J j - - v Ti ACTSOtNTiy ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels manses the System r. EFFECTUALLY, 1 umw AffekiAMrwnv Vwl tHWINt-MKf ... .SC THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. O, Oct 4. lit. cw ttrUTunum. B R Street Summon. . ,'. Mra S a Lane M Winery. J O Baiter Eye opeeer. J L HoDknleW-OrooarlM. Business Locals. MEW CABINET , CTCL0PEDL1 BpofTord'e. The newest edition pub; lishad. Om art lor Ml very cheep at Journal ofHoa. Call and examine. 1 AU prepared to do all kind of FlrV Claas Bicycle lfepalrtag, promptly aad at prions oooilatent with olaaa o( work. I have largest stock of Tina In eastern Carolina, all grade, and aiaei at lowest prtaea. Columbia aid Hartford Bicycles of course; Wli. T. BILL. WANTED A few more puplla oa the piano and guitar. Mias Mollis Wlnfield, Ma 45 Sooth Front Slrwet. . THE finest Bear always oa draught, at Jacob's, Middle Btreet. " EjeOpwer. Nethersola Starling Bllver , Braeelata for 73 oenu at BAaTBB'a,Tae Jewtltr.. Oemtae; T.aa.vr.w. .... During' oar opeqlng tomorrow (Wad' aetday) wa offar 100 pairs ladiaa flna kid gloves, black, whit and all colon. The $1.00 kind at 69c pair. i :. . Q. A. Baatoor. Just arrived at DUtiUID ft SON Dun lapa Win Bill Hatt for Fall 19, 00 and$i.50. Call and ace litem. " . New Vail Mike. We are now showing a beautiful Una of fall allka In ihlrt waiat length on ex clusive patterns, prices from 80c to. fljU tie yd. " G. A. BaJtrcor, Tenney's Candles In sealed packages at McSorley's. ..; -.' ' , . Jntt arrived at DUGUID A SON Dun laps Wine Stiff Hatt for Fall W, $.00 and 13.00. Call and tee them. - ltaaemhtef We especially call jour attention to an adrertltement In another eoiuaan of thlt paper relating to a special f hoar sale of lad tea haadkerehlaTs worth from 10 to 12ic, choice of S00 at So each. , -., j G. A.BABTOOT, A Teat pocket' friend. "Nearly every. body is troubled with catarrh or cold In In the bead, mora or leas. The moat con Tenlent and efficient remedy It Dime Catarrh Snuff yoa can carry II if your - Teat pocket and, an occesloaal ; applica tion snuffed tip' the note, nnstops the head and cleanses ih macont mam' brane. 10c at Bradham's Pharmacy. Frescriptions a specialty at . Daris1 l'rescripllon fharmacy. oendj yours there to be filled. They will reoelTe careful attention and be dellered prompt ly. Might bell at front door. Phone M -f" . For cold In the bead, nae Dime Catarrh Snuff. Cleaates the Natal Patttgei and opens the stopped-up head.' Manufac tured and guaranteed by O. D. Bradham, Draggitt. Mr. W.'K. Baxter tayt: Dime Catarrh Snuff cured me of a eerere head cold in one night. It rellered me almost Inttantly. Mr. R. A. Richardson addt:' Dime Catarrh Snoft Is somewhat wonderful. I ated It "one evening and the following morning I was walk actr equally well for my children,.. "folk Miller is tne name ox a new cigar that is rapidly becoming 'popular. It la oa aale at Darlt' Prescription Phar macy.'.'' -'' T"r' ' - -.. j ' Each Bottle guaranteed to cur Nervous ' Headache, Neur.;!a Sick Headache, etc. ri" " For . ,s 1 j I -. - .... , D. CrsiIUaui, aJ I'. S. I j Ct., Drug;,'.3. A tiat in ma nil, C olios la tba i.-cml al ? I !. lecreetlcg civt. -!:(., irM aad ria It lla (ora( lot tuda) . Tta ptft aSn at iltttlock aa tntra- a laal Ba.iar a(al. The feaUJlSf- aitad from a to. Tke Little Bun.Wra of Ike CaritUaa Caarch will give aa aataMaiaaMat at la ct ar a oa Haacock atraaiMitTaaa day klg at Kar tka Uaaflt of laa mlaalva ary eauta. All aao ere Uieraatad la mlaaWat are larllad. . Ne ehtngee reported oa laa oScial II t f eatployea of the A. A N. C railroad, yaatartlay. There waa bearred a good deal of aaeealeeet among appllcaaU far "jetaC who mattered ahoel the tlow- itt of laralag the "lai" oat. The schooner rigged yacht Reamer It oa the Marina Railway recalTlag a coal of oof per peiat. The yacht waa baill at Beaufort last eamater aad la qnlle aa at- leaalrt affair aad la kept ep la tnt clatt ahaps by her owaer, Mr. Pwria. DIED At Smyrna. N. a, September 10, 18M, Mrs. E. W. Uent la bet M year, mother of Mra. H. 1L Oatklll of Ihla city. Ookltboro papert pleaae copy. The Mew Bera theatre will leader to Ha pairoas a solultle attractloa la The Sreet Southern MlattreU which It to play aa engagement Tharaday erealng III lovers of bright aad tuneful mutlc will thoroughly enjoy theenlertaiamenl. As particular attention baa been paid to thai portion of the program. The com pany 'a a, uailette hat made a moat envia ble repatatloa for lltelf wherever heard. The ensemble alnglng beint; almoat flaw- leat, while the aoloittt which locluds Matter Tommy McKtaaa, the famont boy baritone of New York, are all vocal- (ett of the hlghetl order. One of the' beet oicbeatraa, It la number, aver car ried by a mlntlrel company, will render selections from fsraoas composers, Re served teaU for tale at Water.'. (n Haw Wea4 MUt. . Mr. J. W. Moore Is building a steam milt for cutting wood, oa South Front street alongside the A. A N. C. track. A substantia! building la being pat up and a boiler aad engine suitable for the bust- aeas have already been placed. i The mill Is situated on the tiver aad the yard along the track will be used for lerlag wood, of which a large supply will be kept oa band, so as to Insure prompt aad eatlafeclory Oiling of orders At the end of the yard nail the street a aeal offioa will be built and Mr. Moore proposes to have telephone connection as soon as the place is ready for holiness, which will be In a few weeks. With Mr. W. Moore la the business is Mr. J. T. U. Moere who It in the saw mill boii- ia and knows all about wood from saw logs down to what Is suitable for the kitchen stove. ' ' Leaking Over the Boade. The county commissioners met on Monday, aad after transacting some but asss, took a recess until neit Mondsy. This recess was taken to allow the committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and a committee from the commission era to look over the roadways leading to the county bridges, la order that the commttsleaers may decide upon the pe tition asking: them to pat these road' ways iu flrat claas order. By next Monday it Is thought the roadways can be examined and a decision reaobed. . - :..-:--...', t - t-''-- v Thern caa jba ao qaeetion that these roadways need repairing, but ths com mlssioners are doing right la making ths examination before hand.' .. . - Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mm. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa on the Ufa of bar child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, colds aad throat and lung troubles. F S Duffy. rvmovAt. j ( j ; -Solicitor Rodblph' Duffy of Wllmlrig ton Is in the city. 4J j ,. ? j j Dr. F, W, Hughes relumed from Hal algb yesterday afternoon. Mra. Emma Powell returned yesterday afternoon Tram a vlait at Goldsboro. ) Bon. F. M. Simmons of Raleigh was among the arrivals In the city last nlqhu Mr. Edgar Jones left for 'Henderson yesterday to take a position wlla the Henderson Telephone Co. Mrs. C. E. Foy, Miss Agnes Foy, Mrs. Ceo. N. Ives and Miss Lolie Ives lsft yesterday to spend a few days at Seven Springs. -.,,'.- , ; ' -Misses Anna Banff, Mary Jones and Laara Whltford left for Oreentboro yee- terday to enter the State Normal and Industrial College. - Miss Carrie Hardison of Thurman left fer Greensboro yesterday to enter the State N. I. College. Her, father, Mr, G.IL. Hardison, accompanied her to Greensboro. The Beat rraaorlpUua.br CMlla aad Fever la a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cut at pay. Price 50c. A - the quantity of Vichy aol j at Davia Soda Fountain Is a proof of Us excel lence. Celery . ' ,-iiO Powders will cure your headache. Made and sold at Davis' Prescription Tbarmscy. K , One dose of Anway's Croap Syrnp given at beginning attack of croup will relieve Ibe child immediately. That pecu Vx respiratory sound, heralding aa at tack of this dread disesso, Is aa Indica tion for administration of some remedy. 1'oihera ".',1 End A t'i cet' .'a and safe one. 3e at Bia.',; h.' M.wit.v- v. ltiu at in. H km mtiu, HaaM IH Tlb( Im4. mI1, Tt eaJcn'aad astwHtore m laa r4iaa Hlil are atr.tr r,, uaalad to aaaat at iIm Cuy iUil ea fri.li etaelcg Oc Ur tit at t o'cim x, far ibe purpoae of aJrctloj s toaporarv orjialtailoa of Ike Coalay, aad for ibe purpoaa f dla- eaaalag wiyt aad attaas la ralae the aervaaary slock la effect a pexmeeeat orgaalalloa; aad all pereoee wke bare not yet eebtcrlbed aad aastre te are oordlally la? I tod u aitead thla maailsg. II B Ia9y, John Dvia, Wm Daaa, O Marks A Sea, W B Blades. F 8 Daffy, R 8 Prtmroae, C D Bradham. O H Galea, C E Foy, L H Caller, J L McDaatel. Bymaa Bopply Co, Fraae H Joaea A Co, X W Deey, X H A J A Meadea-a, P H Ptlletirr, Mlaa Mary Dawaoa. E K Blabnp, M L BoUewell, Joha S Mania, OC Clark, Jr, Joseph Oaeklll. J M Ward, F M Chad wick, Dsgald Boa, B B Devaaport, H R Bryaa, Jr. J J Bai ler, C L lvea, W F Abarly, C T MoGee bea, J D Dufuld. J L Moody, W K Sty roa,Jamea F Taylor, EM Green. C L Stevens. M D W Bleveatoa, Jr. R D V Joaca, C C Jordan, Oeorga D Deli, VI Baxter, H A A Macbt, Bolllster A Cex, Mrs i E Brtaeoa, J 0 WhlUy, EW Rosenthal, J J Toleoa, Ckas S Holllsler, Chas I Hell, A D Ward, J R Parker, Jr, S M Brlasoa, Burros A Gray, Mlaale Oxley, W M Paga, U W Blmpaoa, W T nill. D R Davie, i B Seymour, W M Watson, 8 W Small wood, J B Hollaed, George Uendereoa, F W Hug hen, H 1 Stauh, Sam K - Salon, Finale Daniels, Enoch Wadsworlh, J B Latham, TR Fonat, G A Barfoot, Mlaa Aaaa L P tares, Geo K Ives A Boa, Thee J Mitchell, A J Smith, A H Baagert, W W Clark, Edward Clark, Dr J H Beaton, J J Tolsoa, Jr., Wm Duaa, Jr , J E Car- raway, L A Davla. - Wm Dciw, CD, Bbadbaw, ... P. U. ('bllbtikb, --. Committee. Umm AlMmt Tkm Callaraat ,. There are tan or fifteen children whose homes are Just beyond the city limits. These children cannot attend the Graded school In Mew Bera aalesa Ikey pay tuition, being outside of tba city, and their school bouse, free school, la at Bcllalr, seven mlles.dLstant. Unless these chUdrea can attend the New Bern Graded school, free, they abould be provided with a teacher by the echoel committee near heme, aad aol be compelled to go without schooling, a they cannot go to Bellalr. Some prevlalon should be made at onto for these children by the proper oommlt- THAT JOTrul. r BBXINO : With the exhilarating tense of renewed health and strength and Internal cleanl! neat, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, It unknown to the few who hsve not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered bat never accepted by the well informed. Buy the genuine, Msuufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. . Mat or Lattars Remaining in the Post Office al Mew Bern, Craven county, M. C, Oct. Bed, 189 ..' Han't LISTS. ' B William II Black, Joe T Barnes, Riley Belithera, Riley Biggt, E L Brown, Abrkm Bryant, M Bryant. ' C 0 B Chapman, Wm H Curtlt, J B Clark, J C Cooper. D Jarcea A Dixon. G W H Green, Henry Green, Lemon Gilbert, Willie Gilbert. H-Wtllle Harding, P A Heath, W H House. - J Henry Johnaon, Jim Jones. . K-WUliam Esnnedy, Willie H Ell- palrlck. M J A Morris, Joseph Manly. O Oliver O'Nell P Jim E Powell, Clarence Potter, R Joseph Rlddlck. B Daniel Shafer, Geo Stoves. ' ' : . W John Winn, Jr., Oeorga Wll Hams. '.V ;.t WOaOW'l LIST. " ; - --.-' B Hannah Baiber, 8usaa Bryant, careofJamea Davla, Preacllla Bryant, Georgeanna Bryan. 0 Annie Cornegay, Margaret Sendora Cox. -, -; ' ,- ; . : : G Annie Gray, Eliza Grimes, care of Riley Woods. ' - ' H Sarah Homer, cara of Annie Ueuse, Rosa Hill, Jane HIM, Madge Holly, Mary Ann Hoyt. J Rose Jackson. EVuro Kennedy, Nancy 'Kornegay, care of Wm. Sianly. M-MrjMoirls, care of Mr. Roberts, Mary Moore, Annie. Meadows, Alice Matthews. ') He Mary McSkelster, cara at Heary Davis. ; ' L Harlet Laoker, Cattle Langs. . P 0 R Patrick, Eva Palrlck. S Alice Stewart, Cora J Simmons, Msry Smith. W Carrie D Ward, Sarah M Willis, Lettuce White, Bopbls White. Persons celling tor the above letters will please say advertised and give date of fat. The regulations now toquire that one (1) cent shall bo collected oa the delivery of each advertised letter. S. W. Hancock, 1. M. "Self Preservation U the first law of Nature," and to take Hood's Sarnaparlila en the first sppearanca of Impure blood is sn Important sli-p towsrj t '.' preser- vstiou. It makst rich, r ' ! d In sures good beallb. Hood's Pills are non-lrritatiDg, mild, effective. The s'' ' -cfs The New I. a . ;; 1 t tion will be 1 ' i i " J . 1 . . " evening U.-t . 'i t 8 o' ' . J. II, V,. Cakha it, cf van iksu Tl fi(iiaai ig aa-1 Ik rwlW rai. ta ay J oa lha laLla aali 'Twaa half peal twtJia. aad wkai do jv ttlak) Nar oae anr 1'oiLev had slapl a wlak t The eld Deucb ciock aad Ike CbJaese plate a pprJ to kanw aa Mt ss fate There was f ilaf la be a lerrlule apat -41 waaa'l Uere; I simply state . What was told ma by the Caleeee plate!) Tba gtegham dog weal "bow-wow- wow," Aad the eelioe eat replied "aatv f The air was Uttered aa boor or to, With bits of gingham aad ealloo, Wlik the old Daich dook la tba eklas- ey-place Cp with lu haade before hi face For It always dreaded a family row I (New, mlad, I'm only lalllag yoa Whallaeold Dausk clock declarea it tree !) The Chinese plate looked very bine. Aad welled, "Oh, dear! What ehall I not Bui the gingham dog aad the ealloo oat Wallowed thla way aad tumbled thai. Employlag every tooth aad claw la the sw ml teal way )oa ever saw Aad oa, bow tba glagham aad calico Bowl (Doa'l faacy I exaggerate 1 got my atws from theChinaeo plate!) Nest moralag where the two tad eat. They found ao trace of dog aad cat, Aad some folks lulak anto this day That burglars Mole the pair awayl But the truth aboal the eat aad pap Is this they ate each other apt Maw what do yoa really thing of thai! (Tba old Dutch elock It told saa so. Aad that Is how I came la kaow.) -Eugene Field. Barakeaakaa U Aala. ConsTAHTiBorLB, Octobai 8 It la ee- llmated that 1,800 persoea peritbed In the aarthquakee la Asia Minor aroaad Aldea. The first shock occurred al 4 e'olock la the morning ef September Win, and lasted forty seconds. Tba af fects were appalling. Whole villages were completely destroyed. Tba earth quake was fell as far aa Beta, Mltylene and Smyrna. President King, Farmers Bank, Brook lyn, Mich., baa need DeWllt'a Little Early Risers in bis family for years. Says they ere the beet. Those famous little pills cara constipation, biliousness and all liver and bowel troubles. F. 8. Duffy. Just arrived at UUUGID It SON Dub- laps Wine Stiff Hate for Fail W, 3 00 and f M. Call and see them. Haw HnetMew Bee the beautiful line of Blade and Caff Buttons, also specialties la Waltham and Elgin Gold filled and Silver Watches at J. O. Baxtbb's, Jb., next to Joobbal afflca. JAB BAG 13 NKKI ! Best strains of Jersey Wakefield Cab bage Seed for Fall planting. For Bale by JAMES F. CLARK Brick Store near Marks! Dock. For Uent or Sale I My residence on National Avenue. large rooms and an a.tic, Bath room, waAer closet and sewerage. For terms, address, T. W. DEWET or myself. KATIE B. BOYD, NOTICE ! AU pert 'nt having any woik to be done on Watches, Clocks or Jewelry, am prepared to do It reasonable. Clock faces repainted. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for tale. Will take order for any kind of Jewelry if not in etockv Call and tee me. W. T. DUNN, The Jeweler, No. 8 Pasteur St , opp. A. & N. C depot. KINSTON STEAM LAUNDRY. , . I havo taken the agency for the above named laundry and solicit the patronage of the people of this city. , . . Our work is guaranteed to be First-Class and Up-to-date. '" Give us a trial. Shipments Had Wednesday and Returned Friday. T. Ia. II AIiTHFIELI. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. State of North Carolina, 1 Eighth : Ceuaty of Oraven Township. A Cohn aad W E Broan va. American Electrio Novelty and Mfg Co, and Joseph M Zaraeieki. The defendant abeve named will take notice that a summons In the above ea tilled action was issued against sal 1 at fsndant on the lltb dav of September, !. bv S U Street a lattice of the peace of Craven county. North Carolina, for the atim of M 73, due said I'lalattfti by resnen of breHCh of rontrucl sod dam si-s aocrusd thereunder, which saa riions is returnable before sai l justice at uisolticsm New Bern In said county, and io Eighth township, on the liith day of November 1WD. at the hour of 11 o'clock a ru. The dcfcn lanls wili a!o take noiice that a warrant of attachment wainnelhf said J'utice oa the lllh dy of -her .) sf:(iasl the pron ator Of 5;d UadA!tli Hil ch wsrraat i r.nutn.Ui I i- ,ti)e ui 1'iura at tiio t , isl i e above ns -I for t;-e nm i! a :i-u saj p t - 1 to a r- ir t r .1 J d- cf ( 1. J. p. ji lift aU Till tklt Witt j PahvKiIJpr. i i aau. sai awe wc cam aa N Oramss, Dtanhooa,Oo4ela), j B Ceughe, Mowralgtat, 1 M Hheumetlem. I 9 M aat St aaat SiaSn. j B aawaaa or MtirarKMa. I B jr omlv vhi aamMMt. j I riHRY DAVIS j Fall and Winter nuiinery Opening, Thursday. Oct. 5. Latest Correct Btylee Shown, HB3. S. H. LANE, Middle Streets One Night Only! THURSDAY, . OCTOBER 5th, 1899. Washburn's Great Southern Minstrels ! A Bare Treat. A Sampluoot Mot leal First Park All the New and Old 8onga. 10 Funny Comedians. A Galaxy of Vaudeville Aitlrtt. SPECIAL! See the Magnificent Spectacular Parade. Reeerved Beets oa Sale at Waters' Book Store. Prices 5o, 50c and 75c ill Suicide . it would be for you to neglect a leaking gas Oxiare knowingly. If yea gss flx turf i arc old and need repair log wa will pat them In complete ardor for you or put Io new fixtures, In elaborate or plain and artlstlo patterna, at a re enable cost Now is the time to have your PLUMBING AND OAS FITTING looked after, before closed doors and windows cause damage to your health, flyman Supply Go. 'Phone 03. " 49 GRAVEN STREET. Autumn Leaves Are Falling Thick as those of ValUmbrosa, and It It high time that yon thought of pro curing a light or medium weight Top Coat or Fall 8ult, If you haven't done so before this lime. Complete line of nov elties In correct woolens are open for oar patrons examination, aad perfect fit, ex quisite style and highest grade tailor wont is suaranteea. F. M. Chndwielc, Middle etreot. NEW BERN. N. C Iia fttore and fo Arrive 1,000 rolls cotton btgglng; 8.900 bun diet cotton ties; Heavy sacks, twine, etc. Prices low ss any; I buy the contract quantity and ret freight by schooner. J.E. LATHAM, THE COTTON bUVER. - Printing that Pleases uthek'"d w da Letter Uead, Bill Uesdt, Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, and all kinds Job Printing at i.owesT pkicks. Do not send your printing out of town, we will du plicate auy prlcea you may have and do lbs work in Kikst Cr.asi Btvlb. TIS1I1NU t'AUOS Latest style, printed with imitation steel piste script. RUIiS-X STAMPS manufactured twice a weri. Ink, 1'tds, ic. In stock. Fsnily I'rintlng Outfits complete with Indelible Ink 50c. W. Caa lillln la eiaatirj, Prlee aa4 WikKaantit. !'!!U1 iil ul. m -m - . m jm im. mm, i4eM, lenjr ajsnyf Hgggf tenar waa s ea aaw wtaf aaV ) ( ) LI O o o o o u o a o o () () o a o a o o o () X) o p 8 O U a o Oct. 8 3 a o a o o o a o n o O o riwiiiLiiIj TlLXLi'sd.ay CCCCCCCCOOCSOO o cocoooso Fall Opening We cordially invite oar patront aud the public generally to our FALL AND WINTER DISPLAY of PATTERN HATS, BONNETS, Ac , 4o , : Wednesday, October 4U1. NOTE-Wa have (eoored t ie service, of MI.-H ALICE FIUKZ. wbooomea very highly reoomtneDdod aa a triuimor tf coui'!erubl x;n rienoe, recently with a fathionable tail (lore of Haltimoro. G-. A. OFPOBITS LmZLmZU Owing to a rush of business and an unavoidable delay in get ting to market this season, we are compelled to postpone our Fall and Winter Opening which we in tended to have Thursday. October 5th, IC3D, to Tuesday, October 10, 3 1. ) a i a t. mum mi fm mm. mm mt I tw mat 4tjS nay 'afa ann 'VP' aV Mnaay t tnf o D O a o n o a 8 o o o o a o 'Opeassig I FOR FALL, 1899, Stlx. i Barfoot, POSTOFFICB. PHONE 4a 0!3jXj001-wi';::: r31".