price oa Clotiiiu,; for our itock 1 u great. Come youraelf nJ Le convinm d. Come eui!y and avoid lie rush. Tiieeaily bird cakim liie worm a,, J i.j early cutMituer c itch-?! the bargains. JitmeiuU'r Uiit tuia will nut lust very iorg. The1 American a6tcc!:"Co:up.iiiy, The Only Cure. i p a it rsur : n I it 5 . a'id m tin r--.-: f cn e..r u. i n a -uir ar u-'.i to :!rt a eur. i.J r m;f.-raj n..itur ara -4 to l.i.0 aviet rtorf ui emt,li!t.in. 1 M ihoii trHiL.i 1 tn Ift tk!, ar-d hsifi a h(e.S U trie or.iy rrmndt which can reach suehdiwp-aeatwl biixd daoaee. tmw rae la akiH,u4 eaa ubm4 a lawn aaul v bat aaa waa oaUrrl? eavarae. tM m cmu4 ( ay amtal too aoataf. ( tat fit ma, as ika aaral tmtm int , a kH tae. afeiMlM4. , amlia irtca. taa f i Mn Be feralt. nar -" - kiral .1us4f r Wka, tat wtifctrnt ffc nil. ntll w WiW to UT A a a d by IM U n tb trvt tout vm t.hwl. t fi.t t an lo A 4! tx4ii rurr-l r.r i t rrly ftktl lr(l tor k la r1i.f H t.4 U fti lltlr. fni Md Iim M' V-n f tor. hot tja ! l&t arJJ iifMa) bM tw Miraj. BT. T "c.t TM Uw At, at. toiu. Ma. Don't expect local applieationt ol oapaand aalm toeora Lcsma. Tory raacb only th sirrfaoo, wbila tha dt awa euatra frum within. Swift'l ficific S.S.S.r&Blood la tha only eura and will rach tha moat obatinata eaae. It it fa ahr4 of all aim ilar rcmedipt. barauae it eurea eaaaa Which art) beyond thrtrraach. 8.8. 8. it purely vegetable, and It the only blood remedy Ruaranteod to contain do pot ah. mercury or other mineral. Book 1 mailed free by wlt Spedfla Company, AUanU, Georgia. BofdTnceiaf CL"iI af lHJ I tViaawS. tafV M OaamaaV ' !A XtMtf tUnictMi KtvttV (WaV;oUll 3 uin anitMl itrMmui. . To ad vie In mm recDlrtn ainnlat direction. adHrtM, fllTlnf symptom!, U4U, iiiW) M,'L. Tl. lb. rr ANOOfcA tuuui o. cautauHna, tw PA FOB '' 1 1 MEriond v:or.iErj.n wocMtorfnTIf twtlt UaO CUT Ol OaMatMB m:- , EW BERN. N C T I IE- PUBLIC! ilavc fey i t t r t IB I ' r - - I . . t i .. ' '. . I 1 I t I c... , . -i J !.!: il t -y t!.t Ita i-.Uwivb tU,ii tw .a a' ra ai.4 ! &llr ru I- All tie ir nHiuy thai .u tt- . h tta trreaury la anrttM. au l tit a! J I ii rt tmt to the rul.-in;.'! a diy. a. a brnr tfu-y ara ar r-l;-0 tor poaa tit eoutiierftita TbfB I hey ar canruliy couDttw a aj td au Iota buatra of ItA) aotraaara. A grvat rancvllug macbln then drlra fuur bolra throurh each of tba bunj.ra, ut aha-h rarrl racord ta aVi- Tbt rl.i-a of bill ara then rut Into two pan, 00 art of balvaai toia to Rm awt'tary'a oCca aod tl aiLar t lb rvfiatar'a emc. la each pUuw tba hair ar again eon mad, after wbk-a tbey ar caooed by tnachlnery into fragruenta. Not aatlafied with Ihia. the bit ara tbaa boilril la vata of not water am alkali until tbey ar rwlnced to as ttarcrof nlaabl pulp. Tlite tba law pcrmlta tba trraaury to aeU to manufacturer of Bovaltiea, who make It Into UtUa bkhJ 1 of tba e pilot and tb Wblt Hooaa, which art aold a aouvenlra tn tba WaablngtoD etoree. New bllla ar la auad la aa auoont equal to tboaa duatroyaJ. lotitk t CompaBtoo. . A Oawaptl BJ A writer la Um New York Praaa aaya f Hugh J. Grant, ex-mayor of New Tart, and TJlyaaea 8. Orant. Jr.: It la not bit odd that tbey aboold bav beeo cboma at college. Namea oftea draw men together. On day. long after Uiay bad cat their political eye teeth, after Hugh waa sheriff, "Buck" an Id aa tbey at roil ad dowa Broadway: "Hugh, why la It yon ar ao modeatr With a ely twlukla, the futar mayor repllwl: Modeaty doeant do a man any banc Id politic." ' Dug li Grant may bar an "ay" took about bla face, but ba can bold bla own with the ahrewdeet. Naturally warm hearted, be It aa cold at butlneat aa Roaaell Bag. At poker be la rao ognlavd aa paatmaater. I have yet to aee the man who can onthold blm, Lny m down quicker when be' beat, bet m harder when ue't got 'em, and gather In tb pot with a mora regret, fill air. Bla akin being clear and hit blood clean, he can bloeu like a aenal tiv girl atlll tied to mother'a apron atrtnga. But.' brethren, don't let that bluab fool yott. - Uoa Walar aad RJ. . , Flower know the difference between a rainstorm and a drenching from the garden bote. Yoa may -dvluge them with barrels Jrom tb hydrant, and they will at beat tlmply bold their own. Generally they wither In tb long, dry aeatona and that without regard to tba artificial wetting tbey may re ceive from the gardener. . But let little shower, however brief, fan upon them, and they brighten visibly. ' 'The difference I that the rain bring down with It through the air or col lect in the air a chemical quality that the vegetation needs. Tb rainwater may be a like that In the lake aa two volumea of water can be, but when It baa ridden the upper level of tb at mosphcrc, when It haa traveled through th varlou atagca of vapor end liquid and hat tumbled down through that retort of the air. It baa become charged with element that no man can give It, and the flower koowa and recognizes It, a the firat Held flower recognise It In tbe beginning. . . A tria-htlatT aru. . That a awan will fight fiercely waa ihown by an exciting atruggl be tween a awan and a park policeman on th upper bike In Waterlow park, Eng land. Some India rubber balls bad rolled Into tbe water, and to get them the constable paddled out In a punt This drew the notice of the male awan, which deserted It consort and tb brood of cygnot and went for the con stable with great fury. One or twice It almost upset the punt by canting th constable to overbalance It In sav ing bla leg from the blrd'a-beak. It was only with difficulty and risk that the ball were recovered. Tbe twan then followed the punt to the banlc making vicious dart at tbe constable. ' . A Fallacy Abaat Ca,aaa. " "Cheese, said some wiseacre long ago, "digests everything but Itself.'1 Never waa there a greater error per petuated by a popular proverb. It aide In tbe digestion of nothing, and, being almost totally Indigestible, almply adds another burden to an already over burdened 'dlgeatlv system. The feel ing of comfort produced In a person of robust digestive faculties by partak ing of a little a very little cheese It due entirely to the excitation of the How of digestive fluid provoked by tbe Ingestion of a completely Indigestible substance. National Druggist, , ! trance Thlatja la Hova. Beotla. It waa here I met a woman who had never teen a peach, a young lady who bad never owned a box of chocolates and, best of all. a handsome, intelli gent young fellow who had never seen a drunken man. It was here I attend ed a concert consisting of songs, reci tations, organ solos and a duet, all furnished by one woman. The duet, ahe announced, was between herself and the organ, the -organ taking tbe soprano and she the .alto. Bay of Fundy Letter In New York Tost -T . 1 " A Sere TTatasr. t. Biggs On my last trip to Europe I lost (200 betting on the ship's dally run. Boggs-You must have been very un lucky. , ripsi Yes; I found out afterward that I had been betting with the chief engineer. New York Journal. ElstretsiBf f iomaca Eiaeat Permanently cured by the masterly pow er of South Ameiksn Nervine Tonic. InvalM need r -t ro longer, because i :3 r m 'y i. 1 1 t' is'.. It Is a cure fur t:a v 111 1 S V 1 I 1.. filth- use IS T. It I ! ' I ) t .1 Of 1 i 1 ".ry amrwa Ira ih rv'ui f ma aiuv !W v W c m.U-v T i.a It du to af axk Tba !fuf caa b errxrvad byyaod a.rUk u tha as pacluit mother anil CocsUr.l'y aa yr!:rJ durbg th villi period of Btagnaacy, Tbt carbo ta aa b brfon, tha mora per ItcUy will t'tM shApi b pfeaxrvad rrUfrKT Trtral act only toftaoa and reluds th mtmcitt during tht grui atraln bc'ora birth, but help the akia to contract Btta-Hy aflarararoV It kacpt amaightly wrinkle away, aa4 tba SBtaxle undtnmtn retaia their pliability. metBrTl Trka it that famoaa external ILiiil,, wfaica Bttfikaaa fr?1 sicaaaa) eWrng tvegaaacy I aaortca hdyar and makes st nearly pasnlatt 1 bask! va th pitiatt's constitutional strength, so that ah emrrget from tha ordeal withoat danger. Th fittl one, too, show lb aflacts ol nefMri Tritlkdc? tafobuataesandvtgoe, ila and (or oar BaalT Uiaatratad book toe aaa aactaot aaoUwr. THE BRAOHELO REQULATOR CO. i ATLANTA, OA. Fine Tobacco, Truck : and General Fanning., Lands , ' For Sale. On tract of 80 acre la on fourth mil of city of New Hem. On tract of 87 acret ia let tbaa on tail of olty of New Bera. . . On tract of Sou acre In about ont mile of city of New Ben. One tract of 90 terra In two mile of city of New Bern. One tract of 90 acret la two and on half miles of City of New Bern. One tract of 300 acre in thre aad on quarter mile of city of New Bern, All 01 the above tracts ar well loca ted, being on tha same aid of th rivers that New Bera ta. Thev ar In good stat of cultivation and we hold them at a moderate price. For price, etc., apply to J. J. WOLFENDEN. New Bera.N.O All peisons wanting STOVES OF ANT KIND REPAIRED AND PUT CP, Call on . - J. W. WOOD, . - - Corner Biotd and Middle 8treeta, (build- ina formerly used as Mrs. btaoly a book store) and they will Receive Prompt Aiuntion. Also Tin Work of any kind. fb iUl- CaaOdh Dlaaaa Viw PerUlYROYAL PILLS at a 1 j n 1. - - a. 9 j .t K ac. iiw.T, t.ubi. LAoica I. lump, int jintawa, ''"'"t1. V iliaikalCa.Mtaaeaara tiii: CAIIOLINA, klorehead City, N. 0. T.L. Ball, Prop. Terms Satisfactory. ; HOUSE FR0NT8 THE OCEAN.; . IGE F0& HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to bo chemically made from distilled water and free I rem Im purlin. Bpeotaliy la tended and prepared for human con' sumption. . Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 8 a m to 0 p m. ; Bunday (retail only) 7 a m to 18 noon. r or pticca ana other luformatton, . Adlreaa, . -.. JH', New Berne Ice Co., ; B. S. GU10I Hahaobb. SEE HERE J We now furjish jou Stove Wood ready cut and delivered to jour door. Always k' pt under large sheds, never gets a et In rainy weather. . . ' Nice Brick aud Lathes. " -Flats to Ltt A largo Block of No 1 Band Made Heart Shirjglvs Just artived. Tar and Lime. ' : ; .', -'u' JIS EILLr: Ti3 SMmlfi hi -STEAM ERS- - EAUTEIXW. .... ' CAROLINA EISPATCH LIE, AND- UiJ li J Aaa a aaa U ii ijnj.j J VUl FREIGST & PASStNGIK, Li? iil JCI.Vi.1 J.Tlia wa ... -- . w . .. will l'Hve on Lrontlav, WeJnoiloy, sod I'll ! ; s nt 6 p. tn. s! a'p, n:a iiiK Inn "3 at Ori ntal, Oortcoke still '..'fuRi'.a Ji and. : - 1 ' t r I r t 1 ' t' i ( 1 r 1 i ! ) i r f i ' "i 1 i i r '. ,.- ' , .' . -a .a,ly taMarau Lc.la Eircctcry. C'AM'WKT lICAktiMKMT, Nt. 4, I. .. K. tiffrara- I, I. Wta-!, til". It t-nar. II r. J i Katlar, h VS C 11 Kul, J W. Gao. Ora. N-ilbr; K t.rro k, Traaaartir. lirguiar .uran. p r ml, Ul, S.'.l, aud (J any) iLurai'.iy l.r-u:i ta ta. a tur.Hi at 7 JU o'ctuck. VICTORY COUNCIL KO. II. JUNIOIl 0 V A M t every Wrdaeadav aighl la ItmiBirv Hail. Jat O lier.ar C. C r tianitDg, It d NEW hZUS LOlHiC No. 1, F U A C i C 8calr, 1'rrai; J U rl-allk. Reroidlag tVc'y; k a. yulillry, Mcaaclal Bee'y. kteei la tba kolrlili of Itarsaoav tiall every lai aad ru Moaulay atgbta la aack EI KEK1 LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. f. Officer: T.H.BoltoB. N.O j W. T. 11 1 L V. U ; Ua. Ureaa, Rer'd'g fterty; J. IL Ptrker: Jr. Traae. iirfutar tjieetlna Try Monday Bight at 7,30 o'clock. CRAVEN LODGE Na. 1. KNIOUTS Or HARMONY I Maela tnd aad 4th Thursday alghta ta each aioelh la RooBlrea's Hall, Pollock strvel, at 8.00 o'clock. S. R. Ball, pTwdea IL J. Dia o iway, 8e'y, B, K. Hill, P. BWy. KNICHT8 OF HONOR Offlosr: K R Joaea, DteUtor; G L Vlasoa, Reportavj W T Koaatre. Flnaactal Keporlor New Bania Ixidga N. 44 att lb tad aad ilk Prldsy Blghu at 7:S0 o'clock la Itoontr Hall, Pollock street. CATV TOM CLBkatOMT KO. t, P. at, I. O.U.9 tmeera4ao. 8ljrar, Captain; T. O. by eian. Uatrt-l P. II. rallaUar, taalra; Wta. i ruts. Clark: 4. Maroot. Aooooatant. a alar OanlonmatiU, M aad lib Tuoraday aiaia m ob aaoaan aaa aw txwM- HOW IS THIS That tbe Qaaklne' Cycl Co . can ell B'eycle and Bandrlataod do Repair Work n Cbeapr . Uecaaa tbey bay in larg quaaitue and aell T catb and have best workmen mployi Tbey now ktv fiv experi enced workmen and ar turning, oat ah er work tbaa vr Tbey ar alto doing a wholesale bust- neat In Bioyclea and Sundries and would Ilk to bav agent ia very towa and village. Tboaa Interested will - pleat Write or oalloa . QASKINS' CTCLC t'OMPANT Plaater Bulldlnf. Henry's Pharmacy . '187 Middle Street," NEW BERN, - r NORTH CAROLINA Tbe beat known Skin tnd Blood Rem edy, for th cure of Pimples, Poatolea, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Blotches, Tumora, Boila, rung worm, Itbeumatum, eta, it HENRY'S COnPOUND . EXTRACT OP i 5AR5APARILLA . WITH IODIDES. A powerful purifier of the blood, act ing Ikrough th natural teuretary and eicretary organt removing those mall era willed disturo iu purity, ueo- ry's Sarasparilla ia put op to meet tba popular seed for tuch a remedy, without being related to the many secret nos trum and quack medicine of the day of nnknown composition. It contain just wnat the formula calls lor at printed in on th label of each bottle and aellt for one half the pile charged for nnknown compositions. For Sal at Henry's t'narmacy, wnere you will ana Combs, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Article. " Phyticiuni Prescriptions Carefully uompouuaeo. : ; DEALER IN Hardware and Fire An , . . . , .. . . . . . . ' Saab, Doors and Blinda, Painta, ' V.' Oils, Cement, Lime, Etc ARnt for Garland Stoves St Rangei and Deroe'a, and BenJ Moorei' ; READY. MIXID PAINTS. " Under Hotel ChatUwka, NEW BEM, IT. C. School Books ! ah Kinds At Baxter' Jewelry Store, next to the Journal, New. Bern, N. O. 3chool Books at Low Prices by mail, pott paid. Write us for price Uitt and term. J. M. & J. B. REKL, . RKEL6B0R0, K. 0 We are leaden in building the Lightest Buggy msde end can supply yoa with any thing you need for one at thort no tice by mall. Tours to serve, Q. n. V7ctcr3 & Con. Elksfeot yA . v yviLMl.NQTCN WLXDOSW.Vf. Ana B4nchj, A4 Atlsattc 1 ) hai.r4 f ft.Mjlh f ara iaa. TitAlNt) LOl.VU KJCTH. DATED 2k 3i July II, !'" a P7at". J!1! t t. lAM P at P. at A.M L. WUob II 5uj t aa Ar. K. Mt. Jit 44 10 stv. 4- Lv. Tarborr. II tl Lv. & kit. I tjulO aaj I SMI 14. tu 40 u at l aoi a o L. WUaou Lv. Raima. a v. ii i Lv Fay'vllk 4 aui I IW Ar.PlorBDot 7 t a 15 P. at A.al Ar. Uolda.. tool Lv, Gold... 1 01 a ti Lv. ktag'Ui M ArWUm'toB a 4ii 60 p. I A M P.M. TitALNS OOINU NORTH. J2k S3 it 4 o r. 3 KQ KO A AbL pTaT Lv.FToranoe 40 T 4) ... . Lv.Fsy'vill It 90... . t45.... Lv.Belma.. 1 60 10 M Ar. WUaoa. a IS 11 II " AJIL f!uZlL LvWilmtoB T 00 I 46 Lv. Mag'lia.... ...... 1 14 II It Lv. Gold a 16 IttUN P.M. I AM. P.M. P. at Lv. Wllaoo I 16 a 48 11 II 10 ft) 1 II Ar. R. Mt.. a 80 a 16 18 07 11 86 1 68 Ar. Tarboro f 04 Lv. Tarboro 18 81 Lv. r. ut. . aao it 55 7777" rrrrr Ar . Weldoo IN 100 P.M AM. Wllmtoitoa and Weldoo Railroad. Atlantic and Yadkta Divlaioa Mala Lis Train leave Wilmington I CO am, ar rive Fayettevill 18 16 p m, leave ray. ettevUle 18 W p m. arrive San ford 1 48 p ta. Returning leav Haa ford 8 80 tt, arriv Fayettevill 8 45 p sa, leav Fay. ettevUle 8 50 p m, arrive Wilmington 60pm. Wilmington and Weldoa Railroad, Beanattavill Branch Train leave BennetuvUl 8 16 a ta, Maxtoa 80 a m, Red8prlngt9 58am. Hope Mill 10 48 a an, arriv Fayettevill 10 SO. Retura Ing leave Fayettevill 4 40 p as. Hop nun 00 p m, nea pprrors a ao p m, Maxtoa IS p m, arrive BeaartttvUl 7 15 p m. Cpnnectlont at FayaltevUla with train No. 78, at Maxtoa with tb Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Spring with to tcea npring ana bow more railroad, at Stanford with th Beabovd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Guff with th uuruam aad Ubar lotto Kallroad. Train on tba Boolland Neck Branch Road leave Weldoa 8 85 Dm. Halifax 1 15 p m. arrive Scotland Neck at S 08 p m, Greenville 67 p m. Kin ton 7 69 &m. Returning leav Ktaatoa 7 60 a SB reenvUle 8 51 am, arriving Halifax at 11 10 a m, vveiaoa 11 a m, aaiiy ax eeot Sundav. Train on Washington Branch leav Washington 8 10 a as and 8 80 p at, ar rive Par nude 9 10 a m, and 4 00 p m, re turning leav Parmele 9 85 a m and I 80 p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m aad 7 80 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N 0, daily except Sunday 8 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p ta, ar rives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 1 10 p m, Re turning, leave Plymouth daily except Dunoay, twin, ana nunaay v uu a so, arrive Tarboro 10 05 a m, 11 00 a Da ' Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leave Goldtboro daily, exoept Sunday, 7 06 a, m, arriving Bmlthfleld 8 10 a m, Retura ing leave Smith field 900 a m; arriv at Goldtboro 10 86 a m.- Train on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 80 a m.fcto n m. arriv Nashville 10 10 a m, 4 08 p m, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 4 85 p m Jleturalng leav 8pring Hope 11 00 a 0, 4 56 p m, Nash ville 11 23 s m, arrive at Rooky Mount 1146am, 100pm, daily-exorpt Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 10 a m and 4 15 p m, Returning eaves Clinton at 7 00 a m and 10 50 p m. Train No 78 make close eonnection at Weldoa ror all point North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Oral Pat AgwaL 4 it BE.ni, 1, uen'i atanager. tger. Manager. T M EMERSON, Traffic P. TRENWITH, Slacksmith, and lVlieclrlght. Manufacturer of Buggies, Wagoni, Carts, Drays, Ac ' , All kind of Repairing In my line don with neatnett and dispatch. . . Two new Carta and two new Dray on hand, also Spring Wagons and Buggies newly repaired, For Sale at a Beaaonabl Price, .. WSblp work a Specialty. Shop South tide of South Front Street, between Middl and Hancock, New Uern.N.0. r- ' " t t ili.iW . . l Are now in and wt will do yon good f you will tee our etock before buying-. You run no riik In buying from ua Every pair giiai aatffd to f're attUfao ti.m Also the Isf-t In T.i, ClotliU'g, V V A. T. C. IX. Ji tlUt TABU rn, I, ia I Bret Tcay, Aof. B. 1S at tl A U. O.IcgLa- I tVaiX.ftBj t Ooiag W oil no. I nssiagu Train Na. 4 L. f at ' aTAVtoaaj it. a l., GoUabor no I M... ....... LaGiaag .....10 tl 88...... . Einato).. ...... ...Hit ..".., .A. Mew Bern, L,... . 8 CO a. L. a. BIT 1 1S... . Ar. Morohaad city Lv. . 7t JL I Ko.a, 0 aTaneaai Mid Ft aad aatTa, Paa Ta. Maw i Pa -.-. . .. Ar. P. au 7W..... Ootdetwro. 8 68 TU Boat- .tu at .... ..LaOraag.. ....... 141 l Falllag Creak. 1 18 a U Elsittoa 18 61 89 CaawaU U 68 10 !........,... Dover...... 40 l40 Cor Crack. 18 40 11 II ..Taacarora if H 81 ....Ctariu. 10 CO 1108 ....Naw Ban 8 80 M. " A. at. I Moaday. Wtdaaaday, Friday, t Tueaday, Tkaraday Saturdav. , j 1. t 1 I No. t, t'd Ft. aad I BVinon: I Mx't Ft. aad PataTa. , Faaa. Ta. ..,-"" ' Ar. a aa 1 10 , .. OoMaboro 818 48 ......Baata. 188 aM......,...LGraaga. 7 08 aaa. .FsHlagoraak 8 81 It. EJnatoa..... ... . 818 aaa ,..,,..oawaii.... a is 1 40 Ar. Dovar, Lv... 108 10 IS Lv. " ' Ar... 4 80 1040.... Oororek 4 00 U IS Tusearora. 8 88 1181 dark1 8 80 taOS .....Ar.N.wBarae.Lv 8 60 180 Lv. Ar 1047 111 ....Rlvardal 10 10 180 ....Oroataa.. 10 00 0 a Havelock a 40 lit Newport, Vt 908 a 85 Wildwaod B 47 1 81 Atlaatie 8 88 a48....Ar.Morahadolty,Lv 8 80 4 01. . . .Ar. M. olty Depot, Lv 7 60 . a. at. Moaday. Wednesday and Friday. tTaetday, Thursday aad Saturday. 8, L. DILL, Superinteudeot AtUntle Cka;islne. WiutiaaTov & Niw Bibxi R. R. TIXB TABLB VO. 5, In Effect Wednetday, Aug. 7, 1898,:Daily Except Sunday. Going South aonaouLB: Going North No. 61, Pasaenger Train 'No. 50, Lv. a m, BTATiom: Ar. p m, 800 New Bern v 540 8 88 PolIocktvUle S04 881 MaytvUle 4 49 10 08. ...... . . Jackaonvill 418 laoe. I WUmington, 1 Union Depot (,, 888 ISIS ...Ar. WUmington; Lv. ... 1 85 r M p m Na 8, Pahbxhqu A Fkiioht, No. A Leave WUmtngtoa Monday, Wednea lay and Friday. Leave New Bern Tuea lay, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A M Ar. Pal 7 80.. ...Lv. Wilmingtoa, Ar 1 45 8 40 ScotfaHlU 18 55 80...... .. Woodaid 18 IS 1005... .......Hollyridge 1140 10 01 Dixon 10 61 110..... Verona 10 80 18 05 Jacksonville. 9 45 18 80 Northeast. 8 60 165..... Whlteoak 8 80 180 MaysvUle 8 05 8 IB Pollocksvifle 7 80 8 50 .-. Debruhl's 8 85 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 8 00 Daily Except Sunday. , ;J. a KENLT, General Manarer. It) UN, lupt. Traas) ortation s outhern Tb Standard RaUway at tb SOUTH Tbe Direct Lin to all Point, ' TEXAS, , CAMFOliNIA, FEOR1DA, , CUBA AND POUTO IlIOO. 8trlctly First-Glat Equipment on all Throogh or Local Train; PuUraaa Pal; ao Sleeping Oar oa all Night Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules. Travel by th Southern and yon ar a. ured a Sate, Comfortable and Expedl tioui Journey, ' ' . .. 1 , Apply to Ticket AgenU for Tim Ta; blea, Rate and General Information, or addraaa , . F, R. DARBY, ... B. L. VERNON, ;'. : CP. AT. A, T.r. a., - : Aabavilla, S. 0. ... - Charlotta, N. C. -' , Fbjjik S.?1aho, . ; ,' J. M. Cmr, 8dlV PA Gen Man. . , , Traf.pfaa W.A.TvbbQPA. .. WASHINGTON, - D. O Husg:!! 1!ou PI Out While la Bcaufert be tar tad ttop at th Rutell House. Flrst-Clas Board. A home for traveling people. Fishing aad bnnttar unexcelled. Tsrmt IM a day or t o.w per week. - ' 0. A. EtCSZLL. Prop. ... r.owA' 09 and 01 Middle Fi i) .'. ? . I'f N. C. t a ' a t. il , tuore. Sid-